ДОМ.РФ Financial Institute for Development in Housing
Since 1997
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
125009, st. Vozdvizhenka, d. 10
ДОМ.РФ Joint-Stock Company is a financial institute for development in the housing sector (formerly an agency for housing mortgage lending, AHML).
Areas of activity
As of 2021, the ДОМ.РФ works in the following areas: attracting investments, improving the quality and affordability of housing through the development and implementation of federal standards, for the profitable purchase of housing in mortgages.
To implement the most complex and significant functions of a single institute of development in the housing sector, a system of organizations has been created on the basis of ДОМ.РФ JSC, accompanying the work of certain areas of the parent company. Among them for 2021:
- "Bank of ДОМ.РФ" - universal mortgageconstruction bank-;
- The ДОМ.РФ Foundation is responsible for the formation of a comfortable urban environment;
- "Our ДОМ.РФ" is a unified information system for housing construction;
- "Rental housing" - is responsible for the formation and development of the market for civilized rental housing using collective investment mechanisms.
Other destinations include:
- ДОМ.РФ Real Estate
- ДОМ.РФ Asset Management
- ДОМ.РФ Mortgage agent
- Домой.РУ
- ДОМ.РФ Project Management
- Consultation Centre
Performance indicators
2024:39% increase in net profit to ₽65,7 billion
Дом.рф State Corporation increased its net profit under IFRS by 39% to ₽65,7 billion in 2024. Net interest income rose 55% to ₽121,9 billion. This became known in February 2025.
According to FrankMedia, the company associates profit growth with an increase in the average portfolio of interest-generating assets by 52% and an increase in net interest margin by 0.1 percentage points to 3.2%.
Net commission income of the state corporation in 2024 reached ₽7,2 billion, an increase of 32% compared to last year. The total amount of assets amounted to ₽5,5 trillion, of which ₽5,27 trillion falls on assets that generate interest income, which is 36% more than a year earlier. The volume of mortgage assets reached ₽1,6 trillion, and reserves for credit losses amounted to ₽31 billion. The company continues to expand its portfolio of financial instruments, providing increased returns and sustainability of its assets.
In 2024, Дом.рф placed 8 issues of mortgage bonds totaling ₽540 billion. Interest income generating assets include loans to clients, investment securities, reverse repo transactions and deposits.
Other operating expenses of the corporation decreased by 45% to ₽3,7 billion. The decrease is due to the revaluation of financial instruments and recognition in 2023 of the positive effect of the revision of the terms of contracts on borrowed loans.
According to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, in 2025 it is planned to place up to 5% of Дом.рф shares on the stock exchange through the IPO procedure.
The growth of financial indicators of the state corporation is due to the development of mechanisms for securitization of mortgage assets and an increase in the portfolio of interest income. Significant attention is paid to the formation of provisions for possible credit losses, which indicates a conservative approach to risk management.[1]
2023: Net profit growth by 56% to RUB 47 billion
Net profit of Дом.РФ for 2023 increased by 56% compared to 2022 and amounted to 47 billion rubles. Such data in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the Housing Development Institute published on February 19, 2024.
As reported in the materials of "Дом.РФ," in 2023 the volume of assets of the state corporation increased by 43% (almost to 4 trillion rubles), primarily due to an increase in the portfolio of project financing for housing construction by 393 billion rubles and financing the creation of rental housing. Return on equity was 17.3%. The company's operating income for 2023 increased by 39%, to 88.81 billion rubles.
In its reporting, Дом.РФ also drew attention to an increase in the volume of funds raised from legal entities and individuals in 2023 by 436 billion rubles, as well as to an increase in funds in escrow accounts by 218 billion rubles as part of project financing activities. Speaking about the key events of 2023, the press service of "Дом.РФ" noted the following:
- two issues of infrastructure bonds worth 45 billion rubles;
- six issues of corporate bonds totaling 105 billion rubles;
- nine issues of mortgage securities worth 669 billion rubles.
In 2023, more than 1 million Russians took advantage of mortgage programs operated by Дом.РФ, including 200 thousand large families received compensation to pay off mortgages. In addition, with the participation of the company in 2023, more than 6.4 million square meters. m of housing, 100 hectares of land donated to 20 regions. Дом.РФ is also an operator of an infrastructure bond instrument that allows developing infrastructure in the regions. By the end of 2023, the instruments of the Development Institute were distributed in 73 regions of Russia.[2]
Creation of an expert group on the implementation of AI in the construction industry
The Institute for Development in the Housing Sector of ДОМ.РФ and the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation have created an expert group on the introduction of artificial intelligence in the construction industry. Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of the ДОМ.РФ, has been appointed head of the expert group. This was announced on December 28, 2023 by representatives of the ДОМ.РФ.
"The introduction of advanced solutions based on artificial intelligence technologies will further increase the impact of the construction industry on the country's economy. Given the colossal scale of the construction market and its significant contribution to Russia's GDP, we expect a very serious economic effect from the use of projects with artificial intelligence. I am convinced that, together with colleagues from ДОМ.РФ and other market participants, during 2024 we will be able to develop a set of measures, a kind of "roadmap" for the introduction of AI in the construction industry, "said Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities RFKonstantin Mikhailik. |
The main task of the expert group will be to develop a strategy for introducing AI in the construction industry, including the creation of a unified system for evaluating AI solutions. This will help standardize and improve the effectiveness of AI applications. The group will also develop a methodology for piloting AI solutions in the industry, assessing the main risks and limitations of the use of AI technologies, as well as solving problems. information security Another task of the group will be to create a register of AI technologies used by participants in the construction market, and research into the possibility of creating an industry landfill, data as well as the development of other applied AI solutions for the construction industry.
"The effective introduction of AI into the construction industry is not just an innovation, but a need to maintain its growth and development. Given that construction occupies a significant share of our country's economy, AI integration can lead to breakthrough changes in project management, reduced costs and improved quality of work. This is especially important against the background of constantly growing construction volumes and an increase in the complexity of projects. An industry facing this scale can benefit significantly from automation and data analysis. In ДОМ.РФ, we accumulated a huge amount of information about the market, its participants and trends. This data is a fundamental "fuel" for the development of AI, helping to create more accurate and effective management systems, "said Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of ДОМ.РФ. |
Launch of a free online course "TIM-designer" by the digital academy "Дом.РФ"
The Digital Academy of ДОМ.РФ has launched a free online course "TIM-designer" from the career guidance cycle "Professions of the Future in Construction" for students in grades 8-11 and college students. The project was presented on December 23 in the ДОМ.РФ pavilion at the international exhibition-forum "Russia." Read more here.
Registration of the trademark "Digital Academy of Дом.РФ"
The Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent) has registered the Digital Academy of ДОМ.РФ trademark. This was announced on December 8, 2023 by representatives of ДОМ.РФ. This is an important stage in the development of the educational ecosystem of the ДОМ.РФ Group, aimed at training professional personnel with digital competencies for the construction industry.
Registration of the trademark ensures the protection of intellectual property and confirms the quality of educational courses from the Institute for Development in the Housing Sector.
"The introduction of innovative technologies is always based on the knowledge and professional skills of specific people. To saturate the construction industry, we created the Digital Academy in the real estate and finance market with highly qualified personnel. Its graduates have already become more than 11 thousand specialists who work in government departments, development companies, architectural bureaus, design organizations and banks. Obtaining a trademark confirms a high level of training at the academy, this is important against the background of a huge number of online courses that are now offered on the educational services market, "said Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of the ДОМ.РФ. |
Online training programs of the Digital Academy are implemented jointly with the leading universities of the country - Moscow State Construction University, NIU Higher School of Economics, Innopolis University and other educational institutions. Particular attention is paid to the training of personnel with competencies in the field of artificial intelligence.
Participation in the round table "Made in Russia" within the framework of the Finopolis-23
The Industrial Competence Center (ICC) for import substitution the key bank ON was proposed to be created by market participants during the round table of the ДОМ.РФ "Made In," Russia which was held as part of the FINOPOLIS-23. Read more here.
How to break the ice of distrust of AI technologies and run running scenarios. Experience ДОМ.РФ
ДОМ.РФ is actively testing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for various tasks. The company is ready to both start using them on an industrial scale and offer the industry "tested" tools. Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of ДОМ.РФ, spoke about the effects of AI and the difficulties associated with its implementation at the Finopolis forum on November 8, 2023. Read more here.
More than half of software classes in the ДОМ.РФ have reached 100% of the import substitution level
100% level of import substitution has been achieved in more than half of the software classes used in the group of companies ДОМ.РФ. According to Chief information officer ДОМ.РФ Anton Petukhov at the CNews FORUM "Information Technologies Tomorrow," by the end of 2023, the Ministry of Digital Science's indicators on the efficiency of the transition to domestic software will be implemented at the Institute for Development in Housing. Read more here.
Digital academy launch "Дом.РФ" AI education course for its employees
The Digital Academy of ДОМ.РФ has launched an artificial intelligence education course for its employees. In total, about 500 specialists from more than 10 different departments of the Institute for Development in the Housing Sector applied for participation in the training. Read more here.
Round table "Hype AI: Understand"
ДОМ.РФ held a round table "Hype AI: Understand," at which he announced the launch of an artificial intelligence laboratory and presented the concept of a pilot project based on a Russian-developed neural network. The event was supported by the Fintech Association and brought together about 100 IT industry experts. Read more here.
Plans for testing domestic software and electronic products
More than 30 leading the Russian IT companies will test their developments software in the field of ON () and electronic products on the basis of "ДОМ.РФ." This became known during the strategic session on technological independence of the Institute for Development in Housing, held in. To Moscow Read more here.
Participation in SPIEF
The training of qualified personnel, including for the IT sector and high-tech construction, will be more effective with seamless education in technical and engineering specialties. Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation, ДОМ.РФ this during the session "Technological Sovereignty in IT: New Methodologies, Partnerships and Competence Centers for Business and Youth Development in the Russian Federation" as part of the PMEF-2023. Read more here.
Application of 115 domestic IT solutions within the framework of import substitution
Currently, within the framework of import substitution, ДОМ.РФ successfully uses 115 domestic IT solutions. The share of the company's investments in finished Russian software from the total expenses for software and related works or services is 32%. This was stated by Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of ДОМ.РФ, on the sidelines of TsIPR-2023. Read more here.
Participation in CIPR
For the successful digitalization of the economy, a separate industry or business, it is important to take into account the opinion of all market participants and clearly understand the audience to which the launch of IT products is focused. This approach allows you to create a multi-purpose ecosystem. Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for Digitalization and IT ДОМ.РФ, said this at a session of the Russian Ministry of Construction "Construction Complex of the Future: Challenges and Prospects for Digital Transformation," which took place as part of the TsIPR-2023. Read more here.
Innopolis University Agreement to Launch Digital Business Transformation Course
The Institute for Development in Housing and Innopolis University (Republic of Tatarstan) at the CIPR 2023 conference signed a cooperation agreement, within the framework of which a training course of the Digital Academy of ДОМ.РФ "Digital Transformation and End-to-End Technologies in Construction" will be launched. Read more here.
Agreements with Yadro and F + tech
ДОМ.РФ, as part of CIPR the 2023 conference, entered into agreements with companies Yadro and, F+tech leading the Russian manufacturers software computer and collateral. This will allow the Institute for Housing Development to increase the share of use (RAP) Russian radio-electronic products in the IT loop and complete the planned transition to domestic solutions within. import substitution Read more here. [1]
Announcement of the course "TIM. Basic course "from the Digital Academy ДОМ.РФ
Participants of the course "TIM. The basic course "from the Digital Academy ДОМ.РФ will be able to receive two documents at once - a certificate of completion of the course and a certificate of advanced training from the Moscow State University of Construction (NRU MGSU). The corresponding agreement was signed between the university and the Institute for Development in the Housing Sector. Read more here.
Victory of the Consulting Center "Дом.РФ" in the international competition "Crystal Headset"
The ДОМ.РФ Consulting Center, with the support of the IT team of the Development Institute, won the international professional competition "Crystal Headset" in the nominations "Best Digital Modernization and Transformation of the Contact Center" (together with the CRM Competence Center) and "Best Contact Center (up to 100 places)" in the category "Services for the population 2023." Read more here.
Announcement of the launch of the course "AI Product Management in Construction
The Digital Academy of ДОМ.РФ will launch a new course - "Management of the AI product in construction" for managers and specialists. Alexander Lukyanov, director of the Unified Housing Information System (UISZhS), announced this at a profile round table held at the NRU MGSU. Read more here.
Participation in the first notarial transaction in Russia with an electronic mortgage
In Russia, with the participation of ДОМ.РФ, the first notary transaction with the execution of an electronic mortgage took place. This was announced on December 16, 2022 by representatives of the ДОМ.РФ. More details here.
TAdviser interview with Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director of IT and Digital Transformation
Managing Director for IT Digital Transformation ДОМ.РФ Nikolay Kozak told in October 2022 in an interview TAdviser how the transition is progressing into a construction " financial industries digital." More. here
Plan for training of construction specialists together with the Ministry of Construction and NRU MGS
HOUSE.RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Ministry of Construction of Russia NRT MGSU and join forces to train highly professional professionals with digital competencies for the construction industry. The corresponding agreement was signed by Pavel Vitaly Mutko, Russia Irek Fayzullin Akimov, Director General ДОМ.РФ Head of the Ministry of Construction and Rector of NRU MGSU. More. here
Digital Housing Transformation Strategy Presentation
In mid-July 2021, Дом.РФ presented a strategy for the digital transformation of the housing sector, which it presents as the Unified Development Institute. The document covers the period 2021-2024.
The published strategy describes the practical steps of the state-owned company to switch to the use of digital services, and also defines the key transformation projects of "Дом.РФ," already implemented and planned for implementation. Among them are electronic mortgages, the наш.дом.рф information system, superservices for multi-apartment and individual housing construction, the Дом.РФ Digital Academy, the Citizens Support Consulting Center and online recruitment.
The strategy affects corporate culture, training system, IT architecture, information security, operations, etc.
Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director of Дом.РФ, noted that the development institute was one of the first state-owned companies to submit a draft detailed strategy for digital transformation.
This is a unique experience: our team has worked out the opportunities that the "figure" gives for several client groups of the construction industry - the state, developers and, of course, citizens. All our developments are available for other state-owned companies to prepare their own strategies for digital transformation, "he stressed. |
The report adds that the implementation of the strategy will reduce administrative barriers and construction time, reduce the costs of the state budget and private business, accumulate and exchange reliable data on capital construction projects throughout their life cycle and create a single information space for electronic interaction between authorities, developers and citizens.[3]
Transfer of a third of Дом.РФ employees to permanent remote work
On February 11, 2021, it became known about the transfer of a third of Дом.РФ employees to permanent remote work. This was told by the general director of the state corporation Vitaly Mutko.
We made a number of decisions related to the fact that a number of employees will remain at remote work, this is up to 30% somewhere, and jobs will be converted, "he said in an interview with RBC TV channel. |
According to Mutko, both personal jobs and those not assigned to specific employees will remain in Дом.РФ 's office. As of February 2021, the company's staff is about 5 thousand people, including the staff of the head office in Moscow, divisions in Voronezh and Дом.РФ Bank[4]
2020: Transfer of half of employees to remote work
The state corporation began to actively practice remoteness after the start of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. In March 2020, half of the employees of the Unified Development Institute in the field of housing construction were transferred to a remote format for organizing work.
In September 2020, Zakhar Malakhov, Deputy Director for Personnel and Operating Efficiency of Дом.РФ, said that about 69% of the state corporation's employees switched to remote and mixed modes of operation on an ongoing basis. The selection of new personnel then began to take place completely remotely.
Malakhov said that by September 2020, more than 350 Дом.РФ employees worked remotely, while the efficiency of business processes in the company did not decrease.
Дом.РФ also translated all educational programs into the online format, including Proekt.F, Russia's first training program in the field of project financing.
The state corporation predicts that by 2035-2040. up to 70% of the work in the world will be performed by freelancers, and the number of permanent staff will be 10-15% of the states in 2022.
VEB has decided to get rid of real estate assets. They will be transferred under the management of the state-owned company "Дом.рф," the press service of the state corporation said. We are talking about 30 objects with a total value of more than 150 billion rubles.
According to RNS, we are talking about both finished buildings and development projects in the field of public business and residential real estate. "For each of them," Дом.рф "will develop a separate strategy of actions based on market conditions and indicators of the facility. The strategy will be agreed with ВЭБ.рф. If there is demand, including the possibility of selling real estate to market investors, "the state-owned company explained to the agency.
Officially, the value of the transferred assets is not called. According to a RBC source, this real estate portfolio is estimated at more than 150 billion rubles. The publication recalled that VEB has been trying to get rid of several objects since last summer. Among them are the Novinsky Passage shopping and business center and the Tsvetnoy department store in the center of Moscow, the Siberian Mall shopping center in Novosibirsk and the Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Center in Sochi. There have been no buyers for these assets so far.
2018: Renaming to JSC "Дом.РФ"
In 2018, AHML "Дом.РФ" was renamed into JSC "Дом.РФ."
2016: Contract for 3.8 billion rubles with Strelka Design Bureau
In 2016, Strelka Design Bureau received a contract worth 3.8 billion rubles for the development of a list of standards for the development of Russian cities from AHML (Дом.РФ).
As of 2014, the main task of the Agency is to implement a state policy to increase the availability of housing for the population of Russia. The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending operates in all regions of the country through its regional partners - participants in the system of refinancing mortgage housing loans. AHML organizes training for employees of partners and participants in the mortgage lending market according to programs developed on the basis of the Standards for the procedures for issuing, refinancing and supporting AHML loans. Organizations working with mortgage products of the Agency, in order to comply with the requirements of the AHML Standards, must send their employees for training in basic and specialized training programs both when undergoing accreditation as an AHML Partner and later on a regular basis for the purpose of annual retraining.
Territorial distribution
The agency works with partners throughout Russia. The partner network is represented from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
According to the requirements of AHML, a partner, in order to issue mortgage loans to the population, must be accredited and train at least one of his employees (and under specialized programs at least two employees). Loans according to AHML standards are issued by more than 900 banks and partner companies throughout Russia.
1997: Establishment of the "Home Mortgage Lending Agency"
Open Joint Stock Company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (Agency, AHML) was established in 1997 by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.