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SearchInform SearchInform


Russian developer of information security tools, formerly known as SoftInform

Matveev Lev Lazarevich - 88%
Ozhegov Sergey Vladimirovich - 10%
Dmitry Viktorovich Gatsura - 2%


Revenue millions Ths. rub
100%Chart created using amCharts library

Number of employees
2016 year



+ SearchInform
+ Dmitry Viktorovich Gatsura

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 34.3% to RUB 2,549 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of SEARCHINFORM LLC increased by 34.3% - to 2,549 million rubles (excluding VAT). In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 143 lines (43 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).


2024: SearchInform enters Vietnam and Turkey markets

SearchInform decided to enter the Vietnamese market, Lev Matveev, chairman of the company's board of directors, told TAdviser in early October 2024 at a Russoft press event. The company plans to open an office in this country and is now looking for a candidate who could lead it. The head of the Vietnamese office can be both Vietnamese and a native of Russia, who lived in Vietnam for at least seven years.

In the new market for itself, as in other markets of non-CIS countries, the company will offer local customers a service - information security outsourcing services, and licenses are not planned to be sold there. SearchInform tried to sell licenses some time ago, but as a result, the company came to the conclusion that it was necessary to bet on the service.

In Vietnam, SearchInform sees great prospects for itself. There is a population of about 100 million people, the south of the country is very active in terms of business, and there are many companies in the market in the range that is of greatest interest to SearchInform as potential customers of the service - with the number of computers from 30 to 500. It is more profitable for such enterprises to receive a turnkey information security outsourcing service than to buy equipment, licenses, and hire their analysts.

At the same time, the market for "infobeza" in Vietnam is almost empty. And, in addition, this country is more or less loyal to business from Russia, added Lev Matveev in a conversation with TAdviser.

"SearchInform" consider the Vietnamese market promising for themselves

Also now SearchInform is starting to do business in Turkey on the basis of a partner. Lev Matveev told TAdviser that in 2025, most likely, the company will open an office there.

In addition to these countries, countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia are also of interest in terms of exporting services to the company, the chairman of the board of directors of SearchInform shared with TAdviser. The company is ready to enter these markets if there are people with whom you can start developing business there.

The Middle East, the UAE, in particular, remains among the most priority markets for SearchInform. In 2023, we recall that the company, after two years of work, opened an office in Dubai, where it offers information security outsourcing services (for more information on this, see the block below). According to Lev Matveev, SearchInform continues to invest in the development of this business, and it is gradually growing. The company expects the UAE office to reach self-sufficiency in 2025.

In October 2024, SearchInform will once again take part in a major international technology exhibition-conference GITEX in Dubai. Moreover, in the list of participants on the website of this event, it is declared as a company from the UAE, and not from Russia. And she is not one of the Russian "IBshnikov" in this list. So, for example, Kaspersky Lab is announced to participate in the same event as an international company from Britain, TAdviser drew attention. And Positive Technologies, for example, indicated that it is from Russia.

In any local market, you need to work from a local office, says Lev Matveev. At the same time, he notes, when customers in the UAE learn about the Russian roots of the company, there are no problems with this. And the company does not go to countries such as the United States "for obvious reasons," choosing those markets where it should not have problems due to its origin.

Lev Matveev also believes that in friendly countries it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of Russian information security developers, jointly work out markets - branding, marketing, etc.


SearchInform opened an office in Dubai. It will sell information security outsourcing services in the UAE

SearchInform opened an office in Dubai, UAE. TAdviser was told about this on October 17, 2023 at the GITEX international exhibition in Dubai by Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform. The official opening took place on October 16, several employees who live in Dubai are already working in the office, and an expansion of the team is planned.

The company will focus on providing information security outsourcing services. The client is installed with the Risk Monitor DLP system, all data is sent to the cloud provided by SearchInform, and the analyst analyzes all events. Seeing typical information security problems, the analyst reports about them to someone within the company. Analysts will speak Arabic, Hindi and English, because there are three main languages ​ ​ in the UAE. As in Russia, the first month of services is provided free of charge.

The services are aimed at companies with a fleet of computers from about 30 to 200. It is economically more justified to receive a turnkey service than to buy licenses and hire their analysts. Hiring an analyst alone is not enough: he can get sick, quit, etc., and someone must immediately replace him, says Lev Matveev. And for SearchInform, outsourcing is beneficial because one analyst can lead 4-5 companies with 100 computers.

There is a big chance that large companies with 1-5 thousand computers will also buy the service. Until we have worked, we cannot speak with confidence, but there are certain assumptions, because there is a very developed culture to order various outsourced services, - explained Lev Matveev.

In the UAE, "SearchInform" worked for almost two years without a physical office, and the company realized that here it was necessary to shift the focus from sales of licenses for sales of services "(photo: TAdviser)"

The local market in SearchInform is assessed as quite large, including because prices in the UAE are high - higher than in Russia. According to SearchInform, based on various sources studied, there are about 7-10 thousand companies in the UAE with a fleet of about 100 computers. And in money, the market is estimated at about 500-700 million dirhams (about $136-190 million at the current exchange rate). The head of SearchInform says that the company hopes to reach a turnover of 150-200 million dirhams in 3-4 years.

At the initial stage, in the first year, the company expects to develop a certain customer base, and then, probably, begin to attract franchisee partners, because it is important for partners to see that the business model is working. SearchInform also offers an information security outsourcing franchise in Russia.

Local employees should work in an office in Dubai, who can come somewhere in a couple of hours if necessary, and not fly in from Moscow in a day or two, Lev Matveev notes. This is especially true taking into account the specifics of the business in the field of information security - there must be people on the ground so that customers have confidence. This is a certain test of the severity of the company: "if it does not have an office, how to work with it?"

Before opening an office, the company has been eyeing the MENA (Middle East and North Africa - Middle East and North) market for a long time Africa , and now they are directing their efforts to promote in the UAE as much as possible, although they are considering the entire region. For example, now the company is carefully studying the possibilities of working in Saudi Arabia.

And in the UAE market, SearchInform worked for almost two years without a physical office, and the company realized that here it was necessary to shift the focus from license sales to service sales, Lev Matveev told TAdviser. This is due to the fact that there is no such pronounced school of "security" in the local market as in Russia. Of course, there are information security specialists in the region, but they are mainly "sharpened" for protection against external threats, and there are very few people who are professionally engaged in protection against internal threats. These are features of the region. And in Russia there are information security services for companies engaged in both external and internal threats, and there is someone to work in them.

We also offer an information security outsourcing service in Russia, but here it is more in demand "turnkey." Accordingly, we adapt the office not for the sale of licenses, but for the sale of information security outsourcing, - said Lev Matveev in a conversation with TAdviser.

For the export of Russian software abroad, it would be good to receive support from the state aimed at forming and promoting the brand of Russian software, Lev Matveev believes. Moreover, it is necessary to support companies that enter new markets not so much with money as with actions. It is necessary to promote Russian software in the press among local journalists, at various events with a Russian flavor that would be of interest to the audience, at meetings with local big business, and so on.

All this could be organized by Russian trade missions, the embassy. SearchInform plans to promote this idea, because the UAE is one of the priority markets for Russia, where there is a good attitude towards Russian business and where, unlike Latin America, there is an order of magnitude more money, says Lev Matveev.

TAdviser interview with Chairman of the Board of Directors Lev Matveyev

SearchInform announced the launch of a franchise INFORMATION SECURITY-outsourcing - a service that the company itself began providing in 2019. Information security outsourcing from SearchInform is a service within which a client receives full protection from internal threats: information leaks corporate fraud, illegal access to data, etc., Lev Matveev the chairman of the board of directors of the company is confident that the market is ripe for IB-outsourcing and plans to conquer it with the help of partners. Read more here.

2022: TAdviser interview with Chairman of the Board of Directors Lev Matveyev

In April 2022, Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform, spoke about his vision of the situation in the information security market and the responsibility of vendors. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 51% to RUB 1,898 million

At the end of 2021, SearchInform's revenue amounted to 1,898 million rubles, an increase of 51% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 166 place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. The total revenues of SEARCHINFORM LLC, SERCHSYSTEMS LLC, SEARCHINFORM PROFILING LLC, SEARCHINFORM INTEGRATION LLC from the financial statements for 2020-2021 are indicated. excluding VAT.

TAdviser interview with Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform Lev Matveev

In July 2021, Lev Matveev, chairman of the board of directors of SearchInform, member of the board of Russoft and the General Council of Business Russia, told TAdviser in an interview what the first steps should be to change the law, how business will have to change its usual business practices and why it is necessary to export Russian information security experience abroad. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform Lev Matveev

In March 2021, Lev Matveev, chairman of the company's board of directors, told TAdviser what the Russian "file auditor" of SearchInform of production can do. Read more here.

Receiving a grant in the amount of 23,943,800,12 rubles from RFRIT

Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) On January 12, 2021, he announced TAdviser the results of two competitive selection for grants: support for projects for the implementation of domestic IT solutions (PP RF No. 550) and support for development projects (domestic software PP RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 1185).

Rework of "SearchInform SIEM" software.

Grant amount: 23,943,800,12 rubles


Revenue - 1,257 million rubles

At the end of 2020, SearchInform's revenue amounted to 1,257 million rubles.

TAdviser interview with Chairman of the Board of Directors Lev Matveyev

In September 2020, Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform, in an interview with TAdviser, told how the remote has affected customer requests and how the vendor reacts to them. Read more here.


Interview with Lev Matveev about the information security results of 2019 and forecasts for 2020

Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform, spoke in November 2019 about what events significantly influenced the information security sector in 2019, what new of the protective solutions are offered by domestic vendors, what threats await us in 2020. Read more here.

Interview with Lev Matveyev on the issues of the Russian information security market and DLP systems

In April 2019, Lev Matveev answered TAdviser's questions on the Russian information security market and DLP systems, on solutions, business and the place of SearchInform in the market.


Entering the Brazilian market

On February 26, 2018, SearchInform announced its entry into the Brazilian market. The Russian developer of information security tools opened a representative office in São Paulo. This is stated in a press release received by TAdviser.

The "SearchInform" considers the Brazilian market promising and presented three products there: a system of protection against internal threats "Kontur information security SearchInform," a system for monitoring and analyzing security event "SearchInform SIEM" and a system for monitoring working  timeTimeInformer.

Brazilian companies are interested in protecting confidential data and personal information of customers, "says Vladimir Prestes, head of SearchInform of 's representative office in Brazil. - SearchInform products are of great interest to customers, already in the first week of work we received 13 applications for demonstrations and system testing. I am confident that the experience and expertise of SearchInform will help our clients build a reliable protective perimeter and protect the organization from internal and external information security threats.

SearchInform opens a representative office in São Paulo

The Russian company began operating in Latin America in November 2016. In April 2017, SearchInform opened an office in Argentina.

It was after the first communication with Latin American clients and partners, representatives of the media, that I realized that CIB SearchInform was not correctly called  simply DLP-system. The capabilities of our product are much wider than the classic concept of DLP accommodates, and this somewhat confuses customers, - comments  Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform . - We implement comprehensive protection against information leaks, internal fraud, sabotage and all kinds of personnel risks. That is why we decided to promote the concept of MoneyLoss Prevention in Latin America.

By February 2018, SearchInform has partnered with three partners in Brazil and a number of major system integrators in Latin America, plans to host the first Road Show SearchInform in this region and is expanding its partner network.

License of the FSB of Russia

On February 6, 2018, SearchInform announced the completion of a voluntary licensing procedure at the Center for Licensing, Certification and Secrecy state. FSB Russia The license for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information was issued in January 2018 and is valid indefinitely.

As of February, the product line includes the DLP system "Kontur Information Security SearchInform," the security event monitoring and analysis system "SearchInform SIEM" and the TimeInformer time control system. Information security solutions of the company are used by more than 2 thousand customers in 16 countries of the world.

SearchInform also has licenses FSTEC for the development and production of means for protecting confidential information, for activities for the technical protection of confidential information.


TAdviser interview with CEO Lev Matveev

In December 2017, Lev Matveev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform, in an interview with TAdviser, spoke about the features of Russian security technologies and the prospects for the DLP (Data Leak Prevention) market.

Joint training of personnel in the field of information security with TC "InfoTeCS"

The Russian developer of information protection tools SearchInform and the InfoTeCS Training Center announced the start of cooperation on December 7, 2017. The companies have joined forces in training qualified personnel in the field of information security.

The goal of cooperation between the training centers "SearchInform" and "InfoTeCS" is to improve the quality of education of information security specialists by introducing advanced practical methods into educational programs. In particular, human psychodiagnostics, which allows you to predict behavior, calculate personnel risks, as well as prevent incidents and investigate them when software is powerless.

The first joint training course "Identification of criminal trends. Profiling in the service of information security "took place in December. Within three days from December 5 to 7, information security specialists learned about the methods of psychological profiling of people, mastered them in practice and learned to use them to solve information security problems.

Our joint project is very important - it will allow us to form competencies among employees of information protection departments and human resources employees. In addition, training on additional vocational education programs in information security can be offered to universities, colleges and schools. This will help to increase literacy in the field of information security of teachers, students and schoolchildren, which, in turn, will contribute to the implementation of the Digital Economy program in our country, the NOCHU DPO CPC "Infotex Training Center" is convinced.

The companies are discussing further prospects for cooperation, and are also considering the possibility of introducing SearchInform training materials into the postgraduate retraining program developed in accordance with the requirements FSB Russia FSTEC of Russia.

Entering Latin America

SearchInform opened a representative office in Buenos Aires (Argentina) to develop business in Latin America, the company told TAdviser in June 2017. In these markets, the company will promote its flagship product - the DLP-system "CIB SearchInform" ("Kontur Information Security SearchInform").

CIB SearchInform does not cease to grow as a product and we came to the conclusion that it will compete with foreign solutions. The fact that the program needs to be brought to other markets is also confirmed by the fact that at the beginning of 2017 the company Gartner included CIB SearchInform in Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention, says Searchinform CEO. Sergey Ozhegov

Searchinform's Latin American representative office began operating in May. It was headed by Ricardo Martinez. One of the companies where he worked for a long time before that is Siemens SA in Argentina.

Buenos Aires

Employees in the local office will be recruited as necessary and with the expansion of the partner network. Searchinform told TAdviser that the company does not plan to form a large staff in the region, as the promotion strategy involves sales through a network of partners.

As of June 2017, SearchInform is in the stage of negotiations with partners, their certification. The company claims that CIB SearchInform aroused serious interest of local integrators.

Telextorage, Seguridad Informática SRL, Dinatech and several others joined the network of partners in Latin America. Searchinform told TAdviser that talks were underway with companies from Uruguay, Costa Rica, San Salvador and elsewhere.

Telextorage became the first partner to use DLP SearchInform in Argentina for internal tasks and to demonstrate the solution to end consumers. The plans are to install CIB SearchInform from all partners of the company. This is a mandatory step in the technical certification of the partner. Speaking of customers, Searchinform notes that the new market has the first trial product implementations.

Searchinform's main competitors in Latin America are McAfee (Intel Security), Symantec, ForcePoint. Of the Russian DLP developers before Searchinform, Infowatch also announced the development of the Latin American market earlier, in 2015. In mid-2015, Infowatch spoke about its 10 partners and system integrators in the region, cooperation with the Ministries of Communications and Communications of several Latin American countries, pilot projects in financial companies in Colombia and Peru[1].

Infowatch could not answer TAdviser's questions about further business development in this region and how serious a competitor in Latin America the company sees Searchinform for itself.

Infowatch has been included in Gartner's DLP "magic quadrant" every year since 2013. In addition to Latin America, the company develops business in a number of other regions, including the Middle East.

Searchinform expects to compete with foreign players due to the capabilities of its product. Foreign DLPs are primarily Data Leak Prevention - a system for preventing information leaks, and CIB SearchInform solves a wider range of problems, the company said. According to the developers, the system is "sharpened" not only to prevent, but also to investigate incidents, it fixes the full picture - before, after and during the violation.

The company expects to compete with Infowatch as well as in the Russian market - "due to technological advantages, an integrated approach to information security, high-quality technical support and the work of the implementation department," TAdviser told Searchinform.

Searchinform has previously repeatedly stated its intentions to master foreign markets. In addition to Latin America, the company began to develop business in the Middle East.

The company also develops business in Jordan and the UK. Searchinform says that work has recently begun in these markets. As of June, the company is in active negotiations with potential partners and customers, and will be able to share data on these markets later.

Searches in the Ukrainian office

According to TAdviser, SearchInform is one of the Russia developers associated with ON whose Ukrainian office was searched by the Security Service of Ukraine in 2017. More. here

Direction of profiling in information security

In March, the company "SearchInform" announced the launch of a new direction - profiling in information security. For these tasks, the company created a special division. It was headed by the ex-head of the security department of the T.E.L.S (Transeuropean Logistic Service) group of companies, expert profiler Birulya Ivan.

Profiling is a set of psychological methods and methods for assessing and predicting human behavior based on the most informative particular signs, characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior. In the business, profiling is used to identify fraudulent activities, predict and detect destructive behavior of employees in relation to an organization. What is especially relevant in terms of practical information security tasks.

The profiling division of SearchInform will operate in three areas:

  • Customer training based on the SearchInform Training Center. The first training program - "Profiling in the Information Security Service" - was held in March this year. The specialists considered the issues of criminal trends in the character of a person, personnel risks, forecasting the behavior of employees, obtaining important information about the employee, etc.
  • Provision of services on the territory of the customer. Experts-profilers "SearchInform" at the request of customers will go to the company and together with information security specialists of the customer to solve the tasks.
  • Research towards the automation of human behavior analysis and prediction. The company plans to supplement the functionality of the CIB SearchInform DLP system with a module that will simplify the work on predicting the behavior of customer employees.


Sales Volume Forecast

  • Searchinform's 2016 forecast (approximately) for DLP product and service sales is around 40% growth.
  • The forecast for 2016 (approximately) the number of DLP projects implemented: an increase of 1.5-2 times.
  • Sales growth is expected due to the exchange rate for import substitution. 2015 showed that, despite the crisis, companies are ready to invest in information security projects, Searchinform notes.

Entering the UAE market

At the end of 2016, "SearchInform" entered the market of the United Arab Emirates. The company in the Arab world is promoting the company's flagship product, the Kontur Information Security SearchInform DLP system. Experts have estimated the size of the UAE IT market in 2015 at three billion dollars and believe that by 2019 this amount will double.

As TAdviser was told in the company, here Searchinform is aimed at building a partner network. As of June 2017, DLP SearchInform in the Middle East has already been promoted by three partners: Cognitive Global, Aerizo, Gobind Security Systems.

We noted the growing need to protect information in the Middle East region market and interest from potential partners. In the Middle East, we have first sales and a few dozen trials, "TAdviser said in Searchinform.

TAdviser interview with group CEO Lev Matveyev

Interview with Lev Matveyev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SearchInform Group of Companies

Time & Attendance Systems Market Entry

In 2016, SearchInform began work on the development of new markets. The product line is actively expanding: at the beginning of 2015, the company launched a time and attendance system - TimeInformer (before renaming WorkTime Monitor), by the end of 2016 it is planned to release SIEM - SearchInform Event Manager.

In the second quarter of 2016, the company plans to release a large-scale and expected system update by customers: with the expansion of functionality, improved usability, all system consoles will be combined into a single "Analytics Console."

NPO RusBITech and SearchInform signed a cooperation agreement

In the spring of 2016, SearchInform LLC and NPO RusBITech OJSC signed an agreement on cooperation in integrating the SerchInform SearchInform system with the Astra Linux operating system (OS). When concluding the agreement, the requests of existing and potential customers of SearchInform in supporting unix-like systems were taken into account.


DLP revenue RUR 856 mln

CNews Analytics summed up the results of 2015 and compiled a rating of companies based on the indicator of revenue in the direction of information security in 2014. According to the results of the study, SearchInform is in 18th place, showing growth dynamics of 40% in 2013-2014. Since 2013, the company has grown by 7 points and entered the 20 largest players in the information security sector.

  • Total sales of products and services in the direction DLP (RUB) for 2015 - 856 138 000 RUB.
  • The total number of DLP projects implemented per year (pcs) in 2015 - 346, in 2014 - 257.


Skolkovo Member Status

In 2015, SearchInform received the official status of a participant in the Skolkovo Innovation Center.


SearchInform's response to the news of hackers hacking the company

The company said that in connection with the information that appeared in the media about the Searchinform hack, the company conducted an internal investigation. The audit showed:

1. Attackers gained access to the provider's hosting panel. This hosting hosted the company's website and archived copies of the company's internal system with data at the beginning of 2013. Therefore, it cannot be argued that the SearchInform site was hacked. Today, this system is not used, and the information is not relevant. Since the beginning of 2013, all information has been stored on its own corporate hosting with mandatory two-factor authentication. Thus, there has been no control of the site since 2012, as hackers said. The only thing they were able to get was part of the archive with outdated information.

2. A massive attack from Ukrainian IP addresses was carried out on more than 200 out of 300 computers of the company's employees. Despite the presence of antivirus protection on both endpoints and the mail server, 1 line manager computer was compromised. Thanks to the policies on the delimitation of access rights, the attackers managed to gain access only to the manager's mail correspondence, which explains the presence of screenshots posted on public access with "fresh dates." Some documentation for about 40 customers of the company turned out to be compromised. At the moment, the infected machine, as well as those that could contact it, have been decommissioned, disconnected from the Internet and are being checked.

The company stressed that the hackers' statement on control since 2012 and infection of links to downloading software (as well as the software itself) is not true. As a confirmation and in order to dispel the doubts of its customers about the compromise of their corporate networks and SearchInform software, the company proposed to perform the following actions:

"1. Compare hash sums of downloaded archives with SearchInform software distributions with reference values ​ ​ (for example, using We are ready to provide hash amounts for earlier versions of the software upon request at +7 495 721 84 06, ext. 125. Or contact the technician accompanying your company. We also inform you that the build-server responsible for generating software versions is in an isolated environment without external connectivity. All components of the EndpointSniffer agent are digitally signed to ensure their integrity.

2. You can also independently make sure that CIB SearchInform does not forward any data outside your corporate network. All data remains with the company and is not transferred to "third parties." Otherwise, ours software would not have passed certification, FSTEC Russia the OAC of Belarus and the DSTSI of the Security Council of Ukraine. "CIB SearchInform" works with a clear list of ports. We are ready to provide a list of ports upon request to the +7 495 721 84 06 number, ext. 125. Or contact the technician accompanying your company. You can use low-level traffic analyzers (such as to check for external connections. "

We are grateful to the attackers for their interest in our company. Any experience is valuable, but negative is doubly valuable, since such lessons are not forgotten for a very long time. It's nice to be aware of yourself as "the main spy company controlled by the FSB and supplying data to SORM." We do not deny our leadership in the market, but we cannot agree with the rest of the statement, added Searchinform.

SearchInfrom hacked by hackers

The hacker group Russian Cyber ​ ​ Command announced in March 2014 the hacking of the information security company SearchInfrom and published a large number of documents attributed to it[2].

Hackers hint at SearchInform's connection with the FSB and believe that the company's products work "in the main Russian infrastructure companies": in particular, in Veles Capital, Rusal, Gazprom, Sukhoi, United Aircraft Company, Irkut Corporation and others.

Russian Cyber ​ ​ Command was able to steal 305 SearchInform documents, and, as it itself claims, "take control of, starting in early 2012, infect all links for downloading their clients and gain control over them through a compromised support system and provider control panel."

Among the documents published by the hackers, in addition to internal correspondence and tracking of the support service, there are customer contacts, commercial contracts, invoices for the provision of services and for the purchase of licenses for SearchInfrom products, power of attorney, minutes of meetings of LLC participants, orders for counterparty companies, certificate of owners of the company, etc.

For example, from published accounts it is clear that Skolkovo Management Management Company paid 544 thousand rubles for the SearchInform Full-Text Search System in early 2013, SUAL (Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company) for an unspecified product complex - 1.16 million rubles.

The invoice to CJSC Leta, a former partner of SearchInfrom, indicates the prices for sniffers (traffic analyzers): 7050 rubles. for server licenses for mail, HTTP and Skype sniffers; 50 thousand for licenses for mail and HTTP sniffer for 200 workstations and the same for Skype sniffer for 50 workstations.

2012: Prevent poaching an employee using their own system

SearchInform prevented in March 2012 an attempt by the HR department of Jet Infosystems to lure one of the leading specialists of its technical support service. On March 26, the SearchInform Information Security Kontur, installed in all offices of the organization, recorded the fact of an incoming web message from Maria Sigaeva, an employee of the HR department of Jet Infosystems. According to the results of the discovered incident, the SearchInform security service classified this employee as a risk group. On March 28, the SearchInform Information Security Kontur recorded a written proposal by Ms. Sigaeva addressed to a SearchInform employee to be interviewed by Dmitry Kononov, Deputy Head of the Production Department of Jet Infosystems.

Skype interview of the SearchInform engineer with an employee of Jet Infosystems was planned to be held on March 29 from 13.00 to 14.00. Within the agreed period of time, the scheduled conversation recording file was not in the SearchInform SkypeSniffer interception database. A SearchInform employee has been called to the company's security to clarify the situation. The engineer confirmed the fact of a telephone interview with Mr. Kononov. From a further explanation of the SearchInform employee, it turned out that contact with representatives of Jet Infosystems was due solely to professional curiosity and a desire to find out its value in the labor market. The engineer did not consider the transition to a competitor in principle.

2011: Turnover growth of 59%

In 2011, the growth rate of the company's number of customers increased by 63% compared to 2010, while the company's turnover increased by 59%. The list of the company's clients includes more than 600 organizations from various regions of Russia and other CIS countries, including banks, large industrial enterprises, design and state organizations, SearchInform said in a statement.

In 2011, the company launched a large-scale program of interaction with leading universities that train information security specialists. Students will have the opportunity to learn practical skills to combat information leaks using the SearchInform Information Security Kontur. Students of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, South Ural and Magnitogorsk State Universities have this opportunity.