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2025/03/04 15:00:48

Information technology in Rosreestr

The article is devoted to the digital transformation of Rosreestr, the creation of IT systems and electronic services in the department.


Electronic public services


Ex-head received 3 years in prison

On March 14, 2025, the Basmanny Court of Moscow issued a verdict against the former head of the information technology department of Rosreestr Alexander Bibikov in the framework of the case of embezzlement of more than 400 million rubles during the digitalization of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The official received three years and two months in prison, while the state prosecution demanded that he be sentenced to eight and a half years in prison. Read more here.

"Smart cadastre," checking documents in 15 seconds and assistant registrar. How Rosreestr uses AI

Rosreestr is actively introducing artificial intelligence into real estate work, including in the Smart Cadastre and Eva services. In early March 2025, Deputy Prime Minister - Chief of Staff of the Government Dmitry Grigorenko got acquainted with the results of the digital transformation of the department and assessed the effectiveness of the introduced AI solutions. Technologies allow you to automate data processing and speed up document verification, reducing the time for registration of rights to 15 seconds.

The "Smart Cadastre" service allows using neural networks to massively identify unregistered real estate objects, excluding manual point analysis and yard rounds. The Eva digital assistant automates the process of accepting documents at the MPSC and helps state registrars during legal examination, increasing the processing speed from 10 to 30-40 packages of documents daily. By the end of 2025, it is planned to scale the Eva system throughout Russia.

"Smart cadastre," analysis of documents in 15 seconds and virtual assistant for the registrar: how Rosreestr uses artificial intelligence

Dmitry Grigorenko stressed that Rosreestr has achieved a serious breakthrough in digitalization over the past five years, which is especially important, given the massive nature and high demand for the department's services among citizens. The share of electronic mortgages, for example, increased 9 times and reached 84%.

The head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky noted that in 2020 the department faced serious challenges. The federal state information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FSIS USRN) was not introduced in the 34 largest regions of the country, which amounted to 70% of the data or 110 million real estate objects. Interaction with the MPSC was carried out entirely on paper.

Thanks to the digital transformation in 2024, Rosreestr provided 407 million services, which is 3 times more than 5 years ago. Since 2020, the share of electronic services has grown 3 times - to 60%. The term for registering rights was reduced by 3.6 times - to 1.4 days, and the term for cadastral registration - by 2.5 times, to 1.6 days. The number of suspensions for registration of rights decreased by 2 times - to 1.2%, according to cadastral accounting - by 6.8 times, to 1.63%.[1]

Moving to a new data center. ₽275,9 million will be allocated for this

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced in February 2025 the search for a new data center (DPC ) in Moscow to host its web services. The department allocated ₽275,9 million for the implementation of this project.

According to CNews, the main goal of the move is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of Rosreestr's electronic services in 24/7 mode and increase the availability of public services for citizens and organizations. The project is aimed at improving services such as the "Personal account of the copyright holder," the mobile application of Rosreestr, the FIS "Far East" and the system of interdepartmental interaction.

Rosreestr moves to a new data center and allocated ₽275,9 million for this

The tender for the provision of computing power was published on the public procurement website on February 17, 2025. Acceptance of applications for participation in the electronic auction will last until March 5, and the choice of supplier is scheduled for March 12.

According to the terms of reference, the new data center shall comply with GOST R 58811-2020 standards. The infrastructure will be based on servers with x86-64 processors with a clock speed of at least 2.1 GHz per core. Each physical virtualization server will be equipped with 32 CPU cores, 512 GB of RAM and two 10 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for high-speed LAN connectivity.

The virtualization platform should support up to 254 virtual processors per machine and unlimited virtual memory, which will provide flexible resource allocation between different web service loops. The disk subsystem will be based on N + 1 redundant arrays, with SSDs with a performance of 4500 IOPS per 1 TB for high-load tasks, and SAS drives for standard operations (250 IOPS per 1 TB).

This is not the first such project of Rosreestr. In April 2024, the department planned to transfer the Unified State Register of Real Estate to new data centers corresponding to the level of at least Tier 3. ₽1,7 billion was allocated for the implementation of this project.[2]

Rosreestr and the State Property Committee of Belarus agreed on the integration of IT systems for data exchange

At the end of January 2025, the State Property Committee and the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) entered into an agreement on cooperation in the field of information exchange. The departments agreed on the mutual integration of their systems. Read more here

Rosreestr will accept documents for real estate registration from legal entities only in electronic form

At the end of December, the State Duma adopted federal law No. 487-FZ[3], which prescribes Rosreestr from March 1, 2025 to accept documents for registration of property rights from legal entities only in electronic form. A delay in compliance with this requirement until January 1, 2026 was given only to peasant (farm) farms, horticultural and gardening partnerships, garage, housing and housing construction cooperatives, as well as homeowners' partnerships.

In particular, this document amends federal law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate[4], supplementing it with article 18, paragraph 1.6 of the following content:

Legal entities submit applications for state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights, as well as documents attached to them, to the rights registration body only in the form of electronic documents in the manner established by paragraph 2 of part 1 of this article...

This means that not only the application itself, but also all accompanying documents must be provided in electronic form.

At the same time, electronic interaction with Rosreestr could be used for a long time - almost ten years.

The possibility of electronic interaction with Rosreestr appeared in 2015, - Kamila Fazlyeva, the head of the Электроннаясделка.рф project, reminded TAdviser readers. - Since that moment, the number of electronic appeals to the department has only grown. The transition to full electronic interaction has already occurred at state bodies. These are municipal, regional and federal authorities that put on cadastral registration, register lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, receive the necessary information from Rosreestr completely in electronic form. For more than two years, the MPSC have been interact with Rosreestr electronically and does not carry piles of papers for registration. On the applicant's paper document, a mark is placed on the transfer to electronic form, and electronic documents are sent for registration. Only a small percentage of paper bank mortgages remained, but today their significant share is digital mortgages. Notaries fully interact electronically with Rosreestr.

At the moment, the interaction of banks, developers and partially real estate agencies has become electronic. Today there are secure certified services that provide a full range of electronic interaction services with Rosreestr. Therefore, the body and the entire market as a whole approached the opportunity to fully interact electronically prepared. The electronic interaction programs on the market are convenient and easy to use; in addition, there is a free official portal of the department.

According to Kamila Fazlyeva, programs for electronic interaction with Rosreestr are even easier to use than the messaging tools known to many legal entities with the tax office. Therefore, in her opinion, the market is already ready for fully electronic interaction of legal entities with Rosreestr.

Rosreestr's departure to the digital environment is a decrease in the number of suspensions, elimination of risks due to the human factor (corruption risks), a significant reduction in the registration time and the ability of Rosreestr to receive documents in machine-readable form when its digital assistant recognizes the received document, which reduces the possibility of registrar error, increases the speed of verification and makes the procedure standard, faster and safer, - said Kamila Fazlyeva. - This path was passed in 10 years, and it was a sufficient time to build the necessary mechanism of interaction. And he's a worker.

The rejection of paper media in favor of a fully electronic form of registration of property rights not only accelerates all processes related to real estate, but also allows the state to collect and analyze data related to the construction and turnover of real estate.

The transition to an electronic form of interaction is tied to a new strategy for the development of the state statistics system and Rosreestr. It lies in the general trend of approaches to working with data, which are now used in large corporations, - said Ruslan Zadinov, director of the Clouds and Data department of Reksoft. - In fact, the state represented by the government says that in terms of data collection it sets itself the same goals as a large large geographically distributed corporation. In this approach, the first task is to create a single source of truth, which Rosreestr is a country-wide in its functions. Thus, the creation of a digital platform in order to implement this single source of truth at the modern technological level is an absolutely natural and very competently set goal.

Rosreestr has long established interaction with legal entities in electronic form

At the same time, individuals can still submit documents in paper form, however, except for the case when registration of the ownership of the participant in shared construction to the corresponding object is carried out. In this case, registration of property rights is carried out by the developer's company, which can also be done electronically.

Moreover, the law also states that a transaction made by a state or local government body with an individual or legal entity can be signed by an enhanced unqualified electronic signature of an individual or legal entity. This allows you to create electronic systems for working with real estate that will not be tied to the existing PKI infrastructure.

However, the law provides for a situation where the Rosreestr information system may not be available. Only in this case, the legal entity can submit documents to the department in paper form. True, for this, Rosreestr must recognize such technical inaccessibility and inform on its official website the time for the resumption of the work of its IP. So it will not work out to completely abandon the paper - document management participants should retain their competencies in working with paper documents in case of a technical failure.


Transition of authorities and local authorities to 100% electronic interaction with Rosreestr

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography has completed the transfer of all authorities and local self-government to fully electronic interaction. This was announced on October 23, 2024 by the head of the department Oleg Skufinsky in Moscow.

According to TASS, the next strategic stage of digitalization will be the complete transition of legal entities to paperless document management from January 1, 2026, which will affect all types of registration actions and transactions in digital format through a single information system.

All authorities and local governments have switched to 100% electronic interaction with Rosreestr

Over the period of active digital transformation since the beginning of 2020, the total share of Rosreestr's electronic services has grown significantly from the initial 19% to a confident 60% of the total volume of operations. In the first nine months of 2024, through the modernized unified portal of State Services, the department provided more than 23 million different public services.

The most significant technological achievement was the large-scale introduction of an artificial intelligence system for automated registration of real estate transactions in 83 regions of Russia, including the most remote territories. Innovative digital assistant registrar "Eva" reduces the time of legal examination of documents from traditional 30-40 minutes to a record 15 seconds.

In Moscow, the introduction of an improved artificial intelligence system is planned to be completed by the end of 2024, which will significantly speed up the process of registering all types of real estate transactions in the capital region.

The head of Rosreestr emphasized that a significant acceleration in the processes of digitalization of the department's work occurred against the background of the global challenges of the pandemic, when there was an urgent need for an operational transition to the remote provision of public services. Up to this point, about 80% of all registration actions and transactions were carried out exclusively in traditional paper format.[5]

Rosreestr launched a data store, thanks to which you can get an extract from the USRN in 2 seconds

At the end of July 2024, it became known that thanks to the launch of the data store by Rosreestr, it is now possible to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) in 2 seconds. The introduction of the new system made it possible to speed up the process of obtaining information, providing access to up-to-date information in real time. Read more here


Public services can now apply for a ban on the sale of real estate without the personal presence of the owner

At Public services can now apply for a ban on the sale of real estate without the full-time presence of the owner. The press service of Rosreestr announced this on December 28, 2022. Read more here.

Rosreestr will launch a real estate verification service

On October 12, 2022, it became known about the creation by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) of an online service for checking real estate before transactions using a QR code. Read more here.


Ministry of Digital Development presented a list of AI projects of ministries and departments

As it became known on December 16, 2020, Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation prepared a list of AI solutions that will be implemented in Russian departments in 2023-2024. Rosreestr will distribute documents by type, analyze images with which it can distinguish between capital construction objects. Read more here.

The new curator of digitalization Rosreestr announced plans to widely apply AI

Rosreestr is developing a digital platform, on the basis of which a number of client services will be created for quick registration of real estate, convenient search for land for housing and business and interaction with cadastral engineers. When creating them, it is planned to use artificial intelligence (AI). This was announced on November 13, 2020 by the deputy head of Rosreestr Elena Martynova, who has been in charge of the department's digital transformation process since July.

According to Martynova, Rosreestr is developing a concept for the digital transformation of the department for 2021-2023, which will make it possible to form a single IT architecture, optimize business processes and, as a result, qualitatively and promptly provide the entire range of services to citizens on the principle of "one window," including on a single portal of public services.

To achieve these goals, the department also plans to use AI technologies. For example, it is proposed to use them in a document recognition service. This tool will help you check documents and extract the necessary information.

Elena Martynova said that Rosreestr plans to start using AI in digital services for users

AI technologies will also help when citizens submit documents to the MPSC: with their help, it will be possible to analyze the correctness of filling out documents at the first stage, as well as check the quality of scanning incoming documents. If the application is processed by artificial intelligence, then a person no longer needs to manually fill out documents. Filing any application will take an average of no more than 5-10 minutes, according to Rosreestr

In addition, based on AI technology, the department plans to create a Digital Assistant decision support system. In this case, AI will form a "second opinion" for the state registrar of rights, but the final decision will remain with the person.

The department also proposed to implement a project using AI to identify unregistered capital construction facilities based on data from satellite images, orthophofuels, etc.

The increase in the share of electronic services will become one of the main directions of the digital transformation of Rosreestr. Since the beginning of the year, the share of services for accounting and registration actions in electronic form has grown 1.5 times and now amounts to more than 35%. About 96% of extracts from the USRN are provided in electronic format.

The department has special control over the registration of mortgage transactions, including in electronic format. Since the beginning of 2020, the share of electronic registration of mortgages has grown from 9% to 40%, which is twice the indicator of the Housing and Urban Environment national project for 2021.

For a successful transition to "digital rails," it is important to re-engineer the department's processes, the Rosreestr emphasizes. According to the deputy head of the service, on October 21, 2020, Rosreestr completed the transition to the FSIS ERGN in all regions of the country. This is a complex engineering process that involves migrating data from legacy regional systems to a new centralized system.

Together with our subordinate organization FGBU FKP Rosreestr and territorial bodies, we fulfilled the order of the country's leadership in record time. The introduction of the system in the largest regions - this is about 70% of the total amount of data - took place under quarantine measures, - said Elena Martynova.

2018: Registration of electronic mortgage mortgages

In August 2018, Rosreestr registered the first electronic mortgage mortgages. Read more here.

2016: The increase in the number of applications for registration of rights in electronic form amounted to 27%

For eleven months of 2016, more than 318 thousand applications for registration of rights were submitted to the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) via the Internet. In 2016, the average monthly increase in applications for registration of rights in electronic form was 27%. The use of electronic services of Rosreestr eliminates the need for a personal visit to the department, which minimizes corruption risks.

For 11 months of 2016, the largest number of applications for registration of rights in electronic form was sent in the Republic of Tatarstan (18.9 thousand), the Moscow Region (18.7 thousand), the Chelyabinsk Region (15.4 thousand) and the Republic of Bashkortostan (15.1 thousand).

In general, for 11 months of 2016, Rosreestr provided in electronic form 45.9 million services for registration of rights, cadastral registration, issuance of information from the USRP and GKN. According to the results of 11 months of 2016, the share of electronic services of Rosreestr amounted to 70.4%. The most in demand in electronic form is information from the USRP. During the reporting period, the share of requests for their receipt amounted to 72% of all applications for the provision of Rosreestr services submitted via the Internet.

The regulatory framework regulating the procedure for the provision of electronic services of Rosreestr, as well as determining their development in the long term, has been developed. Ministry of Economic Development Russia For the convenience of citizens and business, the Rosreestr website contains 30 electronic services, with the help of which you can directly contact the department, receive a state service, make an appointment and find out detailed information about your property. For 11 months of 2016, more than 13 million users turned to Rosreestr's electronic services, which is almost twice as much as in 2015 (7 million).

Rosreestr began accepting documents for state registration of rights in electronic form on June 1, 2015 throughout the Russian Federation. Currently, all the most demanded services of the department are available in electronic form - registration of rights, cadastral registration, issuance of information from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) and the State Cadastre of Real Estate (GKN).

2015: Registration of real estate rights via the Internet saves up to 90% of the time

The introduction of an electronic application form for registration of rights (see more about the service in a separate article) has significantly expanded the capabilities of citizens. The added convenience is that they can now apply extraterritorially (from anywhere in the country), around the clock, without a queue. At the same time, the registration periods were reduced, and individuals also received an additional bonus: 30% discount on the amount of state duty.

Andrei Pridankin noted that one of the unexpected results of the transition to a new form of service was that conducting a legal examination of applications submitted in electronic form reveals no more than 2% of errors in the completeness of the submitted packages. This reflects the fact that citizens treat the collection of documents with great attention, and the electronic form of filing does not lead to the emergence of additional costs for their processing.

Moreover, the electronic form of filing allows you to separate a citizen and an official from each other. This increases the transparency of Rosreestr's work as a whole, he added.

Andrey Pridankin, Deputy Head of Rosreestr

The electronic application form turned out to be convenient also for legal entities. During the experiment, in which the Agency for Strategic Initiatives took part, 1450 transactions were drawn up through the Rosreestr portal. The result showed that the transition to electronic form saved up to 90% of the working time of employees of the company engaged in registration of transactions. This is the time they would have to spend traveling to the Rosreestr office if applications were submitted in a traditional, face-to-face form.

Among the problems that exist today, as noted by Andrei Pridankin, two stand out: not yet the complete readiness of people to trust electronic forms of filing documents, as well as the frequent absence among the services provided to the population by notary offices, the function of notarized translation of documents into electronic form.

Rosreestr began providing services electronically in 2011. The transition to a new form of interaction with citizens, according to the adviser to the head of Rosreestr Andrei Pridankin, made it possible to reduce the staff by 10 thousand people - from 45 to 35 thousand, and the duration of the main operations - from 17 to 10 days.

IT infrastructure

The world's largest single real estate cadastre has been created in Rosreestr, including information on more than 140 million land plots, buildings, structures and parts of premises. By 2012, all branches of the cadastral chamber switched to centralized cadastral registration using a single automated information system, the Rosreestr said.

In 2009-2013, 83 disparate regions and 2.5 thousand databases at the department level were combined into a single information system, a transport system appeared, guaranteed delivery of messages from the region to the region, a territorial information resource was designed that unloads information to the Federal Tax Service.[6]

The following information systems are used to automate Rosreestr's activities:

  • Official website of Rosreestr;
  • Payment gateway;
  • Message integration and delivery system;
  • PC IS EGRP and AIS "Justice";
  • AIS GKN.

Official website of Rosreestr

The main goal of the portal is to provide public services in the field of state registration of rights and cadastral registration in electronic form, which is designed to increase the efficiency of Rosreestr's activities, reduce the waiting time for applicants who applied to Rosreestr and its territorial bodies, and make public services really accessible and of high quality.

The portal was launched in March 2010. The department digitized and posted cadastral maps of 36 regions of Russia on the Internet; later [1] , a public cadastral map of the whole of Russia was launched on the website.

The Rosreestr portal allows you not only to view cadastral maps, but also to receive online information about real estate objects (address, cadastral number, etc., but not personal data of the owners) and submit applications for their registration. The cost of mapping information from all regions of the country, ex-deputy head of Rosreestr Sergei Sapelnikov, was estimated at 50-60 million rubles.

Initially, the creation of the portal cost 27 million rubles - the project was carried out by I-Teco, DATA+S and FSUE Federal Cadastral Center Zemlya, subordinate to Rosreestr, Sapelnikov said. It cost about 1.3 million rubles to get one region on the portal. Supporting the real estate cadastre and the registration system costs about 300 million rubles annually. In the future, Sapelnikov planned to expand the functions of the portal - for example, launch a 3D version of the cadastre (it allows you to fully display buildings and structures, and not just their projections).

As of June 2015, the official website of Rosreestr is part of an automated system for the provision of public services in electronic form in the field of real estate, functioning at the federal level. The site has external, internal segments, as well as a subsystem of Internet sites of the territorial bodies of Rosreestr, implemented in the form of subsites of the official site.

The official website of Rosreestr is designed to provide services in electronic form in the field of real estate to all interested parties and ensures interaction between users and accounting systems.

External segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr

The technological platform of the external segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr consists of:

subsystems of the external segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr consisting of:

DBMS subsystems consisting of:

integration bus subsystem consisting of:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • FUSE ESB 4.1.0;

subsystems of receiving electronic services consisting of:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • Apache Tomcat 7.0.41;

user directory accessed by LDAP, comprising:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.2.

List of services and subsystems of the external segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr:

  • "Online Real Estate Reference";
  • "News";
  • "Information Blocks";
  • "Questionnaire"
  • topic of the external segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr; 30
  • "Authentication of issued documents";
  • "Help and Support";
  • "Check the status of the request";
  • "Personal Account";
  • "Places of accounting";
  • "Requests for the provision of USRP information";
  • "Application for Registration of Rights";
  • "Request for access to IR";
  • "Request to Information Resource (USRP)";
  • "Requests for GKN Information";
  • "Registration of objects for state cadastral registration";
  • "Application for introduction of additional documents at GKU";
  • "Statement on cadastral registration of land plot changes";
  • " Citizens' Appeals";
  • "Complaints";
  • External module of the "Offices and Reception" subsystem;
  • "Directory of Regions";
  • "Global Search";
  • "Application Information";
  • direct access service from the Internet;
  • electronic services providing interaction with AIS;
  • module for interaction with webcams installed in the territorial departments of Rosreestr.

Internal segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr

Technology platform of the internal segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr consists of:

subsystems of the internal segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr consisting of:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • IBM WebSphere Portal Server;
  • DBMS subsystems as part of the software:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;31
  • Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production RAC;

integration bus subsystem consisting of:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • FUSE ESB 4.1.0;

user directory accessed by LDAP, comprising:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux V5 Update2 64bit;
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.2.

List of services and subsystems of the internal segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr:

  • "Versions of GKN/USRP accounting systems"
  • "Online Real Estate Reference";
  • "Powers of Attorney";
  • "News";
  • "Information Blocks";
  • "Questionnaire";
  • The topic of the internal segment of the Official Website of Rosreestr;
  • "Clarification of information";
  • "Generalized Rights Processing Service";
  • "Generalized Rights Processing Service for the Department of Defense";
  • "Management of payment institutions" details;
  • "Request for access to IR";
  • Internal module of the "Offices and Reception" subsystem;
  • subsystem of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Payment gateway

The unified system of interaction with settlement organizations (Payment Gateway) serves to organize work to ensure the possibility of paying for Rosreestr services both for applications created on the Official Website of Rosreestr and for applications created in territorial bodies. The payment gateway accepts and processes the payment registers formed and signed by the EP of the authorized employee of the settlement organization that entered into the offer agreement with Rosreestr.

The transfer of the register of payments is carried out by contacting the relevant service of the Official Website of Rosreestr.

List and description of Payment Gateway modules:

  • a module for automatic receipt of payment registers from settlement organizations (a service that receives the established payment registers; the module is designed to receive payment registers from settlement organizations that have signed an agreement with Rosreestr);

  • an EP verification module (a module that checks received payment registers; registers not signed by the EP or signed by the EP, but with a unique identifier that is not a unique identifier of the settlement organization, are not processed by the PN);

  • a payment code generation module for requests created on the Official Website of Rosreestr (a module assigning a unique payment code required to pay for a request at the stage of request creation before the request is sent to the regional CD);

  • a module for storing received payment registers in a specialized repository (the module serves to enable further analysis of potential problems; stores the received registries in the DSS).

Message Integration and Delivery System

The Message Integration and Delivery System (SIDS) is a transport distributed information system for integrated extraterritorial access to geographically distributed information resources of accounting and registration systems and is designed to implement the processes of providing information services to Rosreestr customers in electronic form on the basis of guaranteed delivery of information requests from clients to information resource-holding facilities and from information-holding facilities to clients of messages containing information relevant to requests.

SIDS operates at the federal level and the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The SIDS process platform consists of:


The Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects (EGRON, FGIS EGRN) combines databases of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights and Transactions with It (EGRP) and the State Cadastre of Real Estate Objects (GKN).

PC IS EGRP and AIS "Justice"

The software package information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with it and the Automated Information System "Justice" (hereinafter collectively - accounting systems) are intended for:

  • automation of the process of maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with it;
  • output of information from the USLP;
  • maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It;
  • generation of output documents of the USRP and statistical reports.

DBMS Oracle DBMS (used versions from 8.1.7 to 11g) is used as AIS "Justice." The client part software is based on a multi-level object-oriented domain model using Microsoft Visual FoxPro toolkit.

The server part of the software complex is operated under the operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 and Unix. On Client Microsoft Windows operating system is installed locally 2000/2003/XP/Vista and Oracle DataBase Client for Microsoft Windows application software.

The Oracle 10g DBMS is used as a DBMS in the IS UGLP PC (for the IS UGLP PC version 2010 and higher). The application software is developed using Oracle Developer 6i development tools.

The operating system running database servers is Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003/2008.

Some of the components of the software complex are developed in Microsoft.NET technology and operate under the control of Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Electronic cards

Eight open contests for the creation of electronic maps Rosreestr announced in June 2010. Information about this was posted on the website The submission of applications ended on July 9, 2010. Rosreestr promises to summarize the results on August 23, 2010.

In each lot - one federal district, only the North Caucasus and Southern districts will be played in one competition. The scale of electronic cards will be 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000. The total cost of tenders is just over 2.8 billion rubles. The cheapest (53.1 million rubles) is the digitization of the Central Federal District, the most expensive (830.7 million rubles) is the creation of digital maps of Siberia. The creation of digital navigation maps is part of the federal target program (FTP) "Glonass," calculated before 2012.

The high cost of the project is due to the fact that it is necessary not so much to digitize existing maps as to create a topographic basis for these maps from scratch. This will require space and aerial photography, field work, explains Igor Manylov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development (oversees the activities of Rosreestr). According to him, the cards will be publicly available. But only government agencies will receive free access to them. The navigation maps that commercial structures are now making do not differ in accuracy and do not cover the entire territory of Russia. State open topographic and navigation maps will provide accurate information to builders, developers, rescue workers, etc., as well as developers of geo-information services developing, for example, route systems for satellite navigators, Manylov summarizes.

Manylov did not name either the number of applications received at the contests, or the names of applicants.

Participants in the cartographic market suggest that in addition to specialized FSUEs subordinate to Rosreestr, Russian digital card manufacturer Navitel, Navteq (100% of its shares are owned by Nokia) and Tele Atlas may show interest in the competitions. Tele Atlas representatives could not be reached yesterday.

The general director of Navitel, Alexander Kazakov, says that his company does not participate in competitions. Pavel Kozlov, Navteq's director for the development of personal and mobile navigation, told Vedomosti the same. Theoretically, companies are interested in such projects, he argues. But in Russia there are a number of unresolved issues - for example, with copyright on maps. If a company creates a map commissioned by the state, then it manages it. Navteq's policy is to create and expand its own commercial mapping base. Therefore, Navteq has not yet been very active in such contests, Kozlov summarizes.

Non-state map manufacturers working in Russia can fulfill the order of the state, they have relevant experience, believes Alexander Buyanov, head of the Progorod cartographic project at Sidikom. Already, commercial maps cover most cities of Russia, but within the framework of the state project, it is required to cover absolutely all settlements of Russia as soon as possible - one company cannot cope with such a task. To fulfill the task, the joint work of state-owned enterprises and commercial companies is required, says Buyanov.

Contact center

Шаблон:Main 'Rosreestr Contact Center



Moving to the new Moscow data center

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography has begun searching for a new data processing center in Moscow to host its web services. ₽130 million has been allocated for the implementation of the project. This became known at the end of November 2024.

According to CNews, Rosreestr plans to use the new data center to improve the quality of informing citizens about their activities. The terms of reference indicate that the new center should host 15 web services of the department. Key requirements include server hardware with at least 2 GHz per core, dual-attached storage, and data networks with at least 4 Gb/s of bandwidth.

Rosreestr moves to the new Moscow data center

It is planned to rent computing resources, including the use of virtualization platforms and storage systems. The virtualization system pays special attention to security and performance: hypervisors must provide isolation of computing processes, load balancing and the ability to create virtual machines using pre-configured templates. The maximum possible characteristics per virtual machine (VM) include up to 254 vCPU and vHDD up to 2 petabytes.

Previously, Rosreestr has already concluded similar contracts. For these purposes, ₽256 million were allocated, and the service provider was Servionica LLC, which is part of the T1 holding. A year later, the department again attracted this company to provide additional computing power for ₽342 million.

Special attention is paid to the safety and reliability of the system. The new infrastructure should eliminate the complete unavailability of data in the event of a hardware failure, as well as protect the hardware and software components of virtual machines.

According to experts, the transition to a new data center is part of Rosreestr's strategy to modernize its information systems and maintain a high level of digitalization of the department.[7]

Rosreestr introduces new generation firewalls for 1 billion rubles

On July 8, 2024, it became known about Rosreestr's plans to introduce new generation firewalls (NGFW) worth 1 billion rubles. This project is aimed at strengthening the information security of the department and meets modern requirements for the protection of the digital infrastructure of state bodies. Read more here.

Rosreestr buys software and Servers OS on Linux for 862 million rubles

On May 29, 2024, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced a tender for the purchase of software for its information and telecommunication infrastructure. The initial contract price is 861.95 million rubles. Read more here.

Lanit seeks to cancel Rosreestr's tender for the purchase of ICT equipment worth billions of rubles

In mid-April 2024, it became known that Lanit-Integration had sent a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) about the public procurement of Rosreestr. We are talking about a tender, which involves the purchase of equipment for improving the information and telecommunication infrastructure of the department using VPN. Read more here.

Rosreestr buys servers and information security software for 1.15 billion rubles

At the end of March 2024, Rosreestr announced a tender for the purchase of solutions for the IT infrastructure of the departmental information security incident management center. The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography is ready to spend 1.15 billion rubles on the implementation of this project. Read more here.

Rosreestr switches to Russian Linux for 863.7 million rubles

March 19, 2024 Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced a tender for the purchase of Russian. software software A total of 863.76 million are planned to be spent on domestic operating systems, documents and other products. rubles More. here

2023: The head of Rosreestr spoke about the results of digitalization of the department

On December 13, 2023, a meeting of the Rosreestr board was held, during which some results of the digitalization of the department were disclosed. In particular, the head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky pointed to the launch of 17 electronic public services and a significant reduction in the timing of real estate transactions and registration of rights to it.

According to Skufinsky, previously one of the problems of digitalization of spatial data management was a lack of money. In January 2020, the "project" budget of the service (development-oriented) amounted to about 400 million rubles, or 4% of the process (for performing current functions), and by the end of 2023 it had grown 30 times, which allows for complex cadastral work and the creation of a single electronic cartographic basis of the Russian Federation, the head of Rosreestr said.

Head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky

According to him, by the end of 2023, the National Spatial Data System (NSDD) (NSDD) is preparing to launch, aimed at creating a multi-layered digital map of the country. Within the framework of this program, a digital platform of the same name has been created, which combines spatial data from all departments. In 2024, about 20 regions will join the NSPD, and in 2030 the NSPD will combine data for all regions, Skufinsky said.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, during a speech at the Rosreestr board, said that in 2023, relative to 2000, the actual timing of registration of rights was reduced by 18 times, by 15 times - cadastral registration, by ten times - the provision of information contained in the USRN. People do not need to stand in long queues, and most of the applications are received online at all, the Prime Minister emphasized. Mishustin also noted that the registration of the land plot used to take six months or a year, and now - up to a week. In addition, as the prime minister said, since 2020, the share of mortgage transactions in electronic form has grown nine times and reached 85%.[8]


Mishustin allocated Rosreestra 470.5 million rubles for the creation of ICT infrastructure in the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) has allocated 470.5 million rubles for the creation of information and communication infrastructure in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The corresponding order, signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, was published in December 2022.

According to TASS with reference to this document, part of the money allocated by the government will go to create software for the unified state register of real estate (USRN) in the annexed regions of the Russian Federation.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

More than 147.5 million rubles are intended for the Federal Cadastral Chamber to create software for an isolated circuit of the federal state information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

322.9 million rubles will be directed to the material and technical equipment of the created territorial bodies of Rosreestr, the number of purchased equipment should be at least 2157 units, the document says. Rostelecom has identified the sole executor of the purchase of this equipment by Rosreestr. It is possible to involve subcontractors and co-executors.

Earlier, Rosreestr reported that the regional departments of the department and branches of Roskadastre will work in new regions from January 2023, TASS reports on December 16, 2022. They will exercise the authority to register rights, cadastral registration and issuance of information from the unified state register of real estate, as well as cadastral work.

The Office of the Federal Service for State Registration and Cartography in the Donetsk People's Republic will be located in Donetsk, in the Luhansk People's Republic - in Lugansk, in the Zaporizhzhya region - in Melitopol, in the Kherson region - in Genichesk. They will begin performing their functions in January 2023.[9]

The site has been hacked. The main posted data on the day of the Constitution of Ukraine

On June 28, 2022, a cyber attack was committed on the website of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), as a result of which congratulations in honor of the day of the Constitution of Ukraine were displayed on the main page of the resource .

On the evening of June 28, 2022, at first, some time after hacking, all the pages of the portal, except for the main one, continued to work. However, subsequently, when trying to go to the main page of the portal or headings, a notification appeared that access to the site could not be obtained.

Rosreestr's website was hacked. The main posted data on the day of the Constitution of Ukraine

By 11:00 Moscow time on June 29, 2022, the Rosreestr website works as usual, as the TAdviser journalist was convinced of. The department told RBC that the security systems are operating normally and the hack did not happen.

{{quote 'The main page of the site was changed for a short time, but the resources and services were not affected... User data is securely protected. No penetration into the infrastructure of departmental information systems was recorded, - noted in the press service of Rosreestr. }} As reported on the agency's website, modern information security technologies allow you to quickly identify and stop extraneous interference in the electronic resources of Rosreestr. Thus, the Federal State Information System for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FSIS USRN) is located in geographically distributed data processing centers. The FSIS USRN provides for the backup of information at all levels, which eliminates the risks of loss, distortion or inaccessibility of information. Also in Rosreestr reported the following protection measures:

  • Network traffic is encrypted in the Rosreestr network using cryptographic information protection tools based on domestic solutions and Russian encryption algorithms;
  • The system is regularly audited for errors and failures;
  • On a regular basis, an analysis of the security and identification of possible vectors of cyber attacks on the information resources of Rosreestr is carried out;
  • Automated archiving of the base data for the modern complex is carried out; storage systems
  • A system of daily data backup has been established, which guarantees the integrity and safety of the USRN[10]

Rosreestr began to use the neural network to register real estate transactions

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) began to use the neural network to register real estate transactions. Elena Martynova, deputy head of the department, spoke about the new technology at the end of May 2022.

According to her, so far the previously trained neural network is able to make about 80% of the correct decisions on transactions, but Rosreestr needs 100%.

Rosreestr began to use the neural network to register real estate transactions
Processes should be fast and effective, but the percentage of errors should be minimal, or better without them at all, "Martynova said.

He stressed that Rosreestr is not going to abandon the work of specialist registrars, which make it possible to exclude errors in this work, while an automated system, a pre-trained neural network, artificial intelligence and any data algorithms always have the possibility of error.

The deputy head of Rosreestr noted that by the end of May 2022, the service continues to work on digital transformation, while accelerating its processes, including the period of accounting and registration actions. The agency intends to switch exclusively to electronic interaction with developers, added Martynova.

According to her, introducing fast and effective technologies, we must not forget that the main task of the department is to ensure guarantees of property rights.

In 2022, Rosreestr continued to introduce new digital technologies in its work. So, in March-April, the territorial bodies of Rosreestr examined 3.5 thousand plots of land using drones. The agency plans to give priority to remote methods of surveying sites and introduce artificial intelligence technologies for analyzing data that drones receive.[11]

Rosreestr is ready to pay 1.7 billion rubles for 6 months of renting a data center for the FSIS USRN

On May 13, 2022, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced a competition for the provision of computing and network resources of the data center to ensure the functioning of the Federal State Register of Real Estate (FSIS USRN). The contract is for 6 months, from July 1 to December 30, 2022. The maximum amount of the contract is 1.7 billion rubles. The results of the competition will be announced on June 7. Read more here

Adoption in the first reading of the bill on the transition to the use of domestic geo-information technologies

The State Duma adopted in the first reading the draft federal law developed by Rosreestr "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation "and the Land Code of the Russian Federation." This was announced on February 22, 2022 to TAdviser in Rosreestr. Read more here.

Agreement with Otkritie Bank for the development of digital services

Otkritie Bank and Rosreestr entered into an agreement on bilateral cooperation. The document will contribute to the development of digital services and services, including electronic mortgages in the interests of citizens and professional market participants. The bank announced this on January 14, 2022. Read more here.


Rosreestr switches to electronic document management with MPSC

In mid-November 2021, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced the transition to electronic document management with many functional centers (MPSC ). The department assured that the innovation will not affect the authentication of documents.

Currently, the falsification or falsification of the document can only be determined by a special examination, which is appointed as part of a trial or criminal investigation. The state registrar of rights does not have the authority of an expert and relevant special knowledge, in this regard, this approach does not change with the adoption of the bill, the press service of Rosreestr told TASS.

Rosreestr switches to electronic document management with MPSC

They noted that the transition to paperless document management with the MPSC when registering real estate rights should speed up the provision of services.

It is assumed that the paper documents provided by the applicant will be translated into electronic form by an authorized employee of the MPSC. He will also assure them with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Only electronic documents will be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosreestr. Refusal to move documents on paper is especially important for some regions of Russia with long distances between settlements and poor transport accessibility of certain areas, the authors of the bill say.

The transition to paperless document management between the MPSC and Rosreestr will reduce the financial costs of the regions for the delivery of documents, significantly reduce the time for providing the service and increase the level of satisfaction of citizens, the department believes.

By November 15, 2021, when the applicant applies to the MPSC, paper documents are sent to the territorial body of Rosreestr, after authentication, they are returned to the MPSC and given to the applicant.[12]

The register creates a complete base of land and real estate

On August 12, 2021, it became known about the creation by the Russian government of a new state program - "National System of Spatial Data." It involves accelerated digitalization of geodata (about land and real estate, geospatial data, information about rights and cadastral valuation). Read more here.


Start using drones to find violators of land legislation

In early August 2020, it became known that Rosreestr uses unmanned aerial vehicles to search for violators of land legislation.

According to Alexander Levchenkov, deputy chief state inspector of Moscow for the use and protection of land, 356 such violations were revealed in the first half of the year, a quarter of which were due to drones. Inspectors of the Moscow Rosreestr are one of the first among all territorial departments to conduct an air survey of the territory, he said.

According to Levchenkov, the main violations of land legislation are associated with the misuse of plots and their unauthorized occupation. In addition, unauthorized landfills are recorded. All information received is sent to Rosprirodnadzor for inspections.

Rosreestr began to use drones to find violators of land legislation

To disseminate the project for use UAV throughout the country, Rosreestr planned to create centers for Russia the collective use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the administrative centers of federal districts. Such centers will be equipped with the necessary equipment software for surveying the earth's surface, processing the data obtained and obtaining orthophofuels

Levchenkov says that the amount of fines imposed for violation of land legislation in January-June 2020 amounted to 34 million rubles. In the first six months of this year, 345 inspections were carried out, which is almost 1.8 times less than the same period last year - 611 studies.

This is due to the fact that in March-May of this year they were not held due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation in the capital, and in June - due to the cancellation of scheduled inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. This decision was made by the Russian Government in order to support business in a pandemic, - said the Deputy Chief State Inspector of Moscow for the use and protection of land, whose words are quoted on the website of the Urban Planning Policy and Construction Complex of the city of Moscow.[13]

New curator of digitalization of Rosreestr - Elena Martynova

On July 14, 2020, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Elena Martynova to the post of deputy head of Rosreestr. She oversees digital transformation, information technology, business process reengineering, the creation of new client services, international cooperation and external communications.

2018: Malfunction. Reasons

On September 3, 2018, the malfunction of the Rosreestr IT system was completely eliminated, and the causes of the problems became known.

On August 20, there was a failure in the system that provides acceptance and processing of applications for the provision of public services of Rosreestr due to an accident in the leased data center of Rostelecom.

Main article Project:Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) DPC Rostelecom


"Killer" of cadastral plans

In the summer of 2013, Rosreestr plans to launch a WFS service (Web Feature Service) to obtain data from the state real estate cadastre. On February 21, 2013, the deputy head of Rosreestr , Sergei Sapelnikov, shared with TAdviser the opinion that with the advent of this service, the cadastral plan of the territory will "die" as an outdated service: users themselves will stop ordering it from the department.

Data from the state real estate register, including the cadastral plan of the territory, can be obtained from Rosreestr in paper form, as well as in electronic form in the form of XML documents. In addition, they are available through the WMS service (Web Map Service) on the website of the public cadastral map of Rostreestr In the latter case, information about the boundaries of real estate objects as well as general semantic data are available to users.

The WFS service, in turn, will allow you to receive spatial vector data via the Internet. It provides direct access to geographic information: vector map objects, attribute information of these objects, and metadata. Thanks to this, the user can receive not the entire file, but extract only the data he needs and subsequently supplement, edit it and use it for various purposes.

The WFS service will be paid, Sapelnikov says, adding that the cost of getting data through it will be low. In February 2013 , the Ministry of Justice registered an order of the Ministry of Economic Development establishing the amount of fees for providing access to Inforesource containing information from the state real estate administrator.

So, for information within 100 real estate objects, an individual will have to pay 200 rubles, and a legal entity - 400 rubles, within 1 thousand objects the prices will be 1 thousand rubles. and 2 thousand rubles. respectively (a full list of established prices can be found review/here).

Similar prices will apply to data received through the WFS service, says Sapelnikov. It will also be possible to subscribe for updates on changing the information received about real estate objects.

The deputy head of Rosreestr also told TAdviser that a server farm with a large data storage based on Oracle DBMS will be specially deployed to organize the WFS service . The purchase of the necessary equipment for the service will cost about $7-8 million, he says.

The Accounts Chamber checks the creation of the cadastre system

On June 25, 2013 , the Accounts Chamber reported on the results of the audit of the creation of a real estate cadastre system in Rosreestr. The initiator of the audit was the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and it was carried out together with the FSB.

The inspectors found that none of the goals were fully achieved. The system of state cadastral registration of real estate objects was not created, and the IT system of the state cadastre of real estate, filled with information about real estate objects and which is the source of the formation of the tax base, was not introduced.

According to the Accounts Chamber, more costs for the project in the amount of 42.3 billion rubles. produced in violation of the law. Thus, non-target expenses amounted to 2.5 billion rubles, 5.8 billion rubles were inefficiently spent, 5.1 billion rubles were spent in the absence of legal grounds, 8.2 billion rubles were spent to no avail and the results of work in the amount of 0.5 billion rubles were not documented.

In addition, the audit revealed unreasonable costs for the construction and reconstruction of the building of the central office of Rosreestr on Chistoprudny Boulevard - 1.7 billion rubles.

The main violations were identified in the field of IT, according to the report of the Accounts Chamber. They relate to both the placement of orders for work in this area and the acceptance of the results of work under all concluded contracts.

The Accounts Chamber emphasizes that all work in this area was accepted by the deputy head of Rosreestr Sergei Sapelnikov, and also that the representative of the Investigative Committee confirmed the presence in the audit materials of signs of corpus delicti provided for by the Criminal Code.

The Accounts Chamber supported the FSB's proposal to send the audit materials to the president, and also decided to send submissions to the Ministry of Economic Development and Rosreestr, an information letter to the government, as well as the audit materials to the presidential control department and the Investigative Committee.

Rosreestr IT passport

{{# ITProj: Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)}}
