Khimki Regional Hospital
Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Since 1965
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Khimki (Moscow region)
141407 Kurkin sh., 11
Since 1965
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Khimki (Moscow region)
141407 Kurkin sh., 11
GAUZ MO "Khimki Regional Hospital" is a large multidisciplinary medical institution of the city district Khimki and one of the powerful medical institutions Moscow region providing emergency and planned medical assistance. to the population
2020: Reorganisation
In accordance with the order Governments of the Moscow region of March 7, 2019 No. 167-RP "On the reorganization state of institutions health of the Moscow region located on the territory" Khimki City District Moscow region On February 17, 2020, the reorganization of GBUZ MO, Skhodnenskaya City Hospital GBUZ MO "Left-Bank City Polyclinic," GBUZ MO "Khimki Center medical for Prevention" was completed by joining the GAUZ MO "Khimki Regional Hospital."