The name of the base system (platform): | EOS Platform |
Developers: | ECM Systems EOS |
Date of the premiere of the system: | January 2006 |
Last Release Date: | 2025/01/14 |
Technology: | EDMS |
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Main article: EDMS (more)
2025: "Archival business" 7.2
On January 14, 2025, the Electronic Office Systems company announced that the updated Archival business of 7.2 introduced support for EP, the NTD Archive option, took into account the requirements of the BRO and generally strengthened the security unit, expanded the capabilities for clerks when interacting with the archive, optimized interface and tools for administration.
According to the company, in the digital era, especially with the advent of electronic documents, the role of archives as repositories of "collective memory" is becoming more and more significant. The demand for materials that accumulate in archives directly depends on their authenticity and the convenience of working with funds.
Archival storage developers face two main challenges: First, provide long-term digital storage of as many types of content as possible, including formats, structure, and content. Secondly, to develop convenient ways to record and access these materials, taking into account safety requirements. These trends are reflected in the next update of " system - version 7.2.
The updated system has enhanced the ability to interact with the archive of users from departments (with the role "Clerk"). Now they have access to additional modes of working with RD, inventories, as well as a list of cases received in the archive.
As part of the function "Compiling a case item," the mode "Coordination of a case item" appeared. In this section, the user can send the RD section for approval, return with comments, and also agree, including signing the file attached to the section with an electronic signature. In the unit of work with delivery lists, a mode also appeared - "Approval of delivery lists." The inventory can have four statuses: "In operation," "Under approval," "Returned with comments" and "Agreed." With the help of the appropriate commands, the inventory can be sent for approval, for revision or agree on its current version.
In the "Requests" function, the interface of the main page has changed: columns, an indicator of the number of records, and a filter "New" have been added. The fields of the status of the request, the period of its consideration, the author, etc., as well as the search for materials appeared in the request card. For users, the "Received cases, documents" mode has been added, which displays information about materials taken from the repository, as well as the timing of their return to the archive.
The update takes into account the requirements established by the "Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state bodies, local governments and organizations." In particular, the following reports were added to the list of reporting forms: "Final record," "Inventory of ED cases," "Summary inventory of ED."
In version 7.2, the previously announced function of working with scientific and technical documentation (NTD) appeared. The function is implemented in the "NTD Archive" option and allows you to organize storage of research, design, design (for construction), film and video documents and other types of NTD without restrictions on volumes and complexity. The option supports the loading of large amounts of data, inventory books of any structure and enables full-text search.
The "archival business" product is completely built on the components of the "EOS Platform," was one of the first to implement secure development mechanisms. In the updated version of the system, user rights have been redesigned (their detailing has become deeper, including users can be assigned different rights within funds) and a "Recycle Bin" has been added to temporarily store logically deleted records of cases and documents (deleted items can be restored from it).
Password policy has also been tightened, user action logging and security auditing have been expanded. In particular, in the settings, you can set the maximum number of failed user login attempts, the minimum length, password its character structure and validity period.
The information stored in the user protocol in the system has been expanded. The editing of the registration card of objects is recorded, and each field is separately. Additional logged operations were added: downloading a file, exporting directory elements, changes in the attributes of the registration card of objects and directory elements.
Other improvements, changes and additional features have appeared in the updated version. Thus, when creating a user card, the system technologist can now copy settings from a previously created account, as well as simultaneously configure parameters for a group of users. The Topography mode, designed to topograph cases within the archive fund, has also undergone changes in the updated version. In particular, you can now separately configure the capacity parameters for each archive (relevant when maintaining multiple archives in one instance of the system).
The system interface has been changed in accordance with the conceptual and functional development of the Platform EOS. An updated authorization page has appeared, as well as the ability to brand the login window and applications (download the logo, organization name and background image). The layout of the main elements of the system and navigation are optimized, some menus, commands, button names, fields are renamed.
In the updated version of the Archival business, customers are provided with additional options for selecting software to create a completely import-independent archive automation loop. In particular, the list of DBMSs with which Archival Business can work is supplemented by another domestic database management system - Tantor 15.6.2 (developed by the Russian company Tantor Labs, part of Astra Group).
"Archival business" 7.0
On September 5, 2023, Electronic Office Systems announced that the Archival businesses EOS system, implemented on the EOS Platform, have been updated functionally and in some interface details. Version 7.0 received the function of creating and processing requests for the issuance of archival materials (including electronic originals), updated capabilities to ensure safe operation, a system for logging user actions and clarifying their role rights. Also implemented is the destruction of expired electronic documents, an expanded list of formats for saving scan copies and a number of other functions that simplify the management of the archive and the organization of access to materials stored in the system database.
As reported, the organization's archive in 2023 is a much more popular resource than several years ago. This is a valuable information block, which is increasingly addressed not only by archival workers and clerks, but also by other specialists. Increasing the demand for archive materials (including those stored in the database in digital form) led to the need for more accurate delineation of access rights in archive systems, optimization of user control, as well as the development of tools for issuing, accounting for the use and destruction of electronic archive data.
To automate the process of using archived materials, "Archival business" 7.0 has a function - "Requests." It is designed to create requests for the issuance of cases, documents for temporary use from the archive storage and receive users of copies of archived materials, including in the form of electronic documents.
Requests can be issued for receipt:
- originals of archival documents (paper);
- electronic copies (scans) of archival documents;
- certified copies of archival documents;
- electronic documents.
The generation of a request for issuance is available to users of the reading room (the "Reader" role), clerks and archive workers. It is possible to create a text description of the request and attach archived registration cards for cases and documents to it (if you need a specific copy or access to files).
The updated version clarifies the rules for working in the system for different categories of users. For the roles "Archive Employee," "Clerk" and "Reader," their rights are specified when working with records on the issuance of cases and retirement certificates. Group operations have been added to the clerks: include cases in the retirement certificate, include cases in the surrender inventory, create a retirement certificate and create a surrender inventory. For the Archive Worker role, the function appeared: export a summary inventory (or its section/subsection) to an XML file for subsequent transfer to the Archive Fund system.
Archival materials with a final shelf life must undergo the destruction procedure after its expiration - and it does not matter whether such documents exist in paper form or in electronic form. Archival business of 7.0 implements the procedure for destroying electronic documents that have expired. In addition to the termination of the possibility of physical access to such materials, this process in the system is documented in accordance with the rules of the archives, that is, through the examination of the EPA and the preparation of an act on the allocation of documents for destruction. Unlike a similar operation with paper documents, the procedure for destroying electronic documents has features: it is implemented taking into account the concept of "residual details." This means that document metadata and cases can be partially deleted if it meets the goals of the organization. The list of details to be deleted is configured in the system.
To use archival materials created initially in electronic form and stored in the archive as electronic originals, version 7.0 introduced a separate function for issuing electronic documents. It is carried out through "Requests" and is available if the "Archive of electronic originals" option is available.
The issuance of electronic documents is the formation of a package (zip-container) based on information the reference storage with the signing of the EP package. The package contains the passport of the dispensing container, the description of the document, metadata files and document, special files that were transferred with the document to the archive, and also EP of the person responsible for issuing. All issued containers are taken into account in a special register of the system, and issuance actions are recorded.
In " there was a visual control of in-line scanning. With it, you can view and additionally process the scan result. List of available file formats where you can save scans, expanded. In the seventh version of the system, you can choose from the following file formats: simple text file (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf), MS Office (.docx), Open formats (.odt), Portable Document Format (.pdf) with OCR (when choosing this format, the results will be saved with text recognition).
Archival business of 7.0 introduced additional security tools related to system access algorithms and logging user actions. The system now has two methods of authentication: classic: through a username and password (a method that requires creating a user account in the database of the Archival business system). At the same time, changing the password set by the system technologist when creating a user account has now become mandatory - when you first log on to the system, you need to come up with and enter a new password.
"OS authentication on the server" - authorization without creating an account in the database. Authentication is performed automatically by username in the domain and does not require a password (suitable for "internal" needs, for specialists who occasionally work with the system).
To collect and accumulate information about operations performed by users in the Archival business system, version 7.0 has added the Logging function, which is part of the Administration section. Lists of logged operations are displayed as tables, can be saved to a file, and can be printed.
The changes also affected the system interface. In version 7.0, it became possible to customize the display of lists of records on the screen. In the Archival business, lists of records are displayed as tables. These can be lists of system objects (cards), lists of users, action protocols, etc. Now each user can customize the display parameters of the tables as it is convenient for him. You can select the number of columns, their order and headings, the number of rows displayed, etc. The view of each table is configured separately.
Like the previous version, Archival business 7.0 is a web application deployed on the EOS Platform. The system is ready for operation in a completely import-independent environment in both software and hardware: it can work with OS DBMS domestic, office packages, as well. the Russian processors
"Archival business" 6.2
On January 10, 2023, the company EOS announced that version 6.2 of the Archival business system had been prepared. Like the previous version, this configuration is implemented as a web application on the EOS Platform and is ready for operation in a completely import-independent environment. It can work with domestic,, OS DBMS office packages, as well as "" the Russian processors and Baikal"."Elbrus
According to the company, the 2022 trend towards the creation of electronic archives, including those storing electronic originals, led to the appearance in the "Archival business" of a separate option "Electronic storage of originals." This option will ensure long-term storage of electronic documents, confirmation of their integrity, authenticity and reliability based on the formation of a trusted environment between the operational workflow system and the Archival business system. The use of electronic documents in the organization's archive is accompanied by a number of functions with working copies of originals, which are stored in a separate segment of the system and recorded in the corresponding Register originals.
One of the important additions is the appearance of the In-Line Scan option in the system. It is designed to automate the process of bulk scanning and attaching images of scanned cases and documents to archive registration cards (ARCs). Thanks to this change, directly from " system, it is possible to translate into electronic form created on paper and previously not digitized arrays of documents with practically no restrictions on their volumes. Thus, the option helps to solve the problem of creating any type of electronic archives with minimal time.
In addition to in-line scanning, designed primarily for the mass translation of documents into electronic form, the system also has the ability to digitize single documents. To do this, use the Scan option. The scanned file is added to the Files tab of the document's ARC.
The search capabilities of the system have been expanded. A barcode search has been added to the existing search types (by details and by the text of the attached files). This allows you to find the document card in the database by reading the barcode applied to the paper copy. Such barcodes are printed on documents to be used in scanning as a unique identifier and to quickly attach the scan to the desired registration card. To optimize the search for documents based on user requests, it is possible to specify which fund and department contains materials that are not available for a search query for point granting of viewing rights on a request.
Changes in the user rights block are associated with both the need for more detail and the appearance of additional options in Archival business. Now in the user's account card you can give him access to the options "Scan," "Inline Scan," "Print Barcode" and "Search by Barcode." In the "Rights" section, you can delimit in detail access to file operations (allow/deny reading, add, edit, delete), as well as limit the user's scope only to working with his own files.
To optimize the level of protection of the system from unauthorized access, the requirements for passwords have been changed to increase their complexity. The system will not allow simple alphabetic or numeric passwords to be set. The interface also received several important changes for ease of use. So, the list of available archives can now be displayed in both "tiled" and tabular form. For uniformity and a more accurate title of work with headings, the "Systematization" page has been renamed to "Thematic Catalogs." The Thematic Catalogs mode, which allows you to perform a group operation of assigning cases to a specific heading, can now be available to users from the Pig Trap Area service.
Preparation of reporting forms takes considerable time in the work of archive specialists. In version 6.2, several additional reports appeared, which will free workers from many time-consuming operations and reduce the number of errors in the design of standard forms. In the updated version, a report on the volumes of electronic documents received appeared - it can be formed in electronic form, as well as printed, if necessary. The possibility of generating the report "Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Documents for Storage" has been added. The "Issue Book" report has been added to the "Case Issue" section. The reports "List of Funds," "List of Funds," "Register of Inventories," "List of Storage Units" and "List of Documents" also appeared.
The changes also affected other features of the Archival Business system - in particular, working with reference books (including a topographic index), as well as setting system parameters.
2022: "Archival business" 6.1
In August 2022, a new version 6.1 of the Archival Business system was released from the leader of the domestic EDMS market of EOS. About why this update has become revolutionary and is essentially a new product, what challenges the developers had to face and what are the plans for the future, TAdviser was told by EOS business analyst Anastasia Menitskaya. Read more here.
2017: "Archival business" 4.2
On March 21, 2017, Electronic Office Systems announced the upgrade of version 4.2 of Archival business software.
There are six main add-ons in the current version of the system:
- The mode "Receipt of files to the archive according to the Delivery list" was implemented (compilation of an inventory in structural divisions, transfer of the inventory to the archive, including by importing the inventory from an external file, recalculation of numbers according to the list, search by the inventory number, printing the inventory).
- In the function "Control of shelf life" of cases, it became possible to quickly control the user over cases with an expired shelf life and an expiring shelf life.
- The dimension of the props "Case title" has been increased, the editing of the props "Case title" has been recorded.
- Added alphanumeric sorting of cases in the lists: by the first and second parts of the index of the nomenclature title of cases.
- The report "Final record" has been modified - the ability to select the method of generating a report has been added (by the number of registered cases, by the data of item case headers).
- A file with the List of Standard Management Documents of 2010 is supplied with the "Archival business" 4.2 system.
Presentation of Archival business Software, (2014)
2006: Archival business
"Archival business" is a system for automating the accounting of archival documents of departmental archives of organizations. Manufactured by Electronic Office Systems from 2006 to the present. The system fully complies with the requirements of the current standards for the formation and maintenance of documents of the archive fund, as well as the rules and techniques used in the practice of workflow and archival business of domestic enterprises. Provides Web access, in-line scanning, work with archived documents, supports the activities of the Pig Trap Area services and the organization's archive.
Due to the specifics of the system, the main groups of its consumers are: the state sector and federal, regional and municipal authorities, the financial sector, industrial enterprises and the fuel and energy complex.
System features
The ARCHIVAL BUSINESS system fully complies with the requirements of the state for both departmental archives and organizational document management. The system provides the ability to upload summary descriptions, reference books, information about cases and documents, as well as electronic images of stored documentation into popular formats, including the format supported by the state system for accounting and processing of the archive fund of the ARCHIVE FUND 4.0 PC. In 2006, she won first place in the IT solutions competition "Product of the Year - 2006" at the Softool-2006 exhibition.
System characteristics
The ARCHIVAL BUSINESS system is capable of performing both daily and periodic functions in archives. Daily functions:
- Search all details of cases and documents.
- Save searches to quickly find cases and documents in the future.
- Issuance of cases and documents for temporary use.
- Group issuance and return of cases.
- The barcode search function helps you quickly find a case for issuance or return a case in the system.
- The function of printing a case use sheet and a deputy card eliminates the need to create documents manually.
- Automatic control of case return time: The system reports cases with expired or expiring return time.
- Automatic maintenance of the case register for temporary use.
Periodic functions:
- Entering documents into the system - the function allows you to create archive registration cards of cases and documents by receiving documents from workflow automation systems, or using the technology of in-line scanning of documents.
- Drawing up a case list - the function allows you to form reporting forms (for example: department case list, organization case list) due to the ability to copy sections of previous years.
- Formation and registration of cases - the function involves automated breakdown of cases into volumes by the number of pages, formation of the cover, internal inventory of the case and other forms necessary for registration of cases, storage of cases.
- Topography (placing cases in the archival storage) - the function stores the structure of archival storage facilities and automatically records the free space in them.
Transfer of files for permanent storage in state archives - the function allows you to keep and print free records, provides automated transfer of cases and documents for permanent state storage thanks to integration with the automation system of state archives of the PC "Archive Fund 4.0"
- Creation of the electronic archive of the organization ("Reading Room" subsystem) - the function provides remote access of users to cases and documents via the Internet/Intranet and search for cases and documents using any details and their combination.
- The Inline Scan option automates the process of bulk scanning and attaching electronic images of scanned documents to their registration cards.
- The Reading Room option provides both local and remote user access to the electronic archive. The Reading Room has the ability to search for cases and documents, as well as work together with electronic resources. At the same time, there is a system for distinguishing the rights of readers to access information depending on their powers.
System requirements
- Server Software Requirements:
ОС: Win 2000 sp4, Win 2003 Server sp1 DBMS Oracle 9i (or later), MS SQL Server 2000 (SP4), MS SQL Server 2005. Additional software: Microsoft Framework v. 1.1.
- Client Software Requirements:
ОС: Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista. Additional requirements for the client part: Internet Explorer v 6.0 sp1; MS Office 2000 (or later)
Market position
Due to the specifics of the system, its compliance with the requirements of software for state and municipal archives, the main groups of its consumers are: the state sector and federal, regional and municipal authorities, the financial sector, industrial enterprises and the fuel and energy complex. The system is implemented in such organizations as:
- Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
- CEC (Central Election Commission)
- Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
- EkonatsBank CJSC
- OJSC Mosenergo
- et al.
2006 - Certificate of official registration of the ARCHIVAL BUSINESS system
Competing developments
- CompanyMedia-Corporate Electronic Archive
- "LanDocsApxiv"
Version 4.2
The new version includes a set of additional functions. So, for example, the operation mode "Reception of cases to the archive according to the Delivery list" was introduced, which implements the compilation of an inventory in structural divisions, the transfer of the inventory to the archive, the recalculation of numbers by the inventory, search by the number and the printing of the inventory. The additional "Shelf Life Control" feature provides the ability to quickly monitor cases with expiring shelf life, as well as cases with expiring shelf life. In accordance with user requests, the dimension of the "Case Title" requisite has been increased, the possibilities of sorting cases in lists have been expanded, the possibilities of generating the "Final Record" report have been modified, and a number of other modifications have been made. The delivery set together with the ARCHIVAL BUSINESS 4.2 system also includes a new List of standard management documents from 2010.
The ARCHIVAL BUSINESS program provides integration with the PC Archival Fund 4.1 system. The system "Archive Fund" was developed by the company "Electronic Office Systems" by order of the Federal Archive Agency. In 2009, Rosarchiv decided to introduce the Archival Fund PC in all federal, state and municipal archives. The ARCHIVAL BUSINESS system allows you to upload summary inventories, their structure, information about cases, documents, as well as electronic images of documents to the format supported by the Archival Fund 4.1 PC system.
On the basis of the ARCHIVAL BUSINESS system, automation of the archives of Mosenergo OJSC, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and many other organizations was successfully implemented.