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2025/03/21 18:07:47

Phone Number Transfer (MNP)

The law Mobile number portability, MNP introduces among the grounds for transmitting the number the decision of the subscriber to save the phone number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services with another operator. At the same time, the need to obtain the consent of the authorized federal executive body in this case is excluded.


According to the bill, a subscriber can save a phone number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services with another mobile operator. In this case, the subscriber does not require the consent of the authorized federal executive body.

The operator with whom the subscriber terminates the contract must ensure the transfer of the subscriber number to the network of another telecom operator. The procedure for transferring the subscriber number will be detailed in the Rules for the provision of mobile communications services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The discussion of the portability of numbers in mobile networks has been going on since 2005, but earlier the regulator considered this idea unprofitable due to the expensive modernization of communication networks. In April 2012, Dmitry Medvedev, who was then president, instructed the Ministry of Communications to develop a project to introduce the MNP service in the Russian Federation, comparing the situation with "mobile slavery." Initially, it was assumed that for the subscriber the number portability service should be free, apply to the whole of Russia, and operators should finance the modernization of the infrastructure. The total costs of the bill were estimated at 12 billion rubles.

According to the analytical agency J'son & Partners, 50% of Russian subscribers are ready to use MNP, 25% do not need the service, and another 25% do not know about its existence.

On December 14, 2012, in the third reading, the State Duma approved a bill introducing the principle of mobile number portability (MNP, mobile number portability) in Russia. If adopted, this document will take effect on December 1, 2013. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is working on the preparation of the necessary by-laws - the basis for the timely implementation of the requirements of the bill.

The bill assigns to cellular subscribers the right to save a mobile number when changing operators, while the user will only need to write a statement and pay off debts with the communications company with which he decided to break off relations. The cost of the service will not have to exceed 100 rubles (how much, a particular telecom operator will decide), this is spelled out in the corresponding article of the bill. In the next three months after the adoption of the law, the Ministry of Communications should develop 24 by-laws regulating interaction both between operators and between a communications company and a subscriber.

"Improving the quality of communication is one of the main priorities of our activities," says Denis Sverdlov, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media . - We are confident that the introduction of MNP will have a positive effect on the quality and availability of mobile services: one of the main barriers will be removed, which prevented subscribers from choosing the best operator in their opinion. In turn, we promise to prepare all the necessary by-laws in a timely manner to implement the MNP principle. According to our estimates, with the competent implementation of the number transfer service, approximately 3 million subscribers in Russia will use it. "

Under certain conditions, the Ministry of Communications is ready to meet mobile operators halfway and postpone the start of MNP (the ability for a subscriber to save his number when changing a mobile operator) from December 1, 2013 to March 1, 2014, the Kommersant newspaper reports.[1]

From the letter of the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexei Volin to the government, it follows that cellular operators are ready to introduce MNP in part of business platforms by no more than 50%. The worst situation is with Rostelecom and Yekaterinburg-2000 (the Motive brand). It is also noted that Rostelecom"," MTS and "VimpelCom" still hold tenders to choose an equipment supplier or are awaiting delivery. The best degree of readiness for MegaFon"."

The ministry offers three options for solving the problem. First: moving the launch date of MNP from December 1, 2013 to March 1, 2014. If operators do not begin to provide the service within this period, the agency offers to fine them in the amount of 5 kopecks. per day for one registered subscriber. The second option is to launch the service on December 1 in a pilot region, and nationwide on March 1, 2014. The third is to launch MNP from December 1 this year, but if the operator from whom the subscriber wishes to switch cannot process the application, it is proposed to introduce "economic incentive measures."

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, about 3 million subscribers will change the operator during the year. A sociological survey showed that almost 50% of cellular users would potentially like to change the operator, Nikiforov said. According to the minister, all operators on time will be ready to "release" the subscriber, "give" his number, but he clarified that at the same time "not everyone will be ready to accept him." For the operator, the implementation of the MNP service will cost 100 rubles for transferring one number. Whether this amount will be charged from a subscriber who decides to change the operator, keeping the number, according to the minister, will be determined by the operators themselves.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree in October 2013 appointing FSUE Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS - Central Research Institute of Communications) as the operator of the database of the transferred numbers. The corresponding decree was signed on October 9. As specified in the text published on the government's website, TsNIIS has been dealing with the problem of portability of a mobile telephone number for more than four years. The Institute has all the infrastructure necessary to organize the activities of the operator of the database of transferred numbers, including equipped information processing centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, telecommunication resources for connecting to the communication network and power supply systems with the ability to provide guaranteed power supply. In addition, TsNIIS provides the FSB with the technological ability to access data transmitted via the Internet by Russian users, the media said.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications developed in October 2013 a compromise scheme for entering a mechanism for storing a cell number when changing operators. As expected, subscribers will be able to leave the operators from December 1, but their reception can be postponed until April 15. After April 15, 2013, the subscriber himself will be entitled to choose the date of the start of the provision of services by the "receptor operator." It must be at least 8 days after "discharge" for individuals and 29 days for legal entities. Corporate customers with less than 5 phones will be able to be served according to the procedure for individuals. At the same time, the operator will still be able to adjust this date based on their technical capability.

Moving away from the "donor operator," the subscriber will have to pay off the debt to him. For this, 4 days for individuals and 18 days for legal entities are allocated (from the moment the new operator begins to provide services). In the current version of the rules, legal entities are given 21 days to pay off debt. Finally, if the subscriber is a state-owned client choosing operators during the auction, the "receptor operator" will have to independently carry out all actions without submitting a corresponding application from the client.

The abolition of "mobile slavery" is unlikely to have a significant impact on Consulting the tariff policy of telecom operators, believes IKS- analyst Konstantin Ankilov: "The MNP initiative was 10 years late in Russia: there are many services offered, tariffs are already objectively low. In addition, operators proactively responded to the introduction of MNP, developed new ones. loyalty programs Market leaders understand that everyone will lose from the tariff war. But this does not exclude the possibility that "the dam can break" - in a separate region, in some of the segments, and prices will collapse everywhere. In the meantime, the redistribution in the b2b- and b2g-segments is really being considered. "
A slightly different opinion is shared by Ilya Frolov, Senior Manager for Research and Analysis of Industries and Capital Markets at Promsvyazbank, in whose opinion the introduction of MNP is a strong driver of competition growth in the telecommunications market. In addition to the abolition of "mobile slavery," the expert believes, the introduction of the principle of technological neutrality and the merger of Rostelecom's cellular assets with Tele2 Russia, which could lead to the formation of a fourth player and strengthen both price and quality competition, will have an impact on the market environment. "Fast-growing data revenues from smartphone distribution will not fully offset stagnating voice revenue, and increased competition as the industry transforms into the Big Four will weigh on margins. Reaching record margins in 2014 will not be easy, "Mr. Frolov is sure
. In the
short term, the dynamic growth of the mobile data sector will not be able to fully compensate for the decline in the growth rate of the voice communication market, agrees with a colleague analyst at Finam Management Maxim Klyagin: "But in general, this direction, of course, will remain the most important driver of industry development, and over a longer horizon of events, as the market structure changes further, will replace the shortfall in revenues." According to the expert, about 40% of the Russian Internet audience are users of mobile Internet, and the expansion of the mobile high-speed access market is the main point of growth in the cellular industry.


30 million Russians took advantage of the opportunity to transfer the number with its preservation when changing the operator

More than 30 million Russians took advantage of the opportunity to transfer the number with its preservation from one operator to another since December 2013. This was reported in March 2025 in the press service of the NIC Telecom. On September 1, 2024, new rules for the provision of telephone services came into force, which simplified the process of number transfer. Now the list of information about the subscriber transmitted during the transfer of the mobile number has been reduced to full name, series and passport number.[2]

In Russia, 90% of applications for the transfer of a number from one mobile operator to another are rejected

On June 28, 2024, it became known that in Russia up to 90% of applications for the transfer of a mobile number from one operator to another are rejected for formal reasons. This information was the reason for discussing the introduction of an "independent arbiter" in the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) procedure.

According to Kommersant, the government is considering a resolution on the appointment of the Radio Research Institute as an "independent arbiter" when transferring numbers. The Institute is already the operator of the number transfer database (BDPN).

Mobile operators in Russia reject most applications for phone number transfer

Deputy General Director of the Research Institute of Radio Vladimir Risman said that if a resolution is adopted, the subscriber's data will be reconciled at the BDP site in all documents necessary for transfer. If non-conformities are detected, the data will be additionally checked through state information systems.

According to the publication, MNP technology has been operating in Russia since 2013, but only within one region. According to the Research Institute of Radio, about 2-3 million number transfers are carried out annually.

Kommersant notes that the opinions of large telecom operators regarding the introduction of "transfer arbitration" were divided. VimpelCom and Tele2 support this idea, believing that it will improve the client experience. MTS, on the contrary, believes that the procedure has already been debugged, and the problems are usually justified by law.

Vitaly Briedis, General Director of T-Mobile, noted that in 2024 the process of transferring the number lies in the closed circuit of the donor operator. It is necessary to ensure transparency for regulatory authorities. He adds that only 10-15% of requests to transfer a number to the operator's network are immediately successful:

This is due to the formal reasons why operators refuse to transfer: an error per letter in passport data, an incorrectly read character from documents.

According to expert Aleksei Boyko, it is beneficial for operators to "slow down" the subscriber who decided to switch, since this decision is often made spontaneously.

The publication notes that some experts believe that the appearance of an intermediary in the procedure for transferring the number can make it longer and will require significant improvements in the technical part.[3]

Ministry of Digital Development: Russians will be able to transfer phone numbers when moving to another region

On June 6, 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation proposes to expand the MNP (Mobile Number Portability) service, which gives subscribers the opportunity to save a mobile number when changing a mobile operator. Service coverage can be extended throughout the country. In other words, Russians will be able to transfer phone numbers when moving to another region.

The initiative, according to the Kommersant newspaper, is being discussed with participants in the communications market. As of June 2024, residents of Russia as part of the MNP service can transfer numbers only within the home region. If the service is expanded, it will cover the entire territory of the Russian Federation. This is expected to increase the convenience for subscribers, as well as allow "intensifying work" to simplify the transfer of numbers and work out operator proposals to reduce the time for the provision of MNP services from eight to two days.

Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation proposes to introduce a procedure for interregional number transfer

However, the introduction of the MNP interregional service, as cellular operators believe, will lead to an increase in their infrastructure costs. In addition, it could trigger an increase in tariffs that vary from region to region. VimpelCom, in particular, says that the issue of the MNP interregional service "remains difficult due to the need to unify tariffs and service conditions in different regions of the country." And Tele2 says that the service will be in little demand "due to the abolition of intranet roaming and the application of uniform charging principles in home and guest regions."

At the same time, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) believes that the transfer of the number from the operator to the operator between the regions "will not lead to the unification of tariffs and an increase in the cost of communication services." Deputy General Director of the Research Institute of Radio Vladimir Risman emphasizes that operators will need to carry out "some refinement of their systems, but it will not be significant."[4]

2023: Increase in the number of applications for the transfer of the telephone number to another operator by 50% to 16.5 million

The number of applications for the transfer of a telephone number to another operator in Russia in 2023 increased by 50% compared to 2022 - to 16.5 million. Such data in early April 2024 were cited by the Director General of the Radio Research Institute (NIIR; manages the transferred number database (BDPN), which is responsible for the technical process of number transfer and supports the correct routing of calls and messages after that) Oleg Ivanov.

As RBC writes with reference to the statistics provided by Ivanov, in 2023 the number of successful transfer of a mobile number decreased to 2.6 million from 2.65 million in 2022. Among the reasons are refusals due to mismatch of personal data.

The number of applications for the transfer of a telephone number to another operator in Russia in 2023 increased by 50%

Somewhere when concluding an agreement with a donor operator (the one from which the client leaves), an error crept in - in the passport number, in the letter of the surname. Of the latest examples - when when concluding a contract, the donor operator indicated the client's last name with the letter "e," and in a statement to the recipient operator, the client wrote his last name with the letter "e." Now in such a situation, the client is refused, and he is forced to check the documents and submit an application again, - said the head of NIIR.

The Institute proposed to organize an experimental legal regime for transferring phone numbers between regions, since "mobile slavery" by April 2024 remains at the regional level. The pilot zone is planned to be launched jointly with telecommunications operators Tinkoff Mobile and SIM Telecom.

Also, the execution of an application for the transfer of the number is proposed to be transferred online. If the change takes effect, the user does not have to go to the operator's office. Everything can be done through "Public services" or the BDPN portal using an electronic signature.[5]

2021: Realizing the ability to remotely change the mobile operator with the number saved

In early December 2021, the ability to remotely change the mobile operator while preserving the number (MNP) became available in Russia. For this, the State Key application is used.

Tele2 and MegaFon were the first to offer such a function. As explained in Tele2, to complete the transition to the operator's network, you will need a "self-registration card": you can buy it with delivery on the website or in the Tele2 application. To activate the card, the client needs to have a confirmed entry on the public services portal (EPGU) and the State Key application.

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You can change the operator while saving the number in Russia remotely

The application switches to " portal, after which the client's data is automatically loaded from the ESIA into the application. The State Key reproduces random numbers and, based on cryptographic protection, creates a unique enhanced unqualified signature certificate (UNEP). It needs to be generated only once - after that, you can sign documents by pressing one button.

The transfer of the number must begin in the application "My Tele2." After scanning the barcode on the SIM card package, the user can select the transition with his number in the menu item. Then you will need to enter the phone number and the desired transfer date. After choosing the date, the client will receive an application for signing the contract and an application for MNP in the State Key application.

We offer customers to connect to our network without visiting the salon: the contract and application for transfer can be signed online. Connection using the "State Department" is convenient, safe and fast for subscribers. Having received an electronic signature once, the client will have the opportunity to use it in the future for other purposes - signing employment contracts, sales and lease agreements, - said Sergey Kolesyank, director of development of the digital channel Tele2.

MTS told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that by December 7, 2021, the company is completing user testing and plans to launch the technology by the end of the year. VimpelCom is also interested in implementing this function.[6]


MNP launch in Ukraine

On May 1, 2019, a service for changing a mobile operator with a number will be launched in Ukraine. The service will work in the country 5.5 years after its start in Russia.

The fact that from May 1, 2019, Ukrainians will be able to get out of "mobile slavery," said the National Commission for State Regulation in the Field of Communications and Informatization (NCRI). The service will be available from the three largest cellular companies in the country: Kyivstar, Vodafone and Lifecell.

Ukraine abolishes "mobile slavery" 5 years after Russia

During the transition to the new operator, the subscriber retains not only the main number, but also the code of the mobile operator, the services of which he used from the very beginning of registration of the number.

The transition period from one operator to another will take three days. At this time, the subscriber can continue to use his number freely. It will be possible to interrupt the operation only in the first 36 hours after submitting an application. When the transition procedure is completed three days later, the subscriber will be given a new SIM card.

When calling the transferred number before connecting, the caller will receive information that he is calling the number of another operator. This information service can be disabled. It will be possible to change the operator no more than once every 30 days.

The service of changing the operator with saving the number will be free for subscribers. Immediately after the transition, the subscriber will be able to choose the tariff plan suitable for him.

Funds that are not the account of the previous operator can be returned by writing a statement indicating the details of the bank account to which the balance will be transferred. This will need to be done at the subscriber service center of the old mobile operator.[7]

A MNP.COM.UA information website has been launched dedicated to the service of number transfer when changing a mobile operator. There are special sections where useful information about the MNP service is collected on the websites of the Kyivstar, Vodafone and lifecell operators.

Russians will halve the period of flight from mobile slavery

The Federal Communications Agency () Rossvyaz proposes to shorten the transition time of the subscriber from one cellular operator to another. This procedure is called MNP (Mobile Number Portability). The state-owned enterprise "Central Research Institute of Communications" (), TSNIIS subordinate to Rossvyaz[8]

Now the period of transition of the subscriber from one operator to another is eight days for individuals and 29 days for legal entities. According to the head of Rossvyaz Oleg Dukhovnitsky, the agency has prepared proposals to reduce these deadlines to four days for individuals and up to five days for legal entities.

2018: Mobile operators will be forced to tell banks that the customer has changed the number

Senator Lyudmila Bokova submitted a bill to the State Duma in September 2018 in the form of amendments to the Law "On Communications." The document is aimed at combating fraud in the field of remote banking[9] to [10].

According to the bill, mobile operators will be required to report a number of data on their subscribers to credit and other organizations supervised by the Central Bank. We are talking about the termination of the subscriber's service, the termination of the contract with him, the replacement of the SIM-card and the installation of voice call forwarding and SMS services.

The full list of organizations with which this kind of information will have to be shared will be established by the Government. Data on subscribers from among individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will be transmitted.

Subscribers do not need to consent to the transfer of this information. At the same time, contracts must be concluded between operators and credit institutions for the transfer of information.


EY study

The number of transferred numbers exceeded five million

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation reported at the beginning of the year that the service of storing a subscriber number when moving from one operator to another (MNP) in mobile radiotelephone networks continues to gain popularity. The number of transferred numbers in Russia exceeded five million, the number of applications for the transfer of the number exceeded eight million. Data on transferred numbers is regularly published on the main page of the website of the Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS), which coordinates the work of the database of transferred numbers.

In total, 2.29 million rooms were transferred in 2016, which on average monthly amounts to more than 190 thousand transferred numbers. Compared to 2015, the number of numbers moved increased by 42.5%. In 2015, Russian citizens moved about 1.61 million numbers, which averaged more than 134 thousand numbers a month.


In 2016, a record was recorded for the transfer of numbers among Russians

About 7% of subscribers in Russia changed the mobile operator in the first half of 2016. We are talking about transferring a mobile phone number (MNP) and purchasing a new sim-card, Vedomosti writes with reference to a study by Deloitte.

Over the past five years, this is the largest percentage of subscribers who have abandoned their operator - in previous years, their number was 4-5%. Moreover, in the past 2-3 years, the percentage of such users has decreased. Among the possible reasons for the changes is Tele2's entry into the Moscow market. According to analysts, with the active expansion of the company's business in the regions, the trend towards subscriber flow may increase.

At the same time, the number of users who remain faithful to their operator and have never changed it remains stable - 39% of respondents answered this way, and this approximately corresponds to the indicators of the previous several years.

At the same time, the operators themselves expressed doubts about the sufficient representativeness of the study, the newspaper notes - the sample amounted to 2 thousand people, while the top three operators have about 200 million subscribers.

Data for March-August

Until March 30, 2016, on average, approximately 110 thousand numbers were transferred monthly in Russia. At the same time, for the period from the end of March to the beginning of August 2016, about 800 thousand people have already used the number transfer service, which gives an average monthly of about 200 thousand transfers.

During the period from April to the beginning of August 2016, about 800 thousand numbers were transferred in Russia, while since the launch of this service in Russia on December 1, 2013, the total number of transfers amounted to 3.8 million numbers. This means that in the spring and summer of this year, Russian cellular subscribers transferred numbers on average twice as often as in the entire previous period of the service.

Tele2 stopped taking money for the transfer of the number

Tele2 offers subscribers of Primorye, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kolyma and the Jewish Autonomous Region to go to the company's network for free with the preservation of the previous number and receive a bonus - 300 rubles to the mobile phone account.

To use the number transfer service (MNP), the subscriber just needs to write a statement in Tele2 communication salons in the Far Eastern regions. The procedure for switching to a new operator takes from 8 days. The subscriber receives a Tele2 SIM card and a temporary number until the main one is transferred to the company's network. The client independently determines the convenient date for activating the number on the new network in the range from 8 days to 6 months from the date of application.

Tele2 provides new subscribers who came from other operators with their number with a bonus of 300 rubles to the mobile phone account within three months. The first 100 rubles will arrive a month after the transition, and in the next two months the subscriber will receive 100 rubles each when replenishing the balance in the amount of 50 rubles or more.

The number of numbers moved exceeded three million

In March 2016, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation reported that in Russia the number of mobile numbers transferred from one telecom operator to another exceeded three million. The number of applications for the transfer of the number amounted to about four and a half million.

Since the existence of the number portability service in Russia, mobile radiotelephone operators and industry regulators have accumulated extensive experience, which makes it possible to improve the procedure for transferring one subscriber to another while preserving the number. So, since March 2016, new requirements began to operate for the procedure for organizational and technical interaction of mobile radiotelephone operators when transferring a subscriber number. The requirements developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia will significantly reduce the number of disputes that arise when transferring a number, as well as reduce the number of failures when moving from one telecom operator to another.

MNP service will be launched in Crimea

On the territory of the Crimean peninsula in the spring of 2016, a mechanism for changing the cellular operator with the preservation of the number (MNP, "abolition of mobile slavery") was launched. This was told by the head of the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) Oleg Dukhovnitsky, who is in charge of the operator of the register of transferred numbers - the Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS).

The first transition took place in the city of Sevastopol. Dukhovnitsky does not disclose between which operators it was carried out. But it is known that until recently, only one cellular operator, Vivacell-MTS (Win Mobile trademark), worked in Crimea and Sevastopol. The Sevmobile network was launched in Sevastopol, and the CrimeaTelecom cellular network appeared on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Dukhovnitsky promises that soon in Crimea the number was also transferred by one large corporate client.


February: After the abolition of "mobile slavery," the operator changed more than 1 million Russians

The number of Russians who replaced their operator after the abolition of "mobile slavery" exceeded a million people.

This was written by the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov on his twitter. "The number of mobile phone numbers actually transferred between operators exceeded 1,000,000," the minister said.

He also noted that "a million Russian subscriber who got rid of" mobile slavery "will be presented with a Russian one smartphone YotaPhone2. The Russians were able to start using the number saving service when changing the operator after December 1, 2013.

The government proposes to expand the MNP principle to a fixed link

It is possible to allow the preservation of the subscriber number when changing the operator not only in mobile, but also in fixed communications, the Ministry of Economy believes. According to the Kommersant newspaper, the ministry offers to introduce this service first in three cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan.

The initiative is opposed by the largest owner of fixed networks in the country, Rostelecom, and the opinions of other operators are divided. The Ministry of Economy sent to the Ministry of Communications, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), the Federal Tariff Service (FST) and Rospotrebnadzor a proposal to introduce a number preservation service when changing a fixed-line operator (Kommersant has copies of the letters). The ministry proposes to start with Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, and then gradually introduce the service in other regions. The Ministry of Economy clarified that they sent letters last week and expect to receive the positions of departments at the end of February. The FAS noted that they support the initiative. The Ministry of Communications and the FST declined to comment, it was not possible to contact Rospotrebnadzor.

According to the optimistic scenario prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Deloitte, within five years 12.3 million subscribers will use the service, according to the basic scenario - 7 million, according to the pessimistic scenario - 3.2 million. According to their calculations, in the medium term this will lead to an increase in competition, an increase in the quality of services and a decrease in prices for fixed communications by 10%. For five years, according to the basic scenario, all fixed-line subscribers can save more than 49 billion rubles, and those who directly use the service - more than 4 billion rubles. The number of fixed-line subscribers over this period will increase by 5%, while without such a service it will decrease by 9%.

FAS: number portability service remains low required

According to the FAS, this service remains low demand, and the percentage of those who used it compared to other countries is very low - only 0.4%, while in the United States, for example, this figure is 5.5%, and in Finland - 12%. This is primarily due to the fact that more than 80% of subscribers in the Russian Federation are served by three telecom operators, and in some regions there are simply no other operators.

At the same time, according to the FAS, the greatest effect of the portability of numbers should be given in the field of state order. The antimonopoly department constantly considers complaints about the conditions of tenders for the provision of cellular services. It has already been established that the unjustified refusal to transfer the subscriber number is an act of unfair competition. It follows from this that a decisive regulator and a high-quality legal framework significantly help the implementation of MNP.

From the Russian experience of introducing number portability, we can conclude that it is necessary to stimulate the emergence of new telecom operators, as well as to inform citizens more carefully about the possibilities and conditions of number portability.

2 million subscribers wished to use the number transfer service

Oleg Dukhovnitsky, head of the Federal Communications Agency, commented in May 2015 that "thanks to the stable operation of the database of the transferred numbers of the FSUE TsNIIS subordinate to Rossvyaz, an increasing number of subscribers are using the opportunity to transfer with their number to another telecom operator."

"Today, another psychological mark has been overcome - 2 million requests. While maintaining dynamics by the end of the year, the number of actually transferred numbers will reach the level of 2 million, with an even greater number of those who applied to the service, "said Oleg Dukhovnitsky.

The two millionth application for number transfer belongs to a subscriber from the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Almost a year and a half after the introduction of the Mobile Number Portability (or MNP) service, the number of requests for number transfer barely exceeded 2 million. Thus, only 0.7% of subscribers of active SIM-cards (of which about 300 million pieces) tried to use this feature.

At the same time, the total number of successfully transferred numbers was 1.42 million, that is, almost every third application was unsatisfied. This is primarily due to the low awareness of subscribers, as well as to the obstacles that arise on the way for users when changing operators. For example, the reason for refusing to transfer the number may be an error in writing the subscriber's address or a fictitious debt formed after adjusting the write-offs. Finally, having seen the application for the transition, the operator immediately offers the subscriber an impressive discount on communication services, and many surrender at this stage.

At the very beginning of the provision of MNP, operators tried not to advertise such an opportunity - after all, the transition can occur not only to them, but also from them. However, they subsequently began to use MNP as a marketing tool and deliberately attract "defectors," selling smartphones at almost cost or offering "locked" smartphones that work only with the SIM card of a certain operator.

The largest share of the currently transferred numbers falls on Moscow and the region - 21% of the total, as well as St. Petersburg and the region - 8%. This is due to the high population density in these regions, as well as the rather high activity of subscribers. In other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are significantly fewer subscribers who used the MNP service. So, the Sverdlovsk region accounts for 4.2% of the total number of transferred numbers, the Republic of Tatarstan - 2.8%, the Primorsky Territory - 1.02%.

Interestingly, all operators declare positive dynamics on MNP, claiming that more people come to them than go. In fact, the balance changes in different months, and in general, the subscriber bases of operators are unchanged, since the quality and prices of all players today are approximately the same. The hardest part is for small regional operators - they really leave them for better 3G and LTE coverage.

However, many still leave not by MNP, but with a change of number or the purchase of an additional one: you will not surprise anyone with a device with two or even three SIM cards, the presence of two phones too. So operators now mainly compete for more frequent use by the subscriber of their SIM card. In addition, free number change informing services have long solved the problem of losing contacts when changing operators.

MNP service will be launched in Kazakhstan on January 1, 2016

MNP service will be launched in Kazakhstan on January 1, 2016. The corresponding norm is enshrined in the bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Informatization," approved today in the second reading by the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan[11].

The launch of the Subscriber Number Transfer (MNP) service will allow subscribers to independently select a cellular operator while maintaining the phone number. It is expected that the innovation will contribute to strengthening the competition of operators for existing subscribers, the refusal of subscribers from additional SIM-cards and a decrease in the cost of cellular services.

The Communications, Informatization and Information Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has created a centralized database of subscriber numbers (CBDAN), and telecom operators are modernizing and testing their network.

Special attention is paid to the issues of strengthening control by the authorized body over the provision of communication services. Thus, the responsibility of telecom operators was determined for non-compliance with the specified parameters of communication quality when providing services to subscribers, for servicing subscriber numbers without concluding a service agreement, for non-fulfillment of obligations to ensure the transfer of subscriber numbers in cellular networks and providing communication services to settlements and territories specified in permits for the use of the radio frequency spectrum, etc.

In addition, the bill "On Informatization" regulates information security issues, measures of government agencies to protect information and personal data of citizens of Kazakhstan. Thus, the concept of "critical objects of information and communication infrastructure" was first introduced. It defines the most important objects of informatization, the violation or termination of the functioning of which leads to an emergency of a social and (or) technogenic nature or to significant negative consequences for defense, security, international relations, the economy, certain spheres of the economy, infrastructure of the country or for the life of the population.


Spring: 100 thousand people used the possibility of transferring a phone number

The ability to transfer a telephone number has already been used by more than 100 thousand people. For 4 months, 109 thousand 374 people said "no" to "mobile slavery" in this way, according to the website of the Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS), whose duties include number transfers. In addition, the amount of applications submitted as of the end of March outweighed 222 thousand.

It is also noted that in the first month and a half, 2598 mobile numbers were transferred, on the first day - 310. According to the database of the Central Research Institute of Communications, MegaFon is the leader among companies accepting subscriber transfers (1104), the second was Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (810), the third was VimpelCom (504). It is also worth noting that it was these cellular operators who, after the adoption of the law, could not separate users. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was flooded with papers from companies complaining about each other because they do not want to let the clientele go to competitors.

The law, which introduces number transfer services (MNP) in Russia, was signed by the president on December 26, 2012. Experts suggest that it will improve the quality of customer service of mobile operators.

April: Mobile number portability (MNP) for individual subscribers 8 days, and for legal subscribers - 29 days

Since April 2014, the obligation of telecom operators to implement the mobile number portability service (MNP) for individual subscribers within 8 days, and for legal subscribers within 29 days, if a longer period is not specified by the applicant. This measure guarantees the provision of MNP service in a time that is comfortable for subscribers.

In accordance with the Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Communications "and Article 333.33 and 333.34 Part of the Second Tax Code of the Russian Federation," from December 1, 2013, subscribers received the right to save mobile numbers when moving from one telecom operator to another. At the same time, during the transition period, which was valid from December 1, 2013 to April 7, 2014, operators were entitled to independently determine the date of the number transfer.

When contacting donor operators, subscribers will be able to assign dates for the transfer of numbers themselves, but not earlier than the eighth day from the moment of filing applications for individuals and not earlier than 29 days for legal entities. At the request of the subscriber, this period can be increased to 6 months. If the applicants do not specify a specific date, then the default service should be provided on day 8 or 29, respectively.

Summer: Teleperformance: Russians want to change their mobile operator as often as Brazilians, the level of loyalty to operator brands is low

The company, a Teleperformance provider of outsourcing services of contact centers in the world, conducted a study in the summer of 2014 of customer satisfaction with mobile operators in 5 countries, Europe the Americas and compared these indicators with data on. Russia Almost half of Russians, like residents Brazil , want to change the operator, the highest quality client service is in. USA

Teleperformance Customer Experience Lab analyzed customer satisfaction with the quality of service of mobile operators and the desire to move to another company. The study covered five countries: the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Brazil. On average, 34% of customers would like to change their mobile provider, which is everywhere an indicator of low brand loyalty from consumers.

Most of all they want to change the mobile operator in Brazil - 45% of respondents are going to do it in the near future. Brazilians are unhappy with the quality of service. There, the level of customer satisfaction received a rating of 7.7 points, which is below the average level of 8.0 calculated by Teleperformance in six countries.

Brazil's data is comparable to Russia, where "mobile slavery" was abolished in the spring of 2014. Until March 1, 2014, residents of our country could not move to another operator without changing the phone number. According to a 2013 ROMIR study, almost half of Russians wanted to change their cell company. The main reason for this, respondents called the greater attractiveness of prices from another operator and the poor quality of services.

The lowest indicator of desire to change operators is in the US mobile market (24%), where the degree of satisfaction reaches 8.3 points, which exceeds the average by 0.3.

Customer satisfaction with the service of mobile operators differs in different European countries. The British are the most faithful to their companies - only 29% of them want to change the operator. But the demanding French are dissatisfied with the quality of the services of their companies more strongly (the degree of satisfaction is 7.6 points) than the Brazilians, although they are also decisively not ready to change the provider. Only 39% of customers from France spoke about the desire to change the operator.

According to Teleperformance, the main argument for changing the provider is the unsatisfactory quality of working with claims. Most often, consumers inform the company about problems in social media. In this regard, Teleperformance conducted an additional study of the work of companies with complaints in this area in order to identify the most customer-oriented operators in national markets.

96% of mobile operators in the countries where the study was conducted use social media to interact with customers. In the United States, 16 hours respond to a user's request on Facebook, and 17 hours to a tweet in Brazil. In Germany, they respond to Facebook the fastest - within 7 hours, but it takes 11 hours to respond on Twitter. Tweets are most quickly answered in France and the United States (3 hours). At the same time, France is among the outsiders in terms of the speed of responses to Facebook (13 hours). UK mobile operators show above-average response rates across both networks, Twitter 6 hours, Facebook 10 hours. The high level of customer satisfaction with the service and the reluctance to change providers in the United States indicate that at the moment Twitter is the most convenient and common channel for resolving claims, US mobile operators faster than competitors from other countries began to effectively use this channel of communication with customers.

Autumn: Most subscribers go to Megafon

At the disposal of CNews was an extract from the The Data Base of the Postponed Numbers (DBPN), which is maintained by the Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS). This base was launched at the end of 2013 to ensure the implementation of the principle of mobile number portability (MNP, exemption from "mobile slavery"), which allows a subscriber to change cellular operators while preserving their numbers[12]

In total, by October 2014, 725 thousand rooms were postponed. According to CNews, Megafon is the leader in subscriber transitions. As of October 27, 2014, 259.1 thousand subscribers moved to it, as of September 25 - 222.5 thousand, as of August 1 - 160.2 thousand.

MTS is also in second place. 203 thousand subscribers switched to the operator from competitors. In third place is VimpelCom with 159.7 thousand successfully transferred users.

The fourth line is occupied Tele2 by 81.6 thousand translated users. Of these, 65.1 thousand are subscribers who switched to Tele2 networks, which the operator owned before the transaction on the acquisition of Rostelecom's mobile assets. 16.6 Rostelecom thousand subscribers moved to the former networks of "."

5.7 thousand subscribers transferred to the network, which Rostelecom owned directly. These are, in particular, cellular networks in the Urals and a 3G network in St. Petersburg. Of the former cellular subsidiaries of Rostelecom, the largest number of transitions was demonstrated by: Nizhny Novgorod Cellular Communications - 3.1 thousand translated subscribers; Baikalvestkom from the Irkutsk region - 2 thousand subscribers and Yeniseitelecom from the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 1.5 thousand subscribers.

There were also a small number of people wishing to switch to various Sky Link CDMA networks (this operator was transferred from Rostelecom to Tele2): the number of such users is approaching 70. Another 20 people switched to the Bashkir CDMA operator Sotel-Video (the operator itself was also transferred from Rostelecom to Tele2).

Image:переход абонентов 2014.jpg

In fifth place in the rating of operators in terms of the number of successful transitions was Yota (Scartel)"" (trademark Yota). Initially, the company provided only data services on the network, LTE but in the summer began to provide the entire range of cellular services as a virtual operator based on the network of its shareholder, Megafon. In August-September, 3.4 thousand subscribers of other operators joined the Yota network, and now the total number of those who switched to Yota is 6.6 thousand.

Thus, Yota pushed to the sixth line of the mobile operator "Yekaterinburg - 2000" (trademark "Motive"), which to date has switched 3.3 thousand subscribers. 310 customers transferred to the SMARTS holding network (owns operators in the Volga region and some regions of Central Russia and the South). 110 subscribers transferred to the Tattelecom operator (at first it was a virtual operator based on the SMARTS network in Tatarstan, and then acquired it).

Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: 1.15 million subscribers applied for the transfer of mobile numbers

The number of applications from subscribers for the transfer of mobile numbers from one operator to another amounted to 1.150 million, said in November 2014 Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov speaking at a parliamentary hour in the Federation Council. According to the operator of the database of transferred numbers (BDPN), FSUE "Central Research Institute of Communications" (TsNIIS), as of December 1 of this year, subscribers submitted 1.2 million applications for transfer, of which 827 thousand numbers have already been transferred.

Operators claim that MNP is used by a small number of subscribers and as part of this service, changes in the subscriber bases of companies are insignificant. However, not all operators disclose figures for outflow and inflow of subscribers.

The cost of the service for the subscriber is determined by the receiving operator (recipient), but cannot exceed 100 rubles. During the transition period, until April 7, 2014, the operator to whom the client moves could himself determine the date of the start of the provision of services to a new subscriber (no later than April 14, 2014). After April 7, the transfer should take 8 days for individuals and 29 days for legal entities. This period can be extended at the request of the subscriber to 180 days.
