Pyt-Yakha District Clinical Hospital
Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation
10 Orthodox St.
Department of Health of the Tyumen Region
Government of the Tyumen region
Department of Social Development of the Tyumen Region
Regional Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People of the Tyumen region
Department of Public Procurement of the Tyumen Region (UGZ TO)
Administration of Kazan Municipal District
Department of agro-industrial complex of the Tyumen region
Department of Finance of the Tyumen Region
MFC of the Tyumen region
Department of Health of the Tyumen Region
Emergency Medical Station of Tyumen
Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the Tyumen Region
Pyt-Yakha District Clinical Hospital
City polyclinic No. 8 of the city of Tyumen
Department of Strategic Development of the Tyumen Region
Department of Informatization of the Tyumen Region
Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen region
Zavodoukovsky high educational school
Tyumen school No. 65
TRSIDRE (Tyumen Regional State Institute of Development of Regional Education)
Department of Investment Policy and State Support for Entrepreneurship of the Tyumen Region
Western Siberian Innovation Center of Tyumen Region
Capital Construction Department of the Tyumen Region
Administration of the Uporovsky municipal district
Regional hospital No. 4 (Ishim)
Administration of the Armizonsky municipal district
Department of Administration of the Sladkovsky Municipal district
Administration of the Berdyuzhsky municipal district
Department of Culture of the Tyumen Region
TONB GAUK - Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev
Tyumen Concert and Theater Association
Tyumen Philharmonic
Department of Forestry of the Tyumen Region
Department of Subsoil Use and Ecology of the Tyumen Region
Department of Property Relations of the Tyumen Region
Tyumen Regional Road and Operational Enterprise
Property Fund of the Tyumen Region
School Food Plant Central
Main Department of Construction of the Tyumen Region
Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Additional Education of the Tyumen Region
TsPSR for cross-country skiing and biathlon L.N. Noskova
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