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Medskan lab





+ Medskan lab
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosatom Federal Atomic power Agency



Return of 10% of Medskan by Sberbank

On August 11, 2023, it became known that Sberbank Investments LLC returned 10% of Medskan Lab to the founder of the company, Medskan JSC. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, after the transaction, Sberbank Investments has 39% of Medskan Lab, and Medskan JSC has 61%.

Sberbank Investments entered the capital of Medskan Lab LLC in June 2023, investing 2.49 billion rubles in the company.

Medskan Lab LLC was established in August 2022 as a holding company, ownership was transferred to it through another company - Diagnostics LLC - two KDL medical laboratories (KDL Test LLC and KDL LLC), the total revenue of which in 2022 amounted to 11.8 billion rubles.

Medskan JSC was established in July 2020 and, as of August 2023, controls about thirty medical specialization companies. At the end of 2022, the owners were Evgeny Tugolukov (74.99%) and Rusatom Healthcare (25.01%), which is part of the Rosatom group of companies. Rusatom Healthcare entered the capital of Medskan JSC in February 2022, having bought an additional issue of 2.49 billion rubles.[1]

Sber received 49% of Medskan lab

The medical holding Medical scan"" sold 49% of Medskan Lab LLC to the company Sberbank investment"." According to "," SPARK-Interfax the deal closed on June 2, 2023.

According to Vedomosti, Medskan Lab is managing laboratory centers based on the holding's multidisciplinary clinics in Moscow, Kursk and Perm. Medskan bought the KDL network from the UFG Private Equit fund, which consisted of 13 laboratories and over 350 medical offices in more than 40 cities of Russia. In 2023, 55 more Novascreen laboratories entered the KDL network, the latter's website said earlier. The structure of this deal is still not clear.

Sber received 49% of the company managing KDL laboratories

The holding includes 58 medical centers in 20 regions of Russia, which include hospitals with a surgical hospital, multidisciplinary and specialized clinics. Why Sberbank Investments bought a stake in Medskan Lab is not specified by early June 2023. According to one of the consultants with whom Vedomosti talked, bank structures are quite often included in the management company of their borrowers in order to control processes and influence decision-making in companies. However, in such cases, as a rule, acquired shares are limited to 5%.

As noted by RNC Pharma Development Director Nikolai Bespalov and DSM Group CEO Sergei Shulyak, Sberbank Investments could see Medskan Lab as an opportunity for a profitable portfolio investment. Shulyak suggested that Medskan laboratories could in the future enter the Sberbank ecosystem as part of the company's strategy to expand the range of services.

Analysts estimate the purchase amount of 49% of Medskan Lab LLC by Sberbank Investments at about 3 billion rubles and add that the real value of the transaction could be less, since Sberbank acts as its lender.[2]
