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T1 Digital Academy of ANO DPO




+ Sirocco digital
+ Yulia Yurievna Mankos
+ Government of the Russian Federation



How to train employees in digital literacy

In 2024, the Ministry of Digital Development outlined priorities for the development of the state and business in the national project "Data Economics and Digitalization of the State." The transition to a new paradigm expands the penetration of technology into a wide variety of spheres of society, which requires high digital literacy from users.

In order to protect customers, users, employees in the process of digitalization, actively introduce AI solutions and work effectively with big data, business should already think about training and instill in employees the basic rules of digital literacy. Dmitry Krasovsky, director of the T1 Digital Academy, talks about how to do this. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with director Dmitry Krasovsky

Dmitry Krasovsky, director of the T1 Digital Academy, spoke about trends in IT education, promising IT professions and the role of artificial intelligence in training and retraining IT specialists. Read more here.


Obtaining a license for additional vocational education

The company T1 Digital Academy (Holding T1) has received a state license for additional professional education (DPO). The document confirms the right to conduct DPO in the field of information technology and issue certificates of advanced training and diplomas of professional retraining. License indicates that educational programs, training conditions and professional experience of teachers of the Digital Academy meet the requirements of legislation in the field of education in Russia. The Holding T1 announced this on September 28, 2023.

{{quote 'In Russia, against the background of a shortage of personnel, many companies seek to reveal the talents of employees with whom they already work. Initially, the T1 Digital Academy was created to solve internal problems for additional professional education of T1 Holding's specialists. Over 1.5 years, more than 2,000 T1 employees have upgraded their skills using our educational products. In 2023, the T1 Digital Academy expanded its activities, entered the foreign market, focused on providing educational services and creating training solutions in the field of digital competencies, software, materials and programs for revealing talents within companies in RF and abroad. We make corporate training continuous, practical and easily applicable, and digital competencies a priority in personnel development. Obtaining a license is another step in the development of the academy and the effective implementation of training programs for digital transformation in Russia. We provide an opportunity for other companies to qualitatively train employees in order to drive business, "said Dmitry Krasovsky, director of the T1 Digital Academy.}}

In 2022, the Russian IT industry faced large-scale tasks to create a large stack of domestic solutions, and this opened up new opportunities for the development of IT specialists within the country. At the same time, earlier Ministry of Digital Development Russia estimated the shortage of IT personnel at 740 thousand people. Thus, obtaining a license T1 the Digital Academy was a response to a market request to create comprehensive educational solutions that will allow companies and their employees to develop new digital competencies together, effectively manage changes, increase personnel security and strengthen technological leadership.

A strong point of the Digital Academy is the ability to create non-modular educational solutions in the field of IT and a variety of programs: from ready-made courses and customized service solutions to comprehensive educational partnerships. Courses are held in various areas: Agile, CI/CD, Deploy (Kubernetes, Helm), Docker, Git Bitbucket and others.

Training programs T1 the Digital Academy help to solve various problems: expand the opportunities for hiring, onboarding and adaptation of personnel, increase IT - qualifications and digital competencies of employees, train them during implementation digital solutions, receive consulting on the digitalization of HR processes.

Digital Academy Presentation

Holding T1 July 4, 2023 presented the T1 Digital Academy. The opening of the holding's educational project is associated with the request of the Russian market for an increase in the number of highly qualified IT specialists, as well as the need to constantly expand the competencies of employees and the continuity of the IT training process.

T1 Digital Academy was created to solve internal problems of employee training, and for the last 1.5 years it has been the main educational partner for the holding companies. During this time, more than 2,000 T1 employees upgraded their skills using educational products developed by the academy. We are confident that taking into account the multidisciplinary IT expertise of the holding, supplemented by leading methodologies, T1 Digital Academy will become one of the main providers of digital education for Russian companies, − said Igor Kalganov, General Director of T1 Holding.

The scope of activity of the T1 of the Digital Academy − educational services and the creation of training solutions, software, materials and programs for revealing talents within companies in the Russian Federation and abroad.

T1 Digital Academy develops individual educational solutions that allow you to achieve maximum results in training employees of any industry IT competencies. In addition, the solutions that were created for the tasks of the T1 Holding and its partners and showed effectiveness are presented in the catalog on the company's website. Any of these solutions can be quickly adapted to the customer's needs.

The corporate training market in Russia is already mature, while continuing to show good growth. Thanks to cooperation with the companies of its holding T1 the Digital Academy enters the foreign market as an experienced player and is already striving to become an educational partner for Russian organizations. In addition to technological competencies, we consider our strength to be the ability to cooperate in various formats - from ready-made courses and customized service solutions to a full educational partnership. At the same time, we try to approach each project comprehensively and, together with the customer, go through all stages - from audit to assessment of changes following the implementation of solutions, − said Dmitry Krasovsky, Director of the T1 Digital Academy.

T1 Digital Academy develops educational solutions, focusing on a new approach to personnel development − the concept of talent disclosure. In the context of a shortage of highly qualified personnel, work with employees ceases to be the selection of candidates with the greatest potential and the retention of the most "profitable" personnel. The main task is to create conditions in which each employee can open up and bring maximum benefit to the company. Solutions T1 the Digital Academy make the process of mastering knowledge interesting and continuous for employees and effective for business.

In 2022, the Russian IT industry faced large-scale tasks to create a large stack of domestic solutions, and this opened up additional opportunities for the development of IT specialists within. countries The demand for specialists in, and to import substitution ON IT infrastructures equipment has grown significantly. Thanks to the solutions of the Digital Academy T1, we quickly responded to all changes, employees quickly developed competencies, and new specialists adapted much more easily in the team. If earlier the immersion of a specialist in a new technology took about six months, then with the support of specialized training solutions, the process takes no more than a month, − said the Anton Yakimov Deputy General Director of T1 Holding for Technological Development.

T1 Digital Academy for July 2023 offers solutions for business in 6 areas:

  • Training as a recruitment, onboarding and adaptation channel. Internships and open schools for the development of digital and IT skills;
  • Improving IT skills and digital competencies of employees. Mass training and retraining of employees in the field of IT and digital competencies;
  • Training of the Holding Company's solutions T1. External training of the Holding's products T1: Sphere, Dion, AIR, etc.;
  • Training in the implementation of digital solutions. Training of products within the framework of import substitution and projects of the T1 Holding to create products to order;
  • Training and consulting on the digitalization of HR processes. Training of top and line managers with involvement of top managers of T1;
  • EdTech and HRTech platforms. Build-to-order and license HR training and automation platforms

Solutions T1 the Digital Academy quickly increase the competencies of already working IT specialists, as well as significantly reduce the time for hiring and adapting new employees. In the near future T1 the Digital Academy plans to work with companies in industries where digital transformation is most in demand, regardless of their size and level. According to a recent study by the Analytical Agency of T1 Holding, in addition to IT and fintech, the leading industries in digitalization today are electricity, retail, metallurgy, transport and logistics, and construction.