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+ Government of the Russian Federation

Yabbi is a Russian technology company that develops software systems for advertisers and publishers specializing in mobile applications.


2024: T2 bought Yabbi

On December 23, 2024, mobile operator T2 (owned by PJSC Rostelecom) announced the acquisition of AdTech-company Yabbi. There is no information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date.

Yabbi (Yabbi LLC) is developing software systems for advertisers and publishers specializing in mobile applications. The company calls its mission to create a secure transparent environment in in-app for media advertising of any brand according to the concept of "inventory - creative - data." Yabbi places brand ads in apps using depersonalized user profiles. Thanks to this, it is alleged, the system is constantly improving and gives high performance on advertising campaigns.

Yabbi LLC was registered in June 2017 in the Krasnodar Territory with an authorized capital of 16,975 rubles. The main area of ​ ​ activity is the development of computer software. The company can also carry out scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences (other), conduct advisory activities and work in the field of computer technology, engage in the activities of advertising agencies, etc.

T2 bought AdTech company Yabbi

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as part of the transaction, the structure of the T2 - TDM Tech LLC - received a 100% stake in Yabbi LLC. Previously, the founders of the company were Ekaterina Afanasyeva (68%), Evgenia Khristich (18%) and Vera Panova (14%). At the same time, Afanasyeva holds the post of head of Yabbi LLC. It is noted that the deal is aimed at integrating telecom operator platforms and Digital Signage capabilities to accelerate the development of new products for advertisers. In addition, Yabbi's solutions are expected to improve understanding of consumer behavior and provide new tools to advertisers.[1]
