Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Territorial branch of Verbilka Administration of Taldom City District


State and social structures
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Moscow region
141930 Taldomsky urban district, village Verbilki, ul. Zabobrina, d.4


As of October 2022, the Territorial Branch of Verbilka operates in the structure of the Administration of the Taldom City District of the Moscow Region.


2019: Liquidation of the Administration of the municipality of the urban settlement of Verbilki

On November 13, 2019, the Administration of the municipality of the urban settlement of Verbilki, Taldomsky municipal district of the Moscow region, was liquidated[1].

2018: Termination of powers of local governments of the urban settlement of Verbilki

On the basis of the law of the Moscow region dated May 28, 2018 No. 70/2018-OZ[2], the territories[2] urban settlement of Verbilki of the Taldomsky municipal district were united, urban settlement North Taldomsky municipal district, urban settlement Taldom Taldomsky municipal district, rural settlement Guslevskoe Taldomsky municipal district, rural settlement Ermolinskoe Taldomsky municipal district, rural settlement Kvashenkovskoye Taldomsky municipal district, rural settlement Tempovoe Taldomsky municipal district. As a result of the unification, the settlements lost the status of municipalities. The municipality formed by changing the composition of the territory of the Mytishchi municipal district was endowed with the status of an urban district - Taldom urban district. Since the formation of local self-government bodies of the Taldom urban district, the powers of local self-government bodies and officials of local self-government of the urban settlement of Verbilki of the Taldom municipal district have been terminated.