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Unlimited Production by Anlimited Production


Number of employees
2022 year


Unlimited Production (Anlimited Production) is a Russian developer of the Enterpise - Express level communication system.

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue of more than 1 billion rubles, going to  profit

The revenue of Anlimited Production, the developer of the corporate communications and secure mobility platform eXpress, in 2023 exceeded 1 billion rubles, an increase of 138.1% compared to 2022. According to the FTS database , the company ceased to be unprofitable: Anlimited Production completed 2023 with a net profit of about 80 million rubles.

The company's staff also grew over the year: at the end of 2023, 171 employees worked at Anlimited Production, while a year earlier - 124 employees.

From the explanations for the financial accounting of Anlimited Production, published in the database of the Federal Tax Service, it follows that almost 700 million rubles of revenue fell on eXpress software, and about 308 million rubles - on work and services for its support.

In our case, the lion's share of revenue growth is organic, these are the projects that were launched even before the start of well-known events. eXpress is not only "import substitution," it is also something that international vendors did not offer (Federation, smartapps). Although, of course, there are also customers who came to us after the West left, their share in the total revenue is about a quarter, "explained Andrey Vratsky, TAdviser CEO of the company.

eXpress developers expect to start selling their product outside Russia

According to the company, if we talk about the most significant implementations of eXpress, more than half of the top 20 Russian corporations are clients, according to the RBK-500 rating.

In 2023, the company released many eXpress updates, the platform was actively replenished with new features. One of the updates - eXpress 3.0 - was called "epoch-making" by the developers. With it, it became possible to call with a capacity of up to more than 100 people, and since then the capacity has increased, reduced power consumption on clients, especially in large calls, expanded the ability to scale the server side, implemented the ability to add reactions to any messages, the ability to work desktop version eXpress on new ARM processors MacBook, etc.

The company told TAdviser that in 2024 they continue to develop all their four areas: VKS, messenger, smartapps and security.

Large events (many thousands of users), AI transcription of meetings, etc. will appear in the VKS, statuses and workshops will appear in the messenger. Smartapps will become even easier to implement, the second generation of SmartApp Bridge and SmartApp Proxy connectors will be released, and the marketplace of ready-made smartapps will also grow. And among the security functions, role-playing models and policies will expand that allow you to flexibly manage user access, this is not the case in any other platform in the foreseeable world, "Andrei Vratsky told TAdviser.

In 2024, the company expects growth in the Russian market both due to organic matter and by the "import substitution involuntary" factor. Also, according to Andrei Vratsky, the first clients outside of Russia are expected this year.

And this will be the most interesting thing, as far as the product will be in demand in foreign markets, which is not inferior in quality to the best Western ones, but in safety it is completely superior to their head, "said Andrei Vratsky.



Award IT Prize

On May 28, 2024, the eXpress business superapp supported the key event in the field of information technology in Russia - TAdviser SummIT: The best IT practices in Russia. As part of the forum, eXpress received the IT Prize "VKS of the Year," which confirmed its power and reliability as a VKS platform for corporations. Read more here.

Participation in TAdviser SummIT

May 28 Superapp for business eXpress participates in a key event in the sphere -: information technology Russia TAdviser SummIT The best IT practices in Russia. In one of the sections of the forum, Sergey Artemov, Development Director of eXpress, will tell about smartapps as a means of achieving Digitalization 4.0. Read more here.


TAdviser SummIT General Partner

Superapp for business eXpress participates in the key event of the sphere information technology Russia -: TAdviser SummIT Year results and plans 2024. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with eXpress CEO Andrei Vratsky

In October 2023, Andrei Vratsky, CEO of eXpress, answered TAdviser's questions on qualitative changes in the Unified Communication (UC) market, video conferencing, customer requirements, as well as on the UC platform eXpress. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with eXpress CEO Andrei Vratsky

The period pandemics radically and probably has already forever changed the attitude of people to work in the office. It turned out that many business issues are much more convenient, faster and easier to solve using virtual communications than to arrange traditional personal meetings. I unified communications TAdviser talked about the direction in which systems are evolving today with the Andrey Vratsky CEO of the UC platform and mobility. eXpress Read more here [1]

TAdviser interview with eXpress CEO Andrei Vratsky

Not all employees seek to return after "remote" to offices. Yes, and the employers themselves saw that the opportunity to work in an office that fits in their own smartphone opens up unprecedented opportunities to increase the productivity of these employees. Andrey Vratsky, CEO of the corporate communications and mobility platform eXpress, told TAdviser how the corporate mobility trend is developing before our eyes. Read more here.


TAdviser interview with eXpress CEO Andrei Vratsky

In the digital communications era, corporate messenger becomes the centerpiece of the corporate IT environment, especially for companies with a distributed structure and remote/field employees. The efficiency of employees of enterprises is significantly improved if they are able to fully work anywhere in the world. TAdviser spoke with Andrei Vratsky, CEO of the corporate communications and mobility platform eXpress, in December 2022 about what such a corporate interaction tool should be. Read more here.

TAdviser SummIT 2022 General Partner

The corporate communications and mobility platform eXpress will act as a general partner, TAdviser SummIT 2022one of the largest events in the field and. information technology Russia countries CIS

The site traditionally gathers the largest IT suppliers and representatives of public and private corporations - the flagships of the Russian economy. The action will not ignore the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. Together with the Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, Deputy General Director of RZHD, Charkin and other opinion leaders [2] , eXpress CEO Andrei Vratsky will speak at the Plenary Session . The speaker will raise current issues of corporate mobility before the IT community through the prism of using multifunctional applications - super apps.

What do employees need to be mobile? What does the corporate super-up consist of today? Why will super-apps soon oust most applications to work? And finally, what needs to be done to find a compromise between the interests of users and? information security The audience will find out the answers to these questions on November 29 on the sidelines ofTAdviser SummIT 2022.

eXpress is a Russian platform for corporate communications and mobility, which is hosted both on-premium and on the SaaS model. eXpress provides all business communication, from messenger and calls to full-fledged video conferencing. Thanks to the unique decentralized eXpress protocol, employees of dozens of companies can communicate with colleagues and external users in a single secure network.

One of the key features of the platform is the built-in window of Smart Apps business applications. These are hybrid applications consisting of web apps and a native shell. They integrate with 70 + business systems and allow users to work on a mobile device as efficiently as on an office PC.

TAdviser SummIT takes place annually in Moscow, customers and IT suppliers gather at the event. Vendors, Chief information officer of the largest companies and government departments of Russia will perform in the plenary part of TAdviser SummIT 2022. During the session, they will discuss how to make business simpler and more efficient using technology.

Intent to increase staff

The Russian IT-eXpress, which developed, on corporate messenger of the same name May 4, 2022 announced its intention to increase its staff. To do this, the project team moved to a new office with an area of ​ ​ 450 sq.m. There are plans to develop a design project for a room with shower rooms, sleeping places, games sports and areas.

We managed to expand the working space by more than 2 times, which will increase the staff and bring the company to a different level even in unstable market conditions for May 2022. When developing a design project, we pay special attention to the experience of our colleagues - such large IT companies as Avito or Google. We collect the most successful cases and want to combine them in our office. As a result, we plan to get an innovative and, importantly, comfortable and comfortable space for each employee, - said the founder and CEO of eXpress Andrei Vratsky.

The symbol of the updated office will be the mini-pig of Andrei Vratsky. The pig has been living at his home for several years. The company's management expects that the office will be not only stylish and technological, but will also satisfy the needs of each employee - it will provide a comfortable stay in the workplace during the day. The design project of the office is developed taking into account the specifics of the work of IT specialists, the most interesting design solutions are used, which make the space as functional and ergonomic as possible. At the beginning of May 2022, a mixed format of work is possible for employees - at remote and in the office. After changes, there may be more people who want to work in the office, they were not excluded in eXpress.

Foreign IT companies in the spring of 2022 are closing their business in Russia. On the contrary, in an economically difficult period for business, we intend to develop and expand. And we see an increase in demand for Russian IT products, including the eXpress secure communications platform developed by us. That is why we consider it our priority to retain qualified personnel and attract new specialists in order to continue to increase our potential in the field of high technologies, "added Andrei Vratsky.

There is a shortage of IT specialists in the Russian labor market. The competition has almost completely disappeared - there are two candidates for one open vacancy at best. Therefore, eXpress plans to develop its HR brand, which makes it clear how ready the employer is to take care of its employees and is interested in creating a comfortable and productive working atmosphere.

2020: Partnership with Korus Consulting

Korus Consulting On May 18, 2020, GK announced that it had entered into a partnership with Anlimited Production, a corporate developer. messenger eXpress More. here