Main article: Population of Russia
Birth rate
List of regions by number of newborns
In February 2025, Rosstat published materials characterizing the demographic situation in Russia. Zdrav.Expert analyzed official statistics and prepared a list of leading regions by the number of newborns.
Moscow is significantly ahead of the rest of the regions in the number of children born, almost twice as much as the Moscow region, which ranks second. Here is a list of regions of Russia by the number of newborns in 2024:
- Moscow - 120 215;
- Moscow region - 71,434;
- Krasnodar Territory - 51,509;
- city of St. Petersburg - 47 148;
- Republic of Dagestan - 43 322;
- Tyumen region - 42 363;
- Sverdlovsk region - 36 948;
- Republic of Tatarstan - 35,319;
- Republic of Bashkortostan - 32,968;
- Rostov region - 31,734.
The birth rate (the number of births per 1,000 people) in the Russian Federation decreased in 2024 to 8.4 from 8.7 in 2023. The "three" regions with the largest decline in fertility included the Jewish Autonomous Region (minus 16%), Kalmykia (minus 12%) and Altai (minus 10%). At the same time, an increase was recorded in seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These are Dagestan (3%), Chechnya (2.9%), Kabardino-Balkaria (2.4%), Ingushetia (1.5%), North Ossetia (0.7%), Adygea (0.3%) and Crimea (0.2%).
Deputy Minister of Health Viktor Fisenko at the end of January 2025 said that, according to Rosstat forecasts, an active increase in the birth rate is expected after 2027. And after 2030, the total number of births should increase, which will be associated with an increase in the number of women of reproductive age, predicts the deputy head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
In December 2024, Vladimir Putin stressed the need to change the current negative trend of declining fertility and postponing marriages, which remains in Russia. According to the head of state, supporting the birth rate and large families is one of the key national tasks of the country.
3.4% reduction in birth rate to 1,222,408 children
The number of newborns in Russia in 2024 amounted to 1,222,408 children, which is 3.4% less than in 2023. This is evidenced by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), published in February 2025.
According to Novye Izvestia, the birth rate decreased from 1.445 to 1.43, while remaining slightly higher than the average for Europe and the European Union.
Demographer Alexander Raksha explains the drop in the number of newborns by changes in the age structure of the female population. At the same time, the increase in the number of deaths is associated with the general aging of the nation. According to his estimates, real life expectancy decreased to 72.5-72.6 years, which is below the global average.
Dmitry Zhuravlev, scientific director of the Institute of Regional Problems, member of the Public Council under Rosstat, stressed that the maximum birth rate growth in December 2024 was recorded in the Sakhalin Region - by 13.2%, Sevastopol - by 11.6% and the Pskov Region - by 10.5%.
Despite the general trend towards population decline, some regions are showing positive dynamics. Traditionally, population growth is observed in the republics of the North Caucasus - Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, as well as in Adygea and Crimea.
Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Central Federal District Igor Shchegolev noted that the main reason for the decline in the population in the regions is the long-term finding of the birth rate significantly below the level of natural reproduction. Changing this trend is seen not only as a social, but also as an economic task, since the shortage of people is the main limiter of investment growth in Central Russia.[1]
The birth rate in the villages of the Russian Federation decreased by a third in 10 years
The total fertility rate in the villages of the Russian Federation over 10 years decreased by a third due to the outflow of young people to the city. Olga Batalina, First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, spoke about this at the end of August 2024. Despite the negative trend, the birth rate in the countryside (1.575) is at the level that Russia should reach by 2030, the Deputy Minister of Labor noted. She called for preventing further reductions in this indicator. The reasons for the deterioration of statistics are the outflow of young people to cities and the reduction of rural infrastructure, Batalina emphasized.
Women in Russia on average give birth to their first child at 26 years old
Women in Russia on average give birth to their first child at 26, but the "right age" for this is 24 years. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced this in March 2024.
The number of women of reproductive age in Russia since 2020 has decreased by 1.5 million people
Elena Sheshko, Director of the Department of Medical Assistance to Children, Maternity and Public Health Services of the Ministry of Health, in January 2025 announced a decrease in the number of women of reproductive age in Russia to 34.3 million people for the period from 2020 to 2023.
According to Forbes, in 2023, the total birth rate in Russia was 1.41. The Ministry of Health plans to increase this figure to 1.6 by 2030 and to 1.8 by 2036.
SinceAccording to preliminary data from the department, the infant mortality rate in 2024 was four children per 1000 born alive. The Ministry of Health has introduced new approaches to the work of women's consultations on interaction with patients.
Health Minister Mikhail Murashko noted that in 2024, more than 2.5 million men and 3.5 million women underwent reproductive health checks for the first time at the expense of compulsory health insurance.
In four years, from 2020 to 2023, we have decreased the number of women of reproductive age by 1.5 million. This is very significant, - said Elena Sheshko at the XIX International Congress on Reproductive Medicine. |
In 2024, 260 thousand pregnant women underwent a motivated questionnaire, within the framework of which they received individual information about social support measures, taking into account their life situation.
More than 11 thousand medical specialists have been trained in new approaches to psychological counseling for women. According to the results of consultations with specialists in 2024, almost 40 thousand pregnant women changed their decision regarding the termination of pregnancy.
The Ministry of Health continues to work to develop the reproductive medicine system and support motherhood, including increasing access to modern medical technology and improving the quality of care.[2]
Chechnya took first place in the birth rate in Russia
On July 16, 2024, it became known that the Chechen Republic is in first place among all constituent entities of Russia in terms of fertility per 1000 people. This result was facilitated by the development of the health care system as well as the maternal and child health system.
Its head Ramzan Kadyrov spoke about the demographic indicators of the Chechen Republic at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. It is noted that Chechnya has become the leader in the birth rate in the country. The birth rate in the republic in 2023 was 19.7 (the number of births per 1,000 population). According to Kadyrov, as part of the development of the Republican Perinatal Center, the necessary equipment was purchased.
The birth rate in Chechnya at the end of 2023 was 2.66 children per woman. As the chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia on reproductive health, director of the Research Institute of Urology named after N.A. Lopatkina Oleg Apolikhin, such a high rate is largely due to the culture of traditional education. As of 1 January 2024, the population of the Chechen Republic was 1,552,866, of which 622,326 lived in urban areas and 930,540 in rural areas.
Against the background of a high birth rate in the region, there are more children and young people. According to Mishustin, this requires a systematic approach to organizing the healthcare sector. In particular, kindergartens, schools, colleges and clusters of "Professionalism" are being built. The Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic also reports that in 2023 life expectancy was 76.26 years with a planned value of 73.48 years. A decrease in total, child and infant mortality is recorded. In addition, a 100% implementation of the medical examination and professional medical examinations plan has been ensured.[3]
Reducing the average number of children per woman to 1.41
The total fertility rate (the number of children per woman) at the end of 2023 was 1.41 against 1.42 a year earlier. Moreover, the indicator has been declining since 2015. Rosstat published such data at the end of March 2024.
According to statistics published in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical Systems, in 2012 the total birth rate in the Russian Federation was 1.69, in 2013 - 1.71, in 2014 - 1.75. In 2015, it was 1.78, in 2016 - 1.76. In 2017, the coefficient was 1.62, in 2018 it was 1.58, in 2019 - 1.5, and in 2020 - 1.51. In 2021, the figure was 1.5, in 2022 - 1.42, and in 2023 - 1.41. All figures do not include information on the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions.
Demographer Igor Efremov, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the total birth rate in 2023 decreased slightly, which is more likely to even talk about its stabilization. The indicator is calculated in one year (in this case, 2023), and not for the entire childbearing period of a woman's life, therefore, it is influenced by both objective factors (income, state policy measures, change in the reproductive culture of Russians) and subjective, when the birth calendar can change under the influence of specific events, the expert added.
In his opinion, the main factor that influenced the decline in the fertility rate was the dynamics of household incomes and the related material well-being of families (including the opportunity to improve housing conditions). Also, the generosity and effectiveness of existing and new state measures to support families at the birth of a child have a great influence, Igor Efremov believes.[4]
In Russia, the minimum birth rate over the past 24 years was recorded - 1.264 million children
In 2023 Russia , 1.264 million children were born, which became the lowest value since 1999, when the birth rate in the country was measured by 1.214 million people. This is evidenced by data Rosstat published in mid-February 2024.
As Forbes writes with reference to the materials of the department, in comparison with 2022 in 2023, the number of babies born in the Russian Federation decreased by 3%, compared to 2021, a decrease of 9.5% was recorded. The statistics do not include the birth rate in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, the newspaper clarifies. At the same time, the data for 1999 did not take into account the number of those born in Chechnya and Crimea, explained to the magazine a demographer scientist, former adviser to demographic calculations of Rosstat Alexei Raksha. According to him, the number of births for 2023 is approximately comparable to the level of 1999, if in 2023 the data for Chechnya and Crimea are not taken into account.
The fertility rate per thousand people in 2023 also reached a low of 8.7 in the last 24 years, while in 1999 it was 8.3. At the same time, the number of births per woman is higher than in the late 90s. If then the average number of children born to a woman during the reproductive period was 1.157, then 2023 - about 1.44.
Alexey Raksha believes that due to the drop in the birth rate in the 1990s, women of reproductive age in Russia by 2023 are about a quarter less than they were then. The recorded decline in the number of babies born, according to the expert, is "an echo of the 1990s."
In May 2023, the Kremlin recognized the problem of fertility in Russia. Then the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov stated that the measures taken by the Russian authorities to improve the demographic situation do not give the proper effect. Russia is "in a very difficult situation in terms of demography," Peskov said in May 2023.[5]
HSE: The more Russians earn, the fewer children they have
With the growth of well-being, the likelihood of having children in Russian families decreases. And one of the most important parameters that determine the readiness of couples for the birth of children is housing conditions. This is stated in a study by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the results of which were published on December 20, 2023.
It is noted that children are an investment benefit. Moreover, the desire to make them in most cases has an inverse dependence on family costs and direct - on income. Usually for families, the main role of the source of livelihood is played by labor income, and therefore their growth leads to an increase in the cost of child maintenance. This is due to the fact that a significant part of such costs is not monetary in form, but represents the cost of parents' time. Spouses with relatively high incomes lose more than poor families, as the time they spend is estimated at higher rates.
The rejection of work activities that bring economic benefits in favor of the birth of a child with its subsequent content should be considered from the standpoint of lost profit due to the alternative use of time, the study says. |
The authors of the report point out that higher earnings are traditionally associated with a high level of education. Such families seek to give an appropriate level of knowledge and education to their children, as well as to ensure their harmonious development and quality medical care. All this requires significant spending of parents' time. Thus, the growth of wealth limits the desire to have a relatively large number of children.
It is also noted that the role of women in the formation of the family budget is increasing - in every fifth family, in the absence of children, women were the main breadwinners. But after the birth of children, most women are forced to reduce working hours or quit altogether.[6]
2.2% decline in fertility in the first 5 months
In Russia, as in many other countries of Europe and Asia, there is a new episode of demographic catastrophe.
In 2023, the demographic trend is steadily negative, because in January-May 2023 the number of births is 2.2% less than the very weak 2022.
Rosstat does not publish the national composition, but the statistics take into account the number of newborns in migrants, at least those who received citizenship.
Named 6 main factors affecting the birth rate in Russia
In April 2023, experts from the Higher School of Economics National Research University (HSE) and the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) released a study in which they named the main factors of influence on the birth rate in Russia. The greatest impact, according to scientists, is exerted by stresses in the economy.
As Vedomosti writes with reference to this report, its authors tested the dependence of a special indicator - the total birth rate (TFR) - on various kinds of economic and social factors. The study showed that the TFR responds the most to large macroeconomic shocks. In particular, such as the crises of 2008 and 2014, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The HSE and FEFU experts estimated the contribution of this factor to the change in the birth rate at 31% (the occurrence of stress in the economy lowers the TFR).
Also, the institutes analyzed the influence of five other groups of factors: demographic, such as life expectancy, divorce and marriage rates (the weight of this indicator in the total change in the coefficient is 24%); general economic - income, unemployment, housing costs (14%); payments of federal (15%) and regional (12%) types of maternity capital; quality of early childhood education infrastructure (4%).
The researchers found that the incentives to increase the birth rate were more effective in regions that already had higher than the Russian average TFR. Moreover, this also applies to regions where most of the population identifies with the Orthodox. Although traditionally the highest birth rate in the regions of the Caucasus where Islam is more common
A negative relationship was found between the birth rate and the unemployment rate, that is, the higher unemployment, the fewer people give birth. Therefore, experts say, it is necessary to take measures to improve the situation on the labor market.
Another conclusion is also the negative dependence between the TFR and the quality of preschool infrastructure. She points to problems in this area: overcrowding in kindergartens, lack of staff, insufficient level of services. And the issue needs to be resolved at the federal level, experts say.
The influence on the TFR of the number of marriages means that the authorities need to pursue an active so-called pro-natalist or family policy, that is, to strengthen the institution of the family.
Finally, the last key conclusion is to identify negative relationships between fertility and security: fewer people give birth in regions with higher incomes, experts say.[7]
2022: 6.9% drop in birth rate to 1.306 million children
The number of children born in 2022 decreased by 6.9% - to 1,306,162 children from 1,402,834 children in 2021. This is evidenced by the data Rosstat released in February 2023.
According to Rosstat, published in July 2023, the number of births in 2022 collapsed to the level of the early 2000s and amounted to 1304 thousand people, which is 33% (!) Less than in 2015 (maximum in post-Soviet Russia).
The post-war minimum within the framework of the RSFSR (aka the minimum in modern Russia) was established in the era of the demographic catastrophe of the 1990s, when the number of births in 1999 decreased to 1214 thousand people, which is 7% lower than the number of births in 2022.
The fertility rate fell in 2022 (the number of births per 1 thousand people) - it amounted to 9.0, although a year ago it was at the level of 9.6. Earlier, the Ministry of Labor warned that the coefficient could decrease.
The number of those born in Russia has been declining since 2015, according to Rosstat data. At the end of 2021, the reduction was 2.7%, and in 2020 the number of newborns decreased by 3%.
2020: The number of children born turned out to be the lowest in 18 years - about 1,435,800 people
According to data, in Rosstat 2020 Russia about 1,435,800 people were born against 1,484,500 a year earlier. The birth rate in 2020 turned out to be minimal in 18 years - in 2002, 1,397,000 children were born. At the same time, the birth rate has been steadily declining since 2014.
Kommersant calls the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic one of the reasons for the reduction in the birth rate in Russia in 2020, due to which some Russians postponed the birth of a child for a more favorable time.
Moreover, at the end of 2020, the birth rate has already begun to grow thanks to state support measures, in particular for payments of maternity capital after the birth of the first child. In December, the birth rate increased by 3.3% compared to the last month of 2019. According to Rosstat, in December, the birth rate increased in 71 regions. The maximum birth rate (the number of births per thousand population) was recorded in Chechnya - 20.2. In second place - Tuva (20), in third - Ingushetia (16.6).
At the end of 2020, the birth rate decreased in 73 regions, increased - in 12. Rosstat noted the maximum decline in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Demographer and sociologist, professor of the Department of Family and Demography of the Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University Alexander Sinelnikov connects the trend of a decrease in the birth rate in Russia with a decrease in the number of registered marriages.
{{Quote 'There is a certain pattern: if this year there are fewer marriages registered than in the previous year, then fewer children will be born. The number of marriages is declining. Some demographers explain this by the fact that the model of registered marriage is outdated - many people prefer the so-called civil marriage, he explained, adding that about one in five children in the country is born out of wedlock[8] [9]}}
2019: Stillbirth in Russia reduced by 43.9% in 20 years
In Russia, the stillbirth rate for 20 years decreased by 43.9% - from 6.7 in 2000 to 3.8 in 2019. At the end of 2019, the Russian Federation accounted for 0.35% of stillbirths on a global scale. Such data were published in the journal The Lancet by a group of UNICEF researchers at the end of August 2021. Read more here.
2018: County fertility rate
Against the background of a decrease in the birth rate in Russia, the share of large families is growing - this trend is reported in the next "Monitoring the economic situation in Russia" of the RANEPA and the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy. The conclusion was made on the basis of an analysis of Rosstat data on the birth rate for 2012-2018 in all regions of the Russian Federation.
2017: Russia's birth rate falls by nearly 11%
According to data, in Rosstat 2017, the birth rate Russia in fell by almost 11%. During that year, about 1.7 million children were born in the country, which is 203 thousand less than in 2016. The only region of the country where the decline in the birth rate was not recorded was Chechnya (there it remained at the same level).
Although mortality in the country also decreased in 2017, this did not overlap natural depopulation (population decline).
About 144 million people live in Russia (since this is UN data, they do not include the population of Crimea, about 2 million people).
The main reason for[10] decline in the population, many demographers call the accelerating urbanization: the rural family for objective reasons is more than the city, explains the trends of Doctor of Economics, Professor RANEPA Alexander Shcherbakov[11].
2002: Rising birth rates
Since 2000, an increase in the birth rate has been recorded in Russia. In 1992-2012 mortality exceeded the birth rate, and its peak occurred in 2003. After 2003, however, mortality is gradually declining, and in 2012 its level was equal to the birth rate.
Main article: Abortion
Large families
Main article: Large families in Russia
Children out of wedlock
Life expectancy
Main article: Life expectancy in Russia
Natural population decline
2022: Natural population decline in Russia decreased by 42.5%
In 2022, 1.9 million people died, in 2021 - 2.44 million, in 2020 - 2.1 million, and in 2019 - 1.8 million. Since 2022, Rosstat has not published detailed data for causes of death (in 2021 there was a table for 306 reasons), but, apparently, the effect of SVO under the heading "secret" and is not taken into account in statistics.
The natural population decline Russia in 2022 decreased by 42.5% compared to 2021 and amounted to 599,600 people. This is evidenced by the data Rosstat released in February 2023.
According to RBC, citing materials from the department, the natural population decline in Russia in 2022 was lower than 2020 (702 thousand people), and the 2021 figure was a record (1.04 million people).
Natural mortality (born minus dead) from 1992 to 2011 amounted to 13.4 million people. From 2012 to 2016, those born exceeded the deaths by 80 thousand with the accumulated total, and from 2017 to 2022 Russia lost more than 3 million people, i.e. from 1992 minus 16.3 million - the negative trend.
The publication notes that the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births is typical of modern Russia. It has been recorded annually since the 1990s. The exception was only 2013-2015, when there was a symbolic population growth that did not exceed 32 thousand people per year (since 2014, the indicators began to take into account the population of Crimea and Sevastopol). In 2022, the decline in the number of births accelerated compared to 2020-2021.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory was in third place in terms of natural population decline among the regions of the Russian Federation, after the Kemerovo Region and the Altai Territory. According to Rosstat, in 2022, both fertility and mortality decreased in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. During the year, 26,401 children were born in the region, 38,428 people died. For comparison, in 2021, 28,515 children were born, 47,063 residents of the region died.
Natural population decline in 2022 in the regions of the Siberian Federal District decreased by 58% compared to 2021 and amounted to 79,944 people. The only region in which the natural population decline has grown is the Altai Republic (+ 13[12]
2021: Record decline of 1.042 million
The natural population decline in 2021 became the largest in the history of the new Russia.
Natural population decline in 68 regions
In 2018-2020, the population Russia decreased by 711 thousand people (or 0.5%). This is stated in the study RIA Novosti"," conducted on the basis of data. Rosstat According to the calculations of the department, as of January 1, 2021, 146 171 015 people live in the Russian Federation (updated data were published in January 2022).
Sevastopol, Ingushetia, Leningrad Region and Chechnya are named the leaders in terms of population growth as a percentage for 2018-2020. So, in Sevastopol, the population grew by 16.8%, in Ingushetia - by 5.6%, in the Leningrad region - by 4.3%, in Chechnya - by 4.2%. The total population growth over the past three years has been observed in 21 regions.
In four regions of Russia, the number of residents increased by more than 3.5%, an increase in the range of 3.5-1.5% was noted in nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In five more regions, growth was in the range of 1.5-0.5%.
In quantitative terms, the largest total population growth was observed in the Moscow region (206.9 thousand people), Moscow (148.8 thousand) and Krasnodar Territory (83.7 thousand).
According to RIA Novosti, for 2018-2020, a natural population decline was observed in 68 regions. The outsider regions were the Tambov region with a population decline of 3.8%, the Magadan region (-3.5%) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (-3.4%).
Experts note that the trends in the growth of the population of the capital and economically developed regions of Russia with a high standard of living, actively developing regions of the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as national republics with a traditionally high birth rate remain.
According to analysts, the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic exacerbates the unfavorable demographic situation both in terms of migration processes, limiting the influx of migrants and natural population growth, provoking an increase in mortality and a drop in fertility. Among the main trends are the continuation of natural decline, migration growth is expected to be low, population mortality will slow down during the growing vaccination of residents, experts say.[13]
Decline of 688.7 thousand people at the end of the year
The natural population decline, according to Rosstat, in 2020 reached 688.7 thousand people, which is twice the figure for the comparable period of 2019 (minus 316.2 thousand people).
Decline of 468 thousand people in 10 months
Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19, the natural population decline - that is, the excess of the number of deaths over those born - in ten months of 2020 reached 468,000 people. This is almost twice as much as the natural decline in the same period last year (about 260,000 people ).
Decline of 316.2 thousand people at the end of the year
According to Rosstat the data, the natural population decline in January-December 2019 amounted to 316.2 thousand people, which exceeds the same figure for 2018 by 93 thousand people. In 2019, 1.484 million people were born, 1.8 million people died. In 2019, compared to 2018 Russia , there was a decrease in the number of births (in 82 subjects) of the Russian Federation and the number of deaths (in 66 subjects).
Decline of 259,600 people in 10 months
In 2019, the natural population decline in Russia became a record in 11 years - 259,600 in January-October alone.
In December 2019, Rosstat worsened the forecast for the population of Russia, contrary to the national project "Demography," which requires to stop the natural decline and for which 4 trillion rubles are budgeted for the next five years.
Until 2027, people will die more in the country than be born, and the process of sliding into the demographic pit will accelerate annually, follows from the updated estimate of Rosstat.
2018: 224,600 decline
In 2018, the natural population decline in Russia amounted to 224,600 people.
2017: 135,700 decline
In 2017, the country's natural population decline was 135,700.
2012: Reduction of natural population loss to 4,000 people
Since 2000, a reduction in the natural loss of the population in Russia has been recorded.
A stable decrease in the infant mortality rate is recorded. In 2012, Russia switched to a new definition of live birth, which led to an increase in the infant mortality rate.
Mortality pattern
Lung cancer mortality
Main article: Lung cancer mortality
Increase in mortality by 3.3% to 1.82 million people
In 2024 Russia , 1.82 million deaths were registered, which is 3.3% more than in 2023. The mortality rate increased from 12 to 12.5 per 1,000 people. This became known on February 24, 2025 from the data of the Federal state Statistics Service (). Rosstat
According to the department's materials, the natural population decline in Russia in 2024 increased to 596.2 thousand people, which exceeds the figure for 2023, when the number of deaths exceeded the number of 495.2 thousand people born.
Mortality in the Volga Federal District in 2024 increased by 4.6%, with the most significant increase recorded in Udmurtia - 8.7%. In Bashkiria, the number of deaths increased by 7.7% and reached 51,214 people.
The Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Marcel Minnullin at the final board of the ministry said that the total mortality rate in the region in 2024 was 11.3 ppm per thousand population, which is the lowest indicator in the Volga Federal District.
The scientific director of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev noted that a decrease in mortality was recorded in 68 Russian regions by the end of 2024, which may indicate positive trends in the regional demographic situation.
In the previous two years, a decrease in the number of deaths was observed in Russia: in 2023, the figure decreased by 7.1%, in 2022 - by 22.3%. This dynamics was due to the effect of a high base in 2021, when against the background of the pandemic, the number of deaths reached a record level of 2.44 million people.
Demographic indicators presented by Rosstat do not take into account data on Donetsk Luganskaya the People's Republics, as well as Zaporozhskaya Hersonskaya regions. Statistics on fertility, mortality and natural population loss were calculated solely on the basis of information on the rest of Russia.[14]
Infant mortality in the Moscow region in 9 years decreased from 4.8% to 3.5%
Infant mortality in the Moscow region for 9 years decreased from 4.8% to 3.5%. The governor of the region, Andrei Vorobyov, spoke about this in early September 2024.
According to him, the survival rate of babies born ahead of schedule in the Moscow region over the past five years has increased by more than 10%. All this became possible thanks to one of the best networks of maternity care institutions in Russia created in the Moscow region with the support of the president, Vorobyov said.
Ministry of Health: Infant mortality in Russia is one of the lowest in the world
In August 2024, it became known that Russia achieved one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. This was announced by Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko at a meeting with members of the government via videoconference. According to him, the current infant mortality rate is four ppm, which is a historical minimum for the country.
According to RIA Novosti, Mikhail Murashko noted that in the first six months of 2024, a decrease in infant mortality rates was recorded in Russia. The Minister stressed that such results were possible thanks to the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the health care system, in particular, children's. In recent years, perinatal centers have been actively built and modernized in the country, advanced medical technologies are being introduced, and the routing system for pregnant women and newborns is being improved.
The minister also added that in the period from 2018 to 2024, 40 significant children's healthcare facilities were commissioned in Russia, of which 21 were within the framework of a national project. In addition, the volume of specialized assistance to children over the past five years has increased by 7%. This made it possible to significantly improve the quality and accessibility of medical care for young patients.
Mikhail Murashko paid special attention to personnel provision in the field of children's health care. According to him, the enrollment of students under the specialty program was increased by 35%, and in 2024 it is 8.5 thousand people. This is an important step to provide Russian medical institutions with qualified specialists, which, in turn, contributes to a further decrease in the infant mortality rate.[15]
In Russia, the number of drowned
In 2023, more than 3.8 thousand people died on Russian reservoirs. Compared to the previous year, the indicator decreased by about 1%. Such data in early January 2024 was published by the Russian Emergencies Ministry. Read more here
Infant mortality in Russia fell to a historic low: 0.42%
Infant mortality in Russia at the end of 2023 fell to a historic minimum of 4.2 ppm (the coefficient means the share of dead babies per 1,000 births, corresponds to 0.42%). In 2019, this figure was measured at 4.9 ppm. Such figures were cited by the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko at the end of February 2024.
According to him, "tremendous attention" is paid to children's health care: almost every week new medical institutions (rehabilitation centers, hospitals, clinics, etc.) are opened in Russia, where they provide medical care to children.
Mikhail Murashko called Russia "the first country in the world" in the number of special tests in newborns. The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation said that "40 studies are being carried out in the country to identify pathologies."
This is the innovation of this [2023] year, which covered all the children of the country, "he concluded. |
At the end of November 2023, Mikhail Murashko cited Rosstat data, according to which infant mortality decreased by 7% and reached really the next historical minimum - this is 4 ppm. At the same time, the minister said that mortality among children under the age of 18 in 2023 decreased by 4%,
As the rector of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, the chief neonatologist of the Russian Ministry of Health Dmitry Ivanov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia is inferior to Belarus in terms of newborn mortality - in the latter country, the level in 2023 was 2 ppm. The expert also cites figures for other states: in the United States, the child mortality rate is 5.4 ppm, in China - 5.7, in Turkey - 7.7, in Egypt - 15.9.
According to Ivanov, Russia is in a large separation in terms of the development of medicine from the CIS countries, in which they abandoned Soviet medicine and, in particular, pediatric support.[16]
Reduction in total mortality by 9.8% from dock-shaped 2019
On December 21, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced a 9.8% decrease in total mortality in Russia compared to 2019, when there was no COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic yet.
These figures were cited by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation at a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Golikova also drew attention to the "historically low level" of infant mortality - 4.1 ppm.
As Vladimir Mukomel, chief researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted, mortality rates in the absence of additional factors like a pandemic are usually more stable and do not undergo strong changes from period to period, and at short intervals the age structure of the population is approximately the same.
Vice-rector of the Financial University under the government, Alexander Safonov, says that mortality also affects consumption, the expert added. On the one hand, because of this, the burden on the budget in terms of social payments is reduced, on the other hand, a decrease in turnover negatively affects investment prospects.
Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova previously stated that mortality rates in Russia in the first half of 2023 decreased by 12.9% compared to the same period in 2022. She also noted that the birth rate over the same period decreased by only 2.3%.
According to Rosstat, the natural decline in the population of Russia from January to September 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 decreased by 24%, amounting to 352 thousand people. For nine months of 2023, 953 thousand 222 babies were born, 1 million 305 thousand 513 people died, according to the data of the department.[17]
In January-May 2023, mortality decreased by 14.8% y/y and may return to the level of 2019, however, due to the low birth rate, the net retirement of the population is very high.
Mortality from myocardial infarction decreased in Russia
At the end of 2022, mortality from myocardial infarction in Russia was 34.2 people per 100 thousand population. For comparison, a year earlier this figure was 38.3 people per 100 thousand citizens, and in 2020 - 39.7 people. Such indicators are given in the report of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), published in early January 2024. Read more here.
Reduction in infant old age to 4.51 cases per 1,000 births
Infant mortality in Russia at the end of 2022 amounted to 4.51 cases per 1000 born alive against 4.66 a year earlier. Forbes magazine published such data in mid-December 2023.
Rosstat estimates infant mortality at the end of 2022 at 4.4 cases per 1000 born in Russia. In its calculations, the department correlates the number of deaths up to a year with the number of births alive in the previous 13 months.
As the newspaper notes, infant mortality covers deaths of children under the age of one year. Most often, such tragic cases cause congenital developmental abnormalities, blood circulation defects, early childbirth and oxygen starvation in utero.
In the 90s, infant mortality in Russia was significantly higher - in the range from 16 to 20 cases per 1000 children born. However, there has been a steady decline in this figure since the early 2000s. One of the key initiatives in the fight against infant mortality was the perinatal center development program, launched on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2013. This program provided for additional funding and expansion of specialized medical centers in the 30 regions of the country most in need of such support.
One of the main goals of the program was to reduce infant mortality to 7.8 per 1,000 live births by 2016. And although this figure was significantly exceeded, the decline still turned out to be significant. These results indicate positive dynamics in reducing infant mortality in Russia.
Forbes draws attention to the fact that infant mortality in Russia at the end of 2022 was for the first time less than in Canada, and almost 20% lower than in the USA. [18]
60.2% reduction in mortality due to old age
In 2022 Russia , 36,068 people died from old age, which is 60.2% less than a year earlier (90,629). This is evidenced by data Rosstat published in June 2023.
As the "Medical Bulletin" writes with reference to the statistics of the department, in 2022 the mortality rates from diseases of the circulatory system decreased - by 11%, from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (by 64.8%), from neoplasms (by 0.7%), from respiratory diseases (29%), digestive diseases (4.9%), human immunodeficiency virus disease (by 6.6%), from diseases of the nervous system (by 12.5%), from diabetes mellitus (by 4.8%).
831,557 Russians died from diseases of the circulatory system in 2022, 933,986 in 2021. 276,929 people died from malignant neoplasms (in 2021 - 279 032). According to Rosstat calculations, in 2022, death from the coronavirus COVID-19 in Russia decreased to 139,289 people from 465,525 in 2021.
At the same time, mortality rates from external causes of death increased by 5%, from intestinal infections - by 8.1%, from diseases of the genitourinary system - by 8.2%, from diseases of the ear and mastoid process - by 13.6%, from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue - by 12.6%, from diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs and individual disorders with the involvement of the immune mechanism - by 7.4%.
According to the final (updated) data of Rosstat, a total of 1,898,644 people died in 2022, the figure compared to 2021 decreased by 22.2%. Separately, a decrease in the infant mortality rate in December 2022 is reported - compared to the same period in 2021, it decreased by 17.7%.[19]
Reduction in mortality from circulatory system diseases by 11%
Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system Russia in 2022 amounted to 570.6 cases per 100 thousand population, which is 11.1% less than a year ago, as well as below the indicator of pre-pandemic (coronavirus pandemic COVID-19) 2019 (573.2 cases per 100 thousand population), this is evidenced by data Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation that were published in mid-March 2023. More. here
Reduction in mortality by 22.1%, to 1.9 million people
The number dead Russia in 2022 decreased by 22.1% - to 1,905,778 people from 2,445,509 people in 2021. This is evidenced by the data Rosstat released in February 2023.
According to RBC, nominally this is a record reduction in the number of deaths in the history of Russia since the 1990s. However, in this case, the high base of 2021, which was characterized by "super-mortality" from COVID-19, influenced. Compared to the dock-shaped 2019, the mortality rate in 2022 increased by 6%.
The decrease in mortality in the third year after the start of the coronavirus pandemic is explained by the fact that both the authorities and the population have learned to deal with it, says Alexander Shcherbakov, professor at the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the RANEPA. Meanwhile, the rate of decline in the birth rate, according to the expert, is worrying. If partial mobilization affects the number of available men, then the number of women who could now give birth has greatly reduced the demographic pit of the 1990s, Shcherbakov notes.
The birth rate has decreased more than last year [in 2021]. The only positive point is that mortality is declining faster than the birth rate. You can improve the situation if, with the help of support measures, you increase the total birth rate, that is, stimulate women who have already given birth to give birth, "he said. |
According to Rosstat, in 2022, infant mortality decreased - by 9.4%, to 5.9 thousand people.
In December 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova at the My Polyclinic forum said that a decrease in mortality in the Russian Federation is recorded for all causes of death, including diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms.[20]
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Male mortality at the age of 35-40 years is 2 times higher than female
According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which were published in August 2022, in the country, male mortality at the age of 35-40 years is twice that of female..
From the age of 18, men and women enter an independent life, a very big difference. Especially in men. By 35-40, the mortality rate of men and women is twice as different. And external reasons are the component that takes these human lives, "said Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko at the All-Russian Forum of Medical Volunteers on August 8, 2022. |
According to him, many young people are not always committed to a healthy lifestyle and continue to smoke, drink alcohol and not play sports.
Higher than in women, male mortality rates around the age of 35-40 are associated with bad habits: smoking and alcohol directly affect the development of cardiovascular disease. Albert Akhobekov, a cardiologist at the Doctis telemedicine service, told Izvestia about this. According to him, women are better protected from the development of cardiovascular diseases by the hormonal background, which persists until menopause.
Therefore, atherosclerosis in women begins to develop with the same frequency as in men, a few years after the onset of menopause, that is, after 50 years. And by the age of 60, mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases among men and women are leveling off, "Akhobekov added. |
In July 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the average life expectancy in the country in the second quarter of 2022 exceeded 73 years, and mortality decreased to the level of 2019. Mikhail Murashko in August 2022 noted that one of the national goals of Russia by 2030 is to achieve a life expectancy of 78 years.[21]
In 2 years, 2680 women died from domestic violence in Russia
In 2020-2021. in Russia, 2680 women died from domestic violence, which is 70.9% and 71.1% of all cases of murders of representatives of the weaker sex in the country, respectively. Such statistics in mid-August 2022 were published by the Human Rights Consortium of Women's NGOs (engaged in legal support for victims of domestic violence). He analyzed 11,175 new sentences posted in the public domain on the state automated system "Justice" and the website of the Moscow City Court. Read more here.
Infant mortality in Russia fell to a record low - 4.4 ppm
Infant mortality in Russia at the end of 2021 fell to a record low of 4.4 ppm (the number of deaths up to one year per 1,000 born alive). This was announced on January 26, 2022 by the head of the Ministry of Health of the RFMikhail Murashko.
According to him, infant mortality at the end of 2020 amounted to 4.5 ppm, which at that time was the lowest rate in Russia and the USSR. This indicator has been achieved thanks to a risk-oriented approach, he said.
Speaking at the XVIII All-Russian Congress of Commissioners for the Rights of the Child, the Minister of Health of Russia noted that the protection of child health is a priority of the state.
Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment of diseases are being introduced, prevention, vaccination and rehabilitation programs are being implemented, "he said (quoted by TASS). |
Infant mortality is a basic statistical indicator of demography. It takes into account the number of children who died before a year, per one thousand newborns per year and is expressed in ppm. The infant mortality rate is considered an important characteristic of the overall health and standard of living of the country's population.
By January 27, 2022, the most relevant Rosstat data on infant mortality cover the period January-October 2021. During this period of time, 5387 children under the age of 1 year died against 5360 a year earlier. The number of dead children per 1000 births was 4.5, an increase from 4.4 in the first 10 months of 2020.
The largest infant mortality rate in January-October 2021 was registered in the Central Federal District - 1173 cases (in Moscow - 399), which is almost 3% higher than the mortality rate a year ago.
In 2021, the chief freelance children's specialist in preventive medicine of the Ministry of Health, Leila Namazova-Baranova, warned that child mortality could increase in Russia amid the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.[22]
204 thousand people died in 7 months with COVID-19
In July 2021, the number of deaths in Russia amounted to 215,300 people. This is 33,800 more than in 2020 and 63,700 more than in 2019.
Rosstat recorded a record "covid" mortality in Russia. Since the beginning of 2021, 204 thousand people have died with Covid-19. The total mortality in January-July exceeded 1.3 million.
33.9% rise in deaths in January
The number of deaths in Russia in January 2021 increased by 33.9%, Rosstat said on Friday. During the month, 217.8 thousand people died in the Russian Federation - 55.7 thousand more than in the same month a year ago.
Mortality from alcohol poisoning in Russia over 10 years decreased by 53%
Mortality from alcohol poisoning in Russia over 10 years decreased by 53% - from 15 cases per 100 thousand people in 2009 to 7 cases in 2020. This was reported to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in June 2022.
The decrease in deaths from alcohol consumption in the department was associated with a "targeted anti-alcohol policy," in which, in particular, there was a decrease in the volume of consumption of unregistered alcohol. Annual alcohol consumption in Russia decreased from 13.7 liters to 9.13 liters per capita over 10 years (from 2009 to 2020). Among those over 15 years of age, the decrease in consumption is more significant - from 16.1 liters to 11.1 liters.
According to the Ministry of Health, in 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, "the trend towards a decrease in alcohol consumption and directly related to alcohol mortality was disrupted" - the "stress from the pandemic" and the fact that "inflation is ahead of the increase in excise taxes on alcohol" affected.
The Ministry of Health also provided "" To sheets data from the study of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. I. Blokhin on the prevention of alcohol consumption. The study, which took about 30 years, analyzed the medical information of 260,000 people and the results of 25,000 autopsies and, in particular, calculated the proportion of deaths caused by alcohol consumption. In men 15-54 years old, it was 59%, 55-74 years old - 22%.
The results of the study contributed to the adoption of the concept of state policy to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse, a representative of the Ministry of Health told the publication. According to him, as a result of the introduction of these results into practice, the mortality rate of men (15-54 years old) decreased 2 times from 1000 to 450 per 100,000 people, this saved the lives of 3.5 million Russians. At the same time, the ministry did not specify the period under consideration.[23] |
Mortality from alcohol poisoning in Russia over 12 years decreased by 60%
In 2020, mortality from accidental alcohol poisoning decreased by 60% compared to 2008. This was announced on September 16, 2021 by the head of the Ministry of Health of the RFMikhail Murashko.
According to him, the consumption of ethanol per capita of the population over 12 years decreased by more than 40% - 15.7 to 9.1 liters. At the same time, the incidence of alcohol disorders has significantly decreased.
The minister called this dynamics the result of the implementation of the Concept of State Policy to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population. He also noted the successful results of the complex of anti-alcohol measures that Russia recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in accordance with the global strategy to reduce harmful alcohol use.
The Russian Federation continues to implement comprehensive measures to prevent alcoholism - work is underway to strengthen the drug treatment service, a round-the-clock hotline for a healthy lifestyle is maintained, free of charge for citizens. Many of the measures developed were long-term in nature and were integrated into national tasks to combat non-communicable diseases through integrated prevention of risk factors, Murashko said at the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. |
He noted that the high level of consumption of alcoholic beverages in Russia in the 1990s and early 2000s led to a decrease in average life expectancy and an increase in premature mortality, which required urgent measures. In this regard, the concept was developed and adopted. "
According to the minister, changing the attitude of society towards alcohol is a long process, but Russia shows by its example that this is possible.
Earlier, Murashko said that alcohol consumption in Russia in the 2010s decreased by more than a third, but in 2020 this trend stopped.[24]
The increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Russia by 11.6%, to 97.3 thousand people
In 2020, 97.3 thousand people died from diseases of the circulatory systems (BSK) in Russia, which is 11.6% more than a year earlier. Such data in June 2021 was published by Rosstat.
In 2019, mortality from BSK decreased by 1.7%, in 2018 - by 0.8%. As RBC notes, diseases of the circulatory system traditionally account for the largest share of deaths in the Russian Federation.
Additional deaths in 2020 from circulatory diseases (including coronary heart disease and stroke) accounted for about 29% of excess deaths overall for this year. This is the second place after mortality from COVID-19 (144.7 thousand cases, or 42.5% of the total increase in mortality in 2020), the publication reports.
The chief cardiac surgeon of the Russian Federation for the Southern Federal District, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Dyuzhikov in an interview with Russian newspaper"" said that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic not only did not violate the sad pattern about the leadership of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, but also strengthened it. According to the doctor, coronavirus infection provokes this growth, especially affecting the state of the circulatory system, and, in particular, the clotting of blood patients.
An increase in blood clotting against the background of changes in the arteries leads to thrombosis - in the coronary arteries supplying the brain, or the arteries of the heart muscle, lungs or kidneys. Depending on the place of formation of the thrombus, formidable complications arise - strokes and heart attacks, renal failure, - he said. |
By June 2021, the implementation of the federal project "Fight against cardiovascular diseases" of the national project "Healthcare" continues in Russia. Its goal is to reduce mortality from diseases of the circulatory system to 450 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants by 2024.[25][26]
60% rise in drug deaths to 7,316
Drug mortality in Russia at the end of 2020 soared by 60% and reached 7316 people against 4469 who died in 2019. This is evidenced by Rosstat data.
As RBC writes with reference to the statistics published by the agency, in 2016-2018. mortality in Russia from drug-related causes was measured at about 4.4-4.8 thousand. Read more here.
Increase in mortality from alcohol by 3 thousand people - Rosstat
Mortality from alcohol Russia in 2020 increased by more than 3 thousand people. The rise was due to COVID-19 the coronavirus pandemic, against the background of which Russians began to sit at home more often and consume alcoholic beverages. This is evidenced by the data Rosstat released in June 2021.
According to the department's calculations, in 2020, 50,435 people died from alcohol-related causes against 47,427 a year earlier. At the same time, in 2019, a decrease in mortality from alcohol was recorded by almost 2% compared to 2018, when 48,786 people died for this reason. In addition, Rosstat reported an increase of 20% in the number of deaths associated with mental disorders, with a total of 24,159 such cases in 2020.
Part of excess mortality may be due to indirect effects of the pandemic. According to experts from the American Institute for Health Measurement and Assessment, the psychological impact of the pandemic and quarantine restrictions can lead to worsening mental disorders, increased alcohol consumption.
The Ministry of Health warned about the increase in mortality from alcohol. In May 2020, the head of the department, Mikhail Murashko , pointed out that due to the introduced self-isolation regime, the consumption of alcoholic beverages increased by 2-3 percent.
At the same time, in June 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation announced a decrease in tobacco and alcohol consumption in Russia. According to preliminary estimates of the ministry, alcohol consumption in the country is "about 9 liters per person per year."
According to the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets (CIFRRA), vodka consumption in 2020 amounted to 4.9 liters per person, which is 2% more than in 2019. In the leading Sakhalin Oblast, consumption reached 12.4 liters per capita.[27]
Total mortality increased by 323.8 thousand people - Ministry of Health
The total mortality rate in Russia in 2020 increased by 17.9% compared to 2019. This is stated in the result of the report of the Ministry of Health, which was published at the end of April 2021.
According to the ministry, in 2020, 2.12 million people died in the Russian Federation, which is 323.8 thousand more than a year earlier. The data of the Ministry of Health coincided with the statistics of Rosstat, Interfax notes.
In 2019, the mortality rate was 12.3 per thousand people, and in 2020 this figure was 14.5 per thousand people.
Reduction in child mortality by 16.6%, to 40.5 cases per 100 thousand people
Child mortality in 2020 amounted to 40.5 cases per 100 thousand people under the age of 17, which is 16.6% less than a year earlier. Such data on March 19, 2021 was provided by the minister health care Russia Mikhail Murashko at a meeting of the presidium. Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation at the Federal Assembly
According to him, the mortality rate of children aged 0 to 4 years in 2020 decreased by 8.3%. The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation noted that the dynamics of reducing child mortality indicates that state policy and what forms the medical community is correct and gives results.
Mikhail Murashko also cited data according to which the number of children who died from cancer decreased in Russia from 2017 to 2020 by 11%. Every year, oncological diseases in Russia are detected in about 4 thousand children, the minister added.
During her speech at the XXIII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia, Elena Baibarina, Director of the Department of Medical Care for Children and the Maternity Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia, said that in 2020, infant mortality in the Russian Federation decreased to 4.5 ppm (the ratio means the proportion of dead babies per 1,000 births, corresponds to 0.45%, in 2019 - 4.9), mortality under the age of five - up to 5.7 ppm (in 2019 - 6.3), and the total child mortality - up to 40.5 ppm (in 2019 - 48.6). According to her, children do not often die from COVID-19, mainly concomitant diseases become the cause of death.
According to Rosstat data, in 2020, 6455 babies died in Russia (under the age of 1 year). This is 882 people, or 12%, less than in 2019. For 1 thousand babies in 2020 there were 4.5 deaths, while in 2019 this figure was 4.9, in 2018 - 5.1.[28]
Mortality increase in the Russian Federation by 17.9%, to 2.124 million people - Rosstat
Mortality in Russia 2020 increased by 17.9% compared to 2019. Rosstat The Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova cited such data during a briefing held on February 8, 2021.
According to Rosstat, at the end of 2020, mortality became a record since 2005 - 2.124 million people (against 1.8 million a year earlier). The rate of increase in mortality has become a record since 1947, when due to drought, the export of food abroad and the creation of grain reserves in case of a new war, 37.2% more people died than a year earlier. In December 2020, the rate of increase in mortality reached 63% and was unprecedented since the famine and repression of 1933.
According to Golikova, "this is excess mortality," including deaths from the consequences of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. She noted that the share of deaths from coronavirus is 31% of the total increase in excess mortality in 2020, and taking into account those who died from other diagnoses, but tested positive for coronavirus, it is 50%.
The Deputy Prime Minister indicated that a significant share of excess mortality in 2020 was formed by cases when people died from cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, pneumonia, etc., associated with infection with COVID-19. She added that the coronavirus not only causes death on its own, but also provokes a more severe course of other diseases.
According to Rosstat, which collects medical death certificates from the unified state registry office, 2.124 million people died in 2020, which is 323.8 thousand more than a year earlier.
Experts of the department calculated that the mortality rate in Russia in 2020 increased to 14.5 deaths per 1,000 people from 12.3 in 2019. The mortality rate of Russians in 2020 was a record over the past 10 years, notes. Forbes
Tatyana Golikova also said that infant mortality in Russia at the end of 2020 decreased by 8.2% compared to 2019, mortality from malignant neoplasms - by 1%, from a number of infectious and parasitic diseases - by 9.3%, including 9.8% from tuberculosis and 9.1% from HIV.[29][30][31][32][33][34]
Rise in deaths to 14 cases per 1,000 people
According to Rosstat data for January-November 2020, mortality in Russia due to the coronavirus pandemic amounted to 14 cases per 1000 people of the population. If the situation has not changed in December, by the end of 2020, mortality will be a record since 2010, when it reached 14.2 cases per 1000 people. More. here
Diseases of blood circulation and cancer are the most common causes of death in Russia
In 2019, Russians most often died from diseases of the circulatory system: coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, as well as from oncology. These diseases accounted for more than 63% of all deaths in the country, follows from the statistics of Rosstat.
AlfaStrakhovanie analyzed statistics on fatal diseases in Russia for 2019. According to Rosstat, 1.8 million people died in the country as a whole last year.
The largest number of deaths occurred due to diseases of the circulatory system (841.1 thousand), in particular from coronary heart disease (442.6 thousand deaths) and cerebrovascular diseases (260.7 thousand).
Neoplasms are in second place among the factors of the development of fatal diseases, 295.4 thousand people died from them, including the cause of 291 thousand deaths were malignant neoplasms.
Diseases of the nervous system claimed the lives of 100 thousand people, digestive organs - 97 thousand, respiratory organs - 58 thousand, endocrine system - 42.7 thousand, infectious and parasitic diseases - 31.1 thousand, including 7.3 thousand were sick with tuberculosis.
The accident killed 13,384 people or 9.5 people per 100 thousand population
In 2020, 13,384 people died in accidents - 181 less than in the previous one. At the same time, the tendency to reduce the number of victims of all types of traffic accidents remains.
The share of deaths among Russians from external causes (road accidents, murders, suicides, deaths caused by alcohol) in the total number of deaths in 2020 continued to decline, follows from the final data published by Rosstat for 2020.
But the number of victims of road accidents has practically not changed compared to 2019. Then there were 13,565, in 2020 - 13,384, despite the coronavirus restrictions introduced by the authorities in the first half of 2020, which, among other things, led to a reduction in road traffic.
In 2019, 9.2 people per 100 thousand people died from an accident. In 2020, this figure was 9.5 people per 100 thousand population. As RBC reported in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in March, the federal project "Road Safety" provided in 2020 mortality from road accidents no higher than 10.9 people per 100 thousand population.
At the same time, the tendency of recent years to reduce the number of victims of all types of traffic accidents remains. In 2015, there were 25.5 thousand such deaths, in 2016 - 21.6 thousand, in 2017 - 20.3 thousand, in 2018 - 19.1 thousand. According to updated data from Rosstat, in 2019, 17.7 thousand people died from all types of transport accidents, and in 2020 - 17 thousand.
In Russia, data on mortality in road accidents are collected by two departments - Rosstat and the State Traffic Inspectorate, and they are not comparable. So, according to the State Traffic Inspectorate, the number of accidents in 2020 decreased by 11%, and the mortality rate in them - by 4.5% (to 15,788). At Rosstat, which collects data on the basis of medical certificates, the figure is 15% lower than[35]
The traffic police in 2020 kept records in accordance with the government rules established back in 1995 (from 2021, accounting will be kept under the new rules).
Real mortality from coronavirus in Russia may be 72% higher
The real mortality rate from the coronavirus COVID-19 in Russia may be more than 70% higher than official statistics say. On May 11, 2020, the Financial Times (FT) wrote about this, referring to the results of its own analysis.
According to the publication, in April 2020, 2073 more people died in Moscow and St. Petersburg than the average over the past five years. According to official data, in April, 629 deaths of patients with coronavirus were recorded in these two cities. Thus, 1,444 deaths "above the normal mortality rate" remain unaccounted for, writes FT. If we add this to the total number of dead patients with COVID-19, which as of May 11, according to the operational headquarters, is 2009 people, a 72 percent increase in the number of victims of COVID-19 in Russia is obtained, the publication says.
The authors of the article note that the estimate of a 72 percent excess of real mortality from a new type of coronavirus over official data is conservative, since it is based only on mortality data in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If other Russian cities and regions also record an excess of the number of deaths over the registered mortality rates from COVID-19, then this figure will increase.
According to the authorities, for the entire time by May 12, 2020, 1,179 people died in Moscow, 58 in St. Petersburg. At the same time, more than 121.3 thousand and 8 thousand infected were detected in cities, respectively.[36]
State Duma deputy, former chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko called the statement that mortality from coronavirus in Russia could be 70% higher than official statistics motivated by schadenfreude. So he commented on the FT publication.
While we assess the current situation, and when it ends, we will get a complete alignment here. This is just an unprofessional hype, "the deputy told RIA Novosti.[37] |
3.8% decrease in deaths in the first quarter
Ministry of Health reported a decrease in the mortality Russia rate in the first three months of 2020. Thus, the number of deaths per thousand people decreased by 3.8% compared to the same period in 2019. Then the mortality rate was 13.1%, in 2020 - 12.6%. The maximum reduction in mortality by month was recorded in January. By May 11, 2020, Russia has the highest increase in the number of cases among all countries. Europe
At the end of April, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko announced a decrease in the total mortality rate in the country by 4.5% compared to last year. He noted that mortality due to a new coronavirus infection in Russia is less than 1%, which is one of the lowest rates in the world.
Reduction in mortality to 12.3 cases per 1,000 people
The mortality rate in Russia in 2019 was 12.3 cases per 1,000 people, while in 2018 this figure was measured at 12.5. Such data on May 21, 2020 was cited by the Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko.
This is a good indicator within the framework of the implementation of the state guarantees program, the minister said at a government meeting. |
Increasing life expectancy and reducing the mortality rate are key indicators of the national project "Health," calculated until 2024. According to the document, four years later it assumes a decrease in the mortality rates of the working-age population to 350 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.
In Russia, they began to die less from heart disease, tuberculosis and respiratory organs
According to the data released at the end of April 2020 by the Ministry of Health of Russia, mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the country in 2019 decreased by 1%. Similar indicators for tuberculosis and respiratory diseases also decreased - by 10.7% and 3.7%, respectively.
According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in 2019, and Russia revealed a record low number of patients with tuberculosis - 60.5 thousand, 7.5 thousand people died. In the country as a whole, the incidence rate was 41.2 cases per 100 thousand population. For details, see Tuberculosis.
Mortality of external causes - by 4.9% (including from road accidents - by 7.1%). At the same time, the total mortality rate of the population decreased by 1.6%. At the same time, the Ministry of Health did not say how many people died in 2019.
In 2019, mortality from myocardial infarction decreased to 36.8 cases per 100 thousand population and mortality from acute cerebrovascular accident to 86.2 cases per 100 thousand population, hospital mortality from myocardial infarction decreased to 11.8%, hospital mortality from acute cerebrovascular accident to 16.8.
According to the ministry, in 2019, the average life expectancy of Russians reached a historic maximum of 73.4 years. The achievement of this indicator is due to a decrease in mortality in working age - by 3.5% in men and 2.1% in women. It is noted that in 2019 it was possible to "additionally save" 13.6 thousand lives of able-bodied citizens.
The head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency Veronika Skvortsova notes that over ten years, the average life expectancy for women has increased by more than four years, for men - by almost seven years.
Until 2024, it is planned to implement the national project "Demography" in Russia. Its main goals are to reduce the mortality rate of the population, as well as to provide additional education to citizens of pre-retirement age and increase the level of availability of preschool education.[38]
Number of deaths due to poor ecology
On the 8th place of the rating - Russia, 118 thousand people died from problems associated with poor ecology. Of these, 99 thousand died from air problems, 9 thousand each from lead poisoning and pollution at the workplace, and a little less than a thousand people from water pollution.
Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles
External causes of death by age: 8% of total deaths
"External causes of death" are those that, in theory at least, could have been avoided. In the general structure of mortality, this is ≈8%.
External causes are divided into three large groups:
- Accidents
- Murders
- Suicides.
A significant part of them is associated with alcohol consumption - this is well known. But in addition, the causes are highly dependent on age and gender.
At the age of under a year, there are more strangulations, at the age of 20-24 - accidents, and drivers are especially affected, etc.
Damage with Uncertain Intentions refers to everything that could not be unambiguously attributed to any of these three groups.
Number of drug deaths per million inhabitants. Card
Top regions of Russia in terms of mortality in road accidents
1. Kalmykia - 30 people per 100,000 inhabitants
2. Tuva - 29 people
3. Leningrad region - 24 people
4. Trans-Baikal Territory - 23 people
5. Adygea - 22.5 people
Number of deaths per 1,000 accidents in 2018:
1. Chechnya - 414
2. Ingushetia - 291
3. Kabardino-Balkaria - 270
4. Dagestan - 212
It is possible that the statistics are distorted, since minor accidents in these regions are not officially issued.
Statistics of diseases of the working-age population of the Russian Federation
Impact on the country's economy forecast for 2025
What to expect:
- a shift in the demand structure due to a change in the age structure of the population. This will concern the demand for market goods and services
- increased need for health care services
- decrease in the number of secondary school students
- changing the volume and structure of savings
- reduced labor supply due to aging population
- reduction of the economically active population by 20 million people
- significant increase in the need for budgetary resources due to an increase in the share of the elderly population
- significant change in financial resource flows and intergenerational commitments
Heart attack mortality
Cause of death statistics distorted to "comply" with presidential decrees
Since 2012, Russians have become less likely to die from diseases, on the treatment of which President Vladimir Putin instructed to focus in the May 2012 decrees, and more often - from rare diseases and unidentified causes, analysts at the RANEPA found. This is confirmed by the data provided to Vedomosti by Rosstat.
Putin instructed by 2018 to reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, road accidents, as well as infant. Mortality from the diseases listed in the decrees is really decreasing, but from other reasons - in particular, relatively rare diseases of the nervous, endocrine and genitourinary systems, mental and behavioral disorders - it is experiencing an unusual surge, a researcher at RANEPA Ramil Hasanov shares his observations.
In the regions, statistics are also unusual, she continues: in Mordovia, Ivanovo, Amur, Nizhny Novgorod and Lipetsk regions in 2016, the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases was minimal, and from other reasons - maximum. It is the standardized mortality rate that is important, and not its absolute indicators, Hasanova notes: there may be more or less elderly people in the region, which affects statistics. Probably, the regions are trying to fulfill the goals of the May decrees and the Concept of Demographic Policy until 2025, the RANEPA monitoring noted. In his last message to the Federal Assembly in February 2018, Vladimir Putin reported on his successes in the fight against cardiovascular diseases.
In 2011-2016. the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases decreased throughout the country, the strongest - in Mordovia, Ingushetia, Amur, Tambov, Voronezh and Nizhny Novgorod regions and in Mari El, Svetlana Nikitina, head of the population statistics and health department of Rosstat, reported through the press service. And from diseases of the endocrine, nervous and genitourinary systems, as well as from mental disorders, it really increased significantly, mortality from unclassified and other causes increased, she noted. In general, mortality from all these factors increased 1.7 times and in all mentioned regions, except Ingushetia, it turned out to be higher than the average for Russia.
The point is to change the rules for coding the causes of death, the representative of the Ministry of Health points out. It is unlikely that this is the only thing, Hasanova doubts, - probably, some cardiovascular diseases are encoded as "other": for example, alcoholic myopathy or vascular parkinsonism can be written as diseases of the nervous system. Manipulations of mortality statistics exist, admits Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute for Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics, mortality from cardiovascular problems is declining so rapidly because it is targeted by decrees: it is not surprising that diseases began to be thrown over and recorded not the cause, but the reason. If a person died of a blockage of blood vessels against the background of an endocrine system disease, death can be recorded both from cardiovascular disease and from endocrine disease, she gives an example, depending on which guideline is now more important.
If a person dies in a hospital, the death code is issued to him by a pathologist in the morgue at a medical organization, if at home or on the street - a forensic examiner. In January 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that pathological and anatomical services should be legally separated from the hospitals where they are located.
There is also a positive side in the fact that the regions must fulfill the KPI for mortality established by the president, says David Melik-Huseynov, director of the Research Institute of Health Organization of the Moscow Health Department: doctors thoroughly diagnose these diseases and write them more correctly into the causes of death. Before the "decrees," accounting for mortality in Russia worried few people, he says: for example, Alzheimer's disease was not encoded as a cause at all, but they wrote a heart attack or stroke. Nevertheless, if mortality from other causes continues to grow, you need to figure out whether the real reasons are written down in the "other," Melik-Huseynov notes. Mortality statistics make it possible to understand how many people and what dies, how many beds and doctors clinics need, where and what to launch prevention programs, how to organize medical examination or patronage at home, he explains[39].
Based on statistics, the authorities form targeted disease control programs, says Popovich: for example, after the May decrees, huge resources were thrown into the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes, the share of mortality from which was not so high, was launched - and it increases the likelihood of death from cardiovascular diseases by 3-6 times.
Dynamics of infant mortality in Russia over 57 years
In 2017, the mortality rate among babies in Russia was 5.5 per thousand births against 6.0 in 2016. The graph (see below) shows the dynamics of this indicator from 1960 to 2017.
Infant mortality rate (CCM) - the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1,000 born alive. This indicator is often used as a comparison of the level of development of countries and indicates the development of the health care system.
Vascular pathologies and oncology are the main causes of deaths
In July 2017, Academician Alexander Potapov, director of the Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery, named the main reasons why Russians most often die. According to him, vascular pathologies, oncology and injuries remain the "main killers," mainly in an accident[40] of Sciences[41].
According to the data, in Rosstat 2016, about 900 thousand Russians died from diseases of the circulatory system, about 300 thousand became victims of neoplasms, primarily malignant ones, another 170 thousand died from injuries.
"Vascular pathologies are the main killer of Russians, as, indeed, in other countries. In particular, the brain is strokes: 400 thousand die from a stroke a year, "Potapov told reporters.
"Oncology is next, in third place is injury and all types of injuries," he added. According to the academician, about 28 thousand people die on the roads every year, mainly due to traumatic brain injuries, another 300 thousand become disabled.
According to Rosstat, in the first five months of 2017, 791 thousand Russians died, and 679.2 thousand were born. Compared to the same period last year, both mortality and fertility decreased (then these figures amounted to 804.1 thousand and 762.5 thousand people, respectively), but the natural population decline exceeded last year's figure by almost three times (111.8 thousand against 41.6 thousand people). At the same time, losses in numbers by 72.2% compensated for the migration increase.
2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders
2015: Proportion of young people's deaths declining
On August 12, 2015, it became known that the mortality rate of pensioners has been growing in Russia for the past eight years, but the life expectancy of the able-bodied and young population has been increasing, the press service of the Ministry of Health said.
"If we analyze the dynamics of demographic indicators in the Russian Federation, we can see that the most significant contribution to the total mortality is due to the elderly: in 2006 it was 67.3%, in 2011 - 71.4%, and in 2014 - already 73.2%," the press service of the Ministry of Health said.
At the same time, according to the ministry, "the contribution of people of working age decreased from 30.9% in 2006, 27.2% in 2011. up to 25.4% in 2014, and people younger than working age - from 1.4% in 2006, 1.2% in 2011 to 1.2% in 2014[42].
"The main causes of mortality of the working-age population are:
- cardiovascular disease (contribution to mortality - about 30%),
- external causes: injuries, poisoning, suicide (contribution to mortality - 28.2%),
- neoplasms (contribution to mortality - 14.1%),
- digestive diseases (contribution to mortality - 8.9%), "- said in a press release.
It is emphasized that the vast majority of deaths from external causes occur while intoxicated.
"In addition, according to international experts of the World Health Organization, alcoholization states are closely associated with a much wider range of significant causes of death, primarily with digestive diseases (cirrhosis, pancreatitis, pancreonecrosis), the mortality of which among the working-age population increased by 9.3%; diseases of the respiratory organs (advanced cases of pneumonia) and the cardiovascular system (hemorrhages into the organs against the background of hypertensive crises, myocardial infarctions, strokes), "the message said.
According to the Ministry of Health, the analysis of the mortality rate in people of working age in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation demonstrated a completely different distribution compared to the total mortality: these are the regions in which the highest level of prevalence and incidence of chronic alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis was noted, as well as the highest mortality from acute alcohol poisoning, including surrogate, and suicides.
"The revealed picture confirms the well-known fact about the determining effect on the indicator of the total mortality of a person's lifestyle and his bad habits, the contribution of which, according to WHO, is at least 60%," the Ministry of Health said.
In this regard, the department considers it necessary to urgently take national measures to combat surrogate alcohol and its illegal circulation, to actively counter domestic drunkenness and maintain a sober lifestyle.
See also
- ↑ "Born, suffered, died": Rosstat calculated the population decline in the "Year of the Family"
- ↑ The number of women of reproductive age in Russia decreased to 34.3 million
- ↑ Mikhail Mishustin's conversation with the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov
- ↑ Fertility continued to decline
- ↑ In Russia, an anti-record was recorded for the number of children born since the 1990s
- ↑ Well-being and availability of children in young families: assessment of the relationship
- ↑ Experts named six key reasons for the change in birth rate
- ↑ What is natural is lackluster. Deaths last year rose by almost twenty percent, population decline doubled
- ↑ The number of children born in the Russian Federation in 2020 has become the minimum since 2002
- ↑ [,-v-kakom-godu-na-svete-ne-ostanetsya-russ the
- ↑ Demographs calculated in which year there will be no Russians]
- ↑ %). The natural decline in the population of Russia has decreased to 600 thousand people
- ↑ Named regions leading in population growth
- ↑ Russia loses population: natural decline grew by 20% over the year
- ↑ Murashko announced the lowest child mortality rates in Russia
- ↑ Life expectancy in the Russian Federation in 2023 amounted to 73.46 years
- ↑ In Russia, more than 19 thousand children were born using the IVF procedure since the beginning of 2022
- ↑ [ Infant mortality in Russia is lower for the first time than in Canada]
- ↑ Mortality from old age in Russia decreased by 60.2% in 2022
- ↑ The natural decline in the population of Russia has decreased to 600 thousand people
- ↑ Male mortality rates aged 35-40 years are twice as high as female mortality rates
- ↑ Russia in 2021 reached a minimum in infant mortality
- ↑ Mortality from alcohol poisoning in Russia has decreased
- ↑ Murashko: mortality from accidental alcohol poisoning in Russia over 12 years decreased by 60%
- ↑ Rosstat named the main causes of mortality amid a pandemic
- ↑ Heart patient
- ↑ Alcohol mortality increased in Russia
- ↑ The Ministry of Health noted a decrease in the mortality rate among children
- ↑ Mortality in Russia in 2020 became a record since 2008
- ↑ [ Rosstat called
- ↑ the
- ↑ number
- ↑ of
- ↑ deaths of Russians with COVID-19 in 2020]
- ↑ Lockdown 2020 almost did not affect mortality in car accidents
- ↑ Russia’s Covid death toll could be 70 per cent higher than official figure
- ↑ Onishchenko called FT statements about mortality in Russia from COVID-19 hype
- ↑ Ministry of Health announced a decrease in mortality in Russia
- ↑ galleries% 2F140737493783453% 2Fnormal% 2F1 Russians began to die more often from rare diseases and unidentified causes
- ↑ [ , the Academician of the Russian Academy
- ↑ called the "main killers" of Russians]
- ↑ , "the Ministry of Health stated an increase in mortality among pensioners