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BARS Group



Akhmerov Timur Maratovich - 65%
National Center for Informatization (NCI) - 25%
Alexey Martynov - 10% (data for July 2022)


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


BARS Group JSC is a Russian developer of integrated control systems.

BARS Group is known for its work in the field of informatization of the Russian public sector and business. It became one of the first domestic IT manufacturers to create government information systems based on cloud technologies.

BARS Group specializes in complex projects for federal departments, regional structures, large state and commercial companies. Supports the import substitution strategy and works towards improving the quality and competitiveness of domestic software products. Most of the company's solutions are included in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases.

The head office is located in Moscow, production apartments are located in Kazan, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod, offices are located in 18 cities of Russia (data for July 2022).

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 22.7% to RUB 7,417 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of BARS Group increased by 22.7% - to 7,417 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 71st place.


2025: The court ordered the general director of Bars Group to buy out the company's block stake from the NCI for 1.12 billion rubles

On January 21, 2025, it became known that the court ordered Bars Group CEO Timur Akhmerov to buy out the blocking stake in this company from the National Center for Informatization (NCI). The value of the asset is estimated at 1.12 billion rubles. Read more here.


3rd place in TAdviser ranking "Largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare"

BARS Group took 3rd place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

5th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"

BARS Group took 5th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

5th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

BARS Group took 5th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from projects for the implementation/supply of such products at the end of 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023


1st place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the field of construction"

BARS Group took 1st place in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers for the construction industry, prepared by TAdviser in July 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of IT projects in construction for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

7th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"

BARS Group took 7th place in the ranking TAdviser prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects public sector Russia in 2022 and published in November 2023. Read more here.

1st place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

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Revenue growth by 12.2% to RUB 6,044 million

At the end of 2021, the revenue of BARS Group amounted to 6,044 million rubles, an increase of 12.2% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 85th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

Launch of courses on training students to work in MIS together with PIMU

BARS Group on April 15, 2021 announced that, together with the Volga Research Medical University (PIMU), they launched courses to train students to work in medical information systems. By the time of release, they will be ready to use new technologies in the workplace. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 32.4% to RUB 5,384 million.

At the end of 2020, the revenue of BARS Group amounted to 5,384 million rubles, an increase of 32.4% compared to 2019, which allowed it to take 74th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia"

BARS Group is included in the rating "The largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia" by revenue for 2020, "prepared by TAdviser in October 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"

BARS Group is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"

BARS Group is included in IT public sector Russia the rating "Largest Suppliers by Revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Obtaining two licenses of FSTEC of Russia

On April 15, 2020, BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization, received two licenses from the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEKRossia): for technical information protection and the creation of information protection tools . These licenses will allow the company to provide services in the field of protecting state secrets, as well as develop software that performs the functions of protecting information.

We are increasing competencies and expanding the scope of information protection services provided. To obtain these licenses, a lot of work was done that we began in 2019: we successfully passed a special examination of the FSTEC of Russia to confirm compliance with licensing requirements, as a result of which we received licenses,

In addition, the license of the FSTEC of Russia for activities to protect confidential information was re-issued. This license allows you to perform work and provide services for the protection of confidential information in BARS Group systems in such industries as healthcare, education, construction, housing and communal services, asset management, etc.

In addition to the licenses of FSTEC of Russia, the company has licenses Ministry of Defence RUSSIAN FEDERATION,. Federal Security Services of the Russian Federation


Opening of the first production office in Vladivostok

On October 4, 2019, Dmitry Vakhrushev the first deputy general director of BARS Group, a subsidiary, National Center for Informatization announced the opening of the first production office in. Vladivostok It will become the 17th representative office in the territory RUSSIAN FEDERATION and will also cover the company's activities on, in and Sakhalin. Magadan Khabarovsk

We are pleased to announce our presence in the regional IT market. There is a strong IT community and suitable conditions for the development of the company's activities - the Administration of the Primorsky Territory is doing everything possible to support the IT industry and the fact that this event is taking place here is an example of this. This is a platform for the exchange of experience between digitalists and authorities to achieve the goals set by national projects, - Dmitry Vakhrushev shared during his speech.

The company plans to actively involve local specialists in cooperation: at the moment, a team is being recruited to deal with solutions in the field of digital healthcare. By the end of 2019, it is estimated that the office will have more than 20 people. They will continue to work on regional projects in the Primorsky Territory, including the introduction of a centralized medical information system.

One of the solutions of BARS Group, an information system for monitoring pregnant women, has already been implemented in the region. It provides support to obstetricians-gynecologists in making medical decisions: centralizes and ensures control of the health status of patients at all stages of pregnancy according to automatically calculated risks in real time.

Opening an office in Krasnodar

On September 18, 2019, BARS Group announced the opening of an office in Krasnodar. The production office will develop the key direction of the company - federal and regional medical digital projects. It is expected that the regional office will allow attracting local specialists to the existing projects of the company, as well as study and ensure the need for digitalization of organizations in the Krasnodar Territory.

In the Krasnodar Territory, there is a strong market for IT specialists, but, at the same time, there is high competition: there are also large federal players and local product companies. We plan to enter the local IT community and by the end of the year double the staff of specialists, - said Timur Akhmerov, General Director of BARS Group.

The team, which is based in the Krasnodar office, is engaged in web development: the main programming language for user web interfaces is JavaScript, and PHP is used to develop the server component of applications. The office also employs specialists in database design and maintenance.

The main reason for the opening of the "medical focus" development center is the company's constant emphasis on the implementation of IT solutions in the healthcare sector: from software development to its implementation and maintenance. The portfolio of BARS Group includes such products as the medical information system (MIS), laboratory information system (LIS), and maternity monitoring (RISAR). In May, the company developed a telemedicine consultation service, and in August presented to the public a mobile application for a doctor on duty.

Opening an office in Nizhny Novgorod

On September 9, 2019, BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization, announced the opening of an office in Nizhny Novgorod, which became the 16th in a row in Russia.

The opening ceremony was hosted by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Igor Nosov

It is expected that the representative office in Nizhny Novgorod will optimize the company's work on regional projects, as well as provide jobs for local qualified specialists. It will become a center of competence aimed at transferring and accumulating experience in the high-tech industry, said BARS Group.

BARS Group, a Russian developer and expert center in the field of digital transformation of all sectors of the economy, will certainly contribute to the implementation of the Digital Economy national project in the region. As far as I know, a set of developers and analysts for medical projects is planned in the near future, according to which BARS Group is already working in our region. So, the company has updated the monitoring system for maternity care in Nizhny Novgorod, - commented on the event Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Igor Nosov.

Anatoly Mladshev and Igor Nosov

Closer participation in the "digital life" of the region will provide new cooperation - BARS Group has joined the International IT Cluster of the Nizhny Novgorod Region iCluster. The corresponding agreement was signed as part of the opening ceremony of the office between the director of iCluster Marat Mukharyamov and the deputy general director of BARS Group Anatoly Mladshev. It will allow you to develop partnerships with other companies and take part in working groups.

Marat Mukharyamov and Anatoly Mladshev
We join the achievement of common goals - the development of the IT industry in the region and the presentation of domestic developments in Russia and in the international arena. At the start, we will have a small but strong team that will deal with federal and regional projects for the development of a cloud accounting and payroll system, which are implemented in 9 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, - said Anatoly Mladshev.

BARS Group is already operating in the Nizhny Novgorod region: in May, an agreement was signed with the Volga Medical University (PIMU) on the exchange of expertise and joint organization of the educational process, and a medical information system is functioning .

Technology Cooperation Agreement with Trivium

On May 24, 2019, BARS Group announced that its founder and shareholder Timur Akhmerov is investing his own funds in Trivium, which will develop software products for the corporate sector. The co-founders of the company are Denis Milyukov, who served as director for work with partners and key clients of the Forecast company, and Alexey Murashov, who oversaw the work of the department for the implementation of systems for business planning and investment management in corporations and holdings in the Forecast company, known to the market for its eponymous platform for creating business analytics systems.

BARS Group and Trivium have signed an agreement on technological cooperation. BARS Group aims to jointly create innovative solutions with the Trivium team, which has experience in implementing successful projects in the interests of domestic large companies.

BARS Group and Trivium signed an agreement on technological cooperation

Trivium JSC has already begun developing an IT solution for the corporate sector - large corporations and holdings, namely a single corporate platform under the '3V' brand of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) class for planning, analyzing and improving the quality of management and optimization of the company's key business processes: operating and project activities, finance, sales, marketing, personnel, etc. The release of the launch versions is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2019.

The development of the '3V' platform is carried out taking into account the technological and methodological experience of the Trivium team and the use of modern approaches of BARS Group to software development. In particular, the '3V' platform will be delivered in a single package with Alpha BI, a technology platform for building management reporting and analytics. The delivery of a single stack of software solutions "BARS Group" and "Trivium" will take place on the basis of a paid license.

The Trivium team has fifteen years of project experience in implementing corporate budgeting systems, investment planning, optimization of production processes, monitoring of financial indicators and other systems (more than 30 projects in total) for companies such as Transneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, Rostec, Basic Element, Zarubezhneft, OMK, UAC and several other leading enterprises.


Cooperation Agreement with Galaxy Corporation

On October 11, 2018, Galactica Corporation announced that, together with BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization, they signed a cooperation agreement aimed at creating and developing a stack of solutions based on their own software products in the interests of regional and municipal customers in the Russian Federation. Read more here.

Opening a production office in Tomsk

On July 5, 2018, BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization, announced the opening of a production office in Tomsk. Now the company has 15 offices and representative offices from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. The event took place with the participation of the director of the Tomsk branch of PJSC Rostelecom Alexei Makhorin and the first deputy general director of BARS Group Dmitry Vakhrushev.

Opening an office in Tomsk

The opening of the office will create additional jobs in the region and will contribute to the development of expertise of local developers through participation in federal projects of the company, as well as develop solutions that will be competitive outside Russia.

BARS Group is a long-term, proven partner of Rostelecom. The largest joint project implemented in the Tomsk region is the regional medical information system of the Tomsk region. The project is not simple, but I find it very useful, both for the medical staff and for the population. I am sure that interesting projects await us.

Tomsk region is a region actively developing innovations in the IT sphere. This is achieved, in particular, by the presence in the region of a large number of universities providing education in the field of information technology. We plan to actively involve local specialists in the development of software products and give them the opportunity to work in large regional and federal projects that our company is engaged in. The presence of a production office in the Tomsk Region will make it possible to optimize and bring the current projects implemented in the region to a higher quality level.
'Dmitry Vakhrushev, First Deputy General Director of BARS Group '

Opening an office in the Tyumen region

Bars Group logo for June 2018

On June 4, 2018, Bars Group announced that it had received the status of a resident of the Tyumen Technopark and opened an office in the region. The corresponding agreement was signed with the participation of the Acting Governor of the Tyumen Region Alexander Moor and the General Director of Bars Group Timur Akhmerov.

In 2017, the Tyumen Region worked to create favorable conditions for the development of the information technology market. Conditions have been created for IT companies, including low-cost offices, the ability to train personnel, comprehensive tax and financial support, state and corporate orders for IT development, promotion and support for the sale of IT products. Gradually answering these questions, we want to form an actively growing sector of the economy in our region. At the same time, we still have to create a fundamentally different ecosystem. It is necessary to form a flexible regulatory framework and mechanisms that stimulate the introduction of digital technologies in all spheres of life. We can do this task if the authorities, business and the public act together, - said the acting governor of the Tyumen region Alexander Moor.

Since 2011, Bars Group has been participating in the digitalization of all stages of the education industry in the Tyumen region, and does not plan to stop there. The plans are to create new domestic projects with the potential for import substitution, for which we will assemble a team. Over the past three years, we have been actively increasing expertise - about a quarter of our employees work in the regions. We are always interested in IT professionals with strong competencies. And in Tyumen, as we know, strong technological universities and a promising personnel reserve, - said Timur Akhmerov, General Director of Bars Group, for his part.

Bars Group is preparing to enter foreign markets

Bars Group is working on the possibility of entering foreign markets, Timur Akhmerov, general director of the company, said in March 2018. According to him, first of all, Bars Group would like to try its hand at the markets of Europe and Vietnam.

Regarding Vietnam, Akhmerov notes that this country is "very located towards Russia." As of spring 2018, the company is already taking pre-sales steps in this market, but it is too early to talk about specific projects, he told TAdviser.

Bars Group is thinking of making an approach to Europe through Kaliningrad, where it expects, on the basis of digital processes that it has "already built in healthcare," to try to create services for medical tourism. Some medical services in Russia are cheaper than in, and it To Europe would be possible to lure residents of nearby European countries to come for treatment in the Kaliningrad region, explained TAdviser Akhmerov.

"Window" to Europe for "Bars Group" Timur Akhmerov expects to cut through the Kaliningrad region "(photo - portal" Real Time ")"

This idea has already been discussed with the government of the Kaliningrad region. And on the development of medical tourism, Timur Akhmerov, according to him, has already "fantasized" with the Minister of Health.

Bars Group has yet to analyze what solutions it could offer in which European countries. At the same time, both in Europe and in other countries, the company wants not only to sell its software, but together with local partners to make solutions that would be based on its products, explains Timur Akhmerov. Perhaps such final solutions will be patented in the country where they were created, he argues.

The opening of an office in Kaliningrad, which the company reported in 2017, is the first step towards the European market, said the head of Bars Group TAdviser.

Speaking about how the perception of the company in Europe may be affected by the current geopolitical situation, Akhmerov noted:

I don't know how the sanctions will affect. Maybe because our shareholder is Rostec, some difficulties may arise, but as a businessman, I believe that the glass is half full and attempts should be made.

Bars Group has some experience in implementing projects abroad. So, according to Timur Akhmerov, in 2013-2014. the company participated in a joint project with a partner in Iran. At some point, the company realized that it was not very cost-effective for it to work on this project and left it, Akhmerov says. He chose not to specify who was the customer in this country. Bars Group also participated in the project in Kazakhstan.

The head of Bars Group explained why Rostec's share in the company decreased from 100% to 25%

The general director of Bars Group Timur Akhmerov in March 2018 explained to TAdviser the reasons for the restructuring of the deal with the Rostec structure - the National Center for Informatization (NCI), as a result of which NCI was the owner of not 100% of the company, as originally planned, but only a blocking package.

Rostec announced plans to acquire 100% of Bars Group through NCI in 2016. Reporting on the results of its activities in 2016, NCI claimed that the financial performance of the company already takes into account the activities of Bars Group, which it "acquired in the spring of 2016[1]. Timur Akhmerov remained the general director of the company. In February 2018, the NCI announced that the deal with Bars Group was restructured: NCI received 25% + one share of Bars Group, and Timur Akhmerov now owns a 75% minus one share.

Bars Group explains that in 2016 an initial transaction was made, which implied a phased transfer of Bars Group shares to NCI. The execution of this transaction was covered accordingly. In 2017, after the transfer of 25% + 1 shares to NCI, the transaction was restructured.

Timur Akhmerov says that he initially assumed the organization of a deal under the model of public-private partnership (PPP) "(photo -" Real Time ")"

Akhmerov told TAdviser that when he initially discussed the terms of the deal with Rostec, he even then assumed its organization according to the model of public-private partnership (PPP) in the proportion of 25% of the company - from the state and 75% - private investments. But at that time, the parties still agreed to sell 100% of the company to the state with the prospect of gradually moving to the PPP model within four years.

In 2017, the trend of the digital economy was actively developed, in which PPPs and concessions became one of the most important vectors, Timur Akhmerov explained to TAdviser. Against this background, Rostec accepted his arguments that now is the time to restructure the deal.

The CEO of Bars Group calls the existing structure of the transaction ideal. On the one hand, Rostec has a blocking package that allows it to ensure influence on the company's movement strategy. And at the same time, this does not affect daily operating activities in relation to the conclusion of contracts, transactions, the use of credit banking products, etc., explains Akhmerov. This allows you to quickly implement projects.

If Bars Group fulfills the prescribed KPIs, provides the necessary financial indicators, follows the strategy and grows annually, then the investor does not need to interfere in the operating activities of its asset, Akhmerov added.


Revenue growth by 17% to 2.5 billion rubles

The revenue of BARS Group in 2017 exceeded 2.5 billion rubles, an increase of 17% compared to last year. At the end of the year, the company retained its position in the regional informatization market, increasing its presence at the federal level and strengthening its competence in working with corporate customers.

Opening a project office in the Kaliningrad region

BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization of Rostec State Corporation, on November 22, 2017 announced the opening of a project office in the Kaliningrad Region. The office has already become 11 regional branch of BARS Group.

According to Maxim Blaginin, Deputy General Director - Head of the Project Office of the Kaliningrad Region "BARS Group," the opening of the project office will strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between the Government of the region and the company. The opening of the office implies the creation of workplaces. In addition, the agreement concluded earlier involves interaction in the preparation and training of ICT specialists and Russian software developers for additional professional programs, he said.

From left to right: Minister of Health of the Kaliningrad Region Alexander Kravchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region Ilya Barinov, General Director of BARS Group Timur Akhmerov, Head of the Project Office in Kaliningrad Maxim Blaginin

BARS Group since 2011 has been helping to develop strategically important areas for the Kaliningrad region: financial management, education and healthcare. During this time, the company implemented the BARS cloud solutions. Healthcare - MIS, "" Recruitment of preschool educational organizations "and" Electronic Budget. "

The Kaliningrad region is a natural contender for the status of a pilot region for the implementation of the Digital Economy, the development program of which was adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2017. In recent months, we have made a certain breakthrough in the informatization of a number of processes thanks to our colleagues from BARS Group, who supported our initiatives and helped in the implementation of several projects, including the Lean Clinic. I am sure that we will continue to work for the benefit of the residents of the region and the country, - said Ilya Barinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kaliningrad Region.

According to official data, according to the results of 2016, 63 institutions and almost 3 thousand medical workers worked in the medical information system (MIS) developed by BARS Group. All automated workplaces are connected to the MIS. MIS also allowed for electronic medical records and medical histories in institutions for more than 870,000 people, or about 90% of the population (for comparison: by the end of 2013 it was 25%).

We see great potential in the Kaliningrad region and intend to develop competitive Russian software for the region. Over time, we plan to turn the Kaliningrad region into an advanced region of the Digital Economy of Russia, - said Timur Akhmerov.

25 Years in the Software Market

BARS Group is aimed at promoting the industrial sector with the concepts of a digital enterprise and Postmodern ERP, as well as developing the direction of information security in connection with the needs of the defense industry complex. In accordance with the program for the development of the Digital Economy of Russia, the company will continue to develop projects of federal and regional importance, contributing to the development of domestic digital technologies.

Also, one of the strategic goals of BARS Group is to increase competencies in the corporate informatization market. In the future, the company plans to consolidate the success of the project in the Republic health care , Kazakhstan deploying capacity at the international level.


Kazan company "BARS Group" is known for its work in the field of informatization of the Russian public sector.

Revenue - 2.177 billion rubles

In 2016, the revenue of BARS Group amounted to 2.177 billion rubles, which is 21.6% higher than the same indicator in 2015. In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, BARS Group took 47th place.

Among the largest projects of BARS Group at this time was the creation of a budget planning system at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and a number of other functional blocks of the Electronic Budget. BARS Group systems and services are used by such large customers as the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, and the Moscow Construction Department. Many projects have high social significance. Such projects include the creation of regional fragments of the Unified State Information System in the field of health care (Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Novosibirsk, Oryol, Saratov and Tomsk regions), the creation of services for schools, the organization of electronic priority in preschool educational institutions, ensuring the openness of housing and communal services, etc.

Launch of Information Security

On June 30, 2016, BARS Group announced the launch of the Information Security direction. A set of consulting and technical services in the field of information protection is available to current and potential customers of the company.

{{quote 'author
= Ildar Garipov, Head of the Information Security Service "BARS Group"|The goals set for the division are aimed at ensuring business continuity of organizations and minimizing business risks by preventing information security incidents and reduce potential damage.}}

The emergence of the Information Security direction in the company's portfolio of solutions was preceded by many years of successful practice. Previously, we - on the basis of Russian, international and industry standards - ensured the safety of data within the company and within the framework of the projects carried out by our business centers. The accumulated experience has made it possible to single out this work in a separate direction, and now we are ready to share our competencies in this area with a wide range of customers.

Denis Gerasimenko, Information Technology Director of BARS Group

Accreditation in the field of information security and management:

  • certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015;
  • Certificate of compliance of the information security management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO/IEC 27001-2006 (ISO/IEC 27001:2005);
  • FSTEC license for technical protection of confidential information;
  • FSTEC license for the development and production of means for protecting confidential information;
  • license FSB to carry out activities for the development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems telecommunication and systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of works, provision of services in the field of enciphering information, maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means (except if the maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, carried out to ensure the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur).

Bars Group sold to NCI (Rostec)

On April 20, 2016, the National Center for Informatization (NCI), which is part of Rostec, announced the acquisition of a 100% stake in Bars Group. More details - in the NCI questionnaire.

Rental of personnel to Rostec and loss of funds in Nota Bank

Having received 43 million rubles from Rostec to an account in the failing Nota-Bank, the Bars Group company managed to write them off in favor of the tax authorities, but those who did not receive the money demand to pay again. After attending the meeting, the correspondent of the Kazan edition of BUSINESS Online learned along the way how the IT company leased the operators of the call center to state corporations at a price of 144 thousand rubles a month.

The application of Bars Group to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 14 in the Republic of Tatarstan was considered in April 2016 in the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. The company demanded to invalidate the claim for VAT arrears issued to it in November 2015 for the third quarter of 2015 in the amount of 9 million rubles. An ordinary, it would seem, meeting resulted in a fundamental dispute over who should get in the line of creditors of the bankrupt Nota Bank in the fall of 2015.

The plot of the case is connected with the cooperation of Bars Group and the Rostec structure - National Center for Informatization LLC (NCI). As you know, the state corporation is preparing to absorb the Kazan company (in March 2016, the FAS Russia granted the NCI's petition to acquire a 100% stake in Bars Group JSC), but at that time the business still belongs to Timur Akhmerov.

Interesting details of the close relations between Bars Group and the state corporation surfaced in court. So, at the beginning of 2015, the company leased its employees to NCI as a resident Innopolis. The purpose is to perform services to maintain 24-hour operation of the unified state information system health care (). UNIFORM STATE HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM Rostec is the sole executor of these works by order of the government, and NCI was appointed contractor of Rostec. With the help of this system, electronic document management of sick leave and drug supplies in medical institutions, prescription, etc.

According to TAdviser, from January to December 2015, 75 Bars Group employees and 67 specialists from ER-Es-Technologies (also registered in Kazan and is a partner of Bars Group) worked in the NCI under outstaffing agreements. We are talking about Java, PHP and Ruby developers, project managers, business analysts, system administrators, contact center operators, technical support coordinators. NCI signed contracts with Bars for 103 million rubles, with ER-Technologies - for 75.7 million rubles. Interestingly, experts cost the state very cheaply, even by the standards of the IT world. The most expensive personnel for NCI were the developers of Ruby and Java - for each of them the company paid 238 and 225 thousand rubles a month, respectively (including VAT). And the lowest-paid rented employees were contact center operators - they cost 144 thousand rubles a month for the NCI.

Note that the protocol of the NCI commission on the selection of Bars Group as a contractor was signed only in October 2015, a similar document on Er-Es-Technology in December 2015, and under the contracts published on the public procurement website, the provision of personnel was supposed to begin in January 2015. As the lawyer of the Bars Group company said during the court session, the delay was due to the settlement of "some technical issues."

As the TAdviser center reported with reference to the NCI, in 2016, the contracts for the provision of personnel were not extended, including due to the increase in the number of NCI personnel. According to TAdviser, one of the reasons may be a legislative ban on borrowed labor, which was introduced on January 1, 2016 by law No. 116-FZ.

However, the contract did not bring good luck to Bars Group. In early September 2015, Rostec transferred about 120 million rubles to the NCI settlement account in Nota Bank as financing for work under a medical contract, and on October 1, about 58 million rubles of which were transferred to the Bars Group account in the same bank (apparently, payment for work in the first half of the year). On October 9, Bars Group transferred 15 million rubles from the same account to the pension fund, another 240 thousand rubles to the social insurance fund and as much as 43 million rubles to the accounts of the tax authority as an advance payment for VAT for the third and fourth quarters. But the funds were never received in the tax department, so in November Bars Group issued a claim for 9 million rubles in debts for the third quarter. This served as the basis for the appeal of Bars Group to the Arbitration Court. The company considered that the requirements were illegal and it was not obliged to pay the same taxes a second time.

As it turned out, the money did not reach due to the fact that just in October in Nota Bank (the main shareholder was a certain Fanida Komarova), who occupied 97th place in the ranking of Russian banks, liquidity problems began. An abnormal outflow of funds occurred from a Moscow bank specializing in servicing defense industry enterprises in connection with information about upcoming changes restricting state-owned companies in choosing a bank for placing funds. As Vedomosti reported, the order to "reset" its accounts was given to its structures, in particular, the state corporation Rostec. As a result, about 20 billion rubles of defense enterprises were still stuck in the bank, including, for example, the Almaz-Antey concern.

Meanwhile, the early transfer of a large amount without providing a tax return and even in advance immediately for two quarters, the tax authorities considered extremely suspicious. In their opinion, the management of Bars Group knew that they would no longer receive money from the bank, and thus decided to somehow use it for their own benefit, instructing the bank to transfer it to the tax office.

consider our claims against tax authorities to be legitimate and justified," the Bars Group lawyer said. - Payment of tax in advance does not mean the application of any dubious schemes. And operating with such concepts as "withdrawal of funds," in our opinion, is an attempt to mislead the court and put pressure on it.
- Explain, what is the pressure? - the judge was met.
- The tax authority is trying to prove that our counterparty and we were engaged in some illegal operations. Thus, he is trying to create a false impression of our activities at the court, "the lawyer said.
- This is the right of each party involved in the dispute! - the judge replied.
- We received funds to our current account, we sent these funds to pay taxes, and the bank debited this money from our current account. The fact of the write-off suggests that we have fulfilled our duties. Thus, the further responsibility for promoting these funds to the relevant budget accounts lies with the bank, and not with us. Since this bank is declared insolvent and enforcement proceedings are opened against it, the tax authority, in order not to lose these funds, is obliged to send the appropriate requirements for inclusion in the list of creditors of the bank, - advised the lawyer of Bars Group, warning the tax authorities that if they miss the deadline established by law for filing such a claim, then they will not be included in the list of creditors, and this can already be regarded as negligence of the tax authorities, incomplete performance of their direct duties. "Therefore, first of all, they should take care of joining the register of creditors' claims of Nota-Bank," the Bars Group lawyer emphasized.

Representatives of the tax authority were outraged to the extreme by accusations of negligence.

bank's creditor is Bars Group, because it has civil law relations with the bank to transfer funds to the budget in the absence of an obligation to pay tax. At that time, you and I did not have any public-legal relations on the payment of taxes, "the tax authorities said

In addition, in their opinion, information about problems in the bank was publicly available, it appeared on the Internet on August 31, 2015, when Nota-Bank suspends settlements with individuals.

applicant had enough time to exercise discretion and think before transferring large amounts of money to pay tax," the tax authority noted.

Moreover, according to their information, Bars Group has several tens of millions of rubles on its current account in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of VTB Bank, which would be enough to pay tax for the third quarter without any risks.

"This account is a deposit account, and we use it as an insurance cushion for ourselves - we keep 18-25 million rubles there for unforeseen payments or to pay salaries on time if our counterparties do not pay us on time," the Bars Group lawyer was found in response.

According to him, the tax authority wrongfully shifts responsibility from the bank to the company and follows the easiest path.

understand, of course, it is easier for them - the bank is already bankrupt, and it is not known how much money can be taken from them. And we are an active large enterprise, we have money, and it is easier for them to recover money from us. No one cares that as a result of illegal actions of the tax authority, we may also be on the verge of bankruptcy and 700 people will lose their place of work. For tax officials, the most important thing is to get money from an existing enterprise in any way, "the lawyer complained to the judge

This was followed by an exchange of references to court decisions that were in favor of tax authorities and taxpayers in similar situations. At the end, there were references to the decisions of the Supreme Court, and then the tax authorities presented a trump ace - the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 12.10.98 No. 24-P, which says that although the tax payment does count from the moment the payment order is transferred to the bank, this rule applies only to those payers who "act in good faith."

After listening to the parties who waved bundles of printed sheets in front of each other, the judge retired to the meeting and five minutes later announced the refusal to satisfy the Bars Group claim. "Yes"! - commented one of the lawyers of the tax authority, making a characteristic gesture. Leaving the meeting room, the tax authorities congratulated each other on their victory and even wished all the best to the busting lawyers of Bars Group.

Opening of an additional office in St. Petersburg

In January 2016, an additional BARS Group office was opened in St. Petersburg. The purpose of its opening is to strengthen the company's production resource.

Recently, we have greatly expanded the geography of our projects and the number of teams, which entailed the need to find new points of development, open remote offices. An important role here is played by the presence in the regions of well-trained personnel and universities that grow the specialists we need. First of all - python developers.
Executive Director of BARS Group Kamil Ibragimov

For full-fledged work on the territory of the North-West Federal District, the staff of the branch, in addition to technical specialists, will be staffed by a project team. In addition, the convenient location and proximity of the new unit to the capital of Russia will make it possible to use this resource more closely when implementing projects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Participation in Expert Boards

The company took part in expert boards:

2015: Revenue - RUB 1.79 billion

The total revenue of the company in 2015 with VAT - 1.791 billion rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2015, BARS Group took 55th place.

2014: Revenue - 917 million rubles

According to SPARK-Interfax, the company's revenue increased from 643 million rubles in 2012 to 917 million rubles in 2014. Net profit for 2014 - 9.2 million rubles.

2013: Opening an office in Novosibirsk

The Siberian office of BARS Group has been opened in Novosibirsk, which specializes in the promotion and implementation of projects in the regions of Siberia and the Far East. A new direction has been opened for the implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency. The production of mobile applications and portal solutions has been allocated to a separate department. The Alpha-BI platform has been published - a powerful tool in the field of business analytics, ready for the implementation of projects in the public and commercial sectors.


Year-end: 140% revenue growth

Bars Group's revenue in 2012 amounted to 1.1 billion rubles, exceeding the same figure in 2011 by 140%. All income was received by the company from work in the public sector. 90% of the revenue structure was software development, 10% was the provision of IT services, the company told CNews.

At the same time, the number of employees of Bars Group increased significantly - from 300 people in 2011 to 500 at the end of 2012.

The largest state contract concluded by the company in 2012 is the creation of a system for comprehensive automation of the administrative and economic activities of medical and preventive institutions of the Chelyabinsk region. Its cost is 44.4 million rubles. BARS Group also won the rest of the tenders in the regions (Moscow, Tatarstan, Yakutia, etc.), but their volumes are noticeably smaller.

Reorganization in CJSC

Reorganization of BARS Group into a Closed Joint Stock Company. Launch of mobile applications. Major regional projects for the informatization of health care, education and construction. Great successes in the implementation of projects for the federal program "Accessible Environment." The largest project is the creation of a Unified Information and Analytical System for Collecting and Reporting Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. BARS Group solutions are present in all regions of Russia.

2011: Revenue of 458 million rubles (+ 26.5 %)

At the end of 2011, the company managed to gain 458 million rubles, an increase in relation to 2010 was 26.5%.

The revenue of BARS Group from BI projects in 2011 amounted to 93 million 516 thousand rubles (including VAT), which is 91% more than in 2010.

Strategic partnership with partner Rostelecom. Dynamic development of the direction in the field of informatization of education. Development of the Regulation of information exchange in the field of housing and communal services for the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services. Access to the market of the city of Moscow and a number of projects in federal departments. The clients of BARS Group are: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation; Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport. Entering the market of the first cloud accounting for state and municipal institutions.

2010: Resident of Kazan IT Park

BARS Group becomes a resident of the IT-Park technology park in the field of high technologies (Kazan). Release of services for the translation of state and municipal services into electronic form. The number of partner organizations reaches 51, 4 partner centers are opening. Solutions are already present in 50 regions of the Russian Federation.

2009: Start of promotion in housing and communal services, construction and healthcare

Development of the portfolio of solutions for the public sector. The beginning of promotion in industries, HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES construction and. health care Implementation of the first major federal project (EMERCOM Budget Reporting System). Russia The decision of BARS Group for housing and communal services was recognized as the best in Russia. The portfolio of BARS Group solutions for the public sector is replenished with the system of integrated monitoring of institutions of the social sector BARC.Web-Regional Development Management and the decision of BARC.Web-Assessment of the effectiveness of the Management, designed to monitor the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local self-government. Information and analytical systems "BARC.Web-Capital Construction Monitoring" and "BARC.Web-Housing Fund Monitoring" are being developed and implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Based on the BARC.Web-Budget Reporting system, the ASBK company creates a Budget Reporting System in the EMERCOM of Russia, covering all managers and recipients of budget funds of the Ministry throughout the country. In the same direction, partner structures of BARS Group implemented projects in the Tomsk and Samara regions. Automated economic accounting in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and departmental statistics in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


The beginning of entering the federal market with the BARC.Web-Monitoring of Budgetary Needs and a line of solutions for monitoring socially significant industries: education, health, social protection, culture, youth policy, sports and tourism. The system of assessment of qualitative indicators of education BARC.Web-Quality Management of Education has been developed. The functionality of the BARS-Budget software complex has been replenished with the ability to make calculations according to the industry wage system. A partner network is starting to be built. Release of the first web applications. The line of solutions for monitoring socially significant industries is gaining popularity in the market. The Republic of Tatarstan has implemented projects to automate economic accounting, monitor social sectors and calculate regulatory financing. BARC.Web-Budget Reporting is implemented by the company's partners in Volgograd Region, Komi Republic, Primorsky Krai, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. BARC.Web-Education Monitoring system is implemented in Lipetsk and Saratov (integrated with BARC.Web-Education Quality Management) regions.


The beginning of a major project to automate centralized accounting departments in the Republic of Tatarstan using standard software. Development of the first platform for creating web applications. The most important area was the automation of centralized accounting departments. Opening of the Kazan office of the company. The information and analytical system BARC.Web-Summary was created. The first solution created on the basis of BARC.Web-Code was the BARC.Web-Budget Reporting system. With this decision, BARS Group began to automate budget reporting in the Republic of Tatarstan.

1995: "BARS-Budget" issue

The BARS-Budget software package has been developed. The name of the solution stood for Accounting Automated Work Environment. The success of BARS-Budget in the regional market has turned the BARS brand into the name of the company.

1992: Founding of the Company

June 16, 1992 - the birthday of BARS Group. On this day, a group of software students founded Special Software. The first software product of the company was the Automated Workplace of the Public Education Accountant, which predetermined the company's specialization in working with the public sector.

Development principles

The technological basis for the implementation of the BARS Group projects is its own cloud platform. The company offers a wide range of IT solutions, including both affordable circulation information systems and unique design solutions. Customers of solutions receive ready-made and debugged management tools that allow them to collect and analyze large amounts of data, effectively build business processes, carry out information exchange, and disclose information.


BARS Group is one of the pioneers of cloud technologies in the Russian public sector. BARS Group solutions are web applications that operate in private and open "clouds," and also have the ability to integrate into the National Platform for Distributed Data Processing (NPROD).


The workplaces and servers on which BARS Group applications are installed are capable of operating on the basis of any common operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS). Also, users are not limited to choosing a DBMS and browser as a database server.

Development platforms

Alpha BI

Alpha BI is a BI platform for creating applied analytical systems that support management decision-making. Opportunities:

  • comprehensive multivariate data analysis;
  • integration of information;
  • visualization of business indicators;
  • report construction.

The developers of BARS Group use several software platforms. Among them are system platforms that provide ample opportunities for building any application and application platforms aimed at solving a certain range of tasks.

Platform "BARS.B4"

The BARS.B4 system platform is based on Microsoft.NET Framework technology, designed to create ordinary programs and web applications. ASP.Net MVC is used as the kernel - an open framework for creating web applications that implements the Model-view-controller (MVC) design template.

Platform "BARS.M3"

"BARS.M3" is a system platform for developing web applications operating in private and open "clouds." It is based on a free framework for Django web applications, written in Python. A distinctive feature of Django is that each project consists of independent or weakly dependent applications. Each of these applications can exist on its own, can be embedded in another application, or can be brought into another project.

Platform "BARS.D3"

The BARS.D3 system platform is based on the classic three-link architecture using business logic included in the DBMS. This construction allows you to connect and work with databases of other applications, including using web services. The application server is based on tools such as Apache and PHP. The interface building system is a proprietary framework that allows you to receive both views for the user interface and data for web services.

BARC.Web-Vaults platform

The BARC.Web-Codes platform belongs to application platforms and provides an API for developing processes and reporting forms. The functional characteristics of the platform are aimed at operating the system in organizations with a multi-level hierarchy of subordinate organizations, as well as collecting, consolidating and analyzing regulated and ad hoc reporting.

Bars UP platform

Modular Russian software platform with a built-in designer designed to quickly create business solutions for the customer's tasks. Opportunities:

  • Business process management
  • Master data management
  • Account management
  • carrying out calculations;
  • construction of the service bus.

Industry directions
