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+ Sirocco digital
+ Yulia Yurievna Mankos
+ Government of the Russian Federation



TAdviser interview with Development Director Anton Spirin

NOTE (IT Holding T1) is a multi-product vendor of domestic software, announced in 2023. What results have been achieved over the past year, what NOTA solutions have won the trust of the largest Russian companies and under the influence of what trends the Russian IT market will develop in 2025, in December 2024 said Anton Spirin, Deputy General Director for Business Development of NOTA, Commercial Director for Products and Services IT Holding T1. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with HR Director Kristina Solokova

What is the situation on the labor market for IT specialists, which channels for attracting highly qualified personnel are most effective and how hiring in a Russian vendor works, says Christina Sokolova, HR Director of NOTA (IT holding T1). Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Dion Product Director Dmitry Denisov

Dmitry Denisov, Product Director of DION (Corporate Communications Platform), answered TAdviser's questions about information security features in VKS systems, approaches to digital hygiene, as well as the practice of cybercriminals using deepfakes and social engineering. Read more here.

Partner of TAdviser conference "IT import substitution: new experience"

Platform for automation of business processes of interaction with clients NOTA MODUS (ex T1 CRM) is a partner of the TAdviser conference "Import Substitution IT: New Experience." Timur Poroshin, owner of the product NOTA MODUS (Holding T1), will make a presentation "Import substitution of customer relations processes based on the low-code NOTA MODUS platform." Read more here.

DION Corporate Communications Platform (T1 Holding) is also a partner of the TAdviser conference "Import Substitution IT: New Experience." Anna Kuzyakina, Commercial Director of DION, will make a report "Analysis of UC customer requirements. Read more here.


Winning the TAdviser IT Prize

NOTE MODUS and DION, products of the NOTA vendor (part of T1 Holding), won the TAdviser IT Prize 2023, receiving two awards in the field of digitalization. IT solutions were noted in the nominations "CRM Platform of the Year for Large Business" and "Platform of the Year for Corporate Communications." Read more here.

Enhance the capabilities of the NOTE MODUS CRM platform

Modern CRM systems are increasingly complemented by tools to improve sales efficiency. The vendor of domestic NOTA software, which is part of T1 Holding, expands the capabilities of its own NOTA MODUS platform (ex. T1 CRM) CPQ module, which allows you to take into account various rules for the compatibility of goods and discount mechanisms, automate the calculation of the final price and significantly reduce the time for preparing commercial offers. Read more here.

Presentation of product portfolio development strategy

The company-developer of domestic software NOTA (Holding T1) on October 5, 2023 presented a strategy for the development of the product portfolio.

Against the background of the departure of Western vendors and the policy of import substitution, the demand for domestic solutions is constantly growing. So, according to the analytical agency of the company NOTA, in 2022, 3720 products were included in the Register of Domestic Software, confirming the origin of the software, which is 4% more than in 2021. As of October 2023, the number of decisions in the Register is more than 18 thousand. However, there is still a shortage of both mature IT systems in the corporate segment and specialized niche software.

NOTA is a Russian software vendor with many years of expertise and a powerful resource base of T1 Holding. We strive to become a leader in the field of domestic development and occupy the niche of platform enterprise solutions that previously belonged to foreign IT companies. The NOTA team focuses on building IT systems for customer relationship management, analytical modules, IT pipeline tools, and a secure enterprise collaboration platform. As of October 2023, we are focused both on the production and implementation of technological products and on expanding the partner network - we have already signed 55 contracts. This development model will allow us to enter new industry markets and strengthen customer confidence, "said Kirill Bulgakov, Deputy General Director of T1 Holding, Managing Director of NOTA.

NOTA includes an analytical agency focusing on digital, consulting as well as six software products: modular - CRM platform T1 CRM, a comprehensive solution for tax monitoring T1, EasyTax a platform for managing the production of technological products, a corporate Sphere communications platform, DION a platform for holding online meetings "Committee Online" and - HR platform.

NOTA is actively developing a partner network for effective distribution of products.

For NOTA, the partner ecosystem is an opportunity to scale your business and reach new market segments. We want to focus on the continuous development of our own products and the expertise that is laid down in them. Sales and implementation will be carried out mainly by our partners. Over the next few years, we expect that 100% of NOTA's revenue will go through a partner channel. We need partners who have loyal customers, a working sales system and a desire to develop competencies in domestic solutions. We are ready to actively invest in such partners: to train, involve in our marketing campaigns and transfer potential transactions for development. At the same time, at first we are ready to fully take on the support of pre-sale and architectural support of the project, - said Anton Spirin, Deputy General Director for Business Development of NOTA.

In the future, the vendor plans to expand the product portfolio, as well as enter the markets, countries CIS Southeast Asia and. Latin America

Creating a Company

T1 created a software developer to automate corporate processes. This was reported in the Russian IT holding in mid-June 2023.

As a source in the Russian IT market told Vedomosti, the company established by the T1 was called Nota. It develops corporate IT systems, including a modular platform for optimizing sales and several other solutions for automating corporate processes. The T1 confirmed to the newspaper that the new company is called Nota. At the same time, the T1 refrained from informative comments, drawing up a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

T1 created a software developer to automate corporate processes

Earlier, the T1 Group opened a product development area to automate engineering analysis in industry. Within this area, CAE (Computed Aided Engineering) products began to be developed. Such solutions are part of the complex of software developments for computer-aided design - they CAD are part of the stack of Product PLM Lifecycle Management technology.

The solution is intended for automation of engineering calculations due to simulation of a number of physical processes: hydrogas dynamics, heat transfer, electrical processes, calculation of strength of structures, etc. It will include several specialized modules, for example, "PCB Analysis Module," "Power Electronics Analysis Module," "Optics and Photonics Analysis Module," etc.

Based on the experience gained, we chose for our product the use of a unique integral calculation method based on improved classical analysis methods together with experimental characteristics and analytical models already "sewn" into the system. This approach will avoid the inherent time-consuming initial preparation of input data in standard CAE systems. And all this - without losing the accuracy of modeling. Thus, we will get an easy-to-use solution that can be used by both calculation engineers and non-specialists in the field of CAE: software research will require a minimum of costs, - said Alexander Sobachkin, director of the center for competencies in engineering analysis and product development of the T1 group.[1]
