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Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



Founded as provider communications in 2002, OBIT has been transformed into a universal supplier of high-tech services in 20 years.

Since its foundation, the company has invested more than 30% of OBIT's revenue every year in the modernization of networks and equipment.

Since 2010, OBIT has been providing free access to the network Internet using Wi-Fi technology on the territory of cultural heritage sites and public spaces in the cities of presence.


As of July 2023, the company's offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan.

History and Performance Indicators

2025: Launch of the direction of practical solutions based on artificial intelligence

OBIT on February 28, 2025 announced the start of a direction focused on the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into business processes of enterprises. This area of ​ ​ the company's activity is focused on the practical application, real effectiveness and measurable benefits of AI solutions.

In 2024, business readiness to implement artificial intelligence decreased compared to 2023, according to the government's AI Development Center. The main barriers are a lack of data and capacity, personnel and funding, as well as low awareness of companies about the possibilities of the technology. In addition, the lack of uniform performance metrics makes it difficult to assess the return on investment in AI. Experts from the IT solutions operator emphasize the importance of a sound approach to AI implementation so that businesses do not spend resources on solutions without real efficiency.

In this context, OBIT focuses on the best practices that have already proven their benefit in the corporate sector. Among the key are voice and text analytics services, as well as assistants for various tasks: intelligent prompters, dialog simulators for training employees, chat bots based on AI, an AI AI-knowledge base. Thanks to cooperation with proven market players, OBIT plans to provide the business with a full range of competencies: from assistance with determining the functionality for automation, selecting the optimal solution to full implementation of the project, measuring results and subsequent support.

Thus, voice analytics allows you to automate quality of service control in voice and text channels, covering 100% of calls, while a classic employee can listen to an average of 5% of all calls. The technology analyzes communication, checking compliance with communication regulations and accepted service standards. Another area is intelligent prompters, which are able to analyze incoming requests in real time and, trained on the company's knowledge base, offer the most accurate and relevant answers. Prompters are necessary to increase the efficiency of operators and reduce the likelihood of incorrect customer consultation. Digital simulators, in turn, are able to emulate human behavior and can be used, for example, to simulate and work out scenarios for communicating with potential customers. The tool qualitatively speeds up onboarding and the process of adapting new employees. Another area is the AI knowledge base - the technology collects and analyzes large amounts of information from different resources in the company and provides an accurate resume in a simple text form at the specific request of the employee.

Artificial intelligence is not a universal solution for all business tasks, but with its competent use it allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of processes and automate routine operations. Our goal is to integrate the best domestic developments into the business processes of customers, providing them with the maximum return on technologies, - said Mikhail Telegin, Deputy General Director for Strategic Projects "OBIT."


Management System Reorganization

The operator of IT solutions "OBIT" on August 21, 2024 announced the reorganization of the company's management system. As part of the structural changes, the telecommunications and IT areas are now divided into two independent departments. All departments responsible for IT are merged into a division - the department of information technology. In addition, OBIT will have an upper-level institute of strategic leaders responsible for the strategic development of all areas of the company's activities.

The Department of Information Technology will be headed by Kirill Timofeev, who previously held the position of head of the department for the operation of infrastructure and services. In this position, Timofeev is responsible for coordinating the work of all IT blocks and increasing the competitiveness of OBIT solutions in the information technology market. The department will include three areas: the automation department, which is engaged in the maintenance of internal information systems; Support and Product Development Management responsible for implementing partner products and developing application software management of the operation of infrastructure and services, whose competence includes the maintenance of infrastructure solutions. Outside the jurisdiction of the department, the R&D division operates - the direction team is exploring new opportunities to ensure comprehensive import-independent digitalization of Russian companies, and is also developing a partner network of vendors.

The second structural change concerns the creation of an institute of strategic leaders responsible for the implementation of projects in the key areas of the IT solutions operator: information technology, communications and telecommunications, engineering and construction, social responsibility and sustainable business development. Among these leaders is Mikhail Telegin, Deputy General Director for Strategic Projects, Kirill Stroganov as Deputy General Director for Business Development. The company has formed the position of Deputy General Director for Innovation and IT, which is also part of the strategic leaders.

The new principles of the management system are a logical step in our transformation, which has already affected the image of the company, the portfolio of services, business processes. I am confident that such changes will allow all our business areas, and in particular the key pillars - IT and telecom - to develop more purposefully, structurally and client-oriented. "
noted the general director of "OBIT " Andrey Guk.

TAdviser interview with Kirill Timofeev, Head of Infrastructure and Services Department

In recent years, the information security market has undergone significant changes. Today, not only large players are attacked, but also small and medium-sized businesses. Customers want to provide protection once and for all with a magical, preferably independent, pill. Kirill Timofeev, head of the infrastructure and services department of the operator of IT solutions "OBIT," talks about how customer requests have changed and how integrators are helping to painlessly adapt to new solutions in the information security market. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 16% to 3.5 billion rubles

At the end of 2023, OBIT raised 3.5 billion rubles, which is 16% more than a year earlier. The Russian developer of IT solutions announced this in early April 2024.

The company's revenue in St. Petersburg in 2023 increased by 17%, which was the highest growth rate among the regions of the vendor's presence. In Moscow and Kazan, revenues rose by 11% and 13%, respectively.

"OBIT" at the end of 2023 raised 3.5 billion rubles

One of the main drivers of revenue growth was the IT outsourcing market, where OBIT's revenues in 2023 increased by 43%. Sales of products for protection against DDoS attacks increased by 39%, IaaS solutions by 38%. The company emphasized that in 2023 there was a high demand for migration services to Russian software, comprehensive maintenance of the network and server infrastructure, supply and support of services for protecting business systems.

In the communication segment (Internet, telephony, data transmission channels), OBIT's revenue according to the results of 2023 rose by 7%, in the video surveillance segment - by 21%, in the Wi-Fi platform category - by 24%. The number of subscribers at the company increased, and the average revenue per client increased by 15%.

Capital expenditures in 2023 increased by 36% due to an increase in investments in equipment and infrastructure (in particular, the construction of DTA Center No. 1), as well as in the development of technological expertise.

As the press service of OBIT clarifies, in 2023 the share of IT services in the total revenue was still lost to telecommunications, but the growth rate in this area significantly exceeds the traditional segment of the company's communications. The most significant projects of 2023 in the company included:

  • organizing IT infrastructure from scratch for the former division of the international holding TGE Gaz Engineering;
  • the Predictive Call Routing project for the contact center of the leading Samolet developer;
  • modernization of the video surveillance system for the FRANK by BASTA restaurant chain.

Construction of a data center for 2 billion rubles

The Obit company, the first resident of the ITMO Highpark technological valley near St. Petersburg, will build a data center on its territory for 2 billion rubles. The corresponding agreement was signed in early July 2023.

The 2330 kW data center will be built according to the industrial symbiosis model, namely with a complex of vertical farms based on advanced agricultural technologies. The essence is that excessive heat generation from the data center equipment will be aimed at maintaining the temperature regime necessary for year-round cultivation of green products.

Obit will build a data center on the territory of Hypark ITMO
We are going to heat with excess heat, which is emitted by the data center, a complex of vertical farms (highly automated agricultural complexes for growing plants. - Ed.), Which will be built near the data center. We have not yet decided that we will grow on farms, but these will be either medicinal plants that are used in pharmaceuticals for the production of drugs and dietary supplements, or fruits and vegetables, "said Mikhail Mastin, project manager of ITMO Highpark JSC.

Former Obit logo

The total area of ​ ​ the machine rooms of the data center will be 1350 m2, the number of racks - 512. In addition to the data processing center itself and farms, it includes an administrative building, where the management company will be located, areas for meetings, coworking spaces, lecture halls, laboratories, etc.

Under the terms of the agreement, ITMO Highpark will lease a land plot of about 2 hectares to Obit. At the same time, a preliminary agreement for the purchase of the site is concluded with the investor, the transaction must be approved by the ITMO Highpark Board of Directors.

The data center is designed to meet the technological needs associated with the storage and processing of data of residents of the ITMO Highpark project, as well as companies and individuals from other regions of the country.[1]


Revenue growth by 12% to 2.9 billion rubles

OBIT, operator of digital solutions for business, shared the results of 2022 on March 22, 2023. The company's revenue grew by 12% and amounted to 2.9 billion rubles. This is 5% higher than in 2021, which was 7%.

The largest increase in revenue - 26% - fell on the Moscow market, the increase in St. Petersburg and Kazan was more than twice as low - 11% in each region.

The main increase was provided by revenues from IT outsourcing services, the volume of sales of which in 2022 increased by more than 31% (Wed from 13.4% in 2021). The greatest demand among them was services for servicing imported equipment and software, migration to domestic solutions, and connecting cloud services. Significant growth - 13.7% - was shown by the IaaS segment (Wed from 6.3% in 2021).

According to the CEO of the company Andrei Guk, such a sharp change in the structure of demand is explained by the geopolitical events of 2022 and, first of all, the departure of foreign vendors and the outflow of IT personnel. In the communication segment (Internet, telephony, data transmission channels), revenue increased by 6%, in the video surveillance segment - by 10%.

Despite the difficult economic situation in Russian business, the company managed to increase its subscriber base, while the capital region became the growth driver, where the number of subscribers increased by 21%, as well as Tatarstan with an increase of 11%.

ARPU grew by 12% and amounted to about 22 thousand, which is 4% higher than in 2021.

The key event in 2022 was the separation of IT solutions for business into a separate division within the company, which will allow us to focus on increasing the share of non-telecommunications services in the company's revenue.

Of the external projects, the most significant were the FVNO partnership agreements MTS with and, Megaphone which involve the use of the OBIT infrastructure in and, St. Petersburg Leningrad Region as well as with the domestic developer of network security solutions. UserGate In addition, in 2022, OBIT expanded its portfolio cloudy of support solutions and services. Russian software

Such a significant gap from market indicators - and at the end of 2022 their growth amounted to only 1.8% - suggests that we timely and correctly chose the direction of the company's strategic development towards the IT segment, - said Andrey Guk, General Director of OBIT LLC. - But what is even more important - it is thanks to this choice that we were able to quickly respond to the requests of the business that faced challenges in 2022, and offer them up-to-date solutions and tools.

In 2023, the company will continue to expand its portfolio of IT solutions and increase its specialized competencies for the implementation of complex projects for servicing IT and network infrastructure. OBIT will focus on strengthening its position in the Moscow market, with priority in the IT segment.

Services provided

Logo in 2022

OBIT is an operator-integrator of complex IT and telecom solutions for business. The company provides services to corporate clients in 90 cities of Russia and neighboring countries.

As of April 2022, the company acted as a supplier of high-tech services, including both telecommunications (creation of corporate networks, Wi-Fi networks, organization and lease of channels, telephone and Internet, IPTV) and non-telecommunications products (cloud services, data center services, virtual servers, IT outsourcing, video surveillance, organization of RACCO, civil defense and emergency situations, ensuring uninterrupted energy supply).

Digital Transformation in a New Reality - Predictions and Perspectives

On March 2, 2022 To Moscow , they will discuss the possibilities for the practical implementation of ideas for improving efficiency using digital and. information technology

The TAdviser Internet portal, with the support of OBIT and other IT market leaders, is holding the Digital Transformation Day 2022 conference. The conference is devoted to topical issues of digital business transformation in various industries and segments of the economy.

OBIT, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2022, is also in the process of transformation - in accordance with the new development strategy, the integrator operator is being transformed into a full-fledged IT partner for business. This implies, first of all, the expansion of the portfolio of non-operator services and the strengthening of IT competencies. This decision was made in response to a request from the company's customers - as shown over the past two years, the business prefers an integrated approach and selects contractors who can close a whole pool of questions and tasks.

One of these competencies is the support and maintenance of software products for contact centers. OBIT, as an official partner of Naumen, ensures the integration of developer solutions with the client's telephony system and the uninterrupted operation of the contact center on the new platform. OBIT also undertakes the customization of Naumen products for business tasks and specifics of the client's activities and the introduction of individual requirements with the involvement of its own resource in terms of product development: integration with instant messengers, development of statistical forms and metrics, data collection tools.

OBIT also provides services for the integration of other digital products and solutions into the IT infrastructure of its clients, including those created on the basis of its own developments. At the beginning of the year, the company completed a project to modernize the telephony of a large financial organization, replacing the PBX of the previous generation with a new, modern system. Its architecture is based on the software complex that OBIT created for its product - virtual telephony, launched in 2021. The project, carried out by OBIT specialists, allowed the client to implement one of the stages of the current digital transformation of his business.

Oleg Lebedev, Head of the OBIT Development Department, will talk more about this and other OBIT projects, who will make a report "IT outsourcing as an instrument of competitiveness and response to the challenges of the new reality."


Revenue - 2.6 billion rubles

The revenue of OBIT at the end of 2021 amounted to 2.6 billion rubles.

Rebranding the direction of work with individuals

On September 15, 2021, the OBIT integrator operator announced the rebranding of the direction of work with individuals, abandoning its historical name in this segment in favor of the brand - Eneva. Read more here.

OBIT subscriber base

As of March 2021, the OBIT subscriber base is over 12 thousand organizations and 60 thousand individuals.


Revenue - 2.4 billion rubles.

The revenue of OBIT for 2020 amounted to 2.4 billion rubles.

Revenue growth of the Moscow office by 130%


For 2 years after the first large-scale projects in the corporate segment of the Moscow market, the OBIT integrator operator showed growth and positive dynamics. During this time, the number of new subscribers in the region increased by 50%, and the ARPU indicator - by 12% and amounted to 17,440 rubles. OBIT reported this on March 25, 2021.

The revenue of the Moscow office of the integrator operator increased by 130%, of which 82% falls on telecom services at commercial real estate and 48% - on the provision of communication services at the client's sites.

The revenue structure in the capital region was influenced by the same factors as the results of the St. Petersburg and Kazan offices of the company: a massive transition to remote work, quarantine restrictions, and a reduction in operating costs. So, despite the fact that revenue from the Wi-Fi service for business showed 17% growth, against the background of the company's plans to increase it by 60% by the end of the year, this indicator clearly demonstrates a drop in demand. At the same time, the demand for virtual services for business has almost doubled: creating remote desktops and support lines, migrating 1C to clouds, renting servers (Enterprise-level IaaS, Dedicated servers, VPS/VDS, Colocation, object storage). 20% growth was demonstrated by IT outsourcing for business, which is due to the desire of companies to optimize IT infrastructure maintenance costs and PHY cuts.

The main drivers of the development of the Moscow division of OBIT are still projects to provide communication services in shopping centers, as well as cooperation with large retail chains.

A significant event in the framework of the implementation of the strategy for expansion into the Moscow market was the development of the Moscow City Moscow Center, where OBIT conducted its own fiber-optic network.


OBIT's share in the business segment of the telecom market of St. Petersburg exceeded 20%

Petersburg operator-integrator OBIT on April 11, 2019 summed up the results of 2018. The volume of consolidated revenue increased by 15.6% compared to 2017 and amounted to 2 billion 484 million rubles. (including VAT). OBI's share in the business segment of the telecom market in St. Petersburg exceeded 20%. In the development of the network, as in previous years, the operator invested about 30% of total revenue.

As of April 2019, the company's customers are 10.5 thousand organizations, the service of which provided 87% of the operator's annual revenue. OBIT plans for 2019 to maintain the existing growth rates of this segment in the region of 14-16%.

According to the results of 2018, the subscriber base of the OBIT home network reached 45 thousand households. According to the company's specialists, it occupies 1.5-2% of the telecom market for individuals in St. Petersburg. In this area, the operator plans to increase activity and grow by more than 50% of the current indicator. However, OBIT still does not plan to fully cover all districts of the city and will work only with new houses, connecting them during the construction phase.

The share of the central office in St. Petersburg in the revenue structure amounted to 89.3%, the branch in Kazan - 5.6%, the division in Moscow - 5.1%. Since 2015, the Kazan branch of the company has been one of the three largest Internet providers in Kazan and Tatarstan and demonstrates a stable annual growth of 20-25%. The same indicator is laid down in the plan for 2019.

The operator's subscriber base in Moscow exceeded 1000 legal entities. The operator expects growth by 50% in 2019, it must ensure an active process of connecting the shopping and entertainment complex and business centers of the capital.

Another significant event in 2018 was the entry of OBIT into the power supply market: the company acquired the supplier and manufacturer of emergency, backup and uninterrupted power supply systems Enkom. The revenue of the engineering company in 2018 amounted to 73.9 million rubles (including VAT).

I want to note 2 important areas that we actively developed in 2018 and which largely contributed to successful revenue growth results. Firstly, it is the construction of the OBIT HR brand: we have developed and implemented an updated internal corporate development policy, increasing employee engagement and the employer satisfaction index. Secondly, our other important driver of growth is innovation. We have created a development center that collects and analyzes big data, released a new Wi-Fi platform with advanced marketing functionality, and reorganized our business processes within the company. This year we will continue all these undertakings in order to maintain the existing growth rate of the company, - said Andrey Guk, CEO of OBIT.

OBIT enters the uninterrupted power supply market

In June 2018, OBIT announced its entry into the energy supply market. Thanks to an alliance with the engineering company Enkom, the integrator operator diversifies its business and expands its service portfolio.

OBIT joins forces with the supplier and manufacturer of emergency, backup and uninterrupted power supply systems Enkom. In addition to telecommunications and IT solutions, the group of companies created by them will offer a range of uninterrupted power supply services for corporate and private clients. These are audit and design, production and supply of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), diesel generator units (DGP) and associated electrical equipment, installation and commissioning, as well as service, repair and lease.

The most promising customers of such services are financial structures, data centers, medical institutions, shopping and entertainment complexes. The subscriber base of OBIT includes more than 10 thousand corporate clients. The alliance with Enkom will allow the operator to expand its competence in maintaining infrastructure for business and, along with outsourcing communication systems and IT, offer uninterrupted power supply services. The customer's savings by reducing time and synergies will be about 17%.

2017: Subscriber IT Support Service

The operator has become one of the few who serve the telecom and IT infrastructure of business clients on the basis of "one window." The service includes technical support for workplaces, system administration of servers and computer networks. The company plans to cover 15-20% of current subscribers and acquire about 500 new customers of the service during the year.

The creation of the IT support service began back in 2016, by May 2017 it was finally formed, workflows were established and the first clients were connected. The launch of the service took place as part of a strategy to provide subscribers with an integrated service that meets all their needs in the telecommunications and IT sphere. The main advantages of this approach for subscribers: cheaper maintenance of the IT infrastructure, saving time due to a single center of responsibility, speeding up problem solving thanks to the teamwork of OBIT employees of various specializations.

The use of OBIT resources - narrow specialists, encrypted data transmission channels, a data center, and technical support services - allows you to ensure the security of the information infrastructure, select and maintain the desired degree of confidentiality and control the solution of all tasks in automatic mode. The operator also offers rare services in this area, for example, monitoring the technical condition of user workstations.

IT outsourcing service, of course, has long been known and in demand. This market is highly competitive, but highly unbalanced by a large number of participants with insufficient qualifications and a frivolous approach. And in the staff of "OBIT" - in addition to directly employees of the IT outsourcing department - more than 200 certified technical specialists. Each of them is ready to connect to solving the problem with the client's IT equipment at his request instantly. Such teamwork is our main competitive advantage, because instead of one or two outsourced employees, we essentially offer a staff capable of solving any, the most narrowly specialized problem on the client's side, "explained Andrey Guk, General Director of OBIT.

According to him, the IT support service is especially in demand by network companies with a head office in Moscow. He also stressed that the use of this service does not necessarily imply the refusal of the company from a full-time IT specialist: the interaction between the employees of the client company and OBIT has proven to be the most effective in solving difficult problems.


Compared to 2013, total revenue increased by 18.61% and amounted to 1.78 billion rubles. More than 93% of revenue came from services to companies and government agencies. The number of serviced organizations increased by 16% over the year and amounted to more than 7.5 thousand. The share of revenues from Internet access and data transfer services amounted to 64.4%, telephony (including virtual PBXs and other intelligent telephony services) - 29.1%. About 6.5% of revenue comes from other IT services: consulting, equipment supplies, data center services, etc.

In 2014, OBIT implemented an extensive investment program: the main network was modernized, 500 new real estate objects were connected, its own cable networks in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Moscow and Kazan were significantly increased. As part of regional development, OBIT implemented projects in 80 cities of the Russian Federation.

OBIT continued to telephone new buildings and cottage villages, providing private subscribers with Internet access, telephony, IPTV and other services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The customer base in the B2C market grew by 50% and exceeded 15,000 households. OBIT provides services in 320 apartment buildings and in 15 villages and blocks of low-rise buildings.

2015: Subscriber base - over 10 thousand legal clients

As of September 2015, the company's subscriber base exceeded 10 thousand customers - legal entities.

OBIT has been operating in the telecommunication service market Russia since 2002. The key competence of the company is the implementation of telecommunication solutions for corporate clients, business centers, telecom operators and residents of new buildings and high-comfort houses. OBIT provides city, long-distance and international telephone services, high-speed access to the network, Internet creating intelligent networks, building, VPN organizing, call centers renting channels, selling telecommunications equipment and many others. The central office of the operator is located in, and St. Petersburg To Moscow Kazan operates branches, and in () - Almaty Kazakhstan a subsidiary of OBIT-Telecommunications. The quality management system "OBIT" is certified in accordance with international standards. ISO 9000


Revenue increased by 31.86% compared to 2012 and amounted to RUB 1.5 billion. For the third year in a row, the company's business grew by more than 30%.

Services to organizations generate the company's core revenue and account for 96% of revenue. The number of serviced organizations increased by 10% over the year and exceeded 6,500 legal entities. Revenues from Internet access and data transfer services account for 63% of revenue, telephony (including virtual PBXs and other intelligent telephony services) - 30%, data center services - 5%. Less than 2% of revenue comes from other services: consulting, equipment supply, software development, etc.

In addition to its main activities, serving business clients, OBIT provides Internet access and related services to home users in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Subscriber base in the B2C market exceeded 10,000 households. OBIT provides services in 60 apartment buildings and high-comfort houses, as well as in 11 villages and blocks of low-rise buildings.

Plans for 2013 - The operator's plans for 2013 include maintaining the existing revenue growth rates, increasing activity in the communication services market for physical. persons and an increase in the number of home subscribers by at least 2 times, the launch of the second stage of the existing data center and the construction of another new data center, the active development of the direction of federal projects (the possibility of opening branches in several more regions of Russia is not excluded), further expansion of the free WiFi network - access in St. Petersburg.


Revenue amounted to 1 billion 138 million rubles, which is 35% more than in 2011. This revenue growth was a record for the company over the past 4 years. The subscriber base of OBIT legal entities, a universal telecom operator, increased by 23% and amounted to 5900 organizations, the number of home subscribers increased by 115% and reached 8500 people. At the same time, the connection and service of large corporate clients provided the company with 43% of revenue, tenants of business centers, shopping and logistics complexes - 55%, individuals - 2%. Revenue from Internet access services accounts for 39%, telephony - 34%, data transmission - 25%, intelligent services - 2%.

The investments of OBIT in network development, equipment modernization, connection of new facilities in 2012 amounted to 31.4%. This year, the company intends to increase this figure to 35-40%.

25 large-scale projects have already been carried out for large companies, whose divisions are located throughout the country. The share in the revenue structure of OBIT from the implementation of such solutions amounted to 8%. In the future, by the end of 2014, it is planned to bring this figure to 20%, and the number of federal projects - to 100.

In 2012, the company completed the development of the retail real estate segment in St. Petersburg: today OBIT is the only operator whose networks are present in 95% of shopping and entertainment complexes in the city.

In addition, the company continued to expand the free WiFi Internet access network, connecting the city's new public, business and cultural facilities to it. To date, it unites more than 200 points and is the largest free WiFi network in St. Petersburg. The logical continuation of the project was the release by the operator of the free mobile application OBIT Free WiFi, which searches for free hot spots of all city operators.

Plans for 2012 - The company's plans for 2012 include maintaining the existing growth rates of revenue and subscriber base, investing in the expansion of the network in the amount of at least 30% of the total turnover, and active development of branches. The operator intends to pay special attention to strengthening its position in the market of communication services for individuals and in the segment of services for retail real estate in St. Petersburg. Another priority area of ​ ​ the company's development will be the implementation of large complex projects for all-Russian companies. In addition, Obit will continue to expand its free WiFi network, covering new significant public, business and cultural facilities in St. Petersburg.


The company's revenue in 2011 amounted to 839 million rubles, which is 31.5% more than in 2010. Obit's investments in development exceeded 250 million rubles. In 2012, the operator plans to maintain such growth and development rates.

Revenue from telecommunications services provided in 2011 to subscribers in business centers, shopping and logistics complexes accounts for 52.8%, to large corporate clients - 44.34%, to home subscribers - 2.86%. The distribution of revenue by types of services is as follows: telephony - 31, 31%, Internet and data transmission - 57.84%, MG/MH-communication - 9.89%, intelligent services - 0.96%.

In 2011, Obit's subscriber base increased by 20% and reached 4,800 clients - legal entities. Also, during this period, 3 thousand home subscribers were connected to the company's services, while the total number of individuals using the connection from Obit is currently more than 4 thousand people. These are residents of 27 new buildings of the classes "elites" and "business," located in all districts of St. Petersburg. In addition, the company has concluded contracts for connecting about 100 more houses to communication services at the design or construction stage.

In 2011, the company won a tender for exclusive provision of communication services for all 12 shopping complexes of Fort Management Company (formerly Makromir), the second largest owner of retail real estate in St. Petersburg. A partnership agreement was also signed with the leader of this segment - HC Adamant, at the facilities of which Obit now also provides telecommunications services, although not in an exclusive mode. As a result, taking into account also single shopping complexes, today Obit has its own networks in 85% of all retail real estate in the city.

In 2011, Obit officially entered the Moscow telecommunications market: in June, a branch of the operator was opened in the capital. During the first six months of work, the Moscow office connected a number of large facilities, including the Europark shopping and entertainment complex, Ostankino Brewery, Rublev Design Bureau, the A-class business center Old Tolmachevsky, Central Energy Customs, etc.

Other significant events of the past year include the launch of the first stage of the new Obit data center in St. Petersburg. The area of ​ ​ the facility is 400 square meters, the data center is equipped with 60 telecommunication cabinets and is designed to accommodate 2,400 pieces of equipment. The operator's investments in the project amounted to 15 million rubles. Also an important event in the life of the company was the move of the St. Petersburg office to 2 new premises, on Ligovsky Prospekt and Zastavskaya Street.

In addition, in 2011, the company significantly expanded the free WiFi network in St. Petersburg. Now visitors to Internet the chains of coffee shops "Shokoladnitsa" and Coffeeshop Company, chains of restaurants "Burger King" and "Wabi-Sabi," as well as several dozen single restaurants of the city, such as "Polenta," "Russian Empire," "Gloss Cafe," "Russian Kich," "On Health" and others. In addition to these facilities, Obit still provides free WiFi access to the Internet to the Pulkovo-1 and Pulkovo-2 airports and the Peterhof GMZ.