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Russia creates a uniform IT system for industry state support

Customers: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Moscow; State and social structures

Industrial Development Fund (EDF)
Moscow; State and social structures

Product: FSIS (individual development)

Project date: 2014/08  - 2016/11

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is preparing to create a state information system that will contain detailed data on the state of the Russian industry (GISP). With its help, control over the state of industrial production and building a system of industry balances will be carried out.

GISP is one of the key tools for implementing the industrial policy of Russia, created to improve the efficiency of the exchange of information on the state of industry and the forecast of its development in a single information space.

The GISP will contain information on the state and forecasts of the development of industry in the country, operating and designed enterprises, the nomenclature and volume of production of the main types of industrial products, state programs in the field of industry, personnel potential, a catalog of the best available technologies and other data. The introduction of the system will allow you to quickly receive information about the plans of enterprises and respond in a timely manner to changes in the load of the same type of production in different regions, the Ministry of Industry and Trade expects.

In addition, the GISP will contain a database of regulatory legal acts, a line of user support, an open catalog of industrial sites in the areas of work and territorial affiliation.

GISP services

  • Financial services
  • Marketplace Services
  • Technology and Personnel Transfer Services
  • Interaction with public authorities
  • Interaction with industrial entities
  • Information services

GISP users

GISP can be called one of the key elements of the emerging digital ecosystem of the Russian industry. The system is designed for effective interaction of enterprises, both with state authorities and with each other. Manufacturers will be able to use the platform as efficiently as possible to obtain state support, search for suppliers, and participate in procurement. Also, banking, insurance and legal services and so on will be widely available to GISP users.

Russian Industry Digital Transformation Model through Targeted Development and Implementation of Domestic Solutions, 2019

2023: Inclusion of Robbo products in the GIPP

ROBBO received a certificate from the ST-1 Chamber of Commerce and Industry and an opinion from the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the compliance of decisions with the requirements of Resolution 719 for products produced in Russia. All ROBBO products are included in the State Industrial Information System (GISP). Read more here.


Availability of AVIST Oil & Gas from ITPS on the GISP portal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

On September 14, 2020, ITPS announced that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has included the integrated AVIST Oil & Gas solution in the State Industrial Information System (GISP). Read more here.

The register of industrial goods produced in Russia has been launched

On June 9, 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the launch of the Register of Industrial Products Produced in the Russian Federation. It is available on the Government Information System (GIS) industry website. Read more here.

Five Naumen remote work products are available on the GISP portal

On April 28, 2020, the company Naumen announced that it Ministry of Industry and Trade RUSSIAN FEDERATION had included five NAUMEN software products in the technical solutions showcase for organizing the process. remote work NAUMEN proven products for managing customer communications, work shifts, assets and service units are available to enterprises on the State Industry Information System (GISP) portal at More. here

2019: Creation of a unified IT system for state support of enterprises

On December 10, 2019, it became known that Deputy Minister of Economic Development Mikhail Rassigin sent a letter to the Government of the Russian Federation with a proposal to create a single IT platform that will allow industrial enterprises to receive all the information necessary for work in one place.

We are talking about the creation of a "platform-type information ecosystem," which will cover all stages of the development of an industrial enterprise - from the origin of the idea to entering the international market. The platform is planned to be created on the basis of the State Information System of Industry (GISP), which, according to the government's plan, should become more customer-oriented.

Unified IT system will speed up access to information on state support in the field of industry

The platform will be developed by a working group based on the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade It will be headed by Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

According to Rassigin, by December 2019, state support for industry is provided by federal ministries and regional authorities, and all information about the current tools for providing state assistance is in a scattered form on the websites of these departments and organizations.

One of the weak points of access to financing mechanisms is the shortage of share financing proposals, a source in the financial and economic block told RBC. According to him, the new project should build the necessary line of support measures to meet the needs of companies.

Vera Barinova, head of the laboratory for research on entrepreneurship problems at the Institute of Applied Economic Research, RANEPA, admits that problems arise in the process of implementing the project. Among them - unjustifiably large spending of funds.

To function effectively, such a system must be constantly updated and somehow interact with the user, and this will require a lot of investment, she said.[1]

2018: More than 300 digital services for industry presented in GISP

The number of available services of the State Information System of Industry (GISP) has almost doubled, exceeding 300 items. The active audience of GISP grew by 20%, reaching 140 thousand users. The number of daily visits to the platform exceeded 17 thousand.

One of the most popular GISP services - "Support Measures Navigator" - covers more than 1,000 federal and regional support measures. For each of them, enterprises can receive consultations directly from administrators, and for programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia - online or through the consulting center of the Industrial Development Fund.

The total volume of electronic transactions concluded using the platform exceeded 1.2 trillion rubles, which is 20% more than in 2017. The catalog of industrial products already has more than 266 thousand products from 111 thousand manufacturers and suppliers - said Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Osmakov

The catalog also includes 9.5 thousand items of high-tech civilian and dual-use products from defense industry enterprises, which is 3.6 times higher than in 2017.

Among the innovations of 2018 is the launch of an electronic application service for subsidies that compensate for part of the costs of R&D in priority areas of the civil industry. The GISP uploaded data for monitoring 84 projects totaling 4.3 billion rubles.

In addition, GISP became a platform for scientific and technical councils (NTS) of the Nizhny Novgorod region, acting as a single coordinator of interaction between state customers and industrial enterprises of the region.

At the end of 2018, as part of the work of the NTS, more than 3 thousand tender procedures were considered in the amount of about 32 billion rubles. 479 production enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region registered to work in the system. Detailed procurement plans for medical equipment and products of other regions were also posted in the GISP. Similar work was launched in more than 10 regions - said Vladimir Raspopov, Deputy Director of the Industrial Development Fund.

To harmonize development plans for industrial enterprises and natural monopolies, a register of industrial areas and their infrastructure support has been created on the basis of GISP, which will be part of the future Investor Navigator service. With the help of it, a potential investor will be able to find a platform suitable for his production.

The base of Benchmarko service companies has grown more than 1.5 times (to 35 thousand). Launched at the end of 2017, the service provides analysis on 6 parameters: benchmarking of financial and industry indicators, wages, labor productivity, self-assessment and international benchmarking.

In addition, in 2018, GISP, together with the portal, launched the subcontraction service, aimed at developing cooperation between manufacturers of goods and services that have undergone additional verification of their competencies and integrity. The key advantage of the new service is the guaranteed provision of industrial enterprises with orders for products.

In parallel, industry portals are developing. So, in test mode, portals of welding equipment, construction materials, waste processing have already been launched. They contain all relevant information about manufacturers, products and necessary services in the industry, which will help enterprises use advanced technologies when fulfilling orders, as well as expand sales markets for products by bringing them to foreign markets, Vasily Osmakov emphasized.


EDMS service for the State Industrial Information System (GISP) on the TESSA platform

Application of the methods of the Coordination Council of Soyuzmash of Russia

The Coordinating Council of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronic Equipment (REA), Electronic Component Base (ECB) and Mechanical Engineering Products of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia and the Industrial Development Fund (FRP) agreed on the application of the Council's experience in the development of methods and tools for GIS industry. During the meeting of the Coordination Council, held on the sidelines of the Army-2017 forum, a plan for further interaction between the two organizations was outlined.

FRP became interested in the experience gained by the Coordination Council of developers and manufacturers of REA, ECB and mechanical engineering products over three years of its existence. In particular, the Council developed methods for resolving conflicts in the field of cooperative cooperation, solving problems in the field of quality and reliability, planning development together with instrument makers and finalists, coordinating the activities of participants in various segments of the hi-tech market (ECB, computing, telecom, etc.) in matters of technical and regulatory regulation of the industry.

The process of "digitalization" of the methods of the Coordination Council and their integration into the GISP together with the Industry Development Fund correlates with Industry 4.0 and brings planning and cooperation systems to the level of using Big data and other promising tools for the development of industries. This is especially important for the competitiveness of the supply chains of our enterprises in civil markets, - said Arseny Brykin, Chairman of the Council, Deputy General Director and State Secretary of the Roselectronics holding.

The GISP toolkit was presented as part of the report of the Deputy Director of the FRP Vladimir Raspopov "Services of the State Information System of Industry. UBER for industry. " Also, representatives of the Galactica company presented already developed IT tools for managing cooperative production.

Obviously, one of the main tools for the implementation of industrial policy in the coming years will be the State Information System of Industry. It will allow you to track technological chains, go to a new level in planning and monitoring production, make relationships between enterprises more efficient and transparent. Its effectiveness will largely be determined by the use of the best solutions that exist today in this direction. Therefore, further joint work with the FRP on the integration of the methods developed by the Coordination Council into the digital B2B platform of the GISP will allow to bring planning and cooperation systems to the level of using the most promising tools for industrial development leading to "smart" production, - said the first deputy chairman of Soyuzmash of Russia, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Vladimir Gutenev.

Agreement with RSi on the development of GISP

On July 28, 2017, the Industrial Development Fund and RSi (RCG, RC Group) announced an agreement to develop the state industrial information system (GISP). The agreement provides for the integration of the service of a multilingual trading platform using Teklot ETP technology ( into the GISP and the provision of the service in at least 10 languages.

The service allows you to ensure the operational efficiency of buyers and sellers in the international b2b market by accessing a single sales and procurement system built on a unified product catalog. Teklot has the opportunity to organize a distributed system through the removal of tender processors to the territory of other countries. A distributed electronic trading and purchasing system allows cross-border auctions in electronic format by reducing response time, which expands the sales markets of products.

One of the key tasks of the GISP is to ensure and introduce into the processes of interaction between participants in the real sector of the economy a single technical language for describing products and technologies. This is the most difficult task that has not been solved in the entire history of Russia, although the state has made efforts for this, "said Vladimir Raspopov, Deputy Director of the FRP

The FRP approached this problem in a fundamentally different way: the information is transmitted to the system by the manufacturers themselves on a voluntary basis, that is, the filling of the system comes from the original source. Thus, a single national data pool of industrial products of a new machine-readable format is being formed, which will be the basis for cooperative interaction and building end-to-end processes in the Russian economy, the Industry Development Fund explained.

We are glad that in solving this problem we are helped by specialists recognized in the professional community - the company RSi, which has accumulated over the years of its work competencies and knowledge in many industries. It is this many years of experience and its use for our current task that allows us to be confident in the success of solving the problem, "added Vladimir Raspopov. It is fundamentally important that we have reached an agreement with our colleagues on the gratuitous nature of these services for Russian manufacturers. The company RSi expressed its readiness to invest its own funds in this project, focusing on other monetization schemes

Collaboration with the Galaxy

On May 19, 2017, the Galaxy Corporation, the Industrial Development Fund (FRP), entered into an agreement for the development of the state industrial information system (GISP). The agreement provides for the development and integration into the GISP of services designed to automate the processes of forming an affordable resource and technological base of enterprises, building optimal schemes for cooperative division, forming and monitoring the implementation of cooperation schedules. These services will be developed on the basis of the Galaxy AMM production process management system, one of the key products of Galactica Corporation, which ensures the creation of a single network of related works both for the main production, preparation, support and cooperation.

BARS Group has expanded the functionality of GIS industry

BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization (NCI), has modernized the state information system, which contains and processes detailed data on the state of Russian industry. The improvements affected analytical services and the regulatory reference information management subsystem.

The customer of the project was the Industrial Development Fund. Together with IBS, the analytical reporting subsystem was modernized, which will provide the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with operational analytics on the state of the industrial complex. The module allows you to generate reports based on such data as the number of applications for projects, the project budget, the number of contracts, the volume of tax revenues and planned investments in the real sector of the economy, the volume of revenues from the implementation of projects, etc.

The system was created to automate the collection and processing of information necessary for the implementation of industrial policy, to inform about the support provided to enterprises, as well as to improve the efficiency of the exchange of information on the state of industry and the forecast of its development. The main subsystems were developed and implemented in 2015. Functional services based on them make it possible to solve such problems as monitoring the financial and economic condition of enterprises and identifying the risks of its deterioration, providing subsidies and state support measures through electronic interaction of enterprises with departments of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, obtaining information from open federal registers and information systems about entities in the field of industry.

Industry GIS contains a large amount of heterogeneous regulatory reference information. To eliminate duplication and inconsistency of data used by users on a daily basis, reduce the cost of storing and processing them, the MDM module is implemented in the system. It will allow you to centrally store regulatory reference information, consolidate reference and classifier data, ensure user access to it and distribute consistent data across all applications. The result of the implementation was to bring reference book records into a standard, easily identifiable form, eliminate irrelevant and duplicate information, and organize a single space for cleaning reference books, processing and monitoring content. The module will become the basis for creating an all-Russian product catalog.

The system has formed about 40 directories with a volume of 100 to 10 thousand records. Integration with various systems was carried out: AIS "Tax," EU NSI, analytical services subsystem, GISP portal.


Named operator and direct curator of GISP

October 15, 2015 it became known who will oversee the creation of the state information system of industry. Former top manager of Rostec Sergey Parfenov was chosen as the direct project manager.

He was appointed deputy director of the Industrial Development Fund (FRP), which, as it became known earlier in October 2015, is the operator of the GIS "Industry" project, the FRP said.

Sergey Parfenov was tasked with launching the state information system of industry in 2015

According to the director of the fund, Aleksei Komissarov, Sergei Parfenov is required to organize the start of operation of the GIS "Industry" by the end of 2015. In addition, he was tasked with developing a concept and a detailed three-year project development plan, Komissarov said.

On the basis of the FRP, it is planned to create a system of comprehensive support for industrial investment projects in the "one window" mode. By mid-October 2015, a consulting center had already been launched, which helps industrial enterprises understand the criteria and procedures for various state support measures. The launch of a new information system and the combination of data on federal and regional industrial development programs will make this work more effective, according to the FRP.[2]

Planned Start Date Offset

The first official statement of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on plans to create a GIS of industry from August 2014 said that the system should work from 2015[3] The Ministry of[3].

In April 2015, a draft government decree "On the procedure for creating, operating and improving the state information system of industry" was submitted for public discussion. [4]

In June 2015, Sergei Valuev, director of the information technology and public relations department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said in an interview with CNews that "the public discussion of the document has already been completed, and now it is undergoing an approval stage with other departments."

"We assume the iterative creation of GIS" Industry, "and strive to ensure that in 2016 some of its subsystems began to function," said[5]

Changes in approach to contractor selection

In August, 2014 about creation of GIS of the industry it was said in the statement of Minpromtorg that "it is planned to announce a competition among the IT companies in the nearest future" on its development.

In June 2015, a TAdviser source familiar with the activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the state corporation Rostec (probably its National Center for Informatization) could become the developer of GISP without a competition. To do this, Rostec must receive the status of a sole performer.

The interlocutor of CNews says that the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov is in favor of this approach. According to a source close to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Rostec really offered itself as the only performer, but the ministry has so far refused this proposal.

"At this stage, we consider it appropriate to select the contractor on a competitive basis. The choice of a single performer is advisable in the event of a long phased performance of work and the participation in the project of a number of companies with different competencies, "TAdviser said in the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Rostec could not comment on the situation, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said that the operator of the GISP is the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which must decide on the contractor.

2014: Legislative basis for the establishment of the GISP

The system is created on the basis of the requirements of the Law 488-FZ[6], signed by the President of Russia on December 31, 2014. GISP is devoted to Article 14 of the law.

Article 14. State Industrial Information System

1. The state information system of industry is created in order to automate the processes of collecting, processing information necessary to ensure the implementation of industrial policy and the exercise of the powers of federal executive bodies to stimulate activities in the field of industry, inform about the support provided to entities in the field of industry, as well as to improve the efficiency of the exchange of information on the state industry and forecast of its development.

2. The creation, operation and improvement of the state information system of the industry is provided by the authorized body, which is the operator of the state information system of the industry. In order to operate the state information system of the industry, the authorized body shall involve other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The creation, operation and improvement of the state information system of the industry are carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1) completeness, reliability and timeliness of providing information for inclusion in the state information system of industry and the public accessibility of including information in this information system, with the exception of information, access to which is limited by federal laws;

2) one-time collection of information for inclusion in the state information system of industry if the information similar in content, degree of detail and frequency of provision was sent without fail by the subject of the state information system of industry for inclusion in the state information system of industry or other state information system;

3) interaction of the state information system of industry with other information systems;

4) ensuring the security of the state in the creation, operation and improvement of the state information system of industry;

5) availability and free software tools of the state information system of industry required by the subjects of this state information system of industry in order to provide them with mandatory information for inclusion in the state information system of industry in accordance with this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. The State Industrial Information System shall contain the following information:

1) on the state of the industry and the forecast of its development;

2) on the subjects of activity in the field of industry;

3) on forecasts of the output of the main types of industrial products and their actual release, on the characteristics of industrial products taking into account industry affiliation, as well as on the volume of imports of industrial products into the Russian Federation (by types of industrial products);

4) on the use of resource-saving technologies and renewable energy sources in the process of industrial activity;

5) on state and municipal programs developed for the formation and implementation of industrial policy;

6) on measures to stimulate activities in the field of industry provided for by the relevant state and municipal programs;

7) on the achievement of indicators of the effectiveness of the application of incentive measures carried out at the expense of the federal budget;

8) on the forecast for the development of industries, the requirements for the formation of which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

9) on the personnel potential of the subjects of activity in the field of industry and on their human personnel needs;

10) on information and technical reference books on the best available technologies and on methodological recommendations for their application;

11) in the form of annual reports on the state and development of industry prepared by the authorized body in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 3 of article 6 of this Federal Law.

5. The list of information of the state information system of industry, subject to mandatory public access in the information and telecommunication network "Internet ," and the list of information requested by the authorized body on manufactured products (taking into account the peculiarities of industries) for the inclusion of such information in the state information system of industry are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Information contained in the state information system of the industry and subject to mandatory public access in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" is provided free of charge.

7. State authorities, local self-government bodies, industrial entities are obliged to provide the operator of the state information system of the industry with information included in this information system and not being information, access to which is limited by federal laws, in the composition and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for interaction of the state information system of industry with other state information systems.

9. Financial support for the creation, operation and functioning of the state information system of industry is carried out at the expense of the federal budget allocated to the authorized body for the implementation of state programs within the framework of the implementation of industrial policy.
