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MBC Laboratory: Tegu Mail Server

Developers: MBK Laboratory (MBK Lab)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/11/17
Last Release Date: 2023/07/20
Technology: Mail server


Main Article: Mail Server

Tegu is a domestic mail server written from scratch and without contacting foreign software. The mail server is an asynchronous Go (GoLang) engine.

2024: Red OS Compatibility

The MBC laboratory and Red Software successfully tested the compatibility of the TEGU mail server and the operating system Red OS. Both products are domestic developments and can be used to organize the workflow even by the largest organizations as an effective import-independent solution. Red Soft announced this on May 20, 2024.

TEGU testing was carried out both on the basis of the RED OS 7.3 operating system and on the basis of the updated version of RED OS 8. Experts confirmed the high performance and stability of the joint work of solutions, based on the results of the audit, the company signed the corresponding certificates.

The joint implementation of the RED OS operating system and the highly loaded TEGU mail server will help the organization implement reliable domestic tools for communication, correspondence and other tasks that arise within the workflow.


Compatibility of Tegu server version 1.28.6 with Astra Linux Special Edition

The correct operation of the TEGU mail server version 1.28.6 in the OCAstra Linux Special Edition environment has been confirmed. This was announced on July 19, 2023 by the Astra Group of Companies.

The test results are recorded in protocol No. 11439/2023 of 14.06.2023.

The TEGU mail server is a highly loaded clustered application that provides high performance, fault tolerance, redundancy, and functionality. Therefore, the requirements for the operating system on which it operates are high. It is in the Astra Linux environment that all the advantages of the TEGU mail server are manifested both in terms of functionality and security, - said Igor Kalmetov, General Director of the MBC Laboratory.

{{quote 'We see great prospects in the development of cooperation between our companies. Official confirmation of compatibility with Astra Linux is a signal to our customers and other market participants that they can confidently work with the TEGU mail server, - said Dmitry Tarakanov, head of the department for the development of technological cooperation of Astra Group of Companies. }}

Almi AMail Mail Server Compatibility

The MBK Laboratory Company and the ALMIS Group of Companies, within the framework of the cooperation agreement, successfully tested the compatibility and correct operability of TEGU Freware/TEGU Professional/TEGU Enterprise mail servers with the AMail mail client for soft migration of the IT infrastructure of a wide range of organizations to an import-independent software complex. About this GC "ALMIS" reported on July 10, 2023.

AMail is an email client that is a program for working with e-mail, managing contacts and an address book. It has an organizer function with a built-in calendar. Supports the basic protocols of MS Exchange and other mail services. It is part of the AlterOffice office suite included in the register of domestic software No. 7114 (Order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 12.10.2020 No. 522

There are very few domestic mail clients registered in the register of the Ministry of Digital Development. Therefore, ensuring compatibility with AMail is an extremely important factor for us. Systems based on TEGU and AMail are able to serve up to 400 thousand users, said Igor Kalmetov, General Director of the MBC Laboratory.

We are very pleased that the MBC Laboratory has joined the ranks of our technological partners. TEGU is an optimal alternative to Microsoft Exchange and its tandem with AMail is an effective and secure solution that can meet the needs of customers at all levels as part of the transition to domestic software, said Stanislav Orlov, Technical Director of ALMIS Group.

Alt Server 10 compatibility with Tegu FreeWare, Tegu Professional and Tegu Enterprise

Alt Server 10 has been tested for compatibility with TEGU FreeWare, TEGU Professional and TEGU Enterprise mail servers. This was announced on July 6, 2023 by BASEALT. Read more here.


Compatibility with PostgresPro DBMS

On April 8, 2022, the MBC laboratory announced that it had completed a set of tests of its software products together with Postgres Professional.

The results of tests performed in the domestic environment OS Viola confirmed the compatibility of Mail Server Tegu Enterprise and. PostgresPro DBMS The components of the process stack work reliably, and load tests confirm several times the speed of operation than similar ones. servers

Correctness of joint solution functioning officially confirms the certificate issued as part of the technological program Postgres Professional compatibility.

Process Translation to CI/CD Methodology

On March 11, 2022, the MBC Laboratory announced the transfer of life cycle maintenance processes to the CI/CD methodology.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery is a methodology, a set of technologies and practices by which a developer is able to automatically deploy software more often.

Due to the fact that the Tegu mail server is developed using many platforms and tools, for full testing there is a need for a mechanism for automating code changes and version control, assembly, packaging, automatic testing and deployment of software on the test bench and in production.

As of March 2022, the assembly assembles distributions for two hardware platforms: x86_64 and aarch64 (ARM compatible with Baikal). It is planned to expand the range of supported hardware architectures. The distribution is completely domestic (without foreign borrowing). Structurally, the server is one single monolithic executable file, which provides additional convenience when installing and updating.

This methodology (which is part of the DevOps methodology) made it possible to speed up development, and most importantly improve the quality of testing. Versions that have passed all the stages of testing are automatically published and available for use by users.


As part of the domestic PAC "Patriot"

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Novosibirsk Region is transferring regional infrastructure to domestic software. This was reported on September 23, 2021 in the Galex Group of Companies.

During this project, Galex formed the Patriot software and hardware complex, which included the solutions of the Russian companies BASEALT, R7-Office, and MBK Laboratory. Read more here.

Working on Baikal-M processor

The Russian the developers MBC Lab RED SOFT and September 15, 2021 announced the creation of import-independent a solution for the needs. public sectors Compatible Tegu mail server operating system RED OS and run on. processor Baikal-M The solution was tested in accordance with the import substitution program in order to create a basic set of software compatible with Russian processors.

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The task of the industry is not only to ensure theoretical compatibility of software with domestic processors, but also to conduct regular load testing to prove the practical value of the solution. The result achieved on the Baikal-M processor under the control of RED OS gives hope that the software and hardware complex will be useful for our users, - said Igor Kalmetov, General Director of MBK Lab.

Adaptation of software for domestic processors is one of the main tasks facing Russian software companies. RED SOFT, together with partners, is purposefully working in this direction. We thank MBK Lab for cooperation and commonality in import substitution, - commented Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

A full-fledged import-independent stack should be based on a Russian processor. We thank our colleagues for understanding such an important factor and time-consuming work. This is exactly what the contribution of domestic developers to the creation of a safe and sanctions-resistant one should be, " IT infrastructures countries said the deputy general director of" Baikal Electronics"for commercial issues. Artem Ogurtsov


Red OS Compatibility

Russian developers MBK Lab and RED SOFT announced a technological partnership. In order to develop cooperation, the companies tested for compatibility of their products, namely the Tegu mail server (manufactured by MBK Lab) on the RED OS operating system (manufactured by RED SOFT). Red Soft announced this on December 9, 2020.

The creation of a domestic digital ecosystem is the most important task of the Russian IT industry. The MBC laboratory successfully solves import substitution problems, while remaining an active participant in the Open Source movement. Part of our company's strategy is to strive for such a quality of the developed software in which its functionality, performance and ease of administration were not inferior to well-known analogues. Confirmation of the compatibility of the Tegu mail server with the Russian RED OS operating system is a significant stage in the activities of MBK Lab, but we have big plans ahead for the further development of the software product, "says Igor Kalmetov, General Director of MBK Lab.

Confirmation of the compatibility of RED OS with Tegu expands the functionality of our operating system in terms of user capabilities. Taking into account the list of solutions compatible in RED OS, the choice of the software used always remains with the user, - comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Compatibility with Alt Server 9 OS

On November 17, 2020, it became known that BASEALT and the MBC Laboratory ensured the compatibility of the Alt Server 9 operating system and the Tegu mail server. The software package will be useful to all organizations and enterprises interested in translating e-mail to Russian technologically independent software.

As of November 2020, the business processes of organizations and enterprises are closely related to the exchange of electronic mail.

noted Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT

As explained, Alt Server is a Russian operating system base kernels Linux with wide functionality that supports corporate infrastructure of any scale and complexity. The OS is included in. Unified Register of Domestic Software All Alt operating systems are developed on the basis of the Russian Sisif repository, it is being developed by BASEALT. The Alt Server OS repository is used state in both commercial organizations as an element of technologically independent. IT infrastructures

Tegu's powerful email server is designed to create an email messaging environment. The software product is distinguished by its speed of operation, expanded functionality and undemanding hardware resources. The application for the inclusion of the software product in the Unified Register of Domestic Software is under consideration by the expert council of the register.

Specialists from BASEALT and the MBC Laboratory ensured the compatibility of Tegu with the LDAP BASEALT, which allows you to deploy the mail system in the Alt OS domain zone environment. Also, the software product allows you to create a single mail system for domain zones of Russian OS based on the Linux kernel and MS Windows. Tegu can be connected to an unlimited number of LDAP directories of different standards, including OpenLDAP, 389 Directory Server, MS AD, etc. The built-in mechanisms for fine-tuning LDAP attributes implement server connection to directories of various complexity.

Alt OS software stack - Tegu mail server forms a secure environment for working with mail messages. The DMARC mechanism built into the mail server blocks spam and phishing in both directions: to the user and from the user, that is, the server not only does not receive spam, but also does not send it. Also implemented protection against brute force passwords. Advanced security mechanisms built into Alt Server 9 provide a stable and secure environment for the mail system to function.

The developers of the Tegu mail server paid special attention to ergonomics. It is easy to install and even easier to operate. For example, it takes only 10 minutes to install Tegu. All server settings are made through the GUI interface. This enables those who do not have enough experience in the Linux environment to use all the functionality of the Tegu server. An unlimited number of master users who have access to subordinate mail, in combination with advanced ACL functions, allow you to configure rights and access to the entire variety of corporate mail. The logging tools provide the administrator with compact and complete information: to find out what is happening with the server, queue, letter, just read one source.

The mail server is the proprietary development of the MBC Laboratory, which is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL3 license.

The main work on porting the Tegu mail server to Alt Server 9 OS and compatibility tests were carried out by specialists from the MBC Laboratory; control tests were performed by experts from BASEALT. The creation of the software complex has become a natural continuation of cooperation between Russian companies. The MBC Laboratory has the status of a service partner of BASEALT and provides technical support for the Alt Virtualization Server operating system.