Vitaly Anatolyevich Markelov was born on August 5, 1963 in Mordovia.
Graduated from the Kuibyshev aviation institute majoring in "Operation of aircraft and engines".
1991–1997 - Morkinskoye linearly - production gas trunkline operation center headed.
1997–2000 - Chief engineer, deputy CEO of the Volgotransgaz enterprise.
2000–2003 - Deputy CEO for transportation and use of gas of JSC Tomskgazprom.
2003–2011 - CEO of Gazprom transgaz Tomsk LLC.
2011 - CEO of Gazprom transgaz Tomsk LLC, CEO of Gazprom invest Vostok LLC.
2011–2012 - Vice chairman of the board of JSC Gazprom.
since June, 2012 - the Board member of JSC Gazprom, the vice chairman of the board of JSC Gazprom.