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2025/03/24 16:56:27

Crime in Russia


Terrorism in Russia

Main article: Terrorism in Russia

Murders in Russia

Main article: Murders in Russia

Cyber crime

Main article: Cybercrime and cyber conflicts: Russia


Sexual assault

Main article: Sexual violence


Main article: Molestation


Main article: Forgery of documents

Economic crimes

Criminal cases in the IT market

Main article: Criminal cases in the information technology market of Russia


Main article: Carjacking

Crime in Moscow

Main article: Crime in Moscow

Prisons in Russia

Main article: Prisons and colonies in Russia

Confiscation of property in Russia

Main article: Confiscation of property in Russia



Compensation for damage from crimes in the amount of 346 billion rubles

More than 346 billion rubles. damage from crimes was compensated in Russia in 2024, which is 55% of the total damage. This was reported in March 2025 by the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia. Almost 60% provided compensation for damage caused by crimes in the housing and communal services sector (over 6.5 billion rubles), in criminal cases of abuse and theft of funds allocated for the overhaul of apartment buildings, on illegal actions of authorities officials, on illegal actions of employees of management companies and HOAs.[1]

The number of tax crimes in Russia for the year decreased by 6%

In 2024, 4639 tax crimes were registered in Russia. This is 6% less compared to 2023, when the number of such acts was 4935. Such data are contained in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025. Read more here.

929.7 thousand crimes were not solved during the year

At the end of 2024, 929.7 thousand crimes remained unsolved in Russia (from among the acts, cases and materials about which were in production). This is 2% more than in 2023. Such data are contained in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

In the total mass of unsolved episodes, grave and especially grave crimes account for 33.1% (307.3 thousand) against 32.8% a year earlier. 381 murders and attempted murder remained unsolved (plus 62.8% on an annualized basis), 293 facts of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (minus 12.8%), 283.6 thousand thefts (minus 18.4%), 2.2 thousand robberies (minus 37.2%) and 115 robberies (minus 20.7%).

929.7 thousand crimes were not solved in Russia for the year

In 2024, law enforcement officers failed to disclose 520.7 thousand acts committed on a large (significant) scale or caused major damage committed on an especially large scale or associated with the extraction of income on an especially large scale: according to this indicator, a decrease of 2.7% was noted compared to 2023. 14.2 thousand economic crimes were not disclosed, as well as about 6 thousand environmental crimes. In addition, 643 crimes of a terrorist nature (minus 11.1% on an annualized basis) and 99 crimes of an extremist nature (minus 2%) were not disclosed. Approximately 902.3 thousand crimes (plus 1.5% compared to 2023) remained unsolved due to the unidentified person to be brought in as an accused. The regions with the highest growth rates in the number of unsolved crimes included the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra) - Ugra (67.5% compared to 2023), the Republic of Mordovia (plus 67.1%) and the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (plus 62.1[2]

57.1% of crimes are committed by those who have previously done so

In 2024, more than half - 57.1% - of the investigated crimes were committed by persons who had previously committed illegal acts. In absolute terms, 513,915 such episodes were recorded, which is 13.8% less than in the previous year. Of this mass, 120,620 cases accounted for grave and especially grave crimes. Such data are contained in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

It is reported that in 2024, almost every fifth (19.8%) crime in Russia was committed while intoxicated: 178,533 such episodes were recorded, which is 20% less than in 2023. Of these, 35,333 crimes belong to the category of grave and especially grave: according to this indicator, a decrease of 18% was noted on an annualized basis. The number of acts committed in a state of drug intoxication over the year decreased by 7.2% - to 6682 cases, of which grave and especially grave were 4195 incidents (minus 3.1% year-on-year).

57.1% of crimes in Russia are committed by those who have previously done this

Minors or with their complicity in 2024 committed 2.9% of all crimes: 26,398 episodes were recorded, which is 3.4% less compared to 2023. At the same time, the number of grave and especially grave acts rose by 11.3%, reaching 10,494 cases.

An organized group or criminal community (criminal organization) in 2024 committed 38,067 crimes (4.2% of the total number of acts), which is 19.6% more than the previous year. At the same time, the number of grave and especially grave acts rose by 17.1%, amounting to 36,076. A group of persons by prior conspiracy committed 74,559 crimes, or 8.3% of the total: in this category, a decrease of 4.3% was recorded year-on-year. Of these, 51,477 cases (plus 3.1%) accounted for grave and especially grave acts[3]

Reduction in the number of crimes committed by foreigners by 0.9% to 38.59 thousand

In 2024, 38.59 thousand crimes were committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia. This is 0.9% less than in the previous year, when the figure was 38.95 thousand. Such data are contained in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in mid-March 2025.

The material says that in 2024, 32.71 thousand crimes committed by citizens of the CIS member states were recorded in Russia: according to this value, there is an increase of 0.6% on an annualized basis. The proportion of such acts amounted to about 84.8% in the total mass of episodes involving foreign citizens and stateless persons. At the same time, in 2024, 11.66 thousand crimes against foreign citizens and stateless persons were recorded in the Russian Federation, which is 17.2% less than in 2023.

The number of crimes committed by foreigners has decreased in Russia

Law enforcement officers in 2024 identified 29.06 thousand foreign citizens and stateless persons who committed crimes. This is 3.8% less than the previous year. About 24.74 thousand such persons are citizens of the CIS member states. In the total mass of these persons, 237 are minors.

According to the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, the crimes of migrants pose a threat to the country's security. According to him, such acts are often committed by persons who are in an illegal position, move uncontrollably throughout the country and systematically violate the requirements of migration legislation. Bastrykin said that foreigners "committed 253 crimes of a terrorist nature - this is more than in 2023."

Of particular concern are the criminal encroachments of migrants on children - during this period of time [2024], more than 1,500 different types of crimes committed by migrants against minors were uncovered, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia added.[4]

In Russia, the number of economic crimes increased by 0.2% over the year to 105,437

In 2024, 105,437 economic crimes were recorded in Russia - this is 0.2% more compared to the previous year. The proportion of such acts in the total number of registered was 5.5%. Statistics are given in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

Material damage from these crimes (in completed and suspended criminal cases) in 2024 amounted to 295.7 billion rubles. Grave and especially grave crimes in the total number of identified acts of economic orientation amounted to 64.3%, or 67,768 episodes. In addition, 30,184 episodes of corruption were recorded. In the total mass of crimes, 24,838 were committed using information and telecommunication technologies or in the field of computer information.

The number of economic crimes has increased in Russia

Units of the internal affairs bodies identified 83.8 thousand crimes of an economic orientation, their share in the total mass was 79.5%. Of the economic crimes, cases and materials about which were in production in 2024, 77,571 episodes were disclosed, which is 0.2% less compared to 2023.

4639 tax crimes were recorded - this is 6% less on an annualized basis. In 2024, 266 cases of petty commercial bribery and 6,247 episodes of petty bribery were established. According to these indicators, there was a decrease by 52.9% and 2.5% year-on-year, respectively. 5115 cases of the manufacture, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities, as well as 1058 episodes of legalization (laundering) of funds or other property acquired by a person as a result of a crime committed by him or acquired by other persons by criminal means were recorded.[5]

Reduction in the number of apartment thefts by 28.7% to 14.6 thousand cases

In 2024, 14.6 thousand apartment thefts were registered in Russia. This is 28.7% less than in the previous year, when about 20.5 thousand such crimes were committed. Statistics are given in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

In 2024, employees of the internal affairs bodies identified 14,547 apartment thefts - 28.7% less in relation to 2023. Of such crimes, cases and materials about which were in production, 8998 acts were disclosed, which corresponds to a decrease of 30% on an annualized basis. The disclosure rate was 59.6%.

The number of apartment thefts in Russia for the year decreased by 28.7%

The material says that in 2024 in Russia a total of 53,347 thefts were recorded in housing, premises or other storage facilities: the decrease compared to the previous year was 31.4%. In the total mass of these acts, 17,762 cases were associated with penetration into dwellings of different types, which is 30.4% less on an annualized basis. Throughout the group of thefts with illegal entry, 53,024 crimes were identified by employees of the internal affairs bodies - minus 31.5% year-on-year. Of such crimes, cases and materials about which were in production, 25,106 episodes were revealed, which is 32.9% less than in 2023. The disclosure rate is 45.1%.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, in 2024 in the Russian capital the number of apartment thefts decreased by 25.1% compared to the previous year. It is noted that the Moscow government, together with law enforcement agencies, continues the integrated development of the city video surveillance system. It plays an important role in ensuring security in the capital, in preventing the commission of illegal acts, as well as in solving crimes.[6]

2.8% increase in fraud cases to 445,690 episodes

In 2024, 445,690 cases of fraud were registered in Russia (Articles 159-159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which is 2.8% more compared to the previous year. This is stated in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, with which TAdviser got acquainted in early March 2025.

The material says that in 2024, 380,344 cases of fraud were recorded in Russia, which were committed using information and telecommunication technologies or in the field of computer information. The growth compared to the previous year was 6.8%. In the total mass of such acts, fraud using electronic means of payment (Article 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) accounted for 273 episodes, which is 88.9% less compared to 2023. In addition, 309 cases of fraud in the field of computer information (Article 159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) were registered - minus 25.9% on an annualized basis.

The number of crimes related to fraud has increased in Russia

In 2024, as stated in the review of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in public places and on the streets, as well as on roads, highways outside settlements, 3267 cases of fraud were recorded (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which is 31.1% less than in 2023. 1619 such acts were previously investigated (minus 38.5% on an annualized basis). 1267 fraudulent incidents were registered on transport (Articles 159-159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) with an increase of 3.6% compared to 2023.

Of the crimes, cases and materials about which were in production in 2024, 70,924 cases of fraud were disclosed (minus 6.2% year-on-year). In addition, 7883 fraudulent incidents that occurred in previous years (minus 15.9%) were disclosed: of these, 4577 cases were frauds using information and telecommunication technologies (minus 14.4%) and 14 cases - fraud using electronic means of payment (minus 71.4% compared to 2023).[7]

The number of robberies decreased by 16.3% to 2813 cases, robberies - by 20.7% to 17,622 cases

In 2024, 2813 cases of robbery were registered in Russia - this is 16.3% less than in 2023. Year-on-year robberies fell by 20.7%, amounting to 17,622 cases. In addition, 499,642 thefts were committed, which is 14.3% less than a year by year. Such data are contained in the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

Of the crimes, cases and materials about which were in production in 2024, 2982 robberies, 15,133 robberies and 211,321 thefts were disclosed. On an annualized basis, these indicators showed a decrease of 19.7%, 23.9% and 15.8%, respectively.

The number of robberies in Russia decreased by 16.3%, robberies - by 20.7%

It is reported that in 2024, 10.7% of thefts, 3.8% of robberies and 13.8% of robberies were associated with illegal entry into a dwelling, premises or other storage facility. In particular, 14.6 thousand apartment thefts were recorded, which is 28.7% less compared to 2023. On the streets, squares, parks and squares, 5.6 thousand robberies were registered (minus 26.3% on an annualized basis), 68.7 thousand thefts (minus 22.5% compared to 2023) and 974 robberies (minus 18.4%). 13 robberies (minus 27.8%) and 30 robberies (minus 14.3%) were committed on roads and highways outside settlements.

In transport in 2024, 34 robberies were recorded, which is 8.1% less in relation to 2023. In addition, 102 robberies occurred - minus 35% on an annualized basis. The number of thefts on transport decreased by 13%, amounting to 7765 cases. The report also says that in 2024, 852 cases of theft of goods on railway, air and water transport were registered, which is 26.1% less compared to 2023. In addition, 6,107 vehicles were stolen (minus 11% compared to 2023), including 3,046 vehicles (minus 19.5%).[8]

1.8% reduction in crime

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia recorded a 1.8% decrease in the number of reported crimes in 2024. The press service of the department TAdviser got acquainted with such data in January 2025.

According to TASS, the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk reported a reduction in the number of illegal acts against the person by 7.7%. The number of murders and attempted murders decreased by 9.8%, and cases of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm - by 8.1%.

Crime in
Russia for the year decreased by 1.8%

According to the ministry, the number of street robberies decreased by 18.4%, robberies - by 26.3%, thefts - by 22.5%. In transport, the number of crimes registered by the internal affairs bodies decreased by 8.5% compared to 2023.

As a result of joint preventive work of the police with other departments and public organizations, it was possible to reduce the number of offenses among minors, intoxicated persons and previously convicted citizens.

The number of crimes committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons decreased by 0.9%. The number of illegal actions against foreigners decreased by 17.2%.

The above results of operational and service activities were achieved, despite the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia works in conditions of a significant shortage of personnel, "Irina Volk emphasized.

In the field of combating drug crime, an increase in the detection and suppression of offenses was noted: by 51.4% the number of solved crimes related to the transfer of drugs increased, by 37.5% - with their smuggling, by 11.1% - with production and by 7% - with sales.

In 2024, police officers seized more than 28 tons of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues, as well as potent substances from illegal circulation. These indicators demonstrate the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in countering drug crime.[9]

Ranking of regions by crime rate

In mid-January 2025, the Ministry of Internal Affairs published a rating of Russian regions in terms of crime. The lowest figure was recorded in the Chechen Republic, while the worst situation is in the Republic of Karelia.

According to published data, 1.91 million crimes were registered in Russia in 2024, which is 1.8% less than in 2023. The total number of crimes decreased in 57 regions, while in 40 regions there was a decrease in the number of grave and especially grave crimes.

Ranking of regions by crime rate

The least crimes in 2024 occurred Chechen Republic in - about 17 cases per 10 thousand inhabitants. However, compared to 2023, the figure increased by 15.6%. In second place in the ranking is the Republic Ingushetia with a result of almost 37 crimes per 10 thousand population and a decrease of 8.4% on an annualized basis. The Republic closes the top three Dagestan with an indicator of 43 crimes and a decrease of 1.1%. The top ten regions of the Russian Federation with the lowest crime rate is as follows:

  1. Chechen Republic - 16.6 (crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants);
  2. Republic of Ingushetia - 36.8;
  3. Republic of Dagestan - 42.9;
  4. Kabardino-Balkar Republic - 76.8;
  5. Ryazan region - 78.4;
  6. Moscow region - 80.5;
  7. Republic of Adygea - 90;
  8. Ulyanovsk region - 91.4;
  9. Belgorod region - 95.9;
  10. Moscow - 99.6.

The highest crime rate was recorded in the Republic of Karelia - 214.5 crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants: this is 1.3% more compared to 2023. In addition, high rates were noted Nenets Autonomous Okrug in and in - Altai Republic 207.7 crimes (plus 7.5%) and 203.4 crimes (minus 2.8%), respectively. Data on,, and DPR LPR Zaporozhskaya Hersonskaya areas are not presented.[10]

The installer of cameras in hotels in Crimea received 13 years in prison for providing the SBU with access to them

On December 6, 2024, it became known that the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea sentenced Dmitry Pospelov, a resident of the Krasnodar Territory, to 13 years in prison in a maximum security colony for high treason. The convict provided the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) with access to video surveillance cameras in the hotels of the peninsula. Read more here.

The number of migrant crimes decreased by 3% in 9 months to 30,231

According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the total number of crimes committed by foreigners in the nine months of 2024 decreased by 3.1% and amounted to 30,231 crimes. The number of migrants who committed these crimes decreased by 4.3% (22,762 ).

Interestingly, there are 7,469 fewer defendants than the crimes they committed. The difference is due to a special counting system in the field of drug trafficking.

Drug "bookmarks" qualify as a separate independent crime. They caught the courier, found 20 bookmark packages with him and received 20 crimes per person. And such sales revealed 5,566.

Serious crimes increased by 19.7% - 6,456, but the number of especially serious crimes decreased by 21.1% - 6,548 crimes. This includes 1209 corruption, and 88 crimes - extremist.

Document fraud increased by 14.6% ( from 4,520 to 5,181), and economic crimes by 23.5% ( from 1,790 to 2,211).

Another worrying position is an increase of 2% in crimes against sexual inviolability - 861 cases. Compared to 2023, there are 9 more rapes and 32 more depraved acts.

In other categories, such as property damage (that is, theft, robbery, robbery) and attempted murder and murder, there is a decrease of 5.8%, which significantly corrected the statistics.

67 lawyers became defendants in criminal cases in Russia for the year

In 2023, 67 lawyers were prosecuted in Russia. These statistics were announced at the end of June 2024 by the Federal Chamber of Lawyers (FPA) of the Russian Federation. Read more here.

In Russia, a scheme for tax evasion through Telegram bots has been identified. Damage to the budget estimated at 9 billion rubles

In Russia, a scheme for tax evasion through Telegram has been identified. It became known at the end of January 2024. Read more here.


The increase in the number of those convicted of treason doubled to 39 accused

Russian courts in 2023 sentenced 48 defendants under articles of treason and espionage, more than double the 2022 figures. This became known from the statistics of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court, which TAdviser got acquainted with in December 2024.

According to TASS, 39 Russians were convicted of high treason, 9 foreign citizens were convicted of espionage, two more people were sentenced for cooperation with foreign organizations on a confidential basis.

The number of those convicted of treason has doubled in Russia

The increase in the number of sentences is associated with the expansion of the crime of high treason in 2022, when it was attributed to the transition to the side of the enemy in the context of hostilities. In June 2023, the punishment was toughened up to life imprisonment.

Lawyer Oleg Yeliseyev notes that the bulk of the cases initiated are related to the provision of financial and other assistance to foreign armed forces, which is a new form of treason according to changes in the Criminal Code.

Among those convicted of treason in 2023 are 71-year-old professor MIPTaleriy Golubkin, an employee of a defense enterprise from the Nizhny Novgorod region, accused of trying to transfer information about scientific developments abroad, and Rostov businessman Alexander Derkunsky, who was charged with selling a special software and hardware complex.

According to Tatyana Zavyalova, a member of the Russian Bar Association, the statistics of those convicted of treason can change only after the completion of current hostilities.

Most of the criminal cases in which sentences were passed in 2023 were initiated before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. In 2022, the courts found 16 people guilty of high treason, one of espionage.

Treason cases relate to various forms of illegal activity, from the transfer of classified information to assistance to foreign special services. Each case is considered in a special order, taking into account the severity of the crime and the circumstances of its commission.[11]

In Russia, there are noticeably more spies and saboteurs

In April 2024, the judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation published statistics for the previous year. From these materials it follows that there are significantly more spies and saboteurs in the country, but the number of extremists has decreased.

As Kommersant writes with reference to the report of the judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in 2023, 50 people were convicted in Russia under the article on discrediting the army (Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which is more than 10 times higher than the previous year. Of these, nine people were sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years, the rest escaped with a fine.

Almost fivefold in 2023, the number of people convicted of inaccurate information about the Russian Armed Forces increased - 65 accused appeared before the court. 30 of them were sentenced to imprisonment, and two - to terms ranging from eight to ten years.

In the case of justifying terrorism in 2023, 345 people were convicted in Russia, 281 people were convicted of public calls for a violent change in the constitutional order. 101 people were sentenced for organizing a banned extremist organization, 181 for participating in the activities of liquidated organizations, and 4 for participating in the activities of an undesirable organization.

The number of sentences for espionage is from one to 9 people. Two sentences were also passed for cooperation with foreign special services. 12 people were convicted of sabotage.

Professor of Moscow State University Leonid Golovko, in a conversation with the newspaper, called such an increase in statistics "absolutely natural in wartime conditions." It is clear that the intensification of processes occurs not only at the front, he says, recruitment, data collection and even information attacks - all this is naturally activated, as well as the fight against such phenomena.[12]

Increase in the number of cases of forced labor sentenced to 5 times

Judges in Russia have become five times more likely to impose forced labor on convicts as punishment. This was announced on April 2, 2024 by Interfax with reference to the acting Chairman of the Supreme Court of the FPM Serkov.

The number of convicts increased 5 times, who were assigned forced labor as an alternative to imprisonment, from 3600 to 17300 people, Serkov said.

Judges in Russia have become five times more likely to appoint forced labor as punishment for convicts

In addition, acting Chairman noted a decrease in the number of satisfied applications for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention by 6%. Also, judges became 11% less likely to extend the terms of arrests by the accused.

In total, 39 million cases were considered by courts in Russia in 2023. This is 2 million less than in 2022. According to Serkov, this is due to a decrease in the number of administrative cases by more than 2 times, as well as a decrease in the number of cases of administrative violations from 7.3 million to 6.1 million cases.

When working out forced labor, the convict lives in a correctional center under the supervision of the authorities. He can get to work by public transport, have a phone and pocket money. Of the requirements - compliance with the regime and a ban on alcohol.

Recently, the law allows the employment of convicts to forced labor not only for enterprises, but also for individual entrepreneurs. According to the FSIN, the average earnings of a convict to forced labor is 24 thousand rubles.

Over the past three years, thanks to the joint work of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and business communities, the Institute of Forced Labor has begun to fully function. To date, more than 50 thousand places have been created - said the head of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Konstantin Chuichenko (quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta).[13]

1% reduction in crime

The number of crimes registered in Russia in 2023 decreased by 1% compared to 2022. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, published in February 2024.

The department notes that in 2023 the trend of past years in terms of reducing crime remained. In 2023, the number of crimes against the person decreased by 5.3%, including murders and attempted murders - by 2.1%, the facts of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm - by 4%.

The number of crimes registered in Russia in 2023 decreased by 1%

There is a decrease in the number of registered robberies by 15.4%, robberies - by 23.9%, thefts - by 16.4%, including apartment robberies - by 24.6%, vehicle thefts - by 23.6% and their thefts - by 8.6%.92.8% of all registered crimes are detected by the internal affairs bodies, and 6.1% of them are at the stage of preparation and attempt.

In January-December 2023, more than 997 thousand crimes were solved by law enforcement agencies in Russia. 79.5% of them were investigated by employees of the internal affairs bodies.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the detection rate of crimes such as murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, rape and robbery remains at a high level and exceeds 96%.

In public places in 2023, 17.5% of crimes were registered less than a year earlier, including on the streets, squares, parks and squares - by 22%. The number of street robberies decreased by 12.2%, robberies - by 24.5%, thefts - by 22.9%. In cooperation with interested departments and organizations, security at transport infrastructure facilities has been strengthened. Compared to January-December 2022, the number of crimes registered by the internal affairs bodies in transport decreased by 8.6%. For 12 months of 2023, foreign citizens and stateless persons committed 3% less crimes than in 2022.[14]


The number of crimes in the field of public procurement in Russia has doubled

In 2022, more than 1,100 criminal offenses in the field of public procurement were committed in Russia, which is about twice as much as a year earlier. Such data on October 23, 2023 was presented by Dmitry Matveev, Deputy Head of the Office for Combating Corruption Crimes in the Field of Use and Distribution of Budget Funds of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, at a meeting on the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses in the field of public procurement in the Federation Council. Read more here.

Regions of the Russian Federation with the highest crime rate named

In August 2023, experts from the "To be precise" project of the "Need Help" charitable foundation published a rating of the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of crime.

As Kommersant writes with reference to this study, compiled on the basis of data for 2022, experts included 21 regions in the list of unfavorable crime rates. The most difficult situation is recorded in the Republic of Tuva, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Experts of the project "To be precise" published a rating of the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of crime

Experts noted that in the four regions that are among the least prosperous since 2014, low living standards, low urbanization, strong migration outflow of the population and the "intensive presence of former prisoners."

So, in Tuva, the number of people killed per 100 thousand of the population is about 20 people who died and received serious harm to health - 186 people.

The most prosperous Russian regions from the position of reducing the crime rate were the Moscow and Ryazan regions, Adygea and the Republic of Kalmykia.

Analysts of the project "To be precise" note the increase in crimes committed in the Russian Federation by migrants. In 2022, 291 murders committed by foreign citizens were previously investigated. A year earlier - 247. Thus, the growth was 18%. The number of "grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim" decreased from 107 in 2021 to 89 in 2022.

Experts draw attention to the fact that most of all - by 72% - in 2022 in Russia the number of crimes related to drug trafficking increased (from 4.5 thousand in 2021 to 7.8 thousand in 2022). As in previous years, more than half of reported crimes are theft and fraud. The level of almost all violent crimes has also decreased, the researchers note, with the exception of the category "murder and attempted murder" (in 2022 they were registered 7.6 thousand against 7.3 thousand in 2021).[15]

The number of thefts in Russian stores increased by 20%

The number of thefts in Russian stores in 2022 increased by about 18-20% compared to the previous year. This was announced in mid-June 2023 by the profile portal Shopper's.

According to Infoline CEO Ivan Fedyakov, in some grocery stores, losses reach 3-5% of revenue. Therefore, outlets are increasingly installing locks and other antiracial protection on cheese, alcohol and other goods.

The number of thefts in Russian stores for the year increased by 20%

The representative of the Lenta network reports an increase in cases of group theft and theft by professional shoplifters. Vkusville said that the shortage is only 10% of the total number of losses (which includes write-offs and markdowns of goods).

Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Retail Companies Igor Karavaev clarifies that the problem of theft in stores always escalates during crisis periods. And, according to him, this is a trend of a global nature, not individual countries.

The number of thefts is growing especially noticeably in small settlements, says Ivan Babukhadze, director of the Union of Independent Networks. Loginov named the products that are stolen most often: alcohol, delicatessen types of cheeses and meat products, clothing of famous brands, perfume and premium cosmetics. Karavaev added confectionery, coffee, shoes and small sports accessories to this list.

Chairman of the Board of the Association of Retail Market Experts Andrei Karpov, in a conversation with Kommersant FM, noted that most often attackers are interested in expensive and small goods, but sometimes they manage to steal alcohol. It is a division of thieves into two types:

  • shoplifters are a movement when they steal not because of a difficult economic situation, but because they want to prove something to someone and, of course, then brag about it on social networks;
  • people whose financial situation has deteriorated, and they are thus trying to provide themselves with food.[16][17][18][19]

The number of convicted  crimes in the economic sphere increased to almost 10 thousand people

  Irina Pankina, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation, said in May 2023 that in recent years the number of people convicted of crimes in the economic sphere is only growing: in 2020   - 6.5 thousand, in 2021 - 8 thousand,  and in 2022 - almost 10 thousand.

3-4% increase in domestic violence

In the Russian Federation, at the end of 2022, an increase in the level of domestic violence was recorded by 3-4% compared to the previous year. Such data were released in early May 2023.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, referring to a study by the Travmpunct human rights project, a large-scale surge in domestic violence in Russia due to the current geopolitical situation is not observed. The authors of the study analyzed the data for 2022 released by the judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is noted that there is no special accounting of family and household offenses in Russia, so the employees of the "Emergency Center" studied the cases initiated under the articles under which they are most often prosecuted for such crimes.

Recorded an increase in the level of domestic violence by 3-4%

In particular, under the article "Beatings" (6.1.1. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) Russian courts in 2022 considered 170,608 cases. At the same time, 108,420 people were brought to justice. For most of the convicts, a penalty was determined in the form of a fine, the average amount of which amounted to 5410 rubles - this slightly exceeds the minimum penalty under the relevant article.

Criminal cases related to domestic violence in 2022 were most often initiated under the articles "Intentional infliction of minor harm to health" (part 1 of article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), "Beating by a person subjected to administrative punishment" (article 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and "Torture" (part 1 of article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On an annualized basis, the number of such cases has remained virtually unchanged.

However, experts suggest that when studying the problem, the data of the judicial department may not be representative. Experts say that the level of violence in society is gradually growing, and the impact of the current geopolitical situation can be assessed only after the servicemen return home.[20]

Based on the materials of Rosfinmonitoring in 2022, 1.3 thousand criminal cases were initiated

During 2022, according to the materials of Rosfinmonitoring (RFM), more than 6 thousand investigations in the credit and financial sector were carried out, of which more than 20% ended in the initiation of criminal cases. This was announced on March 17, 2023 by the deputy director of the RFM Oleg Krylov. Read more here.

The courts heard 5,800 criminal cases against businessmen; 27% of them are closed

By the end of 2022, the courts in Russia stopped 27% of criminal cases against businessmen. This was announced in mid-February 2023 by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Lebedev at a meeting of chairmen of republican, regional, regional, arbitration and military courts following the work of the judicial system in 2022 with the participation of the President of Russia.

According to statistics cited by Lebedev, in 2022 the courts considered 5800 cases of this category in relation to 6600 persons, 73% were convicted. A preventive measure in the form of imprisonment was assigned to 6% of convicts.

Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

On February 14, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that an important issue is the protection of entrepreneurs from unjustified criminal prosecution and the guarantee of their safety under sanctions.

The judiciary, through law enforcement practice, has always influenced the formation of a favorable business investment climate in our country. Today, in the conditions of sanctions aggression, you cannot say otherwise, this is especially important against Russia. And in this regard, the question of legislative guarantees for the protection of entrepreneurs from unjustified criminal prosecution again arises, - said the head of state.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the internal affairs bodies in 2022 revealed 81.8% of the total number of registered crimes of an economic orientation and 74% of criminal acts of a corruption orientation.

According to TASS, the head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Lieutenant General Andrei Kurnosenko, has not changed the nature of economic crimes in the context of external sanctions pressure on Russia in 2022.

Even the sanctions themselves have some influence, but measures taken to compensate for the consequences of these sanctions. At the same time, this influence also carries a small volume, at the level of statistical error of the criminogenic situation. It will be more correct to talk not about changes, but about shifting emphasis and priorities, "he explained.

According to him, in 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed more than 64 thousand economic crimes. On a large and especially large scale, more than 22.5 thousand crimes were committed. The amount of material damage caused amounted to 183 billion rubles. At the same time, property was seized, voluntarily repaid, or property, money and valuables worth over 230 billion rubles were seized.[21]

The number of crimes under the article on drug production increased by 42%

The number of crimes under the article on drug production in Russia in 2022 increased by 42% compared to 2021. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which were published at the end of January 2023. Read more here.

1.9% reduction in crime

The number of registered crimes in 2022 in Russia decreased by 1.9% compared to 2021. This was reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2023.

According to the ministry, the number of grave and especially grave crimes in 2022 decreased by 4.1%. The number of crimes against the person decreased by 5.5%, including the facts of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm - by 2.8%, rape and attempted rape - by 4.2%.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs notes a decrease in the number of robberies registered in 2022 by 10.5%, robberies - by 7.1%, thefts - by 4.8%, including apartment robberies - by 7.5%, thefts of vehicles - by 19.6% and their thefts - by 9.3%, criminal hooliganism - by 13%.

The number of crimes in Russia has decreased over the year

From the message of the department it follows that in 2022 more than a million crimes were solved by law enforcement agencies. 79.8% of them were investigated by employees of the internal affairs bodies. The detection rate of murders, intentional inflictions of grievous bodily harm, robberies, robberies, thefts, fraud has increased.

The number of registered crimes at transport facilities decreased by 4.1%, including acts against the person - by 26.2%. On the streets, squares, in parks and squares in 2022, 3.9% less crimes were committed than a year earlier. The number of street robberies decreased by 6.6%, robberies - by 11.5%, thefts - by 3.9%.

The number of criminal offenses involving minors decreased by 4.4%, committed by citizens in a state of alcoholic intoxication - by 12.5%, in a state of drug intoxication - by 18.5%. In many ways, this is the result of preventive work, which is carried out by district police commissioners and juvenile inspectors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.[22]

The Prosecutor General's Office named the leading regions in the number of crimes

According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, which were published at the end of January 2023, according to the results of 2022, the largest number of crimes in Russia was committed in Moscow - 138,100. This is 3.75% less than a year earlier.

As RBC writes with reference to the information and analytical portal of legal statistics of the General Prosecutor's Office, the Krasnodar Territory (2022), Moscow Region (77,125), St. Petersburg (74,054) and Chelyabinsk Region (62,971) entered the five most criminal regions in 62,844. In 2021, these regions occupied the same positions as in the past, except that in 2022 St. Petersburg overtook the Chelyabinsk region.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation named the five most criminal regions in 2022

In economic crime statistics, leadership is located in a similar sequence. In Moscow, 10,709 such violations of the law were revealed, in the Krasnodar Territory - 4530, and in the Moscow region - 3697.

It is noted that in the capital, law enforcement officers identified 34,705 criminals, in the Moscow region - 37,046, in the Krasnodar Territory - 28,825.

The leader in the increase in the number of crimes in 2022 was the Yaroslavl region - 14.3% more violations of the law were revealed here than in 2021. The second place is taken by the Tomsk region (10.5%) and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (8.8%).

In total, 1 million 966 thousand crimes were committed in Russia in 2022. This is 1.88% less than last year. The indicator of extremist crimes has grown significantly - by 48.16%. The total number of such crimes in Russia in 2022 is 1566. Security officials identified 16.5% more people involved in extremism. Their number was 1078 people. 1,166 criminal cases were sent to the court under articles on extremism.[23]

The number of crimes committed by foreigners in Russia increased by 10.3%

The number of crimes committed by foreigners in Russia in 2022 increased by 10.3% compared to 2021 - up to 40.2 thousand. This was announced at the end of January 2023 by the State Secretary - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov at a meeting of the State Duma.

According to him, crime among migrants accounted for 3.9% of crimes committed in 2022 in Russia. At the same time, the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs added that Russia needs foreign citizens, and it is impossible to isolate from them.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported an increase in the crime rate among migrants for the year by 10.3%

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said at a government hour in the State Duma on October 19, 2022 that an increase in the number of criminal manifestations among foreigners was recorded in the country. According to him, 80% of the increase in the share of crimes is associated with the field of drug trafficking.

At the end of December 2022, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Leksander Bastrykin, also reported an increase in crime committed by foreigners in Russia. At the same time, he noted that foreigners commit more serious and especially grave crimes by a third: murders - by 16%, rapes - by 12%.

There are significantly more migrants in Russia in 2022 than in 2021. Previously, the pandemic [coronavirus COVID-19] did not allow them to come to work. Naturally, the number of crimes in this regard has increased. The law of large numbers: the more people, the more crimes, "said Vyacheslav Postavnin, head of the Center for Analytical and Practical Research of Migration Processes.

Most often, foreigners commit crimes in the regions of their compact residence and in large retail outlets in cities where migrants are employed, a representative of one of the police units to combat property crimes told Izvestia.

We often face thefts, robberies, robberies committed by foreigners in major cities. Ethnic enclaves often act as a kind of criminal exchange: some drag bank cards, others quickly run around stores with them, buying up long-term products. Purchases are made up to 1000 rubles, so they do not require the introduction of a pin code, the source says.[24]

Luring entrepreneurs outside Russia and torture for robbery

The Kuzminsky Court of Moscow in December 2022 sentenced a 33-year-old web designer from Tyumen to ten years in prison, who offered businessmen to negotiate investments abroad, after which the criminals robbed the visiting entrepreneurs.

The convict's name is Andrei Ferris, he was a member of an organized criminal group (organized crime group). The group consisted of specialists who had "broad knowledge for the remote theft of victims' funds" and fighters with "skills to exert physical influence on a person using special means."

Ferris found wealthy victims for the organized crime group with the help of publications. One of the victims, 35-year-old businessman Andrei Konovalov, told the court that an article in Russian Forbes from June 2019 attracted the attention of the criminals to him. The material was called "How a programmer from the Urals earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from the sale of a Soviet dietary supplement in California," after the publication he received several commercial proposals, including a letter from a "group of private investors," and the reality of bandits from Russia.

Ferris convinced the businessman that the issue of investments worth more than $1 million should be resolved by Mikhail, who cannot leave Thailand. The victim noted that ten days later he flew to Bangkok, where Ferris took him to the villa and began to torture him. The total damage amounted to almost 6 million rubles.

A resident of Novosibirsk received 6 years in prison for embezzlement of 50 million rubles earned on cryptocurrency

In November 2022, the Railway District Court Novosibirsk sentenced a 33-year-old man who was accused of stealing a bag with money received from the sale. cryptocurrencies More. here


In 2 years, 2680 women died from domestic violence in Russia

In 2020-2021. in Russia, 2680 women died from domestic violence, which is 70.9% and 71.1% of all cases of murders of representatives of the weaker sex in the country, respectively. Such statistics in mid-August 2022 were published by the Human Rights Consortium of Women's NGOs (engaged in legal support for victims of domestic violence). He analyzed 11,175 new sentences posted in the public domain on the state automated system "Justice" and the website of the Moscow City Court.

The number of cases involving the murder of women in a situation of domestic violence has also grown. In 2018, 1128 such cases were opened, in 2019 - 953, in 2020 - 1420, in 2021 - 1260. The level of partner violence has also increased. Of the total number of deaths from domestic violence in 2021 and 2022, 92.5 and 92.8% were killed by partners, respectively. The rest are relatives.

In Russia, 2680 women died from domestic violence in 2020 and 2021

The authors note the highest level of domestic violence in these two years in cases examined in St. Petersburg, Perm Territory, Omsk, Kurgan and Moscow regions.

Sofya Rusova, an employee of the consortium and co-author of the report, explained that during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Consortium of Women's NGOs sent requests for help to victims of domestic violence to all regions. According to her, some regions have strengthened the work of hotlines, but in the context of the country, such measures remain minimal.

The percentage of partner violence has grown catastrophically, and although the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have relevant statistics, we classified such cases according to the words "roommate," "lover," "partner," making a comprehensive analysis of sentences, she continued.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia told Kommersant in mid-August 2022 that the topic of protection against domestic violence will be included in the National Strategy for Action for Women for 2023-2030[25]

The number of people punished for illegal rallies in Russia has grown 6 times over the year

In 2021, Russian courts brought to administrative responsibility for violating the procedure for holding public events six times more people than in 2020. Such data were released by the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of Russia in April 2022. Read more here.

The number of tax crimes in Russia increased by 13.8%, to 5543 cases

In January 2022 MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia , it published data on the total material damage from all crimes for the previous year. The number of crimes in the field of taxation has grown both in quantitative terms and in terms of the amount of damage. rubles According to the department's estimates, it amounted to 84.9 billion at the end of 2021.

As Polina Gusyatnikova, senior managing partner of the law firm PG Partners, told Izvestia, citing data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 5543 tax crimes were recorded in 2021, which is 13.8% more than a year earlier. According to her, until 2019, the statistical number of tax crimes decreased, since the calculation methodology changed - different compositions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation either belonged or did not belong to tax crimes for statistics. For this reason, we can only say that the growth rate of the number of tax crimes in 2021 has accelerated compared to 2020, Gusyatnikova noted.

The increase in the number of crimes related to taxation, she associated with the economic consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The difficult situation of the business during the pandemic, due to the need to comply with antiquated restrictions, transfer employees to remote work, temporary termination of the work of organizations in certain industries and other similar factors, gives rise to the need to find funds to restore their financial situation. In some cases, such a search leads not only to legal tax planning, but also to illegal evasion of taxes and fees, concealment of income, property, payment of "gray" salaries, she explained.

In 2021, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 3321 tax crimes were solved in Russia, which is 10.8% more than a year earlier. [26]

Damage from crimes in Russia soared by 63%, to 834.5 billion rubles

The damage from crimes in Russia in 2021 soared by almost 63% compared to 2020 and reached 834.5 billion rubles. Such data were published on January 18, 2022 in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to statistics from the department, a significant part of the damage as a result of crimes (about 92.2%) falls on incidents that occurred in cities and urban-type towns. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, four out of five crimes are registered in cities and urban-type settlements - only 1.6 million; almost a fifth - in rural areas, where 371.7 thousand crimes were registered.

Damage from crimes in Russia in 2021 soared by 63%

In 2021, law enforcement officers identified 117.7 thousand economic crimes, material damage for which amounted to 641.9 billion rubles. Grave and especially grave crimes in the total number of detected crimes of economic orientation amounted to 57.8%.

In 2021, 23.3 thousand people died as a result of crimes in Russia, which is 600 more compared to the previous year. At the same time, the number of illegal acts in a number of compositions, including murders and attempted murders, has decreased, the report says. Thus, the number of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, robberies - by 18.1% decreased by 10.6%. The number of vehicle thefts decreased by 24.8%. About 32,800 people in Russia were seriously injured in 2021.

In total, in January-December 2021, 2 million crimes were registered in Russia, which is 1.9% less than in the same period of the previous year. An increase in registered crimes was noted in 27 regions of the country, a decrease of 58. The number of criminal offenses involving minors committed by citizens in a state of alcoholic intoxication, in a state of drug intoxication has decreased.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the growth rate of crimes on the Internet has decreased. At the end of 2021, their number increased only by 1.4%.[27]

Russia ranked 32nd in the ranking of organized crime

Russia is in 32nd place in terms of organized crime among the countries that are members of the United Nations (UN). The corresponding rating was published by the international organization GITOC. Read more here.

Detaining thieves who stole electronics from trucks at 80km/h

On August 11, 2021, it became known about the detention in the Irkutsk region of thieves who stole electronics from trucks on the go. The criminals turned out to be father and son, who had previously served a five-year sentence for similar thefts.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, for their own purposes, thieves equipped cars capable of adjoining heavy trucks at a speed of more than 80 km/h at night on the highway. In addition, two modernized cars were found in their acquaintances. The domestic sedan and Japanese van had a windshield that could lean forward, the floor contained a welded metal ring to secure the cable or rope, and the nose of the van was sheathed in soft material.

Thieves who stole electronics from trucks at a speed of 80 km/h were detained in the Irkutsk region

In November 2020, a driver who supplied household and computer equipment (among them - televisions, a kettle, flash cards, etc.) turned to the police in Irkutsk. He said that part of the cargo worth over 1 million rubles disappeared from the truck. A criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft." Police officers found that two residents of Taishet, a father and son aged 54 and 33, could be involved in the disappearance.

Some of the missing goods were found in the courtyard of the suspects' private house. Investigators do not exclude that the detainees could have committed other similar thefts.

The suspects did not recognize their involvement in the crime and by August 11, 2021 are under recognizance not to leave. At the time of the arrest, the men were at home and the police were not waiting. Investigators do not exclude that they could have committed other similar thefts, and check this information.

The suspects previously served five years for stealing a batch of weapons in a similar way in 2013. Then, on the federal highway, several boxes of weapons were stolen from a MAZ car en route from Izhevsk to the Far East. A few days later, police found them in an abandoned house.[28]

78,290 economic crimes in six months

According to the results of the first half of 2021, law enforcement agencies identified 78,290 economic crimes, follows from the report of the Prosecutor General's Office. Compared to last year, the number of criminal cases increased by 10%, or almost 7 thousand, and became the maximum since the first half of 2015 (then there were more than 80 thousand).

The activity of employees of the Investigative Committee has sharply increased, which revealed 38% more economic crimes than a year earlier. The number of crimes solved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased by 8.7%, and the prosecutor's office - by 11.9%.

One in 20 economic crimes involved tax evasion, rising by 11.8% to 3702. At the same time, not a single tax case was opened in two regions in six months: these are Chechnya and Chukotka.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs linked the increase in the number of serious crimes in the Russian Federation with the growth of cybercrime

The main impact on the growth of serious crimes at the end of 2020 was an increase in the number of criminal acts of this category committed using information and telecommunication technologies. This was announced in January 2021 by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev, presenting to the personnel of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Trans-Baikal Territory the new head - Police Colonel Vyacheslav Egovtsev[29] in the Russian Federation[30].

According to the minister, it is necessary to increase efforts in a number of areas. "First of all, we are talking about increasing the effectiveness of identifying the perpetrators, including those who committed crimes using computer and telecommunications technologies. This is the only type of crime that has greatly increased over the past year, "the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasized.

He explained that due to a sharp increase in the number of frauds, including in telecommunications areas, serious crime in Russia as a whole increased over the year. "Criminal cases of past years must also be kept under control. Operational-search measures should not stop after the adoption of a procedural decision to suspend the preliminary investigation, "the minister added.

According to him, the topic of combating organized crime and drug trafficking remains relevant, it is necessary to strengthen positions in the field of combating economic crime and corruption.

Ministry of Internal Affairs: Damage from economic crimes reached 450 billion rubles

The total damage from economic crimes Russia in 2020 reached 450 billion. rubles This was announced by the head of the laboratory of computer forensics of the company Group-IB Valery Baulin with reference to the data. MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the material damage from economic crimes in Russia in 2019 exceeded 447 billion rubles. It turns out that in 2020, losses increased by less than 1%. In 2019, there was a decline of more than 4% with 104.9 thousand crimes of this kind (60.3% of them were serious or especially serious).

Damage from economic crimes in 2020 reached 450 billion rubles, many of them are committed using IT tools

According to Baulin, many of the economic crimes are committed using IT tools: in 2020, the number of such atrocities exceeded 300 thousand. Baulin, in a conversation with RIA Novosti, noted that investigations must necessarily include cyber criminalism and specialized expertise, since any financial offense has a digital footprint left by attackers on their devices, in e-mail correspondence and in instant messengers.

Another topic of research, which was paid to analysts at Group-IB, was the popularity of cryptocurrencies among criminals. Fraudsters, according to experts, use a new financial instrument to "cover their tracks." According to experts, Bitcoin remained the most popular digital asset among fraudsters in 2020.

In 2020, a paradigm remained when the defendants in economic cases continued to be placed in custody, said Oleg Nikulenko, lawyer of the Ekkorp-Zashchita Bar Association.

Valery Baulin noted that earlier Group-IB launched a direction to investigate financial crimes. Within the framework of it, experts are involved in solving problems in forensic science (computer forensics) for the investigation, analysis and legal consolidation of digital evidence, including for litigation.[31]


The number of real estate crimes in Russia over 5 years increased by 18%

If in 2015 there were 6,208 such cases, then in 2019 - already 7,340. The number of crimes committed on a large and especially large scale increased even more - by 28%, follows from a study by the Financial University under the government. Russia

In 2020, in the first half of 2020, 4,129 crimes were registered in the real estate market, or 56% of last year's figure, and fraud on an especially large scale - 62% of cases for the entire 2019.

Criminals still use schemes with paper documents, but there are already cases of fraud with an electronic signature.

With a steady increase in the number of crimes committed in the field of real estate turnover, the number of sentences in such cases decreases from year to year. One of the reasons for the increase in real estate crimes is the lack of effective preventive legal regulation and proper control over compliance with transactions.

Dynamics of the number of drug-related crimes

2018: Statistics of crimes committed by law enforcement officers

2016: 2.16 million crimes recorded

The Prosecutor General's Office annually calculates the state of crime by crime category and state of affairs in each region. The latest data indicate that in 2016 2,160,063 crimes were registered in Russia - this is 228,413 crimes less than a year earlier.

A decrease in crime was recorded in 77 regions of Russia. For example, in Sevastopol registered a third less crimes compared to 2015, and in the Oryol region - almost 21%.

In the country, despite the economic crisis, the number of especially serious crimes, such as murders, robberies and robberies, decreased by 15.9%.

There were 871,084 (-14.5%) thefts, 61,524 (-15.4%) robberies and 11,416 (-16.3%) robberies.

Despite the general decrease in the level of criminalization of Russia in 2016, experts from the Prosecutor General's Office identified the three regions - leaders in crime growth. This is the Republic of Tuva, where the growth was 8.7%, as well as the Sakhalin region and North Ossetia - 4.5%.

The leader in the number of murders and attempted murders in 2016 was the Moscow region. The specialists of the Prosecutor General's Office recorded the least murders in Chukotka. Bribes were given more often than in other Russian regions in Moscow, and least of all in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Meanwhile, as noted in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of detected crimes of an economic orientation decreased by 3.3% in the country. The number of reported cases of receiving bribes decreased by 17.7%.

Infographic: L! FE

In 2016, compared to 2015, the number of detected economic crimes decreased by 3.3% in the country. The number of reported cases of receiving bribes decreased by 17.7%.

However, according to the Moscow department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the average amount of bribes in Moscow in 2016 increased by more than 2.5 times compared to 2015 and exceeded 2 million rubles.

The Prosecutor General's Office claims that the number of frauds also decreased in 2016.

Experts note that more than half of the crimes in 2016 in Russia - 674,935 - were committed by repeat offenders. In addition, one in three crimes in 2016 (37%) was committed while intoxicated.

The Prosecutor General's Office did not forget about foreigners either. They committed 43,933 crimes last year, which is 8.9% less than in 2015. At the same time, 38,501 crimes of them were committed by citizens of the CIS[32].

2014: Strengthening the role of Chechens in the underworld

In April 2019, the source of the Kremlin Bezbashennik telegram channel in the FSB central office reported that Chechens (called in "places not so remote" - Nokhchi, by their national name) began to play a significant role in the criminal world of Russia only since 2014, when they (Chechens) began to be "closed" in Russian prisons and camps.

By 2019, due to the filling of prisons and camps with persons of Chechen nationality, they begin to dominate the underworld. In prisons and camps in Russia, 60% "looking" have already become nohchi. They gained access to cash flows from ordinary prisoners allocated for "general" and "thieves." Money and drugs are their goal.

The number of Chechen "thieves" has sharply increased - 8 times, compared to 2013. Moreover, many of the Chechen "thieves" are not recognized by the community.

It is the Chechens who promote, contrary to the prohibitions of other "thieves," the flow of heavy drugs into prisons and camps. At the same time, the Chechen "authorities" themselves are drug addicts by 95% of their total mass.

The FSIN bodies are inactive in controlling the strengthening of the influence of Chechen ethnic groups in their subordinate institutions, since it is the Nokhchi who share funds from the "common fund" with them, while those living according to the "concepts" of Slavic and Georgian "authorities" are unacceptable. Although it is worth noting that the "Georgians" are mainly drug addicts, but at the same time, at least they try to adhere to the traditional "way" and "concepts."

As a result, instead of "maintaining order" with permissible cooperation with the special content, the FSIN began to simply earn money together with Nokhchi, which led to an increase in their influence in the criminal world and an increase in cases of mass supply of heavy drugs to places of imprisonment.

So, by and large, the Chechen diaspora went beyond its region only at the end of 2013 and, having gained influence on a significant part of organized crime, began to influence other areas of public life.

2011: Deaths from crimes 40.1 thousand

Full report: Crime in Russia 2011

1. In 2011, the internal affairs bodies considered 24.61 million applications, reports and other information about incidents, which is 3.1% more than in the twelve months of 2010. For almost every twelfth message (8.1%), a decision was made to initiate a criminal case. A total of 1982.4 thousand criminal cases were initiated, which is 9.2% less than the indicator of the same period in 2010[33].

2. In 2011, 2404.8 thousand crimes were registered, or 8.5% less than in the same period in 2010. An increase in registered crimes was noted in 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a decrease in 76 constituent entities.

3. 92.1% of all registered crimes are detected by the internal affairs bodies, and 5.0% of them are at the stage of preparation and assassination. In total, 109.6 thousand crimes (2.8%) were detected at these stages.

4. 41.0% of crimes are registered in republican, regional and regional centers - a total of 986.51 thousand, a fifth (21.0%) - in rural areas where 506.1 thousand crimes were registered, which is 5.7% less than in 2010.

5. As a result of criminal encroachments, 40.1 thousand people died (4.5%), 49.4 thousand people suffered serious harm to their health (2.8%). The countryside accounts for 41.0% of the dead (16.4 thousand people), cities and towns that are not centers of the constituent entities of the federations - 35.8% of persons whose health was seriously harmed (17.7 thousand people).

6. The damage from crimes (in completed and suspended criminal cases) amounted to 250.73 billion rubles, which is 4.4% less than last year. Moreover, two-thirds of the damage (64.9%) falls on crimes registered in the centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. The proportion of grave and especially grave crimes among those registered decreased from 26.0% in January - December 2010 to 25.3%.

8. Almost half of all registered crimes (49.3%) are thefts of someone else's property committed by:

  • thefts - 1038.6 thousand (6.3%),
  • robbery - 127.8 thousand (22.3%),
  • robbery - 20.1 thousand (18.2%).

Nearly one in three thefts (30.3%), one in twenty-second robberies (4.6%), and one in fourteen robberies (7.2%) involved illegal entry into a dwelling, premises or other storage facility.

Every twenty-second (4.6%) recorded crime is apartment theft. In January - December 2011, their number decreased by 17.6% compared to the same period in 2010.

Image:Преступность в России структура 2011.JPG

9. The number of detected crimes related to illegal arms trafficking decreased by 7.5% compared to January-December 2010 and amounted to 28.1 thousand, and the number of detected facts of theft and extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices increased by 3.3% (1.5 thousand facts).

In January - December 2011, 6.8 thousand crimes (9.1%) were committed using weapons. The largest number of registered crimes of this category is noted in the Republic of Dagestan (593), the Sverdlovsk Region (528), St. Petersburg (377), Moscow (280), Stavropol Territory (222).

10. In 2011, 29.15 thousand environmental crimes were registered, which is 25.5% less than in the same period in 2010.

11. Compared to 2010, the number of economic crimes identified by law enforcement agencies decreased by 26.8%. In total, 202.5 thousand crimes of this category were identified, the share of these crimes in the total number of registered crimes was 8.4%.

Material damage from these crimes (in completed criminal cases) amounted to 160.71 billion rubles.

Grave and especially grave crimes in the total number of detected crimes of economic orientation amounted to 53.8%.

Units of the internal affairs bodies revealed 190.8 thousand economic crimes, their share in the total array of economic crimes amounted to 94.2%.

12. In 2011, 215.2 thousand crimes related to drug trafficking were detected, which is 3.3% less than in the same period in 2010. At the same time, employees of the drug control authorities identified 82 thousand crimes (2.2%), employees of the internal affairs bodies - 129.7 thousand crimes (4.4%). Compared to January-December 2010, the number of detected crimes committed for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues decreased by 8.5%, and their share in the number of crimes related to drug trafficking decreased from 51.0% in January-December 2010 to 48.3%.

13. In 2011, 622 crimes of a terrorist nature (+ 7.1%) and 622 crimes of an extremist nature (5.2%) were registered.

14. 635 thousand crimes (+ 2.3%) were registered in public places. 412.4 thousand (+ 3.7%) crimes were registered on the streets, squares, parks and squares, including: 64.9 thousand (18.5%) robberies, 174.2 thousand (+ 14.4%) thefts, 7.5 thousand (12.5%) robberies. 155 robberies (29.9%), 373 robberies (+ 0.5%) were committed on roads and highways outside settlements, 75 facts of illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices were revealed (35.9%).

15. In 2011, 1311.8 thousand crimes (8.3%) were solved, including 650.7 thousand - the consequence of which is mandatory (9.2%) and 661.1 thousand - the consequence of which is optional (7.4%). Employees of the internal affairs bodies previously investigated 1033 thousand crimes (10.0%), which is 78.7% of the total array of previously investigated crimes, employees of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - 125.9 thousand crimes (5.6%), which is 9.6% of the total array, employees of drug control bodies, respectively 51.7 thousand (9.2%), bailiff services - 64.2 thousand (+ 14.9%).

16. 1080.1 thousand crimes were not solved, which is 9.5% less than the same indicator in 2010. Of this number, grave and especially grave crimes account for 24.7% (in January - December 2010 - 25.7%). 2.1 thousand murders and attempted murders (0.0%), 6 thousand facts of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (2.9%), 654.9 thousand thefts (7.7%), 68.4 thousand robberies (28.4%), 7.2 thousand robberies (18.6%) remained unsolved.

1053.8 thousand crimes (9.4%) remained unsolved due to the unidentified person to be brought in as an accused.

17. Crimes of previous years in 2011 were solved 58.8 thousand, which is 3.5% less than in the same period last year.

Half (46.4%) of the solved crimes of previous years are thefts (27.3 thousand) and the thirteenth part (7.8%) - fraud (4.6 thousand).

18. 1041.3 thousand persons who committed crimes (6.3%) were identified, the proportion of persons without a permanent source of income increased from 65.7% in January - December 2010 to 66.3%, and the proportion of previously convicted persons - from 26.5% to 28.7%.

19. Almost one in three (40.7%) of the investigated crime was committed by persons who had previously committed crimes, almost one in five (20.1%) were intoxicated, one in eighteen (5.5%) were minors or with their complicity.

Organized groups or criminal communities committed 16.9 thousand grave and especially grave crimes (20.3%), and their share in the total number of investigated crimes of these categories decreased from 5.9% in 2010 to 5.2%.

20. Foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation committed 45 thousand crimes, which is 8.2% less than in January - December 2010, including 40.5 thousand crimes (9.2%) by citizens of the CIS member states, their share was 90.1%.

The number of crimes against foreign citizens and stateless persons decreased by 7.9% and amounted to 11.4 thousand crimes.

1996: The Last Death Penalty

Data at the end of 2018


Serial killer Andrei Chikatilo is engaged in yoga before being shot in a cell, 1993.

1983: Police memo to determine nationality

Police memo in the USSR to determine nationality.

1982: Thieves in law discuss participation in the political life of the USSR

In 1982, at a meeting in Tbilisi, workshops and thieves in law discussed participation in the political life of the USSR. Georgian thieves actively supported embedding in politics and promotion of personnel; and some of the Russian thieves in law, led by Vasya Brilliant, were against this. Later it turned out that the tactics of the Georgian thieves were correct. Their roof was Shevarnadze and Aliyev.

In 1991, power flowed to the workshops and thieves in the law, who, in conjunction with the party nomenclature, began to build a new Russia.

1979: Emergence of a system of shop workers and thieves

Galeotti in his book "Thieves. The history of organized crime in Russia "(published in 2019) says that back in 1979 in Pyatigorsk there was a meeting of workshops with thieves in law and it was attended by employees of the 5th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR Bobkov.

Then it was decided that the workshops would deduct a tenth of the income to the thieves' world. In fact, an alternative System has developed - thieves and shop workers.

The district police officer visiting the bully. USSR. 1970s.

1937: Peak Political Convictions

1930s: Beria gives start to the dominance of Georgians in the criminal community

The dominance of Georgian "thieves in law" is a consequence of the Beriev projects, when it was necessary to control L. Trotsky's supporters in the Gulag system.


"Adolf Salkov. Apartment thief. Interrogation in 1926. " Interestingly, the knuckles with Lenin were already 2 years after his death.

See also

  1. In the Russian Federation in 2024, it was possible to compensate for the damage from crimes in the amount of 346 billion rubles
  2. %). Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  3. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  4. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  5. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  6. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  7. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  8. Brief description of the state of crime in the Russian Federation for January - December 2024
  9. In the Russian Federation in 2024 recorded a decrease in the number of crimes
  10. Rating of regions of Russia by crime rate
  11. In Russia in 2023, 39 people were convicted of treason
  12. Discrediting has accumulated
  13. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation noted a fivefold increase in the number of cases of the appointment of forced labor
  14. Statistics on the state of crime in 2023
  15. Not all streets are equally safe
  16. Thefts increased in Russian stores
  17. [ Thefts
  18. increased
  19. the percentage]
  20. In battle, not to beat
  21. In 2022, the courts of the Russian Federation stopped the criminal prosecution of more than a quarter of businessmen
  22. Statistics on the state of crime in 2022
  23. Moscow became the leader among the regions with the largest number of crimes
  24. The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported an increase in the crime rate among migrants for the year by 10%
  25. Purely family murder
  26. Hit the jackpot: economic crimes cost more than others to the country
  27. In Russia, more than 23 thousand people died as a result of crimes in 2021
  28. In the Irkutsk region, police detained suspects in theft from trucks while driving
  29. [ The Ministry of Internal Affairs linked the increase in the number of serious crimes
  30. with the growth of cybercrime]
  31. Group-IB predicts damage of 450 billion rubles from economic crimes in 2020
  32. LIFE: In Russia, they began to kill and take bribes less
  33. The state of crime is January-December 2011