Andrey Krivenko - 100%
East Investment Investment Holding - Baring Vostok Capital Partners
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Assets | Owners |
+ VkusVill |
Performance indicators
2024: Turnover growth by 27% to ₽339 billion
The Vkusville retail chain announced an increase in turnover by 27%, reaching an indicator of ₽339 billion following the results of the company's activities. This became known on January 27, 2025. The number of buyers with network loyalty cards increased by 17% and amounted to 8.8 million people.
In 2024, the retail chain expanded its presence to 2,480 outlets and darkstores in 173 cities of Russia. During 2024, the company opened 593 new stores, increasing the opening rate by 18%. The number of darkstors has tripled - 79 new objects have been launched for assembly and delivery of orders.
The company is actively developing new formats of retail outlets. In 2024, two gastrodarks, 93 convenience stores without sellers, 35 outlets with original design, the first multiservice store with a food court and a specialized store for cosmetics and household goods "Vkusville Beautiful" were launched.
A significant stage of development was the entry into the international market - the opening of three stores in Kazakhstan. The assortment of Kazakh outlets includes products from more than 60 local manufacturers. After successfully testing the outlets, the company decided to further expand its presence in this country.
Revenue from the delivery service reached 50% of the network's total turnover, an increase of 3.2 percentage points. In 2024, the company's couriers delivered 127 million orders, during peak periods carrying out more than 500 thousand deliveries. The company launched a free delivery service within an hour throughout Moscow and in a number of other cities. By the end of 2024, the share of orders with hourly delivery amounted to 45% of the total, and within the Moscow Ring Road, this figure reached 83%.
During 2024, the assortment was replenished with more than 4 thousand new goods under its own brand. The main categories by sales volume remain cooking, fruits and vegetables, dairy products. The largest revenue growth was demonstrated by categories such as drinks, frozen semi-finished products, delicacies, cakes and non-food products.[1]
2023: Turnover growth by 27% to RUB 297.5 billion
According to the results of 2023, VkusVill increased its turnover by 27% compared to 2022 - to 297.5 billion rubles (including VAT). The retailer announced this on February 2, 2024.
According to the company's own data, its active base of unique buyers of the network in 2023 grew to 7.6 million people in 152 cities of Russia and hundreds of settlements. During 2023, brand products and service first became available in 13 cities: in Volzhsky, Syzran, Yoshkar-Ola, Severodvinsk, Taganrog, Armavir, Novocherkassk, Astrakhan, Kirzhach, Vyazma, Vladikavkaz, Nalchik and Tutaev.
In addition, a new distribution center (RC) in Tatarstan has appeared in the logistics infrastructure of the network, the first regional RC opened in 2022 in the Rostov region.
The VkusVilla assortment has 4454 new products under its own brand, and more than 33,500 products have been tested in external laboratories of partners and in its own VkusWill laboratory, the company said.
In 2023, VkusVill opened 531 new stores and 28 daxtors. The pace of expansion of the retailer's network has grown 5 times compared to 2022. Almost every day, 2 new outlets began to work, the company emphasized.
By the end of 2023, the share of online sales in VkusVilla exceeded 50%. In 2023, the turnover of the delivery service increased by 54% and amounted to more than 139.4 billion rubles with VAT. The darkstore network has grown to 147 locations. At the same time, online brings profit to the company, and over the year the efficiency of darkstores has increased, the retailer's press service said.
Network couriers in 2023 delivered 107.7 million orders, which is 52% more than a year ago. On the eve of the New Year holidays, its own record was set: on December 30, VkusVill delivered 454,005 orders to customers.[2]
2022: Revenue growth by 26%, to 204.8 billion rubles
At the end of 2022, VkusVill increased revenue by 26% compared to 2021 - to 204.8 billion rubles. The retailer announced such data on February 2, 2023.
One of the catalysts for the financial rise of the network was online sales, which in 2022 increased by 77% and reached 79 billion rubles. This segment accounted for 39% of the company's revenue against 27% in 2021. In total, more than 70 million online orders were completed in 2022, which is twice the figure a year ago. VkusVill also noted the popularity of paid express delivery, the share of which is about 10%.
We are developing with our own money, our delivery is profitable, which allows us to continue to grow, open new stores and improve the service, "said Alena Nesiforova, manager of the unified VkusVilla concept. |
According to her, in 2022 it was not easy, but VkusVill showed flexibility and, thanks to a loyal audience, coped, showed growth. The main loyal buyers retained their purchases and began to use the online service more often, Nesiforova added.
At the end of 2022, the share of domestic products in VkusVilla reached 85%, the company cooperates with more than 2,400 suppliers. Also in 2022, the company began working with local manufacturers in the regions. It is noted that about 20% of the chain's stores participate in the project, and sales volumes within the project have tripled compared to 2021.
During VkusVill opened more than 100 stores - in Orenburg,, Murmansk,, Arkhangelsk,, Chelyabinsk, Adler Izhevsk Murom Kingisepp, Pyatigorsk and Old Oskol. In the regions, offline sales grew by 18%, online - 86%. By the end of 2022, the chain consisted of more than 1300 stores in 70 cities and over Russia 120 darkstores in different parts of the Russian Federation. Delivery "VkusVilla" is available for residents of more than 800 cities and 20 villages of the country.[3]
2025: Vkusville began opening Vkusville Cosmetics stores
In March 2025, Vkusville announced the opening of the first corner of Vkusville Cosmetics in the Moscow region. At such points, personal care products and perfumes under their own brand (STM) will be presented. At the first stage, three corners will open, later a decision will be made to scale the project. Retailers are looking for new ways to increase the share of sales of their own brand goods, but now sales of this category of goods are moving online, while offline stores are losing customers, experts warn. Read more here
Opening of cosmetics stores "Vkusville beautiful"
The Vkusville chain has begun opening cosmetics stores under the Vkusville Beautiful brand. This is a new format of specialized points of sale, where a wide range of cosmetics, household chemicals and household goods will be presented. The project is being launched as part of the diversification of the company's business, and the first store will open in the Urban Stories residential complex on Anna Akhmatova Street, next to the Rasskazovka metro station. As of September 2024, the store is under construction. Read more here
Opening convenience stores without sellers
At the end of August 2024, it became known about the launch by the Russian retailer Vkusville of round-the-clock stores operating without sellers at night. At more than 30 outlets, shoppers can access stores through QR code scanning. The new format significantly reduces the number of employees on night shifts, which has become possible thanks to the use of modern technologies that ensure the automation of the purchase process.
The innovation covers several dozen stores in Moscow and the Moscow region, which is due to the continuing shortage of personnel in the trading industry. Visitors to the Vkusville stores are invited to use the button at the entrance, after which a QR code will appear on the tablet. Scanning it through a mobile application opens the store doors. Inside, buyers can independently select goods and pay for them through self-service cash desks - either by QR code or using a bank card. Exit from the store is also carried out through a button at the door.
The Vkusville company explains that there were no difficulties with the introduction of this technology, despite the need to comply with the legislation regarding the sale of alcohol. Stores have magnetic locks on refrigerators with light alcoholic beverages that block access to them at night.
Vkusville launched the project against the backdrop of an increase in personnel shortages in Russia, especially in the retail segment, where the employee deficit can reach 15-20%. In a difficult situation in the labor market, the decision to switch to automated stores without sellers helps to reduce the burden on staff and minimize labor costs.
This format of stores is not new in world practice. As Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics, explained, for the first time such outlets appeared USA in the mid-2010s, then Singapore and China other countries adopted their experience. "[4]
Opening of the first store in Kazakhstan
On April 23, 2024, Vkusville announced the opening of its first store in Kazakhstan. The area of the outlet in Almaty is 185 square meters.
This store includes groceries, products with short shelf life, as well as non-food products. In addition, the retailer has agreed with local manufacturers, whose products under the chain brand still occupy 35% of the range in the store.
By April 2024, Vkusville has a store, warehouse and office in Kazakhstan. The general director of Infoline-Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, in a conversation with Kommersant, investments in the creation of such an infrastructure "in several tens of millions of rubles," and in the opening of one store - in 5-7 million rubles. Vkusville itself does not disclose the volume of investments in the project.
Earlier, the retailer has already begun working in Kazakhstan, launching the possibility of wholesale order of its products to the country, as well as registering a domain kz-vkusvill.ru. The site presents a catalog of goods with prices in tenge. By April 2024, Vkusville products are available in Kazakhstan at 125 points that belong to other networks.
The opening of the first store is the result of many months of work, searches for manufacturers and experts, we have passed hundreds of negotiations, tastings, quality checks. Thanks to the VkusVill projects for business with Kazakhstani partners, we saw interest in our products and set out to make healthy food products available to local residents, "said Alexander Mikheev, general director of Vkusville Kazakhstan. |
According to Mikhail Burmistrov, the capacity of food producers suitable for Vkusville according to the format is very limited in Kazakhstan, so the retailer may face difficulties in expanding its business in the country.[5]
Launch of the Rimliane pizza chain
On March 11, 2024, it became known that Vkusville was launching a new catering chain under the Rimliane brand. We are talking about establishments specializing in Roman pizza and some other dishes. Read more here.
Using AI in Product Packaging Design
Vkusville began using neural networks to generate package designs to speed up the release of products. This was reported on February 26, 2024 in the retailer's official Telegram channel.
At the first stage, the company, using artificial intelligence, created landscapes for the packaging design of the new line of pasta, which is already available on sale. The request on the neural network was as follows:
Landscape in violet-blue colors. Blue clouds and calm sea. Twilight atmosphere after the rain. The sun appears a little through the clouds. In the foreground are small stones on which waves break. Serenity and calmness. Expressionism. |
As specified in the press service of "Vkusville," the program took three attempts to understand the request and give the necessary result. The company took landscapes as a basis, as they "refer to high art" and help consumers form a "new pattern of perception of the usual product," the retailer explained.
In addition, the company's designers use AI to create separate elements of the photo collage. As an example of the use of Vkusville technology, he cites the following: if there are no strawberries and yogurt in the original photo of the plate with granola, the neural network adds them in a couple of minutes. Also, "Vkusville" uses a neural network to simulate photographs: generated images can be found among the positions of fruit conservation (canned mango, papaya).
The company explains that the decision to use neural networks is due to their speed of image generation. According to the developers, artificial intelligence creates pictures in 10-60 minutes, while professional designers take about several weeks to do so. New technologies help specialists focus on more creative tasks, and at the same time they can suggest interesting and non-standard solutions, the company added.[6]
Opening of the cafe "Sgoryacha"
"Vkusville" launched a network of cafes with ready-made food "Sgoryacha." In February 2024, the first point opened at the intersection of Ligovsky Prospekt and the Vododny Canal embankment. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with IT manager Dmitry Aparshev
Most major retailers were somehow affected by the departure of foreign IT vendors from Russia. "VkusVill" is one of those who were not greatly affected by this situation. Dmitry Aparshev, IT manager at VkusVille, in an interview with TAdviser in December 2023, spoke about how the company managed to painlessly go through an acute period, and how VkusVille develops IT against the background of a shortage of qualified personnel in the market. Read more here.
Opening of the Innovation Laboratory for startups and research teams
An innovation center for the development of IT solutions and R&D in the field of FoodTech and HoReCa has begun work in VkusVille. Representatives of VkusVilla reported this on October 26, 2023. The project team aims to work with domestic startups and create advanced solutions that improve the convenience of service and the quality of products for customers. Acceptance of applications for cooperation with the company is open on the website innovation.vkusvill.ru.
In VkusVille, work with innovations is built through the development of internal entrepreneurship, employee projects receive financial and technical support to implement the boldest ideas. The company's flexible management system allows you to test hundreds of hypotheses and find ways to improve the service.
The opening of the Innovation Laboratory for working with external teams was the next stage in the development of the company. Among the current requests of the direction: IT solutions in retail, foodtech and the development of unique products. The laboratory accepts applications from scientific teams, university project teams and technology startups.
"We believe in the potential of the Russian business environment and strive to support young companies. Hundreds of domestic manufacturers have grown with VkusVilla: from a small kitchen factory to an industrial scale. From our experience, we were convinced of the power of collaboration and teamwork. Our task is to develop innovations at the request of our customers, for example, to invent peanut bars for allergy sufferers, create a recyclable eco-package of ready-made dishes, find healthy fast food or introduce an automated tool for controlling the quality of fruits and vegetables. We are open to the boldest ideas. The R&D direction works in close conjunction with the product managers of VkusVilla, who analyze the feedback of buyers and see the growth points of the assortment in various categories, "commented Nikolay Belyaev, innovation manager of VkusWill. |
You can submit absolutely any idea: The innovation laboratory does not introduce any restrictions, but not every project is suitable for the final implementation. The ability to implement the idea depends on many factors, among them - compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, consonance with the values of VkusVilla, availability of a request, novelty of the project and others, depending on the direction.
Partners of the Innovation Laboratory VkusVilla will receive assistance in refining the product for the specifics and requirements of the market, opportunities for testing hypotheses and experiments in practice, support and support of industry experts at each stage. The most successful teams will move into the scaling stage, contribute to the development of the product industry and present innovative solutions to the market to meet growing consumer expectations.
Creating a Metaverse in Roblox
VkusVill opens metauniverse Roblox up a whole Mangomir for its buyers and users - three mini-games, daily quests and adventures in the sunny desert await here. Every week, active players will receive robos, items of value to players and bonuses for the purchase of real juicy mango in stores and with free delivery of VkusVill. The company announced this on October 11, 2023.
From late August to mid-December - the time of sweet, juicy, ripe mango Egypt in VkusVille.
Together with the DVOR Metamarketing Agency development team, VkusVill went to conquer the Roblox mango metaverse and involving games.
Mangomir is a sunny desert with mango trees and with its sights, where you can admire the pyramids and rock paintings, take pictures with the local sphinx, harvest valuable mangobonus, relax at the wonderful oasis and cut into buggies through colorful terrain. Mangosine shops are open around the clock in different parts of the map, the eastern seller will invite players to try the most ripe, juicy, sweet mango Egypt in the entire Roblox metaverse.
{{quote 'author=said Anna Platova, leader in online marketing at VkusVilla. | VkusVill always tries to be close to his customers, test new channels and formats. Users can now immerse themselves in the fascinating world of mango created in a virtual space. Explore Mangomir, meet its residents and complete tasks to receive special prizes and VkusVill bonuses. Or just show your kids,}}
Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Dmitry Voronov, founder of DVOR Metamarketing Agency.
As soon as the player gets to Mangomir, he opens up the opportunity to get acquainted with all the locations of the world in a viewing excursion. Customization of the avatar is available in your personal account - a large selection of thematic skins: clothes, accessories, hairstyles and inventory items. The player can try on the role of a powerful pharaoh, an Egyptian queen or just an inquisitive tourist in warm lands.
A photo of your avatar can be taken throughout the map: at the Mangops pyramid or on the shore of the oasis, next to a buggy or eastern mango seller. Instead of the usual photo zones at a certain point, the player of the world VkusVilla receives a selfie stick. Photo mode is activated in your personal account when you click on the camera icon, all personnel is saved on the user's device, and a photo session in Mangomir can be shared with friends.
In Mangomir from VkusVilla, you can play three mini-games to get a reward in the form of mangobonuses:
- Pass all tests in the pyramid of Mangops. The player enters the pyramid, where his avatar needs to overcome various obstacle courses: abyss, fire traps, falling stones, falling tiles - all in the best traditions of adventure games.
- Grow mangic fruit. A speed competition in which players grow their mangoderevo in record time.
- Collect all the mangoes in "Tormango." The avatar falls into a small vortex, and he has a view of the map from above, the task is to collect as many juicy mangoes as possible in the allotted time.
More than 4,700 users visited it in the first two days since Mangomir's launch. The signature UGC attribute of VkusVilla for players' skins - the Egyptian Mangolyub bird - scattered in 3 hours.
For October 2023, the VkusVilla and DVOR Metamarketing Agency team continues to improve Mangomir and is working on new UGC attributes for the Roblox metaverse.
Opening of VkusVill Go cafe
VkusVill began opening VkusVill Go cafes, which operate separately from the chain's stores. The first three free flow points are already operating in Moscow. They are located in Bagrationovsky passage, on Kulakov and Novodmitrovskaya streets. The area of the cafe is about 100 square meters. m and is designed for 8-10 seats. Read more here.
Data breach of hundreds of thousands of customers
In December 2022, VkusVill reported a major leak of personal data of customers after information about this appeared on Telegram channels.
{{quote 'We learned about the leak on the night of December 8-9, 2022. Our specialists independently discovered and promptly took measures to correct the situation. Having carefully studied the situation, we realized that files containing public data of some of our buyers, namely: phones and emails, dates and amounts of orders and the last four digits of the bank card number, had come to third parties, Forbes quoted the retailer's press service as saying. }}
According to the company, the vulnerabilities were fixed in the first hours after the leak, the incident is being investigated. The names, addresses and full information about customers' bank cards remained safe, the press service added.
According to the Telegram channel "Information Leaks," more than 242 thousand unique phone numbers, 233,000 email addresses, as well as data on the amount, time of orders and deliveries that were made between December 5 and 7, 2022, were posted in the public domain. In addition, the last four digits of Vkusville customer bank cards have leaked to the network. It is noted that the data was posted by a source who was involved in the attacks on Tele2, Russian Post, Delivery Club and other companies.
The Administrative Code provides for fines for data leakage for legal entities - from 60 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, and in case of a repeated offense - up to 500 thousand rubles. President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on December 7, 2022 said that "there is a need to tighten responsibility for offenses in this area."[7]
Launch of product sales in China
At the end of November 2022, VkusVill launched sales of healthy food kits on the site of the largest Chinese marketplace Tmall Global. Buyers are offered four sets of 35 items, including bread, nut mixes, drinks, fruit and vegetable chips, canned food, bran and sweets. Also, Vkusville may begin selling ice cream on the Chinese market.
The online store operates under the localized brand "微谷食优," which reflects associations with naturalness and proven quality, and literally translates as "microdoline of delicious food." The slogan "Here healthy tasty" was transformed into hieroglyphs "味健实在" - translated into Russian "Delicious, healthy here and now."
There is definitely a trend in the local market for healthy eating and snacks with a high-quality composition, which is very inspiring for our entire team. Of the several thousand products under the VkusVill brand, we have chosen a limited number of items that are presented to buyers in convenient tasting sets, "said Victoria Pinchuk, leader of the VkusVill export direction. |
According to Andrey Tuzhikov, a VkusVilla export specialist in China, the company has chosen a cross-border model to enter the market, in which the order is sent from a bond warehouse in China and the last mile of delivery takes 1-3 days. This format is clearly associated among consumers with imported products and allows expanding the range of exports due to simplified certification, he added.
In Russia, by the end of November 2022, Vkusville operates more than 1.3 thousand stores in 67 cities, which are positioned in the segment of healthy eating. The retailer is also among the largest players in the online food trading market.
The founder of the network, Andrei Krivenko, spoke about plans to enter the Chinese market a few years before the company made this expansion.[8]
Amsterdam store closures
The Vkusville chain will close stores in Amsterdam and hold a sale of products with a 50% discount. This became known on March 4, 2022.
The team tested various hypotheses, but for March 2022 there is no technical ability to continue working, the company said. |
The chain opened its first store outside Russia, in Amsterdam, in May 2020. According to its own data, there are three Vkusville stores in the city.
In November 2021, the founder of VkusVill, Andrei Krivenko, said that while stores in Amsterdam cannot be made effective[9].
Opening a store without sellers and cash registers in Moscow
VkusVill opened its first store in Moscow without sellers and cash desks. This became known on February 9, 2022. The project was called "VkusVill without cash desks," it is being implemented together with the developer of intelligent systems for retail Neurus. Read more here.
2021: Revenue - 162.19 billion rubles, loss - 2.38 billion rubles
At the end of 2021, Vkusville's net loss reached 2.38 billion rubles against net profit of 1.8 billion and 2.9 billion rubles registered in 2020 and 2019, respectively. This is evidenced by the data of the SPARK-Interfax system, citing materials from the Federal Tax Service (FTS).
According to Vedomosti, Vkusville completed the year with losses for the first time in five years. This is due to the retailer's growing costs of opening stores and darkstores, as well as the development of home and office grocery delivery services.
Chief analyst of PSB Lyudmila Telichko, referring to data from SPARK-Interfax, in a conversation with the publication noted that 49.7 billion rubles were spent on fixed assets in 2021 by Vkusville against 2.9 billion rubles a year earlier. The representative of "Vkusville" explains this by the fact that the company in 2021 ahead of schedule switched to new accounting standards for rental real estate. The growth of fixed assets, according to him, is mainly due to this, and actual investments in projects amounted to about 4 billion rubles. Commercial expenses jumped by 56.7%, to 57.25 billion rubles.
The retailer also clarified that the priority in 2021 was not profit, but business growth: the opening of darkstores, the development of an online channel for the convenience of customers, the expansion of stores and the launch of new projects to present more new assortment. Vkusville also stressed that in 2021 the company grew to almost 30 thousand employees, 103 darkstors and 1,337 stores in 56 cities.
Vkusville's revenue in 2021 increased to 162.19 billion rubles from 114 billion rubles a year earlier. Gross profit increased by 44%, to 58.57 billion rubles. Gross margin amounted to 36.1% against 35.7% a year earlier, according to data from SPARK-Interfax[10]
Reducing the number of stores
In August 2020, VkusVill continues to close stores. In St. Petersburg, from June to August, 13 of the 119 retail outlets of the network stopped working. The company has already closed 60 stores in Russia and abandoned the expansion planned for 2020.
Some retail outlets in St. Petersburg were located in unsuccessful locations. Others were "frozen" for the duration of the coronacrisis, but never opened. The company claims that all closures are planned. But the fact remains that the network is decreasing.
Perhaps this is due to the bet on online sales, the share of which is growing. The retailer has both its own and partner delivery through Yandex.Eda and Yandex.Lavka. Moreover, the company unexpectedly for everyone broke into 7th place in the ranking of online grocery stores.
VkusVill began selling rapid tests for antibodies to coronavirus
In July 2020, VkusVill began selling rapid tests for antibodies to the coronavirus COVID-19. The retailer offers a set from the Swiss Spring Healthcare at a price of 2.9 thousand rubles. Read more here.
VkusVilla's revenue in 2019 increased 1.5 times - to $1.28 billion. In just four years, this figure has grown 4 times. The company's profit before taxes, interest and amortization (EBITDA) in 2018 reached 2.8 billion rubles. At the end of 2019, this figure is expected to grow to about 7 billion.
Last year's EBITDA margin was expected to reach about 8% versus 5.2% in 2018. The target is about 10%. For comparison, the largest grocery retailer in Russia, X5 Retail Group, for the nine months of 2019, EBITDA margin amounted to 7.4%, while Magnit's for the full year - 6.1%.
The VkusVill brand belongs to the Russian company Izbenka, known in the natural food market since 2009. Starting with the sale of environmentally friendly dairy products, in 2012 Izbenka became one of the largest players in the Fresh Food segment. By the end of 2011, more than 80 Izbenka stores were opened in Moscow and the regions (10-13 new outlets per month). At the same time, the company's turnover for the year increased to $20 million ( from $4 million in 2010).
In 2012, the founder and owner of Izbenka, Andrei Krivenko, decided to launch stores of the new VkusVill trademark with an expanded line of products. In June of this year, 4 new VkusVill stores with an area of 100 to 120 square meters appeared in Moscow at once. M. (before that, the format of the Izbenki outlets did not exceed 10-15 m). The VkusVill assortment includes about 800 items of fresh and healthy food, including meat, sausage, eggs, vegetables and fruits from various regions of Russia. At the moment, VkusVill outlets operate in a self-service format.
According to world statistics, the transition from counter trade to self-service contributes to profit growth and increases trade by 35%. By introducing self-service in VkusVill stores and reducing costs, Izbenka expects to reduce prices for dairy products in general throughout the network.
4 stores of VkusVill brand products at:
- st. Lyusinovskaya, 36/50
- st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, d. 8, p. 1a
- st. Trofimova, d.35/20
- ul. Dubki, d.2a
- ↑ VkusVilla turnover in 2024 increased by 27%
- ↑ VkusVill spoke about the success and growth in 2023
- ↑ VkusVill in 2022 increased revenue by 26%, to 204.8 billion rubles
- ↑ VkusVill" launched round-the-clock stores with QR code access at night
- ↑ Retailers have looked abroad
- ↑ Artificial intelligence helps pack VkusVill products
- ↑ VkusVill reported a data breach of "hundreds of thousands" of customers
- ↑ "Vkusville" launched sales of products in China
- ↑ , Vkusville will close its stores in Amsterdam
- ↑ "Vkusville" for the first time in five years ended the year with losses