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2025/02/26 20:18:05

Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State (National Project)



Deputy Prime Minister Grigorenko presented the national project "Data Economics." More than 1 trillion rubles will be spent on it from the budget

Dmitry Grigorenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, told on February 26 details about the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." It is a continuation of the Digital Economy target program that ended last year.

Over the past five years, the IT industry has become one of the fastest growing in the Russian economy, - said Dmitry Grigorenko at the presentation of a new national project. - Its contribution to the country's GDP has grown almost 2 times, and the number of specialists has increased 1.5 times - today almost a million people work in this area. These figures show that the industry is actively developing. And the national project "Data Economics" is the next step in the digital development of Russia.

Dmitry Grigorenko presented the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

Some of the federal projects were inherited from the Digital Economy, and some are new. This will continue the federal project "Internet Access Infrastructure," which has combined two projects "Infrastructure" and "Internet Access." This time it will focus as much as possible on the development of a satellite constellation. Within its framework, it is planned to form a domestic low-orbit constellation of 292 satellites by 2030, which will provide full coverage of Internet access services throughout Russia and the world. Moreover, it is planned to achieve a speed of 1 Gbps per terminal. This will allow you to connect even the most remote regions of the country to the network and reach the international level of service provision.

The federal project "Digital Public Administration" will also continue, which provides for the end-to-end digitalization of public administration at all levels of government and the transition to a completely paperless document flow. The target for this project is the number of users who will use a mobile electronic signature in 2030. There should be 80 million of them. By this time, it is also assumed that 50 million signatures a year will be generated by the State Key application. This will simplify document management processes and increase the efficiency of government agencies.

Another successor to the Digital Economy is the federal project Artificial Intelligence, which provides for the introduction of AI technologies into the economy, social sphere and public administration. Basically, we are talking about the use of artificial intelligence to provide public services. One of the key tasks will be the provision of personalized public services using artificial intelligence technologies on the principle of "life situations," which will be provided in a proactive mode. It is assumed that by 2030 the 89 of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will introduce AI solutions in various sectors of the economy.

The federal project "Information Security" will continue, which provides for the creation of a security infrastructure for the Russian Internet. By 2030, the national project provides for an assessment of the security of all key state information systems. At the same time, it is planned to reduce the time before blocking fraudulent resources to 4 hours, and the speed of traffic processing by the automatic security system should be increased to 831 Tbit/s.

Naturally, the federal project "Personnel for Digital Transformation" (formerly called "IT Personnel") will also be prolonged. Within its framework, it is planned to train qualified IT specialists for digital transformation. The government expects that by 2030, with the participation of business, at least 250 thousand students will be trained, and 400 thousand schoolchildren and college students will master programming, working with AI or robotics. By this time, the total number of IT industry employees should increase to 1.4 million specialists.

Relatively new is the federal project "Domestic Solutions," which replaced the "Development Support." Within its framework, it is planned by 2030 to ensure the production of domestic equipment of cellular networks, which will strengthen the technological independence of the country. The government expects that all base stations of 4G and 5G standards will be fully Russian-made, and fully domestic analogues will be developed for 239 IT solutions. From the same root, another federal project seems to have grown - "Promising Developments," which will now concentrate on quantum computing and communications. Within its framework, it is planned to increase the power of a domestic quantum computer from 50 to 300 qubits.

Also relatively new is the federal project "Digital platforms in the sectors of the social sphere," the roots of which can be found in the section "Infrastructure," implemented within the framework of the "Digital Economy." If earlier it was concentrated on the creation of public services, now it has been reoriented to the development of the "" platform and State that the introduction of a platform model for interaction between citizens, business and the state. Within its framework, by 2030 it is planned to create industry platforms such as "My School," "Science Universities," "," "Safe Environment" and "Smart City." All schools and colleges will be equipped with IT infrastructure and, and Wi-Fi 634 thousand teachers will receive domestic tablets.

It seems that only the federal project "State Statistics" is completely new, for the implementation of which it is planned to create a digital analytical platform (GIS DAC). It should enable real-time collection, processing, and analysis of large amounts of data. In addition, within the framework of the same project, business access to impersonal user data will be provided on the basis of the platform created by the Government. This will form a data market for training artificial intelligence, as well as fully automate the provision of official statistics.

The above initiatives are aimed at ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country, digitalizing the sectors of the economy and social sphere, improving the quality of life of citizens and the effectiveness of management based on big data. In total, it is planned to allocate more than 1 trillion rubles from the budget for these federal projects within 5 years. It is planned to attract business to co-finance projects.

Dmitry Grigorenko also highlighted projects that will be paid close attention in the medium term - in 2025-2026. To such he attributed:

  • Anti-fraud bill and the creation of the Anti-Fraud system;
  • Bill "On Platform Economy";
  • Modernization of the Gostech system (Gostech 2.0);
  • Creating a regulatory framework for placing communication infrastructure along highways;
  • Start 5G;
  • Business access to impersonal data.

13.89 billion rubles were allocated for the direction "Domestic Solutions" of the national project "Data Economics"

In 2025, 13.89 billion rubles are allocated for the implementation of the federal project "Domestic Solutions," which is part of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." The planned costs are spelled out in the law of November 30, 2024 "On the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026 and 2027."

The document says that 6.97 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the Domestic Solutions program in 2026, and 7.26 billion rubles in 2027. Thus, total expenses in the period 2025-2027. will amount to approximately 28.12 billion rubles.

13.89 billion rubles were allocated for the direction "Domestic Solutions" of the national project "Data Economics"

The Domestic Solutions initiative is designed to help telecom operators switch to Russian base stations. In addition, it is expected that the fedproject will help in import substitution of software. It is planned to provide state support to Irteya LLC in order to reimburse the costs associated with the creation of equipment for mobile communication base stations 4G/5G with an open operator-class OpenRAN architecture. In addition, a subsidy will be provided to KNS Group to compensate for the costs of creating a subsystem of GSM/LTE/NR (5G) base stations for public communication networks, including using the Russian electronic component base. Among other areas of the fedproject are named:

  • Acceleration of projects to develop Russian IT solutions;
  • Implementation of small enterprise projects for development, application and commercialization of Russian digital solutions;
  • Carrying out expertise, subsequent monitoring and support of the implementation of strategies for digital transformation of organizations with state participation;
  • Ensuring the refinement and implementation of Russian solutions in the IT area;
  • Development and operation of the federal state information system "Registers of programs for electronic computers and databases."[1]

The budget of the Russian Federation laid 12.2 billion rubles for cybersecurity infrastructure

In 2025, the costs of implementing the federal project "Infrastructure" cyber security are determined in the amount of 12.21 billion. rubles This is stated in the law of November 30, 2024 "On the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026 and 2027." More. here


Inclusion of a state cloud for software secure development in the national project "Data Economics"

FSTEC of Russia has included in the national project "Data Economics" the creation of a cloud platform for the development of secure software. The launch of the project, which will be implemented by 2030, became known on November 21, 2024. Read more here

The source of additional funding for the national project will be an increase in fines and deductions from advertising platforms

On November 13, 2024, the State Duma of Russia identified possible sources of additional funding for the implementation of the activities of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" and the state program "Information Society." It is proposed to find money, including by increasing fines for violation of traffic rules (SDA).

The published document states that by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, additional federal budget funds can be directed to these projects when amending budget legislation in cases:

Additional money for the national project "Data Economics" will be found due to an increase in fines and deductions from advertising platforms

  • Increase the amount of the fine and reduce the amount of the discount on the payment of the fine for traffic violations, as well as the rules for operating the vehicle;
  • Increase the amount of the fine for administrative offenses in the field of communications and information technology paid in accordance with Article 13.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • Increase the rate of mandatory deduction (non-tax payment) of public communication network operators to the reserve of universal service;
  • Introduction of mandatory deductions from advertising activities and promotion of goods on the Internet;
  • Introduction of fees for connection of legal entities to the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction;
  • Increase in the volume of fines provided for in Part 5 of Article 13.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for violations in the field of blocking information prohibited in the Russian Federation).

The document also notes that the funds can be directed to the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" within the limits of the receipt of the corresponding additional revenues of the federal budget.[2]

Training in artificial intelligence

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has begun to form new educational programs for the development of solutions in the field of artificial intelligence. This was announced on October 24, 2024 in Tyumen by the head of the department Maksut Shadayev. Read more here.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin allocated ₽7 billion for the development of the state statistics system

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the allocation of ₽7,2 billion for the development of the state statistics system within the framework of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." The decision to include state statistics in the national project was made in October 2024. The financing is designed for the next three years and is aimed at implementing a federal project to modernize the country's statistical system. Read more here.

Financing of the national project "Data Economics" will increase due to a new fee for Internet advertising and deductions from mobile operators

Financing of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" is planned to be increased due to a new fee for the distribution of online advertising and an increase in the rates of existing deductions for mobile operators. This is stated in an explanatory note to the bill on the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026-2027, which was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 30, 2024.

The document says that additional funds from the federal budget can be directed in the event of decisions to increase the rate of mandatory deduction (non-tax payment) of public communication network operators to the reserve of universal service and on the introduction of a fee for the distribution of advertising and promotion services provided on the Internet.

Financing of the national project "Data Economics" will increase due to online advertising and operators

Market participants believe that the proposed measures will lead to a forced increase in prices for online advertising. In particular, representatives of Yandex told the Kommersant newspaper that Internet players will obviously be at a disadvantage, and advertisers, if the fee is introduced, will be forced to look for ways to compensate for additional costs. And this can provoke an increase in prices directly for goods and services. In addition, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses may face additional difficulties.

Alexander Shokurov, General Director of the Kokoc Group advertising group, notes that the rules prescribed in the document will hit the entire advertising industry. According to him, the costs of market participants are growing without the introduction of new measures: the margin from the largest advertising platforms is falling against the background of declining purchasing power. In addition, Shokurov emphasizes, it is not clear from the published project how exactly the proposed mechanism should work.[3]

Allocation of 458 billion rubles for the implementation of the national project in 2025-2027.

For the implementation of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," which replaces the "Digital Economy," it is planned to allocate almost 458 billion rubles within three years. This is stated in an explanatory note to the bill on the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026-2027, which was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 30, 2024.

In particular, it is planned to allocate 129.071 billion rubles for the implementation of measures of the national project in 2025. In 2026, costs will amount to 161.772 billion rubles, in 2027 - 166.955 billion rubles. Within the framework of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," eight federal programs are provided: "Network Access Infrastructure," "Digital Internet Platforms in the Social Sectors," Artificial intelligence"," "Digital Public Administration," "Domestic Solutions," "Applied Research and Promising Developments," "Infrastructure" and cyber security"Personnel for Digital Transformation."

458 billion rubles will be allocated for the national project "Data Economics" over three years

It is reported that in 2025 23.305 billion rubles will be allocated for the Internet Access Infrastructure program, on "Digital platforms in the sectors of the social sphere" - 8.029 billion rubles, for Artificial Intelligence - 6.389 billion rubles, for Digital Public Administration - 57.19 billion rubles, for "Domestic Solutions" - 13.292 billion rubles, for "Applied Research and Promising Developments" - 4.105 billion rubles, for Cybersecurity Infrastructure - 11.827 billion rubles, for Personnel for Digital Transformation - 1.657 billion rubles.

In 2026/2027, funding is planned to be as follows: "Internet access infrastructure" - 27.841/21.552 billion rubles, "Digital platforms in the social sectors" - 19,389/27,24 billion rubles, Artificial Intelligence - 9.347/10.146 billion rubles, Digital Public Administration - 70.256/74.422 billion rubles, "Domestic solutions" - 6.386/6.222 billion rubles, "Applied research and promising developments" - 5,8/4.978 billion rubles, "Cybersecurity Infrastructure" - 12.68/12,934 billion rubles, "Personnel for digital transformation" - 5.206/5.763 billion rubles.[4] for the national project "[5]

41.3 billion rubles were pledged for the Fedproekt "Personnel for Digital Transformation"

In September 2024, it became known about the financing of the federal project "Personnel for Digital Transformation," which will be part of the national project "Data Economics." The total budget of the program will be ₽41,3 billion from the state budget and ₽630 million from extrabudgetary sources. The main goal of the project is to develop human resources in the IT industry, including the training of new specialists and the retraining of existing employees. Read more here

Legalization of "white hackers" will be included in the national project "Data Economics"

In mid-September 2024, it became known that in Russia the activities of independent researchers in the field of information security - the so-called "white hackers" - will be enshrined at the legislative level. The relevant provisions will be included in the national project "Data Economics." Read more here

Import substitution of software by 80% and cost reduction by 45%. The government named the goals of the national project "Data Economics"

On September 4, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government Dmitry Grigorenko named the main directions for the implementation of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," which replaces the Digital Economy program. The key goals are to grow the Russian economy and increase the well-being of citizens.

The goals of the national project "Data Economics" - 80% import substitution of software and a 45% reduction in costs

As the main tasks to which the new national project is aimed, the Deputy Prime Minister outlined:

· Cybersecurity;

· Provision of uninterrupted Internet access;

· Training of qualified personnel for the IT industry;

· Digital Public Administration;

· Development of domestic digital platforms, software and advanced developments;

· Artificial intelligence.

It is assumed that the implementation of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" by 2030 will provide an increase in industry revenues to 6% and a reduction in costs to 45%. At the same time, at least 80% of Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy will switch to domestic software. Up to 97% of households will get high-speed internet access, and the time to receive public services will be reduced by 25%. All these indicators, according to Dmitry Grigorenko, the state will have to achieve together with business.

The Deputy Prime Minister also announced the expanding scale of digitalization in Russia. As of September 2024, about 1.5 thousand public services are available to citizens in electronic form - this is almost five times higher than in 2014. The number of users of the State Public services portal has reached 110 million people. Comprehensive digital services based on the principle of life situations and the ability to receive services online with a robot assistant have appeared on this platform.[6]

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko presented the structure of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

On September 4, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government Dmitry Grigorenko presented the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." It replaces the Digital Economy program.

Within the framework of the new national project, three key areas have been identified: Infrastructure, Tools and Future. They include a total of eight federal initiatives: "Network Access Infrastructure," "Digital Internet Platforms in the Social Sectors," "," "Artificial intelligence Digital Public Administration Infrastructure," "Domestic Solutions," "Applied Research and Promising Developments," "Infrastructure" and "Personnel cyber security for the Data Economy." In general, the structure of the program is as follows:

"Internet Access Infrastructure"

  • Satellite Internet;
  • 4G and 5G cellular networks;
  • Wi-Fi in schools and health facilities.

"Cybersecurity Infrastructure"

  • Protection against fraudsters;
  • Ensuring the security of state information systems (GIS);
  • Secure Internet.

"Personnel for Data Economics"

"Digital Platforms in Social Sectors"

  • Provision of public services in a proactive mode;
  • Typical GIS in the regions;
  • Services through a robot assistant.

"Digital Infrastructure of Public Administration"

"Domestic solutions"

  • Russian software and hardware;
  • Investments in industrial IT solutions.

"Artificial Intelligence"

  • AI in all sectors of the country's economy;
  • Reduce customer costs for Russian AI solutions.

"Applied Research and Advanced Development"

  • Ultra-accurate diagnosis of diseases;
  • Application of quantum technologies.[7]

Budget growth from 1.5 trillion to 2.3 trillion rubles

In early September 2024, it became known that the budget of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" was increased by one and a half times - from 1.5 trillion to 2.3 trillion rubles. The program will be implemented from 2025 to 2030.

According to Forbes, it is planned to allocate 996.5 billion rubles from the federal budget in the total funding of the named national project. Another 1.3 trillion rubles is expected to be obtained from extrabudgetary sources. The program provides for the implementation of eight federal projects. The most expensive of them is the "Infrastructure for access to the information and telecommunication network of the Internet" ": the total costs in this area are estimated at 1.3 trillion rubles, including 1.2 trillion rubles from extrabudgetary sources. The initiative aims to form a low-orbit satellite constellation to provide high-speed Internet access throughout Russia. In addition, 5G/IMT-2020 networks will be deployed in million-plus cities and Russian 5G-Ready base stations will be installed. In apartment buildings of cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people, it will be possible to connect to the Network at a speed of 1 Gbps.

The budget of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" has grown from 1.5 trillion to 2.3 trillion rubles

Another federal project is "Digital platforms in the sectors of the social sphere": it is aimed at introducing interaction services with citizens "to exclude administrative barriers and increase satisfaction with the quality of service provision in electronic form." Expenses will amount to 122 billion rubles. In addition, 197 billion rubles will go to the Artificial Intelligence project, 327 billion rubles - to the Digital Public Administration.

Other initiatives include Domestic Solutions (transition of telecom operators to Russian base stations, stimulation of demand for Russian IT solutions) with a budget of 125.8 billion rubles, as well as Applied Research and Promising Developments (development of quantum processors and communication networks) with planned costs of 84.9 billion rubles. Infrastructure cyber security will require 68.7 billion rubles, Personnel for Digital Transformation - 41.9 billion rubles.[8]

80,000 schoolchildren will be able to learn programming languages ​ ​ every year. The federal project "Training personnel for the data economy" is being launched in the Russian Federation

Within the framework of the federal project "Training personnel for the data economy," up to 80,000 schoolchildren in Russia will be taught programming languages ​ ​ annually, which will increase the number of such students to 400,000 by 2030. This became known on August 29, 2024. This project is part of the national program "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" and is aimed at providing the economy with qualified IT specialists.

According to Forbes, the school education program will be conducted both online and offline formats, providing wide access to knowledge in the field of programming. According to the project, 42% of classes will be held online, and 58% - in the traditional format. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia (Ministry of Digital Development) confirmed that programming training will continue within the framework of the Code of the Future initiative, but specific details of the program are still being specified, and the final document will be submitted to the Russian government in the fall of 2024.

federal project "Training personnel for the data economy" is being launched in the Russian Federation, which will annually provide training in programming languages ​ ​ for 80,000 schoolchildren

As part of the Future Code project, students in grades 8-11 will have the opportunity to learn various programming languages ​ ​ such as Python, Java, C++ and others. Experts disagreed on which programming languages ​ ​ should be prioritized. Nikolai Sokornov, director of the software development department at Reksoft, believes that the focus should be on studying Python, while Sergey Lunegov, director of product at Axiom JDK, sees the prospect in Java. In addition to these languages, students can benefit from others such as JavaScript, PHP, Kotlin, TypeScript, C# and Go, which meets the current needs of the IT market[9]

The Ministry of Digital Development is preparing a regulatory framework for the national project "Data Economics"

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia plans to form a regulatory support plan for the new national project "Data Economics" for the period from 2024 to 2026 by the fall of 2024. This was announced on July 18, 2024 by the press service of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko and the department.

According to Kommersant, by mid-July 2024, about 300 legislative initiatives, including business proposals, are at various stages of development. These initiatives are aimed at developing the Internet of Things, digital platforms in public administration, artificial intelligence, import substitution in the IT sphere and increasing cybersecurity.

The Ministry of Digital Development is developing a regulatory framework for the national project "Data Economics"

The national project "Data Economics" is intended to be a continuation of the Digital Economy national project, which is being completed in 2024. Its main task is to form digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere by 2030. In February 2024, President Vladimir Putin announced that at least ₽700 billion would be allocated for the implementation of the national project.

According to the Ministry of Digital Development, the amount of funding for the project according to the conservative and basic scenario increased to ₽1,3 trillion and ₽2,7 trillion, respectively. These data were published on July 5, 2024.

The Ministry of Economic Development, ANO "Digital Economy," the association of software developers "Domestic Software" and "Russoft" take part in the development of a plan for regulatory support for the implementation of the national project.

Among the proposed regulations are a government decree on a digital platform for monitoring intelligent transport systems, amendments to the law "On Environmental Protection" to create a unified platform for collecting data from Internet of Things devices in environmental protection, as well as a decree approving additional requirements for software and databases for their inclusion in the register of domestic software.

Business representatives also make their proposals. Thus, MTS was one of the initiators of the study of the concept of the development of the Internet of things. The operator proposes to ensure the possibility of using the frequency spectrum of 694-790 MHz in the Russian Federation for the development of IoT technologies and 4G and 5G communication standards.[10]

Within the framework of the national project "Data Economics" will create dozens of AI solutions for public administration

Within the framework of the national project "Data Economics," it is planned to create a digital platform for artificial intelligence, as well as at least 30 separate AI solutions. This became known in July 2024.

According to Kommersant, several companies will implement the project, since the state platform Gostech is not ready to implement AI solutions. The AI digital platform could be established by 2026. By 2030, it is planned to create at least 30 AI solutions for public administration and the social sphere. The Ministry of Digital Development said that the action plan within the framework of the national project is under formation. In addition, the parameters of the "Artificial Intelligence" fedproject have also not been finally worked out.

All priority initiatives necessary for the digital transformation of public administration and key sectors of the economy will be implemented within the framework of the new national project in full, the Ministry of Digital Development added.

the framework of the national project "Data Economics" it is planned to create a digital platform of artificial intelligence

As possible developers of the digital platform is called Sber"." Sberbank said that they carry out technical support ON as part of the basic services of Gostekha, as well as perform a number of other functions: services for monitoring security, detection, cyber attacks commissioning, commissioning of funds. Since information protection 2022, Sberbank has been the only service provider for "."Gostekha

The Russian government considered the inclusion of an AI platform for public administration in the Digital Economy national project. The platform will be developed by several companies at the same time, as the implementation of Gostekh by one company "showed inefficiency," sources say. Kommersant

Kirill Semion, General Director of the National Competence Center for Holding Information Management Systems, estimates the creation of a digital AI platform at 3-4 billion rubles.[11]

The Ministry of Digital Development has planned up to 2.7 trillion rubles of expenses for the "Data Economy"

In early July 2024 Ministry of Digital Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION , the amount of funding for the national project "Data Economics" in 2025-2030 was disclosed. Two scenarios are provided - conservative and basic. In the first case, the costs will amount to 1.3 trillion, rubles in the second - 2.7 trillion rubles.

According to Interfax, according to the conservative scenario, 816 billion rubles can be allocated from the federal budget, and 462.6 billion rubles from extrabudgetary sources. The basic option involves financing from the federal budget in the amount of 1.6 trillion rubles, from regional budgets - 10.8 billion rubles, extrabudgetary sources - 1.1 trillion rubles.

The Ministry of Digital Development has planned 2.7 trillion rubles of expenses for the "Data Economy"

The national project indicates a number of targets. In particular, by 2030, the share of households with high-quality high-speed Internet access should reach 97% against 87% in 2023. In 2036, the figure is expected to rise to 99%. By 2030, at least 80% of Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy should switch to the use of basic and applied Russian software in systems that provide basic production and management processes. In addition, by 2030, the share of mass socially significant state and municipal services provided in electronic form is planned to be increased to 99%. For comparison, as of 2023, the figure was 38%. In general, the national program provides for several federal projects.

"Building Digital Infrastructure and Platforms"

This initiative involves financing from the budget of the Russian Federation according to a conservative scenario in the amount of 185.7 billion rubles, according to the base - 647 billion rubles. The key areas of the project are: the development of the state system of electronic document management, messaging and communications support (up to 12.6 billion rubles); development of the Goscloud infrastructure for the secure placement of departmental and regional InformSystems in it (84.1 billion rubles); creation of a unified digital platform for ensuring the selection, assessment and certification, development of professional competencies of civil servants (8 billion rubles). About 279.1 billion rubles are planned to be allocated for the creation and development of IT infrastructure and systems for ensuring the activities of federal departments, law enforcement agencies and special services. Another 20 billion rubles will go to the provision of digital services in the field of education, science, culture, sports and tourism. Providing schools with access to electronic educational content and services will cost 12 billion rubles. At the same time, 85 billion rubles will be needed to create Wi-Fi networks in schools and deploy a single secure data network. It is planned to provide teachers and doctors with tablets, the purchase of which will take 51 billion rubles.

"Developing AI and Big Data Infrastructure"

In Russia, it is planned to actively introduce systems based on artificial intelligence. 103.8 billion rubles are allocated for this direction, regardless of the development scenario. It is planned, in particular, to provide grants for compensation for up to half of the costs of organizations for the implementation of promising solutions in the field of AI: expenses will amount to 35.2 billion rubles from the budget of the Russian Federation.

"Digital transformation of public services"

219.5 billion rubles are allocated for these purposes - according to conservative and basic scenarios. 110 billion rubles are planned to be spent on the creation of new and development of existing state InformSystems of federal departments, necessary for the provision of public services in electronic form with the provision of the necessary infrastructure for their functioning. Another 92.5 billion rubles will go to "Creation and development of the infrastructure for the provision of public services in digital form and user support."

"Support for Research and Advanced Development"

The project involves financing in the amount of 53 billion rubles according to a conservative scenario or 63 billion rubles - according to the basic one. It is proposed to allocate funds from the budget for the provision of grants for the development of standard base stations/(4G5G 8.2 billion rubles), for scientific research in the field of communications (6 billion rubles), scientific research and development in the field (quantum computing 27.6 billion rubles), as well as scientific research and development in the field of quantum enciphering and communications (11.2 billion rubles).

"Ensuring sustainable functioning of infrastructure and combating cyber fraud"

We are talking about the development of the security infrastructure of the Russian segment of the Internet (38 billion rubles), support for new developments in the field of cybersecurity (14.6 billion rubles), as well as the development of the SOPKA industry center (8.2 billion rubles) and the Multiskaner platform (6.2 billion rubles). It is proposed to allocate 8 billion rubles for the creation and development of information systems "Antifrod" and "Antispam." The total project costs will amount to 77.3 billion rubles.[12]

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to form digital platforms in all sectors of the economy within the framework of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

In June 2024, the President Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to form digital platforms in all sectors of the economy as part of the IT import substitution course followed by the country.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

The fifth structural change is a true digital platform revolution. In modern conditions, labor productivity is directly related to digitalization, using artificial intelligence technologies. By 2030, we have to form digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere. These tasks will be solved within the framework of the new national project "Data Economics," the head of state said in June 2024.

According to him, within six years, at least 80% of Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy should switch to domestic software in production and management processes. Putin instructed the government to work out additional measures to support domestic software developers, including determining the level of public procurement from small technology companies and startups.[13]

The order to form digital platforms in key sectors of the economy and social sphere was previously given by the President of the Russian Federation as part of a message to the Federal Assembly:

The Government of the Russian Federation to develop a national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," providing for: the inclusion in this national project of measures that ensure, among other things,... the formation by 2030 of digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere, as well as in the field of public administration, - said in the list of instructions published on the Kremlin website.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin named the main tasks of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

On June 25, 2024, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin listed the key tasks of the new national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." It is assumed that the implementation of this program will increase the rate of increase in investment in domestic IT technologies to at least twice as much as GDP growth.

One of the tasks of the project is the active introduction of digital platforms in the social sphere and public administration. It is planned to implement measures to support companies and startups that produce equipment and software. Another task is to increase the availability of high-quality modern telecommunications services and high-speed Internet for citizens. The widespread development of communication infrastructure, including on the basis of satellite networks, will continue.

Mikhail Mishustin and Vladimir Putin

It is planned to further improve the system for providing socially significant state and municipal services: they will be provided electronically in a proactive mode. Moreover, the corresponding services will become more convenient and understandable for users, which will provide additional time savings.

It is necessary to focus on the opinion of citizens, establish feedback and conduct all work on the basis of their assessment, necessarily preserving the opportunity for people to personally contact departments to resolve their issues - for some this option is preferable, says Mishustin.

When preparing the program activities, the needs of the regions will be taken into account. Among them - increasing the availability of high-speed mobile Internet on federal highways and along railways; teaching high school students and college students modern programming languages; development of educational electronic content and services; development of standard solutions for the needs of regional authorities and local self-government. The national project will also include measures to protect personal data and counter cybercrimes.[14]

The Ministry of Digital Development named the main differences between the national project "Data Economics" and "Digital Economy" and key projects with indicators

The national program "Digital Economy" is replaced by the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." Its goals and indicators are somewhat different from those contained in the "Digital Economy." On May 18, 2024, as part of the Russia exhibition-forum at VDNKh at an event organized by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, Maksut Shadayev, as well as his deputies, spoke about the priorities and key directions of the Data Economics national project.

New challenges

Digital transformation has been preserved as one of the most important national goals, but the tasks of achieving it have been significantly clarified and expanded. If the Digital Economy indicated 4 main tasks that need to be solved by 2030, then the Data Economy already has 11 tasks. Accordingly, the framework of priorities was greatly expanded, the minister noted.

Among the new tasks are those related to information security, the sustainability of infrastructure, and the Internet. A task related to reducing crimes committed using digital technologies was also added. One of the new tasks is related to the formation of the big data market, while it is separately stipulated that it should be formed while ensuring the protection of data.

In addition, the task of creating an HR platform for the entire system of state and municipal service was added. It will make it possible to more efficiently select candidates for work in authorities, evaluate work, develop employees, etc.

The task that was solved within the framework of the "Digital Economy" - the translation of socially significant services into electronic form - was also clarified. If in the previous version it was indicated that 95% of mass services should be transferred to electronic form in 2030, now the indicator is set at 99%. Collectively, for 100 services, by 2030, the principles of proactive provision and provision of results should be introduced at the time of appeal of the applicant citizen. And all this is required to be done on the basis of large platform solutions, added Maksut Shadayev. This is the actual transition to full "online," which has been talked about a lot.

The new task is that the share of citizens who are satisfied with the work of state and municipal employees, as well as employees of the social sphere: health, education, culture, etc. should increase by half. "We must halve the number of happy citizens who highly appreciate the quality of work of both authorities and institutions," the minister said.

The task of forming and ensuring the digital maturity of key sectors of the economy was supplemented by the fact that this digital maturity should be ensured on the basis of the massive introduction of digital platforms and the transition to the use of big data, AI, machine learning.

And finally, there is a traditional task related to ensuring the availability of fast Internet. It was also clarified: it is necessary to increase not only territorial accessibility, but also the average speed of the Internet. This is planned to be achieved, including through the active development of satellite Internet access technologies.

There are more priorities, more tasks, many indicators have become much more ambitious. Therefore, we have a lot of work to do, - concluded Maksut Shadayev.

Data Transmission Infrastructure

As part of the direction for the development of the data transmission and processing infrastructure, the continuity of the main directions of the development of telecom infrastructure has been preserved, said Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Dmitry Ugnivenko. By 2030, it is planned to create and put into orbit a low-orbit grouping of high-speed Internet, which will provide high-speed, cheap and fast Internet with low delay throughout Russia and beyond. Including - in remote settlements, as well as on mobile facilities. A total of 288 permanent spacecraft are planned in orbit, and 386 are planned to be launched by 2030. Some will replace others at the end of their useful life.

Work will be carried out to modernize the existing geostationary grouping. 8 satellites are ending their active life and will be replaced by new devices, which will ensure the continuous provision of broadcasting and satellite Internet services.

Work will also continue on the construction of fiber-optic lines in remote areas of Russia. According to Dmitry Ugnivenko, almost 11 thousand km of fiber optic lines will be built in 9 constituent entities of the Russian Federation by approximately 2030, and over 130 thousand people will have access to modern telecom services. At the same time, the subjects are very different - there are areas where operators, on their own initiative, if they reach, then very soon, and support is important here. states

One of the areas of work is the growth of the average speed of Internet access in large cities. 70% of apartment buildings should be able to use the Internet at a speed of 1 GB/s and higher.

The Russian Post is also allocated in a separate direction. The modernization and repair of its departments will continue, especially in remote and rural settlements.

We will also work to help the Post compensate for the loss that they have when providing a layer of socially significant services, says Dmitry Ugnivenko.

And in the "Safe City" region, a single video surveillance platform will be created, which will allow collecting video streams from regional platforms across all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A single flexible contact center is also conceived here, which in the event of an emergency will allow you to transfer the voice load from one subject to another.

Domestic telecom equipment

"Data Economics" includes a project to create domestic telecom equipment. His goals until 2030 were cited by the deputy head of the Ministry of Digital Science Andrei Zarenin:

  • Develop and start production of GSM/LTE/5G standard base station equipment
  • improve the software for the core of the mobile network of LTE/5G standards for public networks;
  • launch testing of equipment on networks of telecom operators in real conditions;
  • create a reserve to ensure the technological sovereignty of Russia in critical high-tech industries - wired and wireless.

The deputy minister noted that the situation in the field of wired communication networks with equipment is quite good, which cannot be said about the wireless segment - here all networks are still built on vendor foreign equipment. But there is progress here: domestic base stations are already being tested by telecom operators, and from 2025 it is planned to start their serial production.

Andrei Zarenin cited data that over 6 thousand engineers are working on the project, some of whom previously worked for foreign vendors in the Russian Federation, such as IBM, Cisco, Nokia, Ericsson, Intel.

Public services

Plans for the development of existing projects in the field of public services until 2030 were announced by Oleg Kachanov:

  • Consent platform - 40% of consent to the processing of personal data in electronic form is given on Public services;
  • Gosdoki - 14 services operate on the basis of the Gosdoki technology, 80 million presentations of information in the Public services application;
  • State key - 30% of State Public services users use an electronic signature in the State Key application;
  • Public services - 100 services on the portal are provided proactively or completely online, 200 services are available online;
  • Feedback platform - 60% of requests in electronic form are sent through the POS;
  • Gosweb - 130 thousand official websites of bodies and organizations in 88 regions were created on the platform;
  • Public services House - 250 million payment documents are delivered in the application, 500 million readings of counters are transmitted;
  • Auto public services - 70% of accidents are issued electronically;
  • Pushkin card - 46 million downloads of the application, 34.4 million purchases using the Pushkin Card;
  • Fan card - 4.35 million downloads of the application, 5.8 million cards issued.

It is planned to create new digital platforms:

  • for students;
  • for tourists;
  • in the field of sports;
  • for freight transportation;
  • to support the business.

Among the interesting initiatives is the creation of a unified social map (ESC). The main idea of ​ ​ its application is that immediately at the time of payment, transaction, the right to a particular benefit or support measure is confirmed. For example, free or discounted travel.

Another initiative is a mobile application for migrants. It is planned to create it so that when entering the Russian Federation, any foreign citizen, as a priority, passes simplified biometrics and confirms it after crossing the border. The mobile application will allow the migrant to receive in electronic form the key services and services that he is entitled to. It is planned that by 2030 12 services and services will be available with the mandatory use of a mobile application for migrants, and the total number of its uses will reach 40 million times a year.


An important place in "Data Economics" is occupied by AI technologies. The Ministry of Economic Development expects that the implementation of all the measures laid down in the strategy will allow Russia to enter the top five countries of the world in terms of basic AI metrics by 2030. The main thing now is not only to maintain positions, but also to improve them, taking into account the growing competition at the level of business and states, said Maxim Kolesnikov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development.

Key indicators for the development of AI in Russia until 2030:

  • 11.2 trillion rubles - GDP growth due to the introduction of AI technologies
  • 850 billion rubles - the annual amount of expenses of organizations for the introduction and use of AI technologies;
  • at least 95% of priority sectors of the economy with a high value of the index of readiness for the introduction of AI technologies;
  • up to 60 billion rubles - the annual volume of services provided for the development and implementation of AI solutions;
  • more than 1 exaflops - the total power of supercomputers in Russia;
  • more than 15.5 thousand graduates of higher education programs in the field of AI per year;
  • at least 80% of employees with AI skills;
  • at least 80% is the level of citizens' confidence in AI technologies.


Sergey Kuchushev, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development, spoke about educational projects:

  • The code of the future is a project that allows schoolchildren in grades 8-11 to join programming. Take courses, with 3 different levels (primary, secondary, professional), and gain knowledge. The development of this project will continue. Three new modules will be launched: robotics, electronics, artificial intelligence.
  • Digital educational content - access to verified digital educational content from leading domestic developers for use in the educational process. Thanks to this project, in 2 years the number of people who pass the Unified State Exam in computer science has already increased by 48%.
  • Student education with participation of IT companies. The task is to ensure a seamless transition of IT students to work in IT companies. It is planned that by 2030 there will be 139.5 thousand students studying with the participation of IT companies.
  • Training of highly qualified IT personnel. Strengthening IT education in universities, training middle-level IT specialists and senior for IT companies. The Ministry of Digital Development expects that by 2030 25 thousand students will be accepted for training programs for top IT specialists. 210 thousand - to be trained as IT developers.

Support measures

  • ON Development and PAC support. The goals of this project are a preferential tax rate for IT companies, an increased tax ratio for R&D expenses and preferential lending.
  • It is planned that by 2030 additional investments of IT companies in the development of Russian software and PAC will amount to 174 billion rubles, 150 projects will be supported by preferential loans.
  • Support for the implementation of Russian software and PAC. The goals of the project are to stimulate customers to use Russian software and PAC. Support measures: an increased coefficient in calculating income tax, the provision of grants and preferential loans for the revision and implementation of Russian IT solutions and import substitution.
  • By 2030, it is expected that the growth rate of purchases of domestic software and services for its implementation in companies will amount to 210%, more than 50 particularly significant projects will be supported by grants, 215 projects will receive preferential loans for implementation.

Support for IT startups. Project objectives:

  • IT startup acceleration programs to increase their investment attractiveness and business competencies.
  • Grants to IT startups to develop competitive digital products.
  • Allocation of quotas by state-owned companies for the purchase and implementation of startup solutions included in the software register
  • Regulatory measures aimed at simplifying the attraction of private investment in startups
  • By 2030, more than 500 venture capital transactions involving private capital, 600 IT startups are expected, acceleration programs will be held, 990 projects will be supported by grants for the development and development of digital solutions.
  • Maintain and develop IT workforce. The goal of the project is to improve the living conditions of IT specialists with specialized education. By 2030, we expect that more than 185 thousand people will receive a preferential IT mortgage.


Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Science Alexander Shoitov cited further areas of work in the field of cybersecurity:

  • The creation of a unified platform for coordinating activities to combat IT crimes, which will be integrated with the Antifrod and Antifishing systems, as well as with banking platforms.
  • The introduction of negotiable fines for those who do not protect personal data well enough.
  • Multiscaner. Public file verification service for citizens and organizations. A system that contains several antivirus engines from our leading companies. This is the most modern system for coordinating and countering virus attacks.
  • Assessment of the real level of security of key GIS. Attracting commercial companies to pentester government information systems and the bug bounty program. For 2030, an indicator of 70 state information systems is planned annually, in respect of which pentests and bug bounty were held.

The costs of the national project are estimated at 1.6 trillion rubles

On April 23, 2024, it became known that the Russian government had determined the costs of the implementation of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," designed for the period until 2030. Total costs are estimated at 1.6 trillion rubles, of which up to 1 trillion rubles can amount to budget funds.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, the named national project replaces the Digital Economy program, which ends in 2024. The Ministry of Digital Development is responsible for the implementation of the new initiative: the action plan is formed "taking into account the opinion of interested departments and the market, as well as based on the available financing opportunities." The national project includes a number of key areas, among which are named:

  • "Development of the national infrastructure for data transmission and processing" - 566.6 billion rubles, of which 350.3 billion rubles will be extra-budgetary funds;
  • "Artificial intelligence" - 388 billion rubles, including 187.8 billion rubles of extrabudgetary funds;
  • "Creation and development of digital platforms" - 368.1 billion rubles;
  • "Support for new developments and their implementation" - 134.4 billion rubles, including 45.5 billion rubles of extrabudgetary funds;
  • "Development of promising technologies" - 81.1 billion rubles, including 37.6 billion rubles of extrabudgetary funds;
  • "Information security" - 40.5 billion rubles, including 12.5 billion rubles of extrabudgetary funds;
  • "Training for the data economy" - 64.9 billion rubles, including 2 billion rubles of extrabudgetary funds;
  • "Development of the IT infrastructure of social facilities" - 34.8 billion rubles.

The Russian government has determined the costs of the implementation of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

Each federal project, as noted, includes the modernization of existing solutions and programs, as well as the creation of new ones. The development of the national infrastructure for data transmission and processing provides for the modernization of satellite communications, data centers, etc. In the direction of AI, it is planned to increase the capacity of supercomputers located on the territory of the Russian Federation, conduct hackathons and develop specialized personnel.[15]

National project "Data Economics" will add 11.2 trillion rubles to Russia's GDP

The national project "Data Economics" will add 11.2 trillion rubles GDP Russia by 2030. This was Dmitry Chernyshenko announced by the Deputy Prime Minister on April 17, 2024 at a plenary meeting of one of the conferences on technologies in the field of data analysis and. artificial intelligence

Within the framework of it [the national project "Data Economics"], we set the task to cover all the main spheres of the economy and public administration with digital platforms, which will become the basis for performing government functions and providing services using the latest technologies, including AI. We must ensure the transition of the entire state IT infrastructure and most systems of our enterprises to domestic solutions, - said the Deputy Prime Minister (quoted by Kommersant).

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko

According to the presentation of Dmitry Chernyshenko, within the framework of the implementation of the national project "Data Economics," the volume of the data market by 2030 will occupy up to 7% of Russia's GDP, the volume of services in the field of AI will grow five times, eight times it is planned to increase the level of AI introduction in sectors of the economy, from 1% to 6% the increase in income of industries is laid, up to 16% - an increase in energy efficiency. In addition, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, the number of graduates in applied programs in the field of artificial intelligence will be increased fivefold. Russia is already becoming a "regulatory paradise for domestic and foreign companies," Chernyshenko said.

He also noted that within the framework of the national project "Data Economics," up to 80% of companies in Russia should switch to domestic software. 7 times it is planned to increase the amount of organizations' costs for the use of AI technologies - up to 850 billion rubles. At the same time, Chernyshenko did not rule out that measures for the development of AI can be allocated to a separate national project.[16]

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop a national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to develop the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." This is stated in the list of instructions published on March 30, 2024, which the head of state gave as part of his message to the Federal Assembly.

The Government of the Russian Federation to develop a national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State," providing: financing in 2025-2030 for the implementation of this national project from the budget allocations of the federal budget in the amount of at least 700 billion rubles, - said on the Kremlin website.

Vladimir Putin instructed to develop a national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been appointed responsible for this order, which must be fulfilled before September 1, 2024. According to Putin's instructions, the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State" must include measures that will ensure:

  • growth rates in 2025-2030. investments in domestic solutions in the field of information technology are twice the growth rate of Russia's GDP;
  • the formation by 2030 of digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere, as well as in the field of public administration;
  • Support companies and startups that develop and manufacture data storage and processing equipment, as well as create software;
  • increasing the share of mass socially significant state and municipal services provided in electronic form in a proactive mode using, among other things, artificial intelligence technologies in the total volume of such services;
  • an increase by 2030 in the total capacity of domestic supercomputers by at least 10 times;
  • the possibility of high-quality high-speed Internet access by 2030 to at least 97% of households, including through mobile and satellite communications.[17]

Putin announced the costs of the national project "Data Economics" - 700 billion rubles until 2030

On February 29, 2024, the president Russia Vladimir Putin , during the announcement of the message to the Federal Assembly, announced the launch of the national project "Data Economics." According to the head, states 700 billion will be allocated for it rubles by 2030.

As Putin noted, the national project "Data Economics" is aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems that appear in the process of digitalization. For the state, according to the president, such technologies open up huge opportunities for planning the development of the economy of certain industries, regions and cities, as well as for managing state programs and national projects.

[Vladimir Putin]

And most importantly, we will be able to continue to build the work of all levels of government around the interests of every person, every family; provide state and municipal services to citizens and businesses proactively, in a convenient format with the fastest possible result, "the Russian leader explained (quoted by Interfax).

He called for the formation of digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere. According to Putin, these and other complex tasks will be solved within the framework of the national project "Data Economics."

Speaking with a message to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin called artificial intelligence an important element of digital platforms. In this area, Russia should be self-sufficient and competitive, the president said.

Oleg Hyatsintov, technical director of DIS Group, in a conversation with Izvestia, noted that the Data Economics national project affects data work not only at the central level, but also in every department and in every region. According to the expert, the implementation of the project's tasks will require industrial solutions for data management, data quality, master data management and their protection.[18]

Putin included "Artificial Intelligence" in the national project on data economics

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree by which he included the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" in the national project "Data Economics." The corresponding document was published on February 15, 2024. Read more here.

The Ministry of Digital Development told about the priorities for the development of information security within the framework of the national project "Data Economics"

Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Alexander Shoitov on February 7, 2024 summed up the preliminary results of the federal program "Information Security," which was implemented within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy." This year it should be completed, but it is already possible to summarize the first results and outline further ways to implement the information security policy.

Alexander Shoitov summed up the results in the direction of information security within the framework of the "Digital Economy"

To create an information security infrastructure within the framework of the relevant direction, the Ministry of Digital Development implemented such projects as the construction of a national certification center, a state center for security analysis, an industry center of State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks, an Antifishing system designed to search and block substitution sites, Multiskaner and the National Technological Center for Digital Cryptography.

An assessment of the security and pilot testing of some state information systems was also carried out, and then penetration testing and a commercial vulnerability search program (Bug Bounty) were organized. In addition, a project called "Cybergygiena" was implemented within the framework of the program, under which events were held to raise awareness of citizens.

Now a new national project is being formed - "Data Economics," the development of which was received last year by the President of the Russian Federation. It should be implemented from 2025 to 2030. and include, among other things, measures to ensure the information security of the technologies being developed. The national project is supposed to organize the entire life cycle of data processing: collecting data from IoT devices, transmitting them over the network, data centers and a data platform - artificial intelligence. For each there are end-to-end directions: science, personnel, regulatory regulation.

It is planned to integrate the solution of information security problems into the "Data Economy." Alexander Shoitov invited interested organizations and departments to participate in the process of forming the project. However, the first task of "Data Economics" is the development of those technologies that were already in the "Digital Economy."

In particular, according to the deputy minister, it is necessary to develop the regulation of the activities of the national certification center. It is envisaged to develop legislation under which the transition to Russian encryption algorithms should be carried out. In addition, it is planned to organize the signing of program codes and sites to ensure their integrity. For the Gostech platform, it is necessary to create a separate State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks center with the highest level of protection.

In 2024, it is planned to adopt a federal law that would allow organizing access to impersonal data of citizens, including with geo-positioning for training artificial intelligence. It is necessary to develop mechanisms so that solutions built with its help would have minimal risks of information security and data leaks.

In addition, the plans include the continuation of the Multiskaner project, as a result of which a state system for countering malicious software will be built. It will be used both in state IPs and will become available to all citizens. This will be an analogue of the American project Virus Total, where anyone can check the suspicious code for its malware.

It should be noted that the "Data Economy" assumes the widespread introduction of promising technologies such as IoT, big data and artificial intelligence. In these technologies, according to Alexander Shoitov, it is necessary in the early stages of the life cycle, and preferably right when developing, embed methods and mechanisms for data protection.


Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Digital Development to develop measures to identify inaccurate data

In December 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin gave instructions following a strategic session dedicated to the national project "Data Economics." One of them involves working out measures to identify inaccurate data, including those generated using artificial intelligence. The Ministry of Digital Science of the Russian Federation must fulfill this order by March 19, 2024.

As reported on the website of the Cabinet, the plan of regulatory legal support for the implementation of the new national project for 2024-2026 Ministry of Digital Development instructed to prepare by March 28, 2024. The Ministry of Economic Development and ANO "Digital Economy" will take part in this work.

The Ministry of Digital Development needs to work out measures to identify inaccurate data

In addition, Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Economic Development, when creating the Digital Code by April 17, 2024, should develop stimulating measures to support market participants aimed at improving the quality of data and their demand.

The government stressed that special attention in the instructions is paid to the quality of the data. So, the Ministry of Digital Industry and To Rosstat the Ministry of Digital Development of Economic Development will have to work out the development of standards in this area by February 16, 2023. Among the tasks is also the preparation of a classifier to ensure the unification of data for various sectors of the economy.

Finally, by March 19, 2023, Ministry of Digital Development will need to provide for measures to develop and produce domestic equipment for data transmission networks, assess the necessary and sufficient parameters of computing power, form a data market, rules for accessing and exchanging data.

It is noted that work on the national project "Data Economics" is being carried out on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. As part of this work, by the end of 2023, long-term system solutions are being prepared aimed at creating a single digital infrastructure in key areas and industries, developing solutions for data processing and storage, transferring the economy and social sphere to new principles of work using a big data management system.[19]

Over 25 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of state cybersecurity systems until 2030

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation is going to invest about 25.2 billion rubles in the development of cybersecurity until 2030. Such data are given in the materials of the national project "Data Economics."

Of this amount, about 7.1 billion rubles is planned to be allocated to the introduction of a system to counter cyber incidents "" Multiscanner on the basis. State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks The creation of "Multiskaner" is engaged in the subordinate of the Russian Federation Ministry of Digital Development. National Digital Cryptography Technology Center "Antifrod" fraudulent calls Main Radio Frequency Center To Roskomnadzor "Anti-phishing" In general, it is planned to allocate 3.7 billion rubles for the development of state systems to counter (subordinate) and to block fraudulent sites (Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development). Another 2.4 billion rubles will be spent on assessing the external security of state information systems. At the same time, about 12 billion rubles will be allocated to support systems, reported cyber security on November 28, 2023. According to a Kommersant Kommersant source from the industry, IT we are talking about subsidies to trusted development centers under the Ministry of Digital Development. The Ministry of Digital Development[20]

According to representatives of the department, the increase in funding will allow import substitution of all foreign means of protection. Thus, it is expected that the resources of Multiskaner will allow processing up to 90 million files per year, while the number of incidents related to security violations of key GIS will decrease to zero.

Ensuring information security is a priority issue for Russia, said Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications.

"In the context of the geopolitical crisis, the critical, system-forming objects of our country must be effectively protected. Any cyber incident can lead, for example, to disruption of supplies and stagnation of production or to the loss of strategically important information for the country. Let me remind you that a recent report by Kaspersky Lab showed that Russia is among the leading countries in terms of the share of blocked malicious scripts and phishing pages in the industrial industry. Therefore, the issue of information security development is caused not only by the need to fill the niche left behind by the departed foreign vendors. This is also a strategically important issue of national security, "Aton Nemkin is convinced.

The second fork is the security of these citizens of Russia, the expert emphasized. In Russia, the problem of fraud, which is the result of data leaks, is still widespread.

A fundamental opportunity to reduce the number of such leaks is to build an effective information security architecture. The fact that such events are prioritized in the national project is a positive trend. Therefore, we will wait for concrete development steps in this part, "the parliamentarian concluded.

As part of the national project "Data Economics," up to 67 billion rubles will be allocated to equip social workers with tablets with the Russian OS

Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev at a strategic session of the Government of Russia presented the national project "Data Economics," within the framework of which it is planned to allocate up to 67 billion rubles from the federal budget to provide social workers with tablets with a Russian operational system. This was announced on November 27, 2023 by the press service of the State Duma deputy RFAnton Nemkin. Read more here.

The national project "Data Economics" will be financed by new fees and excise taxes. He needs 1.5 trillion rubles

The national project "Data Economics" will be financed by new fees and excise taxes, in total it needs 1.5 trillion rubles. This is stated in the presentation, with which the Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev spoke at a strategic session in the government on November 21, 2023.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to this document, the Ministry of Digital Development plans to finance the national project "Data Economics" by increasing frequency spectrum fees, reducing discounts on fines, introducing excise taxes on personal devices, recycling and eco-control fines for manufacturers, mining tax and commercialization of Electronic Government systems.

The national project "Data Economics" will be financed by new fees and excise taxes

It also follows from the presentation that the most expensive events of the new national project will be the introduction of the cloud platform State that"" (according to the presentation, this is 142 billion rubles), the creation of a digital infrastructure of educational institutions (129 billion rubles), the development of the GPKS satellite communications group (80 billion rubles) and the Public services platform (78 billion rubles). It is planned to distribute funding by allocating subsidies (55% of the total amount of funds), concluding contracts, interbudgetary transfers (from, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Education Ministry of Transport other departments) and providing grants and preferential loans.

It is reported that 10 federal projects will be included in the "Data Economy." The most expensive will be Digital Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Platforms in Public Administration - according to the presentation, it is planned to spend a total of more than 1 trillion rubles on these three areas. Moreover, the first two projects will account for almost half of the budget of the entire national project. In addition, the "Data Economics" will include the fedprojects "Systems and Networks of Data Transmission," "Personnel," "Infrastructure of Computing and Cloud Services," "Domestic Solutions in the Field of IT," "Development of Quantum Technologies," "Cybersecurity" and "Science."[21]

Mishustin named the main directions of the new national project "Data Economics"

On November 21, 2023, the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin held a strategic session on the formation of the national project "Data Economics" and spoke about its main directions. According to the head of the Cabinet, Russia there is already a basis for the implementation of this initiative.

The head of state instructed us to prepare a national project on the formation of the data economy, which should be calculated by the end of the decade... Electronic ecosystems and online platforms are developing. Most socially significant objects are connected to the Internet. Trunk optical communication lines from Kaliningrad to Chukotka were built. We also support IT companies by providing benefits, grants, "Mishustin said.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

According to him, within the framework of the national project "Data Economics," it is necessary to develop long-term and systemic solutions that should be aimed at modernizing the infrastructure. Another mandatory direction, as noted by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, is associated with the creation of a single digital infrastructure in all areas: health care, housing and communal services, education, power, transport. Such infrastructure will have to be introduced in each region, Mishustin stressed.

He also pointed to the need to form "modern and reliable data processing and storage solutions," including national cloud platforms. The Prime Minister noted that these should be precisely domestic products that are able to support the uninterrupted activities of authorities, enterprises and telecom operators.

Mishustin attributed information security to the next main direction of the Data Economics project:

Taking into account the growth of cyber attacks, it is necessary to provide for strengthening measures to strengthen the security of the national digital and critical infrastructure, apply advanced developments in the field of quantum computing and, of course, continue the introduction of systems related to artificial intelligence, electronic platforms, including in public administration, so that people and businesses can use services in a comfortable format without worrying about the safety of their personal data.[22]

Chernyshenko: Within the framework of the new national project "Data Economics," the development of communication systems is envisaged

The development of communication systems is provided for in the new national project "Data Economics," which will replace the national project "Digital Economy." This was announced on October 24, 2023 by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

On behalf of President Vladimir Putin, it is planned to launch a new national project "Data Economics" in Russia, which, among other things, provides for the development of communication systems. The creation and provision of reliable and high-quality work of such systems - the most advanced and import-independent - is the key vector of our joint work, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers quoted Chernyshenko as saying.

Dmitry Chernyshenko

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, in 2022, the start of the development of a strategy for the development of the communications industry until 2035 was launched, and "a special place in it is given to radio frequency support of the industry." Chernyshenko noted that for the country, the urgent task is to increase the efficiency of the management and use of the spectrum.

It is important to prevent restrictions in mobile networks due to increased traffic, as well as create conditions for the introduction of modern and promising technologies, he added.

The planned parameters of the national project "Data Economics" are planned to be approved by June 1, 2024. The head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev announced this on October 10, 2023 during a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Technologies. According to him, the total decrease in funding from the federal budget for 2024 of the state program "Information Society" and the national project "Digital Economy" will be by 11%, in 2025 and 2026. funding under the state program will decrease by half, and the amount of planned spending on the national project will be slightly more than 25% of the limits of 2023. This is due to the general decision to develop the national project "Data Economics," Shadayev explained.[23]

A single trusted data warehouse is being created in the Russian Federation

On October 9, 2023, it became known about the creation of a single trusted data warehouse in Russia. The implementation of these initiatives is planned within the framework of the national project "Data Economics."

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the presentation of the project, it is planned to create a single trusted data warehouse by 2030. By this time, "90% of the processed data in an impersonal or personalized form is available to the state, business and citizens in a single trusted source for the development of data driven public administration and business in the Russian Federation," the presentation says.

It became known about the creation of a single trusted data store

In itself, the concept of "data driven public administration" is a methodology for the development and implementation of state policy, in which decision-making and the formulation of political strategies are based on extensive data collection, analysis and use, explains Vyacheslav Vanyulin, general director of the Auriga IT company.

As part of this methodology, state bodies, politicians and regulators use data to understand the current situation, identify problems and potential solutions, as well as to assess the impact of politics on society, the expert explained.

In his opinion, the collection and processing of such a volume of data is technically possible using modern technologies, but requires powerful computing resources. In addition, in order to implement the initiative to create a single storage, it is necessary "to develop strict legislation that would guarantee the security of data and the protection of personal privacy," he continued.

The figure of 90% is hardly achievable, believes Anatoly Volkov, deputy general director of Reksoft. According to him, it is rather appropriate to talk about the emergence of a wide range of individual industry, and sometimes even niche sources of processed data.

At the same time, a significant part of the urgent tasks for each group of interested parties (state, business, citizens) can be closed precisely due to combinations of data sets from different sources, he added.[24]

Putin instructed to develop a national project to form a data economy

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to approve a national project to form a data economy for the period until 2030. The relevant information appeared on the Kremlin website on September 4, 2023.

One of the points of the order states that the Government of the Russian Federation should ensure the approval of a national project that includes measures in the field of data processing, such as data collection using highly sensitive sensors based on quantum sensors, data transmission and the development of new generation communication systems.

Vladimir Putin

In addition, the national project should provide for the creation of an infrastructure for calculating and storing data using domestic equipment, technologies and software, including cloud platforms, data centers and computing power.

As part of the formation of the national project, provide tools for comprehensive support for the development of the digital economy, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and communications, as well as basic research in the field of computing technologies, the instruction says.

The President also instructed to determine the sources and annual amount of funding for the national project, including at the expense of the federal budget. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been appointed responsible. The deadline for fulfilling the order is July 1, 2024.

In mid-July 2023, Vladimir Putin said that new principles of the economy are necessary, including in connection with the threat to national security, which is dependent on foreign technological platforms.

We bought many critical technologies in this area, as they say, in someone else's store. A kind of supermarket of ready-made, someone made solutions. And at some point in front of us just closed the door tightly and hung the sign "closed." We have learned lessons, made the necessary conclusions, "said mister Putin, adding that the authorities and the ruling elites of some countries have declared the Russian Federation a" actual blockade, "the Russian[25] stressed[26]

Putin's statement on the creation of a national project

A national project "Data Economics" will appear in Russia - it will be prepared within a year. The press service of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced this on July 13, 2023.

The need to create such a national project on July 13, 2023 was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Our fundamental task is to transfer the entire economy and management to qualitatively new principles of work on the basis of big data, - said the head of state.

Vladimir Putin

According to him, this will increase the quality of work and productivity, help increase salaries, the availability of services and services.

At the same time, we should not just have scientific developments and basic solutions, but the entire technological and production chain, "Vladimir Putin emphasized.

The Ministry of Digital Development reported that within the framework of the new national project it is planned to focus on the following areas:

  • Data collection. The main task is to develop the use of highly sensitive sensors, including quantum sensors. They are used not only in industry, but also in satellite and ground communication systems, in medicine. For example, such sensors allow you to detect diseases in the earliest stages.
  • Data transfer and development of communication systems. Information should be transmitted in real time, without delay and at high speed. This is critical for the development of robotics, unmanned transport systems and automation of the urban environment.
  • Data storage. First of all, we are talking about the development of domestic cloud platforms, data centers and computing power of our own production. For example, computers using quantum and photon technologies.
  • Data security. It is necessary to continue work on technologies of quantum communications and quantum encryption. They help to repel any cyber attacks, both classical and using quantum computers. Thanks to such technologies, the security systems of the country will be invulnerable to hacking.
  • Data standards and protocols. They are needed for security, for reliable processing and storage of data. Especially in terms of storing personal data of citizens. Including - using quantum cryptography technologies. 
  • Data processing and analysis, open source repositories. Data analysis algorithms should be based on artificial intelligence technologies. It is important that this work is carried out on the basis of Russian software. It is necessary to develop domestic platforms and services that are needed for the joint work of programmers both from Russia and from other countries of the world.


  1. Federal Law No. 30.11.2024 of 419-FZ
  2. On the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026 and 2027
  3. Collection for these purposes
  4. [ They want to allocate 129.07 billion rubles
  5. Data Economics"]
  6. Dmitry Grigorenko presented the national project "Data Economics" at the WEF
  7. The WEF presented the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"
  8. Infrastructure skew: Data Economics budget rises to 2.3 trillion rubles
  9. Up to 80,000 Russian schoolchildren a year will be taught programming languages
  10. Digital quotations
  11. AI is useful for public administration
  12. Financing of the national project "Data Economics" until 2030 may amount to 1.3-2.7 trillion rubles
  13. Putin called for the formation of digital platforms in all sectors of the economy by 2030
  14. Mikhail Mishustin held a strategic session on national projects "Effective and Competitive Economy," "Tourism and Hospitality" and "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State"
  15. Budget is overgrown with data
  16. Works and earns artificial intelligence
  17. List of instructions for the implementation of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly
  18. Financing of the national project "Data Economics" will be at least 700 billion rubles.
  19. Mikhail Mishustin gave instructions following a strategic session dedicated to the national project "Data Economics"
  20. planned the financing of state anti-hacker systems
  21. "Data economy" will be financed by new fees and excise taxes
  22. Mikhail Mishustin held a strategic session on the formation of the national project "Data Economics"
  23. Dmitry Chernyshenko: Within the framework of the new national project "Data Economics," the development of communication systems is envisaged
  24. All data by 2030 was proposed to be collected into a single repository
  25. [ leader
  26. . List of instructions following the meeting with scientists and the plenary session of the Forum for Future ]Technologies