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National Certification Center of the NUC



+ Government of the Russian Federation



Release security certificates for transparency-enabled sites

The National Certification Center (NTC), created within the framework of the federal project "Information Security" of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia" on the basis of the Research Institute "VOSKHOD," began issuing security certificates for sites with support for transparency technology (certificate transparency). The Research Institute "VOSKHOD" announced this on May 23, 2022. This technology provides additional trust in security certificates for sites.

Based on the NTC, we have implemented a technology that allows us to make the issuance of security certificates or TLS certificates transparent to users and domain owners. In addition to ensuring the issuance of the certificates themselves, we additionally publish them in three independent logs - one public and two private. When interacting with the site, browsers "contact" these logs and check whether a certificate has really been issued to this site, "said Andrei Pyanchenko, deputy director of the VOSKHOD Research Institute.

The implementation of certificate transparency technology is based on the fact that all certificates issued by the National Certification Center are written to three independent logs (logs), from which information cannot be deleted after writing due to the use of specialized cryptographic methods. Russian browsers (Atom and Yandex.Browser), when establishing a connection with the site, check that the site certificate is recorded in such logs. If the site certificate does not have log labels, the user will see an unsafe connection warning in the browser and a recommendation not to use the site.

As of May 2022, the NTC is working to create convenient services through which any site owner can check for a certificate on his site in certificate transparency logs.

Work on the development of the National Certification Center continues. For example, in the future, using public journals, any site owner will be able to check the release of certificates for his domain in real time. A special service is created for this purpose. Public journals are one way to make the certification process transparent. This approach allows us to ensure the maximum level of trust in all participants in the process - both from the owner of the web resource and from the Certification Center, ensuring the impossibility of forgery by any of the participants, "said Maxim Rymar, director of the VOSKHOD Research Institute.

In the context of opposition to sanctions the policy, in March Ministry of Digital Science of Russia , on the basis of the National Certification Center, it organized, using, EPGU the issuance the Russian legal of security certificates (TLS certificates) for sites for persons. TLS certificates are required to confirm the legitimacy of sites enciphering and network traffic between the site browser and the user over the protocol. Any HTTPS legal entity or may public authority obtain one or more TLS certificates free of charge and embed them in its information resources. You can get a certificate online through the portal Gosuslug.​

Free TLS certificates will ensure the availability of sites

On March 4, 2022 Ministry of Digital Science of the Russian Federation , they announced that in the near future regulatory legal acts would be adopted regulating the work of the national of the certification center for the free issuance of TLS certificates Russian legal to persons. This will help users maintain safe access to sites that have had TLS revoked. More. here

2014: "National Certification Centre" in conjunction with Comfact AB to launch project on cross-border signing of documents by electronic signature

In November 2014, the National Certification Center signed a cooperation agreement with the Swedish company Comfact AB. Comfact AB was founded in 1988 to provide goods and services that facilitate commercial activities, mainly in the field of electronic business communications. As part of the cooperation, it is planned to provide Russian users with access to the Comfact AB portal, which allows organizing the signing of electronic documents with foreign counterparties. Access to Russian users is planned to be provided through the identification and authentication service of the National Certification Center. It is assumed that at the initial stage it will be possible to access electronic signature certificates issued by the NOC. In the future, it is planned to provide access to certificates issued by other Russian certification centers.

"Trusted cross-border electronic interaction is one of the priority promising areas of activity of the'National Certification Center'. The joint project with our Swedish colleagues Comfact AB is probably the first practical implementation of a cross-border trusted service aimed at a wide range of users, "said Alexander Sazonov, Deputy Director General for Development of the National Certification Center.
"The identification and authentication service of the'National Certification Center' uses open standards for data exchange - this made it possible to integrate with the Comfact AB portal in a short time and with minimal labor costs," said Konstantin Gertsev, technical director of the National Certification Center.
"We expect a lot from this cooperation, as it will show in practice how cross-border authentication and signing of documents can be carried out," added Anders Thornqvist, CEO of Comfact AB.

2007: Creation of a registration center in Khabarovsk

In 2007, a registration center was created in Khabarovsk.

2005: Formation of a network of registration centers based on Gamma NPP branches

Over the years, the activities of the National Certification Center have been aimed at achieving the goals prescribed in its Charter, including the development and ensuring the functioning of the electronic document management system in all areas of economic activity and civil circulation, ensuring the widest possible access to it for citizens and organizations, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of all users of the electronic document management system, resolving disputes and conflicts between them.

A new stage in the activities of the NTC began in 2005, when the National Certification Center organized a network of registration centers on the basis of the branches of FSUE Gamma Scientific and Production Enterprise, deploying hardware and software systems in the cities of St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.

2000: NUC Education

The National Certification Center (NTC) was formed in 2000 by the state unitary enterprise Atlas Scientific and Technical Center and the two largest banks - the joint-stock commercial bank Foreign Trade Bank (Vneshtorgbank) and the Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the USSR (Vnesheconombank).


The activities of the National Certification Center are carried out on the basis of licenses of the FSB of Russia.

The National Certification Center is included in the Unified State Register of Certificates and Signature Keys of Certification Centers (registration number of the P44-05-12-235 record dated December 26, 2008), which is maintained by the Federal Information Technology Agency - Authorized Federal Executive Body in the use of electronic digital signature and operates in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 10.01.2002 No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature," on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in this field of activity.


As of September 2010, the national certification center provides the services of a certification center in the Federal Agency for Industry, the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, and is the certification center of the system of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.