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Баннер в шапке 2

Societe Generale Vostok bank


The Societe Generale Vostok bank is child structure of group Societe Generale. It is based in Moscow in 1993. Has departments in 19 cities of Russia. The state totals about 2,000 employees. More than 295,000 private and 6,700 corporate clients use services of bank. As of 4/1/2010 own means (capital) of Bank make 13.4 billion rubles, assets – 130 billion rubles. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for February 1, 2010 the Societe Generale Vostok Bank is included into a top of 30 largest Russian banks by the amount of assets.

Societe Generale


Rosbank announced in October, 2011 completion of transition to the IT platform, uniform about "Societe Generale Vostok Bank" (BSGV). From the moment of formal completion of accession of BSGV to Rosbank there passed nearly 4 months - legally it took place on June 30, 2011. Migration on uniform infrastructure took 8 months, speak in Rosbank.

On the Russian website of BSGV the message that up-to-date data about bank are on the portal of Rosbank is displayed now. "700 departments of the united bank and 2800 ATMs work in a common information space, - said in Rosbank. - The updated product row for retail clients was implemented and also procedures of service of all clients of joint Rosbank are unified.

435 BSGV ATMs were connected to a single network, processing is switched to a processing center of Rosbank of 230 thousand bank cards, more than 1.2 million client accounts are transferred. "The geography of providing to clients of service on implementation of the main banking activities between the accounts opened in different regions extended, - the chairman of the board of Rosbank Vladimir Golubkov lists innovations. - Now the present possibility is available to all our clients in all branches and departments of Rosbank. There was a uniform account which can be used for management of means".

In January, 2011, consolidating the Russian assets of Societe Generale, Rosbank purchased at the French group (she in turn acts as parent organization for Rosbank) 100% of shares of the banks Rusfinance and DeltaCredit. The BCC integrator works with the first of them as the contractor. "As far as I know, joining of Rusfinance of bank to uniform infrastructure will be the next stage while the bank did not participate in the project, - the development director of BCC Revaz Bukhradze told CNews. - Consolidation happened based on the systems of Rosbank. For example, the British Misys became the automated banking system of the united bank".

Societe Generale Vostok bank (BSGV):

  • 100% child structure of the Societe Generale group
  • it is based in Moscow in 1993
  • the universal bank servicing corporate and private clients
  • it is provided in Vladivostok, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Stavropol, Togliatti, Tyumen, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl
  • the size of net assets is 130 billion rubles, the amount of the capital – 13.4 billion rubles (for April 1, 2010)
  • more than 295,000 private and 6,700 corporate clients (for January 1, 2010)
  • 2,000 employees (for January 1, 2010)
  • rating of Baa2 Moody's
  • enters the Top of 30 largest Russian banks by the amount of assets (according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for February 1, 2010)
  • 11 place in the rating of the most reliable Russian banks according to Forbes (March, 2010)
  • the most fast-growing company on an annual average gain of revenue in the field of finance (according to the rating of the most fast-growing companies at the end of 2008, the Sekret Firmy magazine, October, 2009)
  • BSGV was included into top five of rating "The index of an impression of the client – 2009: How do the Russian retail banks overcome a financial storm?", published by PWC and Senteo companies
  • 5 place on the volume of the issued mortgage loans in 2009 according to RBC Rating
  • 10 place on the volume of the issued car loans in 2009 according to RBC rating

2015: Societe Generale will lay off 1.5 thousand employees in Russia

The Russian department of Societe Generale is going to lay off 1.5 thousand employees. The Bloomberg agency was reported about it by a source, familiar with a situation. The decision was made in connection with crisis which reduces profitability of business in the country, the interlocutor of the agency noted. Approximately Societe Generale laid off the same number of employees in Russia last year, emphasized a source of

The Russian department of the French bank did not begin to comment on information on reductions, Bloomberg notes. In Russian "subsidiaries" of Societe Generale about 20.5 thousand people, the most part from them – in Rosbank open joint stock company work.