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Naumen Naumen Consulting


Information Technology
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
109147, st. Vorontsovskaya, 35B, bldg. 3, BC "Time Center"

Top managers:
Davydov Alexander Anatolyevich
Revenue Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Naumen (Naumen Consulting)

NAUMEN is a Russian developer of software solutions for business and authorities. The company provides services for the development, implementation and maintenance of software projects based on its own solutions.

Since its foundation in 2001, NAUMEN has gained experience in implementing projects for the development and implementation of information systems in various sectors of the Russian economy. Over the 13 years of the company's operation in the market, over 1000 enterprises and organizations from Russia and the CIS countries have automated various aspects of their activities and business using NAUMEN software products and solutions. Today, NAUMEN's clients include telecom operators, banks, financial groups, metallurgy and heavy industry companies, trade and production holdings, authorities and state-owned enterprises. Business partners of the company are IT companies from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova.

Lines of business of the company

  • Development of software solutions for business and authorities
  • Implementation of software projects,
  • Support of software projects based on own solutions

The company has over 300 employees, more than 150 of them are developers and technical specialists. The project office and the company's implementation center are located in Moscow, production units - in Yekaterinburg, Tver and Chelyabinsk. Since 2012, NAUMEN subsidiaries have been operating in Manila (Philippines) and Astana (Kazakhstan). In the summer of 2014, a software development office was opened in Sevastopol.


  • Naumen Contact Center - (formerly Naumen Phone) a single call center and contact center solution with an integrated IP-PBX. It is a fully functional software solution based on IP telephony technologies.
  • Naumen Service Desk is a support services automation system for companies with an extensive communication network and an extensive fleet of equipment.
  • Naumen CRM is a fully functional CRM solution for improving sales and marketing efficiency, ensuring a high level of customer and partner loyalty.
  • Naumen DMS is a business process and document management system based on web technologies. This product replaced one of the leaders in the market of domestic document management systems NauDoc.
  • Naumen Telecom is an operations and business support system (OSS/BSS) for telecom operators and service providers. Automates the processes of support, sales, problem management, customer service quality and service quality, network composition.
  • Federal Target Program Management System - an information system for automating federal target program management (FTP) for state coordinating customers, state customers and specialized directorates.
  • Naumen GPMS - Regional Procurement Management - an information system for automating the activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of public procurement according to the requirements of Law No. 94-FZ.
  • Naumen University is an information and analytical system for managing the educational process in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

NAUMEN Training Center conducts courses on the company's products: for users, technologists, system administrators and developers. Courses are held in person and remotely via the Internet.

Performance indicators


BPM revenue - more than 480 million rubles

Naumen has become the leader Russian market of management systems (business processes Business Process Management,), BPM which prepared the portal for TAdviser 2018.

The company's BPM revenue amounted to more than 480 million rubles, which is one and a half times higher than in 2017, Naumen reported on October 23, 2019. The company became the largest vendor of BPM solutions in Russia and entered the top 3 suppliers.

BPM revenue Naumen

Share of intelligent solutions in turnover increased to 57%

Igor Kirichenko, CEO, member of the board of directors of Naumen: "We have seen a steady increase in interest in technologies and solutions that help transform current processes and optimize costs in a number of areas. The growing demand is evidenced by the fact that in 2018 the share of smart solutions in the turnover of our company increased to 57 percent, and revenue in certain areas of smart technologies increased by 300%. One of Naumen's missions is to promote digital transformation, so this year we have identified a research function in the company's structure - Naumen Research to track key global and Russian trends, accumulate all our expertise in implemented projects and advise company leaders on new strategies and translate these ideas into real tangible results. "



TAdviser interview with Dmitry Rubin, Director of Operations Business

 Dmitry Rubin, director of the operating business of Naumen, spoke about the key tasks in managing IT and how to solve them using the Naumen product ecosystem in December 2024. Read more here.

Start LLM Lab

Naumen on June 3, 2024 announced the launch of the LLM laboratory to apply generative artificial intelligence technologies to the company's product ecosystem. The first project will be the Naumen GPT module for the knowledge management system in the client service. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Nikita Kardashian, head of integrated process digitalization practice

Every year, competition between IT companies is only growing. To increase market share, large suppliers began to offer customers not one product, but bundles of related solutions. Such "digital ecosystems" help tie the enterprise landscape together without the cost of complex integrations. What is this - a promotional move for the sale of software or the next stage in business development?

Nikita Kardashian, head of integrated process digitalization practice at Naumen, talks about the real value of technology platforms for companies, the capabilities and limitations of modern ecosystems. Read more here.


4th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

Naumen took 4th place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

1st place in TAdviser ranking "Largest suppliers of ITSM/Service Desk systems in Russia"

Naumen took 1st place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of ITSM/Service Desk systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023


TAdviser interview with Dmitry Rubin, Director of Operations Business

In March 2022, Dmitry Rubin, director of the operating business of NAUMEN, spoke about how to help public sector enterprises organize effective management of business processes and IT based on the most advanced management technologies. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Nikita Kardashian, Head of Data Analysis Solutions Development

In February 2022 TAdviser , the Nikita Kardashian head of solutions development in the field of analysis data machine learning and Naumen spoke about what tasks most production companies have to solve today, and what software tools should be used to solve them. Read more here.

2021: Naumen bought a stake in a startup whose decision is used by Sovcombank and Qiwi

Naumen acquired a stake in MinervaSoft, a Russian developer of the Knowledge Management System (KMS). TAdviser was told about this in Naumen on April 7, 2021. The size of the acquired share and the financial details of the transaction in the company are not disclosed, saying only that the majority part remains with the founder and CEO of MinervaSoft Alexei Zobnin. Read more here.

2020: Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia "

Naumen is included in the rating "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in December 2021. Read more here.


Collaboration with Infobip

On May 30, 2019 the Russian , NAUMEN announced the conclusion of a partnership agreement with the company - Infobip in provider WhatsApp. Russia The partnership with Infobip will simplify access to the WhatsApp Business application for API all companies using. NAUMEN Communication Solutions More. here

Participation in the project "Support of private high-tech leading companies"

Old NAUMEN logo

On January 16, 2019, the NAUMEN announced that it was among 22 the Russian companies selected by the expert council Ministry of Economic Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION to participate in the priority project "Support for private high-tech leading companies" ("National Champions").

The goal of the project is to ensure the outstripping growth of Russian private companies from high-tech industries that rely on the export of their products to the world market, and the creation of Russian-based multinational corporations on their basis. Champions get quick access to state support tools, including in development institutions, as well as information and consulting support for their projects in the domestic and world markets.

Based on the data of the national rating of rapidly developing companies "TechSuccess," 129 high-tech companies with export potential and revenue growth dynamics were selected, 55 of them were nominated for participation in the project. Face-to-face expert sessions with nominees made it possible to assess the potential for business development with the prospect of 5-10 years. The final list was approved at a meeting of the Council of the National Champions project on December 21, 2018 in Moscow, it included 22 companies.

In its software products, NAUMEN actively uses AI technologies, has experience in solving problems in the field of digital transformation, and also annually replenishes the portfolio of implemented projects. As of January 2019, NAUMEN is among the Top 10 software developers in terms of the number of installations in Russia and occupies a leading position in a number of competitive markets:

It is nice to see that tools for practical support of fast-growing high-tech companies are being created in Russia in accordance with the best world practices. For us, participation in the National Champions project is a recognition of NAUMEN's professionalism and contribution to the development of high technologies in the Russian Federation. We expect that this project will help strengthen the export potential of our company and strengthen its position in the Russian innovation environment. The accumulated experience, our competencies and development strategy as a leading provider of solutions and services for digital transformation open up an excellent opportunity for us to become one of the largest Russian exporters of high-tech products and services.
'Igor Kirichenko, Executive Director of NAUMEN '


Investment in Geomer

In January 2015, it became known that Naumen invested in a small innovative enterprise (MIP) Geomer and entered the authorized capital of the company. The funds were provided to the startup for development with the participation of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) of a laser measuring complex for the metallurgical and oil industry.

"By investing in the innovative development of Geomera, we aim to enter the market of high-tech industrial enterprises in Russia, and, subsequently, the world," says Alexander Davydov, chairman of the board of directors of Naumen. - The measuring complex created by the Yekaterinburg startup with the participation of UrFU is designed to control the quality of production of complex premium-class threads on connecting couplings used in industrial products. First of all, it is planned to issue a solution for the needs of oil production in order to replace imports and reduce sanctions risks, since now the share of Western-made couplings in the oil industry is high. "

According to Alexander Davydov, Naumen sees the partnership of private companies, universities and the state as promising, increasing the efficiency of each of the partnership participants. Together with the UrFU and the venture capital fund created by the University for the Development of Innovation and the Accelerator, the company intends to promote the development of projects related to domestic industry and high technologies. For more details, see Geomer's History.

Agreement with Technoserv in the field of import substitution

In February 2015, Naumen and Technoserv announced the signing of a partnership agreement providing for the joint implementation of tasks in the field of replacing imported software.

According to the terms of the contract, the largest system integrator in Russia, Technoserv, takes on partner functions to promote the entire Naumen product line, their implementation, technical and consulting support of clients, including the preparation of offers and training. In turn, Naumen, within the framework of the agreement, will develop and supply software.

"Following the change in the economic situation, the cost of import solutions has inevitably and significantly increased, and with it the price of their support has increased. At the same time, the course on import substitution does not allow today many state structures to build their systems on the basis of foreign products. All these factors indicate the need for Russian companies to reconsider their priorities for choosing IT suppliers and pay attention to domestic solutions that are worthy of import competitors. These include the decisions of NAUMEN, - comments Tatyana Orlova, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs of the Directorate for Integration Solutions of Technoserv. - Today we see the potential and willingness of a number of our customers to discuss the possibility of migrating to Naumen solutions in such areas as monitoring and managing IT infrastructure, automating both ITSM processes and processes outside IT, as well as automating contact centers. As a partner of Naumen, Technoserv is ready to offer its customers migration and implementation of the company's products on favorable terms. In the future, we are also considering the possibility of presenting the solutions of our partner in the recently presented cloud platform "Technoserv" - TS-Cloud.RU, which allows you to provide services under the SaaS model. "

Naumen has many years of experience in software product development (B2B) and implementation projects. Naumen products and solutions that automate the processes of more than a thousand companies in different industries, - IT and service management system, platform for corporate and outsourcing contact centers, document and business process management solution, IT infrastructure monitoring and network management system, procurement management system under No. 44-FZ and 223-FZ, as well as an information and analytical system for universities and secondary specialized educational institutions and other solutions that contribute to improving the results of operations and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises.

"We welcome Technoserv to our strategic partners. Our joint efforts will be aimed at implementing large projects in the public sector and companies with state participation. Many years of experience as an integrator and mature, proven solutions of the vendor make it possible to count on success, "said Igor Kirichenko, Commercial Director of Naumen. "We have already discussed import substitution plans for 2015 with the new partner."

2014: Naumen opens software development center in Sevastopol

In mid-July 2014, NAUMEN opened a new software development center in Sevastopol. The office, located in a modern building in the center of Sevastopol, employs 5 people. Recruitment to the software development team continues.

"The city of Sevastopol, located on the Crimean peninsula, is a strategically important territory for NAUMEN. The region is attractive for the software business, primarily for its potential. There is practically no competition for IT personnel. In addition, the largest technical university is located in the city, which will also meet our needs for programmers in the near future. The advantage of the peninsula is a favorable climate. All these factors make this place promising, similar to Silicon Valley, "says Alexey Zastrozhny, Executive Director of NAUMEN. "As a company in the Top 20 Russian developers of software solutions, we strive to contribute to the development of the domestic IT industry and are interested in the best personnel to increase the production of high-quality high-tech software products for different sectors of the economy."

Andrey Lespukh, head of the NAUMEN development center in Sevastopol: "In our developments, we try to use new interesting technologies, focusing on market trends and the needs of our customers. The technologies we use, the Scala stack of technologies from Typesafe, Java, allow us to achieve a better result. Therefore, our solutions are effective, in demand and successfully implemented both in new and old projects. We will be glad to admit experienced and purposeful programming specialists to our friendly team. "

In addition to the new development office in Sevastopol, NAUMEN has three operating production centers - in Tver, Chelyabinsk and, most importantly, in Yekaterinburg, where more than 150 software developers and technical specialists work. The project office and the company's implementation center are located in Moscow. In 2012, NAUMEN offices were opened in Manila (Philippines) and Astana (Kazakhstan). The company has over 300 employees.


According to the RBKresearch agency, NAUMEN in 2013 increased its popularity in the market for solutions for outsourced call centers, strengthening its position in the top three. In terms of the prevalence of the product among call centers, the Russian vendor caught up with the western supplier Cisco and came close to the first position (company) Avaya , from which it is separated by 3%.

According to a report by RBK.research, 22% of outsourcing call centers in Russia use the NAUMEN solution. In addition, in terms of the prevalence of its solution, NAUMEN demonstrates the most noticeable growth among the three leaders of the Russian market (in 2012, the Naumen Contact Center solution was used by 13% of outsourcing call centers).

2012: Increase in turnover in ITSM areas and contact centers - more than 40%

The growth of the company's turnover in the commercial sector in the areas of IT Management (ITSM) and Contact Centers amounted to more than 40% and reached 220 million rubles: 130 million rubles. and 90 million rubles. respectively.

The largest demand for consulting and software solutions of NAUMEN was demonstrated by the service and outsourcing markets, the financial sector, industry, telecommunications. The company conducted active project activities in eight regions, including, in addition to Russia, countries of near and far abroad: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and the Philippines. To ensure the territorial availability of the software provider and convenience for customers, the development of a network of local partners in each region of presence was continued. At the same time, the partners from the vendor provided all kinds of assistance in selling and executing software implementation projects.

In September 2012, NAUMEN opened a representative office under the Noda brand in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, where the company conducts a vendor business selling Noda Contact Center solutions to automate large corporate and outsourcing contact centers. Within 2 months from the beginning of the office's work, the first transaction on the introduction of a contact center for 200 workplaces took place. Also in October 2012, a subsidiary of Naumen-Kazakhstan was opened in Astana to provide sales support services to the company's partners in Kazakhstan, and several new large contracts were concluded in the oil and gas and banking sectors.

2010: Leadership in the market for the introduction of Russian call centers

NAUMEN has become one of the leaders among Russian vendors in terms of the number of installed workplaces in call centers. This conclusion was reached by the authors of a study conducted in 2010 by the National Association of Contact Centers (NAC). According to the study, NAUMEN owns 46% of the total number of jobs in call centers built on Russian software solutions. The total capacity of call centers where NAUMEN solutions are used is more than 2,700 workplaces. Thus, the company ranks first in this indicator, ahead of other domestic manufacturers by a noticeable margin.

As follows from the data presented in the NAC study, the NAUMEN market share among all providers of solutions for contact centers, including foreign vendors, is 7.36% in terms of the number of jobs and 11% in terms of the number of completed projects. Research of the Russian call center market was carried out by the NAC for the first time. During the period from June to November 2010, the working group collected and analyzed information about 611 contact centers operating on the market.

Igor Viktorovich Kirichenko, Commercial Director of NAUMEN, spoke about the results of the company's work in 2010 in the OSS/BSS solutions market, and also briefly highlighted NAUMEN's achievements in this segment as a whole. "Last year we worked productively and implemented 12 new projects in telecom companies, including Eurotel, Audiotele, Comstar-Regions and others," said Igor Viktorovich. "In general, in 2010, the turnover of our company grew to 500 million rubles."

2004: Transition from System Development to Trialware to Proprietary Platforms

Initially, Naumen developed in Python and Zope and published its developments under the Naumen Public License, but since 2004 the company has translated its products into Java.