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2019/12/19 09:28:21

Population of Africa



The main articles are:


2022: Distribution of population by country in Africa

Data for September 2022,

North Africa

The most populated country in North Africa is Egypt. The population of the Republic of Egypt in 2017 amounted to 97.55 million.

The population of Algeria is 42.32 million.

The third place is occupied by Morocco with a population of 33.8 million people.

In Tunisia, the population is 11.53 million.

And the least people live in Libya - 6.375mn.

Population growth

Africa in the 2010s is the fastest growing region in the world in terms of population, and according to 2019 data, its population is expected to exceed 2 billion people by 2050.

Population growth by continent from 2000 to 2018

Leading Countries in Population Growth

Data at the beginning of 2019

Here are the top 20 African countries with the largest proportional population change from 2009 to 2019. They are all sub-Saharan countries.

Population density

As of March 2024


Ethnolinguistic groups in Africa




Nilot is a group of related peoples (Dinka, Kalenjin, Luo, Shilluk, Nuer, Bari, Maasai, Samburu, Datoga, Karamojong, etc.) inhabiting the upper and middle Nile basin along the Blue Nile and Sobat rivers in South Sudan, in the territory between lakes Victoria and Turkana in Uganda and Kenya, in Tanzania, as well as in the border regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Egypt.

The total number of about 10 million people. They belong to a pronounced Negroid race, are distinguished by their high height, elongated head, athletic physique (Nilotic anthropological type).




Allowed to have more than one spouse

Выделены countries, in which citizens can officially have more than one spouse. Data for 2022


Overweight among adults in Africa, 2016

Mean age

Average age by continent, early 2020 data
Data for 2019

White share

Proportion of whites in African population as of 2018
The proportion of Europeans and their descendants in the population of African countries in 1960 and 2018.

Migration, immigration, emigration

2024: Sharp reduction in illegal migration outside the continent to 146 thousand people due to EU restrictions

Increased restrictions on crossing intercontinental borders with Europe and the Arabian Peninsula in 2024 led to a sharp reduction in the illegal migration of Africans outside the continent. 146 thousand intercepted illegal African migrants who reached Europe and the Gulf countries in 2024 are only 52% of the 282 thousand cases recorded in 2023.

The sharp decline in illegal migration of Africans to Europe reflects the intensification of funded EU efforts to curb migration in North Africa (,, and) and Libya Tunisia Morocco Egypt West Africa (and). Senegal Mauritania

The Moroccan authorities, for example, report that they prevented more than 45 thousand border crossings with Europe in 2024, arrested 177 groups engaged in the trade of migrants, and also rescued more than 10.8 thousand people at sea.

The 54 percent decrease in illegal migration to 44 thousand people in Yemen (as the main point of entry into the Gulf countries) is the result of a combination of factors, including the ongoing armed conflict in this country and the propaganda campaign against illegal migration through the Bab al-Mandab Strait, conducted by the Government of Djibouti in response to the increasing deaths of migrants.

The death toll from an attempt to illegally migrate African residents decreased by 15% in a year and is estimated at 4,465 people, 75% of them drowned while trying to swim to Europe in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

2021: Net outflow and population inflow for 4 years by country

2019: More than 21m Africans moved to another African country

Migration in Africa is associated with the movement of large numbers of people both within the region and beyond. In 2019, more than 21 million Africans moved to another African country. In addition, the number of inhabitants of the continent who moved to other regions increased from 17 million in 2015 to almost 19 million in 2019.

The chart shows that international migration in the African region has increased significantly since 2000. Since 1990, the number of African migrants living outside the region has more than doubled. According to 2019 data, most migrants of African descent live in Europe (10.6 million), Asia (4.6 million) and North America (3.2 million).

African countries with the highest numbers of emigrants tend to be in the north. In 2019, the largest number of people left Egypt, followed by Morocco, South Sudan, Somalia, Sudan and Algeria.

As for immigrants, South Africa remains a leader among African countries, where Africans themselves and beyond seek. About 4 million international migrants live there. Other countries with high immigration rates are Gabon (19%), Equatorial Guinea (18%), Seychelles (13%) and Libya (12%).

One of the main features of the region are refugees and displaced persons. The top 10 countries in Africa for the total number of refugees in 2018 are shown in the figure below.

South Sudan leads (2.3 million left the country) in the region and ranks third in the world. Somalia is in second place. Other refugee groups are coming from Sudan, DRC, CAR and Eritrea. Uganda remains the largest host nation, with about 1.2 million refugees living there.


2022: The rise of hunger in Africa

Level of urbanization

Number of buildings per square kilometer for 2021
Data for 2019


Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

African population

Main article: Population of the Earth

Human evolution in Africa

Main article: Human Evolution