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SP Quantum (Quantum Technologies)


Information Technology
Since 2020
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115230, Varshavskoye Shosse, 46, floor 6, room 600k

Atomenergoprom - 100%


+ Rosatom Federal Atomic power Agency

The joint venture "Quantum Technologies" (LLC "SP" Quantum ") is part of the structure of" Rosatom, "is the leader of the technological consortium " National Quantum Laboratory "(NKL), created in November 2020 as part of the implementation of the roadmap for quantum computing.


2024: Crocus Nanoelectronics sued 167.9 million rubles from Quantum

Moscow In September 2024, the Arbitration Court decided to recover from the subsidiary, Rosatom Kvant JV, an amount of ₽167,9 million in favor of Crocus Nanoelectronics (KNE). The reason for the trial was the outstanding remuneration for servicing equipment for the production of chips. The appeal of the KNE to the court was filed back in March 2023, after the Kvant joint venture stopped paying for service services from September 2021 to October 2022. It is reported by the publication Sheets"."

KNE is a former joint venture between Rusnano and the French company Crocus Technology. The company specializes in the production of silicon wafers and integrated circuits for various technological processes. In 2020, Rusnano gained full control over the CNE, but in 2022 Crocus Nanoelectronics began to experience financial difficulties and declared bankruptcy.

Crocus Nanoelectronics sued 167.9 million rubles from Rosatom's daughter for servicing chip equipment

The debt of the Quantum joint venture to the KNE was formed after the provision of services for servicing the lithographic installation, which is used to produce chips on 300 mm plates. As explained by the general director of the KNE Ivan Makarov, the work included the supply of nitrogen and other engineering work that was necessary to maintain the equipment in good condition. However, the Quantum company refused to pay for the services provided.

According to court documents, the equipment purchased by the Quant JV from the CNE required regular maintenance, gas and chemical supplies to prevent emergencies. Due to the lack of qualified personnel at Kvant, it was decided that the maintenance will continue by the CNE, with subsequent reimbursement of costs. However, as it became known, until the conclusion of a formal contract, maintenance was carried out at the discretion of the CNE, which became the subject of dispute.

The correspondence between the KNE and the Kvant JV confirmed the fact of the provision of services and their volume. Despite this, Quantum refused to conclude a contract for the maintenance of equipment, which forced the CNE to go to court. In June 2024, Kvant filed an appeal, trying to challenge the decision of the first instance.[1]

2022: Inclusion on the US sanctions list

In September 2022, the Kvant joint venture was USA[2] in the US SDN sanctions list[2]

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser drew up a map of Russian IT companies in 2022-2024. which fell under the sanctions of the United States, the EU and Britain. It included, among other things, the company "SP" Quantum. " The article about the map can be found here.
