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Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Rosbank


Rosbank is included by the Bank of Russia in the list of 11 systemically important credit institutions.

A subsidiary of Rosbank is Rusfinance Bank (car loan).

As of February 2020, Rosbank serves more than 4 million customers in 70 regions of Russia. The bank's network has about 320 branches and more than 38 thousand ATMs of the partner network, including 1800 of its own.

Rosbank Office. Photo:


The institution of client managers has been introduced in all branches of the bank. The bank has a well-developed direction for working with wealthy private clients.


Rosbank offers a full range of services for small, medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs. The bank serves about 83 thousand customers of this segment (February 2020).

The key areas of Rosbank's work with corporate clients are investment banking services and lending, trade financing. The bank's clients include about 7 thousand Russian and international companies. Rosbank is also one of the leading organizers and underwriters in the ruble corporate and municipal bond market.

Performance indicators

2024: 6th place in terms of IT mortgage issuance

2023: Profit growth by 6 times to 28.8 billion rubles

Net profit of Rosbank at the end of 2023 according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) reached 28.8 billion rubles, which is six times more than profit a year ago (4.9 billion rubles). This is stated in the statements that the credit institution disclosed on February 20, 2024.

A significant increase in profit in Rosbank was associated with the positive dynamics of operating income due to a significant increase in the client base in all segments, as well as a decrease in deductions to reserves. The bank's net interest income in 2023 amounted to 62 billion rubles, an increase of 16% compared to the result of a year ago. Net commission income in 2023 amounted to 13.4 billion rubles, which approximately corresponds to the indicator of 2022.\

In 2023, Rosbank issued 415 billion rubles of retail loans, and the loan portfolio grew to 785 billion rubles. The main driver of growth remains collateral lending, in which Rosbank ranked fourth among Russian banks in 2023. In the car loan segment, the bank showed record sales volumes, increasing the issuance of such loans by 3 times compared to 2022.

The corporate loan portfolio of Rosbank in 2023 doubled to 700 billion rubles. The funds of individuals in bank accounts increased by 64%, to 620 billion rubles. The funds of legal entities showed an increase of 20%, to 965 billion rubles.

As noted in Rosbank, high results were achieved in the premium and private customer service segments, where funds under the management of Rosbank in 2023 increased by 2 times and by 20%, respectively. The number of active customers of the premium segment increased by 2 times over the year. Term deposits of customers also doubled, according to the bank's materials.[1]

2018: Profit of RUB 11.8 billion

Net profit of the Rosbank Group for 2018 increased by 14% compared to 2017, while the growth for the 2nd half of 2018 compared to the 1st half of 2018 amounted to 20%.

This result, in particular, is due to the increase in net operating income from the Group's banking activities by 17% in 2018 compared to 2017, and by 32% in the 2nd half of 2018 compared to the 1st half of 2018. The largest contribution to the improvement in the annual indicator was made by an increase in interest income by 9% and commission income (in particular, due to an increase in commission compensation from insurance companies) by 24% for 2018 compared to the previous year.

Operating expenses of the Group demonstrate moderate growth of 4% in 2018 compared to the previous year in line with the inflation rate in the Russian Federation.

2017: Profit of RUB 10.4 bln

During 2017, the Societe Generale banking group, Russia Rosbank Bank, and DeltaCredit Rusfinance Bank their subsidiaries demonstrated development in all areas of business, earning a net profit of 10.4 billion rubles, which is 3.4 times higher than the results of 2016.

In 2017, the Group showed growth in all areas of business, actively increasing its customer base, increasing the volume of loans issued to corporate and retail customers. The Group's retail loan portfolio grew by 7.4% and its corporate loan portfolio grew by 14%.

  • Net profit of the Group for 2017 amounted to + 10.4 billion. rubles This is 3.4 times more than in 2016. Net profit growth remained stable throughout 2017 (Q4 + 3.4 billion rubles, Q3 + 3.2 billion rubles, Q2 + 2.5 billion rubles, Q1 + 1.3 billion rubles).
  • Net operating income of the Group in 2017 amounted to 53.4 billion rubles, an increase of 8% compared to the same indicator last year. At the same time, net operating income for the 4th quarter of 2017 was 15.5 billion rubles, which is 18% more than the same indicator for the 3rd quarter of 2017 and 24% more than the same indicator for the 4th quarter of last year.
  • Net interest income of the Group remained stable during 2017 and comparable to 2016.
  • Net commission income in 2017 amounted to 9.5 billion rubles, an increase of 18% compared to 2016. At the same time, growth in the 4th quarter of 2017 amounted to 37% compared to the same indicator for the 4th quarter of 2016. The positive dynamics is mainly due to a significant increase in insurance agency premiums (+ 45%) due to the intensification of retail lending. The activation of digital sales channels led to a significant increase in commission income on the services of a mobile bank and an Internet bank (+ 40%).
  • Operating expenses of the Group in 2017 amounted to 35.6 billion rubles, an increase of 8% compared to the previous year. The dynamics was mainly due to active advertising companies, significant business growth (including in subsidiary banks), an increase in deductions for deposit insurance. At the same time, it should be noted that the ratio of operating expenses to operating income of the Group in 2017 and 2016 remained stable (67%).
  • Deductions to reserves during the 12 months of 2017 amounted to 3.5 billion rubles, having significantly decreased in comparison with last year, when deductions to reserves for the same period amounted to 12.8 billion rubles. The effect of reducing reserves was achieved mainly due to the restoration of the quality of the retail portfolio, the improvement of debt collection processes, as well as the absence of material expenses for refinancing foreign currency mortgages in 2017. The quality of the corporate portfolio traditionally remains at a high level.

  • The Group continued to increase its retail lending (+ 32% increase compared to 2016). Consumer loans have traditionally enjoyed the greatest demand, the growth of issuance for which amounted to 30% (while the increase in the market as a whole was 29%).
  • The Group also continued to build up its portfolio of attracted funds from individuals, with a focus on current accounts. Thus, in 2017, the Group's personal liability portfolio grew by 20% compared to 2016, including the current account portfolio of individuals increased by 59%, outpacing the market growth by 2.5 times.
  • The volume of mortgage loans issued in 2017 increased by 30% compared to 2016 with a record figure in the 4th quarter of 2017 (+ 21.3 billion rubles compared to the 3rd quarter of 2017). This result became possible largely due to a significant increase in the share of sales through digital channels (the share of such sales reached 25%). The quality of the mortgage portfolio continues to improve significantly. As of December 31, 2017, the delinquency of "90 +" in the mortgage portfolio of DeltaCredit Bank amounted to 2.8%, compared with 3.6% in 2016. This improvement in the quality of the mortgage portfolio is associated with participation in the state assistance program, the operator of which is the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, as well as with campaigns to transfer dollar loans into rubles.

2016: Profit - 3.1 billion rubles

The banking group Societe Generale in Russia improved its financial result, earning a net profit of 3.1 billion rubles. compared to a loss of 9.2 billion rubles. in 2015.

Major Achievements in the Retail Business

The volume of retail loans issued by the Group in 2016 increased by 35% compared to 2015, although it still remains below the level of 2014 (-22%). As a result, the Group continues to hold a leading position in the retail lending market, increasing its lending market share from 3.4% to 3.6%, while the market share in the consumer lending segment increased from 2.2% to 2.6%.

At the same time, the Group maintains its priority in mortgages and car loans due to the high performance of specialized subsidiary banks DeltaCredit and Rusfinance Bank.

DeltaCredit is in the top 5 in terms of mortgage loans (according to the analytical center Rusipotek) with a market share of 3.1%. The total volume of mortgage loans issued in 2016 is 44% higher than in 2015, while the quality of the ruble mortgage portfolio is much higher than the market average. As of December 31, 2016, the delinquency of 90 + in DeltaCredit's ruble mortgage portfolio is 1.21%, compared to the market figure of 2.65%.

Rusfinance Bank is consistently among the TOP-3 banks in the car lending market with a 13.5% share. The total volume of car loans issued in 2016 is 28% higher than in 2015. The Bank continues to participate in the state program of preferential car loans, within the framework of which it ranks 2nd in terms of the volume of loans (according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade).

In 2016, Rosbank continued to successfully increase its customer base: the number of new clients attracted in 2016 was 33% higher than in 2015, and the portfolio of active clients grew by 1%. This was made possible by innovations in the field of daily banking, as well as effective synergy with corporate business. Thus, in the 4th quarter of 2016, Rosbank, together with the international payment system Mastercard and O'KEY Group of Companies, launched the ROSBANK O'KEY Mastercard debit card. The card of Rosbank Visa Platinum Supercard + is recognized as the most attractive for customers with income above average - about 130 thousand rubles per month, according to RBC.

Key Corporate Business Achievements

As part of the international group Societe Generale, Rosbank continues to increase its share in the banking services market to the largest Russian and international companies, the volume of loans issued in 2016 is 29% higher than in 2015 (excluding currency revaluation).

Societe Generale/Rosbank are the leaders in the Russian syndicated lending market with a 23.5% share (according to Bloomberg news agency). The main transactions with the largest customers during 2016, organized in conjunction with Societe Generale:

  • Uralkali loan agreement in the amount of 1.2 billion, dollars USA acting as one of the coordinating authorized leading organizers and bookrunners with 16 international ones; banks
  • PhosAgro's debut pre-export financing for a total of US $250 million with a four-year maturity, acting as one of the coordinating authorized leading organizers and passport bank;
  • a pre-export loan to EuroChem Group in the amount of US $800 million for a period of five years, as a participant in a pool of international banks;
  • a club transaction to finance an advance payment under an oil and petroleum product supply agreement for PJSC ANK Bashneft for a total amount of US $500 million for 5 years, acting as the original authorized lead organizer, bookrunner, coordinating bank and documentation bank;
  • syndicated pre-export credit for one of the leading copper producers in Russia - CJSC Russian Copper Company (RMK), as an authorized lead organizer. The loan was provided for a total amount of $300 million for a period of 5 years.

Rosbank is expanding its business in trade financing. Thus, according to the results of 2016, Rosbank occupies the 7th position in the market in terms of the volume of the trade finance portfolio, showing an increase of 25% compared to last year.

The development of investment services continues. In 2016, Rosbank placed 23 market issues of 16 issuers in the amount of 88.4 billion rubles, taking fifth place in the ranking of leading organizers of market placements of Russian bonds according to Cbonds. Rosbank's share in market issues amounted to 7.95%. The bank also ranks fifth among the organizers of corporate issues with a market share of 5.73% and third among the organizers of the issue of mortgage bonds with a market share of 14.55%.

Rosbank Factoring occupies a prominent position in the factoring services market. According to the results of 2016, the company is in 8th place in the overall rating published by the Association of Factoring Companies of Russia, continues to increase its client portfolio (+ 56% compared to 2015) and the turnover of assigned receivables (+ 42% compared to 2015).

Rosbank Leasing shows high dynamics - the portfolio of concluded transactions increased by 13% in 2016.

Loan portfolio

The Group's banks aim to cooperate with the most reliable borrowers, carefully assess the solvency of customers in the new economic conditions and prioritize the quality of the loan portfolio.

Based on these principles, during 2015 and the first half of 2016, the Group pursued a policy of significantly more cautious resumption of retail lending than the market as a whole. The main dynamics of the issuance of retail loans was acquired only in the second half of 2016, as a result of which the group's retail loan portfolio decreased by 8% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation).

At the same time, the corporate loan portfolio continued to grow, having increased by 2% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation) against the background of negative market dynamics during the year (-3.6%). At the same time, it is necessary to note a change in the structure of the corporate loan portfolio by currencies in the last 12 months: the share of loans in foreign currency decreased by 15%; while the share of corporate loans in rubles increased by 17%. Such changes had a positive effect on the Group's interest margin.

As a result of such mutual dynamics of the retail and corporate portfolios and despite the dynamic growth of loans, the Group's total loan portfolio for 2016 decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation).

Deposits and current accounts

During 2016, the Group's client liability portfolio decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation). The driver of the decline was the funds of legal entities, the volume of which was systematically reduced in 2016 by 15% (excluding currency revaluation), compared to the market (-4%). On the one hand, the dynamics is explained by the need to bring the volume of liabilities in line with the dynamics of the loan portfolio, on the other hand, to replace them with cheaper funds of individuals.

The volume of retail funds increased by 13% in 2016 (excluding currency revaluation), which exceeds the indicators of the banking system (+ 9.2%). It is especially worth noting an increase of 50% in the volume of funds of individuals on demand (excluding currency revaluation). The market share in this segment increased from 1% to 1.43% during the year, which is fully in line with the Group's goal of transactional business development.

Financial result

Net interest income of the Group in 2016 amounted to 38.9 billion rubles, an increase of 4% compared to the same period last year. The positive dynamics is mainly due to the improvement in interest margin as a result of a decrease in the cost of financing due to consistent measures to optimize the balance sheet structure.

Net commission income in 2016 amounted to 8 billion rubles, an increase of 7% compared to 2015. On the one hand, the dynamics of commissions is due to the intensification of retail lending and, as a result, the growth of commissions from insurance companies (commission revenues of retail business increased by 29%). On the other hand, the commission income of the corporate business increased due to the development of RKO services (+ 16%) and trade financing (+ 23%).

Operating expenses of the Group in 2016 amounted to RUB 32.9 billion, remaining at the level of 2015, despite inflation, which amounted to 5.4% in 2016. Growth was curbed as a result of cost optimization measures on the Rosbank side: further reorganization of the retail network, as well as staff reductions of 8.7% compared to 2015.

Deductions to reserves in 2016 amounted to 12.7 billion rubles, a decrease of 42% compared to last year. The effect of reducing reserves was achieved mainly by restoring the quality of the retail portfolio, as well as improving debt collection processes. The quality of the corporate portfolio remains at a high level. At the same time, these results include the costs incurred for refinancing the currency mortgage portfolio. Based on the results of our work, we do not expect any further material negative impact of this activity on the Group's results.


Profit growth 1.5 times to 9.7 billion rubles

According to the monthly reporting on Russian accounting standards (RAS) as of December 31, 2014, Rosbank's profit amounted to 9.7 billion rubles, an increase of 1.5 times compared to the results of 2013 (excluding events after the reporting date).

Profit growth was mainly achieved due to growth in interest income, restructuring of problem debt and positive revaluation of derivatives, as well as changes in income tax accounting.

Rosbank's assets grew by 33% compared to 2013, amounting to 996 billion rubles (747 billion rubles - 31.12.2013), which is mainly due to the revaluation of foreign currency assets and changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments.

The dynamics of indicators for the main items of the statement of financial results in 2014 compared to 2013:

  • The capital of the bank according to Basel III standards amounted to 114.3 billion rubles, an increase of 28% compared to the same indicator last year. Capital growth was mainly due to positive financial results according to Russian standards for 2014 (up to SPOD) and an increase in subordinated loans included in capital sources due to bringing the main terms of subordinated loan agreements in line with the Bank of Russia's current requirements for these instruments based on Basel III recommendations.
  • The bank's loan portfolio grew by 7% compared to December 2013 and amounted to 486 billion rubles;
  • the volume of retail loans amounted to 242 billion rubles, an increase of 3% compared to 2013;
  • the volume of loans issued to corporate clients amounted to 244 billion rubles, an increase of 11% compared to 2013, mainly due to the revaluation of foreign currency loans. At the same time, the level of overdue debt on corporate clients decreased by 13%;
  • the amount of funds in client accounts reached 449 billion rubles, 25% higher than last year (358 billion rubles - 31.12.2013):
  • the volume of funds of individuals increased by 5%, amounting to 164 billion rubles;
  • The volume of funds of corporate clients increased by 41%, amounting to 285 billion rubles, mainly due to a significant increase in the deposit portfolio. Values of standards

Rosbank as of January 1, 2015, according to preliminary estimates, are:

  • N1.1 - 7.6% (minimum value established by the Bank of Russia, 5%)
  • N1.2 - 7.6% (minimum value established by the Bank of Russia, 5.5%)
  • N1.0 - 13.45% (minimum value, taking into account the requirements of the Law "On Deposit Insurance" 10%).

The number of Internet bank customers increased by 20%

The number of Rosbank clients using the Internet Bank increased by 20% in 2014 compared to 2013 and amounted to 74% of the total number of active clients of the bank. The number of transactions carried out through remote banking channels has increased by 2 times.

In 2014, Rosbank introduced a number of convenient services in the Internet-Bank and Mobile Bank systems, following a new business development strategy in terms of customer service through remote channels.

Among the new options in the Internet Bank, the most popular by clients was the ability to save the details of regularly performed operations in the form of templates, as well as a simplified login to your personal account using a mobile application. In addition, based on the results of customer satisfaction studies, usability and navigation in user interfaces have been significantly improved.

The number of companies to which Internet Bank users can transfer payments (housing and communal services agents, Internet providers, mobile operators, etc.) has increased more than 2 times and is currently more than 1,200 companies. Most payments can be made by bank customers without commission or on special terms.

The "Deposit-online" option has also become available to customers, thanks to which you can independently open deposits without visiting bank branches. The surcharge to the rate is 0.3 pp when opening a deposit in rubles.

Rosbank continues to improve the standards of remote service quality and in 2015 plans to provide customers with a wide range of modern services in the Internet Bank. These are auto payments for mobile services, informing about debts and the possibility of paying government taxes and fees, convenient online connection to the Internet Bank in any of the remote channels. In addition, customers will be able to confirm operations through SMS messages arriving on their mobile phone.

For owners of smartphones and tablets, a mobile banking project is actively developing, the result of which will be the launch in 2015 of a qualitatively new and modern banking application for iOS and Android users - ROSBANK Online, with a modern design and intuitive navigation, as well as payment functionality and geolocation and communication services open to any user. Rosbank clients will be able to pay for services, make intra-bank and interbank transfers at attractive tariffs, open deposits with an increased rate, view account balances, etc.

The open part of the application will make it easy to find a branch or ATM, get information about exchange rates, as well as about special promotions and discounts from Rosbank partners.


Main article: Digitalization of Rosbank


2025: Britain's removal from sanctions list

Great Britain excluded Rosbank from the sanctions list. This is evidenced by the data of the updated notification of the Office for the Application of Financial Sanctions (OFSI), released in March 2025. Restrictions on the freezing of assets and a ban on the provision of trust services are lifted from Rosbank. OFSI recalled that financial institutions are obliged to comply with the sanctions regime, and violation of restrictions may entail criminal liability.[2]


Alfa-Bank bought the Rosbank Plaza business center in the center of Moscow

On October 29, 2024, it became known that Alfa-Bank became the owner of the Rosbank Plaza business center in Moscow, located on Masha Poryvaeva Street. The transaction is estimated at ₽14,4 billion and is related to the bank's plans to expand the office network and optimize business processes. Read more here.

TKS Holding gained control over 99.4% of Rosbank

MKPAO TKS Holding gained control over PJSC Rosbank"," completing the key stage of the transaction to integrate the bank into its structure. This became known in August 2024. The company announced the acquisition directly of a 91.89% stake in Rosbank, and taking into account the share Rusfinans LLC - a subsidiary of Rosbank itself - general control reached 99.4%.

According to Interfax"," in parallel with the announcement of the receipt of control, TKS Holding sent Central Bank Russia to the offer to buy out the remaining 0.6% of Rosbank shares from minority shareholders. This is 9 million 211 thousand 783 shares, but the parameters of the upcoming offer have not yet been disclosed.

TKS Holding began to control 99.4% of Rosbank shares

The representative of TKS Holding said that the actual multiplier of the acquisition of Rosbank amounted to 0.8 of its total capital. This value is calculated based on the premium between the declared value of the group's shares for the purpose of additional issue in ₽3423,62 and the current (as of August 2024) quotations of TKS shares.

Earlier, the holding estimated Rosbank with a multiplier of 1.05 to the bank's capital for 2023 according to IFRS. Considering that the capital of Rosbank as of December 31, 2023 amounted to ₽226,3 billion, the amount of the transaction at that time was estimated at about ₽237,6 billion. At the same time, one share of Rosbank was valued at ₽129,4.

To finance the transaction, TKS Holding planned to carry out an additional issue of shares, placing 130 million ordinary shares at a closed subscription at a price of ₽3423,62 apiece. The potential volume of additional issue at this price is ₽445,071 billion. However, the transaction, according to the board of directors, requires up to 70 million shares worth up to ₽239,7 billion.

Shares of the additional issue of the holding can be paid for by shares of Rosbank, securities of Akvamarin JSC, as well as rights of claim against Rosbank on subordinated loans. The placement is planned in favor of Interros Capital, the Interros holding company, the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation and five trustees.[3]

Appointment of Nikolai Sidorov as Chairman of the Board

On January 26, 2024, Rosbank announced the appointment of Nikolai Sidorov as the new chairman of the board of the credit institution. In this position, he will replace Natalia Voevodina, who worked in Rosbank for more than 5 years. Read more here.


Creation of a collection agency

Rosbank created its own collection agency, which became known at the end of December 2023. The subsidiary of the bank was called RB Collective. Read more here.

President Putin allowed the bank to buy back shares of Russian companies owned by Societe Generale

In December 2023, Vladimir Putin allowed Rosbank to acquire Societe Generale.

Now, in Rosbank particular, it will be able to redeem from its former owner the shares of a number of power companies, including "," Rosseti"," RusHydro"," "" and Inter RAOGazprom"," Gazprom neft"," "Lukoil and", SurgutneftegasRosneftTatneft"", Transneft"" Unipro bank, "" VTB"" and Rostelecom"," "Aeroflot diamond mining," "steel and". " ALROSA mining Severstal In addition, Rosbank is allowed to buy out shares of Novolipetsky and Norilsk Nickel Magnitogorsk metallurgical plants, gold producer Polyus and a number of other companies.

Launch of transfers through the SBP in the EAEU countries

In mid-June 2023, Rosbank announced a pilot project of cross-border transfers in the Fast Payment System (FPS) between the participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Some details are given by the chairman of the board of the bank Natalya Voevodina. Read more here.

Launch of cross-border payments in cryptocurrency

Rosbank was the first among large banks in Russia to launch cross-border payments in cryptocurrency. The credit institution told about this in early June 2023.

As the representative of Rosbank told Vedomosti, by the beginning of June 2023 there are pilot transactions with corporate and private clients, they meet the requirements of the law and the Central Bank.

Rosbank launched cross-border payments in cryptocurrency

The intermediary in such transactions will be the Russian financial service B-crypto, which is engaged in cross-border settlements in digital currencies. If a Russian company wants to pay for imported goods or services in cryptocurrency, it needs to consolidate such an opportunity in an agreement with a foreign supplier. He issues an invoice to the Russian company for payment, where he indicates the amount and address of the crypto wallet.

As noted in Rosbank, the introduction of settlements in cryptocurrency is caused by serious complications of correspondent relations. Because of this, in particular, the business has difficulties with servicing export and import contracts, the press service said. Rosbank said it knows cases when customers are forced to use the services of untrustworthy "crypto parks" to solve the problem of payments.

Banks are conservative in essence, are responsible for the safety of customers' money and are able to assess risks, - said the press service of Rosbank.

As Vedomosti writes in the issue of June 2, 2023, other large Russian banks have not confirmed the presence of a similar service. According to Alexei Voilukov, Vice President of the Association of Banks of Russia, cross-border transfers in cryptocurrencies are a niche of small banks that make single small payments for the needs of medium-sized businesses. According to him, there is no liquidity in cryptocurrency to serve the foreign trade operations of large companies, so systemically significant banks "are not very interesting and, possibly, unprofitable."[4]


Purchase of microcredit company "Benefit-Finance"

On January 9, 2022, it became known about the sale of the microcredit company Benefit-Finance to Rosbank. The financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Read more here.

Clearstream depository blocked Rosbank's correspondent account

In October 2022, the Clearstream depository blocked the Rosbank correspondent account. The bank will not be able to receive income on securities issued outside Russia, dividends on them will go to special accounts in Clearstream.

Appointment of Natalia Voevodina as Chairman of the Board of Rosbank

On October 24, 2022, Rosbank announced the appointment of Natalia Voevodina as the new chairman of the board of the credit institution. She replaced Ilya Polyakov, who headed the bank for 4.5 years. Read more here.

Rusfinance buys 7.5% of Rosbank shares

The investment company Rusfinance received 7.5% of Rosbank at its direct disposal, follows from the materials on the information disclosure server by September 24, 2022. The founder of Rusfinance LLC is Rosbank.

As Frank Media notes, the shares can be used for a motivation program for Rosbank employees through digital financial assets (CFA). The company called such a move "people's capitalism," noting that it turns employees of companies into their beneficiaries.

Rusfinance buys 7.5% of Rosbank shares

Earlier, the founder of the Interros group, Vladimir Potanin, said that Norilsk Nickel plans to launch a motivation program for its employees from 2023 - a "digital investor," the essence of which is to increase the share of shares owned by the company's employees from 10%, which are already in the hands of employees, to 25%, as it was before the time when the company was privatized. Employees will be able to purchase shares of the company in the form of digital financial assets (CFA) on the Atomais blockchain platform, which is being developed by Interros, which belongs to Vladimir Potanin himself.

In September 2022, the billionaire announced that he wants to make the beneficiaries of their companies, first Rosbank employees, and then Norilsk Nickel staff.

What we call "people's capitalism" inside Interros should become a fundamental principle for the development of any business, Potanin said.

All entrepreneurs are somehow obliged to "make public benefit part of their business models," the entrepreneur is sure.

And the distribution of company shares in the form of digital financial assets is an example of this approach.

The decisions made are not my first and not my last step in transferring capital to socially useful purposes, "the owner of Interros promised[5]

Vladimir Potanin transfers 47.5% of the bank's shares to his charitable foundation

"Interros" Vladimir Potanin began the process of transferring to the endowment of the Potanin Charitable Foundation up to 50% of Rosbank's shares. This was announced on September 14, 2022.

It is reported that the transfer of shares of a credit institution to a charitable foundation will increase the fund's target capital to the planned 100 billion rubles, which, according to Potanin, will ensure financial stability and long-term charity programs.

Шаблон:Quote 'In turn, the foundation is becoming an independent charity with independent governing bodies, the billionaire said. The press service of Interros quoted a businessman's statement in which he recalled his promise in 2010 to send most of his fortune to charity. Potanin noted that he carefully considered his decision and when creating a charitable foundation was guided by his beliefs that a person should share his achievements and success with society.

Potanin himself will not be included in the governing bodies of the endowment and Rosbank - independent directors will manage both organizations.

Шаблон:Quote 'Entrepreneurs should not just allocate funds to charity, but make the public benefit part of their business models, Potanin said in a statement. In addition, Interros will transfer a 10% stake in Rosbank to a motivation program for employees of a credit institution. They will receive digital financial assets for the bank's shares and thus become beneficiaries of its business, the company said. She expects that this will strengthen the independent status of Rosbank, in which the main role will be held by the Board of Directors, where the majority are independent participants.

Potanin, as the controlling owner of Rosbank, was included in the sanctions lists at the end of June. Great Britain The UK government's license to curtail operations with Rosbank is valid until September 30, 2022.[6]

Winding down business in Britain

At the end of July 2022, Britain issued an updated license to Rosbank to curtail operations. It will be valid until September 30, 2022. At the end of June, Britain imposed sanctions against a number of Russian businessmen, including Vladimir Potanin, the owner of the Interros holding. The day before, in mid-May, the French banking group Societe Generale closed the sale of Rosbank to Interros.

Thus, after Vladimir Potanin hit, the restrictive measures of Great Britain also affected Rosbank. However, on June 30, the Office for the Implementation of Financial Sanctions (OFSI) of the UK Treasury Department issued a monthly folding license to a Russian credit institution.

Interros Vladimir Potanin buys the bank from Societe Generale for 50 billion rubles

On April 11, 2022, it became known that Interros Vladimir Potanin would buy Rosbank from the French group Societe Generale, which Potanin sold to them in 2006-2011. The Societe Generale group at that time is the largest foreign player in the banking market in Russia and also owns the banks Deltacredit (Rosbank Dom) and Rusfinans (Rosbank Auto).

Later in August 2022, it became known that the bank was sold for 0.2-0.3 of its capital, which is approximately equal to 40-60 billion rubles.

Societe Generale SA will suffer losses of about 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) after agreeing to sell its division to Rosbank PJSC.

SocGen's decision to withdraw from Russia is the most decisive among the largest European banks with operations in the country. Raiffeisen Bank International AG and UniCredit are also considering their future. These three banks are the largest on the continent with Russian business.

As a result, the sale of Rosbank turned into a loss of €3.3 billion for the French Societe Generale and led to a quarterly loss of €1.5 billion.


Robbery of an office in Ufa for 4 million rubles. Video

In December 2021, a video was posted on the network with the robbery of the Ufa office of Rosbank, where 4 million rubles were stolen. While the cashier was leaving for dinner, the robbers stuck a plate between the iron doors, which left the door open. When the cashier returned to the place, the criminal easily entered the cashier and took the cash.

Opening a credit line for Europlan for 2 billion rubles

PJSC Rosbank"" opened PJSC LC Europlan line of credit with a volume of 2 billion rubles for a period of 4 years. This was announced on July 15, 2021 by representatives of Europlan financing. The leasing company received as part of the loan plans to direct transport funds for its customers to the purchase of cars. More. here


Joining Rusfinance Bank

As it became known on November 3, 2020, Rosbank will join Rusfinans Bank, which is engaged in car loans. The association of credit institutions is aimed at improving the efficiency of retail business. Read more here.

Creation of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus Capital

On August 26, 2020, it became known about the creation of a management company by Rosbank. It was headed by Oleg Galkin, who previously worked at Uralsib Management Company and BCS. Read more here.

There is only one Russian on the board of directors

As of February 2020, Rosbank's Directors include:


Completion of DeltaCredit KB Connection

In 2019, Rosbank PJSC completed the reorganization procedure in the form of the merger of CB DeltaCredit JSC with the opening of a branch of Rosbank Rosbank Dom PJSC. On June 1, 2019, the corresponding entries were made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Read more here.

Scheme of theft of 3.5 million rubles from the accounts of a VIP client of Rosbank through a scheme with telephone fraud

Scheme of theft of 3.5 million rubles from the accounts of a VIP client of Rosbank through a classic scheme with telephone fraud

Usually, the funds of the deceived are withdrawn to bitcoins, which sharply cuts off the ability to find the final link.

But in this case, the funds are withdrawn through 12 transactions without commission to the accounts of other customers of Rosbank and 2 million are cashed out through its ATMs. The greed of fraudsters knows no bounds.

We can say that there is a professional group with an insider from Rosbank bankers that works only for this bank - this is confirmed by a pre-prepared professional scheme for withdrawing funds for a Rosbank client, the presence of data on VIP clients and account balances.

The client assured that the VIP manager of Rosbank immediately refused to help her, although the payments, judging by the withdrawal scheme, could be slowed down.


Agile Innovative GROWTH Office Center

In Nizhny Novgorod, the ROST Innovation Center began its work. The site is the second project of Rosbank to organize fundamentally office spaces, where all conditions have been created for the introduction of modern formats of cooperation and communication in Agile mode.

The ROST Innovation Center is open for co-working spaces and creative sessions of any companies and organizations in Nizhny Novgorod, including universities and other educational institutions. Audiences and sites of the Center will become an effective space for holding client events, business meetings and negotiations, command-forming activities. The new space is designed for traditional lectures, as well as for working in the lunch & learn format.

ROST is technically equipped for video conferencing, webinars, hackathons, brainstorming. An additional advantage is the mobility of the space: the Center's audiences are freely transformed into the goals and objectives of each event and team.

ROST will also organize training seminars for employees of the Nizhny Novgorod regional office of Rosbank and interregional conferences for bank employees from all over Russia in order to exchange experience, summarize the work and develop internal corporate culture.

The ROST Innovation Center is open at 192/2 Rodionova St., Nizhny Novgorod.

2015: Rosbank joins top five underwriters of Russian bonds

The CBonds news agency published the ranking of underwriters of Russian bonds in 2014. The ranking included 122 participants who became the organizers of placements in the amount of about 1.2 trillion rubles. According to the agency, activity in the domestic market has decreased, at the same time, in December 2014, a surge in placements was recorded.

Rosbank entered the top five underwriters of Russian bonds of market bond placements (29 issues of 12 issuers in the amount of 76.7 billion rubles), took second place in the ranking of underwriters of market issues, third place in corporate issues, fifth place in the segment of municipal placements.

The Cbonds Bond Underwriters' ranking includes financial institutions that, during the bond placement process, have guaranteed the placement of a certain volume of issue and have the status of an arranger, co-arranger, underwriter or co-underwriter. The ranking takes into account the actually placed volume of bonds.


Re-election of the Board of Directors

On March 6, 2014, at an extraordinary general meeting of Rosbank shareholders, it was decided to re-elect the Board of Directors in the amount of twelve people, including the chairman of the bank's board Dmitry Olyunin. Thus, the updated body included:

  • 1. Valet Didier, Head of Global Banking & Investor Solutions of Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of Societe Generale Group;
  • 2. Gilman Martin Grant, Professor of Economics, Director of the Institute for Fundamental Interdisciplinary Research at the Higher School of Economics, Independent Member of the Board of Directors of JSC JSCB ROSBANK;
  • 3. Marie-Christine Ducholet, CEO of Societe Generale Equipment Finance;
  • 4. Jacquemin Arnault, Deputy Director, Risk Group, Societe Generale;
  • 5. Mercadal-Delasal Francoise, Head of Corporate Resources and Innovation at Societe Generale Group, Member of the Board of Societe Generale Group;
  • 6. Sánchez Insera Bernardo, Vice Chairman of the Board of the Societe Generale Group;
  • 7. Ogel Didier, Chief Regional Coordinator of Societe Generale in Russia, Head of International Retail Banking and Specialized Financial Services of Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of Societe Generale Group;
  • 8. Auger Pascal, Head of Global Transactional Services, Societe Generale Group;
  • 9. Dmitry Yuryevich Olyunin, Chairman of the Management Board of Rosbank;
  • 10. Parer Jean-Luc, Head of International Retail Banking and Specialized Financial Services, Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of Societe Generale Group;
  • 11. Palmieri Pierre, Head of Global Finance at Societe Generale Group;
  • 12. Schrik Christian, member of the Board of Directors of the French Agency for Financial Markets (AMF), independent member of the Board of Directors of JSC JSCB ROSBANK.

On June 25, 2014, the annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC JSCB Rosbank was held. The Bank's shareholders approved the annual report, the annual accounting (financial) statements, including the profit and loss statements for 2013, the updated composition of the Board of Directors in the number of 12 people (listed above), and also decided to leave the profit for the last year in full - 4.5 billion rubles at the disposal of the Bank and credit to the Retained Earnings account. It was decided not to pay dividends for 2013.

The meeting approved the audit commission as follows: Akhapkina Natalya Viktorovna, Konishcheva Elena Sergeevna, Mishustin Olga Viktorovna, Pelipenko Mikhail Vladimirovich, Ugolkova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

CJSC Deloitte & Touche was approved as the external auditor of Rosbank for fiscal year 2014.

Rosbank shareholders decided to join the Non-Profit Organization "Association of Regional Banks of Russia" (Association "Russia").

2013: Societe Generale buys out VTB stake

In December 2013, Rosbank's shareholders underwent changes: the main shareholder of the bank, Societe Generale, in order to strengthen its position in the Russian market, bought 10% of the bank's shares from VTB Group, increasing its share to 92.4%.

2012:700 branches, 1,200 points of sale and about 3,000 ATMs in the Rosbank network

In terms of assets and capital, Rosbank is one of the ten largest banks in Russia (July 2012).

Rosbank's subsidiaries are:

As of July 2012, Rosbank's branch network covers 700 branches, 1,200 points of sale and about 3,000 ATMs in 340 settlements of Russia. Rosbank is one of the three largest retail banks in Russia - it serves more than 3 million private clients.

The institution of client managers has been introduced in all branches of the bank. The bank has a well-developed direction for working with wealthy private clients.

Rosbank offers a full range of services for small, medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs. The bank serves about 56 thousand customers of this segment (as of July 2012).

The key areas of Rosbank's work with corporate clients are investment banking services and lending, trade financing. The bank's clients include 9.5 thousand of the largest Russian and international companies. Rosbank is also one of the leading organizers and underwriters in the ruble corporate and municipal bond market.

2010-2011: Merger of Rosbank, BSGV and DeltaCredit

In February 2010, the shareholders agreed to merge Rosbank and other Russian subsidiary banks Societe Generale (BSGV), DeltaCredit, Rusfinans).

As of October 1, 2010, Rosbank's equity amounted to 44,278,61 million rubles, and total assets - 721,333,74 million rubles.

In January 2011, Societe Generale acquired the banks Rusfinance and DeltaCredit, which become 100% subsidiary banks of Rosbank.

July, 2011 Rosbank merged with BSGV, becoming the largest international financial institution in Russia.

2008: Societe Generale - majority shareholder

February, 2008 - Societe Generale Group became the majority shareholder of Rosbank

2006: Societe Generale entered the capital of Rosbank

June, 2006 - French banking group Societe Generale enters the capital of Rosbank

2005: Joining six UWC banks

July, 2005 - Successful completion of the consolidation of Rosbank's business and six UWC banks (First UWC, Central UWC, Volga UWC, Volga UWC, Siberian UWC, Far Eastern UWC). Since Rosbank that time, a universal commercial bank under a single brand "" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders in the Russian retail banking market.

2002: Amalgamation with IFC Bank

December, 2002 - The consolidation of the Rosbank and IFC Bank business has strengthened Rosbank's human resources and technologies for the development of the investment area.

2000: Joining Onexim Bank

September, 2000 - The shareholders of Rosbank approved the decision to join ONEXIM Bank. The strategic direction of development was the work with the corporate clientele.

1998: Renamed "Rosbank"

September, 1998 - KB "Independence" was renamed by shareholders (Interros company) into JSCB "Rosbank" (OJSC). General License No. 2272

1993: Foundation of Independence Design Bureau

March, 1993 - the Independence Design Bureau was founded.
