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APR Technological Development Agency




+ Government of the Russian Federation

ANO "Agency for Technological Development" was established in June 2016 by a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation (Order of May 26, 2016 No. 1017-r). The Agency assists Russian enterprises in implementing modern technological solutions to achieve a competitive level of products. The central office of the Agency is located on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

The creation of the Agency for Technological Development will contribute to an increase in the number of license agreements concluded and created for the transfer of technologies of joint ventures, to increase the competitiveness of Russian companies by involving them in modernization and technological renewal processes, as well as to increase non-resource exports.


  • Collect solution providers to develop and implement integrated domestic software and hardware for digital sovereignty.
  • collection of targeted programs for retraining managers and technical specialists in the direction of end-to-end digital technologies.
  • collecting targeted technical retraining programs for open source software development.

Search Directions (Digital)

End-to-end digital technologies

Basic Support Systems

Basic Business Systems


  • Asia-Pacific Partner Network
  • Partner network of ARPP "Domestic software"
  • Cross-Industry Transfer Results
  • Hypercube collective access center, placement of temporary project groups, centralized services


2023: Russia launches grant support program for the development of components for drones

Russia The program of grant support for the development of components for is launched in. drones It was announced by the first deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov at a meeting with the first deputy prime Governments of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov minister with manufacturers of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS). More here.

2021: Participation in the creation of the Consortium for Hydrogen Development in Transport

On July 6, 2021, it became known that Sinara - Transport Machines Holding, Ural Federal University, Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Agency for Technological Development and Advent Engineering entered into a cooperation agreement. Read more here.

2020: Transition to ВЭБ.РФ Management

On November 23, 2020, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced a large-scale optimization of development institutions. Some of them will come under the control of the state corporation ВЭБ.РФ. More details here.


Cooperation with Getmobit in the field of technology transfer for a smart office

On December 26, 2019, the Russian developer of solutions for automation of corporate and state offices Getmobit announced that, together with the Agency for Technological Development, they entered into a cooperation agreement. The subject of the agreement was cooperation in the transfer of technologies for a "smart" office, the developer of which is Getmobit. Read more here.

New Deputy General Director - Mikhail Nosov

In November 2019, Mikhail Nosov, who previously held the position of Chief information officer of Russian Helicopters, told TAdviser that he had taken the position of Deputy General Director at the ANO Agency for Technological Development. The appointment took place in October. Read more here.


To simplify the access of Russian companies to advanced technological solutions, taking into account international experience, the most effective and demanded tool in the short term is the transfer (transfer) of promising foreign technologies to Russia. The transfer of technologies involves the receipt by Russian companies of patents and know-how, as well as the necessary resources for further development (internal technological regulations, quality control systems, personnel training programs).

A signed decree in May 2016 established the autonomous non-profit organization Agency for Technological Development (hereinafter referred to as the Agency), which will provide Russian companies with the set of services necessary for the transfer of technologies.

The main functions of the Agency are defined. These include, in particular,: support for technology transfer, collection and updating of data on existing domestic and foreign technologies and competencies, assistance in the acquisition of modern domestic and foreign technologies by Russian enterprises, assistance in the formation and implementation of projects in Russia aimed at localizing technologies.

The results of the Agency's work should be: an increase in the number of license agreements concluded and joint ventures created for the transfer of technologies, an increase in the number of new production sites, an increase in total capital investments for projects attracted by the Agency, as well as an increase in the volume of production (share of exports) of products created as a result of the implementation of projects.

The signed decree also formed the supervisory board of the Agency, approved its personal composition and charter.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Agency - Deputy Chairman of the Government A.V. Dvorkovich.

The Supervisory Board includes representatives of federal executive bodies, public and expert organizations, and development institutions.

The decisions made will help increase the competitiveness of Russian companies by involving them in the processes of modernization and technological renewal, as well as the growth of non-resource exports.

agency's mission is to help existing Russian enterprises in implementing world-class technological solutions," said Maxim Shereykin. The target audience of the agency, according to him, is the majority of Russian enterprises, the average level of productivity of which does not reach the global average. Such enterprises "determine in general the level of competitiveness of the Russian economy," the head of the agency stated. Many of them do not see the long-term prospects for the development of industries, explaining this by the not very favorable investment climate and the inaccessibility of financial resources.
"Over the
years, as we pumped up our state support institutions with various financial resources, we have seen that only with money all issues are not resolved. And there is such a vicious circle here: companies do not carry out technological modernization, because they do not have money. And there is no money, because they have current technological processes, business processes and business models do not generate enough cash flow for this modernization, "the agency's general director explained

Enterprises with low production per employee - 3-3.5 million rubles, the average in the Russian industry, the Agency for Technological Development offers services for project management, technological upgrade. For those working on a full production cycle model, a new outsourcing model is recommended, which is used by the world's leading companies. "You can't, all along the process chain - from the casting operations to the assembly line - produce value-added with the same degree of efficiency and competitiveness. In the market, 100 percent, there is someone who does it better than you do now, "says the CEO of the agency.

Competitive companies that themselves carry out the transfer of technologies, buying licenses, engineering and equipment, creating joint ventures, such services are not needed. But there are few such companies, according to Maxim Shereykin, in Russia. Most of the agency, which is not a financial institution, is ready to help in gaining competencies in concluding cross-border transactions and in their legal support, in finding new solutions. Cooperation with the agency as a project office for technological modernization of companies will lead to a reduction in their risks and cost savings.

"The agency, implementing 10, 20, 100 projects in the medium term, will show most Russian companies an example of how you can develop in the transfer of world-class technologies - from abroad to Russia, where there are no Russian analogues," said Maxim Shereykin, adding that the agency intends to become a center of expertise of technological solutions. In the future, in his opinion, private agencies for technological development may also appear.