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+ Alexander Nikolaevich Kalinin
Kalinin Alexander Nikolaevich
Kalinin Alexander Nikolaevich


Alexander Nikolaevich Kalinin was born in 1955 in Moscow.

In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) with honors. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

From 1978 to 1993 he was in military service, including in the KGB, the last position was assistant to the first deputy general director of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI).

In 1993, he became the founder and co-owner of Complink.

In 1994-2000 - General Director of Lank-Moscow.

In 1999-2000 - General Director of the Association for System Integration and Development of Information and Control Systems, headed the NTC Landata"."

In 2000-2002 - First Deputy Director, and. about. Director of FSUE NII Voskhod. In 2002 - chief designer of state automated system "Vybory."

In 2002, Kalinin worked as an adviser to the Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman on informatization.

Since 2003 - at the National Computer Corporation (NCC), member of the Board of Directors, first vice president for corporate governance, president (since 2005).

In 2006 he became president of the Aquarius group of companies, and in 2008 - a member of the board of directors of the Systematics group of companies.

He was an ally of the Minister of Communications Igor Shchegolev. In the summer of 2009, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications came up with an initiative to reassign the Voskhod Research Institute directly to the ministry. Then the research institute was under the jurisdiction of Rosinformtekhnologii, which, although subordinate to the Ministry of Communications, was headed by Vladimir Matyukhin since the time of Leonid Reiman. The idea of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media was supported by Alexander Kalinin. "The current scheme interferes with the work of the enterprise, as the path of interaction is becoming more complicated," Kalinin told RIA Novosti. - Research Institute "Voskhod" should interact with the leadership of the Ministry of Communications directly, since it is the ministry that sets tasks for it. "


Detention (supplemented by comments by Alexei Kalinin and a representative of the FAS Russia)

On July 14, NCC President Alexander Kalinin was detained by law enforcement agencies, a TAdviser source said and his son Aleksei Kalinin confirmed. According to TAdviser, on the eve of the NCC and the companies included in the holding, investigative measures were taken. One of the interlocutors of TAdviser said that Aleksei Kalinin previously also worked in the structures of the NCC, is under recognizance not to leave.

On the same day, FSB officers detained the Chief information officer of the Russian Post, Sergei Emelchenkov. In addition, investigative measures were carried out in several large IT companies, including Merlion, Jet Infosystems, Ai-Teko, Technoserv, Maykor.

The cases in which Alexander Kalinin and Sergey Emelchenkov are held are not related, says Aleksei Kalinin.

I am under a nondisclosure subscription. The only thing I can say is that the information that a recognizance not to leave is taken against me is not true. There are no restrictions on me or my companies. The NCC group also continues to operate normally. Alexander Nikolaevich Kalinin has nothing to do with the criminal case of Russian Post, - said TAdviser Kalinin Jr.

One of the interlocutors of TAdviser named the cartel conspiracy as the reasons for the searches and detention. TAdviser confirmed this information in the FAS Russia:

We have been engaged in the cartel of the same companies at the auction held by the CEC since 2016. They in different regions conspired with different state customers. We systematically identified their violations, fined, transferred materials to law enforcement agencies. As a rule, companies did not reduce the NMCC or reduced it minimally, - comments Andrei Tenishev, head of the Anti-Cartel Department of the FAS Russia. - The amount of fines in antimonopoly cases amounted to over 200 million rubles. In addition, each cartel participant will be fined up to 50% of the NMCC

In 2016, we recall that the FAS opened a case against Business Computers Group LLC, AMI-Network LLC, CROC Incorporated CJSC, Superwave Group LLC, Craft Corporation PLC CJSC, Aquarius Production Company LLC (part of the NKK).

Decisions were made on collusion at the auction for the supply of computer equipment for the needs of the CEC, Rosstat, Norilsk Nickel and a number of state customers of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the FAS added.

Now a criminal case has been opened and suspects have been detained. This is the logical end of the cartel agreement. I hope that justice will be done and the organizers of this cartel will receive what they deserve

The NCC officially declined to comment. Comments from other cartel members have been sought.

House arrest

The Tver Court of Moscow sent Alexander Kalinin under house arrest, TAdviser told his son Aleksei Kalinin on the evening of July 16.

Details of the cartel conspiracy case

Studying the materials of the FAS with the circumstances of the cartel conspiracy case, as a result of which NCC President Alexander Kalinin was placed under house arrest in July 2020, TAdviser discovered a number of decisions published by the service in an open database of documents in 2018.

The materials contain fragments of emails from top managers and allow you to trace the entire chain of creation of the cartel, as well as assess the benefits received by its participants as a result of this fraud (in detail about the case - in a separate article).

Appointment of Alexei Kalinin as First Vice President of NCC

Aleksei Kalinin was appointed First Vice President of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) on July 21, 2020. He will take over some of the functions of NCC President Alexander Kalinin and, above all, will be responsible for the strategic development of the company. This was reported in the "National Computer Corporation" on July 22, 2020. Read more here.

They tried to lure $3 million from Alexander Kalinin for mitigating the criminal case

On August 26, the Kommersant newspaper, citing materials from the criminal case, published information about the reasons for the arrest of the head of the Cybersecurity Agency, Yevgeny Lifshits, and the related details[1]. According to the newspaper, he tried to get $3 million from Alexander Kalinin, who is under house arrest, to resolve the issue of "minimizing criminal liability." Read more here.


House arrest extension until March

In December 2020, the Tverskoy District Court extended Alexander Kalinin's stay under house arrest until March 14. Information about this is contained in the database of courts of general jurisdiction of Moscow. It also states that he is accused of violating Art. 178, Part 2, paragraph in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (restriction of competition, which caused particularly large damage or entailed the extraction of income on an especially large scale).

The maximum punishment threatened under this article is imprisonment for up to 6 years or forced labor for up to 5 years.

If Kalinin's lawyers fail to challenge the decision of the Tverskoy District Court, then while the investigation is underway, he will spend at least 8 months under house arrest.

The defense of Alexander Kalinin has already attempted to appeal this decision. But the Moscow City Court, where the appeal was considered on January 25, 2021, told TAdviser that it was not satisfied, and the decision of the Tver court remains in force.

An alternative to home arrest may be to prohibit certain actions. With such a measure of restraint, unlike house arrest, a defendant in a criminal case usually has the opportunity, for example, to go to work.

The period 2019-2020. surpassed all past times in the number of arrested celebrities of the IT industry. Some of them have been under house arrest since their arrest, and some have been in jail for long months while the investigation and trial are underway, even after repeated attempts to get a milder measure of restraint. TAdviser closely monitors the development of the most resonant criminal cases, and industry associations are developing measures to mitigate pressure. Read more in a separate article.

Lawsuit from co-owners of NCC

On May 13, 2021, it became known about the transition of the conflict of shareholders of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) to the judicial plane. Co-owners of the company Evgeny Lachkov and Leonid Goldenberg filed a lawsuit against the head of the NCC Alexander Kalinin (owns 33% of the NCC). Read more here.

Co-owners of NCC demanded 770 million rubles from Kalinin for changing the charter of the subsidiary

On May 31, 2021, it became known about the continuation of the conflict between the shareholders of the National Computer Corporation (NCC). Evgeny Lachkov and Leonid Goldenberg, who own 32% of its authorized capital, sent a pre-search statement to the president of the company, Alexander Kalinin (he owns a 33% share). The authors of the claim demand to pay them 130.4 million rubles each, as well as 509.5 million rubles of the NCC itself. Read more here.

Co-owners of the NCC ousted Alexander Kalinin from the presidency. He plans to appeal this "hostile move" in court

On June 2, 2021, at an extraordinary meeting of NCC participants, the company's shareholders Leonid Goldenberg and Yevgeny Lachkov removed Alexander Kalinin from the post of president of the company and appointed Denis Frolov, co-owner of a large IT holding, whose structure includes the developer of the domestic operating system Astra Linux Rusbitekh, the manufacturer of Baikal Electronics processors, and other companies. The change of president is stated in the official statement of the NCC, received by the editorial office of TAdviser. Read more here.

Getting out of house arrest

On June 9, 2021, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow changed the measure of restraint for Alexander Kalinin, President of the NCC. This was announced to TAdviser by a company representative.

Alexander Kalinin was under house arrest for almost a year, but the court heard the arguments of the defense and changed the measure of restraint from house arrest to a ban on certain actions - in particular, the use of the Internet and the phone. However, now Alexander Kalinin can go to work at any time, - they say in the NCC.

Alexander Kalinin will continue to serve as president of the NCC, as well as manage and develop Aquarius together with Aleksei Kalinin, the company added.

The court ruling of June 9, which TAdviser got acquainted with, says that with the written permission of the investigator, Alexander Kalinin can use communications and the Internet.

The term of the preliminary investigation in the criminal case was extended until September 21, 2021, indicated there. The investigation of this criminal case is particularly difficult.

Claim from E. Lachkov and L. Goldenberg for 953 million rubles

In October 2021, the owners of the National Computer Corporation Yevgeny Lachkov and Leonid Goldenberg filed a lawsuit against Alexander Kalinin for 953 million rubles. In their opinion, Kalinin, on behalf of NCC, voted at a meeting of Aquarus members for changes that deprived the company of corporate control over the LLC. The amount of the claim is the plaintiffs' assessment of the reduction in the cost of NCC as a result of these actions. Read more here.

Ending the conflict over NCC and Aquarius. Appointment as Head of the Supervisory Board at Aquarius

Shareholders of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) Alexander Kalinin, Leonid Goldenberg, Evgeny Lachkov and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aquarius Group Aleksei Kalinin announced the termination of the conflict over NCC and Aquarius Group of Companies. The Gro up of company Systematica announced this to TAdviser on December 22, 2021.

Alexander Kalinin will head the supervisory board of the Aquarius Group of Companies.


Joining the list of the largest IT billionaires in Russia

In August 2022, TAdviser compiled the first list of the largest IT billionaires in Russia. Alexander Kalinin and his son Aleksei Kalinin took twentieth place in it (more).

Request for 5 years in prison from the prosecutor in the case of the supply of computers for the CEC

On September 9, 2022, it became known about the completion of the trial in the criminal case of cartel conspiracy in the supply of IT equipment for the Central Election Commission (CEC). The accused in this case are the ex-president of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) Alexander Kalinin, vice president for strategic development of Aquarius Group Vladimir Piskunov, as well as co-owners of Business Computers Group Dmitry Kuvshinnikov and AMI-Network Mikhail Komarov. The prosecutor asks to find them guilty of restricting competition, which caused particularly large damage (part 2 of article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

According to Kommersant, the prosecution considers the participation of businessmen in organizing a cartel conspiracy in the supply of HP system units proven. The lawyers of the entrepreneurs demanded an acquittal, stating that the crime event itself is absent in the case, and if there is one, then the defendants' involvement in it has not been proven. Note that none of the defendants admits their guilt.

Alexander Kalinin

We are talking about a tender for the supply of system units to the CEC in the amount of 645.8 million rubles, which in 2016 was won by Business Computers Group. In April of that year, a representative of the federal center for informatization of the CEC appealed to the FAS with a statement about a possible conspiracy between the tender participants, among whom, in addition to the winner, were also AMI-Network and Aquarius.

In the correspondence seized by the FAS specialists during their audit, evidence of an illegal agreement between suppliers was found, as well as the fact that the difference between the purchase price of system units and the price of their sale exceeded 406.3 million rubles. According to the antimonopoly regulator, due to cartel collusion, the state lost 97.9 million rubles.[2]


The Gagarinsky court of Moscow in September sentenced participants in the cartel conspiracy of suppliers of office equipment for the operation of the State Automated System Vybory system to suspended terms. The former owner of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) Alexander Kalinin received the least defendants - two years and ten months. In turn, the former vice president for strategic development of PC Aquarius Vladimir Piskunov, as well as co-owners of Business Computers Group (BCG) Dmitry Kuvshinnikov and AMI-Network Mikhail Komarov were sentenced to three years each. As a result of the conspiracy, as the court admitted, BCG in 2016 illegally won the auction by supplying dozens of Hewlett-Packard system blocks worth more than 645 million rubles to the CEC. [3].


Investment in Engineering and Engineering

In early July 2023, it became known that Alexander Kalinin, the founder of the once largest IT company in Russia, National Computer Corporation (NCC), acquired a stake in a little-known IT integrator - Information Technologies and Solutions (ITR). Read more here.

Creation of JSC Sovereign Mobile Initiative. Holding

The founder of the National Computer Corporation Alexander Kalinin created the Sovereign Mobile Initiative JSC. Holding "for the development and production of consumer mobile devices. The entrepreneur announced this at the end of February 2023. According to him, investments in the project will amount to 10 billion rubles. Read more here.

Sale of a third of NCC to his son

On July 12, 2023, it became known that the founder of the National Computer Corporation (NCC, in 2021 changed its name to Smart Holding) Alexander Kalinin left the company's capital. He sold 33% of the shares to the structure, the beneficiary of which is his son Alexei. Read more here.

2024: Investing in CommuniGate Pro

On July 19, 2024, it became known that the former president of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) Alexander Kalinin invested in the IT company "Secure Communications System" (SBK). It owns the rights to the CommuniGate Pro corporate mail platform - this is the Russian analogue of Microsoft Exchange. Read more here.

At the same time, Alexander Kalinin headed the board of directors of the SBK.


He was awarded the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

