SberDevices SaluteDevices
Since 2019
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
32 Kutuzovsky Prospekt, office 6.24, 121165
Top managers:
Zudin Sergey
TAdviser interview with Denis Afanasyev, Director of B2B Products Division
To understand the effectiveness of modern technologies and products for working with customers in digital channels, in June 2023 we asked several questions to Denis Afanasyev, Director of the B2B products division Salut SberDevices and Yegor Buinitsky, Director of the Product Development Department at edna. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with Denis Afanasyev, Director of B2B Products Division
Chat boats become an integral part of the process of supporting customers small and medium-sized businesses., Denis Afanasyev director of the B2B products division Salute SberDevices (chatbot developer), and, SaluteBot Oleg Gumerov CEO Jivo (chat platform developer for operators), answered questions TAdviser and told how chatbots automate customer service in text channels and help in business development. Read more here. [1]
Participation in TAdviser SummIT
The Russian IT-SberDevices on TAdviser SummIT will talk about its latest developments for corporate communications and the effects of implementation speech technologies and in artificial intelligence. business processes Read more here.
Sale of the company
On January 9, 2023, it became known about the sale of Salyutdevais LLC, which was formerly called Sberbank LLC and was part of Sberbank. The group sold this developer of TVs and various smart devices.
As part of the implementation of the strategy, Sber is reviewing its joint-stock participation in a number of assets. At the moment, Sber is not a shareholder of SberDevices. The transaction was made on market conditions, - quotes CNews the words of the representative of the bank on January 9, 2023. |
At the same time, he did not disclose either the name of the buyer of the asset or the financial terms of the transaction. The publication notes that the SberDevices website still indicates that the company is in the Sberbank ecosystem, but representatives of the bank called this information outdated.[1]
Purchase of Elpitech
According to CNews, Salyutdevais LLC at the end of December 2022 bought the developer of IT equipment Elpitech in order to "strengthen the development of its own line of corporate equipment." The Salyutdevais company noted that it is actively developing the direction of its own consumer electronics, which already has smart TVs, an extender and smart home devices in its line.
The publication of the publication says that Alexander Grishchenkov appeared as the only founder of Elpitech, and earlier he is in the Edelweiss company, which, according to CNews, is associated with the founder of the T-Platforms supercomputer company Vsevolod Opanasenko. The latter was detained in a case related to the problematic supply of computers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 357.1 million rubles on Russian processors. The businessman was subsequently released from custody.
The fundamental importance of the question whether Edelweiss was connected with Opanasenko or not is that T-platforms owed the state at least 3.1 billion rubles, which were issued to the company in the form of six subsidies for IT projects following the results of the thematic competition of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Change of founder and name of the legal entity
On August 16, 2022, it became known about the renaming of the "daughter," "Sberbank which is developing" smart "speakers, set-top boxes and other gadgets with the voice assistant" Salute. " The bank excluded the mention of its name from the company's name.
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on July 14, 2022, Sberbank LLC changed its name to Salyutdevais LLC. Since April 29, 2022, the organization Digital Assets LLC is no longer the founder of Sberbank LLC. The actual composition of the founders of the organization is not disclosed.
The changes relate exclusively to the name of the legal entity. The decision was made in connection with the expansion of the Salyut product portfolio strategy due to B2B solutions - Jazz, SmartSpeech and others. All these products are created using the technologies that underlie the Salyut virtual assistants. SalyutDevices LLC continues to bear all rights and obligations adopted before the name change. User products previously released by the company retain their trademarks, the press service told TASS. |
However, as Kommersant writes with reference to its sources, the renaming may be due to the restriction of the company's work under the conditions of sanctions. They claim that SberDevices "has actually lost the ability to purchase foreign IT solutions in the right amount."
According to one of the newspaper's sources, Sberbank is also considering a more serious distance from SberDevices, noting that Russian IT and telecom companies are showing interest in buying the unit. Another interlocutor says that Sberbank is going to focus on the development of the main business.
The bank will formally withdraw from all non-core, so the development of the range of smart and other consumer devices is curtailing, he said.[2] |
Scientists have confirmed the presence of anomalies in the brain of those who have had coronavirus
On February 28, 2022, it became known that a group of scientists from NUST MISIS, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and a team to develop a neurointerface for managing experimental machine learning systems of the SberDevices department analyzed the features of electrical brain activity after an infection. The tests were attended by 32 people who had had a coronavirus infection, and 40 people who had not previously encountered the virus. The study participants were given a speech task: for three seconds, words were shown on the screen that had to be read to themselves. The electrical activity of the brain during the experiment was analyzed by EEG. Read more here.
As of April 2020, SberDevices is an ecosystem company, Sberbank a center for expertise on solutions based on, in artificial intelligence applications such as speech technologies natural language understanding technologies, facial and voice. biometrics The company also focuses on building smart devices for end consumers and corporate customers. The company was established in May 2019 as a department of the Technologies block.