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Litres Group of Companies


Holding, uniting a number of electronic libraries.
Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees
2017 year



+ LitRes

Founded in 2005, LitRes operates in the licensed e-book market in Russia and the CIS countries. The Litres group of companies includes projects Litres, MyBook, Livelib, Litres: Samizdat, Litres: Reader.

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth of 17 %

At the end of 2023, the revenue of the Litres group of companies, which includes the services of Litres, MyBook, Litres Samizdat, Litres Reader, Litres Library and LiveLib, increased by 17% compared to 2022. The highest growth was shown by b2c subscriptions (Litres and MyBook) and publishing services of the Litres Group of Companies - 35% and 30%, respectively.

2023 was the year of active recovery for the entire digital book market after a serious decline in indicators in 2022. Its growth rates even exceeded our expectations: initially we predicted growth at the level of 13-15%, as a result, capacity increased by 19% and amounted to 12.565 billion rubles. Litres still maintains a strong position in all key categories and formats of the digital book market. The revenue of LitRes Group of Companies increased by 17%, while in audio we are growing much faster due to the active consumption of this format in the subscription model. It was the development of subscriptions that we paid great attention to all last year, which allowed us to increase the base of active users of b2c subscriptions by 2.4 times, and revenue by 2.5 times, "said Sergey Anuryev, General Director of the Litres Group of Companies.

Anuriev added that one of the key events for Litres in 2023 was the full integration of the sale of digital books on the marketplace. Ozon Previously, as part of a referral program, only about 50% of Litres' catalog was available on Ozon, and the purchase was carried out through the transition to the book service website or through it. Since application April 2023, the entire digital catalog of the book service has been presented on the marketplace showcase - more than 1 million electronic and audiobooks, performances and podcasts, including new items, bestsellers, as well as books by digital authors Litres. According to the results of the first 9 months since the start of the project, revenue from sales of digital books on Ozon turned out to be even higher than the forecast values ​ ​ - more than 5% of the revenue of LitRes Group of Companies from unit sales of the book (ppd) - and 6 times higher than sales indicators within the framework of the previous model of cooperation with Ozon. In 2023, the company also continued its expansion in: in countries CIS July 2023, the Litres service launched Uzbekistan in with a localized one. content Users of the site and mobile application for platforms Android iOS and the largest catalog of digital works in the country is available, 15 national publishers work with us, including market leaders. "

In 2023, the audiobook market was able to recover from a major drop in 2022. Its growth rate again outstripped the growth rate of the digital book market as a whole. In the fourth quarter, the market capacity for the first time reached values ​ ​ of 1 billion rubles. In general, at the end of the year, it grew by 24% and amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. The share of audio in the digital book market added 1 percentage point, to 30%. The revenue of the Litres service from the sale of audio content in ppd, Subscription and Subscription increased by 36% compared to 2022. Strong drivers for the development of the audio category are digital author content and subscription. Samizdat in the audio segment in Russia 2023 year grew 2 times. In the Litres Group of Companies, the subscription format in 2023 accounted for 44% of the revenue of the audio direction, in 2022 this figure was 34%.

The revenue of publishing services of the Litres group of companies in 2023 increased by 30% and amounted to more than 18% of the revenue of the Group of Companies. The number of registered users of the Litres Samizdat service increased by 20%. Among the key changes in the project in 2023 are the automatic generation of a random cover in the publication process, the ability for authors to respond to readers' feedback from their personal account, manage the chapters of the draft through an online editor, and access advanced statistics on audience interaction with books.

The direction of audio content was actively developed in 2023 in the publishing services "LitRes": more than 24,000 audiobooks were released in total - 2 times more than a year earlier. 66% of them were recorded using TTS technology (modern speech synthesis technology), and 34% were participants in the Litres Reader project, in which everyone can voice a book, which became an absolute record in the industry. Revenue from sales of its own audio content on Litres grew 52% over the year.

In general, the samizdat market in Russia grew by 30% to 4.406 billion rubles. The segment's share in the digital book market grew from 32% to 35%. Within samizdat, the share of audio rose from 7% to 10%.

2023 is the year of active development of the subscription format on the Russian digital book market. It showed the highest growth - by 62% compared to 2022. Subscriptions accounted for about 23% of the digital book market, while a year earlier this figure was 17%. The Litres' share of subscriptions in their own b2c sales increased from 16% to 20%, and their active audience - 2.4 times.

2021:33% increase in B2C sales revenue

At the end of 2021, the revenue of the Litres group of companies, which includes the services Litres, MyBook, Litres: Samizdat, Litres: Reader, Litres: Library and LiveLib, increased by 30% compared to 2020, from sales in the B2C segment - by 33%. The revenue of the flagship service Litres increased by 30%: the highest growth was shown by Litres: Subscription, mobile application "Litres: Books" on the Android platform and audiobooks - more than 500%, 60% and 45%, respectively. MyBook subscription service revenue increased by more than 40% over the year.

2021 was the year of active transformation of the Litres business. We switched to a new model for managing the company and developing the company in the book market, concentrated on the formation of the Litres product ecosystem, significantly strengthened the position of the Litres umbrella brand and the Litres product brand: Subscription, and also actively developed the direction of copyright services. These steps helped us strengthen our position in the segment of electronic and digital books Russia countries CIS in and and increase our market share among active readers by 13% compared to January 2021 - up to 65%, according to to data the research company Ipsos, "said the Sergey Anuriev CEO of the Litres group of companies. - In 2022, we plan to concentrate on combining all our services into a single book digital ecosystem. Particular attention will be paid to the development of subscription services and the club model, as well as copyright services: we are talking about both the development of LitRes services: Samizdat and LitRes: Publishing House, and about an exclusive one content created specifically for LitRes by popular authors and readers.

To date, it accounts for about 67% of the revenue of the Group (including Litres: Subscription). At the same time, the highest growth is shown by the text and audiobook application on the Android platform "Litres: Books": for the year, its revenue grew by more than 60%. The same application on the iOS platform grew by 54%.

The revenue of the partner direction of the Litres Group of Companies at the end of 2021 increased by 32%. Among the key launches that helped significantly expand the partner network and audience of book services are cooperation with market operators communications Yota-,,, Plus and Tele2 Tinkoff MobileMegaphone Tinkoff Pro multi-subscriptions, operator, satellite television NTV Plus multimedia platform, Wink as well as Tinkoff SuperApp.


2024:415 million rubles of investments in Ozon

Ozon in 2024 received 415 million rubles of dividends from its associated enterprise - the Litres electronic library. This is evidenced by the data of the annual report of Ozon, released in March 2025. In 2023, dividends from Litres amounted to 323 million rubles, in 2022 - 258 million rubles. Ozon's interest in Litres Holdings Limited is 42.27%. Litres Holdings Limited owns 99.99% of Litres LLC. The Litres LLC account says that the beneficial owner of the company is Tatyana Novikova. Read more here


Litres sold 51% of Estonian e-book service for a "symbolic" price

On October 31, 2023, the Litres group announced the sale of 51% of the Estonian Digital Book Center (EDRK) platform, which specializes in the wholesale of electronic books in the Baltic countries. The asset was bought out by local shareholders of the Estonian platform. Read more here.

Launch of site and application for Uzbek audience

The Litres book service on July 10, 2023 announced that it was launching a website for mobile application and for Uzbek audiences operating systems iOS. Android Users will have access to a catalog of 1,500 electronic and audiobooks in Uzbek, including free works, as well as the ability to read and listen to books Russian in and other languages ​ ​ presented in the service.

By the end of 2023, the range is planned to increase to 4,000 electronic and audiobooks. As of July 2023, contracts have already been concluded with 13 national publishers, including: Asaxiy books, Sharq, Adabiyot and Yangi asr avlodi. Books can be bought individually (ppd) on the website, which supports payment payment systems Humo using both and in the Uzcard mobile application on iOS and Android.

We highly appreciate the potential of the digital book market in. Uzbekistan According to our forecasts, its capacity to the country in the future can reach 4-5 million dollars per year. This is facilitated, first of all, by a large number of publishers on the market of traditional paper books, about 40. In addition, we see how the digital environment in Uzbekistan has been developing in recent years: the ride- and food-tech sectors and spheres are expanding. e-commerce The rapid digitalization of the market by local and foreign players allows us to count on the rapid growth and popularization of the format of digital books. Due to the fact that in addition to domestic sales, Litres provides publishers and copyright holders with access to readers of different geographical markets, we also expect to see an increase in confidence in the format of licensed electronic and audiobooks. Moreover, against the background of piracy, partially observed in the paper publishing sector in Uzbekistan, we consider it our key task to legalize the format of electronic and audiobooks, "said the Sergey Anuriev general director of the Litres Group of Companies.

It is very important that the digital book market grows and develops in Uzbekistan, which is why we supported the initiative to launch the service in the country. Against the background of how rapidly reading behavior is changing and digital technologies are developing, electronic and audiobooks are a convenient and practical format for consuming content, which has become an integral part of the life of the modern reader. At Litres, we are going to present all the key novelties and bestsellers that are published in our publishing house, "said Firuz Allaev, founder of Asaxiy Books .

The Uzbek version of the service implements many functions that are available in Russian. In particular, the ability to leave bookmarks, save quotes you like to your personal collection, read the introductory fragment. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Uzbekistan market, the service presents books in two forms of writing - in Latin and Cyrillic at the same time. In addition, Litres plans to create exclusive content (Originals) for the local audience of Uzbekistan.

Over the past 12 months, Uzbekistan has become the second foreign market after Azerbaijan, which Litres has entered with localized content.

Second stage of rebranding

The Litres Group of Companies on May 31, 2023 announced the launch of the second stage of rebranding, which started in December 2022, and updates the corporate identity and interfaces of sites and applications of umbrella brands: Litres Samizdat, Litres Reader, Litres Library, Litres Publishing House and Litres School. In addition to the changed visual identity developed by the Artemy Lebedev Studio, a number of product changes are planned as part of the rebranding. The updated design and continuous improvement of internal functionality are designed to emphasize that LitRes is not only an application with digital books, but also a multiservice for content creators and its consumers. The first stage of rebranding has already affected the audience's perception of the brand, showing an increase in key indicators by 9-11 percentage points, and made it possible to enter the new category of content consumers for Litres.

Image:Логотипы ребрендинг.jpg

In 2023, LitRes Group of Companies offers expanded opportunities for consumers of digital books, authors and readers who publish and voice works. Users can choose both the format of content consumption: read, listen, switch between versions, and the way they are purchased: piece purchase (ppd), Litres Subscription, Litres Subscription. Authors Litres Samizdat, in turn, can upload and voice works for free with the help of readers or artificial intelligence, project participants Litres Reader - record books and receive rewards from sales.

At the end of May 2023, the share of the Litres Group of Companies in the digital book market is about 68%. To strengthen its position in the book market, be relevant to a young audience, broadcast high quality service and transform into an intelligent content platform with multivariability of products and monetization models, LitRes updates the brand communication system of subbrands. The move will be the second phase of the group's global rebranding, which kicked off in December 2022.

According to the research company Magram, the rebranding has already affected the image performance of Litres: in March 2023, the number of active e-book readers who identify the service among other content platforms as "modern" amounted to 51% - the indicator compared to December 2022 increased by 11 percentage points. The association "brand I trust" arose in 47%, "for people like me" - in 46%: for each of the metrics, growth reaches 9 percentage points. By 11 pp. More often the brand began to be associated with "fashionable," "different from others/unique" - by 9 pp. A significant result of the first stage of rebranding was the entry into a new audience of content consumers for Litres, to which the service was not targeted until 2023: among them, an increase in Brand Consultation (intention to choose a service for buying/consuming content) by 10 percentage points was recorded.

At the center of all our changes and brand philosophy of the brand now are Litres users in a broad sense: readers, authors, readers, corporate clients, libraries, partners. We personalize our services and products for them, give a large selection and expanded capabilities, which we broadcast as much as possible in all communications. The significant growth in all image metrics that we capture is the main indicator of the success of updating the visual and semantic communication system. Rebranding for Litres is not just a logo change, but a change in philosophy and positioning through continuous improvement of project functionality, expansion of assortment and updating of visual meanings. Combining all the company's projects under a single umbrella brand will allow broadcasting high quality service and innovative products in the book market, as well as in new content categories of presence, - said Yulia Kim, Director of Strategic Marketing and Development of Litres Group of Companies.

As part of the second stage of rebranding, updated visual identities and names of the company's subbrands are presented, and changes are planned in terms of service functionality. The updated meaning and visual system reflects the concept of each project, combined under one umbrella brand:

  • Litres Samizdat, as a service for realizing the potential and beginning a career of authors with opportunities to reach the largest readership in the digital space in Russia, is embodied in a logo in the form of a square representing a simplified form of the book. In parallel with the updated visual identity, a number of functional changes for digital authors will be presented in the second quarter of 2023: such functions as a cover generator, access to complete sales statistics and a notification center will appear - a section where you can receive from the support team all current news, information about the status of publishing works, contests, discounts on services.
  • For Litres Reader, a service with which everyone can voice a work and receive a reward from sales, a microphone icon familiar to readers has been developed, but updated in the general style of branding.
  • One of the key elements of the identity of the Litres Publishing project, which helps authors produce books and find their reader, is the book's signature spine bookmark. It symbolizes the completeness and peculiarity of the final product.
  • The book variety of the Litres Library project, through which state public libraries can give out electronic and audiobooks to their visitors and readers access them for 14 days for free, epitomizes a simplified image in the form of squares. The element is also a reflection of the "top view" of bookshelves and shelves.
  • The logo of the Litres School, which provides educational organizations with access to a mobile library with a wide range of books, is made in the form of a school call in motion - such an identity calls for new knowledge and knowledge of the world.

The rebranding of LitRes Group of Companies will be completed by the end of 2023 and will affect all external and internal visual communications of the company.


Start rebranding

Litres Book Service launched a rebrand on December 14, 2022. His goal is to emphasize that Litres is not only a convenient way to read and listen to books, but also a full-fledged book ecosystem with advanced capabilities, with which you can choose both the format of acquaintance with content and the way to purchase books, as well as publish or voice a book. The rebranding will affect all of Litres' visual communications, ranging from writing the name of the service, logo and corporate identity to the interface of the site and applications. The changes will affect both the main brand of Litres and other projects of the company: Litres: Samizdat, Litres Reader, Litres Library, including the gradual transition of the book subscription service MyBook to a common brand. Litres developed a new identity "Artemy Lebedev Studio."

Rebranding as a combination of several assets under a single umbrella brand is an important step for the company, which should open up opportunities for the further development of Litres and the expansion of the services, products and functional options provided for users. The update started in mid-2022 with the launch of the I Read So communication platform and advertising campaigns in support of it. Now the changes have affected the logo, corporate identity, as well as updates to the functionality of the service. They are aimed at emphasizing that Litres is a dynamically developing service, with a focus on personalization and a general focus on the user, "said Yulia Kim, director of strategic marketing and development at Litres Group.

Litres develops, moves from just an online store with electronic and audiobooks to a service with advanced capabilities, with which the user can choose both a reading format (listen to read, switch between text and audio) and a way to purchase books (subscription, subscription or piece by piece).

The rebranding is based on an updated identity, which retains the strengths of the brand, but brings to the fore the modernity of the services of the Litres group of companies, digitalization and ecosystem, the variety of formats and convenient functions provided to the user. In the updated logo, the orange color that was always associated with Litres persists, but becomes more modern and expressive. It is accompanied by a color-circle opposite navy, which refreshes the brand, making it more attractive visually and visible in the digital space. The base palette is also complemented by close shades of orange and blue for layered graphics.

The changes affected both the writing of the service - the title "P" disappeared in the middle of the word and the graphic element of the logo: the three lying books are supplemented with a spine that personifies the "bit of information." It transforms into several anchor characters at once: a book, a soundtrack, a swipe (turning the pages of an e-book) and a line of progress reading or listening to a work. This dynamic device symbolizes the multi-composition, variety of formats, products and functions that Litres offers.

The rebranding will take place in several stages and will be completed by the end of 2023. Aidentika was developed by the Artemy Lebedev Studio agency.

Litres has plenty of diverse content. In addition to books, there are lectures, podcasts and audio performances. The updated logo retains the usual metaphor, but at the same time complements and expands it - books turn over, combine with a colon and go digital. Bright identity reflects all the variety of intellectual entertainment available on Litres, and greatly simplifies branding - niches and formats are mastered even faster, - said Litres Artemy Lebedev, founder of the brand agency Studio Artemy Lebedev.

From the end of 2022, the new logo will appear in the icons of the applications "Litres Read!" And "Litres Listen!," On the official website of Litres, on social networks and with partners. In January 2023, the updated corporate visual style will be presented as part of a large-scale advertising campaign that starts on TV and in other reach media channels. In 2023, Litres' site and apps will continue to be updated.

TAdviser interview with IT Director Pavel Kamnev

The library and trading platform of e-books in Russia is LitRes, with experience and strength for software development, chooses low-code and no-code as the basis for optimizing its business processes. Pavel Kamnev, Director of the Information Technology Department of the Litres Group of Companies, told us about the criteria for choosing corporate software and the approach to digitalizing processes. Read more here.

2021: Content availability on the "Huawei Books" platform

On November 1, 2021, Huawei announced cooperation in the field of digital content with Litres. The companies signed a corresponding memorandum. Read more here.

2020: Revenue growth of 32%

Logo in 2020

At the end of 2020, the revenue of the Litres group of companies, which includes the services Litres, MyBook, Livelib, Litres: Samizdat, Litres: Reader and Litres: Library, increased by 32% compared to 2019. The company announced this on January 27, 2021. Subscription services showed the highest growth: the revenue of the book subscription service MyBook increased by more than 78% over the year, and the number of users who signed up for a premium subscription by 156%. The category of independent literature in 2020 also grew actively: sales of books published on the publishing platform Litres: Samizdat increased by more than 65%. In the book service Litres, the highest growth was shown by applications on the Android platform and audiobooks - more than 50% and 44%, respectively.

2020 has become a difficult year for the entire book market due to the epidemiological situation, but despite this, the Litres group of companies showed good growth rates. Audiobooks, subscriptions and independent literature continued to be the main drivers. We are confident that they will maintain their positions in 2021. For all LitRes services, 2020 turned out to be productive: from the launch of exclusive audio series and high-profile book premieres to new products such as LitRes: Subscription or our own Publisher for our authors. In addition, we entered the Baltic market by launching the MyBook service in Estonia, developing the services of a group of companies in Poland and the CIS countries, - comments Sergey Anuryev, General Director of the Litres group of companies. - In 2021, we will continue to develop and consolidate the digital book market, involve new and new audiences in the consumption of book content, improve the user experience and convenience of services and actively promote them through federal advertising campaigns and, of course, provide our readers with a large number of new products.

Audiobooks continue to be one of the drivers of the development of the book market largely due to the convenience of the format, which allows you to combine listening to books and everyday activities. They involve an unreadable audience in the consumption of book content, offering them an alternative to listening to music or watching videos. At the end of 2020, this segment of the digital market grew by more than 44% compared to 2019. In total, more than 4.6 million copies of audiobooks were sold in the Litres book service. In 2020, two works in audio format were included in the top 10 most popular digital books in Russia at once - "The subconscious can do everything!" John Kehoe and "Sapiens. A Brief History of Mankind "by Yuvalya Noah Harrary. As of January 2021, Litres continues to increase its share in the audiobook segment: according to the analytical agency Kantar TNS, the share of the service is at least 70%.

To develop the audiobook segment in September 2020, LitRes launched robotic voice acting for works that have not yet been recorded by professional readers. An audiobook voiced using artificial intelligence can be listened to for free after buying an electronic version of the book on the site or in LitRes applications.

In December 2020, Litres also created and launched his own skill in the voice assistant "Alice" from Yandex. It gives the user the ability to include not only audiobooks purchased from the service, but also more than 8,000 free works and podcasts from the catalog.

In the summer of 2020, the LitRes service presented a product on the Russian book market - a subscription to electronic and audiobooks. Since the launch, the number of active users of the subscription in the service has exceeded 115,000, and 10% of LitRes's revenue for this period was purchases under this consumption model. Litres: A subscription for 299 rubles a month allows the user to receive any electronic or audiobook worth up to 600 rubles from the catalog, including bestsellers and new items, as well as choose two works from a personal selection, which is updated monthly and for January 2021 includes more than 60 books. At the end of 2020, the service also launched season tickets for 3, 6 and 12 months. This format should increase the penetration of electronic and audiobook in the book market to 25-35% and strengthen the market share of Litres. In 2021, the service expects an increase in the number of active users of the subscription by about three to five times.

Sales growth of the MyBook subscription service for the year amounted to more than 78% compared to 2019. At the same time, the number of new registrations in the service increased by 51%, and users who issued a premium subscription, which, in addition to electronic ones, also includes audiobooks, increased by 156%. MyBook growth rates are projected to continue in 2021. In general, the growth in popularity of the subscription service is associated with a change in consumer habits, including the audiobook segment. In 2020, works in audio format in MyBook were listened to by three times more subscribers of the service, if compared with 2019.

Independent literature continues to be one of the drivers of the book market. In 2020, the revenue of the publishing platform for independent authors Litres: Samizdat, which is part of the Litres group of companies, increased by 65% compared to the same period in 2019. At the same time, the peak of sales was observed in the second quarter - by 94% compared to the same period in 2019. At the end of 2020, the number of Litres: Samizdat books from the total number of books sold in the Litres service on the site and in applications amounted to more than 15%. The number of published works for the year also increased - by 76%. The number of new authors in the service for the year increased by more than 8%. Also in 2020, for the first time, a book by an independent author topped the rating of the most popular works: Vladislav Gaidukevich's thirty-page book "Expanding Consciousness Legally" in the non-fiction genre sold more than 40,000 copies.

In the project Litres: Reader, where everyone can voice books and receive a share of the subsequent sales of this work, 63% more audiobooks were announced in 2020 than a year earlier. As of January 2021, the project is the largest producer of audiobooks in Russia: more than 1,300 active readers participate in it, who in 2020 created and published more than 30% of the total number of audiobooks on the market in the Litres service.

In September 2020, the Litres group of companies supplemented its publishing ecosystem Litres: Publishing House, one of the main tasks of which is the publication, distribution and promotion of paper books by popular independent authors.

Revenues from sales to users outside Russia amounted to more than 17% of the total revenue of the LitRes service by the end of 2020. The leaders in international markets are Germany, the USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Israel and the United Kingdom.

In the third quarter of 2020, the MyBook subscription book service entered the Estonian market. The launch took place together with partner - Eesti Digiraamatute Keskus OÜ - EDRK (Estonian Digital Book Center), a platform for the wholesale of e-books in the Baltic countries, and became the first service in the country with a catalog of audiobooks in Estonian.

Project Litres: Library, with the help of which state public libraries can issue electronic and audiobooks to their visitors, by the end of 2020 issued more than 2.5 million books, which is 44% more than in 2019. The project's revenue grew by more than 38%, and the number of active readers in the project - by 30%.


Revenue growth of 43.5%

The revenue of the Litres group of companies at the end of 2019 increased by 43.5% compared to 2018 and amounted to more than 4.4 billion rubles. At the same time, the revenues of the flagship service Litres from sales through the and mobile applications website increased by 45%, in total more than 16 million copies of books were sold, which is 42% more than a year earlier. The website in 2019 was visited by more than 84 million unique users.

"The high growth rate of the business in 2019 was facilitated by the active development of the electronic and audiobook market, as well as the explosive growth of the samizdat segment. According to the results of 2019, the Litres group of companies occupies more than 66% of this market and is its leader. In 2019, we invested in promoting the e-reading category as a whole by conducting federal advertising campaigns for the LitRes and MyBook brands, as well as providing our readers with new product solutions and access to the widest range of electronic and audiobooks on the market with minimal deadlines for the appearance of new products and bestsellers in electronic form, - comments Anuryev Sergey, General Director of LitRes Group of Companies. In 2020, we will continue to actively develop and consolidate the digital book market as a whole, increase our share, test new formats and directions, and develop in international markets. "

The highest growth is shown by sales of digital books in mobile applications. In 2019, in the apps "LitRes: Read!" and "LitRes: Listen!" on the Android platform, they grew 83% compared to the previous year. The audience's involvement in the use of electronic and audio formats is also growing. In 2018, 45% of users listened to audiobooks at least once a week. In 2019, this figure rose to 58%. As for e-books, thanks to the convenience and mobility of the format, they are read 25% more often than paper versions: on average, 15 times a month.

The share of audiobooks in the sales structure of the service in 2019 exceeded 26%. Compared to 2018, sales of audiobooks on the site and in LitRes applications in physical and monetary terms increased by more than 75%. In addition, in 2019, for the first time in ten years, the rating of the most popular books on Litres was headed not by an electronic, but by an audiobook - "The subconscious can do everything!" Jonah Kehoe.

Acquisition of 51% stake in Estonian Digital Book Centre

On November 5, 2019, the Litres group of companies, which includes the projects Litres, MyBook, Livelib, Litres: Samizdat, Litres: Chvets, became the majority shareholder of Eesti Digiraamatute Keskus OÜ - EDRK (Estonian Digital Book Center) - platforms for the wholesale sale of electronic books in the Baltic countries. Litres acquired 51% in the Estonian company. Read more here.

2017: Market share in Russia - 60%

As of July 2017, the market share of Litres in Russia is 60% (approval of the company itself). The customer base of the company is about 12 million people. The holding includes five electronic libraries: FictionBook.lib,,, and

The assortment of the site has more than 850,000 e-books in Russian and foreign languages, including about 30,000 free books and more than 8,000 audiobooks. Each month, more than 4,000 new books appear in the company's catalog (data as of July 2017).

Litres works directly with 850 authors and supplies content to retail partners, including: Google Play, Bookmate, mobile operators, etc.

See also