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Aerodisk Aero Disc



Competitors: NetApp, EMC, HP

Aquarius - 67,8%
Revenue Ths. rub


AERODISK is a Russian developer and manufacturer of innovative solutions in the field of data storage and. virtualizations

Products and Services

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth to RUB 612 mln

Aerodisk, a Russian developer and manufacturer of storage and virtualization solutions, shared the results of 2021 with TAdviser on February 3, 2022.

According to the results of the reporting period, the revenue of Aerodisk reached 612 million. rubles The bulk of sales fell on DSS "Aerodisk East" and - Aerodisk Engine corporate storage systems Enterprise-level. In general, in 2021, the company commissioned 110 systems. Thus, as of February 2022 Russia , more than 500 DSS manufactured by the company were installed and operating throughout.

The revenue of the Russian DSS developer Aerodisk increased to 612 million rubles

Of the significant moments in activity during the specified period, the company singled out the release of its own line of Photon servers and the launch of their sales. The solution is fully developed and manufactured in Russia.

At the same time, Aerodisk Machine servers 1U and AERODISK Machine 2U models were introduced in. register of Russian industrial products Ministry of Industry and Trade

In 2021 the Russian , virtualizations STORK the development of the system was completed, the start of active sales of which is scheduled for 2022. The hyperconverged system Aerodisk vAIR virtualizations and the Aerodisk AIST system have been upgraded in accordance with the requirements for FSTEC certification of GIS of the 1st class, ISPDN to the level of protection of the 1st and () critical information infrastructure of any CUES classes. Customers have the opportunity to use to hyperconverged systems of domestic development work with critical. information infrastructure

In addition, the company approved plans for the further development of one of the flagship lines of its DSS systems - Aerodisk Vostok, which in 2022 will be expanded to include models based on Baikal and Elbrus processors.

Together with the company Cyberprotect"," a technology partner, Acronis basic tests of compatibility of the DSS "East" and Engine lines with the solution "Acronis Data Protection" for were carried out. backup data The end result of the partnership will be the creation of a tiered environment for backing up and storing copies on DSS, with the ability to initiate backups both on data storage tape and in. clouds

There were also significant structural changes: in 2021, Aerodisk created an internal design center for the development of NVMe microcontrollers using the open RISC-V processor architecture. The capabilities of NVMe 2.0 allow you to create not just storage devices, but full-fledged intelligent data management systems. As of February, the Aerodisk design center is developing its own NVMe 2.0 controller.

"2021 was a period of new breakthroughs for us and at the same time we were able to consolidate our positions in our traditional directions. The company remains committed to development within the framework of the import substitution paradigm, remaining open to the development of innovations, as well as cooperation with colleagues in the widest range of areas and tasks, "said Vyacheslav Vyacheslav Volodkovich|Volodkovich, General Director of Aerodisk.


2025: Agreement with MTUSI to promote technology among students

The Aerodisk company and the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) have entered into a cooperation agreement. The document was signed in order to strengthen the partnership in the field of personnel training for the IT industry, the development of scientific and applied research and the popularization of modern technologies among students. Aerodisk announced this on March 21, 2025. Read more here.


Acquisition of 67.8% stake by Aquarius

One of the developers and manufacturers of computer equipment and IT solutions of the Aquarius Group acquired 67.8% of Aerodisk, a developer and manufacturer of solutions in the field of data storage and virtualization. This "Aerodisk" reported TAdviser on June 26, 2023.

Aquarius acquired a 67.8% stake in the developer of data storage and virtualization systems Aerodisk
Photo source:

This partnership will allow companies to develop comprehensive ready-made solutions, including implementing new approaches when building hierarchical information processing and storage systems. This is a huge step forward for the Russian DSS market, a solution that is profitable both in the market and in the interests of the technological development of Russia.

Changing the ownership structure will not affect the management structure and development of the current Aerodiska product line. Companies do not plan to make changes to current service and partner programs.

Aerodisk is a serious manufacturer, a strong and ambitious team, a mature company with built processes in each area of ​ ​ activity. We have similar values ​ ​ and ambitious goals, and we are confident that together we can reach new heights in the market. Sharing resources and competencies will allow us to effectively meet the growing demand for innovative solutions and strengthen our position in the industry,
said Vladimir Stepanov, President of the Aquarius Group of Companies.

The deal will help us bridge the gap between market needs and the manufacturing facilities available to us. At the same time, we maintain the Aerodisk brand and will continue to work with our customers and partners as usual,
noted the general director of the Aerodisk company Vyacheslav Volodkovich.


Until June 26, 2023, the owners of the company were:


Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products

The TAdviser analytical center studied who is on the Russian virtualization market, analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of products, and assessed the experience of development companies. Among the companies and products studied are Aerodisk (product of Aerodisk Stork). Read more about the research here.

Launch of consulting and service area of information security

On June 21, 2022, Aerodisk announced the launch of a consulting and service direction on information security issues with an emphasis on compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements.

This direction is called "Digital Security Space" (CPB) and is a response to the growing demand of the market for compliance with a set of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information security.

Cyber security issues are closely linked to the suite of IT solutions that serve the data lifecycle. Over the years of work on the creation of such products, the company has accumulated a sufficient level of competence to form a full-fledged consulting offer for clients.

Services within the framework of the CPB will be sold through partners and distributors of Aerodiska, the company does not plan to come out with a new offer to customers according to the direct sales model.

For example, if the partner is conducting an implementation project with the final customer, Aerodisk experts, upon request, will be able to certify IT infrastructure facilities and advise on their compliance with current information security requirements. A protected loop design option is also available.

The main stages of the service implementation include determination of regulatory requirements of regulators relevant for a specific project and the company as a whole, audit of the implemented information security perimeter and design of the contour based on the results of the obtained picture and updated information security requirements.

Further, Aerodisk also helps with the supply and implementation of the necessary equipment, develops an ORD and certifies the finished solution.

Legal compliance of information security products often remains outside the brackets when implementing projects for their implementation. Meanwhile, the possible consequences for violating the requirements of the law in this area for companies and government agencies may be the most serious. The appeal to us removes the need to immerse ourselves in the study of a huge number of legislative and regulatory legal acts, as well as receive numerous certificates in the field of information security from regulators. We are ready to provide a turnkey service regardless of the field of activity of the company, its size and specifics of information security tasks, "said Vyacheslav Volodkovich, General Director of Aerodisk.

The main audience to which the proposal was directed within the framework of the CPB, he named the retail sector, the financial sector, PD operators, KII entities, the public sector and industrial enterprises.

Pricing for services will be based on standard information security consulting models for the market and will be determined by the profile and scale of projects.

Create a design center to develop new products based on advanced technologies

The Aerodisk company on April 22, 2022 announced the creation of a structural unit - a design center for the development of new products based on advanced technologies.

The center first arose as part of a project to develop a high-tech Russian production chip for tasks. data storage It was required to carry out the development not according to the "catching up" principle, but to create your own solution from scratch, ensuring the technological relevance of the development with a horizon of five years. The main area of ​ ​ work of the center is the development of storage technologies with support for hardware virtualizations for solutions in the corporate segment.

As of April 2022, the center implemented the basic version of the device and obtained a prototype SSD NVMe disk on PCIe 4.0 in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) format - a user-programmable gate array, one of the most complex varieties of programmable logic integrated circuits. Hardware virtualization support units are being developed to simplify the operation of hypervisors.

Another promising area is development using the RISC-V instruction system and processor architecture for local niche tasks, for example, in specialized chips for DSS.

The concept of the design center fits very well into the strategy of developing a full range of products in the microelectronics segment in Russia. The general vector of such developments in our understanding is aimed at integrating intelligent functional components directly into storage media at the architecture level. This is a critical task, since there is an opportunity to get rid of the role of catch-up - almost all developers in the world are in approximately the same starting positions in this area, "said Vyacheslav Volodkovich, General Director of Aerodisk.

{{quote "The topic of error correction in flash memory, adaptive components of correction algorithms is a rather complex and hot topic that greatly affects the main characteristics of storage systems. It is in this direction that the efforts of our center will be concentrated in the next two years. Also in the center of our attention is the direction of computing storage systems (CSD, Computational Storage Device), developments on the horizon of 2-3 years will be carried out with an emphasis on it, - added the head of the design center Vasily Shuteev. }}

In the prospect of developing the center's work for 5 years, a range of work is planned to create a series of data storage devices from entry level to advanced enterprise-class systems, where a block of work will be separately allocated to create a series of devices with CSD computing units for consumers with analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence tasks.


Revenue growth by 127% to RUB 500 million

Aerodisk, a Russian developer of solutions in the field of data storage and virtualization, shared the results of its work in 2020 with TAdviser on December 22, 2020. The company notes an increase in sales more than doubled - and plans to maintain its growth rate in 2021.

The developer of the DSS more than doubled its revenue. Photo source:

At the end of 2020, Aerodisk's revenue amounted to more than 500 million rubles. This is 127% more than in 2019 (220 million rubles). Most of the sales came from the Aerodisk Engine, an Enterprise-level enterprise storage system. In general, in 2020, the company in Russia delivered several hundred storage systems.

In 2020, Aerodisk presented two products and a large-scale update of the hyper-converged vAIR system. Now the company's customers can use the fully domestic Aerodisk Vostok DSS based on Russian Elbrus processors. Most of the hardware components and all the software of the system are developed and produced in Russia, which corresponds to modern import substitution trends.

In the fall, our team conducted a lot of load testing to compare the performance of Aerodisk Vostok DSS on Elbrus processors and Aerodisk Engine DSS on Intel processors. Tests showed: in some cases, DSS at Elbrus demonstrated performance comparable to similar Intel-based systems. And in tests that emulated the operation of video surveillance or backup systems, Russian processors significantly outperformed their foreign competitors. We believe in the great future of systems based on domestic processors - and our beliefs are supported by practical results,
notes Vyacheslav Volodkovich, General Director of Aerodisk.

The company also released a version of the Aerodisk vAIR v2 hyperconverged system. Unlike the previous version, it can be supplied not only as part of a comprehensive solution together with the Aerodiska equipment, but also as software installed on the customer's equipment. One of the key features of this model is the ability to use the Aerodisk AIST hypervisor as an independent solution.

In addition, the company completed the deployment of a network of service centers throughout the country in 2020. As of December 2020, 44 centers operate in Russia, which allow you to provide technical support for Aerodisk solutions in 24/7 mode in all regions of Russia.

We began to deploy service centers back in 2019 - when we realized that customers from various parts of Russia were actively acquiring Aerodiska systems. The company provides prompt and high-quality support comparable to the level of support for A-class brands,
adds Vyacheslav Volodkovich.

The Aerodisk team was able to achieve such results by working for more than six months in a remote format. As of December 2020, more than 70% of the company's employees work remotely, and this regime is expected to continue until mid-2021.

In 2021, Aerodisk is going to maintain a twofold increase in sales. To do this, the company plans to expand its presence in Russia and the CIS countries, continue the development of the Aerodisk Engine and Aerodisk Vostok DSS systems, as well as the Aerodisk vAIR hyperconverged system and the Aerodisk AIST virtualization system. The products will be delivered in the form of a classic software and hardware complex, as well as in digital distribution in the form of software.

FSTEC License for Development and Production of Confidential Information Protection Tools

The Aerodisk company on January 13, 2021 announced the receipt of an indefinite license from the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC). Thanks to this, the company will be able to develop and produce means of protecting confidential information.

The FSTEC license applies to the development and production of software and software and hardware information protection tools, secure information processing tools, as well as information security controls. The license was granted on the basis of Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated December 24, 2020 No. 347-L. To obtain it, Aerodisk passed an examination for compliance with state standards and requirements for information protection.

We are actively involved in the digitalization of government organizations, offering fully domestic storage and virtualization systems. Obtaining an FSTEC certificate once again confirms the high level of security of the company's systems - thanks to this, they are suitable for solving problems even within the framework of a critical information infrastructure (CII), - said Vyacheslav Volodkovich, General Director of Aerodisk.

Opening of the Aerodisk training center based on RRC Innovation lab

On August 12, 2020, Aerodisk announced the opening of a training center based on the RRC Innovation lab. This is a complex of RRC, an international distributor of telecommunications and network equipment, automatic identification and data collection devices, information security systems and infrastructure solutions. Read more here.


  • With the advent of Elbrus 16S processors with support for hardware virtualization, it will be possible to port the hyperconverged AERODISK vAIR system to the fully domestic e2k Elbrus architecture - 2021-2022.
  • The development of the AERODISK AIST virtualization server and software for migration and deployment of virtual environments for next-generation Elbrus processors 16S/32S to comply with the upcoming legal regulations on real import substitution in the field of digitalization - 2020-2024.

Joining the Consortium of Russian Developers DSS

On February 19, 2020, TAdviser became known that leading domestic high-tech companies announced the creation of a "Consortium of Russian DSS Developers." The organization includes the developer of storage and virtualization tools "Aerodisk," the Institute of Software Systems named after A.K. Aylamazyan RAS, the company "Norsi-Trans," GC "Element," "BASEALT," as well as JSC "MCST" - the developer of processors "Elbrus." Read more here.

2018: Owner of a controlling stake in Aerodisk

Logo "Aerodisk" for May 2015

As of April 2018, ITG (INLINE Technologies Group) owned 51% of Aerodisk's shares.
