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Баннер в шапке 2

Ministry of Digital Technologies and Communications of the Kaliningrad Region


State and social structures
Since 2010
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
236003, Moskovsky Prospekt, 174, Yaltinsky Business Center, 5th Floor



The Ministry of Digital Technologies and Communications of the Kaliningrad Region was created at the end of 2018 on the basis of the regional Agency for the Development of Communications and Mass Media. Additionally, the new executive body took over the digital functionality of all structural divisions of the government.


2024: New leader Anastasia Blue appointed

Anastasia Blue has been appointed the new head of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kaliningrad Region. The press service of the department announced this on August 23, 2024. Read more here

2020: New Minister - Vadim Ryskal

By the decree of the governor of the Kaliningrad region, Vadim Ryskal took the post of head of the regional digital department, the official website of the regional government said on April 20, 2020. Read more here.

2019: Alexey Ignatenko appointed head of ministry

In January 2019, Alexei Ignatenko was appointed Minister of Digital Technologies and Communications of the region by order of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region. Read more here.

2018: Reorganization

In 2018, the Agency for the Development of Communications and Mass Media of the Kaliningrad Region was transformed into the Ministry of Digital Technologies and Communications of the Kaliningrad Region in accordance with the Law Kaliningrad region "On the System of Executive Authorities of state the Kaliningrad Region," Decree of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region dated 15.06.2018 No. 70 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region dated 12.11.2015 N 152"On the structure of the executive bodies state power Kaliningrad of the region "and Decree of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region dated 25.06.2018 No. 80"On the reorganization of the Agency for the Development of Communications and Mass Media of the Kaliningrad Region. "