Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
The Moscow region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District. The population is 7690.9 thousand people. (as of 2019, without Moscow and the territories included in Moscow in 2011-2012).
2024: The population of the Moscow region has grown to 10 million people
The population of the Moscow region reached 10 million people, which is 2.8 million more than a decade ago. This was announced by the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov on December 16, 2024.
According to TASS, over the past five years, the population of the region has increased by 1 million people. Life expectancy in the Moscow region is 74.6 years, which is 1.1 years higher than the Russian average.
All this requires a noticeable pace in the construction of social institutions and generally ensuring the quality of life, so we have a large program in the economy, and, thank God, all federal projects that are being implemented, they help a lot, - said the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. |
The number of schoolchildren in the region increased from 650 thousand to 1.1 million people. The number of large families increased from 37 thousand to 113 thousand. In each of them three or more children are brought up.
To ensure a growing population, transport infrastructure is being developed. The Central Ring Road has been launched in the region, M11 and M12 highways have been built, and the construction of departure highways and crossings is continuing.
The Deputy Prime Minister Russia Tatyana Golikova noted the positive demographic dynamics in the Moscow region. The Moscow agglomeration, which includes the capital and the region, continues to increase the population annually.
The region is implementing federal projects to develop social infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the population in education, health care and other social services.
The growth of the population of the Moscow region requires further development of transport and social infrastructure. The region continues to implement large-scale projects for the construction of schools, kindergartens and medical institutions.[1]
The area of the Moscow region is 44.3 thousand km ².
- Klyazma
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region
- Moscow Regional Customs
- Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region
- Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the Moscow Region
- Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region
- Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 2 for the Moscow Region ( Korolev)
- Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 13 for the Moscow Region (Khimki, Lobnya, Dolgoprudny)
- Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 for the Moscow Region
- Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 20 for the Moscow Region (Zheleznodorozhny, Reutov)
- Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 23 for the Moscow Region
- Interregional Administration of the Federal Test Chamber for the Central Federal District
Main article: Moscow Region Government
- Balashikha City District Administration
- Administration of Volokolamsk city district
- Administration of Dmitrovsky urban district
- Dolgoprudny Urban District Administration
- Dubna Urban District Administration
- Administration of the city district Zhukovsky
- Ivanteevka City District Administration
- Istra Urban District Administration
- Kashira Urban District Authority
- Klin Urban District Administration
- Krasnogorsk City District Administration
- [[Administration of the Leninsky City District of the Moscow Region 'Administration
Leninsky urban district]]
- Administration of the city district Domodedovo
- Kolomna Urban District Administration
- Lobnya Urban District Administration
- Lytkarino Urban District Administration
- Administration of the urban district of Lyubertsy
- Administration of Mozhaisk urban district
- Mytishchi City District Administration
- Administration of Naro-Fominsk urban district
- Administration of the Odintsovo urban district
- Barvikhinskoye Territorial Administration
- Territorial Administration Big Ties
- Territorial Administration of Golitsyno
- Gorskoye Territorial Administration
- Territorial Administration Ershovskoe
- Zhavoronkovskoye Territorial Administration
- Territorial administration of Zarechye
- Zakharovskoye Territorial Administration
- Zvenigorod Territorial Administration
- Territorial Administration of Kubinka
- Territorial Administration Forest Town
- Nazaryevskoe Territorial Administration
- Nikolskoye Territorial Administration
- Territorial administration Novoivanovskoe
- Odintsovo Territorial Administration
- Territorial Administration of Uspenskoye
- Chastsovskoye Territorial Administration
- MKU "Department of Road Facilities and Capital Construction of the Odintsovo City District of the Moscow Region"
- MKU "Economic and Operational Service" of the Odintsovo City District of the Moscow Region
- Odintsovskaya Heating Network JSC
- Administration of Orekhovo-Zuevsky urban district
- Pavlovsky Posad City District Administration
- Administration of the urban district of Podolsk
- Administration of the urban district of Pushkin
- Administration of Ramensky urban district
- Reutov Urban District Administration
- Ruza City District Administration
- Silver Ponds Urban District Administration
- Administration of the city district of Serpukhov
- Administration of the city district Solnechnogorsk
- Stupino Urban District Administration
- Administration of Taldom City District
- Administration of the city district of Khimki
- Committee of Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the City District of Khimki
- Unified duty dispatch service-112 of the city district of Khimki
- Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Zhilishnik of the Khimki City District"
- OJSC Khimki Vodokanal
- Chekhov Urban District Administration
- Office of Finance of Chekhov Urban District Administration
- MP "Housing and communal services of Chekhov district"
- Administration of the urban district of Shchelkovo
- Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Administration of the Urban District of Shchelkovo
- MKU of the urban district of Shchelkovo "Economic and Transport Administration"
- Elektrostal Urban District Administration
- Administration of the urban district of Elektrogorsk
- Serpukhov
Special economic zones of the Moscow region
2024: 15.9% increase in budget revenues to RUB 1.45 trillion
In 2024, the consolidated budget of the Moscow region received 1.3 trillion rubles of its own income, which is 19.2% more than in the previous year. This was reported in January 2025 on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region.
The main factor in the growth of tax revenues was taxes on personal income and corporate profits. Personal income tax amounted to 548 billion rubles, an increase of 28.2%. The growth was influenced by such industries as trade (+ 32.6%, share in total revenues - 23%), manufacturing (+ 28.6%, share - 19%), professional, scientific and technical activities (+ 19.1%, share - 9%), transportation and storage (+ 24.3%, share - 8%).
Corporate income tax fees amounted to 373 billion rubles, which is 5.8% more than in 2023. Major industries affecting the revenue side of the budget include trade, manufacturing, science and technology, transportation and finance.
Taxes on total income brought 118 billion rubles (an increase of 43.3%), and taxes on property of legal entities and individuals - 131 billion rubles (an increase of 13.5%).
Non-tax revenues amounted to 90 billion rubles, which is 26.4% more than in the previous year. The increase in revenues is associated with an increase in income from managing funds balances in a single treasury account (+ 7 billion rubles).
According to the Ministry of Economy of the Moscow Region, in 2024, tax and non-tax revenues to the regional budget exceeded 1 trillion rubles, which is 17.1% more than in 2023. The budgets of municipalities of the Moscow region received 321.5 billion rubles, an increase of 26.7%. The largest income growth among municipalities was recorded in Lobna, Bronnitsy, Chekhov and Krasnogorsk.[2]
2023: Budget expenditures of the Moscow region for the year increased by 9.1% and reached 1.24 trillion rubles
At the end of 2023, budget expenditures in the Moscow region amounted to 1.24 trillion rubles. This is 9.1% more than in the previous year, as stated in the materials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region, which TAdviser got acquainted with in mid-September 2024.
971 billion rubles or 96% of the plan were allocated for the implementation of 19 state programs of the Moscow region in 2023. The social block has traditionally made up more than half of all budget expenditures. The highest level of development has been achieved under the programs "Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Region" (99.8%), "Construction of Social Infrastructure Facilities" (99%), "Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region" (98.9%), "Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region" (99.8%) and "Ecology and Environment of the Moscow Region" (99.6%).
It is noted that 584 billion rubles were allocated for health care, education, social policy, culture and sports, as well as the construction of social facilities. This is 9% more than in 2022. The largest expenses are the maintenance of a network of municipal schools, kindergartens, social institutions: 206 billion rubles were spent on these purposes. 92 billion rubles were allocated for the construction of social infrastructure facilities. In 2023, work was carried out on the construction and reconstruction of 26 healthcare facilities, 33 kindergartens and 82 schools, 14 sports facilities, 7 cultural facilities.
Budget expenditures for the implementation of national projects in 2023 amounted to 158 billion rubles, which is 98% of the plan. The national projects "Safe Quality Roads," "Labor Productivity," "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives," "International Cooperation and Exports" have become the leaders in implementation - they are 100% executed[3]
2023: The volume of investments in the Moscow region for the year increased to ₽1,59 trillion
The volume of attracted investments in fixed assets of the Moscow region at the end of 2023 reached ₽1,59 trillion, an increase of ₽200 billion compared to 2022. These indicators were presented in the spring of 2024 during the summing up of the investment activities of the region.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, large and priority investment projects are individually accompanied by specialized specialists of the investment block of the Moscow Region government.
Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Yekaterina Zinovieva said that in 2024 it is planned to step over the ₽1,6 trillion level through the implementation of large industrial projects and the work of small and medium-sized businesses.
To achieve the set goals, the region is developing processes for supporting investment projects, including the selection of sites, construction control and electronic document management. Particular attention is paid to the development of electronic services that increase the availability of public services and support measures for entrepreneurs.
The Moscow region has introduced five mandatory elements of the new regional investment standard, providing investors with transparent working conditions. The investment attractiveness of the region is supported by a set of measures, including grants, subsidies, concessional lending and property support.
The small and medium-sized business segment accounts for 30% of the region's economy. The growth rate of this sector in the Moscow region is 6% higher than the average Russian indicators. Entrepreneurs' appeals are processed through the Business SDG system, ensuring prompt response to requests.
National debt
2024: 248.4 billion rubles
According to experts from the RIA Rating Center for Economic Research for January-October 2024, the volume of public debt in the Moscow region amounted to 248.4 billion rubles. Read more here.
Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region
Motor transport
2025: Number of road cameras - 1929
- "Regional Dispatch Department of the Power System of Moscow and the Moscow Region" (Moscow RDU) - ODU Center Branch of JSC "SO UES"
- JSC "Moscow Regional Power Grid Company"
- Mytishchi Heating Network JSC
- MP "Zvenigorod Engineering Networks"
- PJSC "T Plus"
2024: 3rd place in terms of IT mortgage issuance
Real estate
Main article: Real estate in the Moscow region
Main article: Information technologies in the Moscow region
- Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region
- GKU MO "Information Security Center of the Moscow Region"
- GKU MO "Moscow Regional Center for Information and Communication Technologies"
- GKU MO "Center for Methodological Support of Optimization of Public Administration Processes in the Moscow Region"
- Regional Management Center (SDG) of the Moscow Region
- Ministry of Information and Social Communications of the Moscow Region
- MBU "IT center of the education system of the urban district of Khimki"
- MBU "IT Center of Social Organizations"
- IT companies in Balashikha
- IT companies in Bronnitsy
- IT companies in Vidnoye
- IT companies in Voskresensk
- IT companies in Dzerzhinsky
- IT companies in Dmitrov
- IT companies in Dolgoprudny
- IT companies in Domodedovo
- IT companies in Dubna
- IT companies in Yegoryevsk
- IT companies in Zhukovsky
- IT companies in Zvenigorod
- IT companies in Istra
- IT companies in Kashira
- IT companies in Klin
- IT companies in Kolomna
- IT companies in Korolev
- IT companies in Krasnogorsk
- IT companies in Lyubertsy
- IT companies in Mozhaisk
- IT companies in Mytishchi
- IT companies in Orekhovo-Zuevo
- IT companies in Podolsk
- IT companies in Pushkino
- IT companies in Reutov
- IT companies in Sergiev Posad
- IT companies in Serpukhov
- IT companies in Solnechnogorsk
- IT companies in Stupino
- IT companies in Fryazino
- IT companies in Khimki
- IT companies in Chernogolovka
- IT companies in Shchelkovo
- IT companies in Elektrostal
2023: The number of industrial parks in the Moscow region has grown 4 times in 10 years
By the end of 2023, 69 industrial parks were operating in the Moscow region, which is more than four times the number of sites ten years earlier. Ekaterina Zinovieva, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, spoke about the development of industrial infrastructure in the region in February 2024.
According to her, in 2013 there were 16 industrial parks in the Moscow region. By the end of 2023, this number had grown sharply, and the number of companies operating at such sites exceeded 1,500. About 75 thousand people are employed in them.
Ekaterina Zinovieva also said that in 2024 it is planned to open 5 more industrial parks in the Moscow region. It is assumed that the volume of attracted investments on these sites will amount to a total of about 129.5 billion rubles, she added.
The Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov at the end of February 2024 said that in the Moscow region 6 billion rubles were allocated for the development of special economic zones (SEZ) and industrial parks for 2024. Such sites, according to Bryntsalov, have become points of attraction for investments. Due to the launch of new enterprises, jobs are actively created. The authorities of the Moscow region are taking measures to promote the development of companies' business in industrial parks and SEZs.
One of these measures is the launch at the end of February 2024 of the Industrial Real Estate Index service for entrepreneurs, which allows you to find out about the availability of free sites for the implementation of investment projects.
The new service will significantly simplify the time that the entrepreneur would spend on finding a suitable site or ready-made premises. Now, literally in two clicks, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the industrial real estate index, and then choose a suitable object on the investment map of the region and apply for it there, - said Ekaterina Zinovieva.[5] |
2023: Tourism in the Moscow region grew by 5% over the year and reached 23 million people
In 2023, the number of tourists visiting the Moscow region increased by 5%, said the vice-governor of the Moscow region, Irina Kaklyugina. In 2023, the region received more than 23 million people, which is one million more than in 2022. The most popular areas were Sergiev Posad, Kolomna, Odintsovo, Serpukhov, Istra and Dmitrov.
Kaklyugina noted that the saturation of the cultural and entertainment program was an important factor for the growth of the tourist attractiveness of the region. In 2023, about 30 large cultural events were organized in the Moscow region, which attracted more than 300 thousand people. Also, the attendance of parks in the region increased by 30% over the year. According to Kaklyugina, this growth is associated with the efforts of regional authorities to develop domestic tourism and organize affordable recreation for Russian citizens.
According to RIA Novosti, sanatorium-resort services in the Moscow region also showed significant growth. According to the BusinesStat report for 2024, from 2019 to 2023, the number of consumers of sanatorium and resort services in the Moscow region increased by 45% - from 356 thousand to 515 thousand people. The increase was especially significant in the period from 2021 to 2023, which is associated with the restoration of interest in recreation after the pandemic.
According to BusinesStat, in 2021, the sanatorium-resort industry of the Moscow region grew by 40% compared to 2020 and served 352 thousand people. The epidemiological situation and the closure of borders increased interest in recreation within the country, and the state program of tourist cashback additionally supported the development of domestic tourism. In 2022 and 2023, the number of visitors to sanatoriums in the Moscow region continued to increase, showing an increase of 8% and 35%, respectively.[6]
Foreign trade
2022: Export growth to UAE 4 times to $454 mln
In 2022, the Moscow region exported goods totaling about $454 million to the UAE, which is almost four times more than a year earlier. This was announced at the end of March 2023 in the press service of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the region.
They noted that at the end of 2022, the United Arab Emirates took 16th place in terms of foreign trade turnover with the Moscow region, which reached $477.4 million. A sharp increase in this indicator was due to an increase in the volume of exports of the Moscow region to the UAE. In 2022, the Emirates took the eighth position in the TOP-10 of recipient countries of goods near Moscow. In 2021, they occupied the 17th position, in 2020 - the 30th.
Among the goods exported by producers near Moscow to the UAE are cocoa and products from it, chemical fibers, soft drinks and vinegar, as well as much more.
As the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Ekaterina Zinovieva noted, if in 2018 the Moscow Region supplied $43.9 million worth of products to the Emirates, then in 2021 - $120.9 million, which is 2.8 times higher than the volume of annual exports four years ago. Exports to this country in 2022 in comparison with 2021 increased even more.
The Moscow region is actively developing cooperation with the Emirates in terms of investment interaction and foreign trade partnership. Particular emphasis is placed on the export component and strengthening the presence of our companies in the UAE markets. The results of this work are evidenced by the dynamics of exports near Moscow, - said Zinovieva. |
Meanwhile, the Moscow government indicated that investors from the UAE are investing in capital projects that are in the field of technology and trade. In addition, the UAE buys industrial equipment, soft drinks, chocolate products and finished whole cereal products from Moscow.[7]
Education and Science
Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region
Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region
UNIVERSITIES of the Moscow region
- Russian State University of Tourism and Service
- Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University
- Moscow State Regional University
- State Social and Humanitarian University
- Grzel State University (GSU)
- University of Dubna
- Technological University named after pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov
- Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
- Russian Customs Academy
- Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation
- Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture
- Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
- International Institute of Management "LINK"
- Russian University of Cooperation (RUK)
- Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- SBPEI MO "Balashikha Technical School"
- SBPEI MO "Lukhovitsky Aviation College"
- SBPEI MO "Lukhovitsky Agricultural and Industrial College"
- SBPEI MO "Lyubertsy Technical School named after Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin"
- HAPOU MO "Interregional Competence Center - Technical School named after S.P. Koroleva"
- SBPEI MO "Krasnogorsk College"
- SBPEI MO "Mytishchi College"
- SBPEI MO "Shchelkovsky College"
- GAPOU MO "Moscow Regional Music College named after S.S. Prokofiev"
- SBPEI MO "Physics and Technology College"
- SBPEI MO "College" Moscow Region "
- GAPOU MO "Moscow Region College" Energy "
- SBEI DPO "Moscow Regional Training Center"
- MOU DPO (advanced training) of specialists "Center for Education Development"
Scientific institutions
- Federal Research Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams
- FSAU "Research Institute" Center for Environmental Industrial Policy "
- FSBI "All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics"
- FAA "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky"
- JSC "Gromov Flight Research Institute"
Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Federal Research Center All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Industry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Federal Research Center for Problems of Chemical Physics and Medical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- FSBUN "Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Problems named after A.G. Merzhanov" of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Health care
Main article: Health care in the Moscow region
- FSBI "Sanatorium-resort complex" Moscow region "of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
- Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region
- Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region
- GKU MO "Directorate of a single customer of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region"
- Directorate of the Unified Customer (DEZ) for Repair Works of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region
- MBU MO Mosoblmedservice
Health parts
- Federal State Budgetary Institution "Health Part No. 8 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency"
Medical centers
- Pearl of Podillia (medical center)
- FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Moscow Region"
- GBU MO "Moscow Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center"
- GBUZ MO "Moscow Regional Perinatal Center"
- SBUZ MO "Shchelkovsky Perinatal Center"
- Sanatorium of endoecological rehabilitation
- GBUZ MO "Zarayskaya Central District Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Royal City Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Lyuberetskaya Regional Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Mozhaisk Central District Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Mytishchi City Clinical Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Odintsovo Regional Hospital"
- Clinical Hospital No. 123 Odintsovo
- GBUZ MO "Pavlovo-Posad Central District Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Podolsk Regional Clinical Hospital"
- GAUZ MO "Khimki Regional Hospital"
- GBUZ MO "Shchelkovskaya Regional Hospital"
- Balashikha Central City Hospital
- Moscow Regional Children's Hospital
- FSBI "National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies - A.A. Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
- GBUZ MO "Moscow Regional Hospital for War Veterans"
Private clinics
- Medsi Clinical and Diagnostic Center in Shchelkovo (Medsi Group JSC)
- Medical Center "Plastic C" (LLC "Plastic C")
- Network of multidisciplinary medical centers "Delomedica" (LLC "Delomedica," LLC "Diamed")
- Multidisciplinary family clinics "MedicaMente" (NIMC "Medica Mente" LLC)
- Andreevsky Hospitals - NEBOLIT Group of Medical Companies (NEBOLIT Medical Center LLC)
- LLC "Medical Center Tomography Domodedovo"
- ImmunoGen LLC (Pathological Laboratory)
At the end of 2019, in the Moscow region, 25 thousand Russians are diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm every year, of which about 1,500 people suffer from colorectal cancer. This is below the average for Russia: 20 patients with CRC per 100 thousand people against 29. In total, 12,297 residents are registered in the Moscow region with colon cancer.
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Moscow Region
- Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Administration of the Urban District of Shchelkovo
- MBU "Center for Cultural Development" Sinkovsky "(Dmitrovsky City District)
- MUK "Palace of Culture" Springs "(Ramensky urban district)
- MAUK City District Domodedovo "City Park of Culture and Recreation" Yolochki ""
- MBUK Balashikha City District "Centralized Library System"
- MBUK "Centralized Library Network of the Chekhov Urban District"
- UIA DO "Zarechenskaya Children's Art School" (Odintsovo City District)
- Gorki Leninsky
- P.I. Tchaikovsky State Memorial Music Museum-Reserve (Klin City District)
- Serpukhov Museum of History and Art (City District of Serpukhov)
- Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve
- GBUK MO "State Museum-Reserve" Zaraysky Kremlin "(City District Zaraysk)
- Kolomna Kremlin (Kolomna City District)
- Dmitrovsky Kremlin (Dmitrovsky City District)
- Muranovo is a manor that is associated with the names of two prominent Russian poets - Yevgeny Boratynsky and Fyodor Tyutchev.
- Yegoryevsky Historical and Art Museum (Yegoryevsk City District)
- Mytishchi Museum of History and Art (Mytishchi City District)
Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Region
- "Arena Khimki" of the municipality of the city district of Khimki
- Ice Palace "Arena-Mytishchi"
- Speed skating center "Kolomna"
- Municipal Autonomous Sports and Recreation Institution "Zorkiy"
- Sports school "Spartak-Orekhovo" Orekhovo-Zuevsky city district of the Moscow region
- Orthodox Religious Organization - Synodal Institution of the Russian Orthodox Church "Training Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church"
- Church of the Holy Trinity in Kolomna (Shchurovo)
Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region
2025: Large-scale raid of Ukrainian UAVs. Two people died
On the night of March 10-11, 2025, Russian air defense systems destroyed more than 300 strike drones, most of which were defeated in the skies over the Moscow and Kursk regions.
According to preliminary data from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UAVs of the PD-2, Rubaka and Lute types were used, which were launched in groups of 6-12 units from Chernihiv, Sumy and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
In Domodedovo, in the village of Yam, as a result of a hit in the parking lot of the Miratorg production complex, two employees were killed, another is in intensive care. About 20 cars also burned down. In Ramenskoye and Vidny, unmanned vehicles attacked multi-storey buildings - several people were injured, including a four-year-old child.
In addition, part of the track in the area of the Domodedovo railway station was damaged, after some time the movement of trains in both directions was resumed. Temporary restrictions were also introduced at airports.
The attack occurred at the moment when the front in the Kursk region began to crack at the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As in other similar cases, the target of the raid was precisely the civilian population and residential areas of Russian cities.
2019: Russian Aeroflot airliner crash at Sheremetyevo
On May 5, 2019, an emergency landing of an Aeroflot aircraft occurred at Sheremetyevo, which came to a fire on board. 37 of the 78 people on board survived.
Video from Sheremetyevo cameras: "Superjet" hits the strip at high speed, jumps up, then beats again and lights up.
The author of the monument to Lenin on Vokzalnaya Square in Mytishchi, sculptor Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr (1887-1941) in January 1934 in the magazine "Soviet Art" reported to the workers: "In the last three years, I have made several new monumental works about Lenin. This includes, first of all, the project of the monument to Lenin for Kazan, then the monument to Lenin for Dnepropetrovsk. A monument made of reinforced concrete to Lenin was erected in Mytishchi. The same model, cast in bronze, was delivered near the Pacific Ocean (Sakhalin). The second copy in reinforced concrete is made for the Central Telephone Plant in Gorky, where it is installed on the banks of the Oka... "
1804: Opening of Mytishchi water supply system
On October 28, 1804, the grand opening of the first water supply system in Moscow - Mytishchi took place.
It was created since the 1780s at the initiative of Catherine II. It passed through modern Mira Avenue, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Trubnaya Square and beyond.
To our time, one original structure has survived - the Rostokinsky aqueduct.
1237: Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal
Organizations of the Moscow Region
- ↑ Vorobyov said that 10 million people live in the Moscow region
- ↑ Revenues of the consolidated budget of the Moscow region exceeded 1.3 trillion rubles in 2024
- ↑ The operational results of the execution of the budget of the Moscow region for 2023 have been summed up
- ↑ Almost 1.6 trillion rubles of investments attracted the Moscow region in 2023
- ↑ Over ten years, the number of industrial parks in the Moscow region has grown more than 4 times
- ↑ The authorities named the most popular cities of the Moscow region among tourists
- ↑ Exports of goods from the Moscow region to the UAE almost quadrupled in 2022