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IVA Technologies IVA


Information Technology
43 Volgogradsky Prospekt, 3, 109316

Top managers:
Stanislav Erikovich Iodkovsky

Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Beziev Adam Pashaevich
+ Mesropov Yuri Andreevich
+ Olga Igorevna Ilyagueva

IVA Technologies - telecommunication equipment and, Russian-made software allowing you to build IT infrastructure various scales - from a small office to large enterprise solutions with data centers. Under the IVA Technologies brand AEROSPACE FORCES , the server, IVA IVA MCU DSS "," YAR switches,, and IVA Stag IP phones the IVA-U underground mobile radio station are produced.

Products and Services

Performance indicators


Annual revenue growth by 36% to ₽3,33 billion

IVA Technologies Group increased revenue for 2024 by 36%, bringing the figure to ₽3,33 billion. Financial results were published on February 28, 2025.

According to Interfax, citing materials from the group, a significant part of the company's revenue (93%) was sales of licenses and service services. At the same time, the largest growth at 77% was demonstrated precisely by revenues from the provision of service services.

IVA Technologies boosts annual revenue by 36%

The CEO of the company Stanislav Iodkovsky noted that the financial and operational results of IVA Technologies for 2024 confirm the success of the strategy for creating import-saving products in the field of corporate communications. The head stressed that the company entered the market with an innovative solution - a single IVA One platform that combines several corporate tools: mail, VKS, phone, calendar and digital assistants based on artificial intelligence.

According to the company itself, such a significant increase in revenue is associated with the expansion of the product line, an increase in the customer base by 16% (to 623 companies) and the expansion of the partner network by 40% (to 221 companies). The partner network also continued to actively develop and at the end of 2024 amounted to 221 companies (+ 40% by 2023). The implementation of a number of projects for the largest customers was postponed to the first half of 2025.

The company also recorded an increase in the number of personnel. By the end of 2024, the workforce had grown by 64%, reaching 380. It is noteworthy that about 70% of employees are IT specialists and development engineers.[1]

IVA Technologies financial and operational results for 2024 confirm our strategy for creating import-saving products in the field of corporate communications. IVA Technologies plans to continue developing its products, increase investment in development and expand its zones of presence, entering foreign markets, "added Iodkovsky.

Revenue growth by 48% yoy to RUB 1.1 bln for the first half of the year

IVA Technologies on August 1, 2024 reported financial and operating results for the first half of 2024.

Revenue in the first half of 2024 increased by 48% year-on-year and amounted to 1.1 billion rubles. as a result of an increase in the number of customers and the development of the ecosystem of products and services. Revenue growth was accompanied by an increase in the number of licenses delivered (+ 32% yoy) and the average sale price (+ 19% yoy).

Despite the traditional pronounced seasonality of the business, in the 2nd quarter of 2024, the Company showed strong sales growth, which increased 3.6 times compared to the 1st quarter of 2024.

The key driver of the Company's revenue growth was the flagship platform VKS IVA MCU, the demand for which continues to grow steadily among Russian companies. In addition, the company's services in the field of technical support and updates showed a significant increase in revenue. This confirms the loyalty and confidence of Russian customers in the product and service line.

The number of customers in the 1 half of 2024 grew to 551 companies (+ 10% since the beginning of the year), and the sales channel for the implementation of solutions increased to 174 partner companies. Among the new clients of the Company are the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow (DIT) and PJSC "Highest."

The transition of companies to Russian solutions and state support are ITindustries significant factors in the growth of IVA Technologies business. The focus on import independence and digitalization, as well as the increased demand of large customers for strengthening information security corporate communications, provide an additional incentive for growth and positively affect the Company's development prospects.

Another important factor in business growth is the emergence of new strategically important partnerships. In the first half of 2024, IVA Technologies signed a number of agreements with Kaspersky Lab, Red Software, Aquarius, K2 Tech, Rostelecom and others, and also continued to work on the formation and maintenance of technological compatibility with Russian developers.

{{quote 'author=said Stanislav Iodkovsky, CEO of IVA Technologies. | Almost two months ago, IVA Technologies became a representative of the Russian corporate communications market, whose shares were listed on the Moscow Exchange - this opened up new horizons for us and gave us additional impetus to development. According to the results of the first half of 2024, our business showed active growth, which fully meets the company's expectations and confirms the effectiveness of the chosen development strategy. Achieving such high performance is the result of effective teamwork to increase the presence of the IVA ecosystem in various segments of the corporate communications market. At the same time, we do not stop there and continue to implement a growth strategy: we are actively increasing investments in R&D, expanding the customer base and partnership, developing service functionality and supplementing the product portfolio with the most popular new products,}}


2025: IVA Technologies enters Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia markets

In the next two years, IVA Technologies is going to open representative offices in Vietnam, Indonesia and Uzbekistan, and in 2025 - a representative office in Malaysia. Such plans were shared on March 6, 2025 at a meeting with the press by Maxim Smirnov, Deputy General Director of IVA Technologies.

In the future, until 2028, the company's plans for international expansion are even larger: to expand the geography of its presence to at least 15 branches, including the countries of Southeast Asia, the Persian Gulf and India. The company is also actively exploring the possibilities of expanding the presence of products in the BRICS +, Africa and Latin America markets.

IVA Technologies plans international expansion

Our goal is to make IVA Technologies revenue from the sale of solutions on the international market more than $10 million by 2028, - said Maxim Smirnov, agreeing that at first the company sets rather modest financial goals for itself in these markets.

But the potential claims are much more than $10 million. And there is definitely demand, added a top manager of IVA Technologies. Interest in solutions for corporate communications, which can constitute an alternative to Western ones, is observed in various countries, including in connection with the relevance of the concept of "digital sovereignty" for them.

After well-known events, many thought about this term and try to blur the hegemony of Western multinational corporations either by local players, but there, as a rule, there are no worthy solutions, or, for example, by partnership with Russian companies, - said Maxim Smirnov.

The company creates its solutions for a large corporate segment. Answering TAdviser's questions, Maxim Smirnov clarified that IVA Technologies sees the public sector and industrial enterprises as the main potential clients abroad. The company also develops cooperation with telecom operators and service providers in foreign markets. On their basis, it is planned to create services for the SaaS model.

Also, according to Maxim Smirnov, serious tools and infrastructure for inter-country interaction have already been created for companies interested in entering foreign markets. We are talking, including about the business missions of the Russian Export Center, and about the Institute of Digital Attaches, created by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

From the presentation of Maxim Smirnov

As for digital attaches, in particular, the deputy general director of IVA Technologies clarified TAdviser that this resource allows the company to test its hypotheses in various markets as quickly as possible. Digital attachés well understand the territory with which they work, what conditions are there, what is required to start business development, and so on. Market analytics is an important factor, because the correctness of the vectors of strategy implementation strongly depends on it.

As of the beginning of the year, the company is already operating in the international market. Thus, the video conferencing server IVA MCU replaced the western vendor Avaya in Belarus. In Equatorial Guinea, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Ministry of Transport, Post and Communications. There, IVA Technologies will implement the IVA MCU secure video conferencing system in the IT structure of the ministry.


IVA Technologies unveils IVA One

IVA Technologies has announced the launch of the innovative IVA One product, a platform for business communications and collaboration that creates a convenient and safe environment for working interaction. The new solution was presented as part of the annual IVA Day conference on November 6, 2024. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Deputy CEO Maxim Smirnov

For 2023, IVA Technologies increased revenue by 77% and became the first company in the field of corporate communications to enter the IPO. What is the secret of the company's success, what innovations it offers to Russian customers and why it feels confident in its plans to enter international markets, in September 2024, said Maxim Smirnov, Deputy General Director of IVA Technologies. Read more here. .

How to Create a Service Support Standard for an Enterprise Communications Platform

Service support is one of the key elements of successful interaction between customers and the company. The customer's loyalty and desire to continue using the product depends on how quickly and effectively the issues arise. That is why it is so important to build optimal algorithms for the support team within the company. Alexander Voinov, Director of the IVA Technologies Service Support Department, spoke about the successful case of implementing service support for his own IVA MCU VKS service. Read more here.

Going public

On June 4, 2024, IVA Technologies, a Russian developer of video conferencing systems and corporate communications, announced an initial public offering (IPO). Securities are included in the second level of listing of the Moscow Exchange with the ticker symbol IVAT.

As part of the IPO procedure, the price of one IVA Technologies share amounted to 300 rubles, which corresponds to the upper limit of the previously announced price range from 280 to 300 rubles. Thus, the market capitalization of the company is estimated at 30 billion rubles. The proposal includes 11 million securities owned by selling shareholders, which corresponds to 3.3 billion rubles at the IPO price, including shares worth 300 million rubles for possible stabilization at secondary trading for up to 30 days.

IVA Technologies announces IPO

According to the results of public offering, the share of IVA Technologies securities in free circulation (free-float) amounted to 11%. At the same time, the selling shareholders retained a majority stake in the company's share capital in the amount of 88.1%. They will continue to manage the development of the group: to implement the approved growth strategy and strengthen their position in the corporate communications market.

We see high market interest in our company and are pleased to welcome the new shareholders of IVA Technologies. Even in conditions of high volatility on the stock market, the placement was accompanied by increased demand from retail and leading institutional investors, - said Stanislav Iodkovsky, CEO of IVA Technologies.

During the IPO, over 45 thousand retail investors entered the company's share capital structure. Allocation to institutional investors amounted to about 47% of the supply size, retail investors - about 28%. Allocation to employees and partners of the company, whose closed list was determined by selling shareholders before the start of collection of applications, did not exceed 25%.[2]

Participation in the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2024: Real experience"

On February 21, Tatyana Larkova, Director of Key Customers at IVA Technologies, will speak at the TAdviser conference "IMPORT SUBSTITUTION 2024: REAL EXPERIENCE" with a report "Technological Sovereignty of Corporate Communications." Read more here.


Revenue growth by 77% to 2.5 billion rubles

The revenue of the Russian developer of VKS systems IVA Technologies in 2023 increased by 77% compared to 2022 and amounted to 2.5 billion rubles. Net profit increased by 75% and reached 1.8 billion rubles. The company disclosed such data at the end of April 2024.

Revenue growth in IVA Technologies was associated with the expansion of the customer base and sales channels, as well as an increase in the level of monetization of customers. About 82% of the company's revenue in 2023 came from sales of licenses for the group's flagship product, the IVA MCU video conferencing platform. The remaining 18% fell on ecosystem products (excluding the IVA MCU), whose sales doubled at the end of 2023.

Revenue of the Russian developer of VKS systems IVA Technologies in 2023 increased by 77%

By the end of 2023, IVA Technologies had 537 customers, double the number a year earlier. The increase in the client base in the company was explained by the continuing active transition of the Russian economy to domestic software, as well as the intensive development of the IVA Technologies network of distributors.

In 2023, the group's EBITDA amounted to 2 billion rubles, which is 83% more than a year ago. EBITDA margin reached 80% due to sales growth and high efficiency of the company's business processes, its press service said.

IVA Technologies spent 0.6 billion rubles on capital expenditures for development in 2023, an increase of 9% on an annualized basis. This growth indicates that the group continues to increase investment in the creation of new products, the company said.

IVA Technologies CEO Stanislav Iodkovsky, commenting on the results of 2023, noted that during this period the company increased by 40% the sale of licenses for its products, to 115 thousand units. At the same time, sales of IVA ecosystem products, excluding the flagship, doubled compared to 2022, he said.

5th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest participants in the Russian unified communications market"

IVA Technologies ranked 5th in the ranking of the largest providers of solutions in the field of unified communications, prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

IVA Day 2023

In mid-October, the first conference "IVA DAY 2023: IT sovereignty and digitalization 2030" was organized in Moscow, the central topic of which was the possibility of creating an ecosystem of corporate communications using domestic technological solutions. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Deputy CEO Maxim Smirnov

The term "Unified Communications" (UC) appeared on the market a long time ago. Maxim Smirnov, Deputy General Director of IVA Technologies, asked about how its content has changed over the past years, and what level of maturity the domestic solutions of unified communications TAdviser have reached today. Read more here.

How do I build unified communications without Cisco, Microsoft, Avaya, and Zoom?

IVA Technologies invites you to take part in the IVA DAY 2023 conference, which will be held on September 7 in Moscow. Read more here.

Creation of Information Security Department

IVA Technologies on April 20, 2023 announced the creation of a department for information security and special projects. This unit was headed by Evgeny Rodygin, a leading specialist in the information security industry in Russia.

The department headed by Evgeny Rodygin focused on the development of information security competencies, as well as the integration of information security solutions into its own products of the IVA UC unified communications ecosystem, which must meet the latest protection requirements against various types of information threats.

Ensuring a high level of security when using IT solutions is one of the priorities for any organization. And we, as a developer of solutions in the field of unified communications, take this issue very seriously, "said Stanislav Iodkovsky, CEO of IVA Technologies. - We are pleased that a highly qualified specialist in the field of information security and data protection has joined our team. I am sure that thanks to the strengthening of this area, we will be able to make our products better and more secure.


1st place in the TAdviser rating "The largest participants in the Russian VKS system market"

IVA Technologies took 1st place in the ranking of the largest suppliers of video conferencing systems (VKS), prepared by TAdviser in March 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of VKS projects in 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

Revenue growth more than 2.5 times to 1.5 billion rubles

IVA Technologies (IVKS LLC), the developer of the Russian unified communications ecosystem, shared with TAdviser the results of its activities for 2022 on March 20, 2023. The company's revenue for the reporting period increased by more than 2.5 times (by 157%) compared to 2021 and amounted to over 1.5 billion rubles. At the same time, the staff of the company's developers has grown almost 2 times over the year.

The flagship product of IVA Technologies is a platform video conferencings IVA MCU for full secure interaction in a single interface. Other ecosystem solutions include a unified client with functionality, IVA messenger IVA Connect server VoIP CS telephony, IVA Room video terminal telephony , IVA GW VoIP gateway, and a line. IP phones IVA

According to the developers, the largest part of the revenue over the past year - almost 90% - came from sales of the IVA MCU VKS platform. As of the end of March 2023, about two hundred large customers use the platform, including Rostec, Russian Railways, Rosatom, RusHydro, the Government of St. Petersburg and many others.

The past year was marked for IVA Technologies not only by record revenue growth, but also by large investments in R&D, the volume of which, according to the company, amounted to about 600 million rubles. Thanks to this, high-quality and functional refinements of the IVA MCU VKS platform were carried out. The VKS platform was supplemented with popular tools, including simultaneous translation, advanced user statistics, events with groups, the ability to record VKS sessions with a customized layout, integration with Active Directory, setting up the landing page of the event, two-factor authentication, etc. In 2023, the company plans to bring many more improvements that will improve the usability of the system.

As the general director of IVA Technologies Stanislav Iodkovsky noted, 2022 was full of events that shook the Russian IT market, including: the departure of Western vendors, tightening regulatory requirements, changing business processes, rebuilding supply chains, unprecedented measures to support the industry from the state and much more.

"We can say that tectonic shifts took place in the Russian IT market last year, as a result of which the attitude towards domestic developers of both software and hardware solutions changed dramatically. A significant market opened before them almost overnight, which they could not reach for one simple reason before - the majority of customers have an installed base and, as a result, the expediency of switching to domestic software in connection with their previous investments in foreign solutions, "Stanislav Iodkovsky continued.

According to the head of IVA Technologies, the Russian IT industry will face significant growth, the dynamics of which will continue for at least several years. This will be followed by quite expected effects - the consolidation of players, the formation of national leaders in a natural market way, the formation of large mega-holdings with production chains.

I am sure that in the foreseeable future Russia has a historical chance to realize its ambitions not only in import substitution, but also in export orientation, where the share of revenue due to domestic IT products for export will grow and equal to oil or agricultural, "the top manager added.

5th place in the ranking "The largest participants in the Russian unified communications market"

Iva Technologies took 5th place in the TAdviser ranking, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of projects in the field of unified communications in Russia in 2022 and published in December 2023. Read more here.


Salary €20 thousand per month and welcome bonus of $500 thousand. How Cisco Hants Russian Developers

The Russian developer Iva Technologies often faces the problem of hunting its specialists from foreign vendors, said the CEO of this company, Stanislav Iodkovsky answering TAdviser questions at a press conference "Russoft" in September 2021. According to him, in 2020 there were about 10 attempts to hunt IVA Technologies specialists by the largest corporations.

As an example, Iodkovsky cited Cisco, which came out with a salary offer of about 20 thousand monthly and a residence permit in Holland. The proposal also included "transportation, home and another welcome bonus of about half a million dollars" for one of the key developers[3]The salary offer is probably in euros, since we are talking about the Netherlands, the CEO of Iva Technologies added later in a conversation with TAdviser. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with CEO Stanisław Iodkowski

Stanislav Iodkovsky, General Director of IVKS LLC (IVA Technologies brand), told TAdviser in August 2021 how the segment of advanced competitive video conferencing systems is being created by the efforts of Russian developers. Read more here.

2016: IVA technologies

Since 2016, a new direction has Hi-Tech opened in the company - the development and production of telecommunications equipment under the IVA Technologies brand. Prototypes of switches and routers designed to build telephone and corporate data networks have been created. All equipment is based on Russian developments and is used to create secure, high-performance IT infrastructures of various sizes.