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Executive authorities of the Kaluga region are switching to domestic software

Customers: Government of the Kaluga Region

Kaluga; State and social structures

Contractors: Red Soft, Kaluga Astral
Product: Red OS

Project date: 2023/04  - 2024/09
Number of licenses: 1364

2024: Transition to domestic software

On September 4, 2024, RED SOFT announced that the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region are switching to domestic IT solutions, preserving in full the functionality necessary for the work of employees. RED SOFT and Astral.Security have already migrated 1,364 automated workplaces and adapted applied software and peripheral equipment for the updated ecosystem.

As reported, the project was launched in 2023. The main task: the transfer of OIV (executive authorities) to Russian software in compliance with the requirements of the regulator. The process was divided into two stages:

  • At the first stage, Astral.Security transferred 606 jobs in eight ministries to RED OS, migrating in three months.
  • The second stage includes the migration of another 1000 jobs from thirteen departments, ministries and services of the Kaluga region. As of September 2024, 1,364 jobs were transferred, by November 2024 their amount will be 1,606.

The specificity of the project lies in the wide variety of application software that previously worked only under Windows, as well as the need to ensure the compatibility of domestic software with an extensive fleet of peripheral equipment. Also, the performers faced the need to integrate OIVs using two domains.

RED SOFT and Astral.Security worked in close cooperation, which made it possible to prepare a fully functional import-independent IT infrastructure one for the Executive Authorities. Kaluga region

The team "Astral.Security" conducted an audit of the IT infrastructure of each organization. The audit helped to form a list of critical application software necessary for the full operation of OIVs, including developments used by to solve the highly specialized tasks of a particular ministry. Next, the compatibility of software and equipment with the RED OS operating system was checked. The main part of the software already had certificates of compatibility with the RED SOFTWARE ecosystem. In particular, it was possible to ensure a soft transition of OIVs to the office suite of MyOffice programs. Some of the compatibility was also promptly prepared by the operating system developer.

For products running only in the Windows environment, analogues from Russian vendors were selected. If users needed a certain program, and analogues were not suitable, Astral.Security, with the support of RED SOFT, carried out configuration of the profile for each program and each user using the Wine and Redwine utilities. In total, it was necessary to provide similar compatibility for nine products, two of which were self-written software.

Work has been done to ensure compatibility of peripheral equipment with the RED OS operating system. Some of the devices used in organizations were connected quickly. However, there were printers, scanners and MFPs working with errors. The problems were eliminated thanks to the appeal to the technical support of RED SOFT: the vendor prepared the necessary updates for specific devices. Also, experts from Astral.Security and RED SOFT solved the problem using different domains in a number of ministries. The data of the ministry were translated into a single domain. ICR

To implement the demonstration stand, an average computer running on RED OS 7.3 was used. To check the comfort and quality of work, the following software was installed: Wednesday service, Yandex Browser, software package MyOffice, CryptoPro CSP 5.0, GOST Eyepiece, BC Help Software Archiver, antivirus Dr.Web Security Space, 1C, XRDP for Remote Desktop and ConsultantPlus.

A test methodology was also developed and agreed for testing customized workplaces, including an exemplary stand covering all major AWS use cases. Further, the Astral.Security team transferred the information protection tools of the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region to RED OS, integrated the software into the existing network infrastructure and configured integration with the current mail domain and proxy server.

In the context of the departure of foreign vendors and limited access to security updates for foreign software, the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region have the opportunity to use Russian IT solutions that meet security requirements and offer full technical support.

The requirements of the legislation in the field of import substitution, fixed in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 1, 2022 No. 250 "On Additional Measures to Ensure Information Security of the Russian Federation" and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2022 No. 166 "On Measures to Ensure Technological Independence and Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation," have been fulfilled. The IT infrastructure of the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region timely switched to Russian solutions until 2025 and ensured the necessary security and independence from foreign products.

As of September 2024, the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region solve urgent problems with the help of products developed by Russian IT companies.

It is worth noting how a significant part of ministries and departments was promptly transferred to Russian IT products in the Kaluga region. The project continues in an effective manner. IT professionals paid attention to the needs of our employees and took into account many nuances during migration.

commented Dmitry Razumovsky, Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region

We thank the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region for their trust and cooperation. We also thank the RED SOFT team for their prompt assistance and support. Thanks to the active joint work of all project participants, we managed to solve the tasks and take into account the nuances within the framework of a fairly large-scale project. Now the team "Astral.Security" together with "RED SOFT" will have to transfer municipal authorities and subordinate institutions of the Kaluga region.

commented Dmitry Elfimov, Deputy Director for Information Security "Astral.Security"

A lot of work has been done. The specificity of the task was the need to create in a short time such an IT environment in which the customer can work with the same speed and efficiency. 1600 workstations are 1600 combinations of software and peripherals that require adaptation and configuration. And 21 organizations participate in the project at once. The smallest organization consisted of 15 jobs, and the largest - of 238 AWS. RED SOFT, together with Astral.Security, had to work in an enhanced mode in order to achieve results. As of September 2024, we continue to develop cooperation and implement Russian developments together with colleagues from Astral.Security and the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region. We are piloting RED ADM, a centralized IT infrastructure management system. The solution helps to migrate from foreign solutions, manage the domain in the organization, and solve issues related to administration.

commented Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT