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2022/08/08 12:17:24

Trans-Baikal Territory


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Trans-Baikal Territory is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District, the area is 431.5 thousand km ². It was formed on March 1, 2008 as a result of the unification of the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Trans-Baikal Territory



Ministry of Construction, Road Facilities and Transport of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Rail transport


Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, power, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory



Ore extraction


Ministry of Education and Science of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Education Committee of the Administration of the Municipal District "Akshinsky District"

UNIVERSITIES of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Trans-Baikal Territory

2023: Due to a shortage of personnel, medical institutions in Transbaikalia began to appoint directors without medical education

Due to a shortage of personnel, medical institutions in Transbaikalia began to appoint directors without medical education. This initiative was announced in early October 2023 by the head of the regional Ministry of Health Oksana Nemakina. Read more here.


Organizations of the Trans-Baikal Territory



Exhumation (sealing in a metal coffin) of the remains of a Russian officer, General Staff Colonel, participant in the First World War and Civil War. Figure of the White movement in the East of Russia, Lieutenant Colonel - Boris Feodorovich Ushakov. The third on the left is: Czechoslovak military leader and politician - Radola Gaida, the fifth: Lieutenant General of the White Army - Anatoly Nikolaevich Pepelyaev, Trans-Baikal Region of the Russian Empire, Verkhneudinsky Uyezd, Verkhneudinsk, Civil War, August 25, 1918. Color: ACP

1908: Akatui Prison

Akatuy prison was one of the most famous places of detention of political prisoners in the Russian Empire during the period of tsarist power. It was located in the Trans-Baikal region of Siberia, 625 km from Chita, and existed from 1829 to 1917.

The prison held thousands of political prisoners from different regions of Russia, as well as from the Kingdom of the Polskoy Russian Empire (Poland), the Grand Duchy of the Finnish Russian Empire (Finland) and the Livonia Province of the Russian Empire (Latvia and Estonia).

For a long time, convicts to hard labor and political prisoners were sent to mine lead-silver ores in local mines. Some of the prisoners were educated.

Convicts in geography classes, ​Nerchensky​ mountain district of Transbaikalia of the Russian Empire, ​selo​ ​Akatuy​, Akatuy hard labor prison, Akatuy silver mine, 1908

200 BC: Evenki