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Medical scan


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+ Medical scan
+ Rosatom Federal Atomic power Agency

The Medskan network of medical centers specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer using radiation and drug therapy.

The network of modern МЕДСКАН.РФ diagnostic centers with a range of high-tech means of medical diagnostics is always ready to offer its clients high-quality medical care that meets the highest European standards.

  • Radiation diagnostics: MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray, mammography.
  • Laboratory diagnostics: all types of laboratory tests.
  • Assays and telemedicine.

The network development plan provides for the creation of 5 medical and diagnostic clusters in various regions of the Russian Federation. Each cluster will consist of 8-10 standard format diagnostic centers and one oncoradiology center equipped with two linear accelerators, a diagnostic department and a chemotherapy department.


As of October 2023, 58 medical centers, 15 laboratories and 442 laboratory medical offices of the Medskan Group of Companies operate in 30 regions and 97 cities of Russia, including diagnostic centers, laboratories, hospitals with a surgical hospital, multidisciplinary and specialized clinics (including oncological), centers of scientific development and research. The flagship asset of the group is the Russian branch of the Hadassah University Hospital (Jerusalem) located in the Moscow International Medical Cluster.

IT infrastructure

Medskan IT platform
  • Downloading, storing and transmitting patient health information
  • In the Personal Account, the patient posts the results of his medical examinations in any format and can provide the doctor with access to them online
  • Search and selection of doctor/clinic for remote online consultation
  • Online consultation/consultation (video, phone, email, chat) with simultaneous viewing of the patient's medical documentation
    • Video conferencing and online consilliums with simultaneous review of patient medical examination results
    • Prompt receipt by a doctor of a "second opinion" service from another specialist

Performance indicators

2024: Revenue growth by 25% to RUR 28 billion

In 2024, the consolidated revenue of the Medskan group of companies amounted to about 28 billion rubles. This is 25% more than the previous year, as stated in a statement released on March 25, 2025.

The main growth drivers are called "synergy of the operation of Medskan assets, as well as the expansion of the network." The bulk of the revenue was provided by the Laboratory business area, which includes the KDL network of clinical diagnostic laboratories: the indicator was recorded at 15.6 billion rubles with an increase of 22% compared to 2023. The number of patients amounted to 0.6 million people, and the average check increased by 16%. The volume of KDL tests performed in 2024 increased by 11%.

Revenue of Medskan Group of Companies for the year increased to 28 billion rubles

Revenue "Medskan Skolkovo" (international clinic in) Russia Hadassah increased by 40%, reaching 5 billion rubles. At the same time, the number of foreign patients increased by 65% compared to 2023.

As of the beginning of 2025, the Medskan Group of Companies network has 65 medical centers, 15 laboratories and 431 laboratory offices, including diagnostic centers, hospitals with a surgical hospital, multidisciplinary and specialized clinics (including oncological), centers of scientific development and research. The company provides services in 105 cities in 31 regions of Russia.

In 2024, the Medskan Sakhalin Medical Center was opened, and the Hospital on Yauza underwent a large-scale update. A six-story round-the-clock surgical hospital of the MC "Philosophy of Beauty and Health" has opened in Perm. As part of socially significant projects, Medskan opened branches of an international volunteer center in Kursk and Voronezh, and also launched initiatives to support young scientists and develop medical education. In the medical center "Medassist" opened the first private emergency room in Kursk.[1]


Revenue growth by 27% to 24.1 billion rubles

The revenue of the Medskan group in 2023 increased by 27% compared to 2022 and reached 24.1 billion rubles. The company released such data in March 2024.

From the message of the press service of "Medskan" it follows that in 2023 the revenues of the business direction "Medicine" increased by 34%. In the laboratory area, revenue growth amounted to 20%. The revenue of the KDL network at the end of 2023 increased by 21%, amounting to 12.8 billion rubles, and the number of studies performed exceeded 34 million tests.

Revenue of the Medskan group in 2023 increased by 27%

Medskan emphasizes that the base of loyal patients and the growth of the number of services remain the basis of KDL's stable operating indicators. An important factor for development was the increase in the presence in the Moscow market, growing synergy with the medical direction of Medskan's business, including cross-promotion of services, the group's press service added.

The turnover of clinics in the Moscow region grew the most in 2023 - in total by 87%, to 2.31 billion rubles. Hadassah Clinic remained the leader in terms of growth in 2023. Regional medical institutions increased revenue by 10%, and the Voronezh cluster (+ 68%) turned out to be the leader in terms of growth rates.

The drivers of the group's financial growth in 2023 in Medskan are the base of loyal patients, the expansion of the range of services provided and cooperation with insurance companies, including legal entities. The list also included the launch of a corporate loyalty program.

Among the most significant events of 2023 in the group were the launch of the nuclear medicine department at the flagship Hadassah clinic in Skolkovo, acquisition of NovaScreen laboratory office network and their integration into the laboratory vertical of the group, the launch of the inpatient building of the Medassist clinic in Kursk, the opening of the new Medical On Group clinic in St. Petersburg and the new laboratory offices of the Philosophy of Beauty and Health medical center in the Perm Territory.[2]

Revenue growth in the first half of the year by 22%

According to the results of the operating activities of the Medskan group of companies for the first half of 2023, the total revenue (LFL) of companies that are part of the holding in August 2023 increased by 22% compared to the same period in 2022, and reached 11.3 billion rubles. The revenue growth of the business area "Medicine" amounted to 29%, the revenue of the business area "Laboratory" (KDL network) increased by 16%. The main drivers of growth were the base of loyal patients and the expansion of the range of services. Taking into account trends and the growing potential of business areas, the Medskan group of companies predicts positive dynamics of indicators in the second half of 2023. The company announced this on August 31, 2023.

"The positive results of the first half of the year were the result of our work on the integration of the Medical On Group clinic network and the federal network of KDL laboratories. The strategy in this part remains unchanged: synergy through increased interaction allows us to provide our patients with highly qualified medical care and offer the highest level of service. At the same time, further integration of assets creates conditions for significant optimization of expenses. All this will increase business efficiency and improve key indicators. It should be noted that an important event in the life of the group of companies that took place in the third quarter was an increase in the share of JSC RuSat Helskea to 50% and related development prospects, "said Sergey Ivanchenko, General Director of the Medskan Group of Companies. Business area "Medicine" The total increase in the revenue of clinics in the Moscow region, which includes the Skolkovo cluster (represented by the only foreign medical institution in Russia - the official branch of the Israeli university clinic Hadassah) and the Moscow cluster (includes the Clinical Hospital on Yauza and the Medskan network of diagnostic centers), in the first half of 2023 amounted to 81%, or 0.96 billion rubles in monetary terms. The leader in growth rates in the first half of 2023 was the clinic in Skolkovo, whose revenue more than doubled compared to the same period last year due to an increase in the number of services due to the utilization of the current capacity of the hospital. In the future, it is planned to develop additional competence centers as part of the Skolkovo cluster. The revenue of regional clinics ("Philosophy of Beauty and Health," the network "Medical On Group," "Medassist," MMCRDILOZ and the network "MRI Chernozemye") increased by 7%. The growth driver for this regional block in the second half of the year will be an increase in capacity in Kursk (the second surgical building was launched) and the implementation of joint projects at other sites by different business lines. Laboratory Business Area The revenue of the KDL network in the first half of 2023 increased by 16% and exceeded 6.1 billion rubles. Operational indicators show steady growth due to the accumulated loyal patient base, the increase in the number of services and the synergies between the medical and laboratory business lines.

2020: Revenue growth by 83.86% to RUB 4.1 billion

The revenue of the Medskan Clinic in 2020 increased to 4.1 billion rubles, which is 83.86% more than a year earlier.

Number of patients:[3].



161 million rubles are required from Medskan on debt to the ex-CEO of KDL

In August 2024, the Moscow Arbitration Court is considering a lawsuit in the amount of ₽161 million against the medical holding JSC Medskan, filed by individual entrepreneur Alexandra Litvinova. The claims are related to the debt that arose before the former CEO of the laboratory network KDLUriy Leonov. This debt was transferred to Litvinova on the basis of a cession agreement signed on August 1, 2024.

According to Vedomosti, Medskan Group of Companies acquired the KDL network of laboratories from the UFG Private Equity private investment fund on December 27, 2022. Under the terms of the deal, Leonov was supposed to receive a reward of ₽ 161 million for the successful integration of KDL into the structure of the Medskan holding. The remuneration was provided for by "Agreement No. 1 dated December 19, 2022" for the integrated management of the integration project, and was to be paid no later than December 19, 2023.

161 million rubles are required from Medskan on debt to the ex-CEO of KDL

One of the defendants in the case is Yevgeny Tugolukov, a shareholder of Medskan, who owns a 50% stake. Tugolukov provided Leonov with a written guarantee obligation, according to which he pledged to pay the amount within the specified period. However, according to the lawsuit, this amount was never paid, which was the reason for the lawsuit.

The representative of Medskan, commenting on the lawsuit, noted that the company always acts within the legal framework, but refused to comment in more detail on the merits of the claims. Yuri Leonov and lawyer Alexandra Litvinova also did not provide comment on this case.

The Moscow Arbitration Court, considering Litvinova's statement of claim, refused to accept it on the basis that claims brought simultaneously against a legal entity and an individual (guarantor) should be considered by a court of general jurisdiction.[4]

Establishment of Khimskan

The pharmaceutical company ChemRar and the network of private clinics Medskan have joined forces to expand their presence on the international drug market. In mid-August 2024, it became known about the creation of the Khimskan joint venture, which will be engaged in the research and promotion of drugs in Russia and friendly countries. Read more here

Appointment of the fifth CEO in 4 years

In early July 2024, it became known about the appointment of Timur Mubarakshin as the new general director of the Medskan group of companies. The change in the head of the network of clinics is evidenced by the data of the Kontur. Focus service, which Zdrav.Expert got acquainted with. Read more here.


Top management appointments

The Medskan group of companies announced changes in the composition of the top management: from October 2, 2023, Sergei Arabadzhyan was appointed medical director of the group, and Irina Zalomnova headed the Medskan group of companies in Skolkovo. Their experience and professional expertise in significant projects in commercial medicine, including the creation and development of regional competence centers, will help the group in achieving strategic goals.

The ambitious tasks facing the group, the dictuality of attracting the best professionals with the appropriate skills and competencies. Sergei Arabadzhyan and Irina Zalomnovane need special representation in the professional community and have established themselves as experienced managers, I am sure that their knowledge and skills will significantly strengthen the position of the group and allow achieving the necessary results, - said Sergey Ivanchenko, General Director of Medskan Group.

Opening of the second surgical building in Kursk for 700 million rubles

On August 25, 2023, the second surgical building of the Medassist medical center (part of the Medskan group of companies) was opened in Kursk. As noted, the total investment in the object with an area of ​ ​ 4.5 thousand square meters. m amounted to 700 million rubles. Read more here.

Return of 10% of Medskan Lab by Sberbank

On August 11, 2023, it became known that Sberbank Investments LLC returned 10% of Medskan Lab to the founder of the company, Medskan JSC. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, after the transaction, Sberbank Investments has 39% of Medskan Lab, and Medskan JSC has 61%. Read more here.

Rosatom's increase in the share in the capital of the Medskan medical holding to 50%

Rusatom Healthcare (Health Technologies division, which accumulates the expertise of Rosatom State Corporation in the field of health) bought out an additional issue of shares in Medskan JSC, increasing its stake in the capital of the group of companies to 50%. This was reported to Zdrav.Expert on July 20, 2023 by representatives of Rosatom. According to the shareholder agreement, the funds will be invested in the development of the medical holding.

Rosatom increased its stake in Medskan medical holding to 50%
Photo (from left to right): Rusatom Healthcare CEO Igor Obrubov and Medskan founder Yevgeny Tugolukov

Rosatom became a shareholder of Medskan JSC in February 2022, then buying out 25.001% of the shares.

"It is important for us to combine the directions of Rosatom's activities in healthcare into a single ecosystem to control the quality and effectiveness of interaction with the patient at each stage. Medical centers and laboratories that are part of Medskan JSC will contribute to increasing the availability of high medical technologies of Rosatom to doctors and patients in all Russian regions, "said Igor Obrubov, General Director of Rusatom Healthcare JSC.

According to the founder of Medskan JSC Yevgeny Tugolukov, as of July 2023, the principles and approaches of the Rosatom production system are being actively introduced in Medskan clinics.

"The agreement reached is a high assessment by the strategic partner of the results of the management team of the Medskan group of companies, the professionalism of the specialists of our medical institutions, the quality of assets and development prospects," said the founder of Medskan JSC.

Evgeny Tugolukov is convinced that by joint efforts Medskan and Rosatom will be able to implement ambitious plans to create a network of health care institutions in all regions of the country that will provide high-level care to patients using the achievements of medical science and advanced medical technologies.

Sber received 49% of Medskan lab

The medical holding Medical scan"" sold 49% of Medskan Lab LLC to the company Sberbank investment"." According to "," SPARK-Interfax the deal closed on June 2, 2023. here More.

Medskan instead of Schwabe will build a nuclear medicine center in Penza and spend 700 million rubles

On April 12, 2023, the Governor of the Penza Region Oleg Melnichenko held a working meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Medskan Evgeny Tugolukov. During the dialogue, the parties discussed the possibility of building a Nuclear Medicine Center in Penza. Read more here.


Appointment of Sergei Ivanchenko as general director of the Medskan group

In mid-December 2022, Sergey Ivanchenko, who previously served as development director, was appointed general director of Medskan. Read more here.

Purchase of On Clinic International

Medskan bought the Russian business of the Israeli network of medical centers On Clinic International. This became known at the end of November 2022. At the same time, the companies did not disclose the financial terms of the agreement. Read more here.

Medskan Group acquired a network of KDL laboratories

At the end of October 2022, it was announced the sale of the KDL laboratory network to the Medskan medical holding. The value of the transaction was not disclosed. The general director of Infoline Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, estimated it at 15 billion rubles. A Vedomosti source close to one of the parties to the negotiations named the amount at 19-20 billion rubles. Read more here.

Appointment of Alexander Kanevsky as General Director

On May 5, 2022, it became known that the general director of the Medical On Group clinic network, Alexander Kanevsky, will take a similar position in the Medskan Group of Companies on May 16. He will replace Andrei Modestov, who headed the group from May 2021. Modestov will remain working in the holding. Read more here.

Acquisition of a 25% stake in Medskan Group of Companies by Rosatom

On February 16, 2022, it became known that the structure of Rosatom - JSC Rusatom Healthcare (RHK) - acquired 25.001% of Medskan Group of Companies. The owner of the medical holding Yevgeny Tugolukov told Forbes about the deal.

Rosatom bought 25% of the Medskan medical holding

After the sale of the share, Tugolukov left 74.99% of the company. He did not disclose the amount of the transaction, but clarified that it was market, and the company was evaluated by the largest auditors. According to him, the proceeds from the sale will be used to develop the business.

Tugolukov also added that the company plans to "go public, so it seeks transparency." During the year, the owner of Medskan negotiated the sale of the stake with "various corporations," and the deal with Rosatom is not accidental: the group "sees a lot of synergy with this corporation."

"We have parallel processes for buying existing clinics in the regions and building new ones. As a result of all this, we plan to grow several times, "said the majority shareholder of Medskan.

According to Vademecum, at the end of 2021, the total valuation of the holding, taking into account further development, was discussed at the level of 7 billion rubles, but in January 2022 it could be "somewhat reduced." The publication indicates that the amount of the transaction could be up to 1.75 billion rubles.[5]


Completion of the acquisition of honest medical centers "Chernozemye"

In September 2021, the buyout of honest medical centers "Chernozemye" in Voronezh was completed.

As of November 2021, the network includes 37 clinics and a branch of the Israeli University Hospital Hadassah Medical Moscow in Skolkovo.

Andrey Modestov - the new head of Medskan

On March 13, 2021, Andrei Modestov announced the resignation of the adviser to the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on health care. He headed the Medskan group of companies. Read more here.


The cost of the initial appointment of a therapist is 3500 rubles

For 2020, the cost of the initial appointment of a therapist is 3,500 rubles.

Acquisition of Medassist clinic network

In December 2020, Medskan bought 51% of the Medassist clinic network in the Kursk region.

2017: Partnership with Siemens Healthineers

In August 2017, Siemens Healthineers and the Медскан.рф Network of Medical Centers announced a strategic collaboration in the field of patient diagnostics using the German manufacturer's equipment and software.

The partnership involves the creation of Siemens Healthineers reference centers based on medical centers. In addition to expanding diagnostic capabilities, companies will demonstrate equipment capabilities to interested medical institutions. Partners also intend to provide mutual support in promoting their products and services.

Center for Медскан.рф

According to the head of the Медскан.рф, Levan Dzigua, the company, thanks to its cooperation with Siemens Healthineers, will be able to expand the range of services, create affordable solutions for secure diagnostics and offer partners access to software.

According to Svetlana Gerbel, CEO of Siemens   Healthineers in the Russia and Central Asia region, the company is ready to support the Медскан.рф network development program and plans to provide the partner with a package of specialized software on special conditions. Медскан.рф, in turn, will share the results of its work with Siemens Healthineers, she stressed.

It is noted that the project launched is an example of the consistent development of Siemens Healthineers cooperation with Russian medical institutions and demonstrates the company's strategy of active growth in the Russian market. 

Медскан.рф centers are equipped with modern imaging equipment and software for automated expert diagnostics. In addition, the concept of developing a network of medical centers provides for the introduction of fundamentally new types of telemedicine services, such as a second opinion (allows you to assess and, if necessary, clarify the diagnosis) and the provision of available software for expert diagnostics for lease to partner clinics.