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Rosukrep: Cloud

Developers: Rosukrep
Last Release Date: 2024/06/06
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

Main article: What is IaaS

The cloud is a virtual environment where you can run virtual servers with remote access, and consists of hardware and virtualizing software.

2024: Availability of Alt Server and Alt SP Server

The Alt Server operating systems and the Alt SP Server certified FSTEC from BASEALT are now available in the Rosukrep cloud. The company "BASEALT" announced this on June 6, 2024.

Alt Server and Alt SP in the Rosukrep cloud can be the optimal solution for companies migrating to Russian operating systems. It will be easier for the system administrator to retrain, since the logic and interface for applying group policies in Alt OS are very similar to the usual Active Directory policies, "said Evgenia Krynina, commercial director of BASEALT.

In response to the requests of our customers, we added a service for renting the Alt Server and Alt SP Server operating systems developed by the Russian company BASEALT. This service allows companies to create an import-independent IT infrastructure of any scale without capital expenditures and accelerates the process of switching to domestic software products, - said Pavel Zaletsky, General Director of Rosukrep.