Industrial Competence Centers (ICC)
Industrial competence centers for the replacement of foreign industry digital products and solutions (ICC) were created on behalf of the government in the summer of 2022. The main task is to ensure the transition to domestic technical solutions in key sectors of the economy.
2025: Government Chief of Staff Dmitry Grigorenko announced the resumption of grants within the Industrial Competence Centers
The issuance of grants within the framework of the Industrial Competence Centers (ICC), suspended in December 2024, will resume in the second quarter of 2025. This was announced in early March 2025 by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Head of the Government Apparatus Dmitry Grigorenko. More than 30 projects on import substitution of software apply for financial state support.
Grant support for the ICC in the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development was launched in 2022. During the first wave, 150 projects worth 180.9 billion rubles were selected. At the same time, 32 projects totaling 19.9 billion rubles were financed from grants. The second wave of support was planned to be organized in January 2025, but during the selection of particularly significant projects (OZP), an additional assessment was required, which is carried out by specialists from the Ministry of Digital Development. According to the Kommersant newspaper, referring to Grigorenko's statements, this is necessary to calculate the number of potentially interested organizations that are ready to acquire this or that development in order to replace foreign IT solutions with it. In addition, it is necessary to determine to what extent the allocated grant funds will be returned to the federal budget in the form of tax deductions.
According to Kommersant, within the framework of the second wave, 68 projects applying for OZP status were registered for a total amount of more than 53 billion rubles. Of these, 32 projects with a total value of 23.9 billion rubles are counting on grants. At the same time, the government proposes a co-financing scheme, where at least 50% of investments must be provided by customers. As a result, the volume of grants of the second wave amounted to 11.6 billion rubles.
The head of the board of directors of BASEALT, Alexei Smirnov, says that 11 billion rubles is "less than 1% of the volume of own investments of software developers in the Russian Federation." According to him, software suppliers are interested in receiving money from the sale of their products, and not in the form of grants.[1]
List of particularly significant projects to replace imported software in oil and gas, some projects are delayed
The Industrial Competence Center (IC) "Neftegaz, Petrochemicals and Subsoil Use" is the leader among all existing ICs in terms of the number of projects that have the status of particularly significant. Some of them have already been completed, and some are delayed. Representatives of the Neftegaz, Petrochemicals and Subsoil Use ICC reported on the current status of projects and plans on demodon on December 13, 2024.
The ICC includes 13 companies in the oil and gas industry. Initially, in 2022, when the ICC was created, the participants worked on 12 large areas - from geological exploration to processing and sales - and selected 56 projects that at that time were significant for companies. After their verification, 25 projects remained, and at the next stage 3 more projects in the direction of subsoil use joined them, a total of 28 projects.
Matvei Alekseev, director of Gazprom Neft's technological independence programs, said that 13 of them have already been completed and are now at the stage of monitoring, replication and further commercialization. 12 projects are being implemented as of December, with 4 projects coming with a deviation.
In particular, with regard to the project related to process management tools (SCADA Evolution), information security requirements have been increased here, in accordance with government directives . The project must answer them, respectively, the deadline has shifted somewhat, explained Matvei Alekseev.
In the second project - warehouse and supply chain management tools - the delivery time has not changed, but the stage has increased due to internal procedures. However, it is expected to be finished on time.
The third project related to the enterprise efficiency management tools is implemented with a deviation, since for pilot operation it is necessary to finalize another module. The deadline here has moved by 3 months.
And the fourth project that goes with a deviation is the means of processing and analyzing geological and geophysical data (Prime). This is a critical solution for the oil and gas industry in the field of geological exploration related to the processing of seismic data. "We are transferring the project to our own financing from our own resources," Matvei Alekseev said, omitting the details of what this is connected with.
In addition, it was decided to exclude three projects from the list of especially significant ones. So, for example, according to the project of the digital expert and analytical platform, part of the functionality moved to the GosTech platform, so it makes no sense to implement it within the framework of particularly significant projects.
Alexander Voinovsky, head of the corporate architecture function at Gazprom Neft, notes that in 2024, within the framework of the ICC, the industry IT landscape was "reassembled," and it now includes 109 processes, an increase of 6 processes. The goal is to get a completely import-independent IT landscape by the end of 2027.
To date, 45 solutions created by members of the IC Neftegaz, Petrochemistry and Subsoil Use are ready for commercialization, and 50 solutions created by vendor companies are already being reused by two or more members of the IC. An example of such a solution is the tNavigator field modeling product from Rock Flow Dynamics.
In addition to development in the IT landscape, tools for cooperation to achieve technological independence are also being developed within the framework of the ICC. For example, in September 2024, a certificate of registration of the ANO NPO "Consortium of Technological Independence" was submitted, the founders of which were 8 companies. Active activities of the consortium are in plans for 2025.
Also among the plans is the development of recommendations related to industrial software development standards. The document has already been developed, several companies took part in its creation, including Positive Technologies. In 2025, it is planned to show these recommendations to everyone publicly.
In addition, an even deeper detailing of the industry IT landscape will be carried out and its solutions will be filled with oilfield service companies and the subsoil use industry.
Russian telecom operators are preparing to switch to domestic base stations. How the implementation of particularly significant projects is progressing
The largest Russian telecom operators, together with manufacturers, are actively testing and are gradually beginning to switch to domestic equipment, including base stations - this is one of the key areas of import substitution. At the end of November, they discussed how much they had advanced in the implementation of particularly significant projects (OZP) for the implementation of domestic solutions at the demodna of the industrial competence centers (ICC) "Mobile Communications" and "Fixed Communications." Read more here.
The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation asks to reduce the volume of reporting on ICC projects without state funding
On October 8, 2024, it became known that the head of the Satellite Communications Industrial Competence Center (ICC) and the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Cosmic Communications (GPKS) Alexei Volin sent a letter to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation with a proposal to reduce the volume of reporting on ICC projects without state financing. It is assumed that this will contribute to an increase in the number of promising projects in key sectors of the economy.
The Ministry of Digital Engineering is responsible for three telecommunications ICs - "Satellite Communications," "Mobile Ministry of Digital Development" and "Fixed Communications." At the same time, as Volin notes, none of the first six projects of the ICK "Satellite Communications" received state grants. However, the authorities demand to provide a large amount of reporting documents on them. As a result, there is a situation when Russian developers, who, without the help of the state, create certain solutions, do not want to go to the ICC because of the huge bureaucratic burden.
The state does not give money, but asks [in the form of reporting] as if it paid. If the volume of reporting for projects that have not received state funding is reduced, we will be able to significantly expand the number of projects in the ICC, Volin notes. |
Participants in the Russian market as a whole believe that reporting on ICC projects is necessary. Alexander Frolov, Deputy General Director for Technical Policy and Engineering at T Plus and Deputy Chairman of the ICC Housing and Communal Services, emphasizes that reporting is being formed not only to show what the funds are going for, but also so that it is possible to track the status of projects and assess the level of study of import substitution and digitalization issues. Sergey Bakaev, an expert in the department of industry solutions of Severstal-Infocom JSC, points out that there are no redundant reports, and the requested forms are not difficult to fill out.[2]
Smart treatment facilities, digital water utility of Donbass. 12 housing and communal services projects with a volume of 4 billion rubles claim the status of particularly significant
On September 19, 2024, the demoden of the industrial competence center "Housing and Communal Services" (ITC "Housing and Communal Services") took place . The deputy head of the Ministry of Construction Konstantin Mikhailik at the demodne said that the second stage of the selection of projects has been launched, which claim to be particularly significant and will be implemented within the framework of the ICC. Several new wave projects claim grant funding. Read more here.
Metallurgists were the first in the industry of the Russian Federation to approve the regulations for the development of import-substituting software
Russian metallurgical companies were the first in the country's industry to approve development regulations software for import substitution. This became known in August 2024. The interaction agreement signed by the participants of the Industrial Competence Center (ICC) "" Metallurgy defines the procedure for creating a domestic one, ON necessary to ensure independence from foreign technologies. More here
Projects worth 140 billion rubles: How is the implementation of the roadmap "New Industrial Software"
Around the roadmap "New Industrial Software" collected about 140 billion rubles. Alexander Vibe, General Director of Rosatom Digital Solutions LLC, spoke about this in July 2024.
According to him, within the framework of this project, about 150 developers and about 80 customers are united.
I think that all participants in this process give feedback quite positively. Very systematically stimulating measures are taken, - said Vibe in a conversation with the publication "FederalPress." |
The roadmap "New Industrial Software," prepared by the state corporations Rostec and Rosatom, includes projects of such companies as the United Shipbuilding Corporation, the Kalashnikov Group of Companies, Sheremetyevo Airport, Transmashholding, Rusagro, M.Video, Novatek, Lukoil and Severstal.
According to CNews, the road map consists of three sub-directories. The first is "Computer-Aided Design and Lifecycle Management Systems for Mid- and Heavy-Class Products Based on an Integrated Engineering Platform." From extrabudgetary sources, 30.9 billion rubles will be allocated for its development, including Rosatom will spend 9.5 billion rubles.
The second subdirection is the "Platform for managing the technological and production processes of the enterprise based on the technology of the Internet of Things." Expenditures of extrabudgetary sources for its development will amount to 74.35 billion rubles, including Rosatom will provide 13.3 billion rubles.
The third subdirection is "Enterprise Resource Management Platform." The expenses of extrabudgetary sources for it will amount to 52 billion rubles, of which Rosatom will provide 4.25 billion rubles. It is expected that according to the results of the implementation of the roadmap, the volume of the Russian market for technological solutions created within this high-tech direction will increase from 212 billion to 921.8 billion rubles.[3]
The start of the second wave of state support for especially significant IT projects was announced
Konstantin Dolgov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, held a round table on April 16 on the results of the ICC's activities to replace foreign sectoral digital products and solutions, as well as the Central Committee for the Development of Russian System-Wide and Applied Software. Within its framework, not only the results of what was done were summed up, but also the contours of the future second wave of financing for especially significant projects (WBS) were outlined, the selection and approval of which is scheduled for late May. In particular, according to Sergei Kuchushev, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development, it is assumed that they will be financed on a parity basis - 50% of the budget, and 50% - at the expense of the enterprise's own funds.
The first wave of projects was formed in 2022 from 162 OZPs, which were distributed across 37 industrial centers of competence (ICC) in various industries. 80 anchor customers and 145 development companies took part in the implementation of the first wave projects. It was assumed that the experience of the implementation of OZP will be extended to other enterprises of the relevant industries.
Full implementation of the projects began in 2023, when the government approved 143 significant projects, of which 32 received grant support from the budget in the amount of 19.91 billion rubles. In particular, 22 OZPs were financed through RFRIT in the amount of 17 billion rubles, and another 10 projects were supported by the Skolkovo fund in the amount of 2.9 billion rubles.
Of the projects of the first wave in 2023, 26 projects were completed - this is 18.2%. This year it is planned to complete 45% of the projects of the first wave, and in 2025 this figure is supposed to be brought to 80%.
At the same time, according to Sergei Kuchushev, such ICCs as Neftegaz, Neftekhimiya, Subsoil Use and Metallurgy, together with the Center for Competence in Information Technology (CKIT), have already done work to identify white spots in products offered by Russian developers through the decomposition of the business function implemented in them. The analytical work carried out will make it possible to understand what really necessary functions are missing in Russian products, and on the basis of these "white spots" to build complete IT landscapes. This work must be completed by April 30th.
According to Alexander Danilin, head of the Competence Center for New Production Technologies of the Central Industrial Complex, the industry IT landscapes of industrial and public software are being formed, which will already be based on functional models of industries. In the projects of the first wave, the main purpose of the introduction was to replace foreign products.
When creating models for the second wave of OZP, the experience of the IC Neftegaz, Neftekhimiya, Electronics and Microelectronics, which have already developed functional models for each of their industries, will be used. Similar models are supposed to be built for all ICCs, and they will become the criteria for choosing the second wave WBS.
It is assumed that the approved WBS of the second wave will be implemented as part of forward or offset contacts to refine existing solutions on the market to close all identified "white spots" in existing products. As a result, portfolios of mature platform industrial solutions should appear, which will be used for replication at all enterprises of the relevant industries and their commercial development.
To evaluate the process of implementing the industrial software development map, three indicators are defined: the technological independence index, which is determined by the share of enterprises using domestic software, the number of intellectual activity results (RID) obtained and the revenue volume of industrial software manufacturers. It is assumed that the revenue of industrial software developers by 2025 will reach 202.2 billion rubles, and by 2030 - 325.3 billion rubles. The number of REEDs should increase to 2,466 by 2025, and to 3,147 by 2030. However, according to the results of 2023, the number of READs for Russian developers has already amounted to 2771, and according to current data. If the plans for 2025 were fulfilled already in 2023, then, perhaps, when adopting a new program of "data economics," which determines the key indications of development, the plans will be adjusted.
Due to all the measures provided for in the development map, the technological independence index should reach 82% by 2030 - such a number of Russian companies will use domestic software.
CKIT will form a list of projects based on functional flow charts. They are divided into three entities: the functional model of the IT landscape of the industry; lists of industrial, public and basic software; a reference model for an industry that will install which software for which business features to use. Moreover, the functional model itself is supposed to be divided into three large areas: the main activity; corporate and strategic governance; as well as ensuring the activities of the enterprise.
This year, RFRIT intends to allocate an amount of 7 billion rubles to finance OZP, and the Skolkovo fund - 3.2 billion rubles. At the same time, RFRIT expects to launch the selection of projects immediately after their approval - this summer. Only Russian legal entities that are not state (municipal) institutions can participate in the program, and the project itself must have the potential for replication, including to international markets. Such projects will be able to apply for a grant of 10 million to 6 billion rubles, subject to 50% sofinonancing. The technology readiness level must be greater than 5.
The Skolkovo Foundation has two support measures: for digital transformation and for artificial intelligence. The selection of projects for digital transformation is planned to begin this summer, and only OZP will be able to take part in it. Support for the introduction of projects with artificial intelligence has already begun on April 1. Within its framework, it is planned to allocate to the participant from 20 to 100 million rubles, which can be used to implement the project of pilot implementation of AI in the production or operating activities of the customer company or its affiliates. Priority sectors of the economy for the implementation of these projects: industry, agro-industrial complex, construction, housing and communal services, healthcare, transport and logistics. The project implementation period shall not exceed 3 years.
Alexander Danilin noted that already now joint ventures are beginning to form between key software developers and the largest customers of specific industries to create solutions optimized for use in a particular industry. He also noted that now consortia are being formed to develop key systems that will be in demand in all industries. In particular, a consortium is already being created to develop an open APCS. Similar working groups should be formed to develop an MES system, mathematical modeling and other tasks common to all industrial enterprises.
Chemists ask government to provide grants for the introduction of AI and digital twins
On March 14, Valery Cherepanov, deputy director for digitalization of MHC Eurochem, at the demodon of the Chemistry IC, said that the companies included in the Chemistry IC had prepared a list of seven new priority projects claiming to be particularly significant. If they receive this status, they will be able to receive grants for their implementation from state development institutions. However, the projects have yet to be agreed at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Initially, we prepared the second wave of projects, like all ICCs, at the beginning of last year - February-March, - explained for TAdviser Kirill Kireev, head of the department of the Industrial Center for Expertise Chemistry, Digital Platform Technologies LLC. - We had a task to carry out work inside the ICC by the summer of 2023 and to form a list of solutions approved by the ICC participants. This was carried out and recommendations were provided to the Government. However, there was no full start to the second wave of industry solutions last year. The compiled list remained unapproved at the level of the government of the Russian Federation. In December 2023, at the request of the industry committee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we, within our Chemistry IC, updated the list of priority industry solutions. Moreover, many of the customers said that some of the company's projects have already been launched on their own. The situation has changed - new needs have appeared. We have now fully updated the recommendations for the second wave of implementations |
In particular, the ICC participants propose to include in the second wave the implementation of the following projects:
- optimizing the operation of the enrichment and drying-granulation compartments,
- introduction of a digital industrial platform,
- development and implementation of an intelligent management system,
- creation of a complex of recommendation systems and optimization models based on artificial intelligence,
- development of an automated control and dispatching system for mining transport equipment,
- automation of control of works/services and deliveries in the context of contracts based on SUPMI 3.0 and the introduction of a digital twin of transport logistics.
On the basis of which customers it is planned to implement these projects, the IC "Chemistry" has not yet been specified.
We have formed projects of the second wave on the basis of the development task, and not - to maintain the current level of digitalization, informatization and automation. Valery Cherepanov said in his speech at the demodne. - These projects are already aimed at the development of companies, at the development of IT tools. Together with chemical companies, we have developed an industry IT landscape. The key point is to improve efficiency, optimize production and focus on our key areas. We formed the main, auxiliary and supporting functions, and based on this we wrote business processes. This is a map that will allow IT developers to focus their attention on them. First of all, we will invest money in the most popular areas, and not supporting and auxiliary ones. |
According to the expert, the market is now turned upside down - there are a lot of solutions and proposals from developers just supporting and supporting solutions, such as document management or information security. They do not bring direct economic effect, but only optimize work. And there are many such solutions on the market. And there are already very few solutions for production management. Therefore, in the second wave, I wanted to focus on automating these main processes for industrial enterprises.
The TCC "Chemistry" told TAdviser that the formed list of projects of the second wave was sent to Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration, and all seven projects - with a request for a grant. It is assumed that the implementation of projects of the second wave will begin in the summer of this year, but the list of projects proposed for approval may also change during these months.
The first wave of projects previously included the introduction of nine particularly significant solutions: data collection and equipment diagnostics systems, technological modeling, reliability management, laboratory and information system, engineering data management system, improved process control systems, Real Time Optimization (RTO), as well as APCS and MES systems (APCS) for a large chemical industry holding. Two years ago, 4 anchor companies were selected for their implementation: UralChem, EuroChem, PhosAgro (Apatit) and Sibur.
Only Apatit, within the framework of the first wave of implementations, launched two projects, which used, among other things, the money of grants from the Skolkovo Foundation for a total of 454.4 million rubles. The rest of the projects were launched at the companies' own expense. According to experts, the total amount of all nine projects of the first wave slightly exceeds 2 billion rubles.
Severstal, Nornickel and MMK are implementing 25 import substitution projects for industrial software
In early March 2024, it became known that Severstal, Norilsk Nickel, Metalloinvest and MMK intend to implement 25 joint projects. We are talking about import substitution of software for the metallurgical industry.
According to the publication, within the CNews framework of the industrial competence center "" Metallurgy work is underway to create an open architecture of an automated process control system (). APCS It is planned to release domestic alternatives to popular solutions of foreign suppliers that left the Russian market due to the current geopolitical situation. It is said that the initiative is designed to become a counterweight to the solutions of leading developers of automation systems -, Siemens SMS Demag,,, etc Omron. GE Phoenix Contact
Of the 25 import substitution projects software , 13 received the status of particularly significant. As of early March 2024, five systems are in use. These are MMK's digitalization business processes and documents platform, Attachment as well as four Severstal projects: the strategic MRO management (maintenance and repair) software package - ON Reliability, immersive technologies in professional training (3D//), VRAR the platform for managing and updating learning content (CMS) and the Digital Steel training platform.
CNews says eight projects are in the works. Three of them are conducted by Norilsk Nickel and Metalloinvest, two more by Severstal. 12 projects were initiated in 2023, but they do not have the status of particularly significant. Among these projects are machine learning systems at key units, a platform for modeling production technology and properties of new products, a system for controlling the quality of the surface of products with measuring the depth of defects, a lining scanner and a DigitalIP search and analysis system, a digital quarry, a platform for managing industrial safety and environmental protection processes, mobile repairs of industrial equipment of the enterprise, etc.[4]
Chernyshenko summed up the work of industrial competence centers
On January 17, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko summed up the general results of the work of industrial competence centers (ICC). The initiative is being implemented in several stages.
As part of the first phase, 37 ICCs and 13 software development competence centers were created, they are coordinated by 18 industry committees. Grants for co-financing developer expenses amounted to 25.3 billion rubles, 550 Russian customers and solution developers participated.
The second phase, which ran from September to November 2022, carried out needs analysis; 365 needs for industry solutions were identified; 85 - in system-wide and applied software; 1103 needs for industry solutions were also analyzed.
Further, from November to December 2022, 197 projects for the development of Russian solutions for 232 billion rubles were selected. Up to 26 projects brought 80% of the budgeted funds (18.2 billion rubles).
The next stage, from December 2022 to December 2023, agreements were signed with state corporations on the development of high-tech areas. More than 20 particularly significant projects were fully implemented, writes the publication D-Russia.
Industrial competence centers, built on the principle of consortia, unite domestic companies: developers, manufacturers and customers of digital products for the most important sectors of the economy. The centers oversee the implementation of import substitution projects for industrial (industry) software, software and hardware complexes (PAC), as well as system and application software.[5]
RFRIT and Skolkovo allocated 2 billion rubles for import substitution of software for the development of aircraft engines
On December 7, 2023, it became known that Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) the Foundation "" Skolkovo allocated grants in the amount of approximately 2 billion rubles for import substitution ON in the field of engine building. The need for such software has increased against the background of the current geopolitical situation, due to which foreign suppliers left the market. RUSSIAN FEDERATION More. here
Control of the movement of ships in seaports will be transferred to Russian software. The first was the port of Sochi, migrating from Finnish software
In November 2023, the Industrial Competence Center (ICC) "Sea and River Transport" presented projects that are being implemented within it on demodne. This center, along with other ICCs, was created in July 2022 to replace foreign industry digital products and solutions. He works on the basis of the industry committee Transport"," which oversees. Ministry of Transport
The ICK "Sea and River Transport" includes 10 organizations: FSUE "Rosmorport," FSUE "Morsvyazsputnik," "Federation Council," "UK" Delo, "" First Port Company, "" Shipping Company "Volga Shipping Company," FSUE "Atomflot," "Sovcomflot," "RusatomCargo," NCSP.
Within the framework of the ICC "Sea and River Transport," two projects are underway that have the status of particularly significant. The first is a project to transfer the seaport traffic control system to the domestic software one (STS "SiTraffic"). It is implemented on the basis of the seaport. Sochi
The shipboard of the Sochi seaport is being transferred to domestic software from foreign - manufactured by the Finnish company Wartsila[6]. The Wartsila software is equipped with VCS of a number of Rosmorport branches.
Wartsila previously left Russia. As of November 2023, five Russian shipbuilding companies have filed lawsuits against Wartsila due to non-fulfillment of concluded contracts.
Dmitry Skachkov, Director of the Digital Development Department of the Ministry of Transport, says that in the future, Sochi's experience in switching to the Russian ship carrier will be scaled up to other large sea harbors.
VMS are critical information infrastructure facilities. Earlier, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport said that these information systems operate on the basis of foreign software, which may entail risks of impaired performance in the event of restrictions on its use in Russia and, as a result, limit the possibilities of navigation in the territorial waters of the Russian Federation and the entry of ships into the seaports of the country.
Migration of VMS systems to domestic software and equipment, as Rosmorport expects, will allow uninterrupted operation of VMS facilities for the safety of navigation on approaches and in the waters of Russian seaports.
The project in Sochi is being implemented with the participation of Sitronics and as of November 2023 is entering the completion stage: the necessary software and hardware have already been installed. Sitronics President Nikolai Pozhidaev notes that their company is working not only on this project, but is creating an "ecosystem for everything that floats."
The second project is the creation of an information system for pilot activities (ISOLD). It not only replaces what previously existed, but also outstrips previously used products, Dmitry Skachkov said on demodna. The system is aimed at ensuring and increasing the safety of navigation, as it is the main tool for pilot activities.
Three main tasks are outlined here: providing effective assistance to pilots of maritime shipping in solving daily service tasks; digitalisation of processes of accompanying document flow and high safety of pilot wiring and mooring operations.
The completion of the pilot project for the creation of ISOLD, which is being implemented in the seaports of the Big Port of St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Olya, is scheduled for 2024. The contractor is Intellect Consulting.
It is important in all projects to find the part that can be offered to our partners abroad. And here is exactly the project that can be in demand not only in Russia, - said Dmitry Skachkov. |
The projects implemented by the IC "Sea and River Transport" are included in the roadmap for creating new industrial software.
The priority of the ICC in replacing foreign software is to ensure the safety of navigation, including at critical information infrastructure facilities. The requirement of Russian legislation is the use of domestic software at KII facilities, "said Sergey Pylin, general director of Rosmorport, at demodna. |
Rosmorport, as part of the activities of the ICC, is also working on new projects and invites all participants in the ICC and other enterprises in the industry to propose new projects that the competence center will further promote and implement, said Sergey Pylin.
In total, four ICCs were formed through the Ministry of Transport: Railway Transport and Logistics, Aviation Transport, Airports, Sea and River Transport. The main task of the ICC is organizational, methodological, information support of industry enterprises in the field of transition from foreign to domestic software. The ICC is also organizing the study of projects applying for inclusion in the list of particularly significant ones, which is approved by the presidium of the legal commission. Such projects can receive grant funding.
Chernyshenko: 19 transport digitalization projects for 27.2 billion rubles are being implemented in Russia
In Russia, there are four industrial competence centers (ICCs) engaged in the development of digital solutions for the transport industries. As part of these initiatives, 19 projects are being implemented in the amount of 27.2 billion rubles. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko spoke about this on November 15, 2023. Read more here.
We discussed, but did not create: at the Bank of Russia, on the second attempt, a ICC may appear to replace imported IT solutions
As TAdviser found out on November 13, 2023, the issue of creating specialized industrial competence centers (ICCs) is being worked out at the Bank of Russia site. This was reported to the portal in the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development. The department expects that the decision will be made by the end of the year. The issue of creating ICCs in the financial industry was already discussed more than a year ago, but then they were never created, unlike many other industries.
In 2022, with the participation of Ministry of Digital Development, at the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation, 34 ICCs were formed for import substitution of IT solutions in various sectors of the economy: construction and housing and communal services, automotive, engine building, communications, oil and gas, transport, agriculture, etc. These centers function under industry committees that oversee relevant departments.
Within the framework of the ICC, large customer companies from each industry and IT developers have worked together to determine in which areas there is the strongest dependence on imported IT products and what it is fraught with, which domestic products to replace imported ones are already available on the market, and which are lacking. A number of projects for the development and implementation of IT solutions were subsequently given the status of particularly significant, and they received grant funding.
TAdviser is known that in the summer of 2022, at a strategic session, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko discussed, among other things, the creation of three ICCs under the Finance industry committee: Financial Market Infrastructure, Banks and Payments, and Insurance. The key classes of software that need to be imported were then called operating systems, DBMS, virtualization systems.
Proposals for the formation of individual industrial competence centers (ICCs) were initiated at the level of relevant departments. On the basis of the Bank of Russia, the Finance Industry Committee (OK) was formed. Following the discussion at a committee meeting held in July 2022, it was decided that there was no need for grants for the development of import substitution projects in the banking and financial sectors, TAdviser was told in Ministry of Digital Development. |
One of the main problems that large players in the financial sector have been talking about for several years is the replacement of system software in automated banking systems (ABS) and processing. There are domestic ABSs on the market, but already existing products for large banks are mainly sharpened for imported system software. And financial institutions, as objects of critical information infrastructure (CII), need to switch to domestic solutions by January 1, 2025.
ARPP "Domestic Software" took an active part in the work of the industry committee "Finance," in April the organization reported on the results of its work[7]Members of ARPP, FinTech, ADB, APKIT created a catalog of domestic interchangeable software for the financial market, including 528 solutions from 240 software developers, and a consolidated functional and technological map was prepared according to the Central Bank format, including more than 620 applications for solving business problems from 130 companies.
But now the problem with the replacement of DBMS and other system software in ABS among large banks is no less acute than before. At the ДОМ.РФ round table at the Finopolis forum held in November, industry representatives assessed the chances of fulfilling the state's requirements to switch to Russian solutions by the deadline for ABS as very low.
The idea of creating a ICC in the financial sector for import substitution, primarily ABS, is especially actively promoted by ДОМ.РФ. The company believes that by consolidating the efforts of market players, it would be possible to create a single technological platform for banks.
It is important to consolidate available resources, ensure the interaction of all stakeholders and create a common technological platform on which the entire banking industry can safely operate. Banks must compete at the product level, but the technological base must be unified. All this is important to fulfill in a short time and not repeat the old, but to make a leap to the next level of development of the Russian fintech, "said Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Information Transformation of ДОМ.РФ. |
According to ДОМ.РФ, it takes at least 1.5 billion rubles and 2-3 years to create a Russian ABS.
Maxim Grigoriev, General Director of the FinTech Association (AFL), notes that the joint work of financial market leaders and IT companies in the development of independent technological solutions is already underway at the AFL site. For example, the competence center for secure open source solution development, FinDevSecOps, was organized, in which participants share their expertise, and will also jointly develop and test IT solutions.
At the same time, a top manager in one of the IT companies working closely with large banks, with whom TAdviser talked, believes that initially the idea with the ICC and the creation of common solutions did not "take off" just because of competition in the financial sector. Most large banks are now, in fact, already IT companies themselves and compete not only at the level of financial proposals, the interlocutor of TAdviser noted.
FINOPOLIS announced information on import substitution in ABS in individual banks, for example, in Rosselkhozbank (RSHB), in VTB . Nikolai Ulyanov, deputy chairman of the board of the RSHB, said that the bank has already approached load testing, but its success is assessed "soberly." By the end of the year, it is planned to go through a "fork," and then evaluate the decision that the bank wants to apply as a basic one.
And VTB, as TAdviser found out, followed the path of creating a new ABS from scratch based on a microservice architecture (for more information about the project and its prerequisites, see here). Now the new platform is in development, and in the future it can be turned into a boxed product and offered to other banks.
The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has created a center for import substitution of software for drones
In October 2023, the Presidium of the Government Commission on Digital Development approved a new development competence center (CDC) for the development of Russian system-wide and application software "Unmanned Aircraft Systems" (ALS). We are talking about import substitution of software for domestic drones, which is important in the current geopolitical situation.
According to Sheets the newspaper "," the CDC ALS was created on the initiative Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation "to consolidate the needs of market participants and to examine the initiatives and activities of the national project on drones in terms of digital platforms." The new organization included representatives of the developers of civilian drones Geoscan"," Aero script"," Kaspersky Lab"," Fly drone",", Research Institute of Radio T1",", Rostelecom"", "", ",", "SberbankSitronics technopark," MTUSI SPbGUT named after M. A. Bonch-Bruevich"," Skolkovo"" and National Technology InitiativeInoTech others. The general director has been appointed chairman of the center. State Transport Leasing Company Eugene Dietrich
The key tasks of the ALS CDC are to analyze Russian and foreign software solutions applicable in the drone industry, compare them with each other and develop recommendations for including the missing elements in the IT landscape of the industry. The initiative provides specialized tools to support ALS development projects. Participants of the center can apply for access to preferential lending.
The CDC includes five groups. One of them is engaged in software and hardware complexes for controlling drones: these are navigation, identification, communication, etc. Another group specializes in regulatory issues. The third division focuses on digital platforms for managing development, certification, information exchange, etc. The fourth group's efforts focus on digital simulators for staff training, while the fifth focuses on safety solutions and countering the illegal use of drones.[8]
To replace Siemens software and the development of ERP in the engine industry, grants of almost 2 billion rubles were issued. How projects are progressing
The United Engine Corporation (UEC), which is part of the Roste c state corporation, with the support of NPO Energomash, Power Machines, as well as the P.I. Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering (CIAM) held a demoden of the ICK Engine Building in early October. This center, like other ICCs, was organized on behalf of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin to exchange experience in the implementation of especially significant sectoral projects, some of which receive financial support from the state. Within the framework of the ITC "Engine Building," two such projects are being implemented: "import substitution of software products Siemens NX, Teamcenter and FiberSIM" and "refinement and implementation of a production and supply chain management system at machine-building enterprises with internal cooperation."
UEC Digital Transformation Director Vyacheslav Khristolyubov (photo: UEC)]]
The import substitution project ON Siemens is supposed to be implemented in six stages. As of October, only the first was completed: "formation of requirements, development of functionality, methodological and working documentation," which included the choice of a domestic replacement for these software products. As a result, it was decided to implement the development ASCON"" at the enterprise: "" was chosen for 3D design and development of design documentation, Compass-3D"" for the engineering data and product lifecycle management system - Pilot: PLM"," for the computer-aided process design system - Vertical"," for the management of regulatory reference information - Polynomial: MDM"," for the design of structures from composite materials (FiberSIM replacement) - "Compass-Composites."
Since October, the project proceeds to the second stage of testing and refinement of the functionality, which involves a pilot project for the implementation and refinement of CAD at UEC enterprises, as well as the development of methodological materials for their implementation and use. This stage will last until July next year.
The entire project should be completed by December 2026 and involves the use of a RFRIT grant in the amount of 1.174 billion rubles. Moreover, a serious revision of the component of the Compass-Composites platform is envisaged, which should become no worse than FiberSIM, which had no domestic analogues before. This component involves the design and production management of composite parts.
The second significant project includes the revision of 1C: Cooperation Management and 1C: Enterprise (ERP) for use in a large holding structure such as UEC. Now the first stage of five is also ending here, within the framework of which a survey of three production complexes of UEC was carried out and the technical specifications of three parts of a single design solution were prepared: "Production," "MZK and MSP" and "Cost and Cost Accounting."
At the second stage, which will last until April next year, it is planned to develop prototypes of solutions to demonstrate the functionality necessary for the entire holding structure. And the completion of the entire significant project is scheduled for March 2026. At the same time, the number of jobs for the developed solutions is quite large: in serial production - 3.1 thousand. AWS, and at the corporation level - another 200.
A grant from RFRIT was also received for this project - in the amount of 764 million rubles. Financing of significant projects with the help of state development institutions allows companies not to use borrowed funds that are now quite expensive and to finance the refinement of domestic software products to the requirements of large holding structures, such as UEC.
It is assumed that these improvements will be used by other companies not only within the framework of specific industries, but also in the country as a whole and even abroad - significant projects should become reference for the implementation of relevant software products at other enterprises. The demodnies of ICK are designed to exchange experience in the implementation of relevant products both within the industry and for all large industrial enterprises.
The head of Er-Telecom proposed to reboot the current import substitution procedure
On October 12, 2023, President of ER-Telecom Holding Andrei Kuzyaev expressed the opinion at the demodna of the Mobile Communications and Fixed Communications industrial competence centers (ICCs) that it was necessary to "reset" the ICC. Being the chairman of the ICC "Fixed Connection," Andrei Kuzyaev notes that when the ICC were created and what they are now, these are two different things. Read more here.
"Pig phone," robots at the seed and a herd management system. Particularly significant import substitution projects in the agro-industrial complex for 1.6 billion rubles have been identified
In early October 2023, the demoden of industrial competence centers (ICC) took place, which are supervised Ministry of Agriculture by: "Animal husbandry," "Crop production," "and Food the processing industry." Customers-system-forming enterprises of the industry come to them. AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Elena Fastova, deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture, head of the industry committee, said that within the framework of the ICC, 6 industry projects for the development and implementation of domestic IT solutions to replace imported ones for a total of 1.6 billion were selected as particularly significant. rubles
In the list of particularly significant projects:
- A crop management system based on artificial intelligence and a complex of autonomous ground robots;
- Finalization and implementation of the agricultural production management system based on domestic software;
- Development of a software and hardware complex for accounting of production operations at the Swinophon pig complex;
- Introduction of a cattle herd management system;
- Development of software for milk production management at the plant;
- Feed mill and elevator management.
Two projects have already received grant support in the amount of 383 million rubles, the Ministry of Agriculture said, one at the time of demodnion was at the stage of concluding an agreement with RFRIT, one decision was made to implement at its own expense, and parameters are being specified for two projects.
Through the RFRIT line, in particular, a grant of 536 million rubles supported the Rusagro Group of Companies project to finalize and implement an agricultural production management system based on the Field History cloud service. It should ensure the transition of the agricultural holding from a foreign solution of Cropwise to domestic software.
Results of selected projects are expected in 2024-2025.
We looked and realized that many, especially agricultural holdings, have very strong IT teams. And the fact that the government decided that we urgently need to intensify work on import substitution, business has already done it. When we discussed the projects that need to be submitted to the commission, we had a discussion, and some of the participants said that they had already done it, - said Elena Fastova. |
The idea of the ICC is to innovate what products are already there, identify the critical, most important and form solutions for each sub-industry. In other words, create an "IT library." And then the goal is to form a pool of customers who, by viewing this "IT library," will be able to determine that they need such or such a solution.
At the same time, the ministry only directs and helps, and all ideas come from business, the deputy minister added.
In 2023, the RCC "Fishery Complex" was also created through the agro-industrial complex. Due to the fact that there are many participants in industry industrial competence centers, the idea arose to enlarge and make a single IC "Agro-Industrial Complex," the official said. Uniting and increasing the number of participants is a task for the near future. There is a desire that not only large, but also medium-sized businesses enter the ICC, Elena Fastova noted on demodna.
She also recalled that under the Ministry of Agriculture in 2023, Agropromcipra JSC was created - an industry IT competence center. Its activities are related to cybersecurity, import substitution and digital development of the agro-industrial complex.
Alexander Dvoynykh, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, at the demodon of the ICC noted that one of the important areas of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex should be the creation of digital platforms that ensure the output of agricultural producers, primarily small forms, directly to consumers of products. Such platforms are already appearing, but so far they do not give as much effect as we would like.
Dvoynykh focused on creating a single public register of domestic industry innovative technologies and software and hardware systems. It is important to conduct an audit, what has already been done, what is working, what is not working. Large agricultural holdings have already been actively involved in this work, in contrast to medium and small producers. Small forms of farming need understandable, working technologies with a clear financial model - how to acquire, how to implement, and with an understandable economic effect.
The digitalization of agriculture is currently about 20-25%. That is, the scale of what else needs to be done is gigantic. A recent survey showed that up to 80% of farms want to invest in digital accounting, that is, in the simplest methods of managing the economy. But within the framework of particularly significant projects, we find more interesting and complex projects in the field of crop production, animal husbandry, management of agricultural enterprises, "said Kirill Kayem, Senior Vice President for Innovation of the Skolkovo Foundation. |
The representative of the Skolkovo Foundation also drew attention to medium and small farms - they include a significant part of agricultural products, especially in narrow market segments.
The products on the basis of which large holdings are digitalized are not suitable for such farms. Thus, supporting specialized products for the digitalization of small farm entities is the next necessary step, "Kirill Kayem emphasized. |
Half of Russian IT developers do not see the effect of industrial competence centers
Approximately half - 48.2% - of Russian IT developers did not see in the launch of industrial competence centers (ICC) and development competence centers (CDC) a real impact on the domestic software industry. This is stated in the study of the Russoft association, the results of which were published on October 3, 2023.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, more than a quarter of respondents (26.9%) found it difficult to give an unambiguous answer about the effectiveness of the ICC and the CDC. Another 17.7% of respondents reported that the relevant initiatives do not provide significant support. And only 7.2% of the study participants considered the tools of the ICC and the CDC significant. It is noted that in general, software developers did not have enough information regarding the possibilities of interaction with competence centers. At the same time, industrial customers are developing in "closed clubs."
Customers in the ICC work with the largest suppliers, and they do not know the IT developers of small and medium-sized businesses. Customers automatically invite either their own insourcing IT companies or large IT partners, "said Valentin Makarov, President of Russoft. |
A study by the Russoft Association notes that the growth rate of software sales in Russia may slow down, but will remain at a high level. The volume of sales of products in the domestic market will increase by 36% by the end of 2023, which will increase the total turnover of industry companies by 24%. At the same time, the cessation of work in the Russian Federation of a number of development centers that provided services to major foreign structures will affect the performance of the software industry to a greater extent in 2023 than has already affected the results of 2022. It is also noted that in 2023 the need for companies - developers of domestic software in investments increased by 71%, but it will be possible to satisfy it only by 49.5%.[9]
Software for oil and gas and petrochemicals. How Russian enterprises replace AspenTech, Honeywell and Aveva products
At the end of September 2023, the industrial competence center (IC) Neftegaz, Petrochemistry and Subsoil Use conducted a demoden, where its participants shared the results of work and prospects for replacing imported software with Russian in their industries. Like other centers, Neftegaz and Petrochemistry was created in July 2022 by decision of the Russian government. And in the fall of the same year, the ICK "Subsoil Use. Hydrocarbon feedstock. " After that, the enlarged ICC was called "Neftegaz, Petrochemistry and Subsoil Use."
The ICC members are 13 leading companies in their industries, including Gazprom Neft, Lukoil, Sibur, Transneft, Rosneft, etc. From the Ministry of Energy, the ICC is supervised by First Deputy Minister Pavel Sorokin, and the center is headed by Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board, General Director of Gazprom Neft.
The illustrations below show slides from the presentation on demodna by Matvei Alekseev, head of digital economy programs at Gazprom Neft, and Oleg Tretyak, acting Director of the Digital Transformation Directorate at Gazprom Neft (click to increase).
As part of the joint work in August 2022, 120 experts of oil and gas companies selected 54 projects in 12 areas, and in September - 28 particularly significant projects. The participants of the ICC did not ask for state financing, the development is carried out in working mode by the participating companies.
The ICC participants have done a great job to create a universal map of the functional business processes of the industry - a total of 103 processes, says Oleg Tretyak, acting Director of the Gazprom Neft Digital Transformation Directorate. This allowed experts to speak the same language in the future.
If we implement 28 particularly significant projects, then some of the functional business processes are closed, but not all. Therefore, the ICC participants also developed a map of technological readiness levels in order to determine which functional areas already have mature developments of domestic software. So, for example, this is not bad in the field of exploration and production - there are already mature solutions. But it is important that all market participants have them, and this is not the case yet. There are much fewer solutions in supply, logistics, processing, sales and gas distribution.
At the moment, the ICC participants have counted 318 solutions in the industry that have a high level of maturity. And the total level of import substitution of software is estimated at 76%, Oleg Tretyak cited the data.
The oil and gas industry is one of those that has long been developing its own software, some companies did this even before the US and the EU began imposing sectoral sanctions on Russian oil and gas enterprises in 2014. Over the years, the largest companies have already developed a serious base for the development and development of industry science-intensive software.
Some particularly significant projects within the framework of the ICC are jointly engaged in individual market participants. For example, a project in the field of technological modeling in processing is being implemented jointly by Gazprom Neft, Sibur, etc. It aims to replace an imported product from AspenTech (Hysys).
There are already some analogues of this product on the market, but they are mainly desktop applications without the ability to connect external modules or are focused on a highly specialized market, such as, for example, mining. And you need to create a multi-industry solution with the ability to connect plug-ins.
Import substitution of MES is also relevant in the industry. Now the ICC has approached the creation of a consortium, which will include the developments of various industrial players, and this will become the basis for creating cross-industry solutions to replace foreign products Aveva, AspenTech, Honeywell, Yokogawa, etc. Here, the open source ZIIoT Oil & Gas platform was chosen as the basis.
Earlier, Alexander Dyukov said that oil and gas companies plan to create an industrial consortium Neftegaz, with the help of which they expect to 100% close the needs for IT for the industry with domestic solutions by 2028. He explained that the industry faces a huge number of IT tasks, the solution of which goes beyond the scope of the ICC. In the future, not only Russian market players, but companies and technological partners from friendly countries can become participants in the consortium.
Challenge of the Russian auto industry: replace imported software against the background of extreme competition with the Chinese
On September 7, 2023, the industrial competence center (ICK) "Automobile Construction" held a demoden, where its participants shared the results of work and prospects for replacing imported software with Russian in the automotive industry. Like other ICKs, Avtomobilenie was created in August 2022 by decision of the Russian government, headed by Sergei Kogogin, general director of Kamaz.
"Automotive" continued a series of demodneys, which were previously also carried out by the ITC "Housing and Communal Services" and "Construction," "Metallurgy," "Chemistry." The results of their work can be read in separate blocks below in this article.
ICK "Automotive" is a member of the industry committee "Mechanical Engineering," the chairman of which is Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak.
The portfolio of ICK "Automotive" consists of three particularly significant projects for the development of industry digital products and solutions in the automotive industry. For two projects, government grants were received through RFRIT:
- Introduction of a domestic system of design and technological preparation of production at AvtoVAZ (total project cost - 1,034 million rubles, grant amount - 496 million rubles);
- Elimination of gaps, completeness of product data at various stages of the life cycle and implementation of a system for monitoring production equipment at GAZ Group production sites (total project cost - 513 million rubles, grant amount - 379.7 million rubles).
The main task of implementing the project supported by the grant in Avtovaz is to create a solution for managing the processes of design and technological preparation of production while maintaining the existing logic of project development with the replacement of foreign software with domestic software in the following areas:
- vehicle composition and digital layout management;
- KD modeling and execution (CAD);
- design of electrical products;
- Management of requirements and the product validation process
- simulation of welding processes;
- introduction of a control system for the development of geometric documentation of the body;
- Mold Design (CAD)
- Electrical Engineering for Machine Tools (CAD)
- development of photorealistic images and application of VR technology.
And the result of the GAZ Group project supported by the grant should be an industry solution of the automotive industry for managing the design and technological preparation of production, after-sales service of multi-variant configurable products and monitoring production processes.
Within the framework of this project, business processes aimed at the development of GAZ products are automated by creating a single information space and a digital description of the vehicle at all stages of its life cycle, from identifying market requirements to operating and maintaining the vehicle. Another important component of the project is the digitalization of processes for monitoring production equipment and managing production processes in order to ensure their transparency and, as a result, increase efficiency.
Sergei Kogogin, within the framework of demodnya on September 7, noted that if we talk about creating and launching a product in 18 months in our country, it is necessary, among other things, to debug the part of the ICC task that concerns digital production management. Here in the field of ERP and MES, in particular, there are no big questions - there are different Russian solutions. Judging by the projects presented on demodna, the transition from SAP to 1C is now relevant for large automakers.
The main complexity in development and replacement is represented by systems of classes such as CAD, CAE, PDM. In this area, solutions Siemens from other foreign manufacturers are widely used. The transition to domestic systems will be smooth here. First of all, data management processes will be transferred, in the second - three-dimensional models.
Automakers replace software against the background of other challenges: it is necessary to achieve a rapid change in production, its modularity, and rapid construction. If these conditions are not met, then it is useless to talk about the development of your own automotive industry, Sergei Kogogin believes.
The general director of Kamaz also pointed out that it is becoming increasingly difficult for automakers around the world to compete with the Chinese auto industry. In China, 1.5 years pass from the idea to the appearance of a car with passed tests. And the level of development and standardization of unit units, from which electric vehicles are usually made, is so high that China is not afraid to launch production facilities before the product is created. And we first develop, verify all the results, and then you can start production either on the old pipeline, or create something new.
The Chinese auto industry has changed the concept to do everything in parallel. They are ahead of everyone else, and even at the International Automobile Exhibition in Munich in September this year, there are more Chinese than Europeans, added Sergey Kogogin.
Software for housing and communal services. Which projects to replace foreign IT products for 6.1 billion rubles received the status of particularly significant
ICK "Housing and Communal Services" is one of the industrial centers of competence (ICC), created in the summer of 2022 by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to replace foreign IT solutions and develop new digital products for the needs of Russian business. On August 23, 2023, the ITC "Housing and Communal Services" held a demoden at which its representatives spoke about the results of work and plans.
The event in this format was the third. The first demoden in May 2023 was held by the ICC Metallurgy"," and in July - the ICC Chemistry"." For them, see the blocks below.
At the time of the creation of the ITC "Housing and Communal Services" in 2022, among the main potentially possible problems associated with the departure of foreign IT vendors from the Russian market, industry players called a decrease in the efficiency of the operation of the heat supply system, a decrease in efficiency and reliability, high risks of stopping the gas turbine.
One of the anchor customers within the framework of the ITC "Housing and Communal Services" is "T Plus." Director of Digitalization and Information Technologies "T Plus" Boris Makevnin on demodne provided data that, according to the results of the "colossal work," which lasted several months, as part of the first wave of competitive selection of projects in the IC "Housing and Communal Services," a list of 12 projects was formed, which received the status of particularly significant after protection in the Ministry of Digital and Vice Prime Minister. At the same time, the general list of projects was initially very large.
The total amount of funding required for the implementation of the selected particularly significant projects is estimated at 6.1 billion rubles.
Only one of the selected projects is funded with grant funds - the Ujin platform development project, which is being carried out by Unicorn. The purpose of this product is to digitalize the housing and communal services sector and automate the management of residential, commercial and social real estate objects and individual premises (apartments, offices, offices) and IoT devices. The volume of the grant received through the RFRIT is 258.1 million rubles.
How we ourselves interpret these figures: we say that the confidence and need of production companies is so obvious that we are ready to independently invest in the development of these projects, says Boris Makevnin. |
He added that at the state level, of the amounts that will be used for import substitution in the country, 80-90% are companies' own funds. This means that the business is ready to invest in import substitution, in the development of software.
Boris Makevnin says that now the ICC is looking forward to the second and third waves of competitive selection in order to expand the list of particularly significant projects.
Software for the chemical industry. How the largest companies replace Autodesk, General Electric and Honeywell products
ICK "Chemistry" is one of the industrial centers of competence created in the summer of 2022 by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to replace foreign IT solutions and develop new digital products for the needs of Russian business. There is an opinion on the market that the ICC are some closed communities whose work lacks transparency. Against this background, in July 2023, the Chemistry IC conducted an open demoden. This is the second ICC to organize such an event. The first in May 2023 was the ITC "Metallurgy."
The Ministry of Industry and Trade oversees the work of the Chemistry IC, and Oleg Shiryaev, general director of the EuroChem MHC, is the chairman.
At the time of the creation of the chemical industry in the ICC, among the key problems and tasks of IT, the largest players in the industry noted the suspension of the work of current foreign solutions in connection with the actions of unfriendly countries and the need to create a unified domestic automated production management system.
As of July 2023, the portfolio of Chemistry IC consists of 9 particularly significant projects for the development of industry-specific digital products and solutions. Such data led to demodna.
Two projects are being implemented with the involvement of state financing, and both by PhosAgro at its Cherepovets production complex, the largest mineral fertilizer company in Europe. PhosAgro is one of the anchor customers within the framework of the Chemistry IC.
The first of the projects with state financing is the introduction of a production management system, MES-system (APMS). Under it, PhosAgro received a grant from the Skolkovo Foundation in the amount of 318.4 million rubles. It is aimed at creating and implementing a digital solution that provides for the collection of process data, the formation of production reporting, as well as obtaining information for management decisions and cost calculations. It is carried out at the sulfuric acid production of the Cherepovets complex "Apatit."
The architecture of the used, ON the developer of which is the IT company Zyfra"," completely lacks imported components to ensure its import independence and compliance with high security requirements.
The project started in December 2022. It will end in February 2025, after which its functional development is possible.
The second project is aimed at creating an automated process control system (PCS) and implementation in continuous chemical production. It also started at the end of last year and involves moving away from imported software and equipment. The developer of the solution in this project is RegLab.
The site for the sale also selected the sulfuric acid production of the Cherepovets complex "Apatit." The amount of grant support in this case is 136 million rubles. The completion of this project is planned in December 2024.
Below are examples of other projects that are being conducted within the framework of the Chemistry ICC.
Among EuroChem's projects is the Safe Plant automated equipment diagnostics system. It makes it possible to automatically detect defects, provides recommendations for their elimination, allows you to form and coordinate protocols on the technical condition of the equipment in electronic form. Employees receive ready-made recommendations for repair and adjustment of equipment when defects are detected, and the technical condition protocol is automatically generated in the system.
One of Uralchem's projects is an engineering data management system as part of the automation of investment activities, which can replace Autodesk software. The goal of the project is to increase the economic efficiency of the implementation of investment projects by eliminating information gaps both between the stages of the life cycle of capital construction facilities and between functional units involved in the investment process.
Software for builders. The deputy head of the Ministry of Construction told where the import substitution of the software of the "club" of large players is moving
In 2022, foreign software developers suspended sales and support of their products in Russia, including software in the field of BIM-design (Building Information Model, information model), domestically - TIM (information modeling technology). And Russian developers began to more actively use domestic software. To speed up import substitution of software in Russia as a whole and unite the efforts of program developers and customers, in the same year, on behalf of the government, industrial competence centers (ICC) were created. Among them is the ICC through the Ministry of Construction. The deputy head of the Ministry of Construction Konstantin Mikhailik spoke about the directions of work within these centers on August 14, 2023 during a public discussion .
Today, the task of the Ministry of Construction, as a state regulator, is not only to create a ready-made set of tools for participants in the construction market, but also to stimulate them to constantly interact within this space and create new solutions. Product customers and order takers must follow the same rules. Industrial competence centers have established a dialogue between the state, IT product developers and consumers, the deputy minister said. |
According to him, the task of 2023-2024 is to complete the formation of those blocks of products that the participants in the construction market have already agreed on. We are talking about basic product lines for design, construction and operation in three areas: civil construction, construction of linear facilities and industrial construction.
The period 2024-2025 The Ministry of Construction designated as checkpoints when "full-fledged products" should be found within the framework of the ICC of their customers. At the same time, the latter are represented mainly by large companies that know what they want. In other words, these are first-level customers, says Konstantin Mikhailik. And under them are customers of the second and third levels, contractors and subcontractors who will use these products in the interests of large customers.
At the time of the creation of the ICC last year, the ICC Construction"," in particular, according to TAdviser, included such participating companies as Monotek Stroy, and "Samolet "Дом.РФ" a number of others. And among the companies that were part of the ICC "," HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES at that time there were the same already mentioned "Monotec Stroy," "Airplane," as well as "T Plus" Inter RAO other players.
Starting in 2025, the deputy minister expects a second cycle of import substitution, when everything, having already tried Russian products and realizing the scale of the fact that they still need to be finalized or improved, will place orders.
ICK from the "club" of large players will turn into a platform for the work of medium and small. And this is also a very big challenge for us, because even at the level of 16-20 projects it is difficult to moderate this story at the level of the ministry and market participants. Imagine, there will be 160-200, 1600-2000 players. This will be an extremely difficult and interesting question. We will cope with this, but it will be a completely different structure for management. Therefore, I expect that in 2025 there will be a re-assembly, relatively speaking, of the goal-setting of import substitution, re-assembly of the tools that we will offer for the work of market participants, "says Konstantin Mikhailik. |
What is already today is focused on a limited number of players who understand that they already have a product, and it needs to be brought to an ideal. And at the next stage, we are talking about a completely new result of product development - they need to be developed from scratch. This means other financial and economic models, other competencies of developers, other principles of work of the customer and the contractor.
In 2022, within the framework of all ICCs, among other things, projects were selected through a competition that could receive grant support from the state for the development and implementation of the required IT products.
The general director of RFRITleksander Pavlov clarified to TAdviser that through the Ministry of Construction, according to the results of the competitive selection within the framework of the ICC, which took place in 2022, only one project received grant financing through RFRIT - to develop the Ujin platform, which is engaged in the company "Unicorn."
Answering the question of TAdviser, why only one project received grant funding within the framework of the ICC "Construction and Housing and Communal Services," the general director of RFRIT noted that "due to the distribution of other projects to other financing tools, as well as the amount of available funding for particularly significant projects."
The amount of the grant for the Ujin platform development project is 258.1 million rubles. The purpose of this product is to digitalize the housing and communal services sector and automate the management of residential, commercial and social real estate objects and individual premises (apartments, offices, offices) and IoT devices. The Ujin platform was included in the "List of Particularly Significant Projects" and was included in the "New Industrial Software" roadmap. The project implementation period is from October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024.
As of the end of July 2023, 284 apartment buildings in 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were connected to the Ujin platform. By the end of 2023, it is planned to expand the geography of presence to 4 regions and connect more than 70 new objects[10] platform[11].
At the same time, earlier, even before the ICC was formed in 2022, a number of software development projects for the construction industry have already received grant support through RFRIT. For example, Avada Systems is a company for a project to finalize the Awada IoT platform as part of a competitive selection for the development of Russian IT solutions. The amount of grant financing amounted to about 32.8 million rubles[12]
The platform development is focused on expanding the scalability and functionality of the system in order to fully use it to modernize already installed and designed BMS systems from foreign manufacturers: Schneider Electric, Honeywell, Siemens building automation, etc. At the same time, it is planned to expand the unique functionality of Awada, which provides for further integration with the concept of BIM-knowledge modeling in order to allow customers to reduce the costs and complexity of preparing the relevant sections of the design documentation.
Another example is a project to develop an object lifecycle management system based on the BIM of a digital twin. Under it, the Bimit company previously received a RFRIT grant of 20 million rubles[13]. The system called BIMIT is designed to create and control the digital twin of the building based on the BIM model throughout the life cycle of the construction object: design, construction, operation, disposal.
Also, among the projects that previously received grant support through RFRIT are the modernization of the computer-aided design system, which Renga is being developed by the company, the joint Renga Software venture "ASCON" and "." 1C The amount of the grant is 44.3 million rubles[14]
Renga Software CEO Yevgeny Shuvalov, in a conversation with TAdviser, noted that their company would like to get into the second stage of selecting projects within the ICC. Renga Software hopes that it will start approximately in September 2023.
Indicators of the transition of construction companies in Russia to digital modeling as part of a public discussion were cited by Denis Davydov, head of the Дом.РФ TIM division:
When we did analytics, we found out that 18% of developers in Russia in one way or another already use digital modeling technology. These are the top 30 construction companies, in the hands of which about 40% of all construction projects. Our task is to help other developers in the transition to digital modeling, to explain that this is much more convenient than working in the old fashioned way. |
The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has created an industrial center for import substitution of software in the field of pharmaceuticals
The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has created an industrial competence center for import substitution of software in the field of pharmaceuticals. It was joined by several large pharmaceutical companies, including R-Pharm, Pharmstandard, Biocad, Pharmasintez, Nanolek, ChemRar and Velpharm. Read more here.
Mishustin instructed to allocate 11 billion rubles for the development of industrial software
On June 1, 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to allocate 11 billion rubles for the second stage of the development of industrial competence centers (ICCs), which were created to replace foreign IT solutions in key sectors of the economy.
We are ready to facilitate developers' access to contracts of state-owned companies, large industry customers, "Mishustin said in early June 2023. |
According to him, such companies will be granted the status of systemically important developers. The Head of Government of the Russian Federation noted that companies implement most of the projects at their own expense. He believes that investments should be effective, so he asked to facilitate access to contracts of state-owned companies of large industry customers and provide them with the status of systemically significant. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Digital Development will prepare a law on the status of the only supplier for systemically important developers.
Mishustin also noted that private companies are ready to invest in IT developments and are considering the possibility of creating venture capital funds. According to Mishustin, this means that they see financial benefits. At the same time, it will be good if more companies create such funds, so Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development will develop a law to remove excessive restrictions and stimulate the attraction of venture capital investments, he said.
According to the prime minister, among the industries that lag behind the introduction of Russian industrial software are the food and processing industry, trade, pharmaceuticals and crop production: agreements for receiving grants with their representatives have not yet been signed by early June 2023.
Alexey Mordashov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal, called for the creation of an open architecture of automated process control systems (APCS), which could be joined by all participants in the ICC and finalized regardless of specific suppliers.
There is a very serious issue with the element base, and we ask the government to work it out. We are ready to act as partners, this is a capital-intensive project, "Mordashov emphasized.[15] |
Russian software for metallurgists: what developments the largest companies invest billions of rubles in
On May 17, 2023, the Industrial Competence Center (ICC) Metallurgy"" held a demoden to summarize the first year of its work and talk about projects for import substitution of software in metallurgy, discuss challenges and areas of work with other participants of the ICC and representatives of the industry. This was the first experience of public networking within the framework of industrial competence centers.
The Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who visited demoden, noted that this is an important event, because, on the one hand, it is important that industry leaders begin to communicate with each other and discuss common problems. On the other hand, I would like there to be horizontal communication with the industry, startups, with the market, to talk about projects from the portfolio of priority projects within the ICC, and there was an understanding of where everyone is moving.
Today it is important for us to work out a model story so that all ICCs move further on this best practice, "the minister said. - Regulation and grants are good, but if there is no communication, networking, then all this reduces the effectiveness of our history. We hope that further every six months such demodnies will take place in each industry. |
ITC "Metallurgy," we recall, one of the 35 ITCs formed in 2022 at the initiative of the government for import substitution of software in various industries. Projects selected within the framework of the ICC and received the status of particularly significant ones can count on grant support from the state.
The ITC Metallurgy has 18 major companies participating in the metallurgical industry, and Alexander Shevelev, CEO of Severstal, is the chairman. The total cost of the projects carried out within the framework of the IC "Metallurgy" amounted to just over 11 billion rubles, while 90% of the projects are ready to be financed by the customer companies themselves, and 10% - with the participation of the state, said Sergey Dunaev, Deputy Chairman of the IC "Metallurgy," General Director of Severstal-Infocom.
As of 2023, there are 25 projects in the portfolio of IC Metallurgy, of which 13 projects have the status of particularly significant.
The projects, the basis of which was laid in 2022, are being implemented on time, he added. But it is too early to judge the results, because the projects are all large - for 2-3 years. For some projects, MVP (minimum viable product) is already being made. At the same time, creating, for example, 30 separate solutions is difficult, but not impossible, but creating a landscape, a tire that is suitable for the entire industry is a big question.
One of the principles in the IC "Metallurgy" is that in all its projects there are co-customers. At the same time, there is a subtle question - whether or not the co-customer must be obliged to become a future client. Now co-customers participate in the consideration of project solutions, the formation of terms of reference, testing, allocate their employees to participate in pilots and are ready to provide their sites. Sergei Dunaev believes that this is still quite enough. And whether the state will then support the ICC in terms of sales markets is the next question, first you need to create a product.
But we are now working to ensure that we have an agreement of intent that does not oblige, which at least fixes intentions between anchor customers and co-customers of the project, - said Sergey Dunaev. |
In addition to developing solutions directly for the metallurgical industry, IC Metallurgy also works in the cross-industry part. The applicability of the same solutions in different industries is a difficult issue, because often the industries are not similar to each other, and the solutions differ. The ITC "Metallurgy" is trying to find parallels between different projects in other industries. Sergei Dunaev says that there is good interaction with the industry of chemistry, construction, oil industry: "We believe that almost every project can invite 2-3 related industries."
It is important not to "sour" inside your own development map, says Sergey Dunaev: the temptation is very high, having "cut" the roadmap once, then implement it for three years.
But life around is faster than the internal course of time in any closed ecosystem, so now, as a proposal, we are working on synchronizing the landscapes of different ICCs and building laboratories in our several companies to test domestic software and domestic hardware. |
The Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Digital Development were instructed to subsidize the costs of enterprises for the introduction of Russian software
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Digital Development to prepare proposals for the provision of subsidies to Russian enterprises and organizations to reimburse part of the costs of introducing Russian solutions developed within the framework of industrial competence centers (ICC). The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on March 24, 2023.
We cannot depend on foreign IT solutions by 2024 or 2025. This is a specific KPI [key performance indicator - approx. TAdviser], it requires a specific support program so that all enterprises unanimously switch to this standard. It is necessary to improve quality management methods so that our products are not inferior to foreign counterparts. This is just the area of management mechanisms, so I ask you to take into account the standards and KPIs for the development of solutions and methodology for achieving technological sovereignty, which the president has repeatedly told us about, Russia Vladimir Putin- said Dmitry Chernyshenko during a working trip to. Ulyanovsk region |
As noted in the government, on the basis of 32 industrial competence centers (ICC), large-scale work was carried out to analyze the needs of key industrial enterprises in specialized software. More than 300 Russian organizations and enterprises representing 15 industry segments were involved in this work.
Based on the results of the work, an IT landscape of needs for replacing foreign industrial software was formed. It includes 365 needs for industry solutions, for which companies have confirmed a critical dependence on foreign solutions. For almost 80% of foreign software in demand in industry, there are Russian analogues, two or more Russian solutions are represented in a third of the positions, at least half of all Russian solutions on the market have an average and higher maturity level, the Cabinet said on March 24, 2023.[16]
The Government of the Russian Federation and business agreed on road maps in high-tech areas
The government and business have entered into cooperation agreements on road maps of high-tech directions. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on December 29, 2022.
The ceremony of signing the agreements was attended by the heads of companies: General Director of the State Corporation Rostec"," Sergey Chemezov President of the Public Joint Stock Company Rostelecom"," Mikhail Oseevsky Executive Director of the Limited Liability Company "" KNS Group(included in ICS Holding""), Alexey Shelobkov General Director of the State Corporation "," Rosatom Alexey Likhachev General Director - Chairman of the Board of the Open Joint Stock Company, "Director of the Limited Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov Public Company," "1C Boris Nuraliev General Director VK Vladimir Kiriyenko.
In total, five road maps were agreed:
Modern and promising mobile communication networks
In 2023, planned work on import substitution of 4th generation communication networks will begin. Technological sovereignty will be ensured, but at the same time, work on research and development of equipment, software for promising generations of communication will continue. 5th generation - equipment work, 6 - research work
New Industrial Software
In 2023, 26 projects will be implemented in the areas of CAD, SPDM, DSS. For 74 projects, implementation will be completed in 2024. Also, by 2024, it is planned to significantly increase the functionality of "heavy" industrial software and its implementation at leading Russian enterprises
Quantum communications
In order to achieve the main target of the road map for the length of quantum networks, the creation of more than 2500 km of the network in 2023 and more than 7000 km in 2024 will be ensured.
Quantum computing
More than 5,000 works will be performed on the cloud platform in 2023, increasing to 7,000 by 2025.
New system-wide software
As explained in the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, in 2023 14 projects will be implemented in such areas as: communication services, multimedia software, office software, operating systems, database management systems, information protection tools and IT infrastructure management.
According to Chernyshenko, Russia is already having serious success in a number of areas of road maps. In the direction of quantum computing, the Russian Federation is one of the top 5 leading countries, the country has its own operating systems and technologically independent DBMS, instant messengers, antivirus software and information security software.
These solutions have high export potential. From 2023, we will begin to receive the first results of the implementation of road maps, which will have a positive effect on the breakthrough development of high-tech areas. We also expect the emergence of new professions and jobs - in a few years specialists in the field of quantum communications, engineers of communication networks of new generations, developers of quantum encryption systems and others will become in demand, "he said. |
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov noted that a technological revolution is taking place by 2022. According to him, new segments of demand are being formed, management technologies are changing. Including we are talking about the development of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as quantum computing and communications, the production of new materials, "the so-called heavy software and microelectronics," Belousov said.[17]
Road maps of the new industrial and system-wide software for large customers have been approved. Financing - more than 200 billion rubles
The government's Digital Development Commission approved roadmaps "New Industrial Software" and "New System-Wide Software." TAdviser was informed about this on December 16, 2022 in the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. The documents are the result of systematic work organized on behalf of the Prime Minister of RFMikhail Mishustin within the framework of the ICC (Industrial Competence Centers) and the CDC (Competence Centers for the Development of System-Wide and Applied Software).
Most of the road map projects, totaling more than 200 billion rubles, will be financed at the expense of companies' own funds, including as part of the conclusion of agreements with the government on creating conditions for ensuring guaranteed demand for products. The rest of the projects involve attracting credit (about 20 billion rubles) and grant (more than 23 billion rubles) funds. The companies are at the final stage of concluding grant agreements with the Russian Information Technology Development Fund and the Skolkovo Foundation.
"Road maps are, on the one hand, a reflection of the real needs of the sectors of the economy in import-substituting software solutions, on the other, a direct guide to achieving technological independence. The uniqueness and scale of the work done, in which about 200 companies were involved: customers and developers of IT solutions, are obvious. It was they who proposed more than 300 projects, which are eventually included in road maps, "said Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. |
Roadmaps include projects the Russian by companies such as United Shipbuilding Corporation Kalashnikov Group of Companies Sheremetyevo Airport Transmashholding JSC,,,,,,,,. Rusagro M.Video Novatek PJSC PJSC Lukoil Projects PAO Severstal include software solutions in areas,,,,,,,,,,,, EDMC and PLM CAE CAD MES SCADA CRM ERP others DBMS. OS GIS BIM Road maps are open: they may include new companies and projects that, as of mid-December 2022, are under development.
In general, the result of the implementation of road maps, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, should be a qualitatively different, import-preserving, digital landscape of the Russian economy.
"The approval of roadmaps is without exaggeration a milestone in large-scale work on import substitution, digital business transformation and the development of Russian IT products, which is being carried out by the government, the Ministry of Digital Engineering of Russia, industry departments, industry leaders and software developers. Within six months, we jointly identified the needs of the sectors of the economy, selected the most relevant projects and now we are moving on to the stage of their implementation, which will last until 2025, and for individual projects - until 2027, "said the deputy head of the Ministry of Digital Industry of Russia Maxim Parshin. |
With the approval of the two data, the document completed the implementation of a major task in 2022 to form 6 road maps of high-tech directions, including Quantum Computing, Quantum Communications, Artificial Intelligence and Modern and Promising Mobile Networks.
"The initiative to create industrial competence centers has received wide support from businesses and rallied companies from different areas. We expect to build effective intersectoral interaction and welcome the degree of openness demonstrated by colleagues from other industries. By joint efforts of the state and business, we are drawing up a roadmap for industrial software, which needs to be replaced, and formulating requirements for a new current IT landscape to be developed. Severstal is ready to share with the market process and technological expertise, as well as its own developments. I am sure that the intellectual potential of Russian IT will be enough to support processes and avoid technological lag in the future, "commented Alexander Shevelev, CEO of Severstal. |
"For USC, the issue of developing domestic shipbuilding CAD is vital due to the withdrawal of foreign solutions from the market. The software package, which will be used by shipbuilding designers, must meet all safety and functionality requirements, be based on modern technologies and be flexible enough to become the basis for the development of Russian shipbuilding for decades to come. We can say that our project is not import-substituting, but import-preserving. USC, and the industry as a whole, are grateful to the Ministry of Digital Development for supporting our application for a grant to develop this software solution, "said Alexei Rakhmanov, General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation. |
"The roadmap for the new industrial software enshrines the special role of industrial customers, which form the requirements for the functionality of priority classes of Russian sovereign software. The operational dialogue between enterprises and developers is designed to dramatically increase the pace of import substitution of industrial digital solutions. An active participant in this great work, Rosatom acts simultaneously as a consumer, developer and landfill for testing demanded industrial software products. We have a good understanding of the expectations of all parties and for more than a year have been combining the efforts of like-minded people, in particular, within the framework of a consortium of domestic developers and consumers of CAD and CAE software. It is the partnership approach based on the synergy of the interests of consumers and industrial software developers with the coordinating role of the state that forms unique opportunities to solve the problems of ensuring the digital technological sovereignty of the country's industry as soon as possible, "said Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation. |
Thorny path of replacing SAP with Russian software. What they came up with within the framework of the ICC
In June 2022, on the initiative governments Russia of the, competence centers were created for the development of the Russian system-wide and applied (ON CDC), which is necessary to replace the used foreign analogues. One of these centers - "/" ERP- CRM is developing a comprehensive program for creating an ecosystem of vendors, integrators and customers in the field of this class of systems., Grigory Kocharov General Director of the Group IBS and Head of the Working Group at the Central Development Commission "ERP/CRM," speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 29, spoke about the work of this group in the field of ecosystem of Western ERP replacement projects. More. here
The Ministry of Digital Development creates the Competence Center for Information Security
On December 9, 2022, it became known about the creation of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Competence Center for Information Security on the basis of the subspecies of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Research Institute "Integral." Read more here.
The government has agreed on projects for import substitution of IT in industry, which will receive grant support
The government has agreed on 54 projects of industrial competence centers (ICC) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, of which grant support has been approved for 27. TAdviser was told about this in the Ministry of Industry and Trade on November 18, 2022.
The ICC, we recall, were created at the initiative of the Russian government to replace imported IT solutions with Russian ones in various sectors of the economy. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has formed 6 industry committees on key industries, which include 12 ICCs, uniting industrial enterprises-industry leaders.
Work within the framework of the ICC has already brought results: it was possible to identify key needs within each ICC, as well as find related areas of activity where identical solutions can be applied, the Ministry of Industry and Trade notes. |
Grant support was approved, for example, for projects of UAC, UEC, Severstal to create heavy-class CAD, production design and technological training systems, projects to create production management tools in the metallurgical industry (previously only foreign ones were used, they say in the Ministry of Industry and Trade).
The amount of grant support and other details related to the selection within the ICC in its line in the department have not yet been disclosed. Some other points related to the work of the ICC are generally not brought into the public field. And the decisions of the government commission on digital development related to the ICC have not been disclosed.
The Ministry of Digital Development previously linked the metered approach to issuing information on activities and decisions on the ICC with the current geopolitical situation and the risk of sanctions.
In July 2022, at a strategic session with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, many problems were voiced that could cause the departure of foreign IT vendors from Russia, and extensive lists of software that need to be replaced were presented.
In the presentation from the event that TAdviser got acquainted with in the field of mechanical engineering, in particular, which includes the above-mentioned UEC and UAC, the lists present both MES class systems and ERP, CAD, PLM, CAE/CAD/CAM, EAM, IoT solutions and others.
In mechanical engineering, a high dependence on Siemens software was noted. And among the problems of the industry related to imported IT, at a strategic session with Chernyshenko in July, the termination of activities in Russia by Siemens Industry Software, the suspension of current foreign solutions due to the actions of unfriendly countries, the inaccessibility of technical support and updates to the systems used were announced.
On November 7, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, at a meeting in the government with the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin , reported that the Ministry of Digital Development would collectively allocate more than 28 billion by the end of 2022 rubles for the implementation of import substitution projects software within the ICC. And in July, Chernyshenko said in reference to the creation of the ICC that until 2024, 37.1 billion rubles were allocated from the budget to co-finance the creation and introduction of new domestic software to replace foreign products.
Chernyshenko: Competence Centers requested 190 billion rubles from the state to develop Russian software
Competence centers requested 190 billion rubles from the state to develop Russian software. This was announced on October 24, 2022 by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. According to him, the requested amount is designed for three years, it is comparable to the annual costs of purchasing foreign licenses by companies.
The government is in talks with industry customers to invest this money in development. We will get the first results of the projects in 2023, - noted in the apparatus of Dmitry Chernyshenko (quoted by TASS), stressing that the created solutions will be used by all participants in the sectors of the economy. |
The office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation recalled that on behalf of Mikhail Mishustin, about 40 industrial competence centers were created, which were headed by the heads of leading companies in their segment: Russian Railways, KamAZ, Gazprom, Rosneft, Rosatom and Aeroflot. Such centers are created for import substitution of digital solutions in key sectors of the economy, which unite customers and developers in the creation and implementation of new digital products.
As part of the program, developers receive grants from the state, which compensate up to 80% of the cost of software development. The remaining funds are invested by the customer himself. At the same time, the developer of the solution remains the rights to the product.
The matrix is complex. Also, at the stage of TA formation, it is necessary to take into account that the developed software should be not only universal, but also export-oriented. I assume that we should receive more than two-thirds of the revenue of vendors in foreign markets. And we should see the first practical results at our enterprises in 2024, - Chernyshenko noted in July 2022.[18] |
Mishustin announced projects for the development and implementation of Russian software for 140 billion rubles
On September 27, a strategic session on import substitution of software was held under the auspices of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. It discussed the results of the activities of industrial competence centers covering the following sectors of the economy: transport, agriculture, trade, communications and metallurgy[19]In addition to members of the government and heads of relevant departments, it was also attended by representatives of the largest customers from these industries and developers of IT solutions.
The main task of industrial competence centers is to formulate the needs of industries in Russian developments and propose mechanisms for their implementation and replication. About 100 projects announced by the centers for a total amount of over 140 billion rubles were allocated for this. At the same time, the planned volume of own investments by companies exceeds 90 billion rubles, Mishustin cited the data.
We will help where serious software refinement is required - its basic functionality. Of course, we will co-finance a significant part of the costs. And when forming the budget for the next three years, they provided the necessary resources. At the same time, the purchase of software, its configuration and use remain the responsibility of entrepreneurs, - explained the head of government. |
The government proposes the following mechanism of state support: it is ready to compensate customers for most of the money - up to 80% of the funds needed to refine the core of the product for their requirements. Special grants will be allocated for such purposes.
It is planned to co-finance the introduction of a domestic software product if the company has already purchased foreign programs and incurred similar costs earlier. As a result, the organization will have to completely abandon the foreign counterparts used.
Mikhail Mishustin noted that the government saw two different approaches to plans for the development of domestic software. In the first case, companies rely primarily on budgetary resources to co-finance such expenses. And in the second, industry leaders agreed for the most part on their own to bring to mind the decisions they needed. This approach was stated by advanced structures in the electric power industry, in chemistry, in the oil and gas sector. They showed a good example of the technological responsibility of business, Mishustin noted.
The government will conclude agreements with companies that will develop and implement domestic developments. Checkpoints and functional releases will be recorded in the roadmap. This also applies to organizations that plan to develop IT solutions at their own expense. Such obligations are assumed by large, systemically important companies.
Separately, Mishustin raised the issue of creating new products by IT subsidiaries of anchor customers.
We initially came to an agreement that the developer will retain the rights to the software built under the grant so that it can continue to be promoted on the market. In the meantime, in most cases of implementation, the creators are limited to the parent organization itself. Therefore, additional mechanisms are needed to support such projects and scale them up. They should become available to more businesses. This is a prerequisite for the dynamic development of the entire industry, - said the Prime Minister. |
In the same month, September 13, a similar strategic session was held, at which the results of the activities of industrial competence centers of such industries as all types of engineering, construction, housing and communal services, pharmaceuticals, ecology, exploration and mining were considered. In total, more than 150 companies and 100 developers took part in the activities of such centers, more than a hundred applications were submitted for a total of almost 80 billion rubles, Mikhail Mishustin reported[20]
The Ministry of Digital Development has been instructed to enlarge projects for the development of Russian software based on the ICC
On September 23, 2022, it became known about the instructions of the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin regarding the consolidation of development projects Russian software in order to replace foreign solutions with them. We are talking about projects based on industry industrial competence centers (ICC).
In accordance with the instructions of the chairman, Governments of the Russian Federation Ministry of Digital Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION together with the ANO "," and ICT Import Substitution Competence Center Russian Information Technology Development Fund the fund "" Skolkovo will have to study the development projects ON prepared by the ICC for their unification and expansion of the functionality of specific solutions. It is assumed that this will allow the formation of projects with "the greatest potential for replication in the sectors of the economy." This is stated in the instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation following the results of the strategic session on import substitution of software in industries.
Assessments, as specified in the document, were prepared by industrial competence centers for replacing foreign industry solutions and competence centers for the development of system-wide and application software.
The Ministry of Digital Development was also instructed, together with the ANO "Center for Competencies in Import Substitution in the Field of ICT," to submit to the government the unified requirements of the ICC for solutions in system-wide and applied software classes. Both instructions to the ministry must be fulfilled by September 27, 2022.
According to Kommersant, after many foreign IT companies decided to leave the Russian market, stop selling equipment and supporting their software, the demand for Russian software products, according to industry representatives, has grown from three to six times. To support domestic solutions, 33 industrial competence centers were created, which included more than 300 organizations. In addition, directions were identified in which foreign software is used more often.[21]
State competence centers on information modeling technologies are being created in Russia
On September 21, 2022, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the creation of new state industrial centers of competence (ICC). Among them is a project on information modeling technologies (BIM).
{{quote 'Expanded the list of industry committees. In addition to these 10 committees on system-wide software, two will be formed in the near future. They are inherently different, but still very important. To support the gaming industry, gaming projects - one competence center. And one more - according to BIM technologies in construction, - said Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maxim Parshin on September 21, 2022. }}
By this day, 33 ICCs and 10 competence centers for the development of system-wide application software have been created in Russia. The centers will have to unite customers and developers in the creation and implementation of new digital products, involve leading companies in the process.
By creating a competence center for information modeling technologies, Russia continued to work on the development of the BIM direction. In September 2022, Rosatom OCCC, SiSoft Group, SiSoft Development, SiSoft Development and Nanosoft Development signed an agreement on cooperation on the development of information modeling technologies. The main area of interaction is joint participation in the development of the national system of standards "Unified Information Modeling System" (ESIM).
The purpose of the ESIM is to create a regulatory technical framework for documents to improve the efficiency of investment and construction activities and manage modeling facilities in the Russian Federation. By September 21, 2022, 13 draft national ESIM standards are in the process of development. Basic standard GOST R "ESIM. The main provisions "passed the stage of public discussion and has the status of the final version, which is submitted for examination and approval by Rosstandart.[22]
The authorities analyzed the available Russian software for enterprises. Identified critical areas where there is nothing to replace the imported
TAdviser got acquainted with the analysis of problems and priorities in the field of Russian software development in various areas of the economy, which was presented in July at a strategic session with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and Head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev.
As a result of this session, we recall, it was announced that 35 industrial competence centers were created in Russia, on the basis of which it is necessary to determine which software to replace a foreign one should be developed for the needs of enterprises, and to form terms of reference for vendors for development. Until 2024, budget funds in the amount of 37.1 billion rubles are provided for co-financing the creation and implementation of these products (for more information on this, see the blocks below).
The Ministry of Digital Development told TAdviser that the analysis was prepared by 16 industry committees at FNIV following the results of interaction with customers, associations and experts. They revealed imported products that primarily need to be replaced, and the presence or absence of their Russian analogues. For some foreign solutions, no replacement has been found at the moment.
By industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the following problems were noted: termination of activities in Russia Siemens Industry Software, suspension of the work of current foreign solutions due to the actions of unfriendly countries; unavailability of technical support and updates of the systems used. At the same time, there are practically no import solutions for which there would be no domestic analogues at all, follows from the materials based on the results of the analysis.
One of the most commonly mentioned products in the industry to be replaced is Teamcenter (Siemens PLM Software), which belongs to the PLM class . The industry committee concluded that it could one way or another be replaced by the developments of "Top Systems," "1C," IC "Computer Engineering Center" SPbPU, products of members of the Development consortium under the auspices of ASCON and a number of other developers.
The automotive industry, in particular, faces the need to import substitution, including MES-class software: solutions such as Siemens SIMATIC IT, DELMIA Apriso from Dassault Systemes, MPDV (HYDRA). The industry here counts on analogues from "Top Systems" and "Zyfra."
The situation in large retail looks the least optimistic in the line of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
While SMB trading enterprises are provided with a sufficient number of Russian solutions, and in online commerce they are even ahead of foreign developments, in large retail foreign software is used at critical nodal points for the operations of trading companies. "It will last a maximum of 3-5 years," according to the industry.
The compilers did not find Russian analogues for the Centric PLM lifecycle management system, order and store management, including cash management software (SAP, NTS Retail), enterprise mobility management systems (Microsoft Intune + System Center Management, VMWare AirWatch) and some others.
Critical areas have also been identified in the area of software for. agriculture There were no required software classes here/to ERPCRM replace SAP solutions. "1C" may close the problem partially, but there are no analogues. There is an acute issue with the replacement of MES, in particular, from Siemens, and online MES CloudFarms from Dahmira.
An important question with the replacement of the Trimble positioning system. Without a positioning system, sowing crops and other work will be with low accuracy, and the costs of agricultural producers will be high. The solution from MTS is indicated as the Russian analogue of Trimble . Initially, its geolocation services were developed to determine the location of the employee at the base stations of cellular communications, but then the company began to develop them for a wider range of tasks in different industries.
In the field of software for the electric power industry, such problems as "low quality of domestic embedded real-time OS, insufficient quality of domestic BI systems, lack of a domestic development environment for preparing executable code" and a number of others were identified. For all imported products, primarily subject to import substitution, the presence of Russian analogues is still being specified.
In education, the primary problems are the high dependence of the IT infrastructure of universities on foreign solutions - from hardware to OS and the training of specialists in foreign engineering software. This can be partially solved, since there are Russian analogues. But there is a more complex area - the problem of the inextricable connection of high-tech scientific equipment and its software, the use of foreign libraries and databases. To solve it, domestic alternatives are not given in the materials from the strategic session.
A similar problem was identified in healthcare - dependence on foreign software as part of medical equipment. Its decision must be considered in conjunction with the development of domestic medical devices, industry experts believe.
In the field of oil and gas and petrochemicals, for example, they fear that "long-term consequences in the form of degradation of the technological landscape may occur in connection with the termination of operations in Russia by SLB (formerly Schlumberger), Honeywell, Aspen and Petroleum Experts," which supplied information systems for solving specific industry tasks. However, the industry has found solutions that can be developed as analogues. They were found at GridPoint Dinemix, Gazprom Neft, Aerogaz, Tomsk Polytechnic and a number of other organizations, follows from the materials of a strategic session with Dmitry Chernyshenko.
As for the transport sector and railway transport, in particular, here, as follows from the presented analysis, there are risks associated with the departure of IBM from the country. A number of important systems work on the solutions of this vendor, and not all of the developers of domestic analogues have yet been identified. In some classes of software, it is also necessary to determine the developers of analogues of a number of SAP products.
At airports, one of the most pressing problems is the development of a software manager baggage handling system. In this area, import solutions are widely used, including products from Vanderlande, which announced its withdrawal from the Russian market. There is a high probability of leaving the market and other foreign companies supplying such products, indicate in the industry. It is necessary to determine who will be engaged in the creation of domestic analogues of solutions of these vendors.
And in the field of construction and housing and communal services, according to the analysis, there are Russian alternatives for closing all the most problematic areas, including SCADA class systems.
Through subsoil use, in particular, it is necessary to replace, for example, the Micromine mining and geological information system, otherwise there are risks of low accuracy of modeling mining and geological processes and returning the industry back to paper. It also indicates the need to replace Schlumberger products. For both, possible analogues are indicated, although there are not many of them.
And in environmental management, the problem is, for example, the loss of the ability to use mobile applications in production activities due to restrictions from the App Store and Google Play. On this line, replacement is planned to be carried out on the basis of the developments of Rostelecom.
In the financial sector with its highly loaded applications, the main headache is system software - OS, DBMS, virtualization systems, which is reflected in the analysis. The issue is especially acute with the replacement of Oracle DBMS. This has been discussed in the banking environment for more than one year. And, as follows from the analysis presented at the strategic session, suitable Russian alternatives are not yet visible here.
In the field of communication, one of the most prominent problems is the impossibility of purchasing equipment and updating licenses and software. It can be partially closed by Russian decisions. The situation is more complicated with some satellite communication technologies, for which there were no domestic analogues.
Who will head the industrial competence centers for replacing foreign software. Full list of candidates
(Information in this block on candidates and companies within the ICC is current as of July 2022)
TAdviser found out who is proposed to be appointed heads of industrial competence centers (ICCs) created in Russia, and which industry companies to include in them. Information about this was provided by a source well acquainted with the agenda of the strategic session dedicated to the creation of the ICC, which was held by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko with the participation of the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, deputy heads of various departments, representatives of the IT-Business and large customers of IT solutions.
After this strategic session, we recall, on July 11, the creation of 35 ICCs was announced, on the basis of which priority areas, types and classes of import-substituted IT solutions will be determined and TAs will be formed for vendors to develop products for the needs of enterprises. Until 2024, budgetary funds in the amount of 37.1 billion rubles are provided for co-financing the creation and implementation of these products (see the block below for the scheme for organizing work on the creation of domestic industry solutions and financing proposed by the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development).
According to the idea of the authorities, each competence center should be headed by the head of one of the key customers. Below are the candidates proposed at the session with Dmitry Chernyshenko for the role of leaders of the ICC and examples of companies that will be included in industrial competence centers.
1. Automotive - Eldar Shavaliev, Director of the Kamaz Digital Transformation Center
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- "Kamaz"
- GAZ Group Management Company
- Sollers Auto
2. Railway Engineering - Aleksander Dmitriyev, General Director of Контролтугоу.ру (Transmashholding)
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- "Transmashholding"
- Sinara Transport Machines
- NPK Uralvagonzavod
3. Engine Building - Vyacheslav Khristolyubov, Director of Digital Transformation UEC
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Rosatom
- NPO Energomash and a number of others.
4. Shipbuilding - Dmitry Lebedev, IT Director , USC
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- FSUE Krylovsky State Scientific Center
- Atomenergomash and a number of others.
5. Aircraft and space industry - Alexander Lebedev, head of the Department of Design of the UAC, and Konstantin Shadrin, director of the digital development department of Roscosmos Group of Companies (co-heads)
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Roscosmos Group of Companies
- "Helicopters of Russia"
- UAC and a number of others.
6. General Mechanical Engineering (OPK MIC) - Vsevolod Babushkin, Deputy General Director for Civil Industry Development Programs, Kalashnikov Concern
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- NPK Uralvagonzavod
- Krylovsky State Scientific Center
- Kalashnikov Concern
7. Metallurgy - Sergey Dunaev, CEO of Severstal-Infocom, Severstal
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Severstal
- Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and a number of others.
8. Chemistry - as of mid-July is being clarified
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- SIBUR Holding
- Phosagro
- Uralkali and many others.
9. Electronics and Microelectronics - Sergey Vlasov, Director of FSU FSC NIISI RAS
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- "PC Aquarius"
- NPF Mikran
- "Craftway Corporation PLC"
- Rosatom State Corporation and a number of others.
10. Pharmaceuticals - Evgeny Golikov, Information Technology Director, Pharmstandard
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Pharmstandard
- R-Pharm
- FSUE "Moscow Endocrine Plant"
- Rosatom State Corporation
- "Biocad and many others.
11. Trade - Artem Sokolov, President of the Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT)
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Phosagro
- M.Video Eldorado
- Internet Solutions (OZON)
- "Magnet"
- "DNS Retail" and many others.
12. Crop production - Maxim Luzyanov, Rusagro Group of Companies
13. Animal husbandry - Maxim Luzyanov, Rusagro Group of Companies
14. Food and processing industry - Maxim Luzyanov, Rusagro Group of Companies
Companies that are part of the three ICCs above:
- "Agrosila"
- Group of agricultural enterprises "Resurs"
- Rusagro-Technologies
- Damate Group of Companies
- Agrocomplectatsiya Group of Companies and a number of others.
15. Electric Power Industry - Vasily Pushkin, Head of the Department for Development and Methodology of Digital Transformation of Inter RAO UES
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Inter RAO UES
- RusHydro
- Rosseti and a number of others.
16. Neftegaz and Petrochemicals - Andrey Belevtsev, Director of Digital Transformation, Gazprom Neft
Companies that are part of the ICC:
17. Railway transport and logistics - Evgeny Charkin, Deputy General Director of Russian Railways
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- "Petersburg Metro
- "Moscow Metro"
- "Mostransavto" and a number of others.
18. Aviation Transport - Anton Matskevich, Deputy General Director for Information Technology Aeroflot
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Aeroflot
- "Airline" Russia"
- UTair Airlines and a number of others.
19. Airports - Dmitry Ilyin Deputy General Director for Information Technology Sheremetyevo International Airport
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Sheremetyevo International Airport
- Criminal Code "Airports of the Regions"
- "Northern Capital Air Gate"
- Vnukovo International Airport
20. Sea and river transport - Sergey Simonov, Deputy General Director of FSUE Rosmorport
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- FSUE Rosmorport
- "First Port Company"
- Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port and a number of others.
21. Education - Pavel Dermer, Vice-Rector for Informatization , Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- FSAEI HE "SPBPU of Peter the Great"
- PSU RAS and a number of others.
22. Healthcare - Andrey Svistunov, First Vice-Rector of FSAEI HE First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenova
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Invitro Expert
- Russian Railways Medicine
- "The Family Doctor" and a number of others.
23. Construction - Andrey Tyan, Monotek Stroy
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Monotek Stroy
- "Samolet
- "Дом.РФ"
- Rosatom and a number of others.
24. Housing and communal services - Boris Makevnin, "T Plus"
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Monotek Stroy
- Inter RAO
- "T Plus"
- Rosvodokanal and a number of others.
25. Subsoil Use - Sergey Afanasyev, Consortium "Digital Ecosystem" Mineral Resources "
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Gazprom Neft
- Rosgeo
- ANO "Digital Subsoil Use"
- MMC Norilsk Nickel
26. Environmental Management - Sergey Merkulov, Segezha Group
Companies that are part of the ICC: "Segeja Group" Ilim Group RusHydro
27. Ecology - Pavel Basin, ANO "Laboratory of Digital Transformation"
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- ANO "Laboratory of Digital Transformation"
- Rosatom State Corporation
- MMC Norilsk Nickel and a number of others.
28. Financial Market Infrastructure - Sergey Demidov, Director of the Department of Operational Risks, Information Security and Business Continuity, Moscow Exchange
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Moscow Exchange and a number of others.
29. Banks and payments - unknown as of mid-July
Companies that are part of the ICC:
30. Insurance - as of mid-July unknown
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Rosgosstrakh
- "Sogaz"
- "Ingosstrakh"
- RESO-Guarantee
- AlfaStrakhovanie
31. Broadcasting - Alexander Afanasyev, FSUE "VGTRK"
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- FSUE Ostankino
- "Channel One"
- NTV Television Company and a number of others.
32. Publishing and printing - Ruslan Novikov, general director of Argumenty i Fakty
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- Publishing house "Enlightenment"
- "Publishing House" Komsomolskaya Pravda
- "First Model Printing House"
- FSBI "Editorial Board of" Rossiyskaya Gazeta "and a number of others.
33. Mobile communications - Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom
Companies that are part of the ICC:
34. Fixed communication - Andrey Kuzyaev, President of ER-Telecom Holding
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- ER-Telecom Holding
- Rostelecom
- NTR ("I-Teco")
- "NAG" (SNR) and a number of others.
35. Satellite communications - Alexey Volin, General Director of FSUE "Space Communications"
Companies that are part of the ICC:
- FSUE "Space Communication"
- Gazprom Space Systems
- "Sitronics"
- "Tricolor" and a number of others.
The formation and coordination of industrial centers, as well as the control of software development, are entrusted to 16 industry committees in the following enlarged areas:
- Automotive industry
- Railway engineering
- Engine-building
- Shipbuilding
- Aircraft and space industry
- General Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy
- Chemical industry
- Electronics and Microelectronics
- Pharmaceutics
- Trade
Industry committees will be supervised mainly by deputy ministers of relevant departments. Finance Committee - Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia German Zubarev.
In addition to industry committees, it is separately planned to create a committee on system-wide and applied software, which will be supervised by Deputy Minister of Digital Development Maxim Parshin. Under it, it is planned to create two centers of competence for software development, which will include key developers of IT solutions.
The regulatory framework necessary for the work of industrial competence centers as of mid-July is under study.
37.1 billion rubles to support Russian software: who and how can get money. Proposals of the Ministry of Digital Development
TAdviser got acquainted with the organization of work on the creation of domestic industry solutions prepared by the Ministry of Digital Development and presented at the strategic session on the development of Russian industrial, system-wide and applied software with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Chernyshenko. As a result, we recall, on July 11, it was announced the formation of 35 industrial centers of competence (ICC) to replace foreign industry digital products and solutions, where priority areas, types and classes of replaced software will be determined and SOWs for vendors for the development of specific products for the needs of enterprises will be formed.
Until 2024, budget funds in the amount of 37.1 billion rubles are provided for co-financing the creation and implementation of new domestic solutions within the framework of this initiative.
According to the materials of the Ministry of Digital Development, which came to the disposal of TAdviser, funding to support Russian software should be carried out through RFRIT (total volume - 24.3 billion rubles), Bortnik Fund (8 billion rubles) and Skolkovo ( 4.8 billion rubles).
Through RFRIT, it is planned to issue grants of up to 6 billion rubles to customers and developers (under a contract with the customer). Through Skolkovo - grants of up to 1 billion rubles to customers, where such sectors as health care, education, finance, trade and power are priority. And the Bortnik Foundation will have access to grants to startups from 3 to 20 million rubles for MVP.
In all cases, one of the conditions for receiving grants is co-financing by the applicant of at least 20%, with the exception of the Bortnik Fund, where such a requirement is made only for grants of 20 million rubles.
There are two options for financing projects:
- Provision of grants to the customer for co-financing of contracts with the end product developer;
- Grants to the developer for the execution of contracts with the customer.
In both cases, the funds are allocated within the framework of special accounts with a guarantee of financing until 2024.
Money can be obtained if the customer "successfully, long ago and on a large scale" uses a foreign solution and is ready to replace it with a new development, and the developer of a domestic replacement solution is not affiliated with the customer and is not a state-owned company/budget organization, has a product that can be finalized to replace a foreign solution, or has a team and expertise to develop a product "from scratch."
Exclusive rights to solutions developed within the framework of such projects are retained by the developer.
Funding is directed to the implementation of contracts related to the purchase of licenses, services and work on the development/refinement and implementation of the solution. At the same time, the revision should be at least 25% of the project budget. One of the conditions is that co-financing is carried out proportionally and cannot be carried out for other purposes. In addition, there can be no more than 2 projects aimed at creating competitive solutions in the industry.
As for the requirements for the timing of projects, the development and implementation of a fully functional solution must be completed no later than 2030, the introduction of new functionality at pilot facilities - no later than October 2024.
Criteria for evaluation and selection of projects:
- Amount of co-financing by the customer;
- Qualification of the customer;
- Maturity of the developer, his product and team;
- Number of customers who have confirmed interest in the subsequent implementation of the developed solution.
And in the case of startups, the decision on financing is planned to be made based on the results of pitching. It is assumed that startups will send their applications, and key customers will vote to support projects.
According to the scheme for organizing work on the creation of domestic industry solutions presented by the Ministry of Digital Development, the main roles of participants in the work of the ICC will be distributed as follows. This direction is headed by the Presidium of the Legal Commission for Digital Development, which:
- approves the personal composition of industry committees and competence centers;
- Approves priority areas for industry solutions development;
- approves projects for financing.
Ministry of Digital Development:
- organizes work and develops methodology;
- evaluates projects.
Competence centers for certain types of software:
- unites developers by software type;
- headed by a product manager - an employee of the Ministry of Digital Development.
Development Institutes (RFRIT, Skolkovo, Bortnik Foundation):
- provides funding in the form of grants;
- Monitors and controls.
Industry Decision Committees:
- coordinated by the industry FNIV;
- headed by the Deputy Minister;
- unites the leaders of the ICC, responsible for the relevant departments and the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development;
- approves priority areas and projects.
Industrial Competence Centers:
- unites companies - leaders of digital transformation;
- Head of one of the key customers;
- reviews and recommends priority areas and projects.
Key Customer:
- forms projects for the development of domestic solutions.
The mechanisms and conditions for financing projects have yet to be consolidated by regulations. The Ministry of Digital Development told Tadviser that the scheme presented at the session with Dmitry Chernyshenko could be clarified in the future while maintaining common logic. It will be approved by the presidium of the government commission on digital development.
It is possible that in the final version of the scheme for organizing work on the creation of domestic industry solutions and financing conditions, there may be some changes. For example, in the IT market, TAdviser heard a skeptical opinion regarding the condition that a developer should not be a state-owned company/budget organization to receive funding. Some market players believe that it may not be accepted in the end.
A source familiar with the process of working on the creation of industrial competence centers told TAdviser that related acts of the government and FNIV level as of mid-July are being formed. And October is the point where it will be necessary to move on to project financing.
35 industrial competence centers have been formed in Russia to replace foreign "sectoral digital products"
In Russia, 35 industrial competence centers (ICCs) have been formed to replace foreign "sectoral digital products." In total, 37.1 billion rubles were allocated from the budget to co-finance the creation and introduction of new domestic software to replace foreign products until 2024, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, whose words are quoted by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 11, 2022.
We should be aimed primarily not at blind copying of the functionality of foreign software, but at import protection in all directions. And the president has repeatedly spoken about this, - said Chernyshenko. |
According to him, on behalf of the head of the Government of the RFMikhail Mishustin, 16 industry committees were formed on key sectors of industry and the social sphere: mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronics and microelectronics, communications, education, transport, ecology, etc. The committees are supervised by 35 ICCs, at the site of which priority areas, types and classes of replaced software will be determined and technical specifications for vendors for the development of specific products for the needs of Russian enterprises will be formed, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.
The chairmen of 16 sectoral committees are deputy ministers of specialized federal executive bodies. They oversee, form and coordinate with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation the personal composition of the participants of 35 industrial competence centers. They will be led by the heads of leading industry leaders. The main task is to ensure the transition to domestic technical solutions. The ICC includes representatives of industry enterprises, experts and vendors.
Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed to submit specific agreed projects for replaceable software by mid-August 2022. They will be approved by the presidium of the Government Commission on Digital Development. It is planned that vendors will start developing domestic software for the needs of Russian enterprises in October 2022.[23]
Mishustin instructed to develop a new import substitution plan for industry IT systems
In early June 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the government commission on digital development to prepare proposals for import substitution of IT solutions in industry in two months - until August 1.
The government commission to consider proposals for replacing industry and system-wide foreign solutions with Russian software products and hardware complexes. It is necessary to choose better from what is and, accordingly, to submit a list that we will approve, but with the voting of our key customers, - said the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. |
The prime minister also instructed the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation, together with other departments, to prepare proposals for the creation of industrial competence centers in Russia for the import substitution of digital technologies in key sectors of the economy.
In addition, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation called for joining the efforts of customers and developers when creating new digital products. He instructed the head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev to work out the issues of interaction until mid-July 2022, as well as to determine the composition of technology development centers and the procedure for their work.
Mikhail Mishustin complained that the manufacturing industry is poorly using solutions based on artificial intelligence and big data analysis - they help increase productivity, reduce costs and optimize processes.
The fact that the situation with the disconnection of Russian enterprises from Western software continues to be extremely serious was announced in early June 2022 by the main owner of Severstal, Alexei Mordashov. According to him, the company was disconnected from American software 20 minutes after the announcement of sanctions against Mordashov. Now Severstal "has two or four years to find a solution, but there is no more time for this," Mordashov said.[24]
- ↑ IT replacement grants
- ↑ The head of the ICK "Satellite Communications" asked the Ministry of Digital Development to reduce the volume of reporting on ICK projects without state funding
- ↑ The head of Rosatom Digital Solutions told how the New Industrial Software roadmap is being implemented
- ↑ Severstal and Nornickel will create an open industrial IT standard similar to USB and Wi-Fi
- ↑ General results of the work of industrial competence centers - deputy chairman of the government
- ↑ Rosmorport has concluded agreements with Russian IT companies to replace foreign software in the field of maritime safety
- ↑ Import substitution of the financial sector. Tasks of 2023:
- ↑ A center for import substitution of software will appear for drones
- ↑ Many IT developers did not see the effect of industrial competence centers
- ↑ [ to the 284 building
- ↑ in 15 regions of Russia have become "smart" thanks to the Ujin platform]
- ↑ The RFRIT grantee is developing a system for the next generation IoT platform AWADA.
- ↑ Development of an object life cycle management system based on the BIM of a digital twin
- ↑ Mishustin instructed to allocate 11 billion rubles for the development of industrial software
- ↑ Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Digital Development to prepare proposals to subsidize part of the costs of enterprises for the introduction of Russian software
- ↑ The Government signed cooperation agreements on "road maps" of high-tech areas
- ↑ Competence centers requested more than 190 billion rubles for 3 years to develop Russian software
- ↑ Strategic session on import substitution of software in industries, September 27.
- ↑ Strategic session on import substitution of software in industries, September 13..
- ↑ The Ministry of Digital Development has been instructed to enlarge projects for the development of import-substituting software
- ↑ Gaming industry support centers will appear in Russia
- ↑ On behalf of Mikhail Mishustin, 35 industrial competence centers have been formed to replace foreign industry digital products and solutions
- ↑ Mishustin instructed to create industrial centers for import substitution