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2024/07/01 11:17:13

Tyumen region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Tyumen region - a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Ural Federal District. It covers an area of ​ ​ 160.1 thousand km ² (excluding the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Tyumen region


Administration of Kazan Municipal District

Administration of Tyumen Municipal District

Administration of the city of Tyumen

Tobolsk City Administration




Department of Informatization of the Tyumen Region


Digital maturity of the Tyumen region reached 85.7%

At the end of 2023, the total level of digital maturity of the Tyumen region reached 85.7%. At the same time, the region entered the leading group of Russian territories in digital transformation. This was announced on June 28, 2024 by the local Department of Informatization.

Since 2015, an intelligent transport system has been introduced in the Tyumen region. In addition, a solution for automation in the field of urban planning has been created: as of the end of 2023, it has been introduced in more than 50 regions. The region is one of the leaders in the development of artificial intelligence in Russia: it is planned to expand the range of applications of relevant technologies in the field of public administration.

Volodarsky Street 45, Tyumen

In 2023, as part of the Personnel for the Digital Economy initiative in the Tyumen Region, 3838 people underwent digital literacy training. 125 activities were carried out aimed at identifying and developing in children the abilities to engage in scientific (technical research) and creative (project) activities. At the same time, under the Expanding Horizons project from 2010 to 2023, more than 111 thousand people increased the level of digital literacy.

The region demonstrates high rates of socio-economic development, including due to the introduction of modern digital technologies in all spheres of life. We are consistently implementing measures aimed at increasing the availability and quality of digital services for citizens, introducing advanced technologies into the work of authorities, "says the governor of the region, Alexander Moor.

In addition, in 2023, the agricultural industry was included in the regional digital transformation strategy - in order to increase the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex processes by using modern digital technologies in data collection and processing. In general, the strategy provides for the implementation of 58 projects of the regional and federal levels for the introduction of digital technologies in 13 industries and determines 109 indicators of digital development of the Tyumen region.[1]

How digitalization is taking place in the Tyumen region. Results of the year

In 2023, within the framework of the Information Infrastructure project and the federal program to eliminate digital inequality, more than 15 thousand residents from small settlements of the Tyumen region received access to wireless Internet and cellular communications of the LTE/4G standard. This was announced on January 25, 2024 by the official portal of state authorities of the Tyumen region.

The national project "Digital Economy" has been implemented in the region since 2019. Since then, by the beginning of 2024, it was possible to improve the communication infrastructure in 588 villages and villages, where from 100 to 500 people live. In 2024, it is planned to install another 21 base stations (the total number of stations since the start of the project to eliminate digital inequality - 79).

More than 15 thousand residents from small settlements of the Tyumen region received access to wireless Internet and cellular communications

Thanks to the implementation of the Digital Public Administration program, residents of the region are fully available to receive all mass socially significant services in electronic form - without the need for personal visits to the authorities and the MPSC. In 2023, the share of such online applications was 52%. In addition, in 2023, the portal of services of the Tyumen region was modernized in terms of the introduction of a mechanism for paying charges using the payment infrastructure of public services. The share of payments using a state payment agent by the end of 2023 amounted to about 90% of the number of all payments.

The regional authorities continue to carry out import substitution in the field ON against the background of the departure of foreign suppliers from the Russian market. By the end of 2023, all regional socially significant information systems are built on freely distributed or domestic software products. The Digital Technologies project includes the implementation of measures to support regional IT companies. Tax benefits and other preferences continue to operate in 2024. The Personnel for the Digital Economy initiative covers many activities aimed at training future specialists for the IT industry.

The Information Security project provides for measures to increase the security of the information infrastructure and prevent targeted computer attacks. In 2023, about 50 million cyber attacks were recorded on regional information systems and services, none of which were successful. For comparison: in 2022, the number of hacker intrusions exceeded 90 million, and in 2021 it was approximately 120 million.[2]

The Governor of the Tyumen Region signed a strategy for digital transformation of the region

The Governor of the Tyumen Region Alexander Moor signed an updated strategy for the digital transformation of the region. The press service of the regional Department of Digitalization announced this on September 14, 2023.

The key areas of the strategy subject to accelerated digitalization include the "Rural economy" industry. The main task of the digital transformation of the industry is to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the processes of the agro-industrial complex due to the use of modern digital technologies in the collection and processing of data.

Governor of the Tyumen region Alexander Moor

The direction includes six projects, the implementation of which will ensure the completeness and reliability of various data on the situation in the agro-industrial complex, will reduce the time for providing state services for issuing tribal certificates, as well as partially provide documents in electronic form for receiving grants for the development of farms, the material and technical base of agricultural cooperatives and family farms.

In total, the updated strategy includes 58 projects to introduce digital technologies in 13 key industries and areas for the period up to 2024. The largest number of initiatives are implemented in the field of public administration, health, education and social sphere.

In addition, in accordance with the instructions of the governor, by the decision of the commission, a project office was created to introduce artificial intelligence technologies in the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Tyumen region.

The main tasks of the project office are to ensure effective interaction of authorities, local governments, educational, scientific and other organizations and enterprises in determining priority areas for the development and use of artificial intelligence technologies in the Tyumen region, as well as planning and coordinating activities for the development and implementation of AI solutions in the public administration industry.[3]

2022: Results of digitalization of the region summed up

In early February 2023, the director of the informatization department of the Tyumen region Stanislav Loginov announced some results of the development and introduction of digital technologies in the region in 2022. In particular, he noted the expansion of the regional strategy for digital transformation: if earlier it included six areas, now there are 12 of them: Education"," "," "Health care Urban Environment," "Transport and Logistics," "Public Administration," "Social Sphere," "Ecology and Environmental Management," "," "Security," Construction"Physical culture and sports," "Personnel management," "IT and infrastructure." All areas cover more than 50 regional and federal projects.

According to the Department of Informatization of the Tyumen Region, in 2022 the region reached a digital maturity of 78% with a planned value of 67%. In the context of industries, health care has the greatest importance - 90%. In comparison with the results for the 3rd quarter of 2022, the sphere of "Public Administration" in the indicator increased by 8.6% and reached a value of 80%. Indicators of other industries are also at a high level: "Urban economy and construction" - 68%, "Public transport" - 83%.

Director of the Department of Informatization of the Tyumen Region Stanislav Loginov

According to Loginov, in 2022, the Tyumen region also entered the leading group in the rating of leaders in digital transformation. It assesses the digital maturity of the region, working with a feedback platform as a tool for interacting with citizens, measures to support the IT industry, information security the operation of an interdepartmental electronic interaction system, the level of import independence ON and the transfer of mass socially significant services into electronic form.

Also, the Department of Informatization of the Tyumen Region drew attention to the development of IT personnel potential, the automation of education and the creation of infrastructure in schools. In 2022, the class network of the Center for Robotics and ACS of the Tyumen Region increased to 71 classes for teaching the basics of programming and robotics. For the period 2021-2022. work on the formation of IT infrastructure was completed in 100% of educational organizations in the region (183 educational organizations - 501 school buildings, including 95 educational organizations - 365 school buildings in 2022).

In 2022, services were implemented on the EPSU portal: "Registration to School," with its help more than 7 thousand applications were submitted, "Registration to College," which made it possible to send more than 7.5 thousand applications electronically and "Registration for the program of additional education." In total, 50 thousand applications in electronic form were sent through the service "Registration for the program of additional education" through EPGU and the Regional Navigator of Additional Education in 2022.

Another topic of Loginov's report was information security. According to him, in 2022, the largest share of cyber attacks in the Tyumen region fell on information systems available from the Internet. In second place in terms of the number are attacks through email.

During the year, we recorded attacks from various foreign ip addresses. Also during the year there were centralized attacks on state services, the portal of regional authorities, and individual information resources of authorities. All attacks were successfully repelled, "he said.

Also, the director of the informatization department of the Tyumen region said that in 2022 the level of software import independence in the region reached about 80%. At the same time, only 28 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have this level exceeding 60%.[4]



2024: 10th place in terms of IT mortgage issuance


"Regional Dispatch Department of the Power System of the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" (Tyumen RDU) - ODU of the Urals (branch of SO UES JSC)


Department of Subsoil Use and Ecology of Tyumen Region


Department of Culture of the Tyumen Region


Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

Universities of the Tyumen region

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Tyumen Medical Devices Plant (MIM)

Department of Health of the Tyumen Region


Organizations of Tyumen
