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2024/10/28 14:30:48




Main article: Africa


East African Fault

Main article: East African Fault (rift valley)




Main article: History of Tanzania


Main article: Population of Africa

Tanzania is among the leading countries in terms of population growth. Data at the beginning of 2019

In July 2019, Tanzania's president urged women to "free their ovaries" and have more children to boost the economy.

In this East African country of 55 million people, the birth rate is already one of the highest in the world - about 5 children per woman.

Tanzania's population is growing at about 2.7% a year, while most public hospitals and schools are overcrowded and many young people are unemployed.

In a country that has seen poverty and income inequality rise for a year in a row.

About a third of married women in Tanzania use contraceptives. However, President John Magufuli believes that "those who are too lazy to take care of their children" do so. He is sure that the Chinese economy is developing so well precisely because of the large population.

The proportion of Europeans and their descendants in the population of African countries in 1960 and 2018.


2022:64 million people

Data for September 2022,


2021: Net outflow over 4 years


Allowed to have more than one spouse

Выделены countries, in which citizens can officially have more than one spouse. Data for 2022


Overweight among adults in Africa, 2016


2022: Life expectancy - 66.8 years

Data for 2022

2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

Traffic safety

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018

Foreign policy

2023: Refusal to condemn Russia in Ukraine conflict

UN voting results


National debt

2023: State debt - 42% of GDP

Data for September 2023

2017: State debt - 37% of GDP

The ratio of public debt to the country's GDP, 2017

GDP $1,090 per person


2024: Intensifying US-China standoff over access to graphite

In East Africa, large deposits of graphite are important for the transition to alternative eneogetics.

Dependence on China in this matter is extremely unprofitable for both the US government and their companies. Against this background, the Peterson Institute for World Economy (PIIE) in July 2024 released a report on this particular area and alternative routes for the supply of the mineral.

American analysts note the importance of cooperation with graphite-rich countries -, and Madagascar Mozambique Tanzania. As arguments in favor of cooperation with these states, they cite data from opinion polls, according to which most of their population considers the influence of the United States positive.

Despite Tanzania's secondary role in resource extraction, the authors have the greatest hopes for it because of its relative stability. At the same time, the PRC also has influence in the country: for example, the TAZARA railway - an important transport artery from the DRC, in which Chinese investors have invested - passes through Tanzanian territory.

As measures to increase US influence in the region, PIIE proposes to reorganize the Trade Benefits Agreement in Africa (AGOA) with the transformation of it into a free trade zone. However, such a scenario is considered unlikely, so the alternative is to use the act as the basis for concluding new agreements.


2024: Annual exports of goods doubled to Shs778.4 billion (about Shs ₽29 billion)

In October 2024, it became known that as part of strengthening bilateral trade relations, Russia in the 2023-2024 financial year doubled the volume of exports of goods to Tanzania. Tanzania's annual imports from Russia rose from Sh303.2 billion (over ₽11 billion) in 2021-2022 to Sh778.4 billion (about ₽29 billion) in 2022-2023, according to a Bank of Tanzania report.

According to Red Spring, Executive Secretary of the National Business Council of Tanzania Godville Vanga, speaking at the second Russia-Africa conference in Dar es Salaam, said that cooperation with Russia is becoming a significant factor in improving the business environment and increasing investment flows. Vanga stressed that Tanzania highly appreciates the long-standing diplomatic and trade relations with Russia, which have been developing over the past 60 years. He added that he was ready to strengthen ties with Russia in trade, investment and politics.


According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in 2024, trade between Russia and Tanzania has the potential for further growth. During the first meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation, which was held in Dar es Salaam in October, Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov noted the importance of many years of partnership between the countries.

Historically established political and economic relations provide a solid foundation for expanding cooperation and contribute to increasing trade ties, Reshetnikov said.

The minister stressed that Russian business is actively interested in investments in Tanzania, which is confirmed by the participation of more than 50 Russian companies in the Russia-Tanzania business forum held in Dar es Salaam. In turn, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Kassim Majaliva expressed confidence in further deepening trade relations between the countries. Majaliva noted that Russia has established itself as a valuable partner of Tanzania. Tanzania looks forward to its assistance in strengthening ties in areas such as economy, trade, investment[1][2][3][4][5][6]

2023:73% of wheat supplies come from Russia and Ukraine

Data as of July 2023


Gold is the most valuable commodity that is exported
The most valuable goods exported from African countries; 2018
India is the main trading partner
The largest trading partners of African countries, 2018

Drug traffic

Routes to transport heroin from Afghanistan, data for 2019


US, Britain warn tourists of suspected Ebola cases in Tanzania

In early October 2019, after the United States issued a warning to its citizens regarding visiting Tanzania, the United Kingdom followed suit, despite the fact that Tanzania has repeatedly denied the possibility of contracting Ebola in the country.

Some 75,000 British citizens visit Tanzania each year, and the country's tourism sector is likely to suffer the brunt of this Ebola scandal.

Data for 2018


2019:25% tax on imported wigs and 10% on hair extensions

Tanzania introduced a 25% tax on all imported wigs and a 10% tax on hair extensions in June 2019.

Wigs are used by almost all women in African cities.

The cheapest wig currently costs around $4, but can now go up to $130.

The popularity of wigs can easily be explained - the hair of African women is too thin and curly, so they cause many problems to their mistresses. That is why they resort to various methods of chemical laying, which causes exorbitant damage to the structure of the hair, or, for example, weaving pigtails.

Alcohol market

Minimum age to purchase alcoholic beverages

Data for 2018


2020: R&D expenses - $624 million

R&D expenses, as of 2020

Tanzania IT Market

2022: More than 10 start-ups

Data for 2019-2022


2019: Low use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019



2023: Beef is the most consumed type of meat
The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.


2019: Average rice consumption: 48.2 kg per person per year


2018: Vegetable consumption - 40 kg per capita
Потребление овощей в countries Africa, kg per capita population in 2018


2024: Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda combine their power grids

The cross-border energy project between Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda is 100% ready by February 2024. The delivery of the power plant with a capacity of more than 80 megawatts is scheduled for April 2024.

The Rusumo regional hydroelectric project represents a joint investment of nearly $468 million by the three partner countries and supplies a total of 66 million kWh of electricity to the three countries.

Tanzania received 21 million kWh, the same as Rwanda, and Burundi received the highest share of 22 million kWh. An additional 27 MW stabilizes the voltage level in the northwestern part of Tanzania.

"The interconnection and synchronization of power grids between Rwanda and Burundi has already been completed and preparations are ongoing to complete Tanzania's grid synchronization and the creation of a single pool," the Rusumo project manager said.

This connection will provide an opportunity for countries to trade electricity among themselves and even with neighboring countries.

2019: Electrification rate 40%

Доступ к электричеству в countries Africa (2019)

Energy carriers

2020: Energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

2018: Petrol price

Map of gasoline prices in countries of the world as of February 12, 2018

Automobile traffic

Tanzania is a left-hand country.

Data for 2017



In the largest four million city in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam for 2019, there is practically no sewage system. Work on cleaning special pits with the results of human life is carried out by some "frogmen." They clean the pits with buckets and shovels without using any protection. In addition, their work is illegal.


Through the efforts of the PRC, a direct trans-African railway connection was opened between the Indian and Atlantic oceans.

On July 30, 2019, the first train between Tanzania and Angola set off on a 4300 km journey.

Internet penetration compared to other countries


Health care

2022: Abortion ban in place

As of May 2022


Duration of guaranteed paid sick leave from 3 to 5.9 months

Data as of September 1, 2020

Part of the population defecates on the street

494 млн людей на To the earth defecate on the street. Share of such population by country for 2020

The cause of the highest number of deaths

As of 2018


2020: Tanzania accounts for 4.5% of all new HIV infections worldwide

9 countries that account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide, 2020

2018: Proportion of adults infected with HIV in the population

Proportion of adults infected with HIV in the population, data as of 2018


In November 2019, Tanzania is testing drones to fight malaria on the island of Zanzibar.

Drones will spray special liquid on rice paddies where malaria-carrying mosquitoes lay eggs, it has been announced. The substance will spread in stagnant water and prevent eggs from incubating. It is hoped that this will significantly reduce the number of malaria mosquitoes on the island.

The trials are being conducted as part of the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Programme until 2023.

Maternity leave

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021


The percentage of starving of the total population in countries of the world. 2019


2020: Schools in rural areas

The cherished dream of any Tanzanian child is to go to school. There you can take a little break from the hard work around the house and the care of younger brothers and sisters. Getting an education that in the future will help you find a good job, help your family and live in good conditions is the main goal of life in the village. Here, even six-year-olds are well aware that school is the only way out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

Not every family where 5 to 15 children grow up manages to collect and send them all to study. All schools, even public, are paid. Private ones are available only to the most affluent residents of cities. Poor villagers living in subsistence farming, even a small amount of money does not always manage to earn. Therefore, the most capable and diligent family members are sent to school.

Each child should be invested approximately $20 per month. This includes branded school uniforms, meals, stationery and contributions to teachers' salaries. It doesn't sound so scary, but family income, for example, in the area of ​ ​ the nearby city of Moshi, rarely exceeds $30 a month and sending at least one child to school is a serious cost. Of course, in the future, parents expect that this will pay off in a hundred and their child will be able to provide for the whole family after.

Although some schools have separate textbooks, lessons here are rarely divided into subjects. And there are not many subjects for the school course, only basic ones: mathematics, geography, biology, chemistry and a foreign language. Something else teachers can tell at will. Often, one lesson is just a chaotic mix of different data[7]


Percentage of people who can read

Data for 2019

Educating schoolchildren with sticks

In October 2019, a video emerged of Tanzanian official Albert Chalamila beating secondary school students with sticks.

The students allegedly set fire to the school, but without waiting for the results of the investigation, the regional commissar himself decided to punish them.

The video quickly became viral. Social media users condemned Chalamila, but there were also those who stood up.

All were surprised by Tanzanian President John Magufuli, who said that Chalamila should have beaten the students stronger and that this is how the nation can be taught discipline.

2018: Literacy rate between 30 and 50%

The average literacy rate in countries around the world is about 69%. Data at the end of 2018

2017: Schoolgirls who were taken away began to be expelled from school

Since 2017, all girls who became mothers as teenagers are automatically excluded from school. Such a decree was issued by President John Magufuli.

President Magufuli was heavily criticised after he banned pregnant schoolgirls from studying in 2017. However, a law that allowed exclusion from schools in the event of pregnancy has existed in the country since 2002.



At the end of 2018
Tanzania's Koran Reading and Learning Competition Collects More Than Some Africa Cup of Nations Matches, 2019


Big Python Worship

Tanzania authorities save 'sacred' python from pilgrims

In early September 2019, a snake at least 3 meters long was spotted in the Kasala forest in northwestern Tanzania. Local residents began to bring her gifts in the form of goats, believing that if the python eats them, all desires will come true, diseases and evil spirits will go away.

Some people performed church services and rites under trees in the presence of a snake. Such python worship is considered common practice in superstitious mining areas of Tanzania.

However, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism later intervened. Alarming reports of large clusters of believers near the python began to arrive. This threatened the life of the reptile.

The animal was sent to the nearest reserve, now it is not in danger.



2022: Minimum age of imprisonment for children - 7 years

Data for 2022

2018: Number of prisoners per 100 thousand citizens

World Prison Brief data for 2018


2022: The most popular sport is football

Самый популярный вид sport countries of the world to to data June 2022


Tanzania is the best place in the world to watch animals in national parks.

The Great Wildebeest Migration

One of the most striking events of the animal world of the planet is the Great Wildebeest Migration, which takes place in Tanzania and Kenya. See the 2019 video snippet below.


World's oldest rhino dies at 57

This happened in December 2019. Female Faust is an eastern black rhino. She was spotted in Ngorongoro Crater in 1965 when she was three years old. She roamed the crater freely for more than 54 years, but due to health problems, she spent the last few years with veterinarians.

Fausta never had children. According to conservationists, this could contribute to her long life.

In the wild, rhinos typically live between 37 and 43 years or up to 50 years in captivity. The eastern black rhino is a critically endangered species.

Tanzania plans to sell 10% of crocodiles

The government is taking such a step in 2019 for the safety of the population. The fact is that recently crocodiles are increasingly attacking people.

Tanzania's tourism minister, Hamisi Kigwangalla, believes selling the animals will solve the problem. The government will use special permits to allow people to hunt and extract crocodile skin before they are sold in local and international markets, he said.

Population of elephants and rhinos grows in Tanzania

Since 2016, the Tanzanian government has been waging a targeted fight against poaching in the wild. Thanks to this, the elephant population by 2019 increased by almost 17 thousand individuals in 6 years. There were 167 rhinos, while 4 years ago there were only 14.


Какой день считается первым в неделе в countries of the world, 2022
