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Revenue millions Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Alexander Volkov

Medialogy is a company developing the eponymous system for analyzing information from the media, which was developed in the IBS Group Holding group of companies. Medialogy solves the tasks of monitoring and analyzing media and social media, allows you to assess the effectiveness of PR and marketing communications.

At the beginning of 2019, the database of companies covers 40 thousand publishers of the federal and regional level. The company automatically processes 500 thousand media reports and 50 million social media messages per day.

"Medialogy" has its own semantic technologies for analyzing complex structured texts, determining the tone of publications (negative and positive), determining key events and persons of publications, thematic grouping of articles by event m, etc. The company monitors not only text, but also photo and video materials.

In addition to standard analytics and monitoring services, the company offers premium GLASS and Electronic Office services that allow you to form a picture of the day, personal media base, managers' workplace and monitor established indicators (KPI). The company's products are available through a web interface, mobile applications and plasma screens.

It is also possible to implement special projects on order. The services of Medialogia are used by the media, PR agencies, government bodies, large companies, political parties, etc.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth by 76% to RUB 3.06 billion

At the end of 2021, the company's revenue amounted to 3 065 435 000 rubles, which is 76% more than in 2020 (1 738 554 000 rubles).


2019: VTB acquired a controlling stake in Medialogia

In January 2019, it became known that VTB acquired a 63% stake in Medialogia, which is the developer of the media monitoring and analysis system. This is evidenced by the data of SPARK[1]

Prior to the transaction, the owner of a 62% stake was the IBS Group Holding (IBS Holding), owned by Anatoly Karachinsky and Sergey Matsotsky. Now this share has passed VTB.

Sergey Matsotsky continues to own a 21% stake in Medialogia. 16% belong to the general director of the company Alexander Volkov.

The amount of the transaction was not named, but according to the Nezygar telegram channel, it amounted to 300 million rubles, while at the beginning of the negotiations the owners allegedly estimated the sold share at 1.2 billion rubles. Later, the Nezygar telegram channel published documents according to which the transaction amount was much higher - 930 million rubles. It also reported that shortly before the transaction, the company's shareholders distributed the company's profit in the amount of about 238 million rubles.

Telegram channel "Mediatechnologue" reported that VTB had two reasons for the transaction: the requirements of the special services to consolidate monitoring in their interests. After the transaction, among other things, they allegedly have access to user downloads, the algorithms for working with social networks, including Telegram, change.

The second reason is the interests of protecting reputation risks for VTB and personally the head of the bank, Andrei Kostin.

Officially, First Deputy President-Chairman of the Board of VTB Yury Solovyov, in a commentary for RBC, explained that this transaction is part of the private equity business of VTB Group. The investment idea behind the deal, he said, is to effectively leverage opportunities to conduct a variety of marketing research for brands, with depth of analysis and breadth of reach not available in the offline media era.

​"Peredovyye technologies of the company will make it possible not only to carry out reliable measurements of media metrics, but also to significantly increase the effectiveness of targeted advertising companies and, accordingly, the return on spending on advertising budgets, "he explained to RBC

The group expects an increase in the company's operating performance over three years. After that, the asset may be potentially of interest to large IT companies and large media holdings, Solovyov added.

Analyst Finam"" Leonid Delitsyn estimates the company at 3.2 billion rubles.

"Most likely, VTB carried out this transaction not in its own interests and in a few years will resell the company," Delitsyn believes.

Yury Solovyov does not exclude the possibility of reselling the company.

"Our standard investment horizon is about three years, and we expect that during this time the asset will significantly increase its operating performance," says VTB's first deputy chairman. - We are sure that, like all digital assets, it can be potentially interesting to large IT companies, and in the future it may be of interest to large media holdings due to proprietary digital marketing technologies developed by the company with high accuracy of tartegging specific recipients of advertising messages[2].

2018: Ernst & Young analysis of the company's business activities before sale

2017: Revenue 670 million, profit - 40 million rubles

In 2017, Medialogia's revenue amounted to 670 million rubles, net profit 40 million rubles.

2016: Loss of Kremlin and White House contract

By the end of 2018, the total amount of state contracts concluded by Medialogia amounted to 2 billion rubles. The most status contract was the monitoring of media and social networks for the Presidential Administration of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation. However, in 2016, the contract with the company was not renewed.

As the Vedomosti newspaper wrote, the FSB had claims against the company because of its ownership of offshore companies. After that, the shares in Medialogia were rewritten to Russian owners, but this step did not help. The new supplier of the Kremlin and the White House was the M13 company, which developed the Katyusha monitoring system.


Owners are ready to sell the company

Interestingly, already in 2011, the owners of Medialogia considered the possibility of its full sale. This is stated in correspondence stolen by hackers from the Humpty Dumpty group from journalist Alexander Budberg, husband Natalia Timakova, former press secretary of Prime Minister and ex-President Dmitry Medvedev.

Unified executor of the state order within the framework of the State Enterprise "Information Society"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2011 N 540-rp

Medialogia LLC is determined by the sole executor of the state order for the implementation of work on information and technical support, modernization, development of software and hardware of the media monitoring subsystem for special purposes. It is hosted by the Ministry of Communications of Russia as part of the implementation of the state program of Russia "Information Society (2011-2020[3].

Medialogia is also recognized as the sole executor of the state order for the creation of knowledge-intensive technologies to ensure the innovative development of the media monitoring subsystem for special purposes. It is hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as part of the implementation of the federal program "Research and Development in Priority Areas for the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013."

2010:30% Media Monitoring Market Share

In 2010, the company held 30% of the media monitoring market. The segmentation of the company's clients was as follows: 20% - banks, 16% - PR agencies, 8% - media companies, 7% - to the IT sector, 6% each - government organizations and management and investment companies, 5% - the telecommunications sector, 4% each - regional administrations and real estate, 3% - fuel and energy complex and political parties.

At the same time, in the segment of premium services, 58% fell on federal authorities, 11% - on regional authorities, another 15% - on banks. In the cost structure of Medialogia, 65-70% were personnel.

According to the presentation, at that time the standard services of the company cost 500 thousand - 1 million rubles. in year. Premium services cost 3 million - 7 million rubles. per year.

2006: Company transfer to Oradell Equites Fund

In the mid-2000s, along with other venture projects, the group IBS was allocated to the Oradell Equites fund, controlled by the founders of IBS. This was due to the preparation of the IBS exit on. In IPO 2007, IBS held an IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, but left it in 2014.

2003: Creation of a company. General Director - wife of Anatoly Karachinsky

Medialogy was created in 2003 as a project of the IBS Group, formed on the basis of the IBS system integrator. At first, the company was headed by Nina Grigorieva, the wife of the founder and main owner of IBS Anatoly Karachinsky.
