Import substitution of computer equipment and microelectronics
The article is devoted to measures of state support to Russian manufacturers of computer equipment and microelectronics. A separate article considers the implementation of the state program for the development of the electronic component base and radio electronics until 2025.
Regulation of public procurement of telecom equipment
Main article: Regulation of public procurement of radio-electronic products
Domestic Product Registers
- Register of Industrial Products Produced in the Russian Federation
- Unified Register of Russian Radio Electronic Products
- Register of Telecommunication Equipment of Russian Origin (TORP)
Benefits for electronics manufacturers in Russia
Main article: Benefits for electronics manufacturers in Russia
How Russia implemented state support for reverse chip engineering - now subsidies cover 100% of costs
In February 2025, the Ministry of Industry and Trade approved the updated work regulations on the grant program for reverse engineering of components. The main changes are the amount of the grant increased to 150 million rubles, and for radio electronics 100% of the project budget is compensated. TAdviser talked with market participants to find out the details of this program.
Reverse chip engineering is the process of analyzing and researching chips in order to restore their structure, circuitry and principle of operation. It includes the following main stages:
- Decapsulation (removal of the protective case of the chip)
- Microscopic examination of layers
- Study of circuitry and operation logic
- Recreating circuits and firmware
According to experts interviewed by TAdviser, reverse chip engineering helps Russia reduce dependence on foreign technologies, especially in the face of sanctions restricting access to advanced semiconductors. This makes it possible to reproduce and modernize important components for the defense, space and industrial industries, as well as extend the life of the equipment. In addition, analysis of imported chips helps identify potential vulnerabilities and bookmarks, increasing the level of cybersecurity.
As TAdviser was told in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, engineering centers at leading universities in the country and enterprises with their own design bureau are engaged in reverse engineering in Russia. Customers of reverse engineering services are enterprises that need to replace imported components with Russian counterparts.
To participate in the grant support program, potential performers must pass the qualification, which is carried out on the basis of the State Industrial Information System (GISP). As specified in the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the main qualification requirement is that development experience in the amount of at least 50 million rubles over the past 3 years should be confirmed. As a result of the project, it is envisaged to receive revenue in the amount of 2 rubles for each ruble of the grant for four years with a cumulative total.
The grant program for reverse engineering of components in Russia is carried out by the Agency for Technological Development (APR). They told TAdviser that as part of this initiative, by the beginning of March 2025, more than 40 projects on reverse engineering of radioelectronic components used in various industries were supported.
According to Sergei Nefedov, Deputy Director of MIEM HSE, reverse engineering projects require higher qualifications than the development of their own solutions from scratch, so there are few actual successful developments in Russia.
In the public domain, you can find information about Russian companies that are engaged in reverse engineering. Among them are KEDR Solution, Third Pin, ComplexKAD, SeverGarantGroup and Sndglobal. The founder and owner of Sndglobal holding Olga Kvashenkina, in a conversation with TAdviser, said that there are a lot of successful reverse engineering projects in the Russian Federation. According to her, in the field of radio electronics, some are engaged in reverse engineering of components, others - complete devices, others - reverse engineering of buildings and design documentation.
According to Kvashenkina, before the start of the competition, the APR is conducting a marketing research, an analysis of whether there is really a market for this component. If 150 million rubles are needed for reverse engineering of the component, but at the same time the need for these elements, for example, two pieces per year for a total of 10 million rubles, then such a competition will not be announced, she continues. That is, tenders are announced only for those components for which the market is quite capacious, and the operator is convinced that state money will pay off for a certain number of years through commercial sales of the import-substituted element, the owner of Sndglobal noted.
In my opinion, this is a very good tool, quite a lot of successful cases. On the ATP website, you can see these cases, follow the links to finished products, even see their price and cost. This tool really helps companies that require import substitutes and companies such as ours that are engaged in import substitution, "added Olga Kvashenkina. |
According to her, the reverse engineering company, which decided to take part in the state program, is responsible for the payback. This means that the state gives money to the company and within a certain period the enterprise must show revenue in the amount of no less than the funds received - sometimes twice as much as this amount for a certain number of years. That is, the company must not only make reverse engineering once, but also establish the production of this component in Russia with the appropriate quality, enter the register and ensure sales. Thus, it turns out that the state gives money to companies so that they create a line of mass production and really replace some kind of component, provide them with a market, Kvashenkina explained.
The RTK-DPC assessed the "pain points" of import substitution: In some classes of equipment, there is nothing to choose from
Speaking on February 19 at the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2025: real experience," Alexey Zabrodin, technical director of the cloud operator of data centers RTK-DPC, spoke about the company's experience in replacing imported ICT solutions with domestic ones. RTK-DPC began import substitution until 2022, when the market mainly "said words, but no one really moved anywhere."
Alexey Zabrodin cited some indicators of import substitution, stressing that here we are talking about import substitution in the production of RTK-DPC - that is, in the services that are provided to customers, and not about the internal automation of the company. In 2025, the company enters a 100 percent share of spending on domestic equipment in several areas at once, such as servers and laptops, monitors, etc.
There are still "pain points." If, for example, some choice already appears in the segment of Russian laptops, then replacing DSS systems on high loads and good functionality will not work, said Alexei Zabrodin: "Moreover, almost all data storage systems that are on the Russian market are not. These are not DSS, but storage clusters. "
The technical director of the RTK-DPC noted that in the direction of switches, routers and network equipment, you can see many announcements about inclusion in the registry. At the same time, the "classic example" for network equipment - when the next manufacturer comes with his products included in the register, presents paper. But on the proposal to fill out a questionnaire for testing this equipment in RTK-DPC before launching into production, he replies that he will come in a year.
The issue of compatibility of Russian solutions also remains relevant: you can buy many of them, and each of them is separately understandable, and in the aggregate it is not clear how they interact with each other, and no one guarantees compatibility. In order for them to work as a combination, it is necessary to make remarkable efforts, the representative of the RTK-DPC stated. Moreover, this is not an event, but a process, since every change, every new patch, new version of each of these manufacturers "can destroy your infrastructure, and no one will help you."
One of the clouds in RTK-DPC is Cloud. In CUES this area, the main shortage of solutions is now observed in the field of engineering infrastructure. And there are areas where the choice of solutions is represented by literally one developer. For example, the "KII Cloud" uses DSS Tatlin from the company. Yadro There are different opinions about them on the market, notes Alexey Zabrodin, but "there is nothing else." In the segment of solutions for core high-load switching of data centers, where there is a player, B4Com a similar situation is assessed by him.
And there are a lot of such examples for key components, where at least individual players appeared who did something worthy, "but so far the choice is not very much," the expert noted.
At the same time, the general situation with Russian decisions is now much better than a couple of years ago. Today, Russian solutions already allow building dynamic distributed cloud infrastructures that can replicate, create highly loaded clusters, emphasized Alexey Zabrodin.
At the same time, RTK-DPC has already counted on the market about 40 server manufacturers alone. And fierce competition has a positive effect on prices.
RTK-DPC constantly tries and tests new ICT solutions from different vendors, without this they are not allowed in production. To do this, there is a testing laboratory, the creation of which spent "more than a billion rubles."
At the same time, testing solutions is built into root processes - that is, any initiative, any new development or requirement that relies on Russian solutions is checked not with each of them separately, but with the combination of their work with each other.
We have achieved that a number of manufacturers have taken our methods as the basis for testing their products at the exit from production, "said Alexey Zabrodin. He could not designate specific ones from the name, referring to the NDA, but stressed that we are talking about large companies. |
The Ministry of Industry and Trade will introduce additional points to assess the localization of electronics
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia is considering the possibility of introducing additional points for the use of domestic equipment and chemical materials in assessing the localization of electronic products within the framework of government decree No. 719. This became known at the end of November 2024.
According to Kommersant, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak called on electronics manufacturers to invest 15-20% of the total purchases in domestic machine tools and chemical materials, stressing the importance of controlling the means of production.
In government decree No. 719, the maximum number of points - 50 - is assigned for using a Russian processor. The criteria of the resolution are regularly supplemented with new parameters for assessing localization.
Dmitry Saprykin, head of the R&D center of SPC Lasers and TM Equipment LLC, noted that the main types of necessary equipment are already produced in Russia both at the level of prototypes and serial complexes.
By cost, Russian equipment is divided into three categories: up to $10 thousand, from $10 thousand to $100 thousand and over $100 thousand. In the middle price segment, the share of domestic machines is 10-20%, in the high - 10-15%.
Senior Vice President of Kraftway Renat Yusupov warned of the need to clearly limit the initiative, since specialized chemistry is used only by manufacturers of microelectronics and printed circuit boards.
Director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics Ivan Pokrovsky believes that the development of domestic production of equipment and chemical materials will be facilitated by investment support measures, and not import restrictions. In his opinion, complicating the point system can reduce the effectiveness of industry regulation.[1]
The introduction of waste collection for foreign IT equipment is postponed
On October 25, 2024, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation postponed the introduction of a utilization fee for the import of foreign IT equipment. This measure was planned to be adopted in order to maintain domestic manufacturers of computer electronics.
The Strategy for the Development of the Communications Industry until 2035 speaks of the expediency of working out the issue of introducing a utilization fee for telecom equipment. It is assumed that the presence of waste collection will increase the cost of foreign solutions that have Russian analogues. This is necessary in order to "prevent unfair price competition and equalize prices for foreign and domestic equipment." However, as the head of the Ministry of Digital Science Maksut Shadayev said, this initiative has been suspended.
Nikolai Komlev, Executive Director of the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT), believes that the uncertainties that have arisen with the introduction of waste collection are associated with different interests of importers and developers. On the one hand, the collection is aimed at supporting manufacturers of Russian equipment. But, on the other hand, for customers purchasing equipment, waste collection will lead to an increase in the financial burden.
Two sides, each lobbying for its own interest. Industries need to carry out the import substitution program, re-equip, install new systems, IT equipment, and they urgently need to get new information systems at minimum prices. Naturally, they advocate that prices be lower, and any fee is an additional increase in value, says Komlev. |
Maxim Koposov, director of the Bitblaze group of companies, believes that the mechanism of operation of the recycling collection needs to be improved. In his opinion, it is necessary to make sure that "real" Russian manufacturers are really ready to use the new support measure.[2]
Analogues of American software are being created in Russia to check the quality of microelectronics
On October 23, 2024, it became known that the Russian companies Dayton and JSC Radar Mms Scientific and Production Enterprise are developing specialized software for checking the quality of microelectronics. We are talking about analogues of the American products Cognex-ViDi and Visual Inspection AI. Read more here.
The government has pledged 175.3 billion rubles for the development of radio and microelectronics in Russia
Russia in 2025-2027 plans to allocate 175.3 billion rubles for the development of radio and microelectronics. This is stated in the bill on the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026-2027, which was submitted to the State Duma on September 30, 2024.
It is noted that the development of radio and microelectronics is among the measures to achieve technological leadership of the Russian Federation. This area combines measures to develop the economy. This, in particular, the federal investment tax deduction introduced since 2025, which will allow companies to reduce the increased income tax by receiving a refund of part of the investment costs.
According to estimates, the production of computers, electronic and optical products at the end of 2023 in Russia increased by 36.2% compared to 2022. In 2024, growth is expected at 29.7%. The corresponding figures are given in the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2025-2027, submitted by the government to the State Duma along with the budget package. In 2025, the increase in the production of computers, electronic and optical products in the Russian Federation, according to experts, will amount to 2.5%, in 2026 - 5.1%, in 2027 - 6.8%. Thus, production growth in 2027 in relation to 2023 may reach 49.1%.
It is planned to ensure stable positive dynamics by maintaining stable demand for products of the radio-electronic industry, the use of products in public procurement, as well as through the implementation of the measures of the state program "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry."
Ensuring technological sovereignty has become one of the key tasks set by the president within the framework of national development goals. To implement it, the government, in close coordination with business, scientific and expert communities, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Council's working group in the direction of Industry, supports the expansion of domestic competencies in various fields, "said RFMikhail Prime Minister Mishustin.[3] |
The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the introduction of a point system for assessing the localization of LEDs in electronics
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia at the end of July 2024 announced the introduction of a point system to assess the localization of LEDs in electronics. This initiative is aimed at stimulating the use of domestic LEDs in various electronics sectors, which will strengthen the position of Russian manufacturers in the domestic market.
According to Kommersant, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is working with market participants on the details of the accrual of additional points for the use of Russian LEDs. Market participants themselves determine for which component activities additional points can be awarded. Thus, this will help increase the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers of LEDs that use Russian cases and crystals.
In Russia,LEDs are widely used in street, industrial and household lighting, as well as in automotive production and advertising signs. The annual turnover of the lighting market in Russia is estimated at ₽200 -250 billion, according to the publication of the publication.
Negotiations on the creation of domestic buildings and crystals based on gallium nitride are underway with companies such as GS Group, Element and BL Group. However, the implementation of this task will take a significant time - from three to seven years. The introduction of a point system will help speed up this process and provide more favorable conditions for the development of domestic production.
Earlier, LED manufacturers proposed to strengthen control over public procurement of components, since customers mainly purchase Chinese components. Tightening controls can increase the cost of end devices by 10%, but this will reduce dependence on imported parts.[4]
Russian manufacturers ask the Ministry of Industry and Trade to ban imported electronics for state-owned companies
At the end of July 2024, it became known that Russian manufacturers appealed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade with a request to speed up the adoption of a law prohibiting the purchase of foreign electronics for state corporations and state-owned companies. This measure is designed to help domestic enterprises compete with Chinese suppliers.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the Association of Enterprises in the Field of Radio Electronics, Information Technologies, Digital Innovation and Engineering sent the corresponding proposals to the Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov. The document says that the mechanisms of price preference and the minimum mandatory share of Russian goods "practically do not work." In such a situation, it is said, only bans on foreign purchases can help domestic manufacturers.
The president of the association, Irina Mitina, believes that the introduction of the ban will strengthen technological sovereignty by introducing mandatory purchases of Russian products. At the same time, it is proposed to determine the list of foreign products that state corporations and state-owned companies will not be able to purchase. Such a list "should take into account what products and in what volumes are actually produced on the market."
Participants in the Russian electronics industry as a whole support the initiative. In particular, the director of the Consortium of Domestic Developers storage systems Oleg Emeraludov says that prohibitive measures will lead to "expanding new sources of supply," since as of 2024 many niches are occupied exclusively by foreign suppliers. According to him, domestic companies do not risk developing such areas, since the volume of possible sales and profitability of the project at current interest rates are in question.[5]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation introduces a check on the origin of components for access of electronics manufacturers to government orders
On July 24, 2024 Ministry of Industry and Trade , the Russian Federation published a draft government decree tightening the regime of access of manufacturers to the state order market. In particular, a mechanism is being introduced to track the country of origin of components for. electronic engineers It is assumed that this will help in preventing cases when the company indicates the source of the product, Russia but uses foreign components in the manufacture of products.
The new rules provide for the expansion of the amount of information that manufacturers provide when applying for inclusion in the state InformSystem of industry (GISP). Companies will have to report on components (goods, components) purchased for the production of products. The collection of additional information will be carried out completely in electronic form, so the mechanism, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, will not complicate the work of manufacturers.
Maxim Tretyakov, President of NP Electrokabel Association, Vice President of OPORA Association, calls the new measures useful. According to him, Russian products often have an advantage at the auction, but cases of circumvention of import substitution rules are recorded. This applies primarily to complex types of products. The introduced rules will facilitate control, and the speed of product verification will increase: data on Russian components will be contained in a special database, which will reduce the number of cases of circumvention of the rules.
On the other hand, says Dmitry Sytin, Chairman of the Council for the Development of the Procurement System of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the problem of the system for confirming the Russian origin of goods is the singleness of the procedure. After passing the initial examination and entering data on products, companies can supply any goods. Therefore, according to Sytin, it is advisable to introduce selective control that will help minimize possible abuse.[6]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has ceased to demand documents from electronics manufacturers on the purchase of Russian components
On June 24, 2024, it became known that Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia it canceled the requirement to provide manufacturers electronic engineers with documents confirming the purchase of Russian components to obtain the status of domestic products. This measure was introduced to combat the supply of foreign electronics under the guise of Russian.
According to Vedomosti, the changes affected the draft government decree amending the decree of July 17, 2015 No. 719. In the updated draft resolution, the requirement to provide information on the procurement of components with confirmed Russian origin has disappeared. The authors of the amendments noted that this measure would help minimize cases when the manufacturer claims the product as Russian, using foreign components.
Ministry ofAccording to the current decree No. 719, the criteria for classifying products as domestic are determined by the points system, which are awarded for the use of Russian components and technologies. State customers are obliged to be guided by this register when conducting purchases. Before the changes, manufacturers reported only on shipments of products, but not on purchases of domestic components.
According to Vladimir Semenov, director of the ANO Consortium of Printed Circuit Boards, the lack of control prevents the introduction of a traceability system, which negatively affects bona fide manufacturers. He noted that many manufacturers are interested in using Russian components not only for an experimental batch, but also for serial production of products.
Ivan Pokrovsky, head of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics, has a different opinion. He believes that excessive reporting can lead to costs that outweigh the benefits of preferences. In his opinion, it is enough to publish the structure of the point assessment and statistics on the volume of purchases of each registered product, which will make the system transparent and reduce opportunities for forgery.[7]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade began the development of a roadmap for the development of CAD for the development of chips
The Ministry of Industry and Trade, together with market participants, began to develop a roadmap for the development of computer-aided design (CAD) systems in microelectronics. This was announced at the end of May 2024 by the director of the department of digital technologies of the department, Vladimir Dozhdev. Read more here.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade was asked to simplify the mechanism for recognizing servers as Russian
On April 22, 2024, it became known that the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Computing Technology" (ANO VT) sent proposals to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to simplify the mechanism for recognizing Russian electronics. We are talking about personal computers, tablets, smartphones, servers, monitors, etc.
The inclusion of equipment in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in order to subsequently receive preferences in public procurement is regulated by government decree No. 719. To be included in this list of products, you need to score a set number of points that are awarded for performing certain technological operations and using domestic components, including boards and processors.
ANO VT, which includes Aquarius, Yadro, Fplus and other companies, offers the Ministry of Industry and Trade to award additional points to recognize tablets and servers as Russian for having exclusive rights to design and technological documentation. In addition, points, according to the authors of the initiative, should be given for the use of a domestic computer-aided work design (CAD) system in the development of electronic modules.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, referring to information received from representatives of the ANO VT, it is proposed to include new items such as power supplies in the list of components for which points are awarded. The authors of the project also recommend adding points for enclosing NAND flash memory integrated circuits in SSDs.
The consortium also considers it necessary to introduce the first and second levels for peripheral devices that lack a domestic, processor but use a central microcontroller. These can be monitors in particular. As of April 2024, electronics in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade are divided into two levels, on which preferences in public procurement depend. The first includes PCs servers and that run on a domestic processor. Products that do not have such a chip fall into the second category. In general, it is expected that the initiative will ensure the presence of domestic companies in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and at the same time will increase the real percentage of localization.[8]
GRCC transfers equipment for traffic switching during network accidents to Russian processors
In mid-April 2024, the Main Radio Frequency Center (GRCC) announced the transfer of equipment to Russian processors for switching traffic during accidents in networks. We are talking about the so-called bypass switches, import substitution in this area will take several years. Read more here.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation will oblige electronics manufacturers to report on the procurement of domestic components
In mid-March 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation intends to oblige all electronics manufacturers to provide documents on the purchase of Russian components. We are talking about products that are used in the manufacture of equipment that claims to be domestic.
The criteria for classifying products as manufactured in Russia are determined by Government Decree No. 719 "On Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Russian Federation." It assumes that in order to include electronics in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receive preferences in public procurement, devices need to score a certain number of points that are awarded for Russian fees, processors, assembly, etc.
According to Sheets the newspaper "," the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to supplement this resolution with a requirement to provide information on components purchased for the production of industrial products of confirmed Russian origin. Information on the number of purchased components and the volume of manufactured products should be sent to the State Information System of Industry (GISP). This measure will identify cases with the substitution of components from Russian to foreign after the inclusion of products in the register.
The initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade should contribute to the fight against unscrupulous suppliers. Cases are recorded when the manufacturer indicates the country of origin of the product, and Russia when manufacturing the product uses "foreign components." In the event of a discrepancy between the volume of purchased domestic components and the actual number of goods produced, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), will carry out an on-site check.
At the same time, the general director of Promobit Maxim Koposov believes that the new requirement will be able to solve only the problem of falsification of production operations in Russia. Whereas the problem of falsification of development will remain.[9]
Belarusian chips began to equate with Russian chips for inclusion in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
In early March 2024, it became known that Belarusian microelectronics began to be equated with Russian. This contributes to the inclusion of products in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, participation in which allows you to receive preferences on public procurement.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, one of the first decisions on equating Belarusian components with Russian ones was made in relation to analog base matrix crystals (BMK). These products are used to create amplifiers, generators, stabilizers, etc.
It is noted that as of the beginning of March 2024, BMKs for digital circuits - controllers or processors are produced in Russia. However, there is no production of analog solutions. Potential consumers of analog BMKs are manufacturers of control, measurement, control and other industrial electronics systems. It is noted that the analog BMK works as a "designer" - with its help you can implement many different versions of devices.
Associate Professor of the Don State Technical University Aleksei Popov says that in Belarus the line of analog BMKs, which are the basis for the rapid development and production of specialized microcircuits, is produced by Minsk JSC Integral. Due to the current geopolitical situation, Russian electronics manufacturers are forced to purchase Chinese BMKs or purchase products from unfriendly countries through parallel imports. Localization of BMK will increase the chances for Russian manufacturers of systems created using such components to get into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Given the shortage of microelectronics in Russia, there is no talk of competition. The new players bring closer the common goal for the entire industry - technological sovereignty, - says Fedor Boyarkov, vice president for production development at GS Group.[10] |
New rules have been developed to recognize IT equipment as Russian
On February 19, 2024, it became known that the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Computer Engineering" (ANO VT) prepared amendments to Government Decree No. 719 "On Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Russian Federation." We are talking about awarding additional points to recognize IT equipment as domestic for the presence of certain hardware components in it.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, the list of such components will include Russian solid-state drives (SSDs) with an SAS interface, printed circuit boards for power management, contactless card readers (RFID modules), etc. A total of seven product types are listed.
Maxim Koposov, director of Promobit, notes that as of mid-February 2024, to recognize the Russian data storage system, it is required to score at least 150 points, servers - 140 points. At the same time, the largest number of points is awarded for domestic processors - 50. In the case of SSDs and other components from the new list, it is proposed to assign an additional 20 points. At the same time, points are given only for non-repeating components: thus, it will not be possible to get 60 points, for example, for installing three identical drives.
According to Koposov, the initiative of ANO VT is beneficial to all market participants, since it will lead to an expansion of the list of IT equipment, which is considered Russian. On the other hand, emphasizes the director of the Consortium of Russian developers of data storage systems (includes Norsi-Trans, Baikal Electronics, ICST, etc.) Oleg Emeraludov, the amendments actually allow foreign products to be entered into the register of domestic electronics by integrating Russian solid-state drives or RAM modules into it. In other words, it will become easier to seek recognition of Russian devices on the fact of foreign production.[11]
Smartphones and tablets will receive additional points to the level of localization for compatibility with Russian OS
In mid-February 2024, it became known that the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Computing Technology" (ANO VT) appealed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with a proposal to award additional points to the level of localization of smartphones and tablets for their compatibility with Russian mobile OS. Some domestic gadget developers have already begun to create their own software platforms for their equipment.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, we are talking about making additions to government decree 719 "On confirming the production of industrial products on the territory of the Russian Federation." It assumes that in order to include electronics in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receive preferences in public procurement, devices need to score a certain number of points that are awarded for Russian fees, processors, assembly, etc. ANO VT, which includes "Core," "Aquarius," "Byte Erg" and other companies, proposes to add compatibility with domestic mobile OS from the Ministry of Digital Development register to these criteria: if confirmed, electronics will receive additional points.
The head of the board of directors of BASEALT, Alexei Smirnov, considers the addition of points for using a domestic OS a reasonable initiative. In his opinion, this approach will encourage mobile device developers to provide the necessary drivers. That is, the new point system will give an advantage to those manufacturers who are "deeply immersed in development, and not just assembling devices on a ready-made foreign platform or overhauling nameplates altogether."
On the other hand, market participants believe, the initiative is being worked out to "protect the investments of specific device manufacturers that are developing their mobile OS." One of the sources of the Kommersant newspaper states that the project under consideration "does not serve the tasks that the scoring system must solve," since the decree was originally "adopted to stimulate the development of the hardware of IT solutions."[12]
Russian motherboard manufacturers face a flurry of orders and are now expanding capacity
At the end of January 2024, it became known that Russian computer manufacturers are increasing the production of motherboards. This is due to the increasing number of orders for domestic products due to the shortage of foreign products that has formed in the current geopolitical situation. Read more here.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade refused to soften the requirements for import substitution of electronics
On December 27, 2023, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade refused to electronics manufacturers to soften the point system to determine the Russian origin of computer equipment. Because of this, some suppliers may lose preferences in public procurement.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, market participants failed to agree with the Ministry of Industry and Trade on freezing the requirements for the mandatory use of domestic printed circuit boards. The department said that "the point system was designed taking into account the industry's plans to develop the production of all components and is an incentive for Russian manufacturers to increase the level of localization." In addition, the ministry pointed to the constant monitoring of the "achieved technological level." Plus, in 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade intends to stimulate the launch of new production of printed circuit boards for the civilian segment. Taking into account all these factors, the department decided not to make changes to the established requirements.
At the same time, market participants say that without easing the rules in 2024, "a noticeable amount of equipment" will fall out of the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In this situation, manufacturers, experts believe, will have to go to various tricks in order to score a sufficient number of points and maintain preferences in the public procurement market. It is noted that, for example, at the stage of experimental production, an electronics supplier can purchase a small number of the necessary boards and enter equipment into the register as Russian. And already in the serial production of products, cheap Chinese components can be used.
On the other hand, some Russian manufacturers support the new rules. Beshtau CEO Oleg Osipov said that the company is ready to fulfill the requirements. Yadro also plans to create its own production of printed circuit boards.[13]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade stopped issuing preferential loans for the purchase of imported equipment for the production of electronics
In mid-October 2023, Russian banks stopped accepting applications from organizations for preferential loans for the purchase of foreign equipment for the production of equipment. This includes Chinese products, as well as components for electronic devices.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, the changes in banks' policy are due to the fact that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is revising the procedure for issuing preferential loans for the purchase of priority products. In accordance with government decree No. 895, signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in May 2022, such products include chemical elements used in electronics, soldering equipment, lamps, livestock, etc. The document implies that companies can receive preferential loans for the purchase of priority goods, while the state compensates banks for the difference. However, in the new version of the 895th government decree, only horses, chicken and cows remained on the list of priority products.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade says that in Russia there is "the replacement of industrial products by domestic companies or companies from friendly countries," which allows "to focus efforts on supporting Russian manufacturers." Market participants note that by November 2023, an overabundance of priority products had formed in the Russian Federation, and therefore there is no need for preferential lending of relevant purchases.
Ivan Pokrovsky, Executive Director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics, emphasizes that preferential lending was important during a period of component shortage and stretched delivery times. But by the end of 2023, the deadlines are normalizing, and prices for many groups of components are decreasing. Therefore, companies began to reduce purchases of foreign products.[14]
Russian manufacturers ask the government not to increase the requirements for SSDs to get into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
In early November 2023, the Association of Enterprises in the Field of Radio Electronics, Information Technologies, Digital Innovations and Engineering sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Digital Development, in which it asked to postpone the increase in the points threshold necessary to include Russian solid-state drives in the state register of domestic industrial products. According to market participants, due to the new requirements, devices from manufacturers from the Russian Federation may be excluded from the register due to the lack of Russian-made microcontrollers.
As Kommersant writes with reference to this document, by November 2023, domestic SSDs score 27 points, and from January 1, 2024, to get into the register of Russian hardware, they need to have 55 points. To achieve this indicator, manufacturers need domestic microcontrollers, for which they give 30 points. The Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that they were considering the letter received.
Fyodor Boyarkov, vice president for production development at GS Group, told the publication that according to the new standards, in order to obtain the required number of points, you need to equip Russian SSDs or a domestic controller, or a Russian printed circuit board and a 90% Russian component base. Boyarkov stressed that none of the options given by November 2023 can be implemented.
Executive Director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics Ivan Pokrovsky points out that all domestic SSD manufacturers use imported memory chips by November 2023.
If the controller is imported, then, in fact, only the localization of the SSD assembly will remain. But for safety and technological independence, the contribution of development is more important than assembly, "he stressed in a conversation with the newspaper.[15] |
130 billion rubles will be spent on the creation of Russian "trusted "PAC
At the end of October 2023, it became known about the work on the creation in Russia of a model range of "trusted" hardware and software systems (PAC). The development of such solutions is necessary within the framework of import substitution in connection with the current geopolitical situation.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, the initiative is being taken by the Trusted Infrastructure expert working group, which is headed by Boris Glazkov, vice president of strategy at Rostelecom. It is planned to develop both an electronic component base and software, including mobile. This is necessary in order to "ensure the independence of Russian infrastructure from foreign technologies."
Until 2030, it is planned to spend up to 130 billion rubles on the implementation of the project. The necessary funds can be allocated both from the budget and from private capital. Among the alleged participants are the structure of Rosatom NPO KIS, Rosatom, Rostec and leading Russian computer developers.
It is proposed to achieve technological sovereignty through subsidies for the purchase of domestic solutions, reverse engineering, the purchase of intellectual rights of foreign manufacturers, expansion of production, etc. By "trusted "PAC are meant software and hardware components included in the register of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. These can be smartphones, tablets, personal computers, Russian operating systems, etc.
However, the general director of Information Implementation Company JSC (IVK) Grigory Sizonenko believes that 130 billion rubles for complete technological independence from foreign solutions will not be enough. Industry participants also say that, in addition to creating products, demand formation in the business sector is necessary.[16]
The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation introduces a utilization fee for importers of foreign IT equipment
On October 18, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced its intention to introduce a utilization fee for foreign IT equipment that has Russian analogues. The funds received are planned to be used to support Russian manufacturers as part of a large-scale import substitution initiative.
According to Interfax, referring to the statements of the head of the department Maksut Shadayev, Ministry of Digital Development opposes restrictions on parallel imports, the possibility of which is being considered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. At the same time, it is necessary to stimulate the production of domestic IT products. It is proposed to finance the Russian electronic industry by attracting additional funds through waste collection for foreign solutions.
There is such a measure, it operates in vehicles, waste collection is called. This is a measure that allows us to raise the cost of foreign decisions on those positions for which there are Russian analogues in order to prevent unfair price competition. We will collect it from those who import foreign equipment. And this will go to support Russian production, - said Shadayev. |
However, some market participants believe that the new measures will only lead to a rise in the cost of electronics. In particular, the director of public relations of the Association of Trading Companies and Commodity Producers of Electric Household and Computer Equipment RATEKAnton Guskov believes that "it is wrong to support some market participants, in fact, at the expense of consumers." Instead, in his opinion, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of Russian producers and support them with tax breaks. In addition, waste collection for importers of foreign IT equipment may violate the norms of the World Trade Organization, which prohibit discrimination against foreign goods.[17]
The government allocates 210 billion rubles to support Russian microelectronics in 2024
Budget investments in the development of Russian microelectronics in 2024 will amount to more than 210 billion rubles. Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov announced this on October 10, 2023.
He stressed that due to catastrophic underfunding in the 90s, Russian microelectronics lost its strong market position. At the same time, the global transition to the fabless-foundation model helped to maintain high positions in design, but significantly aggravated the lag in the technological level.
Now everything needs to be done to narrow this gap between high positions in design and technological lag. And in a short time. With this in mind, the state has multiplied the level of funding. Back in 2020, budget investments did not exceed 10 billion rubles a year, this year they have already amounted to 147 billion rubles, and next year they will exceed 210 billion, "Manturov said on October 10, 2023. |
One of the key areas of support, in his opinion, should be electronic engineering, taking into account the fact that equipment supplies from abroad have been limited since last year. In particular, Russia plans to develop its own lithographs for printing microcircuits.
Already in the next [2024] year, we expect to get our lithograph for the topology of 350 nanometers, and by 2026 - a prototype lithograph for 130 nanometers, - said the Deputy Prime Minister. - These are still modest parameters - 130 nanometers, to which we are going in the coming years. But if we are talking in a complex of 130 nanometers, this is completely a turnkey plant. For some elements, already next year we will be able to equip our enterprises with 90 nanometers and move on: 65, 45 38 and on, - said Manturov.[18] |
Government to ease requirements for electronics manufacturers in Russia
On September 4, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development held a meeting with Russian electronics manufacturers and component developers, who propose to the government to mitigate the requirements of the current point system that determines the level of "domestic electronics."
The mechanism in question assumes that a particular product for recognizing it as Russian must score a certain number of points - for example, for the use of domestic components. Every year, it is planned to tighten the requirements in order to motivate companies to deepen localization.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, the ANO Computational Engineering (ANO VT), Aquarius, Yadro, F + tech, Baikal Electronics and ICST took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development. The parties are discussing the prospects for mitigating the point system. It is said that some participants in the Russian market, including Aquarius and Yadro, are concerned that from 2024 it will be necessary to use not Chinese, but Russian printed circuit boards to be included in the register of domestic products. Otherwise, companies will lose advantages in public procurement. But the problem is that Russian board manufacturers are able to meet no more than 10% of the needs of the civilian sector. Therefore, additional capacity and a comfortable investment environment are needed.
In the formed geopolitical situation, some electronics manufacturers in the Russian Federation are ready to deploy the production of printed circuit boards themselves. In particular, Yadro is implementing a project in Dubna, and Beshtau Electronics plans to launch the "first stage of printed circuit board production" in the spring of 2024. Market participants emphasize that Russian companies are asking to freeze the requirements for printed circuit boards precisely in order to have time to launch their own production: it takes about two years to implement such projects.[19]
70% after 7 years. Import substitution targets in electronics approved
The Ministry of Industry and Trade approved a strategy for the development of the manufacturing industry, which included goals for import substitution of electronics. According to the department in August 2023, the share of Russian electronic products in the total volume of the domestic electronics market in monetary terms should grow from 27% in 2024 to 70% and 75% by 2030 and 2035. respectively.
At the same time, in the regulated market (in the segment of state customers and state-owned companies), the share of Russian radio electronics should be significantly larger - at least 50% in 2024 and at least 95% in 2030, notes Interfax"."
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, by mid-2023, the volume of production in Russia of the main types of electronic products is 1.8 trillion rubles. Of these, about 30% collectively falls on communication, television and radio transmission equipment (169.5 billion rubles), on radar and radio navigation equipment (193.2 billion rubles), on tools and devices for measurement, control and testing (115.9 billion rubles), on computer equipment and peripheral equipment (100.7 billion rubles).
At the same time, the ministry noted that in the updated strategy, the target indicator for the electronic industry is the volume of sales of Russian radio electronics at 1.19 trillion rubles until 2024 (accumulated total). By 2030, it should grow to 6.3 trillion rubles, and by 2035 - to 7.8 trillion rubles.
Also in the updated strategy, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the expected volume of exports of Russian radio electronics in the period from 2024 to 2035 is indicated. So, by 2024, the export of Russian electronic products by the accumulated total should be $7.1 billion, by 2030 - $12 billion, by 2035 - $15.3 billion.[20]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a point system for assessing the localization of the production of bank and SIM cards
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a point system for assessing the localization of the production of bank and SIM cards. This became known on August 18, 2023.
As they write Sheets"" with reference to the corresponding draft government decree, all bank cards, passes and other types of smart cards will have to be made Russia in 2025. And from March 1, 2026, the requirement to localize production in the Russian Federation will apply to all SIM cards of telecom operators.
Localization is needed to implement import substitution of foreign products and support Russian manufacturers of electronic products, which are used, among other things, in the payment infrastructure and in tools for remote identification of goods, the draft resolution says. It is about bank cards, SIM cards, cards for travel tickets, personal cards for access systems, a representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed to Vedomosti.
To assess the level of localization of cards, the department proposed to use a point system. It implies a gradual increase in the level of localization of production in Russia, up to the use of chips produced in Russia, a ministry spokesman said.
Points can be awarded for the use of domestic components or for performing certain production operations. Giving the product the status of domestic is necessary so that the company can participate in public procurement. From June 1, 2023, SIM cards must have at least 55 points, from March 1, 2024 - at least 70, from March 1, 2026 - 100 points. Smart cards from January 1, 2023 must have at least 70 points, from January 1, 2024 - at least 85, and from January 1, 2025 - at least 100. Points can be awarded for exclusive rights to design documentation, unique technologies, patents, tax residency, and more.[21]
Manufacturers of materials for the manufacture of printed circuit boards will be provided with state support
On July 14, 2023, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation intends to expand the list of recipients of tax benefits. State support, in particular, is planned to be provided to manufacturers of materials and equipment for the manufacture of printed circuit boards. Read more here.
Russia will spend 9 billion rubles on the creation of microchip production technologies
On June 30, 2023 Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia , he announced five tenders for development work (OCD) to create technologies and industrial equipment for the production of microchips. It is planned to spend more than 9 billion on these projects. rubles
According to CNews, we are talking about the development of systems for the manufacture of products according to standards from 250 to 65 nm. All tenders are organized in the format of open tenders: applications from applicants are accepted until July 17, 2023. The implementation of the projects is expected to help accelerate import substitution in the IT sphere, which is important in the current geopolitical situation.
One of the initiatives is called "Development and mastering in the production of a laser defect elimination plant and setting the technological process for eliminating unacceptable defects on photographic patterns to ensure the production of integrated circuits with topological norms of 90-65 nm." The initial contract price is 1.16 billion rubles. Another project is "Development and development in the production of an installation for monitoring the coordinates of topological elements and critical dimensions of structures on photographic patterns to ensure the production of integrated circuits with topological norms of 90-65 nm." It is planned to allocate at least 1.41 billion rubles for this area. The third OCD with an initial cost of 800 million rubles was called "Development and manufacture of prototypes of electrochemical deposition plants to ensure serial production of microelectronics on 100 mm/4 inch and 200 mm/90 nm plates."
In addition, two related projects will be organized - "Development of technology and a comprehensive tool for designing a wide range of microwave components manufactured on the basis of heteroepitaxial structures of gallium nitride on silicon carbide substrates with design standards of 0.25 microns (250 nm) "and" Development of a technology and a comprehensive design tool for a wide range of SVC and power components manufactured on the basis of heteroepitaxial structures of gallium nitride on silicon substrates with design standards up to 0.25 microns. " For these OCD, the initial cost was determined at 2.71 billion and 3.13 billion rubles, respectively.
Thus, the total amount of funds allocated for projects is 9.2 billion rubles. Based on the results of the work, samples of units for the production of microchips will be created and standard technological processes will be proposed. The deadline for the first three of the listed OCDs is November 30, 2026, the other two are November 30, 2025.[22]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade was asked to introduce requirements for the share of Russian components in office electronics
In June 2023, the CEO of Bestau Electronics"" (produces all-in-ones, monitors, keyboards, etc.) Varktes Galustyan sent Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak a letter to the deputy head, in which he asked to tighten the requirements for the definition of domesticity of automated workplaces (AWS; include at least a monoblock and a monitor, in some cases printing equipment, peripherals, etc.), which, as stated, include not only Russian, but also foreign electronics.
This situation, according to Galustyan, poses a threat to Russian manufacturers of peripherals, because "their goods become unclaimed, the production of peripherals is unprofitable, and investments invested in development are lost." The introduction of requirements for the level of localization will stimulate the emergence in Russia of production of "peripherals, monitors, printing equipment and uninterrupted power supplies," Oleg Osipov, co-founder of Beshtau Electronics, told Kommersant.
The press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told the publication that conceptually the ministry supports the proposed approach, but the initiative requires additional study with the industry. The source of the newspaper in the Russian electronics manufacturer clarified that in the register "there are almost no monitors, mice, keyboards and other components of the AWS," so he considers the idea premature. Russian manufacturers need to increase the degree of localization, so the proposed measures are reasonable, but hasty decisions should be avoided and move, another expert agrees.
Another interlocutor of the newspaper in mid-June 2023 recalled that in the past three years, regulation in the field of electronics has been radically changed three times. This makes it increasingly difficult to plan a business, and the riskiness of significant investment increases.[23]
Computers at tenders in Russia will be evaluated by the degree of localization
Computers and other computer equipment at tenders in Russia will be evaluated by the degree of localization. The corresponding initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade became known in May 2023.
According to Kommersant, in particular, we are talking about the fact that when assessing applications received from suppliers as part of public procurement for 44- and 223-FZ take into account not only the cost of equipment, but also the level of localization in accordance with the 719th government decree.
That is, if an application was received for the competition from company A, which offers a server with 100 localization points for 100 thousand rubles, and company B, which offers a server with 130 points for 120 thousand rubles, the latter will win, - an informed informant explained to the newspaper. |
Another interlocutor of the publication says that this measure is designed to stimulate manufacturers "to strictly comply with the requirements of the point system and master more complex technologies."
On May 3, Telegram Governments of the Russian Federation 203, a video was published on the results of the Prime Minister's trip to Mikhail Mishustin , Stavropol Territory recalls. Kommersant In response to the request of the regional governor " Vladimir Vladimirov to introduce a point system into the 44th law," the head of the Russian government replied that "such instructions will definitely be given to the Ministry of Industry and Trade." The department said that they Kommersant are conducting "systematic work on the adjustment of the support system for manufacturers of radioelectronic equipment."
The idea to give preference to more "Russian" equipment was supported by the executive director Associations of Russian Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics (ARPE) Ivan Pokrovsky and managing partner of the Group of Companies F+ techMarvell"-." Alexey Melnikov
According to Pokrovsky, such a mechanism can stimulate the development of production in Russia. But he noted that when the new mechanism works, it will be necessary to improve the methods of earning points.[24]
Mishustin approved the criteria for granting priority to electronics manufacturers with Russian components on public procurement
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the criteria for prioritizing electronics manufacturers with Russian components for public procurement. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on March 30, 2023.
According to the document, when conducting public procurement, a three-level mechanism for admitting electronics will operate. The highest priority will be given to Russian equipment running on Russian processors. It will be classified as "first level" products and have the corresponding mark in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
If foreign-made components are installed on Russian equipment, then it will be considered a "second level" product and will be purchased only if there are no offers for "first level" products. Fully foreign technology is defined as "third-level" products. Proposals for such deliveries will be considered last.
On behalf of the president, the government continues to work to ensure technological sovereignty. A decree has been signed that gives the advantage of domestic electronics with Russian processors during purchases for state and municipal needs. If such an application comes to the competition, she will have priority... Such an approach will support domestic manufacturers, form an additional guaranteed demand for their products, which should have a positive effect on the development of their projects in the medium and long term, - said Mikhail Mishustin during a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on March 30, 2023. |
The signed decree comes into force on April 20, 2023. Thus, customers and suppliers will have the opportunity to adapt to the new conditions for public procurement, the government explained.
Government Decree of March 27, 2023 No. 486
The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has achieved the return of 2 billion rubles used to purchase foreign radio electronics instead of Russian
The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for 2022 achieved the return of 2 billion rubles used to purchase foreign radio electronics instead of Russian. Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov spoke about this on March 15, 2023.
At our request, the Ministry of Industry and Trade took measures to return almost 2 billion rubles allocated for the development of the domestic radio-electronic industry, but actually used for the purchase of components from foreign manufacturers, Krasnov said at the board of the Prosecutor General's Office in 2022. |
As the Prosecutor General emphasized, "the measures taken contributed to an increase in budgetary discipline, which, as you know, is an important component of the prevention of corruption offenses."
To achieve sovereignty in the field of microelectronics of the Russian Federation, investments in the amount of 400-500 billion rubles are needed until 2030, experts from Yakov and Partners believe (created, among other things, by ex-partners of Mckinsey in the Russian Federation). In their opinion, the specified volume of investments will allow to expand production in sufficient volume and compensate for the acute deficit in industry, experts believe: this is the first non-state assessment of this kind, it is significantly lower than the previous state estimates of 1-2 trillion rubles in several years.
According to Yakov and Partners (published in mid-November 2022), in the next five years, the aggregate demand for chips in the Russian Federation may double and reach 60 thousand plates per month, in 2030-2035 - more than 100-150 thousand plates.
The Ministry of Digital Development plans to expand the concessional lending program for computer manufacturers, as well as support programs for GTLK (the state-owned company allows you to reduce the cost of risk for end consumers by purchasing from manufacturers and leasing ready-made solutions based on Russian processors and components).[25]
Russia has created a technology for producing high-purity gases for the production of chips
Holding "Roselectronics State Corporation" Rostec developed, technologies for obtaining, storing and transporting high-purity gases used in the manufacture of modern. microelectronic products Own production of high-purity gases will allow, replace imported materials used in the production of domestic electronic components, and create high-tech products in demand for. microelectronics market This was announced on December 28, 2022 by TAdviser representatives of Rostec. More. here
Import substitution of computer equipment in Russia: the present and future of the industry. TAdviser Overview
Read about how domestic hardware manufacturers work in the conditions of the sanctions regime and what plans they are making for the future in the new TAdviser review.
Expert of the electronic industry market Ivan Pokrovsky harshly criticized the Ministry of Industry and proposed to transfer this area to the Ministry of Digital Development
Ivan Pokrovsky resigned as executive director of the Association of Russian Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics (ARPE) in order to express his expert opinion on how the Ministry of Industry and Trade conducts activities to regulate the electronic industry without coordination with its members. In an article entitled "Ministry of Industry and Trade Impotent? Yes., "Pokrovsky sharply criticized the actions of the ministry to provide deferrals to employees of industry enterprises from mobilization and the results of work on strategies and state programs, and also proposed to distribute the powers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the field of regulating the electronic industry between the Ministry of Digital Development and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. TAdviser, with the permission of the author, published the full text of his article.
Ministry of Industry and Trade introduces a point-based system for assessing the localization of server production
On September 15, 2022, a government decree was published on the introduction of a point assessment of the level of localization of computer production. The document developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade contains a list of conditions under which conditional "points" are awarded to printed circuit boards, laptops, storage devices and other products. The degree of localization of production depends on their number. Points are awarded depending on the execution of certain technological operations.
As the Ministry of Industry and Trade explained to TASS, such a system, unlike the rule of the ad valorem share (the percentage of the cost of foreign components used in the production of foreign components in the price of products), which was previously used in relation to computer equipment, does not depend on prices for purchased components and exchange rate fluctuations.
The advalor share rule does not reflect the use of Russian components as part of finished products, and its achievement can be carried out by raising the price of finished products and purchasing Russian components by the manufacturer at the highest prices in order to underestimate the share of the cost of foreign components, the department added. |
The document also assumes the differentiation of computer equipment into radio-electronic products of the first or second level - the levels will differ in the presence or absence of a Russian central processor in the product.
The introduction of a point system for computer technology will allow market participants to build their investment strategy and plan the payback period for the created products, says Svetlana Legostaeva, General Director of the ANO for the Development of the Radio-Electronic Industry "Consortium" Computer Engineering. " In her opinion, it is now important to qualitatively track changes in the development of all significant technological operations, thereby contributing to a reliable assessment and stimulation of a continuous increase in the level of technological sovereignty.
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1599 dated 13.09.2022 , On Amending Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 dated July 17, 2015
The state sector in Russia was allowed to purchase servers based on foreign chips
In mid-September 2022, it became known about the approval by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin of a draft resolution developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The document actually allows the public sector to purchase servers and data storage systems (DSS systems) on foreign chips.
As Kommersant writes in the issue of September 15, 2022, the current decree No. 719 requires the presence of Russian processors in them to recognize DSS and servers as domestic, as well as compliance with a number of other criteria. In this case, they can be included in the register of Russian equipment of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receive preferences in the state order market.
Previously, in order to gain access to the market, the company had to, in particular, have a domestic processor in servers and DSS. However, now manufacturers will be able to use foreign chips instead of Russian chips to receive an order.
At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that more points should be awarded for the presence of a Russian processor, and manufacturers of equipment with foreign components will be able to get points in other ways. Preferences in the presence of Russian processors will also receive equipment from the radio electronics segment.
The position of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was supported by representatives of the Association "Computing Technology" (Yadro, "Aquarius," etc.). Aquarius President Vladimir Stepanov noted that the point system will help vendors to more effectively plan strategic investments in R&D and production, as well as understand the payback period of investments and increase the level of localization of production.
{{quote "In the current conditions, there is a risk that Baikalov and Elbrus will not be physically enough for all customers," says a newspaper source familiar with the discussion of the initiative. - Simply put, if the contractor in stock has enough servers with Russian chips, he will go to auction and receive priority. If there is no inventory physically, the customer will be able to safely purchase Russian equipment on a conditional Intel[26] }}
Customers in Russia are ready to overpay for parallel imports DSS of world vendors. There are not enough domestic alternatives
Using the parallel import model, Russian organizations continue to build and develop their data warehouses based on the solutions that they had before the imposition of sanctions and the departure of the largest vendors from the domestic market, follows from what was said at the online event held on July 21 by representatives of a number of large customers and suppliers. This is done, despite the rise in price of DSS of global vendors by an average of 30% and long delivery times - up to 12 weeks. There are not enough Russian alternatives yet.
Ivan Yakovlev, head of the network equipment administration and communications group of Sochi Park IT management, noted that there are difficulties on the market with the supply of DSS, warranty, maintenance, and technical support.
The largest DSS manufacturers, for example, Dell, have left. And now it is not clear what equipment to buy in order to conduct your business. The question arises of how to replace the products of foreign vendors who have left the market, says Yakovlev. |
Alexander Faizulin, head of information security at Uralchem, believes that import substitution in the DSS sector is currently impossible, because all customer needs are met as part of parallel imports.
Parallel imports are, of course, a little longer and a little more expensive. However, there are only a few hard drive manufacturers in the world; there are more memory manufacturers, but also their list is not very large. And in order to start producing something similar, competencies need to be developed for decades. Therefore, the task of import substitution of DSS in the near future is not feasible, we are not in danger of any import substitution in the near future. Of course, we can shift the "headache" to domestic manufacturers who will collect DSS from foreign components, passing off the product as a domestic one, says Alexander Faizulin. |
The technical director of AFI Distribution Sergey Poptsov adheres to a similar point of view.
Even considering that due to the difficulties of logistics, the price of foreign equipment has risen, its purchase is more economically justified. There are few manufacturing companies in Russia, and there is almost no alternative: there are one or two companies in each direction, says Sergei Poptsov. |
Faizulin notes that Uralchem does not use parallel imports at the information security level, and it is already used for the development of IT infrastructure, including DSS. According to him, due to the lack of vendor support, the process of integrating new equipment into the IT landscape has become more complicated.
IT personnel of companies do not always have enough competencies to implement this or that equipment into the infrastructure. Russian integrators are now helping in this, which not only embed hardware, but also provide services for restoring licenses that open access to part of the equipment's functionality, "says Alexander Faizulin. |
The head of the information security department of OKHK Uralchem added that in some solutions, vendors have turned off some of the capabilities for Russian users. Accordingly, in new equipment, some technical capabilities cannot be legally activated, so they are launched by breaking the code or purchasing licenses for foreign legal entities.
Maxim Subbotin, executive director of the distribution company Hascon, says that some DSS classes cannot be legally imported into Russia. This applies primarily to enterprise solutions. But according to the model of parallel imports, any equipment can be supplied to the country. True, some supply channels turned out to be unreliable: for example, today Kazakhstani banks have limited the transit of funds from Russia, so domestic distributors have built new logistics routes.
Kazakhstan refused to transit funds to Russian companies, so it is impossible to bring equipment through it. But you can import equipment through Armenia, Turkey and Israel. It will cost on average plus 30% of the market price. The average delivery time now is 8-12 weeks. For example, next week I should get HP DSS, which comes from the United States. Equipment delivery took 9 weeks, - said Maxim Subbotin. |
At the same time, the executive director of Hascon draws attention to the fact that there are few Russian solutions in the register of domestic equipment of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. According to him, there are several solutions of Russian companies on the market that are partially assembled on Russian components, there are domestic equipment assembled entirely from foreign parts, and there are DSS manufactured in China to order. And they are not suitable for all customers.
Evgeny Vechorek, head of the digital resources department of the State Central Museum of Modern History of Russia, believes that parallel imports and the use of illegal licenses should still be considered only as a temporary measure.
We, of course, cannot be called a large customer. However, we immediately began to build our storage facility for digitized exhibits on the domestic DSS facility from the Depot company. Today it has about 200 TB of information. Of course, the integrator can take risks, but the end user will be responsible by law. Therefore, you need to focus on those companies that will not leave the market. It is necessary to get rid of everything non-Russian and switch to Russian, although this is not always convenient, it is always difficult and requires significant costs both time and finance. But in the current situation, there are no other options. Parallel imports are a crutch that should support us until we get on our feet, "says Evgeny Vechorek. |
GTLK asked to allocate another 10 billion rubles for preferential leasing of iron under the Digital Technologies fedproject
State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK) asked to allocate electronic engineers an additional 10 billion for the state program of preferential leasing and computer technology. rub This is necessary, according to the company, to increase the pace, import substitution writes "" Businessman with reference to a letter Eugene Dietrich from the general director of GTLK to the head of Ministry of Digital Development Maksutu Shadayev June 27, 2022. This became known on July 14, 2022. More. here
Mishustin instructed to increase the share of domestic radio electronics from 12 to 70%
On July 4, 2022, Prime Minister RFMikhail Mishustin announced the need to increase the share of domestic radio electronics in Russia six times. Also, according to him, it is necessary to increase the level of localization in the sectors of the economy and actively develop domestic means of computer-aided design, an electronic component base, equipment and materials.
We have carefully approached the reformatting of the strategy of the electronic industry. I will highlight four main goals. The first is to increase production capacity in all segments. The second is to radically increase its presence in the domestic market from the current 12 to 70% by 2030, Mishustin said. |
The prime minister noted that by the beginning of July 2022, the government was already working in the framework of four federal projects, in total, these are more than 500 different initiatives. Mishustin said that in order to solve problems on complex software products, they plan to unite the efforts of industry, the scientific community and the IT industry.
By July 2022, a fairly high level of localization in Russia has data storage systems, telecom equipment, and Russian developers also have competencies in printed circuit boards, computer technology and microprocessors, says Arseny Brykin, head of the Basis consortium, explaining what makes up the share of 12%. But the share of Russian electronics can vary greatly depending on the segment of the industry, said Ivan Pokrovsky, executive director of the Association of Electronics Developers and Manufacturers.
For example, in cash registers and electricity meters, it is above 90%, and in consumer electronics it is vanishingly small, "he said. |
Also, according to Pokrovsky, it is not clear whether Russian products produced at Samsung or LG factories in the Kaluga and Moscow regions were considered. Formally, it does not have the status of products of Russian origin, but production volumes are very large, the expert adds [27]
Russian production of civilian microcircuits under threat due to new sanctions
European Union developed the fifth package of anti-Russian sanctions, adopted in April 2022, which could deal a very tangible blow to to Russian the production of microcircuits. This became known on April 12, 2022. At electronic engineers the same time, these prohibitions may not affect the military (special forces equipment). More. here
Ministry of Industry and Trade: Russia is ready for any development of events, the state will not spare the strength and means to support domestic manufacturers
The Ministry of Industry and Trade on February 25, 2022 announced that Russia has been implementing import substitution programs since 2014 and is ready for sanctions pressure. The state will financially and politically support Russian electronics manufacturers.
During this time, all algorithms have been built to respond to technological challenges that may arise, including as a result of a violation of global supply chains for objective reasons, and as a result of the imposition of sanctions. Both systemic and industry support measures for Russian manufacturers have been created and are working - this allows, if necessary, to find solutions for import substitution of any item. In recent years, foreign products in critical industries have been consistently replaced by products produced by the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries, currently the emphasis is on import substitution of raw materials and components. Therefore, in principle, we are now ready for any development of events, the state will not spare the strength and means to support domestic manufacturers, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said. |
At the same time, the market is considering several options for the development of the situation. According to [1] Ivan Pokrovsky, executive director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics (ARPE), if the sanctions pressure increases, and manufacturers of processors and components limit supplies to Russia, then in the near future the country may face a shortage, which will lead to an exponential increase in prices for server equipment, DSS and other IT products.
A representative of one of the Russian manufacturers of radio electronics, who did not want to be named, told TAdviser that so far the situation on the market is uncertain. On the one hand, all Russian IT consumers are afraid of restrictions on the supply of components and equipment. On the other hand, the states imposing sanctions understand that if they are tightened, the production of "Russian" chips will be transferred to mainland China. And then the initiators of the sanctions will also have losses. At the same time, the source is convinced that an increase in prices for processors, components and finished products cannot be avoided. However, how significant this increase will be is still difficult to predict, besides, it should not be expected until the end of the summer of 2022. Since now deliveries are under those contracts that were signed back in 2021 and, accordingly, at fixed prices.
The Government Council approved projects for the introduction of Russian electronics in Rostelecom, VTB and Rosatom for 147 billion rubles
The Public Expert Council on the Use of Electronics under the Presidium of the Government Commission on IT approved 8 "end-to-end projects" to support Russian radio electronics, a representative of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko told TAdviser on February 14, 2022. 147 billion rubles were allocated for their implementation. The projects should stimulate the use of domestic telecommunications and IT equipment.
The following projects have been approved:
- Use of equipment on a Russian chip, including trusted, for DWDM optical backbone networks. Two projects for the creation of Russian DWDM equipment have been combined by the general budget and the contractor. 27.03 billion rubles were allocated for their implementation. Responsible for Rostelecom projects.
- Introduction of domestic PAC for corporate information platforms based on Russian server equipment (built on the domestic processor) and specialized domestic software. VTB is responsible for the implementation of the project. 9.31 billion rubles have been allocated for it.
- The use of server equipment on a domestic processor for working with databases, on the basis of which it would be possible to build an end-to-end import-substituted IT landscape of the enterprise. Responsible for the project of Rosatom State Corporation. 10.6 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project.
- Use of IP/MPLS routers on the domestic component base and Russian processor to build transport networks of mobile and fixed communication operators. The project is under the jurisdiction of Rostelecom, 19.59 billion rubles have been allocated for it.
- Application of the line of Russian optical transceivers. Rostelecom and ER-Telecom Holding are responsible for the implementation of the project. It has 16.5 billion rubles.
- Upgrade of access control systems and implementation of smart doorphone on Russian processor. He is responsible for the ER-Telecom Holding project, its budget is 11.05 billion rubles.
- Creating a cloud infrastructure based on the Russian component base and domestic software. Transfer of Rostelecom cloud platform to Russian PAC. 53.4 billion rubles were allocated to the national operator for the implementation of the project.
11 projects totaling 132 billion rubles from among those considered in 2021 were sent for revision.
End-to-end projects are part of the strategic direction of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Minister Maksut Shadayev spoke about in an interview with TAdviser.
We must find segments where, through regulation, we can create demand for Russian equipment in the right time horizon. We must also come up with formulas for the implementation of the so-called end-to-end projects, where there are anchor customers who purchase a significant part of the equipment in their market segment, "Shadayev explained. |
At a conference held on Saturday, February 12, Deputy Prime Ministers Dmitry Chernyshenko and Iouri Borisov summed up the results of the year of work of the public expert council on the use of electronics under the presidium of the government commission on IT. The problem of stimulating demand for Russian electronics was considered, new measures were developed to support the industry. The participants discussed the current status of the country's electronic industry, the best world practices, formulated the main priorities and tasks that face both the state and the entire industry.
According to Yuri Borisov, the current measures to stimulate demand for domestic products of the radio-electronic industry are not enough: technological independence was achieved only in certain market segments.
Dmitry Chernyshenko did not rule out that a new national project in the field of radio electronics may appear in Russia.
More has been done in the microelectronics industry in the last two years than in the last 25 years. And this is a very great merit of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, thanks to whose efforts it was possible to convince everyone of the importance of this industry and the need to seriously invest in its development. But in the context of digital transformation, the delay in taking further measures to ensure the development of microelectronics will lead to the degradation of the industry, forced purchases of imported digital platforms and equipment as part of national projects, and, as a result, the loss of the country's technological sovereignty. And the digital transformation of KII on an imported element base generally threatens national security. And our task is to prevent this, - said Iouri Borisov |
The conference was attended by Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Industry Denis Manturov, General Director and Chairman of the Board of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, President of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Sberbank Alexander Vedyakhin, General Director of the Yandex Group of Companies Arkady Volozh, General Director of Kamaz PJSC Sergey Kogorin, representatives of federal ministries and departments, the Presidential Administration, about 100 companies-developers and manufacturers of radio electronics, institutes and scientific centers, as well as potential customers, social activists and experts. In total, about 300 participants.
The government asked Lenovo, HP and Acer to release laptops on Russian processors
As it became known on January 18, 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation asked Lenovo, HP and Acer to release laptops on Russian processors. According to experts, localized laptops will primarily be created for the public sector and law enforcement agencies.
According to Kommersant"," on December 15, 2021, a meeting was held Ministry of Digital Development with foreign manufacturers. electronic engineers According to the protocol (newspapers have a copy), officials discussed with the management of Lenovo Global Technologies Rush LLC the release of a batch of laptops that will run on processors of Russian developers of the electronic component base. According to knowledgeable sources of the publication, we are talking about chips produced by the company. "Baikal Electronics
It also follows from the protocol that Lenovo expressed readiness for a dialogue "aimed at increasing the pace of localization of the company's production, including through the use of Russian processors." Kommersant is also aware of similar meetings held by the Ministry of Digital Development with representatives of HP and Acer. The department confirmed to the newspaper that industrial production of computers based on Russian processors is scheduled for 2023. Foreign equipment should be fully compatible with domestic microelectronics, the ministry said.
According to Mobile Research Group analyst Eldar Murtazin, it is planned to release 50 thousand laptops on domestic processors, of which 10 thousand will fall on HP, the rest will be distributed by Lenovo and Acer.
Acer CEO in Russia Dmitry Kravchenko told the publication that the company is exploring the possibility of localizing production. In his opinion, the adoption of a point system for entering the register of domestic hardware could speed up the process[28]
Introduction of a two-level system for admission of computer equipment to the public procurement market
On January 10, 2022, it became known about the new initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support Russian computer manufacturers. The agency decided to introduce a two-level system for admitting such products to the public procurement market.
As Kommersant writes with reference to the corresponding draft government decree, computers, laptops, tablets, e-books, smartphones, system units, servers and data storage systems with a Russian processor will fall to the first level. The second will remain those that are included in the register of domestic electronics, but use foreign solutions.
The new system is aimed "at ensuring the unconditional advantage of products on Russian processors in the implementation of state and municipal purchases," the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told the publication. The new requirements should stimulate Russian electronics manufacturers to use domestic processors.
Experts interviewed by the newspaper note that in the current (by January 2022) form, the bill is easy to bypass. To do this, the customer will need to draw up a requirement in such a way that equipment with a Russian processor does not meet their requirements. However, as Leonid Goldenberg, co-owner of Systematics, says, unnecessary conditions can be appealed to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).
Vitaly Bogdanov, Development Director of Baikal Electronics, believes that regulators will have to control state customers for the inclusion of requirements for the use of foreign processors in terms of reference when forming purchases. According to him, state customers provide "tangible resistance" to the purchase of equipment on Russian processors. The problem should be solved in a few years after a number of successful implementations, Bogdanov believes.[29]
The Ministry of Digital Development complained about the quality of servers with Russian processors
The largest server buyers in Russia complained to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development about the insufficiently high quality of such equipment based on domestic processors. The opinion of the companies was voiced at a meeting in the department, which took place on December 9, 2021. It was attended by representatives of Rostelecom, VTB, Rosatom, Alrosa, Sberbank and other companies, as well as from the Moscow Information Technology Department.
According to Kommersant, representatives of Alrosa and Sberbank said that servers based on the Russian base are expensive, insufficiently productive and consume a lot of energy. According to one of the sources of the publication, companies are ready to switch to domestic equipment only if it copes with all tasks and is no more expensive than foreign ones.
I consider an attempt to compare servers on Russian processors with foreign ones in terms of performance to undermine the import substitution policy. Of course, they will be inferior in performance. But this is not a technical issue, but the security of countries, "said Sergey Ovchinnikov, CEO of Norsi-Trans (produces servers based on Elbrus processors from MCST). |
The ICST noted that the servers on Elbrus at least work.
If the main problem is "expensive," then the argument "does not work" is no longer there, "Konstantin Trushkin, deputy general director for marketing of the company, told Kommersant. |
At the same time, the Ministry of Digital Ministry of Digital Development assured that "in general" Russian companies positively assessed the dynamics of the development of domestic solutions and are ready to participate in improving products.
Rostec stressed that the replacement of a foreign microprocessor base with a Russian one is inevitable, since in this case we are talking about the security and stability of the critical IT infrastructure.
VTB and DIT Moscow told Kommersant that they are ready to test domestic equipment.[30]
Shadayev explained the position of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development on the compatibility of Russian software and Russian processors
The Ministry of Digital Development does not intend to rush to nominate requirements for Russian software developers to ensure compatibility of their products with Russian processors, said Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, answering questions from the IT industry during TAdviser SummIT on November 23, 2021.
We will demand such compatibility, but not at once, the appropriate deadlines will be set aside. Now we are discussing this with the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It is already possible to demand that software developers invest in support of Russian processors today, but only if we associate this with additional demand. Otherwise, this means for them just an additional burden under the threat of exclusion from the registry. And it is not very clear whether this will stimulate the market. They could spend this money on the functional development of their product, ensuring its best competition with foreign counterparts, and will spend on compatibility with Russian processors. We cannot but support Russian processors, but we are against the fact that now the developers' money will go much ahead under the non-increasing installation base. Therefore, we will look for the right balance |
The full text and video of Maksut Shadayev's speech on TAdviser SummIT - here.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade signed a contract for the creation of equipment for the production of chips for 5.7 billion rubles
As it became known on November 22, 2021, Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center JSC won the tender of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development of a photolithographic installation (equipment for printing chips on silicon wafers, which are then cut into microcircuits) with a minimum topology of 130 nm. The contract value is 5.7 billion rubles. Read more here.
The public sector needs 1.7 million Russian processors
At the end of October 2021, it became known that the Russian public sector in the next two years will need about 1.7 million domestic processors. The Ministry of Digital Development requested from the NTC "Module," ICST, SPC "Elvis" and "Baikal-Electronics" data on the planned volumes of chip supplies in order to understand whether it would be possible to meet this demand.
The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development was instructed following a meeting held on October 15, 2021 by the deputy head of the department Andrey Zarenin on the development of computer technology based on Russian processors. Writes about this "" Kommersant with reference to the interlocutor who was present at the meeting. According to him, there are doubts that Russian companies will be able to fully satisfy the demand of the public sector for domestic processors.
According to Vitaly Bogdanov, director of business development at Baikal Electronics, the company will be able to produce 300 thousand processors in 2022 and gradually increase volumes to 400-500 thousand units per year in the future.
We have confirmed volumes from TCMS, there are two alternative providers of substrates and enclosing services. At the moment, the localization of some operations is being worked out, - he said in a conversation with the publication. |
According to a newspaper source in the Government of the Russian Federation, the main problems in the import substitution of IT equipment in the public sector are associated with a shortage of processors and a lack of software adapted for Baikal and Elbrus processors. The Bware for the office scenario is ready, but in each specific implementation there may be problems associated with historical adaptation for Windows and Intel, they say in Baikal Electronics.
The head of the board of directors of BASEALT, Alexei Smirnov, notes that the main difficulty is to optimize engineering software, such as computer-aided design systems, for working with these chips.[31]
Deputy Minister of Digital Development Andrei Zarenin: on public procurement, priority should be given to a product with a Russian processor
The government and the IT industry continue to actively discuss the introduction of a point system to assess the degree of "fatherland" of computer technology. It is assumed that by gaining a sufficient number of points, decisions will be able to be included in the register of domestic hardware of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receive advantages in public procurement. The methodology of how points will be awarded remains an open and discussed topic. And one of the most pressing issues here is the use of domestic processors in computer technology and the impact of this factor on procurement preferences.
Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Andrei Zarenin admits that the discussion of the point system is not easy. He stated this at the Huawei ICT conference "Digital Community 2021" as part of an open panel discussion "The Role of Localization in the Russian Economy" on October 26, 2021, led by Deputy Editor-in-Chief of TAdviser Alexander Levashov. Now, for inclusion in the register, the ad valorem share approach is used (the ratio of the share of foreign components in the price of the product), and the plans include the transition to a point system, when points would be awarded for each redistribution made in Russia, the deputy minister explained. Read more here.
Mishustin announced the launch of cross-industry projects for the development of the electronic industry in Russia
On August 31, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a meeting on the formation of demand for Russian electronic products said that by the end of the year at least 10 full-cycle cross-sectoral projects aimed at developing the electronic industry and introducing domestic solutions in all sectors of the economy will be launched in Russia.
According to Mishustin, the scientific and technical potential of our country today allows us to establish a full cycle of production of electronic products: from materials and components to end devices and services based on them. All sectors of the Russian economy are interested in the introduction of domestic solutions - from power and housing and communal services, to construction, transport and the provision of communication services.
At the same time, it is important to competently build a chain between developers and consumers that would allow linking the needs of the market, the capabilities of manufacturers and integrator organizations, as well as create the right tools for generating demand for electronic products.
Since this year, at the level of the government commission for digital development, a model has been launched for the implementation of end-to-end cross-sectoral projects aimed at developing the production of electronic products in full-cycle format. For each such project there will be an anchor consumer with its own massive demand, - said Mishustin. |
The head of government clarified that as of the end of August, five projects have already been identified, where state-owned companies act as customers. Among them, Rostelecom - the main equipment of communication networks, as well as VTB and Rosatom - hardware, software and computing systems for corporate information platforms.
We will scale this approach, since it allows us to form a stable demand for the products of our microelectronic industries, the prime minister emphasized. |
Participants of the market called the import substitution of radio electronics offered by Minpromtorg imitation
Import substitution of radio electronics in the form in which the Ministry of Industry and Trade sees it will be able to be only an imitation of this process. So in August 2021, some market participants reacted to the bill prepared by the department.
According to RBC, the essence of the ministry's initiative is to introduce a point system for evaluating products claiming to be Russian. This status is important for participation in the procurement of government agencies and state-owned companies, as well as structures that ensure the country's defense and security. As part of this approach, it is proposed to postpone the mandatory use of domestic processors in technology that is considered Russian until 2023.
The head of the Association of Russian Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics (ARPE) Ivan Pokrovsky indicated that the "Russian" as a result, in the period until December 2023, equipment will become, made on the basis of imported processors and motherboards. The period is of critical importance, since it is during these years that large supply agreements should be concluded, the bulk of purchases of data storage systems within the framework of the "Spring Law" should begin, he believes.
The head of the Promobit company (part of the Bitblaze group, which produces data storage systems) Maxim Koposov indicated that the new technique makes the procedure for obtaining the status of Russian products opaque: instead of using a domestic microprocessor and ensuring the share of Russian components, materials and works, "artificial opaque points are introduced in the cost of production," which will not allow you to track how legally a specific device is in the register of Russian products.
Konstantin Trushkin, deputy general director for marketing of the ICST (developer of the Elbrus processor line) and general director of the Domestic Microprocessors and Platforms consortium, believes that as a result of the adoption of the bill, the level of support for Russian microelectronic products will decrease and there will be a "crisis of a number of leading design centers for micro- and radio electronics."[32]
The Ministry of Digital Development tightens the criteria for domestic electronics
In early August 2021, it became known about the developed Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation new procedure for determining the domestic Russian. electronic engineers The new document tightens the provisions. Ministry of Industry and Trade
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, electronics manufacturers using foreign components will be able to receive the right to import these components per year for 250 million rubles of "repayable investments" in the development of domestic processors, while such a "trick" will give the necessary passing points so that their equipment can be considered Russian.
The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development proposes to abandon such indulgences and not to accrue points when using foreign chips under any conditions. In exchange for investments in domestic developments, "3% of the total turnover for the previous fiscal year, but at least 350 million rubles" you can get 25 points.
The Ministry of Digital Development said that the main goal of such an initiative is to stimulate Russian developers to jointly develop domestic processors and microcontrollers.
The source of the publication in the electronics market believes that the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Development is "rather cosmetic in nature" and does not stimulate large companies to invest 3% of the turnover in the development of microelectronics - they will invest no more than 350 million rubles. A large holding can single out a separate legal entity and consider its turnover, and not the turnover of the holding, this is not a problem, the source said.
According to Vitaly Bogdanov, director of business development at Baikal Electronics, the norm proposed by the Ministry of Digital Development can only work for those companies that are already investing in the development of microprocessors and microcontrollers, but there are no more than five such companies. Even investments of 350 million rubles a year are not enough to develop Russian chips from scratch, he said.[33]
The Ministry of Industry and Trade introduces a point system for assessing the level of localization of computer manufacturers
At the end of May 2021, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is introducing a point-based system for assessing the level of localization of computer and peripheral device manufacturers. It will be adopted until the fall, the deputy head of the ministry Vasily Shpak told reporters.
We discuss this problem comprehensively with colleagues. It is clear that without a comprehensive expert discussion and some single position on this issue, we will not make a final decision on the one hand, on the other hand, we will definitely not delay this story. We are going to adopt this act in the shortest possible time, "he said (quoted by TASS Information Agency of Russia). |
According to the deputy minister, the authorities plan to tighten localization requirements and force manufacturers and developers to invest in the production of products that are not yet produced enough. Basically, we are talking about domestic microprocessors, printed circuit boards and materials, Shpak explained.
Earlier in 2021, the autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) "Consortium" Computing Technology "(ANO VT, deals with the development of the radio-electronic industry), prepared and sent for consideration to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation a draft government decree providing for a change in the current mechanism for assessing compliance with the requirements for Russian-made radio-electronic products (in terms of computer technology).
As part of the introduction of a point system, ANO BT proposes to divide the entire process of creating computer equipment into technological operations, each of which is assigned a certain score depending on significance and complexity. At the same time, it is supposed to take into account the use of the Russian electronic component base (including processors) in the production of computer equipment.[34]
The Government of the Russian Federation approved the roadmap for the development of demand for Russian microelectronics
The Presidium of the Government Commission on Digital Development, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, approved a roadmap for the formation and development of demand for Russian electronic and microelectronic products. This was announced on March 3, 2021 to TAdviser by the press service of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Read more here.
Ministry of Industry and Trade: Electronics in transport by 2025 should become 50% Russian
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation set a goal to increase the share of Russian electronic components in automotive, shipbuilding, aviation, agricultural machinery and mechanical engineering to 50% by 2025 from 20% in 2019 (126 billion rubles of the total volume of 630 billion rubles). This became known at the end of February 2021.
As the head of the electronic department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak told Vedomosti, it is planned to solve the problem of import substitution in the field of industry electronics by managing end-to-end projects. We are talking about a set of measures, including the development and organization of the production of radioelectronic products, including the creation of embedded software, the adaptation of existing software and the launch of products on the market, he explained.
For each category of electronics (by the end of February 2021, there are 16 of them), curators have been appointed in the person of deputy chairmen of the government and relevant executive bodies. In addition, the ministry outlined financial indicators until 2025 and outlined plans to create specialized consortia. Some of these consortia have already been formed, for example, computer and medical equipment, telecommunications equipment, auto electronics, says Vasily Shpak.
The plan of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for import substitution of electronics is quite realistic, given the fact that we have a huge amount of electronics used in military equipment, says Vyacheslav Pronin, deputy director of the Rosspetsmash association.
Director of the Association of Russian Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics Ivan Pokrovsky agrees that it is quite possible to recruit 50% of Russian components from the total volume of transport industries. However, it is unlikely to achieve such a share in automotive electronics, he believes.
Even if we assume that only Russian electronics will stand in buses and trucks, which can hardly be imagined, then the contribution of this segment to the total volume is small, Pokrovsky told the publication.[35] |
Minek supported the introduction of quotas for Russian radio electronics in state programs
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation supported the proposal of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI RF) to introduce a quota for the purchase of domestic radio electronics during the implementation of state programs and will now consider proposals for appropriate amendments to the legislation. This became known on February 15, 2021.
The Ministry of Economic Development announced its position on the introduction of quotas for the purchase of Russian radio electronics in state projects in a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Kommersant writes with reference to this document. The Ministry of Industry and Trade told the publication that the department supported the inclusion of the indicator in all state programs. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade does not want quotas to be limited only to electronics.
By mid-February 2021, quotas for the purchase of Russian goods, including radio electronics, apply only to state purchases and purchases of state corporations, Ivan Pokrovsky, executive director of the Association of Russian Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics, explained to the newspaper.
According to him, most of the purchases under the state program are made by private companies, and they do not fall under the requirements of import substitution, although in fact state funds are spent.
At the same time, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade did not narrow the task to the state program for the development of the radio-electronic industry. It finances R&D projects or modernization of production facilities, and not the purchase of computer equipment and telecom equipment.
I would like the state's aspirations to support Russian radio electronics not to be "divorced from reality," says the head of Evotor, Andrei Romanenko. The criteria for inclusion in the registers of Russian equipment are constantly tightening, and the share of imported components in the cost of production is decreasing every year, he notes.[36]
Opinions of Russian manufacturers on import substitution in DSS are divided
The Computing Technology Consortium (ANO VT), which includes large Russian developers and computer manufacturers, in December 2020 asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to postpone the start of mandatory import substitution in data storage systems.
From January 1, 2021, medium-level storage manufacturers must use domestic processors. The ANO VT believes that this initiative will lead to a failure for Russian manufacturers of an entire market segment of more than 20 billion rubles, since there are no developments on the domestic processor for medium and high-level systems. In this regard, the consortium, created with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, asks the department to abandon the requirement or extend for three years the validity period of the opinions already issued for inclusion in the register of Russian electronics.
At the same time, Kommersant, referring to the appeal of a group of domestic developers to the Government of the Russian Federation, writes that medium-level DSS on domestic processors have already been presented on the Russian market, serial deliveries of productive storage systems based on Elbrus and Baikal processors are underway. The letter says that if the request of the VT ANO is satisfied, storage based on IBM Power processors, foreign boards, chassis and system software will be equated with domestic developments, and such products do not protect Russian customers from sanctions and security problems.
Developers who have invested in the creation of fully domestic solutions will be left one on one with competitors of the level, IBM Huawei Oracle or Microsoft without support states at the moment when the products are ready to begin their journey in the market, this appeal says.
According to the director of technology practice at KPMG in Russia and SNGERGEY Vikharev, the postponement of the transition to domestic solutions may slow down the pace of investment in development, and the lag behind global vendors will grow.[37]
Mishustin approved the minimum share of domestic computers in public procurement: 70% in 2023
On December 7, 2020, the minimum share of state purchases of Russian computers, which was established by the Government of the Russian Federation for 2021, became known. The corresponding order, published on the official Internet portal of legal information, was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
According to the document, 50% of computers that will be acquired by government agencies and state-owned companies in the Russian Federation in 2021 should be produced in Russia. In 2022, this quota will increase to 60%, in 2023 - to 70%.
The requirements apply to PCs weighing up to 10 kg, including laptops and tablets, as well as computing electronic digital machines, which have a central processor and an input and output device for automatic data processing and electronic digital computers in the form of systems for automatic data processing, etc.
To a minimum, quotas will affect government purchases of monitors and projectors for automatic data processing systems, as well as input/output devices, including with built-in drives - here goods of Russian origin will be delivered at least 2% in 2021 and at least 3% after 2022.
Russian "storage devices and other data storage devices" should be purchased in 2021 in the amount of at least 30%, in 2022 - 40%, in 2023 - 50%. The quota for domestic cell phones is set for 2021-23. in the amount of 1%.
Finally, government procurement quotas for cash terminals and ATMs in 2021 will be 18%, and from 2022 - 20%, and for household electrical equipment in the next three years, quotas will be 50, 75 and 90%, respectively.
The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree on quotas for state purchases of domestic goods in 2021-2023. In total, the list includes over 250 types of various goods, including computers and other electronics.[38]"
Leonid Reiman will invest a billion rubles in the launch of civilian electronics production
Leonid Reiman invests about 1 billion rubles in the creation of civilian electronics production. The Rutek company announced this to TAdviser on November 10, 2020. JSC Rutek became the managing company of the civil complex. Read more here.
Podcast: How to "restart" Russian electronics?
The policy of forced import substitution of electronics has begun in Russia
Instead of targeted support for Russian manufacturers - "forcing import substitution" of state-owned companies and entire industries. This is the key idea of a comprehensive end-to-end import substitution strategy, which was presented by the Russian government at the end of September 2020 (more).
Analytical Center ANO TT: the share of domestic telecommunications equipment in public procurement is less than 6%
In the first half of 2020, the total volume of government purchases of telecommunications equipment (MSW) in Russia amounted to 54.8 billion rubles, with an increase in the second quarter by more than 25% compared to the first quarter. At the same time, the share of domestic MSW in public procurement does not exceed 6% - these are the data of the Analytical Center of ANO "Consortium" Telecommunications Technologies "(ANO TT), which he provided on September 24, 2020.
According to the study, PJSC Rostelecom, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Concern Sozvezdiye JSC and Russian Railways, which accounted for more than 50% of all government purchases, became large customers of MSW in the first half of 2020. According to the results of the first two quarters of 2020, PJSC Rostelecom entered the top three in terms of MSW purchases, showing in the second quarter an increase in the volume of procurement procedures by half. The largest volume of MSW purchases in the first half of 2020 fell on the categories of "radio equipment" (11.3 billion rubles), "telephony" (8.4 billion rubles) and "primary reference fixed network (7.5 billion rubles). The volume of MSW purchased as part of a comprehensive purchase amounted to 8.8 billion rubles.
MSW purchases as part of the 223-FZ in the second quarter of 2020 showed a decrease of 24% compared to the first quarter and amounted to 14.2 billion rubles. Purchases under the 44-FZ during this period showed significant growth, by 185%, and amounted to 16.3 billion rubles in the second quarter. At the same time, purchases of Russian telecommunications equipment amounted to less than 6% in the 1 half of the year, and the volume of purchases of domestic products from the RAP register (in accordance with the RF 878) amounted to only 0.46%.
More than 27% of the total volume of MSW purchases in the 1 half of the year were purchases justifying the impossibility of using PP of the Russian Federation 878, in the second quarter of 2020 their number increased more than 6 times - from 1.7 billion rubles. up to 12.9 billion rubles. The main reasons are the absence of the necessary categories of electronic products in the RAP Register, the inconsistency of the current characteristics of Russian equipment with the requirements of customers and the requirements of customers on the compatibility of equipment with the current infrastructure.
Our analytics show that the share of Russian MSW in public procurement is extremely small, and in the 1 half of the year does not exceed 6%, while the volume of purchases with the justification of the impossibility of using the RF PP continues to grow 878. As of September 2020, the Consortium, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, is working on regulatory legal acts and initiatives that will fill the shortage of domestic telecommunications equipment and create additional preferences for Russian developers, - said Gulnara Khasyanova, General Director of ANO Consortium Telecommunications Technologies, General Director of PJSC Micron. |
As of September 2020, residents of the ANO TT Consortium, created by PJSC Rostelecom, Element Group of Companies and Rostec State Corporation, are 22 enterprises in the telecommunications industry, including manufacturers, developers, integrators, consumers, universities, research organizations and specialized associations. The consortium regularly analyzes the procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs, as well as the procedure for customers to comply with the provisions of PP RF 878, for this purpose the Analytical Center of ANO TT was created.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia proposes to exempt Russian manufacturers of radio electronics from VAT
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia proposes to exempt Russian manufacturers of radio electronics from VAT, reports in the summer of 2020
On June 4, 2020, the department sent a letter to the Government of the Russian Federation and the College of the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia on behalf of the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The document, in particular, states that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia supports the initiative to establish a VAT tax rate of 0 percent when selling electronic products included in the unified register.
Main article: Electronic industry (Russian market)
The battle for the ICT infrastructure market in Russia: will domestic manufacturers be able to turn the tide?
Localized and initially domestic products are two facets of a single import substitution process. In theory, they should complement each other, providing, on the one hand, wide opportunities for choosing the most suitable equipment in terms of functionality and cost with the required level of safety, and on the other hand, the active development of developments and implementations of domestic ICT products.
But in reality, something went wrong. Dependence on imports is growing year after year, new types of domestic high-tech products are not appearing as actively as expected. Where does this state of affairs lead the very idea of creating advanced domestic technology in the field of ICT? The opinions of Russian experts on this matter differ greatly. Journalist Elena Pokataeva conducted a deep study of this issue for TAdviser, collected and summarized different points of view. Read more here.
Vasily Shpak, Ministry of Industry and Trade - on strategy and approaches to the development of Russian electronics. 10 selected quotes from the TAdviser interview
On May 21, 2020, TAdviser published an interview with the Director of the Department of Electronic Industry Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Vasily Shpak on measures by which the state will intensify the development and implementation of Russian ICT equipment. This text contains Shpak's key statements. The full interview is available at.
About the strategy for the development of the electronic industry
In January, the strategy for the development of the electronic industry was approved. Everything is well spelled out in it, both in the areas of technological development and in organizational points. In the strategy, we outlined our goals: by 2030, to increase the industry's revenue by more than 2.5 times - to 5.2 trillion rubles, primarily due to civilian products (from 0.9 to 4.6 trillion rubles), as well as to increase exports by 2.7 times - up to $12 billion |
About Technology Consortia
We will rely on professionals - those who are already involved in the creation of electronic means. Our task as a regulator is to motivate them to join the created cooperation chains, fill in the gaps in them. And the main tool for this work will be technological consortia. With the participation of the main market players, we have already created consortia on the electronic component base, telecommunications equipment, computer technology. An agreement was signed to create a consortium of developers and manufacturers of medical equipment. Such associations contribute to the concentration of technological competencies and resources to create national champions. And our task is to assist them at the stage of developing new types of products through subsidies for R&D |
About domestic microelectronics
I sometimes hear that we will never have our own microelectronics, because we are behind forever. I strongly disagree with this statement. Remember the Soviet space program. Who could believe that a country that had just emerged from a bloody war would begin to explore space? Resources then, by the way, were less than now. And there are very few scientific and technical groundwork if we compare the then situation with space and the current one with microelectronics. And we have everything. We simply must show political will, consciousness and move in this direction in an organized manner |
On tightening the requirements for localization
We must ensure the dominance of the domestic manufacturer in the domestic market of the Russian Federation. This is one of the goals that is embedded in our strategy, and we are going to it. In accordance with this goal, we will increase the requirements for localization. And those companies that want to work with us, including foreign partners, must meet these requirements. And if it does not want to comply, let them look for themselves in other sectors of activity |
About DSS with Russian microprocessors
From 2021, a requirement is introduced: only storage systems with domestic microprocessors will be called domestic DSS. We will raise the bar of requirements all the time, and we intend to go along the same path for other types of equipment: telecommunications equipment, computer technology |
On directives for state-owned companies on the purchase of domestic ICT equipment
Currently, at the state level, the possibility of preparing directives for companies with state participation is being discussed, which are aimed at ensuring that these companies develop risk minimization programs from the point of view of ICT suppliers. This is called the alternative supply program. Its essence lies in the fact that a large company cannot monopoly on one supplier, since this causes a high level of risk to the company as a whole. From the point of view of the risk model, it is advisable to develop alternative supplies based on certain ratios, say, 80:20, 70:30, etc. Before the company comes to concrete decisions, an accurate understanding of the situation must mature in the heads of those who make these decisions. We help them with this. In particular, we will push state-owned companies and companies with state participation working on 223-FZ to turn towards domestic products |
Lack of official procurement statistics
Public procurement statistics are maintained. We see that now in the overwhelming majority there are purchases of foreign goods. However, there are no official statistics on what exactly is domestic and what is imported in the purchased products. No one has officially analyzed this. Now we want to include this mechanism - to monitor all public procurement for what exactly is foreign there, and what is domestic there is bought. Based on the available information, it can be said that approximately 22% of what is purchased is provided by a domestic manufacturer |
On underutilization of the industry
I emphasize that this is not the trouble of a domestic manufacturer. It is not he more than 22% cannot provide. He can, but his products are not bought. At the moment, we see that the industry is clearly underutilized, there is a stock of production capacity |
On the role of prohibitions and directives
In general, thanks to regulatory mechanisms alone (bans, directives), we will be able to increase sales of Russian products from 200 to 780 billion rubles. by 2024 and increase our share in the public procurement markets from 22% to 65% |
About barriers in the heads
If we talk about barriers, then they are in their heads. Moreover, everyone. Our manufacturers, who may not be as confident as they should be. And for our potential buyers, who once settled in their heads for a long time: Russian means expensive and does not work well. That's not the case today. Again, recall that Chinese electronics, which no one knew about 30 years ago, today occupy, according to expert estimates, 45% of the world market, American - much less. It is clear that such a path can be passed quickly enough. But for this it is necessary, first of all, to change the mood in your head. We must think not about what is now, but about where to go. You can worry that I am forcibly forced to buy Russian, and I do not need it at all, and there will be no benefit from this. And you can treat it like this: yes, I am now investing in technology, solutions that, perhaps, are now slightly behind what I usually buy, in technical terms, but I acquire guaranteed protection against possible difficulties in the future. This, you see, is a completely different approach |
A consortium led by Gulnara Khasyanova will develop domestic radio electronics
On April 21, 2020, Micron informed TAdviser that the state corporation Rostec, Rostelecom and the Element group of companies, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, are joining forces to bring Russian electronic products to the market. The Consortium "Telecommunications Technologies" (ANO TT) was created, the purpose of which is to form the conditions for the implementation of the state strategy in the field of import substitution and the development of domestic development and production of radioelectronic products, localization of equipment for the telecommunications industry, as well as creating demand for the domestic electronic component base. Read more here.
Ministry of Industry and Trade asked for state support for Russian manufacturers of radio electronics
On February 6, 2020, it became known about the draft directive, which was prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and which is aimed at supporting Russian radio electronics by state-owned companies.
According to the document, which Vedomosti got acquainted with, state representatives on the board of directors should initiate a discussion of the technological dependence of companies on foreign radio electronics. In addition, they are invited to support the conduct of quarterly stress tests, a decrease in such dependence and the transition to purchases of domestic radio electronics from a special register. The initiative also applies to the "daughters" of state-owned companies.
The representative of Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov (in charge of industry) explained that stress tests will be an assessment of possible scenarios for currency and sanctions risks and cyber threats.
The Ministry of Finance does not support the draft directive, and the Ministry of Economic Development has requested additional information, the newspaper writes, citing a representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. According to him, it is possible that quotas for the purchase of domestic radio electronics will be introduced.
VTB informed the publication about the support of the concept that contributes to the development of the business of Russian manufacturers of radio electronics. At the same time, the bank transferred its own proposals in this area to the government.
Dependence on imported chips is colossal. Until state-owned companies develop Russian electronics, they remain sensitive to external threats - cyber attacks, termination of supplies, the influence of undeclared opportunities in foreign equipment. If the supply of foreign microcircuits is suspended, in most segments the production of Russian equipment will almost completely stop, said Svetlana Apollonova, chairman of the board of the Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Equipment and Devices.[1]
Medvedev banned the purchase of foreign DSS for state needs
At the end of December 2019, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree prohibiting the purchase of foreign data storage systems (DSS) for state and municipal needs for two years. The ban will take effect in 2020 and will affect equipment that has Russian analogues according to the unified register of radioelectronic products.
The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to ban public procurement of foreign DSS was made "in order to ensure the security of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation, including those used in the implementation of national projects (programs)," according to a document published on the official portal of legal information.
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in 2017-2019, state and municipal customers purchased more than 3.6 million storage devices and data storage devices. The share of Russian-made products amounted to 32%.
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov says that the annual sales of data storage systems to the public sector is about 8-9 billion rubles.
It is such an order that is expected from government agencies as part of procurement... It is important that from 2021 , domestic data storage systems will be produced on Russian processors, "he said, commenting on the ban on foreign DSS systems. |
The minister added that the market already has a sufficient number of domestic producers who are ready to provide the necessary volume of supplies. Among them, Manturov lists the following companies:
- "National Technologies";
- "Depot Electronics";
- "KNS Group";
- "Promobit";
- "Craftway Corporation Place";
- PJSC "INEUM named after I.S. Brook";
- "Norsi-Trans."
It is noted that the government decree banning the purchase of foreign DSS for state needs was developed as part of the implementation of federal laws, including the "Spring Law," and in pursuance of the list of instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Earlier, the head of state instructed to work out the issues of diversification of the country's military-industrial complex.[2]
The first storage systems appeared in the register of domestic DSS
In April 2019, the company Yadro (KNS Group) reported that it had DSS Tatlin passed an examination (Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry MTPP) and was included in the register of domestic products. Ministry of Industry and Trade
MTPP conducted a comprehensive review of all technical and design documentation for Tatlin DSS, development and production processes, audit of production sites and the Yadro service center. The examination confirmed that the company performs a full cycle of production of these DSS in Russia - design and development of a hardware and software platform, production of printed circuit boards, surface installation of electronic components, assembly and testing of finished products.
Yadro has its own production site in the Moscow region, but some production processes until recently were partially carried out in factories in Southeast Asia.
According to the company, the process of localizing the production of printed circuit boards and surface installation of electronic components took more than a year, due to the complexity of the design and the need to integrate the technological processes of the enterprises of the Rostec electronic cluster, selected by Yadro for the local production of DSS Tatlin components.
The entry on the entry of Tatlin DSS in the register of domestic products of the Ministry of Industry and Trade dates from March. A few days earlier that month, an extensive line of Depot Electronics DSS included in the register. This company was also the first to register an automated workplace (AWS) in the register.
The requirements for DSS, which can be considered produced in Russia, are established by government decree No. 719 "On Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Russian Federation." The list of requirements is extensive. Among them:
- the manufacturer must be a tax resident of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union;
- the availability of ownership rights or other legal grounds for design and technological documentation in the amount confirming the possibility of production, modernization and development of products for a period of at least 5 years;
- ownership rights or other legal grounds for the use, modification, modernization, modification of the complete list of software supplied as part of the product and required for its full functioning for a period of at least 5 years;
- manufacture on the territory of the Russian Federation of printed installation boards for electronic units, mechanical parts and body elements, as well as their installation, programming, functional testing of electronic units and the product as a whole. At the same time, the minimum permissible level of product localization is 0.75, which is calculated using a special formula.
- the availability of a research and production base for the organization of development and production, or an agreement with another Russian organization for the use of such a base;
- availability of a service center on the territory of one of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union for repair and maintenance of products.
- from January 1, 2020, the percentage of the cost of foreign components used in the production should be no more than 35% of the price of goods, and from January 1, 2022 - no more than 25%. This requirement is imposed on the product in the basic configuration without taking into account the cost of data drives - hard magnetic drives, solid-state drives, magnetic tapes.
At the end of February, the Ministry of Industry and Trade published a draft resolution that limits public procurement of electronics by government agencies. According to the document, they will have to refuse to purchase foreign computers, servers, household appliances and telecom equipment if they have Russian counterparts. Government customers will be able to find them in the register of Russian radio electronics, which is formed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to create a register of domestic radioelectronic equipment
On September 25, 2018, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited ITELMA NPP, which is engaged in the production of electrical and electronic equipment for vehicles. After inspecting the enterprise, the head of government held a meeting on import substitution in radio electronics products and the development of the sales market of the Russian electronic component base.
According to Medvedev, the state of affairs in the electronic industry is constantly in the field of attention, this topic is important, as well as the increase in sales of the domestic electronic component base.
Electronic devices, systems are the basis of the modern digital world. And the ability of the national economy to produce, create and reproduce such technologies largely determines the prospects for the digitalization of the economy as a whole. And its global competitiveness. The production, which we have just examined, leaves a good impression, confirms that we have good prospects, "he said. |
The Russian radio electronics market, according to the prime minister, is growing steadily. Referring to the forecasts of experts, he explained that in the next decade - by 2030 - its volume will increase 2.5 times and exceed 8 trillion rubles. At the same time, production growth in Russia in the first half of 2018 amounted to 21%.
For a long time, our electronic industry has been focused exclusively on defense and security needs, which is generally understandable. And in these areas, we are in many ways confidently competing with foreign technology. The situation in the civil sector is fundamentally different. For a long time we did it by purchasing the appropriate volumes of equipment and components abroad. There are few domestic products. Last year, the share of Russian companies in the radio electronics market was somewhere around 22%. Moreover - and this is probably the most vulnerable position - some technologies and products are not produced at all. We are still, and this must be recognized directly, critically dependent on imports. Foreign competitors - for this they are competitors - are doing everything so that this gap only grows. Moreover, they do this not only by economic methods, which is natural in a competitive world, but, unfortunately, by political methods, through sanctions. And this makes our market very vulnerable, - said the head of government.</cite></span> |
According to Medvedev, Russian manufacturers are able to fight to increase their share in the domestic radio electronic equipment market. He believes that technological reserves of the defense industry and civil developments can and should be in demand here, especially since in the modern world one enriches the other.
<cite>Previously, we had a direct transfer of defense technologies to civilian ones. Now sometimes civilian technologies come to the defense industry. This is a process that needs to be encouraged in every possible way, the prime minister is sure.</cite> |
The government, he said, has taken a number of measures for import substitution. There is a special state program under which Russian companies receive support for research and modernization of the production base.
<cite>There are already several dozen quite successful projects. Among them are the projects of the Itelma company. We are talking about the creation of automotive electronics and smart control systems that are supplied to Russian automakers, "Medvedev explained.</cite> |
The conclusion of special investment contracts also showed its effectiveness as a measure of state support in organizing the production of radio electronics, the prime minister said. Great work, according to him, is carried out by the Industrial Development Fund. In addition, a number of regulatory documents have been adopted to stimulate and support the sale of our electronic products.
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The main point of our meeting today I see is that we share with you what else can be done within the framework of the regulatory functions of the state and the Government to stimulate and support the sale of our electronic industry.
We see that there are results in general. But, of course, no one will give up their market share to us. Additional, effective measures are needed. It is fundamentally important that production is focused on a dynamic market, not dependent only on government orders. It's really important. A more accurate setup of the support system for Russian companies is required in order to overcome the existing lag behind foreign competitors. And the adoption of measures that will ensure the widespread use of the Russian electronic component base, - said Medvedev.}}
After the prime minister, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov took the floor. He said that one of the main trends in the global electronic industry is the creation of universal platform solutions that can be used in different sectors and sectors of the economy.
<cite>In this regard, we use the entire existing range of stimulating measures in support of domestic electronic solutions, on the basis of which digitalization processes in high-tech sectors will develop. One of the areas in which we began work in 2016 is the info-telecommunication infrastructure for high-speed transmission, processing and storage of large amounts of data, "the minister explained.</cite> |
According to him, Russian companies, in particular T8, are already successfully competing with Huawei and Cisco in terms of backbone equipment for new generation optical networks. Solutions have also been created for laying telecommunications networks in hard-to-reach places, used, in particular, in the Gazprom project "Power of Siberia."
<cite>In general, through the state program "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry," we supported more than 70 projects, thanks to which new models of telecommunications equipment and computer equipment will enter the market this year and next, he added.</cite> |
Another area of work, according to Manturov, is related to the technological support for fulfilling the legislative requirements for the transition of telecom operators to Russian data storage systems.
The supply of such systems has already begun in the interests, in particular, of Megafon. And so that the rest of the companies begin to introduce domestic equipment, the Ministry of Digital Development and I have prepared a draft government decree on amending the rules for storing information by telecom operators. In general, the criteria for classifying products as Russian, enshrined in the 719th Government Decree, act as the main regulatory mechanism for all industries. We have already extended their effect to data storage systems, computing equipment, telecommunications equipment and radio navigation equipment, - said Manturov.</cite></span> |
A similar approach, he said, is being implemented in relation to the auto industry. Since last year, cars have been equipped with emergency call devices using systems GLONASS or GLONASS/. GPS Three of our companies produce them: Itelma, "" "and". " Fort-TelecomSantel Navigation They have already equipped 2.5 million cars - in fact, in a year and a half, from January 1, 2017.
<cite>Automotive is a strategically important market, and although now about 90% of auto electronics are still forming imports, we expect, due to just regulatory, stimulating measures, to increase the annual production of domestic electronic auto components to 100 billion rubles, and by 2030 to reach a volume of about 400 billion, - said the minister.</cite> |
One of the most profitable approaches in terms of demand scaling, according to Manturov, is the creation of universal software and hardware solutions for different applications.
<cite>For example, Itelma specialists have developed an interactive platform. We started with aviation, then connected agricultural machinery to this and entered the smart home system for housing and communal services. We have identified the manufacturers of the most advanced intelligent accounting systems for electricity and water and, together with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy, have prepared relevant regulations governing the use of these systems, "Manturov explained.</cite> |
He also added that for the technological implementation of new solutions, support was provided in the creation of domestic processors Baikal"," and in the next two years new modules for personal computing equipment Baikal M("") and servers ("Baikal-S") will enter the market. In addition, work is underway to adapt a number of innovative ECB products to civilian use, which were previously developed for the military-industrial complex.
<cite>Summing up, I would like to note that our electronic industry is already mastering the most promising civil markets. At the same time, of course, the need for state support for demand remains. In this regard, we propose to create an interdepartmental register of Russian electronic equipment and solutions for its priority use, including within the framework of national projects, which are all practically approved, the minister said.</cite> |
During the meeting, Alexander Postnikov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Itelma Group of Companies, also spoke.
He noted that amendments to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On confirmation of the production of industrial products on the territory of the Russian Federation" (otherwise called the 719th decree) in relation to automotive technology, and especially the inclusion in it of requirements for the use of domestic electronic auto components, will give a strong impetus to the development of the high-tech electronics market in Russia, lead to the creation of new engineering and technical specialties and the emergence of prerequisites for the expansion of the Russian-made auto electronics market.
<cite>With the simultaneous development of clear industry criteria for classifying electronic auto components as components produced in the Russian Federation, the efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Industry and Trade will create an auto electronics market with a capacity of about 120-150 billion rubles per year and a component market - 90-100 billion rubles per year. This is a potential market for microelectronic components, - said Postnikov.</cite> |
According to him, the introduction of unambiguous criteria for ERA devices into Resolution No. 719 and the simultaneous development by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of measures to stimulate the use of Russian ERA systems will increase the production volume of Russian ERA-GLONASS systems to 60% of the market. At the same time, he expects that by 2023 half of the used element base for ERA-GLONASS blocks will be purchased from Russian manufacturers.
In addition, the representative of Itelma spoke about cooperation with KamAZ and other automakers on import substitution of key components of the electronic architecture of trucks and buses.
<cite>The result of the work done was not only the creation of an open and safe electronic system for Russian automakers, but also the possibility of independent development on its basis of new service and functionality of the car when it is connected to the Internet. A connected car is the most important direction for the development of new digital technologies in the automotive industry. However, this technology can be used by attackers both against individual citizens and against the transport system of the state as a whole, - said Postnikov.</cite> |
In order to create and develop the Russian competence in the field of protection of automotive industrial controllers, Itelma created a joint venture with Kaspersky Lab. As a result of the unification of competencies, a development team was formed, which created fundamentally new technologies for protecting against cyber threats.
Another example of the successful development in Russia of its own advanced technologies, according to Alexander Postnikov, was the development of components of the driver's intelligent assistance system, also known by the abbreviation ADAS.
<cite>With the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we have developed components of the machine vision system, which in their characteristics are comparable to the best international counterparts, and somewhere they are superior. Thanks to the interest of the Moscow government in introducing innovative Russian technologies on the basis of Mosgortrans, a pilot operation of the machine vision system for buses developed by NPP Itelma was carried out. Tests have shown the high efficiency of this system, he said.</cite> |
The company expects that the introduction of machine vision will lead to a decrease in accident rate by about 50%.
<cite>We hope that the best practices that we applied in Moscow can be extended to other regions of Russia, as well as applied to heavy vehicles, which often become participants in road accidents with the most serious consequences, - said the chairman of the board of directors of Itelma.</cite> |
The plan of guaranteed purchases of Russian microelectronics turned out to be profanation
As established by CNews, developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and approved by the Government plan for guaranteed purchases of Russian civil microelectronic products for 2016-2018. by all indications, it is far from implementation. The monitoring of the public procurement website and the closed position of the interested departments make it possible to conclude that, through public procedures, the plan was only partially executed in relation to the procurement of Elbrus and Baikal microprocessors and completely failed in relation to the acquisition of Microna, Angstrema-T microelectronics chips and others[3].
What exactly the plan includes
The plan in question (download from the CNews website; a copy of the document was taken from the website of the Electronic State Expert Center, during communication with the press service of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, its reliability was not refuted) contains several sections. Its main part features five ministries.
Through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a draft issue of a new generation driver's license is indicated. It was assumed that the department was supposed to purchase 18 million forms with chips in 2017 and 2018. and sell a certain pilot in 2016. The column of developers and potential manufacturers indicates "Micron." The direct manufacturer of finished documents is Goznak. The required amount of funding is spelled out at 14.6 billion rubles. for two years.
According to the Ministry of Health, the plan indicates a draft release of an electronic policy of compulsory health insurance. In 2016 and 2017, they were supposed to appear 6 million and 3 million units, respectively, as well as another 2 million in 2018. In 2016-2017. it was supposed to spend approximately 2.1 billion rubles on this. In 2018 - 511 million rubles. Chip developers declared "Micron" and "Anstrom-T." The direct manufacturer of finished documents is Goznak.
The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations were supposed to appear personal electronic cards and electronic tokens of a soldier. The Ministry of Defense was supposed to have 650 thousand sets each in 2017 and 2018. (by 585 million rubles), the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 1 thousand in 2017 (by 1.5 million rubles) and 200 thousand in 2018 (by 300 million rubles). Electronics manufacturers are Micron and Anstrom-T.
Another item of the main part of the plan concerned the Federal Migration Service (FMS), which was abolished on the same day with the approval of the plan - April 5, 2016, and its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This part of the document spoke about the release of passport and visa documents of a new generation. It was planned that documents with chips should appear annually 2 million pieces with budget expenditures on them at the level of 430 million rubles. in year. Electronics developers are Micron and Anstrom-T. The direct manufacturer of finished documents is Goznak. At the same time, only in this section the costs of Goznak forms were separately spelled out (they themselves are not electronic products) - 3.1 billion rubles. annually.
The second section of the plan is called "Forecast of procurement needs for microelectronics products... non-governmental organizations at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. " It features two structures.
Through the Ministry of Natural Resources, a project for labeling valuable wood species was planned for implementation. Within its framework, 400 thousand chips were to be purchased in 2017, in 2018 - 800 thousand. Electronics manufacturers are Micron and Anstrom-T. The amount of funding was not specified. The sources of financing were spelled out as "business entities."
Through the Central Bank, it was planned to issue payment systems cards - up to 2 million units in 2016, from 15 million to 24 million in 2017 and from 13 million to 20 million in 2018. Chip manufacturers and sources of financing are the same.
The last section of the plan is called "Project for providing the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with computing devices and hardware and software complexes." It was assumed that servers based on Elbrus-4C and Elbrus-8C processors manufactured by MCST in 2016, security forces will purchase 216 units for 216 million rubles, in 2017 and 2018. - 8.5 thousand in total for 17 billion rubles. In addition, it was implied that the security forces in 2016 bought 10 thousand units for 273 million rubles, in 2017 and 2018. - 50 thousand units in total for 2.73 billion rubles.
Protection of Russian radio electronics within the framework of the public procurement system
In November 2017, in the State Duma at a meeting of the Expert Council under the Committee on Economic Policy, industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry with the support of the Coordination Council of developers and manufacturers of radio-electronic equipment, the electronic component base and mechanical engineering products of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia announced proposals for the protection of domestic manufacturers of radioelectronic products within the framework of the system of state procurement and procurement of companies with state participation.
In a meeting chaired by the head of the Expert Council, the First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Vladimir Guteneva, Director of the Department of Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, took part in innovative development and entrepreneurship, Sergei Khokhlov Chairman of the Coordination Council of developers and manufacturers of electronic equipment, electronic component base and mechanical engineering products SoyuzMash of Russia, Deputy General Director - State Secretary of JSC "Roselectronics" Brykin Arseny Valerievich, Tatyana Lvova, Head of the Department for Interaction with State Authorities of JSC Roselectronics, President of the Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Equipment and Devices Svetlana Appalonova, as well as heads of the largest enterprises of the electronic industry.
Tatyana Lvova, head of the Department for Interaction with State Authorities of Roselectronics JSC, spoke about the problems faced by domestic manufacturers of electronic products within the framework of the public procurement system. First of all, she noted that tenders for procurement often indicate technical requirements that correspond exclusively to a foreign manufacturer. In addition, enterprises that repackage finished imported products or large-node assembly of radio-electronic products bypass restrictions and prohibitions. "The existing criteria for classifying products as" manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation "do not require the Russian legal entity to have rights to process documentation and software source codes, the current restrictions and prohibitions on the admission of foreign products do not apply to purchases by companies with state participation, and a 15 percent preference for a domestic manufacturer does not contribute to an increase in demand for domestic electronic products within the framework of the procurement system of companies with state participation, "Lvova emphasized.
Due to the need to increase the state order and order of companies with state participation in domestic radio electronic products in the civil sector of the economy, and in order to create conditions that ensure the technological, information and economic security of the country, The Expert Council proposed to amend Government Decree No. 719 in order to determine the criterion for goods of Russian origin in such critical sectors of the economy, as an infrastructure MSW, computing equipment, PCS, certain requirements were laid for the manufacturing company, which shall possess the technology, software and design documentation in the scope, sufficient for further development and modernization of equipment, and production operations, specified in the criteria should be carried out on the territory of one of the EAEU countries. In addition, it is proposed to determine the basic requirements for the purchased certain types of radioelectronic products for MSW, computer equipment and other radioelectronic products.
List of foreign radio electronics with restrictions
On July 19, 2017, Government Decree No. 804 of 06.07.2017 "On Amending the List of Certain Types of Radioelectronic Products Originating from Foreign Countries, in respect of which Restrictions and Conditions for Admission for Procurement Purposes for State and Municipal Needs" entered into force.
The list of foreign radio electronics, which has restrictions and conditions for access to public procurement, was supplemented with four new items:
- radio navigation equipment for operation in the GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation system;
- telecommunication devices and equipment;
- instruments and equipment for measuring or monitoring electrical quantities other than those included in other groupings;
- electrical alarm devices, electrical equipment for ensuring safety or traffic control on railways, tram tracks, roads, inland waterways, parking areas, port facilities or airfields.
The restrictions and conditions for admission to public procurement have not changed. As before, the customer must reject requests for foreign (except for the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union) goods when at least two applications for the supply of domestic products have been submitted, which simultaneously contain proposals for the supply of products included in the list and produced in the territories of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, and do not contain proposals for the supply of the same type of products of the same manufacturer.
OCD via electronics
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia allocated about 4.35 billion rubles for development work (ROC) through electronics. Information about 13 lots of open competition appeared on the public procurement website[4].
It follows from the tender documentation that future work is aimed at ensuring import substitution in the military-industrial complex and is designed to create analogues of radioelectronic components from the USA, France, Switzerland, Great Britain and Singapore.
Applications from applicants for contracts are accepted until October 2, 2017. Summing up the results of the competition is scheduled for October 9. Work on all lots must be completed by November 20, 2019. All of them imply not only the development of electronics, but also the development of its serial production.
ROC is planned to be carried out within the framework of the subprogram "Import substitution and ensuring the development of the military-industrial complex," which in turn is part of the state program "Development of the military-industrial complex."
Approximately 544.6 million rubles. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has previously assessed the development of two types of microcircuits: a router (router) of the high-speed RapidIO interface and a controller of a high-speed high-capacity RAID array. It is noteworthy that the RAID controller is designed to replace similar products from American Intel.
About 381.4 million rubles. the ministry allocated for the creation of eight types of low-noise amplifiers in the frequency range up to 40 GHz, and another 267 million rubles. - for the creation of four types of low-power amplifiers in the frequency range up to 30 GHz. Ready-made amplifiers will be able to replace products from Avago Technologies (Singapore), Analog Devices (USA), M/A-COM (USA), United Monolithic Semiconductors France (), Qorvo (USA), Compound Photonics (USA), Mimix (USA), and also released from HP Agilent Technologies (USA).
The ministry estimated the development of 16 types of frequency multipliers (seven passive and nine active) with an operating range of output frequencies up to 46 GHz and multiplication coefficients 2, 3 and 4 at 282 million rubles. Finished electronics should replace AnalogDevices (USA), M/A-COM, (USA), UMS (France), AvagoTechnologies (USA), Mini-Circuits (USA).
One of the largest lots of the competition - 603.7 million rubles. - concerns the development of a radiation-resistant processor with a standard PowerPC architecture to replace products of the English company E2V. Another 158 million rubles. the ministry allocated for the creation of a radiation-resistant fault-tolerant ultra-large integrated circuit (SBIS) streaming information processing using programmable logic elements and threefold redundancy on a chip. The ready-made schemes will have to replace the electronics of the American companies Atmel and Xilinx.
In 301.8 million rubles. The Ministry of Industry and Trade assessed the development of a specialized navigation and spatial orientation scheme for onboard systems. "The product is an indirect analogue of the XC4VFX60-11FF1152I Xilinx chip (USA), as well as a functional analogue of the Triumph chip from Javad GNSS (USA)," the documents say.
The lot concerning the creation of an analog-digital microcircuit for promising drives and control systems has an initial price of 191.1 million rubles. The product will be able to replace MicrelSemiconductor (USA), AnalogDevices (USA), STMicroelectronic (Switzerland), ONSsemiconductor (USA), TexasInstruments (USA). At 147.4 million rubles. the creation of four types of digital interface transceiver microcircuits with increased resistance to special influences of external factors and a maximum transmission speed of up to 150 Mbps was estimated. These chips will be able to replace Analog Devices electronics (USA).
At 450.8 million rubles. the ministry estimated the development of two types of ultra-large integrated circuits (SBIS) for building real-time computer networks - to replace Pulse technology (USA). At 486 million rubles. it was previously estimated to create two variants of system-on-a-chip microcircuits consisting of a processor core and a complex structured core of a programmable logical integrated circuit. They are designed to replace the products of Actel (USA) and Xilinx (USA).
The lot concerning the creation of a three-axis magnetoresistive converter of magnetic induction and linear acceleration has an initial price of 228.6 million rubles. The transmitter will replace a similar product STMicroelectronics (Switzerland). Finally, the lot related to the development of a number of microcircuits is estimated at 306.9 million rubles. The equipment is designed to replace the products of Intersil (USA), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Texas Instruments (USA), Fairchild (USA), National Semiconductor (USA), M. S. Kennedy Corporation (USA), Analog Devices (USA).
Ministry of Industry and Trade will spend 3 billion to replace chips from the USA, Germany and Japan
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia allocated almost 3 billion rubles for development work (ROC) through electronics. Information about 13 lots as part of a large-scale tender appeared on the public procurement website. The Ministry of[5].
From the documents of the competition it follows that it is aimed at ensuring import substitution in the military-industrial complex and is designed to create analogues of radio-electronic components from the USA, Germany, Japan and Taiwan.
Despite the fact that the procedure is open, and the names of the lots are relatively transparent, each of them is traditionally assigned ciphers: "Complexity-I4-R," "Volt-I13-T," "Detail-I16," etc.
What is being developed, for how much, what will replace
The ministry is ready to spend 163.9 million rubles on work related to the development of drivers for managing gas-discharge indicator panels (usually used as digital signage). The products will become functional analogues of uPD16305 chips and uPD16337 of the Japanese company NEC.
The department estimated the development of a microcircuit for processing electrical signal converters at 128.8 million rubles. They are designed to become a functional analogue of the German iC-MN and iC-NQ chips of iC-Haus and GC-NIP of Gemac. The development of a series of digital potentiometers (a type of rheostat) was estimated at 263.7 million rubles. They will become analogues of the chips of the American firms Analog Devices, Dallas Semiconductor and Maxim.
The development of a frequency converter chip for backbone radio transmitters, estimated at 184.3 million rubles, is also intended to replace Analog Devices and Maxim. Development of a kit consisting of a microcircuit for signal digitization and 72 Mbps RAM for 294.2 million rubles. will replace the products of the American companies Cypress and Texas Instruments.
The development of a trusted 4-nuclear microcircuit for cryptographic processing and information protection is estimated at 298.6 million rubles. Analogues - products Infineon (Germany), Broadcom (USA) and Texas Instruments (USA). The development of microcircuits for monitoring and analyzing data from a number of network protocols was tentatively estimated at 248.5 million rubles. The products should replace the chips of the American Micrel, Vitesse, Atheros and Texas Instruments.
The development of radiation-resistant high-voltage transistors and diodes with a maximum voltage of 1700 V for harsh operating conditions can cost 284.8 million rubles. and will replace the products of International Rectifier (USA) and Cree (USA). The development of a set of modules for protecting electronics from switching interference from the point of view of officials costs 173.9 million rubles. and will replace the equipment of the American Littlefuse Inc., Vishay and MCC.
The development of series of radiation-resistant metal-ceramic bodies of power electronics is estimated at 356.9 million rubles. and is designed to replace Semikron (Germany) and Texas Instruments (USA). The development of series of ceramic metal cases of semiconductor electronics is estimated at 341 million rubles. It was not possible to reliably identify the editors by the nomenclature of their manufacturer's analogues.
The development of gas discharge modules for video panels is estimated at 286.6 million rubles. and will replace the Planar modules (USA). The development of a number of resistors will cost 80.6 million rubles. Foreign analogues are produced by Bourns (USA), Yageo (Taiwan), Vishay (USA), Ohmite (USA), Susumu (Japan), etc.
Tender Details
In all cases, it implies not only the development, but also the development of mass production. The total amount of assessment of these works is 2.76 billion rubles. Applications from performers are accepted until September 18, 2017. Summing up is scheduled for September 25, 2017.
The execution of all contracts should be completed on November 20, 2019. It is noteworthy that the ROC will be carried out taking into account the fresh order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated August 23, 2017 No. 2869, which canceled the outdated thematic GOSTs of 1994, 1996 and 2002. All of them concerned the procedure for certification of products in Russia.
Medvedev is dissatisfied with the volume of state purchases of Russian IT equipment and chips
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was dissatisfied with the volume of government purchases of Russian civil microelectronic products.
During the meeting of the government commission on IT, he recalled the plan for guaranteed purchases of such equipment and support for domestic manufacturers in this segment. According to him, new generation passports for traveling abroad, driver's licenses, compulsory health insurance policies, payment cards and other electronic documents should now be made using Russian microelectronics. "This is really a question of our sovereignty, our security," he said.
Despite the fact that in 2016 almost 4.5 billion rubles from the federal budget were spent on the purchase of Russian servers, computers, microchips and radio frequency tags, the plans were not fully implemented.
"I expect to hear why this happened, what are the proposals, how the difficulties that have arisen can be solved. Because, as usual, these difficulties are also objective in nature - associated with a number of technological restrictions - and, of course, subjective in nature, "Medvedev said during the meeting.
Among the purchases of Russian IT equipment in 2016, we can recall large acquisitions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In August last year, the ministry purchased servers based on Elbrus-4C multi-core processors developed by ICST for a total of 222 million rubles. In November, the Ministry of Internal Affairs# signed a contract with T-Platforms for the supply of more than 9 thousand computers with Baikal-T1 processors to accept theoretical exams for a driver's license. The purchase amount exceeded 350 million rubles. At the end of December, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for almost 200 million rubles# chose the developer of the electronic queue system, which should be built on Russian equipment.
Plan to create a register of Russian computers and servers
In the 4th quarter of 2017, a register of domestic server and computer equipment may appear in Russia. Such an initiative contains a draft roadmap "Ensuring sovereignty in the field of information technology and telecommunications," which is being developed under the leadership of the President of the Information Democracy Fund Ilya Massukh and Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Shchegolev. The document is available to TAdviser. Its relevance TAdviser confirmed Ilya Massukh.
The equipment register in the draft roadmap is described as a resource that allows "manufacturers to receive state support, and consumers to quickly find domestic server and computer equipment."
In the 4th quarter of 2017, the authors of the draft roadmap also propose to develop a procedure for including equipment in the register, and before that, in the 1st quarter of 2017, prepare criteria for including a specific product in the register of domestic server and computer equipment. This will allow in the future to provide targeted preferences to domestic manufacturers of server and computer equipment, the authors of the project expect.
The authors of the document see the executors of measures to create a register of domestic server and computer equipment, as well as the procedure and criteria for including products in it, and Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media "interested organizations." The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications refused to comment on the initiative to create a new register. The Ministry of Industry and Trade could not receive comments.
The roadmap, in particular, is being developed by the IT + sovereignty working subgroup, headed by Ilya Massukh, within the framework of the working group on the use of the Internet information and telecommunications network in the domestic economy, headed by Igor Shchegolev.
The authors of the project indicate "rational import substitution of software and equipment in the Russian Federation, reducing critical dependence on foreign technologies and industrial products in the information technology and telecommunications industry."
To achieve this goal, the authors of the project propose in 2016-2020. implement 77 measures in various areas. These include:
- development of research and development;
- improving the institutional environment for doing business;
- generation of demand for domestic IT products;
- increasing the priority of purchases of competitive Russian products and the development of the export market;
- formation of a new technological basis in the sectors of the economy and social sphere, coordination of the activities of government agencies in terms of the development of the IT industry;
- protection of information contained in information systems;
- development of international cooperation.
Ilya Massukh, in a conversation with TAdviser, noted that the draft roadmap will still be discussed, and now it is inappropriate to talk about the specifics of its implementation. It is too early to talk about the criteria that can be proposed for recognizing a computer and server as Russian, he added.
There are Russian servers now, Ilya Massukh noted, but they will have to be ranked: someone "label changer," someone assembler from Western platforms, someone assembler from components, and someone assembles a fully localized server. Massuch chose not to voice the names of any manufacturers.
Alexander Kalinin, President of Aquarius, believes that the main criteria for the Russian IT product are production at the production site in Russia, compliance with Russian standards, appropriate certification and technical support. The founders of the vendor company should be Russian citizens or organizations, he added.
Speaking about whether there are now computers and servers in Russia that can claim the title of Russian, Kalinin noted that such equipment is produced in Russia by several large companies, and they are known to everyone.
<cite>These companies have existed on the market for a long time, they have built production sites in Russia in accordance with the best world practices, fine-tuned technological processes and quality control, activities in the field of research and development and ROC, technical support of equipment is carried out, - said the President of Aquarius.</cite> |
Medvedev expects twice as much purchases of domestic microelectronics as planned
By the end of 2018, subject to the necessary budget financing, the volume of guaranteed purchases of Russian microelectronics may amount to more than 100 million products for a total amount of about 75 billion rubles. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting on the prospects for the development of domestic microelectronics in early August 2016.
Medvedev recalled that earlier, in May, he approved a plan for guaranteed purchases of Russian civil microelectronic products for the period from 2016 to 2018. According to him, interested ministries, departments by this time approved the relevant "road maps." The approved plan spoke about the purchase of 50 units of various types of products with domestic microchips.
The Prime Minister noted that the share of Russian products in the native market is still 20%, and only certain areas of the special segment are truly competitive - products that are used in military equipment. There are practically no large-scale projects in the consumer and professional segments.
Medvedev highlighted, first of all, difficulties in financing R&D as the reasons for this imbalance. Also, the potential of government support tools is not fully used, which affects the practical implementation of R&D results.
Dmitry Medvedev recalled that since 2013 there has been a state program for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry, designed until 2025, under which part of the costs of implementing complex projects in priority technological areas is subsidized. We are talking about the development of the production of telecommunications equipment, computer equipment, special technological equipment, intelligent control systems.
The total amount of financing of the program from the federal budget will amount to more than 170 billion rubles until 2025: this means that about 10 billion rubles should be invested in it annually. In addition to the development of domestic demand and the formation of a consolidated state order for products, it is very important to stimulate exports and promote Russian products on foreign markets. So far, less than 25% of products are exported.
In general, the industry is developing quite quickly: the annual growth rate is on average about 10%, Dmitry Medvedev cited the data.
Proposals of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the support of Russian microelectronics
Speaking at a round table on October 3, 2015, the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov reported on the ministry's proposals to support domestic microelectronics.
As for microelectronics and telecommunications equipment. We believe that we need to deal with the rather strict administration of this issue, at least from the point of view of regulating public procurement. As you know, the President of the Russian Federation held a corresponding meeting on microelectronics. Four simple proposals were announced there from our ministry.
First, we proposed, and the President supported this, that within the framework of the Government Commission on Information Technology, we will pursue a tougher policy in terms of the costs of federal state customers in the field of procurement of this equipment. In fact, this is a systemic course towards' manual'import substitution.
Second, we plan to engage in strict centralization of such an order. Now every time every state customer invents his "bicycle," as a result of which we get incompatible systems, unconsolidated state orders, when the manufacturers of both Elbrus and Baikal and our other products suffer from the fact that they cannot gain the required volume of batches for production. Each of them needs to release approximately five million processors for payback. We can't even get close to that figure. Although five million processors is the minimum threshold for at least somehow positioning yourself on the world stage.
The third sentence is rationing. Simply put, we must determine what is due to the minister, what is due to the deputy minister, what is due to the school director, the teacher, what is due to the chief doctor, and what is due to the nurse. All these areas that I listed - education, health care or the work of law enforcement agencies - are huge amounts of consumption of this kind of goods and services.
When we talk about microelectronics, then this is primarily a product. We have two million school teachers, 1.8 million health workers, 1.1 million law enforcement officers. If we give each policeman a mobile device so that he has online access to databases and can work with them quickly, then in what year should we order such mobile devices so that they are Russian, so that we can equip them with Russian processors, and so that by this time we still build the necessary factories?
This requires a fourth proposal, which was made by our ministry. We believe that the state program is good, but in fact, we need to do a very long-term, about 25 years - no less, national plan to restore leadership in the field of info-communication technologies.And
the last thesis. Why is this so important? Because today the entire volume of efforts, measures and directed state funding does not correspond to the scale of the task being solved at all.
For example, to create one of the world's first consumer devices made using 14 nanometers technology, the American developer first had to invest $20 billion in research and development of the production process for several years and spend about $20 billion more on building a plant for industrial production using this technology. In total, this is approximately 2.5 trillion rubles. The entire budget of the Russian Federation is about 15 trillion rubles. Can you imagine what kind of effect of scale we are talking about now!?
Therefore, it is not surprising that our Chinese partners, who for many years supported the ICT industry with various types of public investment - direct, closed, indirect, other different types of support - today really showed growth in many areas.
Import substitution in this area will require a huge amount of effort, long-term planning, combining the efforts of the state and business, but is an integral component for our technological success.
Because without technological leadership, you can't be called a superpower. A power - probably possible, but a superpower - is unlikely. Here we need to join forces, some of the efforts have already been undertaken, some are still ahead. And the effectiveness of this dialogue depends on the overall success in the future.
Putin held a meeting on the development of the microelectronics market
On September 29, 2015, the President Russia Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of the microelectronics industry. The head states stated the dominance of foreign vendors in this market, but called on the heads of ministries and specialized enterprises to strengthen the position of domestic microelectronics manufacturers.
According to Putin, domestic companies account for only 16% of the Russian microelectronics market, and the leadership of foreign players creates "obvious risks" and "jeopardizes the reliability of the supply of components and equipment from abroad."
In such a situation, the president called for strengthening the position of domestic producers in the national market, as well as strengthening the scientific and production potential of the Russian microelectronic industry.
According to Putin, the authorities and business should direct efforts to make microelectronics independent, attractive for investment in the Russian economy, and a consolidated start-up order for a long time should contribute to this.
"We are talking about the demand from the state for the supply of microelectronic industry and products to the banking sector, healthcare, transport, communications, as well as for the circulation of registration documents," the head of state said.
Russia began a wide import substitution program after Western sanctions discovered the dependence of a number of important industries on imports. President Vladimir Putin said the sanctions helped clean up the Russian market, which was busy after Russia joined the WTO.[6]
Preparation of import substitution plan
Based on the instructions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Department of the Electronic Industry, as in one of its divisions, are preparing sectoral import substitution plans , Pavel Kutsko, deputy director of this department, said in March 2015.
According to him, as of March 2015, such plans have already been formed and are undergoing stages of public discussion, discussion at the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation and other government bodies .
Deputy Director of the Department of Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Pavel Kutsko
In March, a plan for import substitution in the electronic industry was also sent for approval to interested federal executive bodies. Subsequently, on its basis, it is planned to create a new program for the development of the radio-electronic industry in Russia, Kutsko said.
About 200 projects were selected in the plan, which are distributed in five main areas: telecommunications technology, computing technology, medical technology, electronic engineering and intelligent control systems. The implementation of these projects is planned to begin in 2016.
These five areas are the basis for the state program for the development of the radio-electronic industry being developed at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In all these areas, "road maps" have been developed, directions and measures have been identified for which priority import substitution is necessary.
Pavel Kutsko also noted that he noted that the percentage of use of the domestic radio-electronic base is growing, but the percentage of imported components continues to prevail significantly. In his opinion, there are two segments according to which the Russian industry is most ready for "global import substitution" - this is telecommunications technology and computer technology.
Read also
- Electronics industry (Russian market)
- Plan for the transition of government agencies to Russian software
- Article on the regulation of public procurement of domestic software
- Regulation of public procurement of radioelectronic products
- Import substitution in state-owned companies (223-FZ)
- Overview: Import substitution of information technology in Russia
- The main problems and obstacles to import substitution of IT in Russia
- Advantages of replacing foreign IT solutions with domestic ones
- Main risks of IT import substitution
- Import substitution of information technologies: 5 "For" and 5 "Against"
- How did IT import substitution affect the business of foreign vendors? A look from Russia
- How the launch of the register of domestic software influenced the business of Russian vendors
- What changes are taking place in the Russian IT market under the influence of import substitution
- Assessment of import substitution prospects in the public sector by market participants
- ↑ Ministry of Industry and Trade asks state-owned companies to support Russian radio electronics
- ↑ The Cabinet of Ministers introduced a ban on state purchases of foreign data storage systems
- ↑ The plan of guaranteed purchases of Russian microelectronics turned out to be profanation
- ↑ In Russia, 4.35 billion were allocated for import substitution of Intel and STMicroelectronics electronics
- ↑ Industry and Trade will spend 3 billion to replace microcircuits from the USA, Germany and Japan
- ↑ Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of the microelectronics market