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RT-Information Security (formerly Information Security Reform)


Information Technology
Since 2021
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117587, int. ter. Chertanovo Severnoye Municipal District, Varshavskoye Shosse, 125, p. 1, floor 6, †. X com 23


RT-Inform - 50,01%
Computing Solutions - 49,99%


The main activity of RT-Information Security JSC is to ensure the protection of information and the security of critical information infrastructure.


2023: Name change to "RT-Information Security"

On July 7, 2023, the name of the company was changed from Information Security Reform JSC to RT-Information Security JSC.


Inclusion in the US sanctions list

On June 28, 2022, Information Security Reforms fell under the blocking sanctions USA[1]

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser drew up a map of Russian IT companies in 2022-2024. which fell under the sanctions of the United States, the EU and Britain. It included, among other things, the Information Security Reform company. The article about the map can be found here.

Rostec is bringing cybersecurity into a separate company. The adviser to its head was the former deputy head of the information security unit of the FSB

As TAdviser found out in February 2022, Rostec will focus the competence of the state corporation in the field of information security in a separate company - Information Security Reform JSC. Until now, the functions of the Rostec competence center in this area have been concentrated in RT-Inform, IT-subsidiary of the state corporation.

According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "Information Security Reform JSC was formed on the basis of Information Security Reform LLC, in which RT-Inform received a share of 50.01%. The second co-owner is Computing Solutions JSC, which is the co-founder of Computing Solutions LLC. The website of the latter says that it is a Russian company that has been developing high-tech hardware, software and software solutions since 2014, has a staff of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in practical work in the field of IT and information security. Among the company's products is VR Protect antivirus. In 2020, the average number of employees of Computing Solutions LLC was 114 people, and revenue of 1.5 billion rubles.

In "Information Security Reforms" will focus the competence of "Rostec" in the field of information security "(photo - Viktor Molodtsov," Rostec ")"

LLC "Information Security Reform" as a legal entity has existed since 2019. Her description on one of the recruiting sites said that she provides services for the design and implementation of computing complexes, network infrastructure, engineering systems, implementation and maintenance of software solutions, information security, technical support and IT outsourcing at industrial facilities and enterprises. The company did not receive significant revenue in the first two years. So, according to "Kontur. Focus," in the year of its foundation, its turnover amounted to about 1.45 million rubles, and in 2020 there was no revenue at all. Over the last reporting period, financial indicators have not yet been published.

Computing Solutions LLC received a 25% stake in Information Security Reform LLC in 2020, and in April 2021 became its 100% co-owner, later transferring a little more than half of the authorized capital of RT-Inform.

The Information Security Reform website on the Internet is presented under the RT Information Security (RT Information Security) brand with the Rostec logo. It articulates the main mission of the company: a systematic solution to problems in the field of information security - the transition from formal fulfillment of the requirements for a real effective integrated approach to protecting critical information infrastructure (CII) facilities, as well as any information systems of Rostec enterprises and in the country as a whole. As of the beginning of the year, Rostec includes about 1.2 thousand enterprises.

Due to the increasing level of threats to the information security of critical information infrastructure at the facilities of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as the need to consolidate the relevant competencies within the state corporation Rostec, its leadership in 2021 decided to define information security reforms as a single center of competencies and procurement activities on information security, - said on the company's website.

The presented list of the company's services as of the beginning of February 2022 includes 16 areas, including monitoring and response to computer incidents (SOC-center), audit and consulting in the field of information security, protection of CII, personal data, state IT systems, selection of personnel and advanced training of Rostec employees on information security.

Timur Serdyuk became the general director of Information Security Reform after its entry into the contour of the state corporation. He is on the board of directors of RT-Design Technologies, a company within Rostec that specializes in the implementation of promising IT projects.

Rostec preferred not to comment on TAdviser the creation of an information security competence center on the basis of a separate company and plans for its development. However, Nikolai Andrianov, director-at-large of Rostec, and Dmitry Pravikov, presented as an adviser to the general director of Information Security Reforms, briefly spoke about Information Security Reforms at an industry conference on information security in February 2021. Andrianov, in particular, spoke about the goals, tasks set for the new organization, the directions of its activities. Among the goals, Andrianov cited an increase in the level of actual security of state corporation enterprises, optimization of information security costs, unification of approaches to implementing the requirements of the regulatory framework and increased control over measures to ensure information security.

The company builds its work within the framework of the service model and in close cooperation with the security units of enterprises, the representative of Rostec noted.

The latter was also emphasized by Dmitry Pravikov: he noted that the information security competence center cannot live separately without internal information security units, they are needed to investigate internal attacks. Moreover, some of the attacks, for example, phishing, are better visible from the point of view of the internal information security unit.

If we talk about the state corporation "Rostec," most likely, we will go towards a distributed center, where part of the functions of the monitoring center will be performed by internal information security units, - Pravikov shared with the participants of the event.

According to TAdviser, this speaker is the same Dmitry Pravikov, the former deputy head of the FSB Information Security Center (CIB), which was reported by the media in 2017 in connection with a criminal case. Then journalists, citing a representative of the Moscow District Military Court, reported that he was given three years probation in the case of abuse of office[2].

At the time of the report on the establishment of a criminal case in 2017, a source of the Kommersant newspaper in the IT market noted that Dmitry Pravikov is "a legend in the field of information security," and that "he wrote articles and books on which many studied."[3].

On the website of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, Dmitry Pravikov is indicated as the head of the Scientific and Educational Center for New Information and Analytical Technologies (REC NIAT). And at an industry conference in February, he also introduced himself as the head of the department of integrated security of critical facilities of the same educational institution. He also said that he served as the head of the information security department of one of the enterprises included in the Rostec circuit.
