Federal Grid Company - Rosseti
Since 2007
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
21353, st. Belovezhskaya, d. 4
Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency) - 75%
Federal Grid Company - Rosseti - operator of energy networks in Russia is one of the largest power grid companies in the world. The company operates 2.30 million km of power lines, 490 thousand substations with a capacity of more than 761 GVA. The number of employees of the Rosseti Group of Companies is 216 thousand people. The property complex of PJSC Rosseti includes 37 subsidiaries and affiliates. The largest shareholder of PJSC Rosseti is the state.
For 2013, the controlling shareholder is the state that owns a 61.7% stake in the authorized capital.
Rosseti is a single name for the electric grid complex of Russia
From June 2019, all companies of the main and distribution power grid complex in corporate and marketing communications, as well as on all corporate media, will use a new name containing the Rosseti trademark and regional or functional binding.
The introduction of a unified brand architecture, approved by the Rosseti Board of Directors on April 29, 2019, provides for the phased replacement of branded elements as their depreciation deadlines expire, without increasing existing budgets and within the framework of approved business plans of companies.
"Rosseti Group operates in 80 constituent entities of the Federation, implements uniform approaches to the management and development of the country's electric grid infrastructure, constantly improves the quality of the services provided, expanding their list. The transition to a single brand architecture is a natural and logical step towards the development of the holding. For consumers from different parts of our country, it is important to understand which company is responsible to them for reliable and high-quality power supply. Obviously, this company should have the same name throughout the country, "said Pavel Livinsky, head of Rosseti. |
In 2013, the Rosseti property complex includes stakes in 43 subsidiaries and affiliates, including stakes in 11 interregional, 5 regional network companies and a stake in the backbone network company.
As of May 2012, IDGC of Center, IDGC of the North-West, IDGC of Center and Volga Region, IDGC of Volga, IDGC of the Urals, IDGC of Siberia, IDGC of the South, IDGC of the North Caucasus, MOESK, Lenenergo, Tyumenenergo, Yantaryenergo were among the subsidiaries of IDGC GC Holding.
The length of the Company's power transmission lines is 2.3 million km, the transformer capacity of 463 thousand substations is 726 gigawolt-amperes. The number of employees of the Rosseti Group of Companies is 213 thousand people. The Company's property complex includes 43 subsidiaries and affiliates, including 11 interregional, 5 regional network companies and a stake in the backbone network company. The controlling shareholder is the state that owns a 61.7% share in the authorized capital.
2023: Approval of a new board
The Federal Grid Company - Rosseti approved the new composition of the board on March 14, 2023. It includes two top managers: we are talking about the chief engineer of Rosseti Yevgeny Lyapunov and the head of the holding's apparatus Vladimir Kharitonov. The board of the company also includes:
- General Director of Rosseti Andrei Ryumin;
- First Deputy General Director of Rosseti Andrei Murov;
- Daniil Krainsky, Deputy General Director for Legal Support of Rosseti;
- Alexey Molsky, Deputy General Director for Investment and Capital Construction of Rosseti;
- Alexey Polinov, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of Rosseti.
By March 2023, there are four committees under the board of directors of the Federal Grid Company - Rosseti:
- Audit Committee (evaluation of candidates for auditors of the Company and development of recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Company by participation of Committee members in the work of the competition committee for selection of the audit organization for annual independent audit of reporting; analysis of the company's reporting and the results of the external audit of the reporting; analysis of the company's internal control system);
- HR and Remuneration Committee (development of principles and criteria in the field of remuneration and material incentives; development of proposals for determination of material terms of contracts with members of the council of didrectors; determination of criteria for selection of candidates for members of the board of directors, members of the collegial executive body of the company and for the position of the sole executive body, as well as preliminary assessment of these candidates; regular assessment of the activities of the Chairman of the Management Board);
- Strategy Committee (activities and development programs of the Unified Energy System of Russia; processes related to the efficient functioning of the wholesale electricity market, technological management of electric networks that are part of the Unified Energy System of Russia; control over the implementation of investment projects for the development of electric networks and the Unified Energy System of Russia);
- Investment Committee (preliminary review and examination of new investment projects and investment programs).[1]
Performance indicators
2023: 6x profit growth to RUB 320.4 bln
Net profit of Rosseti according to Russian accounting standards (RAS) in 2023 amounted to 320.4 billion rubles, which is 6 times more than profit a year ago. The company's revenue rose by 28.7%, to 326.2 billion rubles. Such data are contained in reports published in early April 2024.
As explained in the company, the sharp increase in net profit occurred largely due to income from the revaluation of the value of PJSC Rosseti transferred to the balance sheet as a result of the reorganization of stakes in subsidiaries, as well as other companies.
The revaluation of financial investments amounted to 253.5 billion rubles and is non-monetary in nature, as it is caused by the rules for the formation of financial statements. Excluding the revaluation of financial investments, net profit amounted to 66.9 billion rubles, - specified in the statement of Rosseti. |
It also follows from the materials of Rosseti that the company's adjusted net profit in 2023 reached 66.9 billion rubles, which is 7.7% more than a year earlier. The volume of electricity transmission during this time increased to 799 billion kWh from 790 billion in 2022.
According to the results of 2023, the assets of PJSC Rosseti increased by 55.8% to 2.11 trillion rubles (as of December 31, 2022: year - 1.36 trillion rubles), mainly as a result of an increase in the value of fixed assets due to affiliated companies and the introduction of new facilities following the implementation of the investment program.
By the end of 2023, the company's total debt amounted to 646.5 billion rubles, which is 0.4% less than the debt a year ago at 649.3 billion rubles. Revenue from electricity transmission services in 2023 increased by 28.7% and amounted to 291.5 billion rubles. The remaining revenues (28.8 billion rubles) fell on services for technological connection to electric networks.
PJSC Rosseti announces financial results for 2023 according to IFRS and RAS
2021: Revenue growth by 58% to RUB 24.88 billion
At the end of 2021, Rosseti received 24.88 billion rubles, which is 58% more than a year earlier. Net losses of the electric network operator in Russia amounted to 38.3 billion rubles, while in 2020 the net profit of the state-owned company was measured at 29.55 billion rubles. Such data in accordance with Russian accounting standards were released in March 2022.
According to TASS, citing the Rosseti report, the company's gross profit in 2021 reached 20.48 billion rubles, an increase of 1.8 times compared to 2020. The loss before taxes amounted to 37.11 billion rubles against 30.07 billion rubles in profit a year earlier.
The press release clarifies that net losses are due to the revaluation of financial investments on the balance sheet of Rosseti. At the same time, the revaluation is a non-monetary factor.
It is noted that the average headcount of the Rosseti group at the end of 2021 amounted to more than 210,000 people, the staff turnover rate was kept at a low level. Systematic work continued on the implementation of the Vision Zero zero injury concept, the professional development of employees, and the involvement of promising young specialists in the industry.
Given the restrictions continuing due to COVID-19, the development of online courses for employees continued in 2021. By the end of 2021, about 500 distance learning programs were operating in the training centers of the group's companies.
In 2021, Rosseti allocated more than 1 billion rubles for research and development (R&D). In total, 14 R&D results were put into commercial operation in the group in 2021, 15 were transferred to pilot operation. More than 30 security documents were received, seven license agreements were concluded.[2]
At the shareholders meeting of Rosseti in June 2019, the payment of 5 billion rubles of dividends for the first quarter of 2019 was approved. This is twice the amount allocated to dividends in 2018. About the same "Rosseti" paid the entire history of its existence. At the meeting, the chairman of the board of directors Novak said that over the past six months, the capitalization of Rosseti has grown by 90%. In turn, Livinsky noted that the company is finalizing a new development strategy. In addition, the holding is preparing changes to the regulation on dividend policy, as well as an option program aimed primarily at increasing total shareholder profitability.
Information Technology
Main article: Information technology in Russia
Company history
Inter RAO bought two energy sales companies from Rosseti for 5.9 billion rubles
At the end of February 2024, it became known that PJSC Inter RAO acquired two energy sales companies from PJSC Rosseti. The total value of these transactions amounted to approximately 5.9 billion rubles. Read more here.
Approval of an annual investment program for 585 billion rubles
Rosseti approved an investment program in the amount of 585 billion rubles for 2024. The head of the company Andrei Ryumin announced this on February 20, 2024.
In 2023, Rosseti's investments were measured at 528 billion rubles against 435 billion rubles a year earlier. As Interfax notes, the power supply to the BAM and Transsib (Eastern Railway Range) remains a key element of Rosseti's investment strategy. By February 2024, the projects of the first stage have been completed. It was reported that the facilities of the second stage will be completed in 2024. One project will be introduced later, Andrei Ryumin specified on February 20, 2024.
In accordance with the comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure... 220 kV transit from Komsomolsk to Vanino will be introduced in 2026, - said the head of Rosseti. |
Earlier, he said that the financing of the Rosseti investment program for 2023 and 2024. may exceed 1 trillion rubles. It is assumed that this amount will cover projects of both the trunk and distribution complex, investments of subsidiaries. Among the largest projects of this program were named:
- expansion of the capacity of the Eastern landfill of Russian Railways worth 207.28 billion rubles;
- a comprehensive energy supply plan for investment projects in the industrial and social spheres in the Republic of Tuva worth 76.7 billion rubles;
- a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure for the period up to 2024 worth 62.49 billion rubles;
- combining for parallel synchronous operation of the OES of Siberia and the OES of the East worth 41.45 billion rubles;
- increasing the throughput capacity of inter-system links between OES of the Urals and OES of Siberia worth 97.17 billion rubles;
- ensuring the reliability of power supply to consumers of the southwestern region of the power system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory worth 9.21 billion rubles.[3]
Rosseti received 96% of RES
Shares of the Novosibirsk JSC "Regional Electric Networks" (RES) are transferred to PJSC "Federal Grid Company - Rosseti" by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of May 10, 2023. The document has already entered into force. Read more here.
End of reorganization
On January 9, 2022, an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL) to complete the reorganization of Rosseti. She assumed the merger of the company with FGC UES.
The combined company was named PJSC Federal Grid Company - Rosseti (FGC - Rosseti). It also includes the Far Eastern Energy Management Company - ENES, Tomsk Backbone Networks and Kuban Backbone Networks.
After the merger, Russian Networks, which were previously the parent company for FGC, ceased to own 80.13% in FGC. Now the majority shareholder of the combined company is the Federal Property Management Agency, which owns 75% plus one share. It was assumed that this share would be achieved, among other things, by repaying part of the shares of FGC owned by the parent company, which, according to FGC reports, happened.
As a result of the additional issues required for the reorganization, the authorized capital of the combined company amounted to 2 trillion 113 billion 460 million 101 thousand 477 units. At the same time, the company formed a treasury stake in the amount of 6.65%. The company also recalled that 1.737 trillion additional shares were placed, into which the shares of a number of affiliated companies were converted.
Shares of other companies of the group, including 16 key distribution network organizations of Russia, have also been transferred to the balance sheet of the Federal Grid Company - Rosseti.
On January 11, 2023, trading in shares resumed on the Moscow Exchange. At the beginning of trading, their rate rose by more than 8%. The Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) has withdrawn the credit ratings of Rosseti and their bonds due to a merger with FGC UES, according to the agency's website on January 10, 2023.[4]
Designation of refueling stations for electric vehicles in Russia by the operator
On October 7, 2021, it became known about the order given by the Ministry of Energy by Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov to deal with the issue of creating a federal operator of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Russia. Read more here.
Ryumin Andrey - the new general director of Rosseti
On February 15, 2021, Rosseti announced the appointment of Andrei Ryumin as CEO of the company. The corresponding decision was made by the board of directors three days earlier. Read more here.
Combined revenue of Rosseti - 8,322,249 rubles
At the end of 2020, Rosseti increased revenue by 60% - to 8,322,249 thousand. rubles Data They include the combined revenue of two insourcing companies of Rosseti with the following turnover for 2020: LLC "" iT Energy Service(775,889 thousand rubles), JSC "" Fiber-optic line control(7,546,360 thousand rubles) In the ranking, "the TAdviser "The largest IT insourcing companies in Russia Rosseti company took the tenth line. In 2019, the same indicator was 5,207,861 thousand rubles.
Assessment of the amount of damage from the activities of "black" miners - 718 million rubles
On December 22, 2020, Rosseti reported the size of the loss from the activities of "black" miners - people who mine cryptocurrency by illegally connecting to other people's energy systems and, accordingly, paying for electricity.
According to the state-owned company, since 2017 it has lost more than 718 million rubles due to illegal mining. True, a significant part of the debt was recovered through the court.
The group noted that Rosseti is carrying out systematic work to combat illegal consumption by such "farms," a lot of practice has been developed to identify and suppress their activities. The materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies. Criminal cases are initiated under articles providing for punishment with a real term of imprisonment.
The increase in the cost of cryptocurrencies is certainly associated with an increase in interest in mining. In this regard, it is possible to activate "black" miners, whose activities not only lead to economic damage (losses) of energy companies, but also pose a threat of overload of networks and risks of accidents, - said the largest electric grid company in Russia, which unites the main electric grid complex, interregional and regional distribution electric grid companies in its structure. |
December 21, 2020 updated the historical maximum, the value of cryptocurrency during trading rose above $24 thousand. In seven days cryptocurrency , it has risen in price by 24%. The growth in the value of virtual currency occurred against the background of weakening. dollar
According to Eset experts, the rise in price of bitcoin will lead to a sharp increase in the scale of hidden mining. By December 2020, the volume not only returns to the level of 2017 (when the capitalization of the crypto market reached a historic maximum), but also soon significantly exceed it.[5]
Loss of 600 million rubles due to gray miners in 4 years
From 2017 to October 2020, Rosseti lost about 600 million rubles due to the activities of illegal miners. The company announced this on its Telegram channel on October 23.
As told in "Rosseti," there are a variety of sites for the placement of mining farms - from the former greenhouse complex in a small village of the Murmansk region to a residential building in a prestigious area of Moscow.
Rosseti mentioned the "builders" from Elista, who opened a farm on the basis of a reinforced concrete structure plant. It consumed electricity on an industrial scale to match the chosen site - by more than 109.7 million rubles.
The second place in the anti-rating of "black miners" was taken by a resident of Makhachkala, who created a farm of 518 miners, which required electricity for 34.3 million rubles. The third is miners from the Moscow region, who created an illegal farm on the basis of the New Way company and caused damage to the supplier by 32.2 million rubles.
According to Rosseti, Dagestan is the leader in black mining in the Russian Federation. The Caucasian republic accounts for about half of the cases of theft of electricity by cryptocurrency business figures.
The company noted that in 2017, against the background of an increase in the rate of cryptocurrencies, abnormal jumps in consumption in different regions of the country began to be recorded. The activities of "black miners" not only lead to economic damage (losses) of energy companies, but also creates a threat of overloading of networks and risks of accidents. In this regard, systematic work is being carried out to identify enterprises that illegally consume electricity, the company said.
It is noted that materials on all cases of detection of "black" mining farms are transferred to law enforcement agencies. Criminal cases are initiated under articles providing for punishment with a real term of imprisonment. A significant part of the debt has already been recovered through the court.
Underground mining caused Rosseti damage of 450 million rubles in 3 years
Underground mining caused Rosseti damage of 450 million rubles in three years. Read more here.
2019: Net profit growth triples in the first half of the year
In the first 6 months, the company tripled its net profit - in the first 6 months of 2019, it amounted to 123.1 billion rubles.
2018: Net profit 124.7 billion rubles
In 2018, the company's net profit increased by more than 3.5 billion compared to 2017 and amounted to 124.7 billion rubles.
Rosseti, Skolkovo Foundation and Schneider Electric signed a tripartite agreement
On October 17, 2017, PJSC Rosseti, the Skolkovo Foundation and Schneider Electric signed a tripartite agreement on a strategic partnership in the field of localization, development and implementation of a software and technical complex of systems for operational and technological control of new generation distribution electric networks. See Electrical Distribution Network Process Management System.
Pavel Livinsky replaces Oleg Budargin as general director
In August 2017, it became known that the permanent general director of Rosseti since the creation of the holding in 2013, Oleg Budargin, has been resigning from his post, which was taken by the head of the department HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Moscow , Pavel Livinsky, who worked for many years in electric grid companies.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced to Pavel Livinsky, head of the Moscow housing and communal services department, that the government had decided to recommend him for the post of general director of Rosseti.
Since the creation of Rosseti in 2013, they have been permanently led by Oleg Budargin. Almost from the moment of appointment to Rosseti, Oleg Budargin began to predict an early resignation. In 2013-2014, Kommersant's sources assumed that if he left, he would replace Alexander Khloponin (for 2017 - Deputy Prime Minister), his predecessor as head of Taimyr, as plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District. Subsequently, Mr. Budargin rumors were regularly predicted in the team of the Deputy Prime Minister, and Andrei Murov was called his possible successors or less often Deputy Minister of power of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko. But Oleg Budargin invariably managed to keep the chair of the head of Rosseti.
Rumors about his resignation resumed by June 2017, when his candidacy was not included in the government's directive on the new composition of the Rosseti board of directors. Sources of Kommersant called him the successor of the first deputy chairman of VEB Mikhail Poluboyarinov or the general director of the Russian Energy Agency (accountable to the Ministry of Energy) Anatoly Tikhonov. Oleg Budargin himself in an interview with Kommersant on June 30 denied these rumors, associated his absence from the list of candidates with the decision to increase the number of independent directors and claimed that he did not see "any risks in terms of his participation in the further management of Rosseti."
2013: IDGC Holding renamed Rosseti
Open Joint Stock Company Holding of Interregional Distribution Network Companies has been officially renamed to Open Joint Stock Company Russian Networks (in English - Joint stock company Russian Grids). The relevant amendments to the Charter of the company on April 4, 2013 were registered by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow No. 46 with the entry of the corresponding entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL).
The decision to amend the Charter of IDGC Holding OJSC in terms of changing the Company's corporate name was adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC Holding OJSC in 23.03.2013 pursuant to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 22.11.2012 No. 1567 "On Open Joint Stock Company" Russian Networks. "
2012: Transfer of management powers to FGC UES
In accordance with the Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2012, on July 10, 2012, an Agreement was signed with IDGC Holding OJSC (now Rosseti) on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body of the Open Joint Stock Company Holding Interregional Distribution Network Companies - Federal Grid Company (OJSC FGC UES). Andrei Evgenyevich Murov has been appointed as the Executive Director.
It was expected that this decision would ensure a unified approach to the implementation of the technical policy and principles of managing the electric grid complex of Russia, conduct clearly coordinated work on its effective development and modernization on an innovative and high-tech basis, pursue a unified investment, financial, economic and personnel policy, and systematically reduce costs. The creation of uniform rules will increase the level of reliability of power supply, as well as transparency and efficiency in matters of technological connection of consumers.
The formation of uniform requirements in the field of corporate management standards will increase the level of responsibility and independence of subsidiaries and affiliates, create conditions for their more efficient operation.
Combining the potentials of the two companies will accelerate the creation of a Network Code regulating the general principles and approaches to the activities of enterprises of the electric power complex.
The implementation of a set of these measures will increase the economic efficiency of the Russian electric power industry as a whole and will have a positive effect on consumers.
For 2012, IDGC holding combines interregional and regional distribution power grid companies (IDGC/RSK), research and design institutes, construction and sales organizations in its structure. 97 branches of IDGC/RSK are located on the territory of 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2008: Establishment of IDGC Holding LLC
On June 30, 2008, the process of reorganization of RAO UES of Russia OJSC was completed. As a result of the reorganization of RAO UES of Russia, IDGC Holding OJSC was created by separation.
On July 01, 2008, an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the creation of IDGC Holding OJSC by reorganization in the form of an allocation.
The purpose of creating the issuer specified in the Concept of Strategy of RAO UES of Russia "5 + 5," adopted by the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia on May 29, 2003, was to separate during the reorganization of RAO UES of Russia the company to which shares of all interregional distribution network companies owned by RAO UES of Russia were transferred.
2007: Separation of IDGC Holding from RAO UES
IDGC Holding Open Joint Stock Company (later renamed Rosseti OJSC) was created as a result of reorganization in the form of separation from RAO UES of Russia OJSC on the basis of a decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RAO UES of Russia OJSC dated October 26, 2007.
The authorized capital of the Issuer during the reorganization was formed at the expense of additional capital and retained earnings of the past years of JSC RAO UES of Russia transferred under the dividing balance sheet.
In December 2007 - January 2008, the formation of the target structure of all thermal OGK and TGK was completed, the first stage of consolidation of JSC RusHydro was completed.
The process of allocating network companies is completed. All 56 backbone network companies have been created on the basis of reorganized AO-energo.
The structure of the power industry in 2000
The main goal of reforming the electric power industry in Russia is to increase the efficiency of enterprises in the industry, create conditions for its development based on stimulating investment, and ensure reliable and uninterrupted energy supply to consumers.
In this regard, radical changes took place in the electric power industry of Russia: the system of state regulation of the industry changed, a competitive electricity market was formed, new companies were created.
During the reform, the structure of the industry changed: there was a separation of natural monopoly (transmission of electricity, operational dispatch management) and potentially competitive (production and sale of electricity, repair and service) functions, and instead of the previous vertically integrated companies that performed all these functions, structures specializing in certain types of activities were created.
Companies formed during the reform are enterprises specialized in certain types of activities (generation, transmission of electricity and others) and controlling the relevant specialized assets. In terms of the scale of specialized activities, the created companies exceed the previous monopolies of the regional level: new companies unite specialized enterprises in several regions, or are all-Russian.
Thus, conditions are created for the development of a competitive electricity market, the prices of which are not regulated by the state, but are formed on the basis of supply and demand, and its participants compete, reducing their costs.
The goals and objectives of the reform are determined by the Government Decree of July 11, 2001 No. 526 "On the Reform of the Electric Power Industry of the Russian Federation."
Taking into account the subsequent changes in the regulatory framework, the goals and objectives of the reform were specified in the "Concept of Strategy of RAO UES of Russia" for 2005-2008. "5 + 5."
Industry Target Structure
Backbone networks came under the control of the Federal Network Company, distribution networks are integrated into interregional distribution network companies (IDGCs), the functions and assets of regional dispatch departments were transferred to the All-Russian System Operator.
Generation assets are also combined into interregional companies, with two types: wholesale market generating companies (wholesale generating companies - OGK) and territorial generating companies (TGK). OGK combines power plants specialized in the production of almost exclusively electric energy. TGC mainly includes thermal power plants (CHPPs), which produce both electrical and thermal energy. Six of the seven OGKs are formed on the basis of thermal power plants, and one (RusHydro) is based on hydrogenation assets. Thermal OGKs are built on an extraterritorial basis, while TGCs combine the stations of neighboring regions.
1980-90s: Prerequisites for reforming the electric power industry
Back in the 1980s, the country's electricity industry began to show signs of stagnation: production capacities were updated noticeably slower than electricity consumption grew.
In the 1990s, during the general economic crisis in Russia, the volume of electricity consumption decreased significantly, while the process of capacity renewal practically stopped.
The overall situation in the industry was characterized by the following indicators:
- In terms of technological indicators (specific fuel consumption, average equipment efficiency, operating capacity of stations, etc.), Russian energy companies lagged behind their analogues in developed countries.
- There were no incentives to increase efficiency, rational planning of electricity production and consumption regimes, and energy saving.
- Power outages occurred in some regions, an energy crisis was observed, and there was a high probability of major accidents.
- There was no payment discipline, non-payments were widespread.
- The enterprises of the industry were informational and financial "not transparent."
- Market access was closed to new, independent players.
All this caused the need for transformations in the electric power industry, which would create incentives to improve the efficiency of energy companies and allow a significant increase in investment in the industry. Otherwise, with the further expansion of foreign economic cooperation, Russian enterprises would lose the economic competition not only in foreign markets, but also in the country's domestic market.
- ↑ The combined company "Rosseti" updated the board after reorganization
- ↑ Rosseti in 2021 received 38.3 billion rubles of loss under RAS
- ↑ Rosseti's investment program in 2024 will amount to 585 billion rubles
- ↑ Rosseti completed reorganization on the basis of FGC UES
- ↑ Rosseti warned of the risk of overload of power grids due to miners