Customers: Federal Registration Service Moscow; State and social structures Product: FSIS (individual development)Project date: 2014/10 - 2022/07
Project's budget: 23 300 000 000 руб.
The Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects (EGRON, FGIS EGRN) combines databases of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights and Transactions with It (EGRP) and the State Cadastre of Real Estate Objects (GKN).
Thanks to the merger of the USRP and the GKN, it is planned to create a reliable source of information about real estate, develop a single accounting system (including with additional functions that ensure the reception of all types of electronic documents), which will not only reduce the specific resource intensity of the provision of public services in the field of registration of rights and cadastral accounting, but also increase the taxable base of taxes on real estate.
The USRN is created to implement a single accounting and registration procedure through the unification of existing disparate cadastral accounting and registration procedures. To solve this problem, a single centralized database will be maintained in the new federal system.
The creation of the system will lead to the transformation of the department's IT infrastructure. Firstly, it is planned to significantly reduce the number of accompanied information systems in the department - with the launch of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the USRP and GKN should be decommissioned. Secondly, the department's IT infrastructure will be optimized and centralized, which will significantly increase the efficiency of spending budget funds for IT needs.
The history of the creation and functioning of the USRN
2025: The ex-head of the Rosreestr department faces 8.5 years in prison in the case of embezzlement of 410 million rubles during the digitalization of the USRN
On March 12, 2024, it became known that the prosecutor's office had requested eight and a half years in prison for the former head of the information technology department of Rosreestr, Alexander Bibikov. He is a defendant in a criminal case on embezzlement of more than 400 million rubles during the digitalization of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). Read more here.
Hackers reported theft of 1 TB of Rosreestr data
On January 7, 2025, a statement appeared on the Silent Crow Telegram channel about the theft of 1 TB of data from the databases of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), which is being developed by Rosreestr. Hackers claim that they unloaded more than 2 billion lines with personal information of citizens.
According to RTVI, the attackers posted a fragment of the database containing 80 million lines. These records include names, dates of birth, email addresses, passport and SNILS numbers, and internal property owner identifiers. Experts from DLBI investigating the leaks confirmed that one of the records in the database was dated March 2024, indicating the relevance of the published information.
Despite the statements of hackers, doubts arose about the reliability of the declared volumes of information. The Telegram channel "We can explain" (recognized in Russia as an foreign agent) indicated the presence in the published data of repeated records and information known from previous leaks. However, according to the Agency (recognized in Russia as a foreign agent), a random sample of lines from the database confirmed the reality of the specified data. The procedure for checking the details in the publication is not disclosed.
Rosreestr denied claims of data theft, noting that messages that appeared in a number of Telegram channels are being checked. The agency recalled that since March 2023, data on owners have been excluded from the extracts of the USRN as part of the implementation of legislation on personal data. According to the head of the Moscow department of Rosreestr Igor Maidanov, such measures have been taken to prevent fraudulent operations using information from the register.[1]
Rosreestr transfers USRN to new data centers for 1.7 billion rubles
On April 1, 2024, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced a tender for the provision of services for the provision of computing and network resources of the data processing center (DPC ) to "ensure the functioning of the federal state information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate" (FGIS USRN). The initial contract price is 1.71 billion rubles.
The main goal of the project is to ensure the uninterrupted round-the-clock functioning of the FSIS USRN and its catastrophic stability. In accordance with the tender assignment, DPC engineering and technical systems shall operate in the external temperature range from -40 to + 40 degrees Celsius without deterioration of the declared characteristics. The Contractor shall be able to perform repair and service works without disconnecting the equipment racks. The design power per server cabinet is at least 5 kW. Uninterruptible power supply system shall be duplicated at all levels - in particular, at least two inputs from independent district substations shall be required.
The data center requires an efficient air conditioning system that provides ambient temperature in the machine room and electrical rooms from + 23 to + 27 degrees. All elements of air conditioning systems shall be made with equipment redundancy not lower than N + 1 (where N≥1). The machine room and all rooms of the data center shall be equipped with an automatic fire alarm system, an automatic fire extinguishing system and a warning and evacuation control system. In addition, the data center requires a reliable security system, including a complex of television video surveillance and alarm.
In general, Rosreestr needs two data centers - the main one and for storing backup data, equipped with block storage L1 SSD, L2 SATA, L3 SATA and SSD. The L3 communication channel must have a bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps, the L3 VPN must have a bandwidth of at least 10 Gbps.[2]
The Accounts Chamber revealed a lot of difficulties in filling the register of land borders. Citizens can help
All participants in the real estate market are interested in the completeness and quality of the data contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). However, the register of borders, which is part of the USRN, has not been largely formed, the Accounts Chamber states following an audit of the implementation of land policy, the results of which were published in the bulletin at the end of July 2023[3]
Incomplete and inaccurate information of the USRN on the boundaries of land plots entails various difficulties. Thus, the problems of land involvement in economic circulation are largely due to the lack of complete and reliable information about administrative borders, boundaries of territorial zones, other objects of the register of borders and land plots in the USRN, as well as the presence of register errors, the auditors state.
Also, for example, the occurrence of errors in establishing (clarifying) the boundaries of land plots of right-of-way roads, which in most cases are corrected in court.
Priority areas for Rosreestr are the inclusion in the USRN of information on administrative boundaries, boundaries of territorial zones and specially protected natural areas and others; determination of boundaries of land plots and capital construction facilities, performance of complex cadastral works; identification of copyright holders; verification of data, reconciliation with other registries (register of federal property, state forest register), etc. We carry out this work under the leadership of the supervising Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Shakirzyanovich Khusnullin, - the words of the head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky are given in the bulletin of the Accounts Chamber . |
According to Oleg Skufinsky, given in the bulletin of the Accounts Chamber, at the time of publication of the document, information was entered on 276 sections of borders between regions, over 16 thousand borders of municipalities, almost 85 thousand borders of settlements and more than 270 thousand borders of territorial zones, 42 million borders of land plots.
One of the effective ways to establish the boundaries of land plots is comprehensive cadastral work, auditors of the Accounts Chamber note in their bulletin. The purpose of these works is to clarify the location of the boundaries of land plots, establish or clarify the location on land plots of buildings, structures, construction in progress, the formation of land plots on which buildings are located, the formation of public land plots and the correction of register errors in the USRN information.
The annual need for comprehensive cadastral work is more than 1.3 billion rubles. The volume of subsidies provided to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for these works in 2022 increased more than 3 times compared to 2019-2021. and amounted to 695.1 million rubles.
In the period 2020-2022. The rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies changed annually, which in some cases created additional difficulties for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in applying for a subsidy for comprehensive cadastral work for the next financial year.
In addition, the rules for the provision of subsidies for comprehensive cadastral work for 2023 and the planning period 2024 and 2025. were amended in April 2022, which led to the need for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to submit applications for the provision of subsidies in a new version, the auditors of the Accounts Chamber state.
The unsettled issues that arise when information on the boundaries is entered into the USRN by the subjects of the Russian Federation include: the duration of the procedure for coordinating and approving territorial planning documents and urban planning zoning; difference between the data on the boundaries of forestries contained in the Rosleshoz acts and the USRN data; presence in the USRN of register errors in the description of the location of the boundaries of adjacent land plots, multi-outline land plots, plots of a single land use, as well as intersections with land plots of the forest fund, land plots occupied by linear objects; lack of procedure for the settlement of disputed territories when establishing borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Also, unresolved issues include the low budgetary provision of local self-government bodies for carrying out events in order to establish administrative boundaries.
Alexander Ternovtsov, a member of the commission of the OP of the Russian Federation on the public examination of bills and other regulatory acts, notes that at present there is an acute issue of the presence of a large number of previously accounted land plots that were provided to citizens, but do not have established borders.
The USRN often does not even have information about ownership of such land plots. This is largely due to the passive position of the citizens themselves. In this regard, I believe that it is necessary to consider the issue of amending the legal regulation of this situation, aimed at stimulating citizens to carry out cadastral work to clarify the location of previously registered land plots belonging to them and entering into the USRN relevant information on the borders and rights to such land plots, - the words of Alexander Ternovtsov are quoted in the bulletin of the Accounts Chamber. |
Ensuring the completeness and quality of information in the USRN is planned by the Rosreestr in the amount of 95% by the end of 2030 in accordance with the state program of the Russian Federation "National System of Spatial Data." Since 2020, Rosreestr has been carrying out activities on the project for filling the USRN with the necessary information, within the framework of which Rosreestr's "road maps" and regional "road maps" are approved.
Launch a service to provide data on property owners
The Federal Notary Chamber (FNP), with the support of the Mobile Professionals company, has developed and implemented the Certificate of the Presence of Information in the USRN service in the Unified Notary Information System. The solution was created on the basis of domestic software using Open Source technologies. This was announced in early July 2023. Read more here.
From March 1, Rosreestr will close third parties access to data from the USRN without the consent of the property owner
On March 1, 2023, amendments to the Law "On Personal Data" come into force, according to which Rosreestr will stop providing third parties with information from the USRN without the consent of the owner of the real estate. Less than a month earlier, the department noted an increase in the number of requests for extracts from the registry.
A "flurry of requests" has not yet been observed, but Butovetsky did not rule out that in the last week before the closure of the register there will be an even more significant "increase in interest," said Deputy Head of Rosreestr Alexei Butovetsky at a joint seminar-meeting of the Federation Council Committee (SF) on constitutional legislation and state construction and the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council, whose words are quoted by Vedomosti.
The publication recalls that the amendments prohibiting the issuance of USRN data without the consent of the owner were developed in order to protect personal data. As Butovetsky noted, despite the fact that the principle of openness of the USRN has existed for the past 25 years, "it was not in demand until the end by the population."
All this time there was such an invisible conflict between the right to protect their personal data and the public availability of USRN information. After all, when a person received information about you, then you do not know further how he will manage [them], "he explained. |
From March 1, 2023, personal data can be provided to third parties only if the owner expresses such a desire and submits an application to Rosreestr to enter an appropriate entry in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Such an application can be submitted in relation to one or more objects of real estate belonging to the copyright holder, as well as on objects, rights or restrictions of rights that will be registered in the future.
The changes will not affect authorized bodies, spouses of the owner of real estate, co-owners, tenants and landlords of real estate, owners of a private or public easement, heirs, owners of real estate whose object is located on someone else's land, owners of an adjacent site, arbitration managers, mortgagees, notaries, cadastral engineers, representatives of state institutions.[4]
Digitalization of the Unified Register of Real Estate will cost almost 20 billion rubles
On August 5, 2022, it became known that the creation and maintenance of the digital platform of Rosreestr would cost the federal budget 19.9 billion rubles. The corresponding expenses for the period 2021-2024 are laid down in the federal project "Digital Public Administration" (TsSU) of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia."
It is assumed that within the framework of this result, the provision of electronic services will be ensured on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPGU), as well as the availability of state data to government authorities and business online.
The basis for the digital platform of Rosreestr is the federal state information system "Unified State Register of Real Estate" (FSIS USRN). According to the plans set out in the Central State University, by 2023 it is planned to implement 45 information services to provide public services, as well as to ensure the exchange of data with 100 regional executive bodies for the provision of services and the implementation of functions, they use state spatial data from the Federal State Security Service of the EGNR.
It is expected that by 2024, 12% will be reduced costs for ensuring the functions of control and supervisory activities and licensing activities, and the timing of the provision of licensing services and the provision of information from the register of self-regulatory organizations (SRO) will be reduced by 40% compared to 2020. Also, by conducting at least 80% of all inspections using check sheets and electronic acts, the burden on business and professional participants will be reduced.
As of August 2022, all extracts from the USRN were withdrawn to the EPGU, the Rosreestr said. - State services are also available for granting a license for geodetic and cartographic activities, termination of the license and provision of information about a specific license. Work on the creation of new services to ensure the provision of electronic services is carried out as planned[5]. |
Rostelecom received 1.7 billion rubles for the fact that the FGIS USRN will work in its data center for another 6 months
As it became known to TAdviser, in June 2022, the Data Storage Center (CHD) company, controlled by Rostelecom, won a tender for the provision of computing and network resources of the data center to ensure the functioning of the Federal State Register of Real Estate (FGIS USRN). Rosreestr announced a tender in mid-May 2022. The amount of the contract is 1.7 billion rubles, the term is 6 months from the date of signing.
One bid was submitted to the tender from the CHD. FSIS USRN has been deployed at Rostelecom data center since 2017. Due to a malfunction in 2019, the system was moved from the site on Aviamotornaya Street to the operator's more secure data centers located on Korovinskoye Shosse and on Akademik Kurchatov Square. Placement of FSIS USRN at two independent sites is one of the main requirements of the customer.
The CHD declined to comment on the results of the tender.
Rosreestr also did not respond to TAdviser's request.
A source in Rostelecom told TAdviser that the tender was a technical procedure, since the transfer of the system today would be extremely difficult and expensive. According to the interlocutor, the short term of the contract - only 6 months - is associated with the specifics of the customer's accounting, and in December 2022, most likely, the contract will be extended.
Rosreestr is ready to pay 1.7 billion rubles for 6 months of renting a data center for the FSIS USRN
[2] On May 13, 2022, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced a competition for the provision of computing and network resources of the data center to ensure the functioning of the Federal State Register of Real Estate (FSIS USRN). The contract is for 6 months, from July 1 to December 30, 2022. The maximum amount of the contract is 1.7 billion rubles. The results of the competition will be announced on June 7.
The winner, according to the terms of reference, must provide a disaster-proof distributed infrastructure and allocate computing power at two sites located at a distance of at least 10 km from each other. At the same time, both sites should be located no further than 50 km from the office of Rosreestr, located in the center of Moscow on Chistoprudny Boulevard.
According to the terms of the competition, at least 22,583 vCPUs (virtual cores) and 76,050 GB of RAM (RAM) should be allocated for each data center.
Moreover, the winner of the competition must not only provide computing power, but also, if necessary, ensure the migration of the FSIS USRN from existing locations to new data centers, preventing interruptions in the system. Now the FGIS USRN is deployed at the Moscow sites of Rostelecom at 41 Korovinskoye sh., and Akademik Kurchatov Square, 1, p. 14. The migration process must be completed by July 1, 2022, in case of non-fulfillment of the condition, the company must bear the costs of renting the capacities of the Rostelecom data center, on which the Federal State Register of Legal Entities is deployed.
DPC resource lease service shall be provided using IaaS model on dedicated equipment. Within the framework of the project, Rosreestr is provided with:
- Computing infrastructure
- Storage infrastructure
- Monitoring and management infrastructure;
- telecommunications infrastructure;
- information security infrastructure.
The former Chief information officer of Rosreestr and his contractors could not be released from the pre-trial detention center. They have been behind bars for six months
Participants in a criminal case on fraud in the creation of a unified state register of real estate objects (USRN) will remain in custody. As TAdviser was told in the press service of the Moscow City Court, on November 19, the court considered the appeal against the decision of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow of October 14, 2021 to extend the term of detention against Anton Evgeniev, Sergei Kuznetsov and Alexander Bibikov. And he decided to leave the decision of the Basmanny Court unchanged, and the complaint was not satisfied.
As a result, the former head of the information technology department of Rosreestr, Alexander Bibikov, as well as co-owners of the IT companies Unidata and Taskdata Rus, Anton Evgeniev and Sergei Kuznetsov, will remain in jail, where they have been for almost six months.
Sergei Kuznetsov at the time of his arrest served as general director of Unidata. Already in July, the company changed its head. Another co-owner of the business, Vladislav Kamensky, became the new director.
It became known why the ex-head of the IT department of Rosreestr and co-owners of the contractor were arrested
On May 26, 2021, the Legal.Report portal, citing its source, published a version of the investigation in a criminal case, in which the former head of the IT department of Rosreestr Alexander Bibikov and co-owners of the IT companies Taskdata Rus and Unidata Anton Evgeniev and Sergei Kuznetsov were arrested (see the block below for news of their arrest). All three are in a criminal case under Art. 159, part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale.
A TAdviser source familiar with the details of the criminal case confirmed that the version of the investigation is indeed as set out in the Legal article. Report[6] was[7].
The criminal case was initiated based on the materials of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB of Russia. It refers, in particular, to fraud in the development of the cadastral valuation support subsystem (PSKO) of the FGIS USRN.
The investigation believes that Alexander Bibikov, who oversaw the digitalization of Rosreestr and was responsible, among other things, for the implementation of the FSIS USRN, acted according to the plan regarding the project for the development of the PSCO, having agreed with his acquaintances Evgeniev and Kuznetsov.
In the fall of 2017, the IT company AMT GROUP, after winning the tender, entered into a state contract with Rosreestr for the development of PSKO. Its cost amounted to 225.8 million rubles. Law enforcement agencies believe that the representative of Taskdat Rus convinced the management of AMT GROUP to take part in the competition. Obligations under the state contract should have been fulfilled before November 2018.
And Taskdata Rus, in turn, entered into a subcontract with AMT GROUP. In accordance with the agreements, AMT GROUP instructed Taskdata Rus to develop and create a PSCO, as well as prepare design and other documentation when forming reporting materials on the execution of the state contract. But, according to the investigation, the work was not actually completed, while the acceptance acts for 223.8 million rubles were signed.
According to the source of the Legal.Report portal, new arrests are expected in the near future as part of the investigation of the criminal case.
The "AMT GROUP" could not answer TAdviser's questions about the criminal case at the time of publication of the material. A representative of the arrested co-owners of IT companies preferred to refrain from commenting. Rosreestr also did not comment on the situation with the criminal case earlier.
Criminal case, arrests
A source familiar with the activities of Rosreestr told TAdviser on May 25 about the initiation of a criminal case related to fraud in the creation of a unified state register of real estate objects ( USRN).
As part of the case, according to the source, Alexander Bibikov, who held the position of head of the information technology department in Rosreestr, and Anton Evgeniev, co-owner of the IT companies Unidata and Taskdata Rus, were arrested.
In the file of the courts of Moscow there are cases of arrests of persons whose names and initials coincide with those named by the source TAdviser. They were registered on May 19. The Basmanny Court confirmed TAdviser the full names of the defendants and clarified that they had chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention until July 18.
In the file of the courts there is also a case on the arrest of S.V. Kuznetsov, registered on May 19. His full name coincided with the full name of the general director and co-owner of UniData - Sergei Kuznetsov. He is also a co-owner of Taskdat Rus. The Basmanny Court clarified to TAdviser that Kuznetsov would also be in jail until July 18.
The court file indicates that all three are in a criminal case under Art. 159, part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale). The maximum punishment for such a crime provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is up to ten years in prison.
Unidata and Taskdata Rus have Rosreestr on their websites on the list of customers, but there is no information in the public domain about what work the company performed for the department. UniData told TAdviser that the criminal case is not related to them, but to the Taskdata Rus company. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, these companies have the same key owners.
Rosreestr told TAdviser that Alexander Bibikov was fired from Rosreestr in July 2020. In the documents of the department available online, as of November 2020, the acting Sergei Shcheglov was indicated as the head of the information technology department.
Rosreestr did not answer questions related directly to the criminal case.
On May 25, it also became known that Andrei Borodin, who had previously served as director of the administrative department of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation, moved to Rosreestr . There is no information about Borodin's position in Rosreestr.
Launch of the service for issuing extracts from the USRN to the EPGU
On May 19, 2021, Rosreestr launched a service for issuing extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) on the public services portal. It was created in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. Read more here.
The Accounts Chamber pointed out to Rosreestr the problems in the FSIS USRN
In April 2021, the Accounts Chamber (JV) criticized Rosreestr for the problems of the Federal State Information System for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FGIS USRN). The control and supervisory authority said that the actual commissioning of this unified real estate database was delayed, and the components of the system already need a significant update.
According to the statement of the joint venture, in 2014-2020. Rosreestr spent about 1.6 billion rubles under contracts for the development and modernization of USRN software. There were also additional costs for renting the computing power of Rostelecom. At the same time, by April 2021, the revision of the FSIS USRN continues.
The operation of IT-Rosreestr during the transition period was accompanied by accidents and failures, the reasons for which were the lack of consistency in the development of information resource, necessary equipment and technical support, insufficient software quality, the auditors explain.
Also, the joint venture pointed out problems in accounting for federal property. When comparing the USRN data and the register of federal property, Rosreestr did not ensure the regularity of the provision and proper certification of the transmitted data.
The head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky agreed with the conclusions of the auditors and noted that the department is working to correct the situation by April 2021.
All comments indicated by the Accounts Chamber have been taken into account. I note that in 2020, more than 70% of the total amount of information to the USRN was transferred to the unified information system. We are working to improve the fault tolerance and disaster tolerance of data centers... Now Rosreestr is reengineering business processes aimed at solving specific life situations of our consumers,[8][9] |
FAS issued a warning to Rosreestr for creating discriminatory conditions for software developers and databases
On November 11, 2020, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia announced that it had issued a warning to Rosreestr for creating discriminatory conditions for software developers and databases.
As indicated in the regulator's message, the antimonopoly department appealed to Vmetre and Inster with a statement about the evasion of Rosreestr from the conclusion of an information interaction agreement providing for companies' access to information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN).
Access to this information is provided by Rosreestr and its territorial bodies, including in electronic form using web services. The Rosreestr website reported that it is possible to connect to such services by concluding an agreement on interaction with the department. At the same time, on the page where the form of the agreement was posted, there was no regulatory act approving the standard form of such an agreement and the procedure for concluding it.
The companies, guided by the information presented on the official website of the authority, sent draft agreements signed by them to Rosreestr. The agency refused, explaining that it was not obliged to conclude such agreements. At the same time, the FAS established that Rosreestrom concluded 33 such agreements with other parties.
Given all these facts, we believe that in the absence of an approved procedure, Rosreestr subjectively evaluates organizations that apply to it for access to information contained in the USRN, and unreasonably evades concluding such an agreement on interaction with companies, "said Vasily Gorbunov, head of the Department for Control over State and Municipal Information Systems of the FAS Russia. |
He added that the actions of Rosreestr contain signs of violation of paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Article 15 of the Law on the Protection of Competition and create discriminatory conditions for business.[10]
The Ministry of Digital Development postpones 0.5 billion rubles allocated for AI and Big Data for the USRN
On November 5, 2020, it became known about the decision of the government commission on digital development to postpone for a year the project of updating the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) using cryptography, machine learning technologies, artificial intelligence and big data analysis. In 2020, 543 million rubles were allocated for this in the federal project "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy." The Ministry of Digital Development proposes to send this money to the reserve fund.
Rosreestr asked to transfer these tasks to another federal project - "Digital Public Administration" (TsSU), funding should begin in 2021.
At the same time, Rostelecom opposed the transfer. According to Boris Glazkov, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives of the company, it is necessary to preserve all initiatives to create digital platforms in Information Infrastructure, since the introduction of these technologies is already relevant.
The head of the Jet I nfosystems software center, Yevgeny Lopatin, adds that extracting the required information from scanned images that are loaded into the USRN is laborious and leads to errors. The introduction of AI is necessary to speed up the process of processing incoming data and issuing information requested by users, as well as to improve the accuracy of the data that is stored in the system.
At the same time, an unnamed representative of the capital's real estate market in a conversation with Kommersant that business is more alarmed not by technical difficulties, but by bribes provoked by the "human factor," which was planned to be dealt with by technology. According to the interlocutor of the newspaper, if you do not pay 1-1.5 million rubles for "accompanying" large-scale transactions with plots, you can face refusal for formal reasons.[11]
Rosreestr launches a service to obtain information from the USRN in 30 seconds
At the end of October 2020, it became known about the upcoming launch of a service that allows you to quickly receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). Prompt access to information on the characteristics of real estate objects, owners or the presence of encumbrances before a real estate transaction became possible thanks to the introduction of the federal state information system of the USRN (FSIS USRN) throughout the country.
Today, in accordance with the law, obtaining an extract of rights takes three days, and when switching to a new system, it will take from 30 seconds to several minutes, - said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Victoria Abramchenko. |
Such a service will be launched before the end of 2020. According to Abramchenko, the receipt of public services in the field of real estate will not depend on the location of the object, that is, to register rights, for example, to an apartment in another region, it will not be necessary to travel outside its region. The Crimean peninsula also works in a single information system.
Victoria Abramchenko said that the introduction of the FGIS USRN will allow launching a service throughout Russia that accelerates the registration of real estate rights, mortgage agreements and other real estate operations.
We have completed three years of work to create a unique domestic digital system. This is a complex engineering process that is associated with the migration of data from the old system to the new one, with the configuration of working with the MPSC, training people to use new interfaces, "the Deputy Prime Minister explained. |
She stressed that the system already processes about seven requests per second in 24-by-7 mode, working without days off and holidays. By the end of October 2020, about 100 thousand applications for state registration of rights and cadastral registration, as well as more than 500 thousand requests for information from the USRN, are received daily at the Federal State Register of Legal Entities.[12]
Creation of a single database on land and real estate "Earth is simple"
On September 21, 2020, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced the creation of a unified database of land and real estate, which are still scattered across various sources. The new project of the department was announced by its head Oleg Skufinsky at a meeting with President RFVladimir Putin. Read more here.
Transition of Moscow area to the FSIS EGRN
On June 10, 2020, the transition to a new digital property accounting system began in the Moscow region. We are talking about the Federal State Information System of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FGIS USRN), which is being introduced by the cloud administration Rosreestr and the Cadastral Chamber.
According to the Minister of Property Relations of the Moscow Region Natalia Adigamova, the transition to a new solution will help improve the quality of services provided by Rosreestr, simplify the implementation of accounting and registration procedures in electronic form, and also improve the quality of data contained in the USRN.
In addition, she noted that one of the advantages of the new FGIS USRN system is the transition to a single program that will combine the databases of the State Cadastre of Real Estate Objects (GKN) and the Unified State Register of Rights (USRP), which will allow registering rights to objects without additional applications, promptly generate extracts, enter information into the database, analyze them, identify and correct inconsistencies.
The interaction of the authorities and Rosreestr will also be carried out in electronic form. Switching to a new program can take about a month. By June 10, 2020, 54 regions in Russia have already switched to the FSIS USRN. By the end of the year, it is planned to connect another 31 constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the system.
To implement the FSIS USRN on the territory of the Moscow Region, 1882 MPSC employees underwent distance learning to work in a new program, all accounting and registration actions MPSCS tested at 126 sites, methodological materials and step-by-step instructions for working in the new system were created, and the continuous work of the MPSC and the Rosreestr portal was also established for uninterrupted acceptance of documents and provision of necessary services, the Moscow Region government reported.[13]
Due to a failure in the USRN, thousands of Muscovites lost free parking at home
In mid-January 2020, it became known that due to a malfunction in the work of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), thousands of Muscovites lost free parking at home.
As two residents of Khamovnikov, including football commentator Georgy Cherdantsev, told Kommersant, in early December 2019 they submitted in advance to the MPSC of applications for the extension of resident permits (allow residents of houses that have fallen into paid parking zones to park for free from 20:00 to 08:00). However, the documents were ready not after six days established by law, but after about a month. Another resident of the district decided to extend the permit on January 11 and also received a warning about the delay.
About 3 thousand car owners faced the problem. The extension of the permit is possible only after checking information about the owners of apartments in the USRN. Every month, residents of the city submit more than 20 thousand applications for the issuance or extension of permits.
Employees of the GKU "Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space" know about the problem, but refer to the rules according to which, in order to issue and extend permits for free parking, they are obliged to request information about apartment owners from Rosreestr through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system, and there they are not able to process the request on time.
The capital's Department of Transport confirmed to the publication the existence of the problem and said that each fine is dealt with manually. Rosreestr attributes the delays to the excessive load on the system due to twin sites and robots.
By January 14, 2020, Rosreestr is taking measures to restore the service's performance, including the registration of parking permits, a service representative assured.
In the absence of a technical opportunity to use the electronic service, the prepared documents were sent to the Moscow government on electronic media, he added.[14] |
Launched a service for issuing information from the USRN in a few minutes instead of days
September 3, 2019 earned a service for issuing information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) - It allows you to reduce the time for obtaining data on real estate objects from the previous few days to several minutes.
The Federal Cadastral Chamber notes that the electronic document will have the same legal force as the paper one. Extracts from the website of the cadastral chamber are certified by a qualified electronic signature of the registration authority.
The platform allows the user to select up to a thousand objects in one session. Inside it provides remote payment with a minimum commission.
On September 3, 2019, the service operates in pilot mode in 51 out of 85 regions of Russia. It will be available throughout the country after the transition of each subject to the USRN.
Extracts from the USRN may be required for citizens when conducting various real estate transactions, for example, when to check the object before buying, clarify the owners, analyze possible restrictions and encumbrances.
To work as an online service for instant issuance of extracts from the real estate register, citizens need an account on the public services portal. The characteristics of the property are filled out from the USRN. The search is carried out automatically by the address or cadastral number of the object.
According to TASS, with reference to the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, the head of RosreestrVictoria Abramchenko, earlier it was easier for citizens to turn to intermediary sites that provide such services more expensive and cannot guarantee the relevance of the information issued.
In August 2019 , new rules for registering real estate transactions using an electronic signature (EP) came into force in Russia. It became impossible to remotely transfer the rights to the real estate of an individual under the EP, without notifying Rosreestr in advance.[15]
Rostelecom is ready to spend 4.2 billion on work on the migration of GIS data
On August 29, 2019, it became known that Rostelecom was ready to spend 4.24 billion rubles to purchase software and hardware complexes (PAC) and order data migration work for the Federal State Information System for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FGIS USRN). The main data center for the system, as of August 2019, is the Rostelecom site on Aviamotornaya Street in Moscow.
Thanks to the purchase in question, which was announced by the operator on August 21, 2019 with the aforementioned initial price of the contract, Rostelecom will be able to fulfill the terms of the contract signed by it on August 1, 2019 with Rosreestr - to provide computing and network resources for the functioning of the Federal State Register of Legal Entities.
This contract went to Rostelecom following the results of the competition for 697.8 million rubles. That is, for the sake of participation in the project, Rostelecom is ready to "overpay" 3.54 billion rubles. The continuity of the two tender procedures under consideration is directly spelled out in the tender documentation of the procurement, noted in CNews.
The future operator contractor will need to supply all necessary equipment by November 15, 2019, perform installation and commissioning work by December 31, and migrate data by January 31, 2020.
The migration of some components of the FSIS USRN from the involved data center to other sites was spelled out in the previous contract of Rosreestr with Rostelecom - the operator on July 27, 2018 became the winner of the competition and received a row for 600 million rubles; the agreement was signed on November 21, 2018.
However, only in the text of the contract for 697.8 million rubles. there was a remark that migration should be carried out by the contractor "at the expense of his own funds." There were no such instructions in the 2018 Treaty, CNews reported.
The Rostelecom data center, from which it is planned to migrate the FGIS USRN to two other operator sites, became famous for the fact that on August 20, 2018, a serious accident occurred in it, which caused a failure in the Rosreestr system, which ensures the reception and processing of applications for the provision of public services of the department. The situation was corrected only by September 3, 2018, when Rostelecom managed to transfer the components of the FSIS USRN software to its reserve capacities. Representatives of Rosreestr declined to comment to CNews on the possible connection between last year's accident and the ultra-expensive migration scheduled for 2019, offering to seek clarification from Rostelecom. The operator's press service also declined to comment on the project.
As follows from the terms of reference for the launched Rostelecom tender, the main PAC for the migrating Rosreestr system should use server equipment, the design of which provides for duplication of key hardware components, and also provides "hot" replacement of power supplies, mechanical and solid-state drives.
"Computing infrastructure should be organized using processors the x86-64 architecture," the TA says. "Compute nodes to provide resources must be built on the basis of." In servers virtualizations particular, it is planned to use at least 84 such servers of one type and at least 30 other.
Virtualization servers of the first type must use processors with at least 48 physical cores, with a clock speed of at least 2.9 GHz. The amount of RAM for them is determined at the level of 768 GB. For servers of the second type, similar indicators are spelled out at 96 cores, 2.9 GHz and 768 GB, respectively.
Also, the PAC should include at least eight servers of infrastructure management clusters and information protection tools with x86 architecture. The above parameters for them are indicated at the level of 36 cores, 2.7 GHz and 256 GB, respectively.
"To ensure the storage of customer information services data, the package should include the following storage systems: main system L1 and L2, object system L2, disk system for backup, tape system for backup," the TA says.
For the primary system, the available capacity is set at 10110 TB, for the object system - 930 TB, for the disk backup system - 1024 TB, for the tape system - 3360 TB.
As for PAC of information security, its delivery was allocated in a tender in a separate lot with an initial contract price of 443.8 million rubles. (against 3.8 billion for the lot for the supply of the aforementioned main PAC).
This PAC should include at least six servers of the information security subsystem - with processors with at least four cores, with a frequency of at least 2.1 GHz, with a RAM of at least 16 GB.[16]
Putin signed a law on the protection of electronic real estate transactions from fraudsters
On August 6, 2019 Federal Registration Service , he announced that the president Russia Vladimir Putin had signed a law that gives citizens the right to add to the Unified state Register of Real Estate (USRN) a mark on the possibility of submitting to Rosreestr an application for the transfer or termination of the right to their real estate, signed electronically signed[17] to[18] was adopted in order to ensure the protection of the rights of citizens as a result of the joint work of deputies and. State Duma Governments of the Russian Federation Rosreestr took part in the work on amendments to the draft law.
If a citizen allows transactions with his real estate in electronic form using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, then he must separately submit an application to Rosreestr in paper form. In the absence of such an application from the owner, state registration of the transfer of rights on the basis of an electronic package of documents will be impossible.
In particular, the law protects citizens from fraudulent actions with their real estate committed using an electronic signature. It is aimed at excluding cases when fraudsters take possession of other people's apartments by submitting documents for state registration of rights with the illegal use of the owner's electronic signature obtained in the certification center, including using forged documents.
At the same time, the law provides for a number of cases when a special mark in the USRN made on the basis of a statement by the owner of the real estate will not be required to conduct real estate transactions in electronic form.
{{quote 'author = says Victoria Abramchenko, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - head of Rosreestr|When adopting the law, the main difficulty was to find a balance between the degree of protection of citizens' rights to their property and the task of not restraining digitalization in the real estate market. A balanced solution made it possible to solve these problems. So, according to the law, making a mark in the register of real estate is not required if the electronic signature is issued by the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr, when conducting transactions with the participation of notaries and authorities that interact with Rosreestr in electronic form. The law also retains all the possibilities for submitting electronic packages from credit institutions without entering a special mark in the real estate register on the basis of the owner's application. Thus, its action will not apply to popular digital projects such as electronic mortgages, }}
Integration with Kontur. Restro
On July 4, 2019, the company SKB Kontur announced that its online service of the company for registering transactions real estate Kontur. Restro it was integrated with the system Federal Registration Service is the FSIS USRN. Now you can issue transactions through the service in all regions. Russia More. here
Rosreestr explained the failure to implement the real estate register, on which about 2 billion rubles were spent
Results of the audit of the Accounts Chamber
Rosreestr did not meet the deadlines with the transition to the system of maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (FGIS USRN). This conclusion was reached by the Accounts Chamber following the results of the audit, which was announced in February 2019.
Rosreestr has been working on the creation of the FSIS USRN since 2014 within the framework of the federal target program "Development of a unified state system for registering rights and cadastral registration of real estate (2014-2020)." As of the date of the audit, the program has already cost the budget 1.9 billion rubles, the Accounts Chamber states.
Rosreestr began directly to the implementation of the FSIS USRN in November 2017. The project provided for a smooth switch to the system by August 29, 2018. However, the full transition has not yet been completed.
To date, in 34 regions, including Moscow and the Moscow region, public services are provided and conducted on the basis of inherited systems, - explained in the Accounts Chamber. |
The Accounts Chamber noted non-compliance with the deadlines at all stages of the project. Throughout 2018, the implementation period of the system was postponed three times, and since August Rosreestr has completely suspended work due to an accident at Rostelecom's data center, the report said. At that time, the FGIS USRN worked in 51 regions.
The final dates for the implementation of the system were not determined at the time of the audit. Rosreestr presented a roadmap at a December meeting in the government. The Accounts Chamber examined the minutes of the meeting and estimated that there would most likely be additional costs, as previously assumed. At the same time, the required costs turned out to be much higher than expected in the Accounts Chamber.
There is a lot of money for the long term. In addition, it was proposed to change the software configuration with the transition to the use of foreign-made commercial software products, which contradicts the strategic documents of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber noted. |
The Accounts Chamber also noted the shortcomings of the technical base of Rosreestr. The department does not have a backup data center - all work is carried out at one data center rented from Rostelecom. This is not enough in terms of safety and reliability of the system, as shown by the accident at this facility. Because of her, queues arose from applications for the services of Rosreestr - about 11 million appeals.
The source of the problem was the computing power of "Rostelecom," which admitted its guilt, the amount of the fine amounted to 34 million rubles.
The Board of the Accounts Chamber decided to send a submission to Rosreestr, information letters - to the government of the Russian Federation and to the Federal Treasury. The report will be sent to the chambers of the Federal Assembly.
Until 2017, contractors for the development of the Rosreestr system were Transdata and Regionkom, associated with natives of NVision Group Alexei Nashchekin and Dmitry Taraba. Appointed head of Rosreestr in October 2016, Victoria Abramchenko sharply criticized contractors. [3]Подробнее #.D0.9F.D0.BE.D0.B4.D1.80.D1.8F.D0.B4.D1.87.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.BF.D1.83.D1.81.D1.82.D1.8F_.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BA.D0.B0.D0.B2.D0.B0_.D0.B8_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B2.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.B8.D0.BB.D0.B8_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.BF.D1.83.D1.81.D0.BA_.D1.81.D0.B8.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B здесь.
Rosreestr explains the reasons
The Unified State Register of Real Estate has combined information from the Unified State Register of Rights (USRP) and the State Cadastre of Real Estate (GKN). As of the end of 2016, the USRP and GKN contained a total of about 300 million records of rights and real estate.
When creating the FSIS USRN, Rosreestr was entrusted with responsibility for the emergence, correct work and safety of such a huge base as the real estate register, containing information about hundreds of millions of objects and rights, the press service of the department told TAdviser. At the same time, about three years were determined for the creation of the USRN.
This is a relatively short period, given the huge territory and the capacious Russian real estate market. But the USRN began work within the deadlines established by law, - noted in Rosreestr. |
Adapting a large-scale and technically complex USRN system to the conditions of a huge country requires time and "fine-tuning" in practice, the department added. Rosreestr is introducing the FSIS USRN, taking into account the practice of its operation in 49 regions.
The introduction of the FSIS USRN in the remaining regions was forced to slow down the accident at the Rostelecom data center, which occurred in August 2018. The department needed time to analyze the causes of the failure and develop additional measures to ensure the failure-free operation of the FSIS USRN. In particular, it was supposed to use additional reserve capacities to ensure the operation of the FSIS USRN.
Currently, Rosreestr, together with the Ministry of Communications of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, has prepared and agreed on the target architecture of data centers. It provides for the use of two "hot" and one "cold" data centers. The introduction of two more data centers will require additional costs, compared to the initial plan for the implementation of the FSIS USRN, when only one data center was provided. It is not expected to attract additional funds to complete the implementation of the system itself, the press service of Rosreestr told TAdviser. |
When implementing the FSIS USRN, open-source software solutions are used in accordance with import substitution requirements. With the development of the configuration of the FSIS USRN, it is planned to switch to the use of industrial solutions for virtualization and data storage systems at leased data centers.
The expansion of infrastructure at the meeting on February 7, 2019 was proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications agreed and approved by Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov. Up to 4.7 billion rubles can be spent on the expansion of data centers. Read more here.
Shuvalov's proposal to transfer the USRN to the tax service
In November 2017, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov proposed to transfer to the Federal Tax Service the Federal Register of Ownership of Real Estate (USRN), which is located at Rosreestr, the Kommersant newspaper reports.
There is a very large connection between the title of a legal entity and the title of property. We must think about why everything should not be in the same hands and served by one information system, - said Shuvalov at a meeting of the board of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) on November 21, 2017. |
The Deputy Prime Minister recalled that the Federal Tax Service maintains a register of individuals and legal entities, which is the basis for paying real estate tax. Rosreestr reports tax information on property rights to real estate, after which the Federal Tax Service calculates taxes.
According to the president of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers "Expert Council" Aleksei Kaminsky, a change in the departmental affiliation of the USRN will not have any fundamental importance. If there is real estate data in the USRN, but for some reason they were not in the Federal Tax Service, such an object simply falls out of taxation, but technologies allow solving this problem by organizing interdepartmental interaction without transferring the USRN, he noted.
As appraisers and as taxpayers, we are interested in the cadastral assessment being carried out on the basis of high-quality initial information, and how exactly the state organizes this process, unprincipled, Kaminsky added. |
In addition to the possible transfer of the USRN to the tax service, Igor Shuvalov touched upon the creation of a single fiscal body by merging tax and customs services. According to him, the decision to implement this initiative can be made in May 2018, since then "a new government will appear."[19]
The creation of the USRN attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies
As it became known to TAdviser, in November 2017 State Office of Public Prosecutor she sent to Investigative Committee the idea of initiating a case against the ex-head of the informatization department. Federal Registration Service Andrei Beliy
He worked in the department from 2015 to early 2017, and then moved to the Federal Agency for Nationalities, where as of November 2017 he is the head of the department for monitoring and analysis of interethnic and interfaith relations.
The claims against the official, according to two interlocutors of TAdviser, are related to the fact that he signed acts on the acceptance of work on the creation of the USRN, which were not actually completed. Similar claims (but in another case) in October 2017 were presented to the chief designer of the IT system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrei Nechaev (see more). He was arrested by FSB officers .
A TAdviser source in the security forces says that a criminal case on violations in Rosreestr has already been opened. Together with the Investigative Committee, according to him, the FSB is also engaged in it. The second interlocutor, a high-ranking employee of one of the federal departments, knows only about the submission of the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the case against Beliy.
Until 2017, contractors for the development of the Rosreestr system were Transdata and Regionkom, associated with natives of NVision Group Alexei Nashchekin and Dmitry Taraba. Appointed head of Rosreestr in October 2016, Victoria Abramchenko sharply criticized contractors (see details below in section "Rosreestr contractors worked after sleeves and failed to launch the system ").
According to one of TAdviser's interlocutors, Alexey Nashchekin brought the Andrei Beliy to Rosreestr - they previously worked together at Rostelecom.
By 2017, when the USRN was supposed to work, Rosreestr faced a number of problems, says one of TAdviser's interlocutors:
Of the regionally distributed databases, it was not possible to reduce all data into one common database. Data verification and harmonization were not performed. There is a system, but the data is not read - continuous errors: semantic, migration errors from different tables, errors in the work of new, previously untested technologies of new IT systems. It was a classic race for "surrender for the holiday," that is, for the date, without reference to reality |
Initially, the developers of the USRN creation program took three years to sequentially merge databases, correct errors, and verify - 2013-2015. It was planned to conduct pilot operation for another year.
But leapfrog with IT deputies, the inability of the customer to defend his opinion, the dictates of ignorant but confident performers through administrative resources led to this sad result |
Until 2013, IT in Rosreestr was supervised by the deputy head of the department, Sergei Sapelnikov (fled from Russia under threat of arrest), then - until August 2014 - Denis Solodovnikov (went to work at the Federal Property Management Agency), and then (and as of November 2017) Andrei Pridankin.
According to the interlocutor of TAdviser, familiar with the activities of Rosreestr, Pridankin hoped to turn the tide with the creation of the system with the help of the ex-head of the department Igor Vasiliev (left his post in 2016), "someone else who recommended it."
He failed to reverse. But he was protected. Unlike Guralnikov and Nechaev |
In 2017, according to the interlocutor of TAdviser, the work begun by Transdata and Regionkom was completed by AT Consulting, and new contracts on the creation of USRN subsystems were already concluded with AMT Group.
Andrei Beliy told TAdviser that he was not aware of the initiation of a criminal case against him, and he was ready to give comments after the official presentation of claims. Alexey Nashchekin did not answer TAdviser questions. Rosreestr recommended contacting law enforcement agencies, "since this issue is within their competence." The Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee did not respond to electronic requests, asking to send questions on paper.
Creating an Information Security System
On October 25, Rosreestr chose the developer of the information protection system (SSI) of the Federal State Information System of the Unified State Register of Real Estate "(FGIS USRN).[20]
At the competition of the state customer, applications from the companies "Jet Infosystems" and "Information technologies and communication systems" were considered. The maximum reduction in the cost of the contract was proposed by Jet Infosystems, this company became the winner. The final purchase price was reduced by 4 million - to 391 million rubles.
The developed system is designed to neutralize threats to the security of information processed in the FSIS USRN and to comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of information security.
The state customer names the four main goals of creating a new solution. The first is to protect information from disclosure and modification when it is transmitted over communication channels. The second is to prevent damage due to violation of the confidentiality of information processed in Rosreestr. The third is the identification of vulnerable elements of the Rosreestr infrastructure, including those that do not meet the established security requirements. And the fourth is to ensure the protection of the infrastructure of Rosreestr (including the FSIS USRN) from threats associated with the introduction of malware.
Within the framework of IPS creation, a subsystem of cryptographic protection of communication channels, a subsystem of firewall and a subsystem of protection against unauthorized access should be developed.
In order to achieve these objectives, the customer must provide the appropriate equipment and software, as well as perform installation and commissioning activities.
The delivery list includes crypto-gateways, VPN network management tools, VPN clients, trusted download hardware and software modules, firewalls and other solutions.
The entire project is divided into 2 stages. The first is the delivery of information protection system tools, must be completed no later than December 15, 2017. The second - installation and commissioning work on the implementation of CSR - until April 25, 2018.
The reliability of real estate rights in Moscow will control the blockchain
The Ministry of Economic Development has developed a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on conducting an experiment in Moscow on the use of blockchain in order to monitor the reliability of information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The document was published on the official portal of draft regulatory legal acts in October 2017[21]. Read more here.
Acceptance of documents in electronic form for state registration of real estate rights
The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced in February the start of accepting documents in electronic form for state registration of real estate rights in accordance with Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate," which entered into force on January 1, 2017.
The launch of a service for submitting documents for registration of rights via the Internet allows citizens and businesses to directly contact Rosreestr for receiving one of the most popular and complex services of the department. Thanks to modern information technologies, applicants can not waste time on a visit to the office and do not depend on the actions of the official. In 2016, 401 thousand applications for state registration of rights were submitted to Rosreestr using an electronic service.
With the help of the service, you can submit an application and the necessary documents for registering the transfer or termination of the right to a real estate object, restrictions and encumbrances of rights for objects, information about which is contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). Information from the USRN about a real estate object can be obtained electronically using a special service on the Rosreestr website.
Applicants can submit documents for state registration of rights to objects registered in the USRN in a convenient way for them - in electronic form and upon personal appeal to the offices of the Federal Cadastral Chamber or multifunctional centers "My Documents." In accordance with the 218-FZ, state registration of rights is carried out within a period of no more than 7 days. If you contact the multifunctional center "My Documents," the service period is increased by 2 days.
In accordance with the 218-FZ, the services "Personal account of the copyright holder" and "Personal account of the cadastral engineer," as well as the service "Reference information on real estate objects online," which provide up-to-date information from the USRN about the real estate object, have been finalized and launched on the Rosreestr website. The Office and Reception service is available in the personal account of the copyright holder. Preliminary appointment, "which provides the applicant with the opportunity to plan in advance a visit to the office of the Federal Cadastral Chamber to receive services from Rosreestr.
Also, the site has access to services that allow you to receive information about the progress of the service ("Verification of the execution of the request (application)"), check the correctness of the electronic signature and print the extract received in electronic form ("Verification of the electronic document").
Electronic Statement Service
The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) launched an electronic service at the beginning of the year to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). Using the service, you can get an extract from the USRN about a real estate object. The provision of these information from the USRN is provided for by Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate," which entered into force on January 1, 2017.
The extract from the USRN about the property contains a description of the property, information about the registered rights to it, their restrictions and encumbrances. In addition, the statement contains information about the objection to the registered right to a real estate object or about the impossibility of state registration without the personal participation of the copyright holder or his legal representative.
Any interested person can request publicly available information from the USRN about a real estate object in a convenient way for him - in electronic form and upon personal appeal to the office of the Federal Cadastral Chamber or the multifunctional center "My Documents." In accordance with the 218-FZ, information from the USRN on a request sent via electronic service is provided within 3 days. A fee is charged for providing information contained in the USRN in accordance with the law, the Rosreestr said.
In accordance with the 218-FZ, the services of the Rosreestr website "Personal account of the copyright holder" and "Personal account of the cadastral engineer," as well as the service "Reference information on real estate objects online," which provide up-to-date information from the USRN about the real estate object, have been finalized. The Office and Reception service is available in the personal account of the copyright holder. Preliminary appointment, "which provides the applicant with the opportunity to plan in advance a visit to the office of the Federal Cadastral Chamber to receive services from Rosreestr.
Also, the site has access to services that allow you to receive information about the progress of the service ("Verification of the execution of the request (application)"), check the correctness of the electronic signature and print the extract received in electronic form ("Verification of the electronic document").
Contract with RTK-DPC/Thionics
In order to ensure uninterrupted functioning of the unified state register of real estate, RTK-DPC provided Rosreestr with computing and network resources, and also implemented a system of cryptographic protection of communication channel information based on domestic solutions. Managed infrastructure includes:
- Two datacenters.
- More than 1,500 virtual machines.
- More than 12,000 cores.
- About 15 PB of stored information
USRN data:
The subject of the Civil Code: provision of a comprehensive service for the provision of computing and network resources for the functioning of information systems of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (hereinafter referred to as the Service).
The objectives of the Service provided for in the SOW are:
- ensuring uninterrupted round-the-clock operation of the Customer's IE
- organization of information interaction of the Customer's subdivisions with the Customer's IS based on modern information technologies;
- access of consumers of public services provided by Rosreestr in electronic form to the Customer's IS.
To achieve these goals, the Contractor will solve the following tasks:
- ensuring the sustainable 24-hour functioning of the IT infrastructure;
- connection of the IT infrastructure to the Customer's facilities;
- ensuring interaction of the IT infrastructure to external IEs and communication networks (SMEV, Internet);
RosArchive data:
Subject of the Civil Code: work on the creation of a software and hardware platform for storing electronic documents as part of the implementation of the federal target program "Development of a unified state system for registering rights and cadastral registration of real estate (2014-2019)" in 2016 and 2017
The object of automation is the process of interaction between the accounting systems (US) of Rosreestr and the Federal Property Management Agency and the Software and Hardware Platform for storing electronic documents, including images of documents and electronic documents obtained during state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as during state cadastral registration of real estate objects.
The objectives of the works are:
- creation of conditions for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it and state cadastral registration of real estate in electronic form;
- improving the procedures for the provision of public services related to the use of information from the archive fund of cases of title documents and cadastral cases in electronic form;
- creation of conditions ensuring the possibility of submitting documents for state registration of rights and state cadastral registration of land plots and capital construction objects, as well as submission of information from the USRP and the state cadastre of real estate (hereinafter referred to as the GKN) on an extraterritorial basis;
- implementation of conditions for the use of technical means and services of the Platform for the needs of other departments, in particular the Federal Property Management Agency.
Rosreestr contractors worked through sleeves and failed to launch the system
The head of Rosreestr Victoria Abramchenko, speaking at the board of the department on December 23, 2016 (the recording of the speech is at the disposal of TAdviser), said that systemic errors were made in the design of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). In addition, according to her, Rosreestr contractors worked "after the sleeves."
As a result, the USRN was not launched by the scheduled date (it was planned to launch the system from January 1, 2017).
Abramchenko's statement was made in response to the report of Alexander Narykov, head of the Rosreestr department for the Vladimir region (pilot region for the introduction of the USRN), who criticized the contractors for creating the system.
Contracts for the development of the USRN in 2014-2015 were concluded with AT Consulting, but in fact, according to TAdviser interlocutors, they were carried out by subcontractors - Transdata and Regionkom. In 2016, these companies won tenders and entered into contracts with Rosreestr directly (see details below).
At meetings on the creation of the system, representatives of contractors were the former co-owner of NVision Group Dmitry Taraba and the ex-general director of NVision Group Alexei Nashchekin. Information about this is contained in the minutes of meetings that TAdviser got acquainted with.
According to Alexander Narykov, the developers were poorly acquainted with the automated subject area and made significant methodological and technical errors when creating the system.
Experimental operation, according to him, was supposed to take place from January 2016, but the first acquaintance of officials with the developers took place only on March 9, and the opportunity to start experimental operation appeared only in April.
In July, he added, a regional data migration session was performed, as a result of which "not a single object out of 2 million migrated accurately."
And although by December 2016 there was significant progress, the work of none of the USRN subsystems meets the tasks set for Rosreestr, Narykov said.
In this situation, the introduction of the USRN can lead to a sharp decrease in labor productivity. The created information system requires serious improvement before putting into commercial operation, - he concluded |
Victoria Abramchenko called Narykov's report devastating, honest and correct.
We came to the conclusion that systemic errors were made at the entrance, - said the head of Rosreestr. - So, probably, it was impossible to design, to start work on such large systems. But unfortunately, by October 13 (the day Abramchenko was appointed head of the department - approx. TAdviser) nothing could be radically changed |
Andrei Pridankin, deputy head of Rosreestr, who took the floor, said that as of December 23, 2016, there are exactly zero records in the USRN database, which is located in the Rosreestr data center. Users (Rosreestr employees) do not have practical skills in using the system. Full functional and load testing was not performed.
I consider the called estimates in 3-4 months of refinement of this system optimistic. I would talk about at least six months, - said Pridankin. - If we talk about the state of the system - it resembles a large basket of apples, each of which is bitten, but not one is not eaten |
The catastrophe, according to the deputy head of Rosreestr, is that "the introduction of the FSIS USRN is plan A - from January 1, 2017 it is impossible."
This is a minus, but there is a plus, because there is a backup plan, it is called plan B, - added Pridankin |
The essence of Plan B is to finalize the current systems (they are called maternal or inherited in Rosreestr) under the requirements of 218 FZ on state registration of real estate, which entered into force on January 1, 2017.
The main novella of the law is that the state registrar has the state authority to carry out accounting and registration of rights. There are new forms of documents on the basis of which registration and registration actions are carried out. There are also new forms of output documents that confirm the commission of these actions. There are forms for providing information, - explained Andrey Pridankin. - We modify the current version of HPH PC system (acceptance of documents in MPSC). Version 2.0 will be 2.0 +. In this version, the application generation function for new forms will appear. We must complete these works on December 31... |
Victoria Abramchenko interrupted the noise that rose in the collegium hall:
I ask you to calm down and be sympathetic to what Andrei Borisovich reports. You probably have to understand. You are all grown people and wise leaders. When it is clear on December 5 that the postponement is impossible for the entry into force of the federal law, and when everything is contracted, and the service does not even have the opportunity to implement this plan B, we work almost 24 to 7 in order for this plan B to happen. So that you work on legacy systems. Colleagues, as carefully as possible, I ask you. Yes, December 31. Yes, accordingly, it was necessary to prepare changes for the mother systems in order to transfer them to you. We talked, here is Alexey Alekseevich Tikhenko as part of the acquaintance and extension of official relations already in a new status in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The man said that yes, I made an announcement to my labor collective, yes, all the girls who are engaged in state registration of rights that we will go to work. We also go to work in January - the central office, and on the 5th we conduct a selector with you. On the 4th, that plan B in the form of technical solutions should be tested by your IT specialists and our IT specialists. There must be constant communication. We have no other option. I repeat once again, we have gone through this more than once with you. Yes, now we are in such conditions when the developer simply treated his duties after his sleeves. We have not accepted a single contract from this developer since October 13. And we will not accept until he gives up the system in normal form. And I ask you to understand. Thank you |
Andrei Pridankin continued and said that a mechanism is also being developed that allows generating extracts in a new form from maternal systems, combining information from them. This will allow the issuance of extracts to the applicant in the form required by law. In the GKN system, in order to comply with the requirements of the law, a special role of the state registrar will be established, etc.
On January 16, 2017, Rosreestr, at the request of TAdviser to talk about the results of Plan B, reported that adapting a large-scale and technically complex USRN system to the conditions of a huge country requires time and "fine-tuning" in practice.
In these conditions, in order to comply with all obligations under the Law "On State Registration of Real Estate," it was decided to start operating the FSIS USRN in a component-by-component mode. At the same time, since the beginning of 2017, Rosreestr has been ensuring the implementation of 218 federal laws in full, the department emphasized.
Representatives of Transdata and Regionkom Dmitry Taraba and Alexey Nashchekin could not answer TAdviser questions.
Contract with Transdata for the migration of data from old systems to a new one
On October 20, 2016, Rosreestr summed up the results of the competition for the implementation of work on the migration of data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights (USRP), the State Real Estate Register (GKN) and AIS "Justice" to the USRN database[22].
The cost of the project was estimated at 198.3 million rubles. Applications for participation were submitted by partnerships with the former vice president of Rostelecom Alexei Nashchekin of Regionkom and Transdata, as well as AT Consulting, which was developing the EGRON in 2014-2015.
The application of AT Consulting was rejected due to non-compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation. Regionkom offered to fulfill the contract for 196.55 million rubles, Transdata - for 195.20 million rubles.
Based on the results of consideration of applications, where, in addition to the cost of work, such criteria as the quality of work and labor resources of the contractor were assessed, the winner was recognized as "Transdata."
In 2016, Rosreestr was supposed to complete the development of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects and begin filling this system with information from other sources. Data transfer is carried out as part of the third stage of the project to create a Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects. Migration will affect the information systems of Rosreestr in 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in the central office of the department, the TA said.
As TAdviser was told in Rosreestr, as of October 2016, accounting procedures (cadastral registration) are conducted using the AIS GKN, which is deployed in 85 constituent entities of Russia and represents 85 independent databases. Registration procedures (registration of rights) are carried out using two systems - PC USRP and AIS "Justice." The centralized bases of these two systems are also created only in the regions, and working in disparate bases increases the cost of maintaining the department's existing IT infrastructure.
The current Rosreestr systems use DBMS Oracle 11gR2, and the EGRON is already built entirely on domestic and open technologies (it is used as a DBMS PostgreSQL), which ensures independence from foreign suppliers. software
A repository of electronic real estate documents created in parallel with the EGRON also uses open source software.
Contract with Transdata for the development of USRN components and preparation of the system for industrial operation
On October 18, 2016, Rosreestr identified a contractor for the development of components of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects (FSIS USRN) and the preparation of the system for industrial operation[23].
Applications for participation in the competition for the development of the USRN with an initial cost of 169.99 million rubles were also submitted by Regionkom, AT Consulting and Transdata. Regionkom offered to fulfill the terms of the contract for 166.5 million rubles, AT Consulting - for 168.2 million rubles, Transdata - for 164.7 million rubles. At the same time, the significance of the contract price in the overall assessment of the application was only 30%. The greatest weight was the criterion for the quality of work - 50%, another 20% was allocated to the provision of the tender participant with labor resources.
The tender commission rated the application of Transdata higher than others - 100 points, the application of AT Consulting scored 83.13 points, and the Regional Committee - 64.68. Thus, the Transdata was declared the winner.
All work in the current project is divided into two stages. As part of the first contract, the contractor will have to finalize the USRN software based on the results of trial operation in two constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as update the design and operational documentation of the revised software. The second stage of the project will include preliminary comprehensive tests, trial operation and acceptance tests of the modified software. All work must be completed by December 15, 2016.
Contracts with Regionkom
In May 2016, the results of two tenders for the development of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects were summed up. The winner in them was the Regionkom company. As part of the first project, the company is developing a monitoring and reporting subsystem (contract value - 97.60 million rubles), as part of the second - creating a spatial data processing subsystem (96.95 million rubles).
Another purchase took place in July 2016. The Regionkom company also won in it. The contract value amounted to 61.5 million rubles, the subject of work is the development of a subsystem for monitoring and control of functioning.
All three tenders also included AT Consulting, which failed to achieve victory.
2014-2015: The first contractor to create the system was AT Consulting
The first stage of work on the creation of the USRN was carried out by AT Consulting for 115.2 million rubles at the end of 2014[24].
In October 2015, AT Consulting also won the tender for the second [25] (migration of data from the IS USRP and AIS GKN to the database of the Unified State Register [25] Real Estate Objects) [25] 170 million rubles].
2013: FTP and Funding Approval
According to the federal target program "Development of a unified state system for registration of rights and cadastral registration of real estate," approved in 2013, the[26]2019[26] is planned to invest 3.4 billion rubles in the creation of the USRN.
Read also
- Goodbye, Oracle-3: Lenenergo was frightened of foreign origin and expensive licenses
- Goodbye, Oracle-2: Moscow region moves to PostgreSQL
- Goodbye Oracle: Russian nuclear bomb maker moves to Postgres
- Yandex migrates from Oracle to Postgres
- ↑ "We advise you to check the doors": is there a threat to the personal data of Russians from Rosreestr
- ↑ Data Center Computing and Networking Services
- ↑ by the Bulletin of the Accounts Chamber No. 7 (308) 2023.
- ↑ Rosreestr is preparing for a surge in interest in the USRN data
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [ The ex-head of the Rosreestr department
- ↑ arrested in the case of embezzlement during the digitalization of the USRN]
- ↑ he said. Accounts Chamber: Rosreestr strategic planning documents need to be revised
- ↑ main 6 The Accounts Chamber criticized Rosreestr for problems with a single database
- ↑ The real estate register will retain its humanity. The addition of the system by artificial intelligence will be postponed for a year
- ↑ The government promised to issue statements about real estate in 30 seconds
- ↑ Moscow region will switch to a digital property accounting system
- ↑ Resident error
- ↑ The service of instant issuance of extracts from the real estate register was launched in Russia
- ↑ Rostelecom will spend 4.2 billion on the transfer of GIS from its problematic data center to fulfill the 700 million state contract
- ↑ [ Bill No. 728232-7 "On Amendments
- ↑ the Federal Law" On State Registration of Real Estate. " ]The law
- ↑ Real estate register may change registration
- ↑ Procurement No. 0173100010917000097
- ↑ Draft Resolution
- ↑ Purchase No. 0173100010916000121
- ↑ Purchase No. 0173100010916000122
- ↑ Competition for the creation of the first stage of the USRON
- ↑ 25,0 25,1 25,2 [ stage
- ↑ 26,0 26,1 text of the federal target program "Development of a unified state system for registration of rights and cadastral registration of real estate," by