Russian Post
Assets | Owners |
+ Russian Post |
Board of Directors
Main article: Russian Post Board of Directors
Logistics Infrastructure and Warehouses
Main article: Warehouses and logistics centers of Russian Post
Main article: Russian Post Offices
Main article: Russian Post drones
Postage stamps
Main article: Postage stamps
Financial performance
Main article: Financial indicators of Russian Post
2023: Revenue growth by 1.7% to RUB 212 billion; net losses - 7.1 billion rubles
In 2023, the revenue of Russian Post reached 212 billion rubles, which is 1.7% more than a year earlier. Net loss amounted to 7.1 billion rubles, reduced by 3.8 times compared to 2022. Such data are contained in the financial statements (RAS), which the company disclosed on April 1, 2024.
The gross profit of Russian Post in 2023 amounted to 6 billion rubles against the loss of 9 billion rubles recorded in 2022. The company reduced debt obligations by 14 billion rubles.
Revenues from postal services in 2023 reached 152.98 billion rubles (an increase of 0.1% compared to 2022), from trading activities - 26.8 billion rubles (-6.7%), from monetary mediation - 9.2 billion rubles (+ 6.2%), from other activities - 22.97 billion rubles (+ 26.4%).
According to Mikhail Volkov, general director of Russian Post, the company's losses decreased thanks to a set of events that continue by early April 2024. In particular, we are talking about reducing management costs and digitalization of some business processes, including in logistics and the work of operators in departments.
In 2023, we had to solve a non-trivial task - to deploy a company with accumulated debt and a loss by the end of 2022, facing our clients and employees - to maintain the state, social function and at the same time update branches, launch new services and modern services, raise wages, - said Volkov, whose words are quoted by the press service of Russian Post. |
In 2023, Russian Post at its own expense updated 345 branches and modernized another 1282 rural branches in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation. In addition, in 2023, 68 new branches were opened and a logistics center was launched in Nizhny Novgorod.[1]
Delivery from online stores
Main article: Delivery from online stores of Russian Post
Digitalization and Information Security
Main article: Digitalization of Russian Post
Sale of Post Bank to VTB Group for 36 billion rubles
Post Bank was officially sold to VTB for 36 billion rubles. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev on December 10, 2024. According to the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, this deal will become an additional source of funding for the development of the Russian Post. Read more here.
Rostelecom sued millions from Russian Post for unpaid building repairs
On November 18, 2024, it became known that the Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad Region satisfied Rostelecom's claim to recover debts from the Russian Post in connection with the unpaid repair of the building, which is jointly owned by the companies.
We are talking about an object in the city of Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Region at ul. Ostrovsky, d. 3. The construction went to Rostelecom and Russian Post from the state communications and informatics enterprise Rossvyazinform (predecessor of PJSC Rostelecom). This happened within the framework of Decree of the Government of Russia No. 1003 of December 22, 1992 on the privatization of state-owned communications and informatics enterprises by converting into open-type joint-stock companies with the separation of postal divisions from their composition. The need for repair arose due to the emergency condition of the boiler house, roof and facade of the building.
Rostelecom repaired the facility at its own expense, spending a total of 6.8 million rubles. After that, the Russian Post was provided with documents to compensate for costs in accordance with the share in the ownership of common property - 29.9%, or about 300 square meters. According to CNews, Russian Post first agreed to pay for the repair work, and then refused, saying that it had no internal regulations for such compensation.
As a result, on May 21, 2024, Rostelecom appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad Region with a statement of claim to recover unjust enrichment in the amount of 2 million rubles from the Russian Post. This requirement is fully satisfied. The ruling notes that the agreement concluded between the parties provides for the obligation to maintain common property commensurately owned by the area. Therefore, Rostelecom's requirements are reasonable.[2]
"Russian Post" named the top 5 countries in terms of the number of parcels sent
In January 2024, Russian Post published a list of countries that accounted for the maximum number of export shipments for 2023. The total number of states to which parcels are sent from the Russian Federation has grown from 117 to 130.
USA China and topped the rankings for the second year running. In 2023, the rating of export countries left, and Germany took its (third) place. Belarus Kazakhstan repeated the result of 2022, again located on the fourth line. Also in 2023, he entered the top five most popular destinations. Israel
Most often, clothes and shoes (15.8%), household goods and hobbies (13.6%), as well as goods from the category "food and utensils" (11.6%), which replaced "electronics," which were more often sent in 2022, were sent abroad from Russia in 2023.
The average weight of departure of legal entities increased from 1.9 kg in 2022 to 2.4 kg in 2023, and the parcels of individual citizens fell 100 grams: 3.2 kg. The most popular type of departure in 2023 was the parcel, while a year earlier the Russians preferred to send shipments in a small package.
In 2023, Russian Post resumed the delivery of EMS items to, Africa including,, and Angola Cameroon. Namibia Of Tanzania the most dynamically growing areas of the region, it stands out: the growth in the Egypt number of goods delivered there in the second quarter amounted to 15%. By the number of shipments in the first half of the year, Egypt is the most popular state on the continent for Russian exporters (23%). The second and third places are occupied by and (21% Morocco REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA and 14%, respectively).
In 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Russian Post launched a program to subsidize export parcels, and it, according to the company, allowed Russian entrepreneurs to save more than 8 million rubles.[3]
Russian Post raised salaries of 115,000 employees of the main production professions
Russian Post raised the salaries of 115,000 employees of the main postal professions - post office operators, postmen, drivers, sorters and couriers. The company's investment in salary increases this year amounted to about 2.9 billion rubles.
One of the key priorities of the Post is to take care of employees. Anti-crisis measures to improve the operating efficiency of the company allowed us to find funds in the second half of the year to increase the wages of our main personnel. Our people carry on a huge social mission, and it is important for us that their work is appreciated. We will continue to direct funds to improve the working conditions of our employees, - said Mikhail Volkov, General Director of Russian Post JSC. |
Russian Post regularly implements programs to take care of the well-being of personnel. The Corporate University of the Post annually trains more than 200,000 employees. In addition, the company is modernizing the post office network, thereby making employees' jobs more comfortable.
Appointment of Mikhail Volkov as the new head of the Russian Post
In early December 2022, a government directive was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on the appointment of Mikhail Volkov as the new general director of the Russian Post. The document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, who oversees the work of the Russian Post. Read more here.
The creation of the company is joint with Skolkovo Ventures
On September 5, 2022, it became known about the creation in Russia of a new company for the development of unmanned delivery technologies - BAS Consortium LLC. This is a joint project of Russian Post and Skolkovo Ventures. Read more here.
Customer Support Center Opening Plan
At the end of 2022, the Post Office will open a client support center that will receive and process appeals from individuals and legal entities from all over Russia. The goal of the Post is to reduce the response time to claims by more than 4 times by 2024. The company announced this on February 11, 2022.
This department consolidates all support channels. Employees of the center will respond around the clock to appeals from individuals and legal entities from all over the country, coming from the official website of the company, from social networks, chats, by phone, as well as from post offices. In addition, specialists will interact with foreign postal administrations to solve problems with international shipments.
The customer support service will be located in the building of the Samara Sorting Center on an area of more than 3000 square meters. meters. To do this, the company will repair the premises and organize workplaces in the format of open office space. The center will be designed for the simultaneous work of 500 specialists: 250 of them will work with individuals, 200 - with legal entities, 20 - will provide support on social networks, another 30 - will make payments to clients.
We serve millions of people every day. Many of them need help or advice on postal services. In addition, during the pandemic, the number of official appeals received at post offices, by mail and in electronic form, almost doubled and as of February 2022 is more than 130,000 per month. Therefore, the global restructuring of the client support service is one of the priority tasks of the Mail. We want to reduce the number of steps of the client, to cover his needs as much as possible at the first call. We expect that the opening of a contact center in Samara will reduce the time to respond to claims by 2024 by an average of 4 times, "said Maxim Akimov, General Director of the Russian Post. |
Russian Post records a steady increase in population interest in the company's services. According to a survey by the Tiburon research group conducted at the end of 2021, 85% of Russians from cities with a population of more than 100,000 use mail services. This is also reflected in the support workload. In 2021, customers turned to the company's specialists 65% more often - the number of official calls amounted to more than 1.1 million against 668,000 in 2019. The share of people satisfied with the quality of the Mail is also growing. In 2021, the Customer Satisfaction Index (NPS) by Russian Post became positive for the first time in history. Among individuals, NPS rose from -3 points to + 13, and among legal entities - from -11 to + 2.
Transfer of powers of the GIS utility operator to the Information System Operator
On February 3, 2022, Russian Post and Inter RAO informed TAdviser that their joint venture, Information System Operator JSC, had become the new operator of the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS housing and communal services). This happened in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 34-r of January 20, 2022. More details here.
₽5 billion allocated for the modernization of Russian Post offices in villages
The Russian government has allocated 5 billion rubles for the modernization of post offices in rural areas and hard-to-reach settlements. This was announced in December 2021 by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
The President instructed over the next three years to modernize branches and post offices located in villages and in hard-to-reach areas. We will solve this problem in stages, - said the head of the Cabinet. |
According to him, for 2022 the government allocated 5 billion rubles, the money will go to "bring to normal" almost 1200 Post offices. Russia In particular, the money will go to the purchase of new furniture and equipment. In addition, "if necessary, prefabricated buildings will be built," Mishustin said.
It is important that the Post offices become truly modern and convenient for people, regardless of where they are located, he added. |
According to the order of the government, the Ministry of Digital Development must monitor the targeted and effective use of budgetary allocations with the submission of reports to the government of the Russian Federation until August 1, 2022 and until March 30, 2023
In September 2021, Vladimir Putin instructed over the next three years to modernize branches and post offices located in rural and hard-to-reach areas - there are more than 25 thousand of them in total. The wear and tear of about half of the branches exceeds 50%, Mikhail Mishustin said in December 2021.
He noted that there are Russian Post offices in every corner of the country, in large cities and small towns, while they are especially in demand in the farthest areas, where there is no alternative to the state operator.
For private services, it is unprofitable to place branches there, and people always need to send and receive parcels and correspondence. Not to mention the fact that pensions, various social benefits and benefits are delivered to many through the mail. And such services should be provided in good conditions, - said Mishustin.[4] |
The state contributes 200 billion rubles to the authorized capital of the Russian Post
At the end of November 2021, the Bank of Russia registered an additional issue of Russian Post shares in the amount of 200 billion rubles. The only shareholder of the Russian Post, the Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Property Management Agency, places additional securities in the amount of 200 million pieces at a nominal price of 1 thousand rubles.
During the additional issue, the state must transfer 100% minus 1 share of Mark JSC to the Russian Post by the end of 2021. The company issues postage stamps that the postal operator purchases and sells at face value. As a result, the entire cycle of the business of printing and selling postage signs will go to the unified department of Russian Post.
By November 29, 2021, the authorized capital of Russian Post amounted to 15.76 million shares with a par value of 1 thousand rubles. Accordingly, after the additional issue, the authorized capital will increase by more than 12.6 times, "" notes. Sheets The funds received will go to modernize post offices throughout the country.
In September 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to provide in the draft federal budget for 2022-2024 funds for the modernization of Russian Post offices in villages and hard-to-reach areas until 2025.
In the same month, the board of directors of Russian Post recommended increasing the authorized capital of the company by 200 billion rubles due to an additional issue.
On November 24, 2021, Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrei Turchak said that the modernization of the Russian Post would be under the special control of the party.
For each department, we have assigned our deputy at the local, regional level, who will be personally responsible for high-quality and timely work. We will do everything so that residents in the village feel the effect of the implementation of this program, "he said.[5] |
Building a Company to Serve Your IT Infrastructure
On August 17, 2021, Russian Post announced the creation of a subsidiary of Mail Service, which will be responsible for servicing the IT infrastructure of the federal postal operator, mainly in the regions. Read more here.
Obtaining a perpetual license for the wholesale trade and storage of medicinal products
Roszdravnadzor issued JSC Russian Post an indefinite license No. FS-99-02-008338 for the wholesale trade, storage and transportation of medicines. Now the company will be able to use the logistics center in Vnukovo for warehouse storage and processing of medicines, as well as provide fulfillment services to pharmaceutical marketplaces there. From the warehouse "Post" plans to deliver drugs to pharmacies and medical institutions, as well as distributors.
The presence of a wholesale license for pharmaceutical activities confirms that Russian Post meets all the requirements of the international GDP1 standard. To obtain a license, Pochta equipped a pharmaceutical warehouse in its own logistics center in Vnukovo. The warehouse has storage areas with maintaining temperature conditions from + 2 to + 25 ℃, refrigeration and freezing chambers, special ventilation and air conditioning systems, constant protection against insects and rodents. Also, "Post" included in the staff of employees with higher pharmaceutical education.
"With a wholesale license, we can provide the pharmaceutical market participants with the entire range of logistics services and services. In the near future - integration with all the largest pharmaceutical marketplaces. We also plan to establish licensed sorting centers for the storage and processing of medicines in each city with a population of over 500,000 people. An extensive network of such centers will allow us to ensure the rapid delivery of medicines to the entire population of the country, "said Alexey Skatin, Deputy General Director for e-Commerce of Russian Post JSC. |
In May 2021, Roszdravnadzor issued a permit to the Russian Post for remote retail trade in medicines. The document allows the company to deliver them by couriers and provide services for the delivery of drugs to pharmaceutical marketplaces and Internet pharmacies.
Spin-off of four subsidiaries
On July 9, 2021, Russian Post announced that it was allocating certain areas of business to subsidiaries: Pochtovaya Marka LLC, Post Ekom LLC, PLC LLC and Post Press LLC. This is the next step of the Russian Post in the transition to a changed organizational management model, which is provided for by the development strategy until 2030. Read more here.
Plans to reduce paper consumption by 40% and electricity by 44%
On July 1, 2021, the Russian Post announced that by 2025 it plans to reduce paper consumption by 40% and electricity consumption by 44%, as well as reduce carbon dioxide emissions during cargo transportation by 20%.
Mail plans to reduce paper consumption to 6 tons from 10 thousand tons in 2020. This will happen due to an increase in the share of internal electronic document management from 15% to 95%, as well as a decrease in paper consumption in post offices when working with clients. For example, you can not print a registered letter, but receive or send it electronically through a mobile application or personal account This service, according to the company's estimates, for July 2021 has already saved 400 tons of paper and saved 6,800 trees from cutting down over the past 3 years.
Wherever possible, the Mail will switch to LED lighting, which helps to conserve electricity, and install smart meters. As a result, the energy intensity indicator by 1 million rubles. revenue will decrease from 2.7 tons of conventional fuel in 2020 to 1.5 tons of conventional fuel in 2025
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the Russian Post will update the fleet and transfer some of the machines to the use of natural gas. This will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% per 1 kg of transported cargo by 2025. In 2020, the Post bought 190 KamAZ trucks on methane, and also began to convert the existing gasoline and diesel cars to use natural gas.
Russian Post is a postal and logistics operator. We have a social responsibility that has already become part of our corporate culture. The Post has long had programs for environmental protection, but we are moving on and include environmental KPIs in our long-term strategy, "commented Raisa Irz, head of the corporate social responsibility department of the Russian Post. |
In addition, the Russian Post sends 100% of plastic and metal containers for the transportation of letters and parcels, as well as 100% of plastic seals that are used to control the safety of mail. The company sets itself the task of maintaining this indicator in the future. In addition, the Russian Post is working to create biodegradable packaging. In early June 2021, the Russian Post signed an agreement with Bio Planet LLC. The parties agreed on cooperation in the development of packaging from biodegradable plastics based on polylactide in the form of pellets (PLA-pellets).
Transition to Holding Management Model
At the end of May 2021, the general director of Russian Post, Maxim Akimov, announced the restructuring of the company, involving the transition to a holding management model, which is already practiced by postal operators in other countries. Akimov cited Poste Italiane, Deutsche Post DHL, Singapore Post as an example.
And it is quite understandable why intelligent human thought in other parts of the world came to this: it is impossible to control such a huge body in the form of a monolith. A rigid structure crumbles with any shock, - the head of the Russian Post told RBC. |
According to him, Russian Post will have more than ten subsidiaries, including the existing National Logistics Technologies, Post Bank and the developer of digital services PochtaTech.
In the near future, it is planned to create a "daughter" for the development of retail. Russian Post expects to start delivering consumer goods from its own branches, for which it will soon open warehouse stores for collecting online orders (dark store). Goods from such stores could reach the consumer in 15-20 minutes.
In addition, according to Maxim Akimov, Russian Post could attract minority shareholders in order to somehow have private capital, while maintaining control from the outside. states However, by the end of May 2021, there is no such agreement with the state. At the same time, if Russian Post decided to place a small block of shares on the stock exchange, there would be many people willing, he stressed.
Earlier in May 2021, Russian Post announced the creation in Hong Kong of a subsidiary of RP Logistics HK to optimize the logistics of shipments from China and Southeast Asia. The company became the second subsidiary of Russian Post in China.[6]
Transfer to the authorized capital of Russian Post of 100% of shares of Mark JSC
At the suggestion of the Government of the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin decided to transfer 100% minus one share of Mark JSC to the authorized capital of Russian Post JSC. The transfer activities were entrusted to be carried out within six months. Read more here. This was announced by Russian Post on April 30, 2021.
Receiving a grant in the amount of 140 million rubles from RFRIT
Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) On January 12, 2021, he announced TAdviser the results of two competitive selection for grants: support for projects for the implementation of domestic IT solutions (PP RF No. 550) and support for development projects (domestic software PP RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 1185).
For the implementation of the project "Implementation and development of a software and hardware complex for supporting decision-making based on processing and analysis data of the operation of transport the Pochta fleet," Russia Pochta received 140 million rubles (140 000 000,00). More. here
Cooperation with Aipost and Kyrgyz Post Office for joint development of services and products
In December 2020, the national postal services of Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan announced cooperation, within the framework of which they agreed on the joint development of postal and logistics services and products for end users and the company. The goal of the partnership is to create a single window for customers ordering postal and logistics services in all three countries.
The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB; The participating countries of the bank are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan), Aipost, Kyrgyz Post Office and Russian Post. It was signed by the chairman of the board of the EDB Nikolai Podguzov, the general director of Aypost Hayk Karapetyan, the general director of Kyrgyz Post Office Damir Monoldorov and the general director of Russian Post Maxim Akimov.
The parties agreed to coordinate efforts in the field of creating logistics services for the delivery of international mail between countries, the development and launch of products for organizing the transit of shipments in the following areas: Asia - Europe, Europe - EAEU countries, the United States of America - EAEU countries.
In addition, the EDB and postal operators intend to cooperate in the development and implementation of a unified technology for processing international mail, the use of the technology of an authorized Internet trade operator in organizing customs warehouses, and investments in the field of modern technologies for processing logistics goods and mail.
As reported in a press release published on the Russian Post website, such transactions are designed to simplify as much as possible the conduct of international e-commerce business in the three countries and facilitate access to foreign markets for local players. The agreement also involves the exchange of best practices and their scaling in all three regions.[7]
Fintech direction led by ex-manager of Promsvyazbank and Alfa-Bank appeared in Russian Post
On October 21, Russian Post announced that it would develop financial technologies, separating them into a separate business area. It will be headed by Alena Bocharova, who previously headed the Directorate for the Development of Retail Products of Promsvyazbank.
The new unit will be responsible for the development of financial technologies within the company and the creation of financial products and services for its customers. Also, the block will build relations with the company's financial partners, primarily with Post Bank, and manage the effectiveness of the business model. fintech direction In addition, he will work to reduce product development time.
Thanks to an effective and professional team in the Russian Post, fintech is already developing in various areas of business. I see that a centralized strategy, combining experience and efforts will help us achieve even greater effect both in terms of the scale of innovation and in terms of the speed of creating new products and services that our customers and partners are waiting for, "said Alena Bocharova. |
Financial services occupy the third place in the income structure of the Russian Post. Among them, in particular, online money transfers and payments. In 2019, Russians paid bills totaling more than 358 billion rubles through the Russian Post. The volume of postal money transfers in 2019 amounted to 46.2 million units.
Launch of postal money transfer system between Russia and Armenia
On July 22, 2020, the posts of Armenia and Russia announced the launch of the world's first postal system of money transfers between countries. The service, to which the national postal operator of Armenia "Aypost" and "Russian Post" joined, was called PosTransfer. Read more here.
Increase in salaries of 48 thousand employees
On July 7, 2020, it became known about an increase in the salary of another 48 thousand employees of the Russian Post. The head of the Post Maxim Akimov announced this to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a working meeting.
We continued to raise wages. Our third wave of wage increases took place on May 1, we did not postpone it. She touched 38 thousand people. We will carry out the same wave of increase, it goes to the regions, November 1. It will affect 48 thousand people, and no coronavirus infections will affect our plans, "Akimov emphasized (quoted by RIA Novosti). |
Moreover, as Maxim Akimov noted, during the pandemic, Russian Post opened 5 thousand new vacancies and temporarily employed the staff of the closed offline stores. Personnel turnover decreased by a quarter compared to 2019, he added.
Post office operators, sorters, drivers, employees of our logistics centers continued to work in difficult conditions, and we did not close our post offices for a day, except for a period of three days for sanitation. And then, of course, we divided them: some were left to work around the clock, - said the head of the Russian Post. |
He also said that about 28 thousand employees of the company switched to remote work - "this is the largest number in the country."
The transition to a remote labor format is associated with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, to the fight against which Russian Post allocated 1.5 billion rubles. The revenue of Russian Post has been growing seriously over the past 4 weeks, the company has returned its positions in 2019, Akimov reported to Putin.
The Board of Directors of Russian Post postponed to the third quarter of 2020 consideration of the issue of payments of bonuses to members of the Board of Directors at the end of 2019. The company plans to spend 11.5 billion rubles on increasing salaries.[8]
Negotiations with the ВЭБ.РФ on the lease of office space on the VEB Arena site
On May 6, 2020, the Russian Post company announced that it was negotiating with the ВЭБ.РФ on renting office space at the VEB Arena site. At a meeting on April 28, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Russian Post approved the draft transaction.
According to the company, it is planned to rent office space from 2021 after its repair and decoration, which are provided ВЭБ.РФ at its own expense. The total area of rented premises, including parking spaces, will be about 37,000 sq.m. The total transaction price includes all possible payments under the contract, including utilities and operating services.
The need to rent an office has long been ripe and is explained by the accelerated digital development of the company and the need to improve the working conditions of Post Office employees. The unification of employees on one site, distributed for May 2020 across four office buildings, will speed up communication and facilitate the digitalization of the business processes of the Russian Post, which is a key priority and one of the main points of the company's strategy. At the end of 2019, the digital revenue of the Russian Post amounted to over 21 billion rubles, which almost tripled the 2018 figure and the planned figure for 2019.
Russian Post is in the process of digital transformation. This means that hundreds of developers are pouring into our team. We are turning the role of an engineer: from the performer of the tasks set by the business blocks, he becomes the one who determines the development of the company's business logic based on the most relevant digital opportunities for May 2020. The modern workspace is an important element of creating a digital environment and competitive working conditions. All this is impossible on the Warsaw highway, where there has been no repair since its construction in 1979. told Maxim Akimov, General Director of the Russian Post |
The office of the Russian Post on the Warsaw Highway was originally built as an administrative and production building. It has a little office space, and the part of the production premises subsequently converted to accommodate employees does not meet the minimum comfort requirements. In May 2020, a significant percentage of the natural turnover of personnel experienced by Postal Technologies (the structural unit of the Russian Post developing digital solutions) is due to the inconsistency of the office infrastructure with the expectations of employees. The office will hold 3,100 staff and this will completely remove the thorny issue of staff seat shortages. If in May 2020 at the company's central office on Varshavskoye Shosse there are 5.6 square meters of total area per workplace, then at another site this figure will reach 10.6 sq.m.
Postal Technologies has already begun the process of improving working conditions for employees: the St. Petersburg branch of the company signed an agreement to move employees to a more comfortable co-working space.
The state-of-the-art office will speed up the hiring of qualified engineers. In addition, in more comfortable conditions, developers on average create a better product - an addiction well known in the IT industry. told Sergey Emelchenkov, Deputy General Director of Russian Post |
In preparing the transaction, the Russian Post analyzed all offers on the market for renting comparable office spaces (an area of 30 thousand sq.m., within the Moscow Ring Road, no more than 20 minutes walking distance from metro stations or MCC), the offer of ВЭБ.РФ in terms of price parameters was noticeably ahead of alternative scenarios.
Russian Post said it thanked the ВЭБ.РФ for the proposed lease conditions at a discount from market counterparts and for including in the contract the conditions for the necessary preparation of the building for the relocation of Post Office employees.
This decision is one of the directions of the strategic partnership between the ВЭБ.РФ and the Russian Post. ВЭБ.РФ, as a shareholder of the CSKA football club, is interested in its development. The financial model of the club provides for attracting a significant cash flow (up to 70%) from the lease of the office building at the VEB Arena stadium. We have reached an agreement in principle that the Russian Post will become the anchor tenant of the business center, which will create a guaranteed cash flow for the club. Russian Post will be able to create office space that meets the most modern requirements. ВЭБ.РФ will substitute a "financial leverage" during the repair of the premises. In general, we are considering closer cooperation on the development of the infrastructure and logistics capabilities of the Russian Post as part of the transformation into a technology company. noted Igor Shuvalov, chairman of the ВЭБ.РФ |
Opening of 5 thousand vacancies in the postal and logistic sphere
On April 14, 2020 , Russian Post reported that due to an increase in demand for delivery services, it expanded the number of vacancies in the postal and logistics sector. The company is ready to employ more than 5,000 people across the country.
The Russian Post is looking for most of the employees in Moscow and St. Petersburg as a courier and postman. Employees will be arranged officially. For those who are on long leave due to current circumstances, combination is possible. Employees will be responsible for delivering parcels and essential goods to the client's door, accepting payments and providing services using mobile mail and cash terminals.
Employment is possible on a permanent or temporary basis.
Inclusion in the list of backbone organizations
In March 2020, the Government Commission for Improving the Sustainability of the Russian Economy included Russian Post in the list of backbone organizations. Read more here.
Appointment of Maxim Akimov as CEO
Maxim Akimov has been appointed General Director of Russian Post. This decision was made by the board of directors of the company following the meeting held on February 4, 2020. This was reported by TASS and MIA Rossiya Segodnya, citing sources familiar with the results of the meeting. Read more here.
Launch of educational resource цифроваяграмотность.рф
On December 26, 2019, it became known that the University of 2035 and Russian companies launched an educational resource цифроваяграмотность.рф so that residents of Russia could learn for free the safe and effective use of digital technologies and services.
According to the company, Megafon, Rostelecom, Russian Railways, Er-Telecom, Sibur IT, Rostec Academy, HSE, Rocit and Russian Post, NAFI analytical center will be engaged in the development of IT solutions, the provision of online content, as well as expertise of its quality. The project operator is the University of 2035. Read more here.
Accord of GC "Accord" with for development of market for delivery of written correspondence
On December 5, 2019, Russian Post JSC announced that it had signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Accord Group of Companies (Accord Group of Companies).
The parties agreed to join forces to further develop the market for the delivery of written correspondence, and also decided to expand the pool of service functions for consumers of postal services, thereby ensuring the synergy of business processes and the most dynamic growth of revenues of both companies.
The cooperation will also allow companies to effectively develop digital services for customers and help bring emerging technologies to the Russian market for accelerated correspondence processing. Russian Post and GC Accord will be able to better implement the service of preferred preparation of materials for the segment of written correspondence.
A separate area of cooperation will be interaction in the field of digital development. The companies intend to jointly develop the digital infrastructure, will introduce unified approaches to solving applied problems of digital transformation, and also plan to create a single client base based on big data processing technology.
{{quote 'author=commented on Yaroslav Mandron, Deputy General Director for Postal Business and Social Services of Russian Post JSC.' The development of almost any market or business always goes faster when the process participants synchronize their actions and join forces. With colleagues from the Accord Group of Companies, we intend to follow this path. The joint work will allow both companies to increase volumes and attract additional revenues through expansion into regional markets, }}
The agreement between the two key market players will lead to another round of development of services for customers. The long-term expertise and powerful IT component of Accord Post in partnership with Russian Post will allow you to quickly bring technologies and products to the market for the V2V and V2S segments. We will be able to develop effective solutions for personal communications with customers in an offline and online environment, noted the President of the Accord Group Yury Solovyov
Agreement with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow to create innovative products and services
On October 22, 2019, Russian Post announced the signing of an agreement with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow.
The agreement was signed by Sergey Emelchenkov, Deputy General Director for Information Technologies and Development of Digital Services of Russian Post JSC, and Alexei Fursin, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow. Cooperation between the parties will be aimed at stimulating the creation of innovative products and services.
The signed document provides for the development of exports and commercialization of technologies, piloting innovative solutions of the participants in the Moscow innovation cluster, as well as the creation of an innovation center for the Russian Post, including for the purpose of coordinating the interaction of the Russian Post and the cluster members.
In order for the company to successfully fit into the digitalization process, it needs not only its own developments and the most modern IT solutions, but also a reliable partner. It was the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow, which has good competencies in this area. We are confident that our cooperation will be mutually beneficial and will help achieve the strategic objectives of our business, noted Sergey Emelchenkov, Deputy General Director for Information Technologies and Development of Digital Services of Russian Post JSC
The Moscow Innovation Cluster is an important city project aimed at creating conditions for the breakthrough high-tech development of Moscow through the cooperation of representatives of science, business, developers and manufacturers. Cooperation within the cluster with large Russian companies, such as Russian Post, will certainly contribute to the dynamic development of the project, noted the head of the Department Alexey Fursin
Cooperation with Itsumo in the field of e-commerce development
On September 5, 2019, Russian Post announced that it had signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Japanese company Itsumo. The signing was part of a program of long-term cooperation with Japanese Post in the field of postal services and the creation of an electronic platform for the sale of Japanese goods in Russia.
The parties plan to create a trading platform on which goods from Japan will be sold.
The Russian company intends to launch the store in November 2019. Under the terms of the memorandum, the Russian Post assumes the duties of advertising and promoting Japanese goods, as well as delivering orders sent from Japan by international mail.
Itsumo will provide all information about products presented in the online store, as well as advertising and marketing materials. Plus, the Japanese side takes on the formation of orders and sending goods to Russia.
Over the past few years, we have been actively developing the field of e-commerce. This segment of the economy is growing rapidly, and products from Japan are in higher demand among Russian buyers. In cooperation with colleagues from Itsumo, we plan to meet this demand in a high quality and timely manner, offering our customers a transparent ordering process, fast delivery and the best price for Japanese goods. To achieve these goals, we will be helped by a growing network of our own post offices, an established logistics system and modern technologies implemented in key business processes, |
Russia is a big country with a huge promising market. We are pleased to cooperate with such a large company as Russian Post. Together we have a lot of work to do to create a popular and competitive marketplace, 'emphasized representative director of Itsumo Corporation Mamoru Sakamoto '
Signing a memorandum on the creation of the Center for Innovation and the Internet of Things in Healthcare in Russia
On June 6, 2019, a memorandum was signed between the international biopharmaceutical company AstraZenek, the Skolkovo Foundation, Nokia companies, Factory of Radiotherapy Technology LLC (R-Pharm group of companies), Russian Post, Sberbank on the creation of a Center for Innovation and the Internet of Things in Healthcare on the basis of the Fund, which is planned to open in October 2019. Read more here.
Collaboration with Cainiao on cross-border digital trade
Russian Post and Cainiao (logistics division of Alibaba Group) on February 13, 2019 announced the signing of a letter of intent for closer cooperation in the field of cross-border digital trade and the provision of logistics services in the e-commerce market . The document was signed by the general director of the Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov and the director of the Cainiao Network Lin Wang.
The agreement will allow the parties to join forces to increase the capacity of cross-border logistics services. The document also provides for the construction of logistics infrastructure in Russia to provide services to Russian consumers and increase the economic efficiency of sellers. The parties intend to exchange technological know-how in the field of logistics.
Russian Post, together with Cainiao, plans to build and update the infrastructure of fulfillment centers, providing services for receipt, warehouse storage, selection, packaging of parcels and their courier delivery, increasing resources during peak periods.
Cainiao aims to develop a global logistics network using state-of-the-art technologies based on a partnership approach. We are pleased to sign an agreement with Russian Post, a key player in the Russian delivery market. This will allow Chinese marketplaces to improve the quality of services provided to consumers not only in Russia, but also abroad, - Ling Wang, president of the Cainiao Network, is convinced. |
Russian Post organizes a turnkey process of delivery of parcels on the territory of the Russian Federation. It includes airport fence, customs check-in, triage, overground and last mile delivery. It is assumed that Cainiao will take over similar functions in China (collection of shipments, marking, repacking and transportation). In addition, customers will be given the opportunity to independently receive parcels from post offices. Various information channels will be used to notify them of their orders.
Growth in the volume of international shipments with commodity investments by 22%
On January 30, 2019, the Russian Post reported that in 2018 it processed 345 million international mail with commodity investments, which is 22% higher than in 2017 (284 million shipments). The volume of domestic shipments increased by 9%, to 88 million units.
Cross-border e-commerce remains the key driver influencing the dynamics of the flow of shipments with commodity investments. More than 90% of international shipments are accounted for by China, also among the leaders - countries of Western Europe and North America. Global sales gaining popularity among Russians contribute to the growth of the maximum load of logistics capacities of the Russian Post on the eve of the New Year and have an impact on the increase in the duration of the peak period.
In November-December 2018, the Russian Post processed 63 million international mail, which is 13% higher than the same period in 2017. At the same time, there are prerequisites for the fact that in the near future it will cover the whole quarter.
author '= Nikolay Podguzov, General Director of Russian Post ' Thanks to the development of logistics infrastructure in 2018, the Russian Post processed a large number of international mail and confidently went through a high season, when the volume of processed parcels approached 2 million shipments per day. Further strengthening of capacities will allow the company not only to increase the volume of shipments and optimize delivery times, but also to create a supporting logistics infrastructure for the e-commerce market, ensuring its further growth. |
In 2018, the Russian Post put into commercial operation a logistics center in Kazan, a logistics center in Vnukovo was brought to full capacity, which is capable of processing up to 1.7 million mail items (parcels and written correspondence) per day. In addition, Russian Post and VTB Bank signed an agreement on the construction of 38 logistics centers throughout the country, including more than 400 thousand m2 of space for organizing storage and fulfillment services. The implementation of the project will make it possible to deliver shipments within 1-2 days for 80% of the country's population.
In October 2018, Russian Post purchased 107 baggage and postal cars manufactured. Tver Car Building Plant A ground route from China was launched using its own mail train Vladivostok-. Moscow Russian Post planes have TU-204S increased the number of regular flights from China to. Russia Regular routes make it possible to speed up the delivery of growing volumes of shipments from China.
Reorganization in Russian Post JSC
On October 1, 2018 Russian Post , it announced the entry into force of the main articles of the law on the specifics of the reorganization of the Russian Post, signed by President RUSSIAN FEDERATION V.V. Putin on June 29, 2018. From the moment of signing, the company has 1 year to carry out all procedures for switching to the form of a joint-stock company.
The structure is created on the terms of universal succession by reorganizing the federal state unitary enterprise Russian Post into a non-public joint stock company, 100% of whose shares will be owned by the state.
The law establishes labor guarantees for employees of the Russian Post. The number of employees is not allowed to be reduced due to reorganization. The Joint Stock Company is obliged to comply with the terms of the collective agreement that was in force at the Enterprise before the reorganization.
The corporatization of the Russian Post will increase investment attractiveness, provide wider opportunities for attracting investments, increase the speed of decision-making, and as a result, the company's maneuverability.
author '= Nikolay Podguzov, General Director of Russian Post ' In order to become a joint stock company, the Russian Post, together with federal executive bodies, has a tremendous amount of work to do. We have developed a clear action plan that will allow us to complete all procedures within the deadlines established by law. |
As part of the transition period, FSUE Russian Post will have to conduct an inventory of FSUE property, prepare and approve by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation the transfer act and the Charter of the joint-stock company, by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, form the JSC management bodies, ensure the registration by the Bank of Russia of the issue of shares of Russian Post JSC and make records of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Unified State Register of State Registration of the Termination of Activities of FSUE Russian Post and the creation of Russian Post JSC, as well as implement a number of other procedures. The participation of the Government of the Russian Federation in the appointment of the management bodies of Russian Post JSC will guarantee the population the implementation of the social function of the Post.
As of October 2018, the corporate structure of the future joint-stock company was designed, taking into account the best practices in the field of corporate governance, and the algorithm of its functioning was worked out. The key management bodies in the corporate structure of Russian Post JSC are: the only shareholder represented by the state, the board of directors, the management board and the general director.
In addition, it is envisaged to introduce the institution of a corporate secretary and specialized committees under the board of directors.
Following the latest and current trends regarding the formation of the structure of control bodies, a decision was made to refuse to create an audit commission in Russian Post JSC. At the same time, the audit function in the company will be implemented by the Audit Committee, which will be assigned more expanded powers, the Risk Management and Internal Control Service, the Internal Audit Service, and the external auditor.
In general, the concept of building an effective model of corporate governance in Russian Post JSC is based on the formation of a transparent corporate structure and system based on the observance by all participants in corporate relations of the principles of openness, transparency, consistency, predictability and balance of interests of employees, clients, shareholder and board of directors.
Establishment of a joint venture with VTB Group
On September 12, 2018, Russian Post and VTB Group signed an agreement on the creation of a joint venture of National Logistics Technologies JSC with the aim of implementing a project to create 38 logistics centers throughout the country. As expected, the created infrastructure will allow serving the needs of both Russian and foreign participants in the remote trade market. Read more here.
Deputies allowed to corporatize "Russian Post"
The State Duma adopted in the third final reading the Law "On the peculiarities of the reorganization of FSUE" Post, " Russia the basics of the activities of JSC" Russian Post"and on amending certain legislative acts"[9]
The document provides that Russian Post, which is now a federal state unitary enterprise (FSUE), will become a joint stock company (JSC). At the same time, 100% of its shares will be owned by the state.
According to the adopted law, Russian Post will have to ensure the availability of postal services for all citizens and organizations, subject to equality in the use of the results of activities in the field of postal services. Also, the company will have to ensure: observance of the rights of users of postal services, transit of mail throughout the country, the rights of everyone to secrecy, the stability of the postal network and the stability of the development of postal communications.
The main activities of the Russian Post are: postal service, provision of services for the delivery and storage of goods and goods (including to hard-to-reach and remote territories), delivery and issuance of pensions and benefits, distribution and delivery of printed publications to subscriptions, provision of transport and expeditionary services, informing the population about socially significant events, advertising activities, collection of funds and sale of state postage signs (postage stamps).
In addition, the enterprise's activities include: access to state and municipal services in electronic form, the provision of financial services (including with the participation of banks and non-bank credit organizations), the activities of a payment agent to accept utility bills and goods and the provision of telephone, facsimile, telegraph communications and collective Internet access.
365 million shipments with commodity investments and other year-end results
In 2017, the Russian Post processed a total of 365 million shipments with commodity investments, which is almost 23% more than in 2016. In particular, the Russian Post processed a record number of international mail with commodity investments - 284 million units. [10]), which is 26% more than last year (225 million shipments) and more than 10 times more than 2012 (21.7 million shipments). Exports of mail from the Russian Federation in 2017 increased by 13%, amounting to about 3 million pieces.
The volume of domestic mail with commodity investments in 2017 increased by 15.5% and amounted to 81 million units. (71 million in 2016). In 2017, the share of Russian Post in the parcel market (CEP) [11], increased by 5 percentage points to 67%.
In 2017, 61 new stationary urban and rural post offices, 29 centers for issuing and receiving parcels were opened (a total of 550 CVPPs operate), 116 new courier delivery units in various regions of the country (260 units in total), 13 mobile post offices were commissioned, 136 S-mini branches were opened (up to 25 sq. m.) in shopping and business centers, supermarkets, as well as the replication of the opening of branches of a new format in the regions of the country has begun.
In 2017, the Russian Post updated its transport fleet. 45 new mail cars were purchased, and 1,600 new cars were purchased (15% of the vehicle fleet was updated). Russian Post planes have TU-204S increased the number of regular flights from China to Russia. Flights are operated on the routes: Shenzhen - Novosibirsk, Hangzhou - Novosibirsk, Harbin - Yekaterinburg, Changchun - Moscow.
Plans to open five departure sorting lines at Koltsovo Airport
On October 9, 2017, Russian Post announced that, together with the customs post, Koltsovo Airport (Postal) intends to double the number of conveyor lines for processing international mail.
So, by December 2017, two conveyor lines for receiving international mail will be additionally opened around the clock, three more will be launched in February 2018. According to the idea of the postal operator, this will increase the throughput of the International Postal Exchange Place (MMPO) in Koltsovo by more than half - up to 350 thousand international shipments per day. In addition, in the pre-New Year and New Year period, mailers will almost double the staff number of shifts, the number of customs posts will also grow to 64 officials. It was decided to switch to such a scheme of work due to a significant seasonal increase in the volume of cargo.
According to the Russian Post, in October 2017, 8 flights and up to 160 tons of international mail are planned from Harbin to Yekaterinburg, in December it is possible to double the number of flights and, accordingly, the volume of international mail.
Meanwhile, peak volumes of international mail are forecast in late November - early December 2017. It is during this period that a sale will take place in China, in connection with which the growth of international mail receipts should increase from the third decade of November. Previously, in full load mode of all ten conveyor lines, customs officers and mailers will work until the end of March 2018. It is expected that Yekaterinburg MMPO will take second place in the country (after the Vnukovo Logistics Center) in terms of productivity in international mail processing.
Cooperation with Post Bank on the issue of parcels
On September 7, 2017, Post Bank and Russian Post announced the signing of a memorandum of cooperation during the Eastern Economic Forum aimed at scaling up a project to issue prepaid registered items with a commodity investment to bank customers in client centers of a financial institution in post offices. The document was signed by the President-Chairman of the Board of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko and the General Director of Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov.
In anticipation of the peak period, additional windows will increase the speed of customer service. Both existing and new customers of the bank have the opportunity to apply for the service. The recipient of the mail can become a client of Post Bank by issuing a free savings account immediately before receiving the parcel, to which an unnamed plastic card is issued. After that, an employee of "Post Bank" in the same window will issue a parcel according to the standard procedure of "Russian Post." The client will need to have a passport and a mobile phone with him.
The pilot project took place at post offices in Moscow and the Moscow region from February to August 2017. It involved 55 post offices. According to the test results, the number of shipments issued by bank employees increased from 140 in February to 5614 in August. At the same time, during the development of the project, the share of sales of savings accounts in manned client centers of post offices increased to 56%.
The implementation of this project became possible due to the possibility of synergy between the postal and banking businesses. Pilot issues of correspondence in bank windows showed excellent results, we and our shareholder represented by Pochta Bank were satisfied with them, so it was decided to further scale the project. I am sure that visitors to post offices will appreciate the new service and the obvious advantages it gives, "said Dmitry Rudenko, President-Chairman of the Board of Post Bank. |
The Russian Post plans to gradually connect more than 3,500 Bank Post client centers in post offices to the project.
In the near future, the possibility of receiving parcels (including from online stores) and letters will be supplemented by the "Online Buyer's Package" - a set of options that is available to customers when making online purchases with a Post Bank card in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles or more (at a time or for several transactions). The "online buyer package" includes a best price guarantee, free return of goods to the sender and free repair of equipment.
New CEO - Nikolai Podguzov
In July 2017, Nikolai Podguzov was appointed the new general director of FSUE Russian Post. In this post, he replaced Dmitry Strashnov, who led the enterprise since 2013. Strashnov's powers were terminated after the expiration of the employment contract on July 1, 2017. Read more here.
Postal Technologies Division
On June 1, 2017, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Russian Post announced the creation of the Postal Technologies division in the enterprise structure, which will develop innovations and IT solutions within the postal operator. This structure will focus on digital product development and logistics services management.
The IT division was headed by Sergey Emelchenkov, Deputy General Director of the Russian Post for IT and New Product Development. The division already employs 140 people, it is assumed that the team will increase to 300 people who will develop business applications and bring digital services and products to the market.
Postal Technologies will deal with logistics issues, namely network loading planning, production and transport management, efficiency control and extracting additional income from the logistics network of the Russian Post. Specialists of this division will also be engaged in combining all online and offline products of the Russian Post into a single automated system, which by the end of 2017 should be implemented in all post offices.
Criminal case on the accrual of bonuses to Dmitry Strashnov
In March 2017, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia Irina Lapteva, director of the organizational development department. According to the investigation, in April 2015, she deliberately overestimated the remuneration to the head of the Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov. More. here
Post Bank Organization
In 2015, it was decided to organize a postal bank. On January 28, 2016, Russian Post and VTB24 signed a package of documents on the creation of Post Bank. For three years from the beginning of the project, it is planned to open more than 20 thousand bank windows in 15 thousand post offices.
Russian Post, as one of the beneficiaries of the project, the creation of Post Bank can bring 60 billion rubles of income until 2023. This amount includes 47 billion rubles of infrastructure payment and 13 billion rubles - income in the form of dividends.
Domain buyback
In June 2015, it became known that Russian Post was developing a new site on the domain When you go to the website, a page now opens with the message: "New site of" Russian Post. ""
The domain card on the Ru-Center website states that the owner of the is the Media World company, which manages the non-human assets of the RBC media holding, the controlling shareholder of which is the ONEXIMikhail Prokhorov group.
"The domain will be purchased. The deal is currently in the closing phase. Given the huge social significance of the Russian Post as a link between the population and the state, the amount of the transaction will be symbolic, "the press service of the postal operator told Rambler-Novosti.
"The sale of the domain has become the final transaction for the sale of entertainment assets of Media Mir," Alexander Kononenko, general director of this company, told Rambler Novosti.
"The sale of such a sonorous domain as, a landmark event for Runet. It is difficult to imagine a domain name that is easier to understand and remember, which can be maximally associated with Russian Post. I think that together with the updated promotion concept, this deal will give a very positive effect for the image of the Russian Post and its active development on the Internet, "Kononenkosaid.
By agreement with the new domain owner and the new owners of QIP Mail, the continuous operation of mail of all users who have electronic boxes in the @ zone will be carried out. "This was an important condition for the transaction," Kononenko explained.
Russian Post announced the launch of a new site. Then the FSUE reported that the beta version of the new site of the Russian Post is being developed as part of the contract for the creation of the information system Portal of Complex Services. The contractor is My Region LLC, the value of the total contract is 39.78 million rubles.
2014: Appointment by GIS Housing and Utilities Operator
In July 2014, Russian Post was appointed operator of GIS Housing and Communal Services (more).
Reassignment from Rossvyaz to the Ministry of Communications
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev transferred FSUE Russian Post to the Ministry of Communications in April 2013. He instructed to complete all the necessary events for this event within three months. Prior to that, the Post was subordinate to Rossvyaz.
Collapse of distribution of foreign parcels
April 2013: It is not customs officers who are to blame for the accumulation of parcels from abroad at Russian customs, but FSUE Russian Post. This is stated in the official press release of the Federal Customs Service, posted on the agency's website.
The FCS explained that the cluster is formed due to the fact that the Russian Post irregularly exports parcels from some places of international postal exchange to others. In addition, the FCS accused the FSUE of periodic software failures.
In this regard, customs officers recommended that Russian Post create modern centers for the processing of international mail, create new places of postal exchange and modernize technologies. The FCS emphasized that the congestion at customs is not associated with the lack of customs officers themselves.
It was about the lack of personnel at customs that the Russian Post previously complained, which found that about 500 tons of international mail had accumulated at Moscow customs posts and airports. The FCS noted that such statements were not agreed with the department. They also denied the figure of 500 tons, noting that a difficult situation arose only at Sheremetyevo, where 157 tons of mail were accumulated[12].
Russian Post and the FCS regularly conflict over international mail. Their volumes in recent years have grown many times due to the development of online commerce, and therefore parcels from abroad can go to customers in Russia within a few weeks, and in some cases even months.
Main directions of development of FSUE Russian Post
The head Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov outlined in the summer of 2013 the main directions of development of FSUE Post and Russia stated that the provision of services in electronic form is an integral condition for the development of the postal industry. By 2015, the system of providing services on the principle of "one window" will be implemented in 5 thousand post offices, and by 2017 - in 10 thousand post offices. At the same time, by 2017, the task is to ensure the provision of at least 100 million public services per year on the basis of post offices.
The new head of Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov, noted that the organization is closely involved in improving the quality of services and sets an ambitious task to become a company that creates new standards in the provision of postal services. In particular, measures are being taken to prevent a repetition of the situation that had previously developed in connection with the accumulation of unsorted mail at the airports of the Moscow air hub. The head of the enterprise added that at the time of his assumption of office, the volume of mail clusters at international exchange points was about 900 tons, while now this figure is about 200 tons.
Under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, an expert council for the development of the postal industry will be created, which will include market participants, representatives of non-profit associations and authorities. It is planned that by 2018 the population's satisfaction with the quality of postal services will reach at least 60%.
- ↑ The Post Office quadrupled its net loss and showed gross profit for 2023
- ↑ Rostelecom sued 2 million from Russian Post, which did not pay for repairs
- ↑ We already shared export and import statistics for the first three quarters of 2023
- ↑ In 2022, the Russian Federation will allocate 5 billion rubles. for the modernization of Post offices in villages
- ↑ The state contributes 200 billion rubles to the authorized capital of the Russian Post. What the money will go for
- ↑ Russian Post will become a holding of more than 10 companies
- ↑ EDB, Aipost, Kyrgyz Post Office and Russian Post will jointly develop postal and logistics services and products
- ↑ "Russian Post" will increase the salary of 48 thousand employees
- ↑ "Russian Post" banned the dismissal of employees and the reduction of branches.
- ↑ Data on processing (collectively: import, export, transit) of international shipments with commodity investments (parcels, small packages, EMS shipments
- ↑ AKIT data on the CEP (Courier, Express, Parcel) market for 9 months of 2017, including international and domestic shipments with commodity investment
- ↑ Customs officers absolved themselves of responsibility for the postal congestion