Since 2016
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Dolgoprudnenskoye highway, house 3, floor 7, room XVII, to 13
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Cyberprotect (formerly Acronis ITProtect) is an independent Russian developer of backup, data breach protection (DLP) and infrastructure software systems.
The company's products are included in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, certified by the FSTEC and can be used in state and security institutions, as well as to protect critical data.
Performance indicators
2023: Revenue growth of 122%
As TAdviser found out, Cyberprotect's revenue in 2023 increased by 122.3% compared to 2022 and reached almost 3 billion rubles. According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "net profit for the same period increased by 116.4%, to 1.38 billion rubles.
The number of employees in the company as of December 31, 2023 amounted to 328 people, while a year earlier there were 206 people.
The cost of sales of Cyberprotect in 2023 increased by 70.1%, to 568 million rubles. Commercial expenses increased by 295.7%, to almost 766 million rubles, management expenses - by 133%, to 321 million rubles. Advertising expenses increased almost 10 times, to almost 40.7 million rubles.
Elena Bocherova, executive director of Cyberprotect, told TAdviser that the first driver of the company's revenue growth in 2023 was the consistent transition of customers to Russian solutions in the backup and data protection segment. In 2022, all Western vendors left the Russian market, while they occupied a large share of this part of the market: according to estimates - more than 80%. In 2022, customers still remained inert in using foreign solutions, despite problems with official technical support, updates and license renewal. And in 2023, many made a fundamental decision to switch to domestic systems.
At the same time, in order to maintain leadership positions, these two years Cyberprotect worked in a close dialogue with customers, moved along the roadmap for the development of its products.
The main task that we solved and continue to solve in terms of the development of the flagship product, the Cyber Backup system is the development of functionality that is in demand by corporate customers with a complex infrastructure, the need to scale the solutions being implemented. The number of such customers in our sales structure is growing. They also paid special attention to technological compatibility with the most popular infrastructure and application software - Russian operating systems, virtualization systems and DBMS, "Elena Bocherova explained to TAdviser. |
In 2023, the releases of version 16 and then 16.5 of Cyber Backup were significant, which implemented the maximum set of demanded functions for backing up PostgreSQL and DBMS based on it, support for OpenStack. Also, the system performance was increased, a lot of work was done to integrate our solution for cloud providers "Cyber Backup Cloud" with Yandex.Cloud, a turn was made towards Russian operating systems in the DLP complex "Cyber Protego" and its sharing with "Cyber Files" - a synchronization and file sharing system. In addition, Cyber Backup Personal, a backup for private users, was first introduced.
Elena Bocherova notes that Cyberprotect has also established systematic work on certification of FSTEC, and the implementation of certified versions of Cyber Backup now takes a short time, which was also appreciated by the company's customers.
The explanations for the Cyberprotect financial reporting, published in the FTS database , say that the company's projected revenue in 2024 is 4 billion rubles, and its projected net profit is 1.3 billion rubles. At the same time, it also notes that since the political situation is unstable and is developing rapidly, management at the date of compilation of financial accounting cannot reliably assess the potential impact of these circumstances.
We expect to maintain a leading position in our segment and systematically increase market share. It should be noted that there is still great potential, the level of use of foreign systems remains high. With the successful implementation of the plans, this will maintain the growth rate of the last two years, "says Elena Bocherova about expectations from 2024. |
For 2024, the company has planned the release of all key products: a new version of the Cyber Infrastructure hyperconverged solution will be released very soon, it will be supplemented with a "new popular component." Cyberprotect continues to develop the flagship product - Cyber Backup, and the 17th version is expected to be released in May.
In addition, Cyberprotect continues to pay attention to the development of the team, primarily developers and technical support. "We are also waiting for interesting partnerships with Russian developers of both software and hardware," said the executive director of Cyberprotect.
Opening an office in Minsk
Cyber Cyberprotect March 24, 2025 announced the opening of an office in the capital of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk. This is the first foreign representative office of the company. The company intends to establish interaction with business entities of the Republic of Belarus, develop the direction of software development (R&D) and strengthen cooperation with educational organizations of the country.
The opening of a representative office in Minsk corresponds to the development strategy of our company and is aimed at strengthening business ties in the field of information technology within the Union State. We see great interest in the technologies of backup and data protection, as well as the creation of the IT infrastructure of enterprises by Belarusian customers and partners. We look forward to cooperation that will make our solutions even better and more affordable, "said Alexey Badaev, CEO of Cyberprotect. |
The representative office of Cyberprotect, the Cyberprotect Bel company was among the residents of the High-Tech Park - the leading IT cluster in Central and Eastern Europe, which offers conditions for business development and is a zone with a special legal regime. As of March 2025, more than 1,020 companies are residents of HTP, they receive opportunities for preferential taxation, free capital movement, simplified document flow when concluding transactions and other supporting development tools.
Information technologies in the Republic are one of the key components of the economy and contribute to its competitiveness. The market needs the development of modern, import-independent solutions in the field of data protection, - said Irina Maksimova, director of the Cyberprotect office in the Republic of Belarus. - We look forward to productive cooperation with our universities and other educational institutions, whose students and graduates in the future will be able to get an opportunity to take an internship and start their career in a modern IT company. |
Cyberprotect actively develops the academic program and cooperates with higher and secondary special educational institutions both in Russia and abroad. The first university in the Republic with which a comprehensive partnership agreement was signed was the Belarusian State Technological University (BSTU) - a large multidisciplinary educational and scientific center. Within the framework of the strategic interaction of the parties, the implementation of joint research, training, information and other projects is envisaged.
Attending TAdviser IT Retail Day 2025
Modern retail is increasingly dependent on data and digital technologies: online sales, loyalty programs, customer bases, analytics - all this requires reliable protection and continuous work. What solutions will help minimize risks and increase business sustainability, experts from Cyberprotect will tell at IT Retail Day 2025. Read more here.
Modern Domestic Backup: Cyber Backup IBS Review
For a long time, foreign solutions for backup and recovery data occupied a large part. Russian market However, today the situation has changed. Western vendors of key backup systems left and stopped supporting them, giving impetus to the development of domestic systems. More. here
Deploy scalable systems on standard hardware in your Cyber Infrastructure scenario
Replacing system software is a complex and resource-intensive process, and hyperconverged solutions can help along the way. An example of such a solution is Cyber Infrastructure from the Russian company Cyberprotect. Read more here.
IThub College Cooperation Agreement
Cyberprotect has signed a cooperation agreement with an innovative college. information technology IThub The document was signed by Mikhail Sumbatyan, director of the IThub college and executive Elena Bocherova director of Cyberprotect. Cyberprotect announced this on February 5, 2024. More. here
2023: Plan to create a competence center at Synergy University
Synergy University September 28, 2023 signed a cooperation agreement with Cyberprotect. here More.
2022: Revenue growth by 123.7% to RUB 1,349 million
At the end of 2022, the revenue of Cyberprotect increased by 123.7% - to 1,349 million rubles (revenue from financial statements for 2021-2022. Excluding VAT). In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to occupy 194 lines (94 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).
Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products
The TAdviser analytical center studied who is on the Russian virtualization market, analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of products, and assessed the experience of development companies. Among the companies and products studied are Cyber Cyberprotect (Cyber Infrastructure product). Read more about the research here.
Agreement with MIPT in the field of education and science
Cyberprotect on October 17, 2022 announced the signing of an agreement with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) on cooperation in the field of education and science. The company is assigned the status of a basic organization, and in the academic year 2022/23, Cyberprotect will oversee the work of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Informatics (TPI). Read more here.
No longer an Acronis technology partner
In 2022, Cyberprotect ceased to be a technological partner of Acronis, which announced the suspension of operations in Russia against the backdrop of the SVO.
Revenue - 603 million rubles
At the end of 2021, the revenue of Cyberprotect amounted to 603 million rubles.
Renaming the company from Acronis ITProtect to Cyberprotect
On October 18, 2021, the Akronis Infozashchita company (Akronis-Infozashchita LLC) announced that it was changing its name to Cyberprotect (Cyberprotekt LLC). The name change occurs as a result of updating the company's strategy aimed at developing comprehensive cyber defense solutions for the Russian market. Under the name "Cyberprotect," the company will continue to develop data protection and recovery software for virtual, physical and cloud environments for organizations of all sizes.
"We intend to replenish the product portfolio with new solutions in the field of cyber defense, for example, to independently develop the DLP direction, to enrich existing products with new functions that are in demand by the Russian market and our customers. The key technological partner of Cyberprotect remains the international company Acronis, - said Alexey Badaev, General Director of Cyberprotect. "Also in focus is the compatibility of our products with Russian software and hardware of other developers, the creation of a domestic ecosystem of digital solutions based on compatibility." |
Acronis ITProtect, and now Cyberprotect, has been a technology partner at Acronis since 2016. Its solutions use Acronis technology. Acronis-Infozashchita licensed the program code of the Swiss-Singaporean Acronis to develop its own solutions on the Russian market.
Since 2016, the Company has developed its own product line for backup and recovery of data "Acronis ITProtect" for the Russian market (the flagship solution is "Acronis Data Protection"). The team grew, in which more than 100 professionals work in October 2021, the number of partners representing the company's products on the Russian market approached 1000.
Work has been carried out and continues to bring the products in line with the requirements of the regulators. The company takes an active part in the life of the industry, works in industry associations, company representatives are members of the expert council of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of Russia.
"We have developed a corporate culture with our own identity, which we will continue to develop with the Cyberprotect team. We are launching our own social projects, among them - a free educational course on cyber hygiene for schoolchildren and teachers, said Elena Bocherova, executive director of Cyberprotect. "The mission remains unchanged: to protect the data and IT infrastructure of Russian companies with world-class solutions." |
Data on the change in the name of the company were entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on October 15, 2021. Until the end of 2021, Cyberprotect will retain the names of the products, which will then be released under new names.
2020: SEZ resident Innopolis and Skolkovo
In June, Akronis Infozashchita received the status of a participant in the Skolkovo project. The company's specialists will develop software for organizing and protecting the IT infrastructure of enterprises using artificial intelligence technologies. The project is being implemented in the direction of strategic computer technologies and software.
On April 28, 2020, Akronis Infozashchita, Russian a developer ON for, and protection backup restoration, data became a partner Innopolis Special Economic Zone and opens its development branch in it.
The project of the company was considered and approved at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of JSC Special Economic Zone Innopolis chaired by the President of the Republic. Tatarstan Rustama Minnikhanova In Innopolis, specialists from the Akronis Infozashchita branch will refine solutions for backup and data protection based on technology. artificial intelligence
More and more companies are switching to Russian IT solutions, system platforms, software and hardware complexes, so the issue of constant modernization of software products to customer requirements is acute. Our specialists perform deep refinement of products, relying on the high-quality experience of Russian programmers in the field of artificial intelligence technologies and data security. Our software is applicable in any area of the economy, where there is at least a byte of important information, it is also used by leading enterprises in Tatarstan. At Innopolis, we plan to focus on research activities for the development of competitive domestic software, to use Tatarstan's high intellectual and personnel potential in the field of IT, our own and attracted investments, says Alexey Badaev, General Director of Akronis Infozashchita
The branch will complement the competencies of the head development center "Acronis ITProtect," located in the Moscow "Fiztekhpark."
Despite the difficulties associated with coronavirus infection, companies come to Innopolis because they see opportunities for growth and development here. They are attracted by the developed IT infrastructure, the research base of Innopolis University, as well as the preferences of the Special Economic Zone. Here they can develop more competitive products in the fields of information security, big data, artificial intelligence, |
In total, as of April 2020, 12 companies became residents and partners of the Innopolis SEZ, which will create a total of 370 jobs, the volume of declared investments of all companies amounted to 7.7 billion rubles. The total number of companies operating in the Innopolis Special Economic Zone, taking into account the added residents and partners, increases to 115.
Finalizing a Distribution Agreement with Axoft
Service IT distributor Axoft and Akronis-Infozashchita, an independent Russian developer of data protection solutions, announced a distribution agreement on February 26, 2019. The official distributor status will allow Axoft to supply software products under the Acronis Data Protection brand in Russia and several CIS countries. Read more here.
Solutions of "Acronis-Infozashchita"
Acronis-Infozashchita is an independent Russian developer of data protection solutions. As of February 2019, Acronis-Infozashchita solutions contain the entire set of data protection software products under the Acronis Data Protection brand. Localized versions were registered in the register of Russian software and can be used in state and security institutions, as well as to protect critical data.
The use of Acronis ITProtect software reduces the cost of disk storage and network bandwidth, as well as saves up to 20% of the IT staff's working time. At the same time, the software creates a minimum load on information systems without reducing their performance. As a result of a tailored approach to the needs of each business, customers receive backup tools combined with qualified support.